IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#400 Part 2: Sally whistling sound and scattered black storm

But this flight vehicle, obviously is more suitable he, is more suitable to be used for the exploration and soaring. 而这具飞行器,明显更适合他,更适合用来探险和飞翔。 Is best sharp weapon that he travels and takes risk. 是他旅行和冒险的最佳利器。 , As if who is directing him to forward pecking and sipping. 一饮一啄之间,似乎有谁在指引着他向前。 The thunder picked up the speed, quick fired into the black storm, everyone raised 12 spirit. 雷加快速度,很快就冲向了黑色的风暴之中,所有人都提起了十二分的精神。 The flight vehicle accelerates unceasingly, but a strange matter happened. 飞行器不断加速,但是一件奇怪的事情发生了。 They proceed to clash fast, but that black storm consistently is actually maintaining a distance with them probably, they used all strengths not to catch up with that black storm. 他们飞快的往前冲,但是那黑风暴却好像始终与他们保持着一段距离,他们使出了所有的力气都没有追上那黑风暴。 Three demon spirit were shocked completely, does not understand that exactly what happened. 三位魔灵全部都愣住了,不明白到底发生了什么事情。 Until after stopping, the thunder careful observation thoroughly understands that exactly had anything. 直到停下之后,雷仔细观察才彻底明白到底发生了什么。 Black storm diverged!” “黑风暴散去了!” The thunder and 2nd first is a silence on the 3rd, the thunder and voiced cheering on the 2nd, kite demon spirit surrounded them to spin. 雷和二号三号先是一片沉默,紧接着雷和二号发出了欢呼,风筝魔灵环绕着他们打转。 Although they have been ready the method and dealing, but thinks the scary monsters that black storm the terrifying, in these storms dwells will cannot help but hit to tremble. 虽然他们已经做好了应对的方法和准备,但是想到那黑风暴的恐怖,还有那些风暴之中栖息的骇人怪物们还是会不由自主的打寒颤。 At this moment can not face directly these terrifying exist, naturally is best. 此刻能够不直面这些恐怖的存在们,当然是最好的。 During cheers, thunder adventurous squad rapid across the sky, accelerates to go forward toward the distant place. 欢呼之中,雷的冒险小队飞速的穿过天空,加速朝着远方前进。 They do not know that the black storm diverges temporarily, has vanished. 他们也不知道黑风暴是临时散去了,还是会一直消失。 Does not know how long this situation can maintain. 更不知道这情况能够维持多久。 They can do, only then to/clashes as soon as possible, does not waste time and this golden opportunity. 他们能做的,只有尽快冲出去,不浪费一点时间和这个绝佳的机会。 But the thunder had not seen, emerged a strange thing above the sea of distant place. 而雷没有看到,在远处的大海之上浮出了一艘奇怪的东西。 Several forms stand above, is gazing at them. 几个身影站在其上,正在注视着他们。 Sally just scattered the black storm, at this moment is regarding the paper plane the same as throw her big pea shooter, looks that it circles in the sky. 莎莉刚刚驱散了黑风暴,此刻正在把她的大玩具飞机当成纸飞机一样抛出去,看着它在天空之中盘旋。 But Shirra stands in the Yin Shen side, looks at thunder flying to the back of distant place. 希拉站在尹神的身边,看着雷飞向远方的背影。 God!” “神!” They actually want the place that flies Sun to raise!” “他们竟然想要飞到太阳升起的地方呢!” This goal looks somewhat laughable in the eye of Supreme God, because is never what Sun raises from the East, but is this world in the rotation. 这个目标在至高神明的眼中看起来有些可笑,因为从来不是什么太阳从东方升起,而是这个世界在自转。 Everyone in this world, including these world gods only thinks that Sun raises from the East. 这个世界的所有人,包括那些人间神祇都以为太阳是从东方升起的。 Even some people felt, so long as has walked along the east side, can approach Sun. 甚至有人觉得只要沿着东边一直走,就可以靠近太阳。 However Shirra feels this ideal and goal, although some dreams and are hard to touch, but this feeling of pursuing the illusory dream, makes people think romantic. 但是希拉觉得这种理想和目的虽然有些梦幻和难以触及,但是这种追逐着虚幻的梦想的感觉,却让人觉得浪漫。 Wears Creator of white robe visual and sea of clouds combines to make a flight vehicle, goes far away under the light shadow gradually. 身着白袍的造物主目视着和云海并成一线的飞行器,在光影之下渐渐远去。 He will not arrive in the place that Sun raises, but will look for other things.” “他不会抵达太阳升起的地方,但是会寻找到另外一些东西。” The thunder adventurous squad has flown toward the East. 雷的冒险小队会一直朝着东方飞去。 They will depart the storm sea, arrived never had the person has arrived in the sea area, then passed through that sea area. 他们会飞出了风暴海,抵达了从来没有人抵达过的海域,然后再穿过那片海域。 . 只是。 How he does not think, this world is a ball. 他怎么不会想到,这个世界是一个球。 He goes all out flies toward the east side, actually flew in present all person eyes finally the west of sunset. 他拼命的朝着东边飞去,却最终飞到了现在所有人眼中日落的西方。 There. 那里。 Is Land of Bright that winged human is. 翼人所在的光明之地 winged human since birth unceasing moves toward the West, homeland that finally arrives. 翼人从诞生以来不断的朝着西方迁徙,最终抵达的家园。 An unceasing eastern North Korea, an unceasing western North Korea. 一个不断朝东,一个不断朝西。 Finally actually gathers in the same place. 最终却在同一个地方汇聚。
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