IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#400 Part 1: Sally whistling sound and scattered black storm

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Sea deep place. 大海深处。 An unusual submarine across the crowded seabed plant center, the propeller rotation drives an intermittent water current. 一艘奇特的潜水艇穿过密集的海底植物中央,螺旋桨转动带动一阵阵水流。 One crowd of fish curious encirclements outside the submarine, some vacillate outside the glass round window toward inside look around. 一群鱼儿好奇的环绕在潜水艇外,有的在玻璃圆窗外左右摇摆朝着里面张望。 In window. 窗户里面。 Wears an inflation gasification clothing, shakes like astronaut same mythical spirit left Yaoyou seems weightlessness general walk to be one of them. 一位穿着一副膨胀充气服装,如同宇航员一样的神话之灵左摇右晃好像失重一般的行走在其中。 Waylen cautious holds a metal egg, arrived in two warehouses to take in front of thing Ruler of Dreamland. 维伦小心翼翼的捧着一个金属蛋,来到了二层仓库里拿东西的梦境主宰面前。 The young girl of blonde turns head, looks to Waylen. 金发的少女回过头来,看向了维伦 The young girls the smile, are asking her wear a look. 少女面带着微笑,问她。 Has succeeded?” “已经成功了?” Waylen respectful nod: Sir Shirra, I increased a change shape.” 维伦恭敬的点头:“希拉大人,我又增添了一种变化形态。” Waylen that in average man opinion, is drawing some cartoon doodle common chart tuarts like the outlandish clothes common clothes on. 维伦那在常人看来,如同奇装异服一般的衣服上画着一些卡通涂鸦一般的图桉。 The hot-air balloon, house, submarine wait/etc, increases a new chart tuart now. 热气球、房子、潜水艇等等,现在又添加上了一种新的图桉。 Flight vehicle. 飞行器。 The Fairy hot-air balloon ship were many a brand-new shape, the flight vehicle shape. 妖精的热气球艇多了一种全新的形态,飞行器形态。 She is Miracle Item mythical spirit, therefore certain aspects also somewhat look like with Fairy, on the clothes inscribes some characteristics of strength, seems Fairy light of wish to be the same. 她是奇迹道具神话之灵,因此某些方面也和妖精有些酷似,衣服上会铭刻着自身力量的一些特征,就好像妖精祈愿之光一样。 Waylen seemed to be happy, are many a change shape she to feel that collected some liking card to be the same probably. 维伦似乎非常开心,多了一种变化形态她感觉就好像收集到了某一个喜欢的卡片一样。 Although the shape of hot-air balloon ship can also fly, but the flight vehicle shape is also good. 虽然热气球艇的形态也可以飞行,但是飞行器形态也非常不错。 Moreover seems like, the flight vehicle shape is more flexible. 而且看上去,飞行器形态更加灵活。 My this profited from that demon spirit creativity.” “我这算不算是借鉴了那个魔灵的创意。” Sir Shirra!” 希拉大人!” Waylen somewhat seems to be embarrassed, because the Ruler of Life Sally recent several days have been saying matter that small Fairy steals her creativity. 维伦似乎有些不好意思,因为生命主宰莎莉最近几天一直在说着小妖精偷她创意的事情。 Shirra shakes the head, is mentioning itself to know to Waylen matter that the flight vehicle has. 希拉摇了摇头,对着维伦说起了自己早就知道飞行器存在的事情。 God has long known this existence, Waylen.” “神早就知道这种存在,维伦。” In three leaves human God's Bestowal Era, all just started, King of Wisdom comes the virtue niche the appearance portray of flight vehicle before temple.” “在三叶人神赐时代,一切刚刚开始的时候,智慧之王来德利基就将飞行器的模样刻画在了神殿之前。” God knows all, but she does not like saying.” “神知道一切,但是她只是不喜欢说出来。” Shirra, stopped at this point suddenly. 希拉说到这里,突然停顿了一下。 Her vision displaced slightly, looks to next, looked to the place that the god was , the position that came the virtue niche to lose sheds to be. 她目光微微偏移,看向了下一层,望向了神所在的地方,还有来德利基遗蜕所在的位置。 