IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#399 Part 1: Series number 48 miracles

Oland finally his Alchemy Tower initially making. 奥兰终于将他的炼金塔初步给制造了出来。 However this Alchemy Tower seems like is not big, just started the interior is a less than ten meters high metal framework, the material uses is the last era Demon Abyss Kingdom illustrious Eliana demon gold/metal. 不过这座炼金塔看上去并不算高大,刚开始的时候内部是一个不到十米高的金属框架,材料用的则是上一个纪元魔渊王国赫赫有名的爱莲娜魔金。 The metal framework mixed the white earth irrigation, that is the soil of clay jar demon spirit unique product demon spirit ; Uttered fine words that a point called the partner the lifeform, in fact can also regard it is the excreta. 金属框架混合了白色的土浇灌,那是陶罐魔灵特有的产物魔灵之壤;说得好听一点叫伴生物,实际上也可以视之为排泄物。 However this type the thing, the person snatches not to snatch. 但是这种好东西,外界的人抢都抢不到。 The two take shape during a lot of flame demon spirit the burn of unusual spirit fire finally, change into the clear white. 二者最终在大量火焰魔灵的超凡灵火的烧制之中成型,化为了亮白色。 What shows was three high white lighthouses, on the frame added the metal apex, just over ten meters. 展现出来的是一座三层高的白色灯塔,框架上加了个金属尖顶,刚好超过十米。 The Alchemy Tower table body is smooth, seems the ceramics to be the same. 炼金塔表体光滑细腻,就好像陶瓷一样。 Under Alchemy Tower of Oland in Demon Abyss royal city demon spirit help construct, Eliana demon gold/metal material has the special unusual strength, but the soil of demon spirit takes the ceremony technique carrying/sustaining thing is also very suitable. 奥兰的炼金塔是在魔渊王城魔灵们帮助下建造出来的,爱莲娜魔金这种材料有着特殊的超凡力量,而魔灵之壤作为仪式术阵的承载物也是非常适合的。 demon spirit gave back to him to install the window of glass, spread out the pure white floor tile, the interior also presented all kinds of fine ornaments, is completely the miracle divine creative force. 魔灵们还给他装上了玻璃的窗户,铺上了纯白的地砖,内部还奉送了各种各样的精致装饰品,全部都是奇迹造物。 Also only then Demon Abyss royal city this place, can collect the thing and the unusual materials so many miracles to Oland. 也只有魔渊王城这种地方,才能给奥兰凑齐这么多的奇迹之物以及超凡材料。 Naturally Oland also put out own complete net worth to take the price. 当然奥兰也拿出了自己的全部身家作为代价。 His various big and small items of these year of refinements, gave these demon spirit completely. 他这些年炼制的各种大小道具,全部都送给了这些魔灵 The flight magic carpet also only delivers has two, even also hit the memorandum receipt with some demon spirit, then estimated that must return period of a lot of time the debt. 飞行魔毯也都送得只剩下两张,甚至还和一些魔灵打了借条,接下来估计还要还上一段不少时间的债。 Success, big success.” Outside numerous demon spirit is cheering, in many demon spirit hands takes all kinds of Alchemy items. “成功,大成功。”外面一众魔灵在欢呼,不少魔灵手中都拿着各种各样的炼金道具。 Looks at that side spire quickly, is I does, has the artistic feeling very much.” One crowd of flame demon spirit press together, the glass cover same big head hits in the same place, exudes bang bang the sound. “快看那边的塔尖,是我做的,是不是很有艺术感。”一群火焰魔灵挤在一起,玻璃罩子一样的大脑袋撞在一起,发出砰砰的响声。 Demon gold/metal is we refines.” Several mannequin demon spirit sit in the high place. “魔金可是我们炼制的。”几个人偶魔灵坐在高处。 Tower is we draw ~ saying of clay jar same demon spirit jar sound jar air/Qi. “塔身还是我们拉出来的呢~”一个陶罐一样的魔灵瓮声瓮气的说道。 Oland is thanking all demon spirit, entered in this Alchemy Tower. 奥兰则一路感谢着所有的魔灵,进入了这座炼金塔之中。 In silver flowers servo-assisted steering of chest front, be not saying to Oland. 别在胸前的银色花朵自动转向,对着奥兰说道。 Oland Sir!” “奥兰大人!” Mer is sizing up inside all curiously: Your Alchemy Tower refined finally.” 加美尔好奇的打量着里面的一切:“您的炼金塔终于炼制好了。” According to layout design. 按照图纸设计。 First is a small-scale Alchemy workshop, second is storage floor , third is the tower spirit key-course. 第一层是一间小型的炼金工坊,第二层是储物层,第三层是塔灵控制层。 However the Alchemy workshop has not arranged, the protection of storage floor is also blank, the tower spirit key-course is tower spirit has not even fused. 不过炼金工坊还没有布置,储物层的防护也是一片空白,塔灵控制层更是连塔灵都还没有融合。 Even according to the design, Alchemy Tower should have some offensive abilities, but these have not inscribed. 甚至按照设计,炼金塔应该还具备一些攻击性能力,但是这些还没有铭刻上去。 Oland: Mer, did not have.” 