IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#399 Part 2: Series number 48 miracles

„A future of demon spirit clan, perhaps here.” 魔灵一族的未来,或许就在这里。” This era, we no longer need to struggle for the survival again, do not pace back and forth for the future again.” “这一个纪元,我们不再需要再为生存而挣扎,不要再为未来而彷徨。” We, so long as forwards bravely, creates all.” “我们只要勇敢向前,去创造一切。” We can be the adventurers, can be the inventor, we can heartily is us all that wants to make.” “我们可以是冒险家,可以是发明家,我们可以尽情的去做我们想要做的一切。” Eliana looks at the thunder, could not bear show a smile. 爱莲娜看着雷,忍不住露出了一个微笑。 These days looks at the dispirited thunder, Eliana does not know oneself said that beforehand these words outcomes was right, was wrong. 这些日子看着颓废的雷,爱莲娜不知道自己说之前那些话究竟是对的,还是错的。 However looks at the changed beyond recognition thunder at this moment, Eliana was saying to him. 但是此时此刻看着焕然一新的雷,爱莲娜对着他说道。 Thunder!” “雷!” You really worthily are my student, the Temple of Truth student.” “你真不愧是我的学生,真理圣殿的学生。” The thunder was happy. 雷开心极了。 He draws the flight vehicle as usual in the Demon Abyss royal city flight, is surrounding that big Yesel great tower. 他拉动飞行器和往常一样在魔渊王城飞行,环绕着那高大的耶赛尔巨塔。 Kite demon spirit in groups departs, is following the thunder same place. 成群的风筝魔灵飞出,跟随着雷一起。 Not only so, but also has many demon spirit to control the flight magic carpet, the entire sky whoopees a piece. 不仅仅如此,还有着不少魔灵驾驭着飞行魔毯而出,整个天空欢闹成一片。 Even the thunder also saw his beforehand teammate. 甚至雷还看到了他之前的队友。 Kite demon spirit 3rd, regards the slide same control the flight magic carpet in the sky, big coverglass head 2nd that body left Yaoyou shakes. 风筝魔灵三号,还有把飞行魔毯当成滑板一样驾驭在天空,身体左摇右晃的大玻璃罩脑袋二号。 The common construction of bottom floor. 底层的一个不起眼的建筑。 In white Alchemy Tower. 白色的炼金塔内。 Oland and Mer look at the scene in sky, this unprecedented joyful magnificent ceremony. 奥兰和加美尔看着天空之中的景象,这前所未有的欢庆盛典。 That is new Miracle Item!” “那是新的奇迹道具吧!” Really is the God King descendant, the Creator darling.” “果然是神王的后裔,造物主的宠儿。” Time obtains a clan that the volume gives a thought.” “时刻得到卷顾的一族。” Although somewhat envies, but Oland for thunder happy- 虽然有些羡慕,但是奥兰还是为雷高兴- Under Sun. 太阳底下。 Thunder depart, this he exchanged the new flight vehicle again time, series number 48 Miracle Item. 雷再度出发,这一次他换上了新的飞行器,序列号48的奇迹道具 Two tyrannical abilities that it has, the second type made have particularly energy that departed the sea of storm. 其拥有的两种强横的能力,尤其是第二种让雷拥有了飞出风暴之海的底气。 This time, he does not even need the companions. 这一次,他甚至连同伴都不需要了。 Thunder, these can definitely fly time!” “雷,这一次肯定可以飞出去吧!” Thunder, can this time find the new continent?” “雷,这次能找到新大陆吗?” Thunder your flight vehicle was too fierce.” “雷你的飞行器太厉害了。” The thunder grabs the iron skull, is somewhat embarrassed. 雷抓着铁脑壳,有些不好意思。 Chest actually cannot help but. 胸膛却不由自主的挺了起来。 This affirmation.” “这一次肯定可以。” He replied like this. 他这样回答。 However the thunder shipped the city wall the flight vehicle, does not have depart for a very long time, unceasing is looking around. 但是雷将飞行器运上了城墙,却久久没有出发,不断的回头张望着。 Probably is waiting for anything. 好像在等待着什么。 However the thunder waited for was very long, is looking for him the form that in the crowd everywhere wanted to see ; Delivers his person wave after wave, does not have the person who he waits. 但是雷等待了很久,在人群之中到处寻找着他想要看到的身影;只是来送他的人一波接着一波,却始终没有他等待的人。 While he is somewhat disappointed, prepares depart time. 正当他有些失望,准备出发的时候。 Is swinging the glass big skull on the 2nd, bringing many things to appear, one on back seat that sat in his flight vehicle. 二号摇着玻璃大脑壳,带着不少东西出现了,一把坐在了他飞行器的后座上。 Did not say a word, but the movement has represented all. 一言不发,但是动作已经代表了一切。 Is called 3rd kite demon spirit to flutter from the sky, asked his question with the elusive sound. 被称为三号的风筝魔灵从天空之上飘下,用空灵的声音问了他一个问题。 This time, can we fly the place that Sun raises?” “这一次,我们可以飞到太阳升起的地方吗?” Thunder happy saying: Does not know, but I can non-stop fly.” 雷高兴的说道:“不知道,但是我会一直飞下去。” Although almost discarded the life in the black storm, the experience crossed the fearfulness of that storm, fearful monster in that darkness. 虽然差点在黑风暴之中丢掉了生命,见识过了那风暴的可怕,还有那黑暗之中的可怕怪物。 However this time, two companions chose and thunder together depart. 但是这一次,两个同伴还是选择了和雷一同出发 Three people form a squad, overshot from the city wall. 三人组成一个小队,从城墙上冲了下去。 thunder Fachu cheers. 雷发出欢呼。 Thunder adventurous squad!” “雷的冒险小队!” Again depart!” “再次出发!” thunder open/start his Miracle Item flight vehicle was rushing to the sky and distant place, toward early morning Sun. 雷开着他的奇迹道具飞行器冲上了天空和远方,向着清晨的太阳。 This time, I will certainly fly.” “这一次,我一定会飞出去的。”
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