Perhaps because the god knows it, therefore this type of flight vehicle will be born in the years river.” “或许正是因为神知道它,所以这种飞行器才会诞生在岁月长河之中。” All wisdom and lives origin because of Insai, all in her mind in the rivers of history will reappear.” “所有的智慧和生命因为因赛而起源,她脑海之中的一切才会在历史的河流之中重现。” Waylen also asked: Sir Shirra, this flight vehicle is hides, is......” 维伦又问:“希拉大人,这飞行器是藏起来,还是……” Shirra thinks: Gives that demon spirit either!” 希拉想:“要么还是给那位魔灵吧!” Waylen looks at that metal egg: „Before it, was different.” 维伦看着那个金属蛋:“不过它和之前不一样了。” This flight vehicle was spoiled in the storm, by the Waylen restoration time transformed with miracle power conveniently, now does not need to fuse demon spirit also directly to use. 这飞行器在风暴之中被弄坏了,被维伦修缮的时候又随手用奇迹之力改造了一下,现在不需要融合魔灵也可以直接使用了。 It is estimated that the thunder attains now, before not recognizing this thing is, that. 估计雷现在重新拿到,也认不出这东西是自己之前那个的。 This does not know that actually to improve, went bad. 这也不知道究竟是变好了,还是变坏了。 Also becomes the average person to use, but actually lost and demon spirit that conjunction. 变得普通人也可以用,但是却失去了和魔灵的那种契合度。 But at this time. 而这个时候。 In labyrinth that rows of storages child gather, together form along with massive shadows. 一排排储物柜子汇聚成的迷宫之中,一道身影伴随着大量的黑影而来。 The black shadow is promoting its vanguard, suddenly arrived at the Shirra front. 黑色的影子推动着其前行,眨眼之间就来到了希拉的面前。 A little girl stood on a black big hand, jumped down after above, that shadow and hand also dissipated. 一个小女孩站在了一张黑色的大手上,从上面跳下来后,那黑影和手也随之消散。 However she has not run over, the sound has passed from the distant place. 但是她还没有跑过来,声音就已经从远方传过来了。 Airplane airplane ~ “飞机飞机~” My airplane ~ “我的飞机~” My airplane?” “我的飞机呢?” Little girls from black big hand time, stared on that metal egg. 小女孩从黑色大手上下来的时候,一眼就盯在了那个金属蛋上面了。 „!” “啊!” Found, my airplane.” “找到了,我的飞机。” Shirra hears this noun for the first time, asked Sally. 希拉还是第一次听到这个名词,问莎莉 Airplane?” “飞机?” What is?” “是什么?” Sally is pointing at that metal egg, one held. 莎莉指着那金属蛋,一把捧了起来。 She used the hand to knock above, the metal egg shakes immediately, DuangDuangDuang turned into a wingspan several meters flight vehicle. 她用手在上面敲了一下,金属蛋立刻震荡了起来,DuangDuangDuang的变成了一架翼展好几米的飞行器。 The small body, picked up the giant airplane actually not to use energy. 小小的身躯,托起了巨大的飞机却毫不费劲。 God said that this thing called the airplane.” “神说的,这东西叫飞机。” You do not want, that was my.” “你们都不要,那就是我的了。” Shirra airplane will give Sally, but was saying to her: Sally, this is others' thing.” 希拉将“飞机”给了莎莉,但是对着她说道:“莎莉,这是别人的东西。” Sally happy is manipulating own big toy, replied that Shirra said. 莎莉开心的摆弄着自己的大玩具,回答希拉说道。 God granted his another, therefore this turned over to me.” “神赐予了他另外一架,所以这个归我了。” Sally likes this thing. 莎莉非常喜欢这个东西。 Although she will not open, but has another method. 她虽然不会开,但是却有另外一种玩法。 Sally is lifting the flight vehicle, goes through from two of ship cabin, the mouth also simulates is making the sound that the wind touches and goes. 莎莉举着飞行器,从艇舱的二层穿行而过,嘴里还模拟着发出风擦过的声音。 Whistling!” “呼呼!” How to say? 只是怎么说呢? Then the big flight vehicle, too does not match with her present build. 那么大个的飞行器,和她现在的体型实在是不太搭配。 Then a big iron lump by her hand relaxed lifted, to people was really somewhat scary. 而且那么一个大铁疙瘩被她一只手轻轻松松的举起来了,对于常人来说实在是有些骇人。 However Sally batters in the ship cabin, the flight vehicle was so big a head, quick had the problem. 不过莎莉在艇舱内横冲直撞,飞行器那么大个头,很快就出现了问题。 Works as!” “哐当!” Only heard the distant place to transmit a explosion sound same, the storage reversed one piece like the dominoes. 只听见远处传来了一声轰响,储物柜如同多米诺骨牌一样翻倒成一片。 mythical spirit Waylen worries immediately, her shadow will vanish shortly, arrived at airplane calamity the place. 神话之灵维伦立刻着急了,她的影子顷刻消失,来到了出“飞机祸”的地方。 Can see that the flash she made many movements. 可以看到一瞬间她做了很多个动作。 Holds the head, holds the chin. 抱头,捧下巴。 Body fast about sways, the foot steps on the tread alternately. 身体快速的左右摇晃,脚交替踩踏着地面。 She looks that the airplane pounded on the ground loved dearly, actually stood in same place does not dare to move, what because created all these was Ruler of Life God. 她看着飞机砸在了地上非常心疼,却又站在原地不敢动弹,因为造成这一切的是生命主宰神明 In brief. 总之。 Very suffering. 很委屈。 Sally in confusion in crawled from one piece, grasped scratching the head. 莎莉从一片狼藉之中爬了出来,抓了抓头。 „!” “啊!” This place was too small.” “这地方太小了。” At this time Shirra walked, she waved, all then restored the original design. 这个时候希拉走了过来,她一挥手,一切便重新恢复了原样。 It flies in the sky, here flew too to be certainly small.” “它是飞在天空之中的,在这里飞当然太小了。” Moreover Sally, the body of Waylen treasure beta, do not collide and damage here.” “而且莎莉,维伦可是很宝贝他的身体的,你不要把这里撞坏了。” Waylen has not spoken, is actually swinging unceasingly both hands. 维伦没有说话,却不断的摆动着双手。 Indicated not to have. 表示没有。 Shirra is holding the hand of Sally, moved toward next together. 希拉拉着莎莉的手,一同走向了下一层。 mythical spirit Waylen actually in same place, cautious examination this airplane calamity the scene, searched is dislodged what seal. 神话之灵维伦却在原地,小心翼翼的查看这“飞机祸”的现场,查找着是不是被撞出了什么印子。 Until saw that a scratch does not have, long relaxing. 直到看到一点划痕都没有,才长长的松了口气。 In the first hall, the God Insai shadow congealed suddenly, appears on the chair before fireplace. 第一层的大厅之中,因赛神的影子突然凝结,出现在了壁炉前的椅子上。 She wakes up from the deep sleep, returns from the dimension above time. 她从沉睡之中醒来,也从光阴之上的维度之中归来。 But at this time a Shirra and Shirra liangs person played the hall, they must rise the submarine, as if above prepares to go to ventilate. 而这个时候希拉个人一起到了大厅,他们要将潜水艇升上去,似乎准备去上面透透气。 Shirra first noticed Yin Shen, immediately looks toward here. 希拉第一个注意到了尹神,立刻朝着这里看了过来。 God.” “神。” You awoke.” “您醒了。” Shirra also then said: Following scenery, although is attractive, but was too cloudy, we prepare to have a look.” 希拉又接着说:“下面的景色虽然好看,但是太阴沉了,我们准备上去看看。” Sally wanted directly, she used the small fellow to hold a big airplane, the whole person shadow is blocking from. 莎莉则要直接了很多,她用小个子捧着个大飞机,整个人影子都被遮住了。 Only the sound conveys from below: „Outside goes to the flight clearance machine.” 只有声音从下面传来:“是去外面放飞机。” The feeling of this saying, regards the kite the airplane, or is the preparation regards the paper plane to push out it directly. 她这话的感觉,是将飞机当成风筝,或者是准备直接将它当成纸飞机推出去。 God Insai looks the big toy that Sally just obtained, sets out to say. 因赛神看着莎莉刚刚获得的大玩具,起身说道。 Sally!” 莎莉!” You took others' thing, what has to prepare to pay?” “你拿了别人的东西,有准备好付出什么吗?” Sally puts the big airplane immediately one side, looks at Yin Shen. 莎莉立刻将大飞机放到了一边,看着尹神 „Didn't god you give his another big airplane?” “神你不是给了他另外一架大飞机吗?” How he can also want the thing, this fellow was too greedy.” “他怎么能还要东西了,这家伙太贪心了。” Yin Shen took up the cup on table, drank flower-scented green tea. 尹神拿起了桌子上的杯子,喝了一口花茶。 That is I gives.” “那是我给的。” „Do you prepare to my what?” “你准备给我点什么呢?” Sally always takes in Yin Shen here expert especially, has not given anything. 莎莉可是一向都是在尹神这里大拿特拿的,从来就没有给过什么东西。 Now hears Yin Shen to ask that she wants the thing, she holds down immediately oneself pocket. 现在听到尹神问她要东西,她立刻按住了自己的口袋。 Sally is very vigilant, immediately is recalling have any treasure, cannot be taken away. 莎莉很警惕,立刻回想着自己有啥宝贝,可不能被拿走了。 However thinks, felt oneself seem anything not to have, something from God Insai and Shirra, as well as small Fairy there take carry back. 但是想了想,觉得自己好像啥也没有,有的东西都是从因赛神希拉,以及小妖精那里拿回来的。 She makes an effort is suspending the head, said with Yin Shen. 她用力的摆着头,和尹神说。 My anything does not have, I am not Fairy, can change the thing to come out.” “我什么都没有,我又不是妖精,可以变东西出来。” My anything does not have, but was poor.” “我啥都没有,可穷了。” However was saying to be saying, she discovered that she also is really this. 但是说着说着,她发现自己还真的是这样。 She is shrivelled immediately the mouth, is unhappy, 她顿时瘪着嘴巴,不开心, You can change the thing, my anything cannot change.” “你们都可以变东西,就我什么都变不了。” Yin Shen at this time, said the true idea and reason. 尹神这个时候,才说出了真正的想法和原因。 That gives them to open the gate ahead of time!” “那就提前给他们把门打开吧!” Scatters the black storm, connects outside world.” “驱散黑风暴,连接外面的世界。” Sally puts down the hand immediately, beams with joy. 莎莉立刻放下了手,眉开眼笑。 Because this was too simple, at least to her is this. 因为这个太简单了,至少对于她来说是这样的。 I make them open the gate.” “那我让她们把门打开。” „It is not right, they absolutely do not have the means to open the front door, too has not used.” “不对,她们根本就没有办法打开大门,实在是太没有用了。” I go personally!” “还是我亲自去吧!” The submarine floated the sea level, the cabin door opened later three Supreme God to step onto the uppermost of submarine. 潜水艇浮上了海面,舱门打开之后三位至高神明走上了潜水艇的最上面。 The distant place storm sweeps across, however in this place is actually sunny, blue sky. 远处风暴席卷,然而在这一块地方却是阳光明媚、万里无云。 As if even these strange cloud layers, does not dare to cover the line of sight of Supreme God and sky over. 似乎连那些诡异的云层,也不敢遮挡至高神明的视线和上空。 Stood in the forefront of submarine, Sally put out own whistle from own black formal clothes. 站在潜水艇的最前面,莎莉从自己的黑色礼服里拿出了自己的哨子。 Then treasure scratched scratching, forced in own mouth. 然后宝贝的擦了擦,塞进了自己的嘴巴。 ~ “哔哔~” Controlled God Mother of Life to sound the whistle. 主宰神明生命之母吹响了哨子。 The whistle does not have any extremely in the special strength, because sounds its is Sally, therefore the situation was different. 哨子并没有什么太过于特殊的力量,但是因为吹响它的是莎莉,所以情况就不一样了。 An invisible strength from the surroundings of submarine, the transmission approached in all directions. 一股无形的力量从潜水艇的周围,传递向了四面八方。 Moreover as if in infinite transmission. 而且似乎在无限的传递下去。 The terrifying pressure arrived in entire Ruhul Giant Island and surrounding range broader sea area, seven Ruhul Giant God under land heard their master's summons together. 恐怖的威压降临在了整个鲁赫巨岛以及周围范围更加广阔的海域,大地之下的七位鲁赫巨神一同听到了她们主人的呼唤。 That partly visible, is wielding their tentacles in the shadow of terrifying dark Giant God around Ruhul Giant Island congeals. 那若隐若现,在鲁赫巨岛周围凝结出的恐怖黑暗巨神之影挥动着她们的触手。 The great shadow of being indomitable spirit, melted one after another to the extreme stance obviously scary. 顶天立地的巨影,显化出了一种又一种骇人到极点的姿态。 That is the half god of life, named Ruhul's god. 那就是生命的半神,名为鲁赫的神祇。 Named Siler sea-nymph Ruhul Giant God of takes back under the strength the sea, sinks to the oceanic trench of northern sea. 名为塞勒海妖的鲁赫巨神将力量收回大海之下,沉入北方大海的海沟之中。 The strength of that escape collects, with the water course connection of frozen plateau in one, became a circulation. 那逸散的力量重新收集,和冰封高原的水脉连接在了一起,成为了一个循环。 The dark cloud in sky changes into the violent storm, pours into the sea directly, the inexhaustible monsters also same place, enters in the giant oceanic trench of North Sea. 天空之中的乌云化为狂风暴雨,直接灌入大海之中,无穷无尽的怪物们也随之一起,进入北海的巨大海沟之中。 Some Ruhul Giant God controlled the strength to be separated from the sea level thoroughly, in the east together regionalization of Ruhul Giant Island the rainstorm and thunder that for can move, in the thunder do not know that many terrifying existences are wriggling, they can summon the thunder and storm at will, was the divine punishment in mortal eyes. 有的鲁赫巨神则控制着力量彻底脱离了海面,在鲁赫巨岛的东部一块区域化为了可以移动的暴雨和雷霆,雷霆之中不知道多少恐怖的存在在蠕动,它们可以随意召唤雷霆和风暴,是凡人眼中的神罚。 But their strengths also and thunder swamp links, continuous absorbs the moisture content from the sea, comes to form the rainfall for entire Ruhul Giant Island. 而它们的力量也和雷霆沼泽连接在一起,源源不断的从大海之中汲取水分,来替整个鲁赫巨岛形成降雨。 In the southern sea spout the volcano, the volcanic eruption made one after another completely new mini island one after another ; The main body of that island and volcano, is lava giant beast volume. 南方的大海之中喷涌出了一座又一座火山,火山喷发制造出了一座又一座全新的迷你小岛;那小岛和火山的本体,就是熔岩巨怪的卷属。 Enters in these islands possibly to bump into the fortuitous encounter, might be is gone the death journey. 进入这些小岛之中可能会碰到奇遇,也有可能是一去不回的死亡旅途。 Under that whistling sound. 在那哨声之下。 In the trim sea various phenomenon emerge one after another incessantly. 整片大海之中各种异象层出不穷。 Ruhul giant beast starts constantly to strengthen regarding the controlling force of strength, after their out-of-control, fills the air does not know that many ten thousand li (0.5 km) terrifying supernatural power, collected to congeal. 鲁赫巨怪对于力量的控制力开始不断增强,将她们那失控之后弥漫不知道多少万里的恐怖神力,重新收集凝结了起来。 Following, covers does not know that many ten thousand li (0.5 km) storm was suppressed slowly. 随之而来的,是覆盖不知道多少万里的风暴慢慢被压制了下去。 Ruhul giant beast also under comforting of whistle, entered the deepest sinking dormancy. 鲁赫巨怪也在哨子的安抚下,进入了最深的沉眠。 The channel to outside world opened. 通往外面世界的通道打开了。 However this sea area as before is very terrifying. 但是这片海域依旧是非常恐怖的。 The innumerable unknown dangers hide in the storm of dissipation, merely is only the hidden. 无数的未知危险隐藏在消散的风暴之中,也仅仅只是隐藏。 The storm dissipated, but that formed the strength of storm actually not to vanish, but changed a way to condense. 风暴是消散了,但是那形成风暴的力量却不是消失了,而是换了一种方式凝聚了起来。 The monsters of these terrifying from drew back into the hidden place outwardly, fell into the deep sleep. 那些恐怖的怪物只是从明面上退入到了暗处之中,陷入了沉睡。 Once some people dare to disturb their sinking dormancy, that person will suffer the most terrifying penalty. 一旦有人敢打扰它们的沉眠,那人将会遭受最恐怖的惩罚。 Only the these bravest person, these dares to the person who unknown and initiates the challenge mystically ; Can pass through this sea, seeks to lead to the path outside world truly. 只有那些最勇敢的人,那些敢于向未知和神秘发起挑战的人;才能够穿过这片大海,寻找到真正通往外面世界的道路。 But they will also become in the future legend that carries the annals. 而他们也将成为未来名载史册的传奇。 Above submarine head. 潜水艇头部之上。 Sally put down the whistle, hid. 莎莉放下了哨子,藏了起来。 Then patted clapping, toward wearing Creator of white robe showed the smile. 然后拍了拍手,向着身着白袍的造物主露出了笑容。 Ok.” “好了。” You looked, appearance that I am fierce. 一副你看,我厉害吧的模样。 A Sally face is favorite: Was OK with the whistle, with my Mother Conch of Myriad Things feared that gave to scare them.” 莎莉一脸得意:“用哨子就可以了,用我的万物母螺怕把他们给吓坏了。” Also there is a possibility, not only scared was so simple. 也有可能,不仅仅是吓坏了那么简单。 But comes with it, was the whole world vibrates. 而与之而来的,是整个世界都震动了。 Not is only Ruhul Giant Island, the place outside Ruhul Giant Island. 不光是鲁赫巨岛,还有鲁赫巨岛之外的地方。 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ Ruhul Giant Island. 鲁赫巨岛 In Demon Abyss royal city of endless vast desert. 无尽沙海的魔渊王城之中。 Just sent off the thunder demon spirit that travelled for the second time, many will also look into the distance in the city wall frequently. 刚刚送走了雷的第二次旅行的魔灵们,不少经常还会在城墙上眺望远方。 They do not want to notice that the thunder flies back without any results once again, but was worried that cannot see the thunder to come back. 他们不想要看到雷又一次无功而返,但是又更担心看不到雷回来。 In Demon Abyss royal city Temple of Insai, Eliana was praying to God Insai. 魔渊王城因赛神殿里,爱莲娜正在向因赛神祈祷。 Throws over mannequin of cape to kneel gets along well together, under the hood the overlapped imaginary surface closed the eye at this moment together, poured out own aspiration and prayer to God of Creation. 披着斗篷的人偶跪地合手,兜帽下重叠的幻面此刻一同闭上了眼睛,向造物之神倾诉自己的心声和祷告。 God Insai!” 因赛神!” Supreme Creator, please bless People of Demon Abyss, blesses descendant who King of Wisdom comes the virtue niche.” “至高无上的造物主,请您庇佑魔渊之民,庇佑智慧之王来德利基的后裔。” Thank you to grant our new miracles, the direction thunder found the future.” “感谢您赐予了我们新的奇迹,指引雷找到了未来。” In this era, please give our new direction.” “在这个纪元,请您给予我们新的指引。” Although she on the mouth did not say anything, before the person, always displays is arrogant and solemn, just like a knight who has the heart of steel. 她虽然嘴上不说什么,人前总是表现得高傲且冷峻,犹如一个拥有着钢铁之心的骑士。 However in secret, she will worry for the thunder. 但是私底下,她还是会为雷担忧。 God of Demon Spirit Eliana is praying, she felt suddenly anything, opened the eye. 魔灵之神爱莲娜正祈祷着,突然之间她感觉到了什么,睁开了眼睛。 She passed through the demon spirit domain, entered beside Temple of Insai in reality, looked at the remote sea. 她穿过了魔灵领域,进入了现实之中的因赛神殿之外,将目光投向了遥远的大海。 What had?” “发生了什么?” God of Demon Spirit launches the intelligence, saw that has. 魔灵之神展开灵性,就看到那真实发生的一幕。 She saw the whole world changed into the darkness, nearly infinite life supernatural power carrying/sustaining Ruhul Giant Island, is centered on Ruhul Giant Island the strength of dissipating changed into the inexhaustible storm. 她看到了整个世界化为了黑暗,近乎无限的生命神力承载着鲁赫巨岛,以鲁赫巨岛为中心逸散出去的力量化为了无穷无尽的风暴。 However at this moment. 但是此刻。 She can feel that package the entire Ruhul Giant Island terrifying aura is abating. 她可以感觉到那包裹住整个鲁赫巨岛的恐怖气息正在消退。 From above draws back toward the hidden place outwardly, the omnipresent dark strength was give away a path to outside world. 从明面之上退往暗处,无所不在的黑暗力量正在让出了一条通往外界的道路。 This is......” “这是……” Eliana raised the head, saw seven Giant God strength wills obviously. 爱莲娜抬起头,就看到了七位巨神力量意志的显化。 The shadows of sun-blocking, have to extend to the plant of endless upper air, has the canopy to launch the great shadow of camouflage vault of heaven, has the surges sea length of body unable to see the end god. 一个又一个遮天蔽日的影子,有延伸到无尽高空的植物,有伞盖展开遮蔽苍穹的巨影,有翻腾大海体长看不到尽头的神祇。 Seven Giant God keep aloof, the strength covers the world. 七位巨神高高在上,力量笼罩人间。 Was Mother of Life orders them to form this great island, is protecting this back garden and second era place of the origin of life, kept the world them. 生命之母命令她们组建出了这座巨岛,守护着这座后花园和第二纪元的生命起源之地,将她们留在了人间。 But now. 而现在。 Mother of Life sent out oracle again. 生命之母再度发出了神谕 Eliana is looking up the shadow of Giant God, transferred one had observed the situation around entire Ruhul Giant Island. 爱莲娜抬着头看着巨神之影,转过了一圈环视整个鲁赫巨岛周围。 Finally. 最后。 Her vision penetrates seven Giant God back, saw that strength camouflage the whole world, demon god who swallows the solar eclipse moon/month. 她的目光穿透七位巨神的背后,看到了那力量遮蔽整个世界,吞日食月的魔神。 At this moment, the demon god of that terrifying seemed like. 此时此刻,那恐怖的魔神似乎动了。 The scary vision lets fall from the infinite high place, since the Ruhul seven gods restrained all strengths simultaneously, was clever like a cub, trembled under the strength of opposite party. 其骇人的目光从无穷高处垂落,鲁赫七神同时收敛起了所有力量,乖巧得如同一只幼兽,在对方的力量下瑟瑟发抖。 Her that swallows both hands of Sun to fall, according to approaching the world sea. 她那吞噬太阳的双手落下,按向了人间的海洋。 The storm ceases, Giant God is the strength of that control sobs. 风暴为之停息,巨神为那主宰之力而呜咽。 But God of Demon Spirit Eliana feels panic-stricken for the strength of that terrifying, but feels should so, because that is the control of life. 魔灵之神爱莲娜虽然为那恐怖的力量觉得惊骇,但是又觉得本该如此,因为那是生命的主宰。 Mother of Life scattered the storm.” 生命之母驱散了风暴。” God of Demon Spirit Eliana knows immediately had anything, but she knows its back significance. 魔灵之神爱莲娜立刻知道发生了什么,但是她更知晓其背后的意义。 Mother of Life appeared in the world, made such oracle, was Creator eldest daughter's she obeys certainly that supreme eternal stars will. 生命之母出现在了人间,做出了这样的神谕,身为造物主长女的她一定是顺从那至高无上的永恒星辰意志。 Also before representative Oland, words that spoke completely real, Creator now really in the world. 也代表着奥兰之前所说的话全部都是真的,造物主现在真的就在人间。 God Insai!” 因赛神!” You really arrived.” “您果然重新降临了。” Eliana remembers last era, the legend of Creator walk world in God's Bestowal Era. 爱莲娜想起上一个纪元,造物主行走人间的传说还是在神赐时代 That is King of Wisdom comes the virtue niche the time, is God Insai gives a thought to the most abundant time to world most volume. 那是智慧之王来德利基的时代,也是因赛神对人间最卷顾最盛的时代。 Is because you feel satisfaction about this era, felt the anticipation?” “是因为您对这个纪元感觉到满意,感受到了期待吗?” Suddenly, faces black storm that is diverging unceasingly. 一时间,面对着那不断散去的黑风暴。 Eliana suddenly also thought that was full of the hope, filled with the anticipation regarding this era. 爱莲娜突然也觉得心中充满了希望,对于这一个纪元充满了期待。 She remembered the thunder words, that was full of the hope and future speech. 她想起了雷的话,那充满了希望和未来的发言。 If to not survive, then to vainly hope to open in the future!” “如果不是为了生存,那么就为了梦想而开启未来吧!” „A future of demon spirit clan, perhaps here.” 魔灵一族的未来,或许就在这里。” This era, we no longer need to struggle for the survival again, do not pace back and forth for the future again.” “这一个纪元,我们不再需要再为生存而挣扎,不要再为未来而彷徨。” We, so long as forwards bravely, creates all.” “我们只要勇敢向前,去创造一切。” We can be the adventurers, can be an inventor, we can heartily is us all that wants to make.” “我们可以是冒险家,可以是发明家,我们可以尽情的去做我们想要做的一切。” When supreme Insai arrives at the world, to this era throws down the vision of anticipation time. 当至高无上的因赛都降临人间,对这个纪元投下期待的目光的时候。 This world will certainly respond to her anticipation. 这个世界一定会回应她的期待。 Eliana showed the smile, she saw a future of demon spirit clan at this moment. 爱莲娜露出了笑容,她此时此刻看到了魔灵一族的未来。 „A demon spirit clan.” 魔灵一族。” Will become the adventurer and inventor, becomes the exploration future civilization?” “将会成为冒险家和发明家,成为探索未来的文明吗?” last era we struggle during the survival, this era we will become the true great civilization.” 上一个纪元我们在生存之中挣扎,这个纪元我们将成为真正的伟大文明。” A demon spirit clan cannot inherit the bloodlines of People of Demon Abyss, but actually inherited the background of Demon Abyss civilization, moves toward the future on his shoulder. 魔灵一族没能继承魔渊之民的血脉,但是却继承了魔渊文明的底蕴,在其肩膀上走向未来。 Sunrise mountain range. 日出山脉。 Sky miracle garden. 天空奇迹花园。 The waterfall flows straight, during the crowding around of massive Cup of Desire, the ancient god of silver clothes only stands under the rainbow tree. 瀑布流淌直下,在大量欲望之杯的簇拥之中,银衣的古老神祇站在彩虹树下。 God of Desire and Alchemy Yin Wawang the distant place, is looking at the sea of distant place, goes to great that unknown deep blue. 欲望与炼金之神尹瓦望着远方,将目光投向远方的大海,投向那广阔无垠的未知蔚蓝。 Saw with one's own eyes God Insai to untie the fetter of entire Ruhul Giant Island. 亲眼看到了因赛神解开了整个鲁赫巨岛的束缚。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 She also saw the second era future path. 她也看到了第二纪元未来的轨迹。 Opened the door to high God.” “至高的神明打开了门。” Was the time of sea to arrive.” “属于大海的时代到来了。” Crosses the endless sea, above another mainland. 跨越无尽大海,在另一座大陆之上。 Above Evel peninsula, the sea of clouds country on knowledge. 爱维尔半岛之上,云海上的知识之国。 The Gate of Truth next three leaves human ghost also saw this, 真理之门下一位三叶人幽魂也看到了这一幕, Gate opening!” “门开启了!” Pitifully, god deep sleep.” “可惜,神沉睡了。” Borwick puts out a hand, on the back of the hand revealed the mark of truth. 波里克伸出手,手背上露出了真理的印记。 But I also.” “但是我还在。” ----------------------------- ----------------------------- Above sea. 大海之上。 thunder Caokong brand-new flight vehicle shuttle in cloud layer, this Miracle Item, once above the leap cloud layer will trigger the special ability, opens the dreamland domain. 雷操控着全新的飞行器穿梭在云层之中,这座奇迹道具一旦飞跃云层之上就会触发特殊的能力,开启梦境领域。 It drags the color light shuttle sea of clouds, the thunder to manipulate various flight positions above. 其拖着彩光穿梭云海,雷在上面摆弄着各种飞行姿势。 Sits glass bulb big head demon spirit on the thunder back seat, behind of airplane is also towing an attractive kite, was wrapped in the dreamland domain. 在雷的后座上坐着一个玻璃壳大脑袋魔灵,飞机的后面还牵引着一个漂亮的风筝,也同时被包裹在梦境领域之中。 Flying to be very long, the distant place presented the black storm again. 飞了很久,远方再度出现了黑风暴。 The thunder completes the adjustment immediately, turns head and shouted on the 3rd to 2nd. 雷立刻做好了调整,扭头对着二号和三号大喊。 Prepared?” “准备好了吗?” Must enter the storm sea.” “要进入风暴海了。” Is dozing off on the 2nd probably, swung coverglass inside flame, two glass held down oneself big skull. 二号好像在打瞌睡,摇了摇玻璃罩里面的火焰,两只玻璃手按住了自己的大脑壳。 „? Arrived quickly?” “啊?这么快就到了?” Kite demon spirit broadcast the sound: Flies, if has an accident you to grasp me again, I can also lead you to fly.” 风筝魔灵传来了声音:“飞吧,如果再出事的话你们就抱住我,我还可以带着你们飞回来。” The thunder laughs: This time definitely cannot.” 雷哈哈大笑:“这一次肯定不会了。” Kite demon spirit asked: These can certainly fly time?” 风筝魔灵问:“这一次一定可以飞出去吗?” The thunder touched his new flight vehicle: Even if cannot fly, we can still hide in Dreamland, accumulated the strength to return to the reality then to fly well again.” 雷摸了摸他的新飞行器:“就算飞不出去,我们也可以躲在梦界里,攒好了力气再回到现实接着飞。” Although the thunder lost the Alchemy flight vehicle of beforehand manufacture, but he retrieved once Miracle Item flight vehicle immediately. 虽然雷丢失了之前制造的炼金飞行器,但是他又随即找回了曾经的奇迹道具飞行器。
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