奥兰:“加美尔,还没好呢。” „The following work also has, this Alchemy Tower is also far from refining the good situation.” “后面的工作还有很多,这座炼金塔还远远没有到炼制好的地步。” Moreover regarding it, may never have to refine the good time.” “而且对于它来说,可能永远也不会有炼制好的时候。” Mer asked Oland: Why?” 加美尔问奥兰:“为什么?” Oland said itself regarding the anticipation of this Alchemy Tower: Because of it forever unceasing in self-perfection, without end.” 奥兰说出了自己对于这座炼金塔的期待:“因为它会永远不断的在自我完善,没有尽头。” It is a Alchemy life body, it like intelligent species, can unceasing powerful and sublimates itself.” “它是一个炼金生命体,它就像一个智慧种一样,可以不断的强大和升华自己。” Oland and Mer gather on highest third, took that mature Cup of Desire, placed in tower spirit key-course the pool of center. 奥兰和加美尔汇聚在最高的第三层,将那朵成熟的欲望之杯拿了出来,放在了塔灵控制层的中央的池子中。 tower spirit!” 塔灵!” This is your body.” “这就是你的身体。” Cup of Desire fell in the pond, its root hair spreads immediately along the pool, penetrated in the demon gold/metal, in connection ceremony technique on Alchemy Tower. 欲望之杯落在了池中,它的根须立刻沿着池子蔓延开来,深入到了魔金之中,连接上了炼金塔上的仪式术阵。 Entire Alchemy Tower lived to come to be the same probably, sends out the intense fluctuation. 整个炼金塔都好像活了过来一样,散发出了强烈的波动。 Oland looks that under foot ceremony technique was opened, looks that three Alchemy Tower are stimulating their strength, tower spirit to be familiar with its body. 奥兰看着脚底下的仪式术阵被开启,看着三层炼金塔在激发着自身的力量,塔灵正在熟悉着它的身体。 Oland opens the mouth: tower spirit, opening ties.” 奥兰开口:“塔灵,开启结界。” Immediately sees ceremony technique opening, light wrapped entire Alchemy Tower. 立刻看到仪式术阵开启,一层光界包裹住了整座炼金塔 Oland then opens the mouth: tower spirit, the reorganization is clean.” 奥兰接着开口:“塔灵,整理清洁。” A strength sweeps across entire Alchemy Tower, internal thing reorganizes completely neatly, but before refined the contamination and junks that in the process was born completely from the front door and window blew. 一股力量席卷整座炼金塔,内部的东西全部整理整齐,而之前炼制过程之中诞生的污秽和杂物全部都从大门和窗户吹了出去。 Although Mer listened to Oland saying that but saw that this felt novel: Oland Sir, what can it also make?” 加美尔虽然听奥兰说过,但是看到这一幕还是感觉非常新奇:“奥兰大人,它还可以做什么?” Oland was saying to Mer: This is Alchemy Tower, is a tower spirit workshop.” 奥兰对着加美尔说:“这是一座炼金塔,也是一个塔灵工坊。” Mer asked: I know that it is a tower spirit workshop, what is this workshop used to manufacture?” 加美尔问:“我知道它是一个塔灵工坊,不过这座工坊用来制作什么呢?” The Oland corners of the mouth raised, said own plan: This Alchemy Tower tower spirit, it, because I to the tower spirit deep meaning holds to read born.” 奥兰嘴角扬起,说出了自己的打算:“这座炼金塔塔灵,它因为我对塔灵奥义的执念而诞生。” Its desire is to make our civilizations vigorously develop, constructs to belong to our Tower of Babel.” “它的欲望是让我们的文明蓬勃发展,建造出属于我们的通天塔。” Therefore its goal is used to manufacture tower spirit.” “所以它的目的就是用来制作塔灵。” Mer: „Used to manufacture tower spirit?” 加美尔:“用来制作塔灵?” Oland nods: Right.” 奥兰点了点头:“没错。” Now the first Alchemy workshop has not arranged, how to manufacture new tower spirit, how to utilize new tower spirit, I have not thought.” “不过现在第一层的炼金工坊还没有布置,如何制作新的塔灵,如何运用新的塔灵,我都没有想好。” Therefore I said, this Alchemy Tower has not refined truly successfully.” “所以我才说,这座炼金塔还没有真正炼制成功。” In the tentative plan of Oland, this is only first Alchemy Tower. 在奥兰的设想之中,这只是第一座炼金塔 Later will have second and third, innumerable Alchemy Tower. 以后还会有第二座、第三座,无数座炼金塔 But the matter that he must handle is enables this Alchemy Tower to be able many births, let the tower spirit deep meaning and past dream desire true realization. 而他要做的事情是让这种炼金塔可以更多的诞生,让塔灵奥义和昔日的梦想愿望真正的实现。 However Mer remembered an issue suddenly, such big Alchemy Tower, how can Oland carry off it? 不过加美尔突然想起了一个问题,这么大一座炼金塔,奥兰要怎么带走它呢? Therefore he asked directly: Oland Sir, how should you carry off it when the time comes?” 于是他直接问道:“奥兰大人,您到时候该怎么带走它呢?” Oland is prepared early: This tower, be only ten meters high, can carry off directly.” 奥兰早有准备:“这座塔只有十米高,可以直接带走。” Mer said: Sir, this is ten meters high tower.” 加美尔却说:“大人,这可是十米高的塔。” Even if you bring it to pass through the boundless wilderness together, somewhat is still difficult.” “就算是您带着它一起穿过茫茫荒漠,也有些困难。” The strength of Oland can easily hold up this tower, but wants the time zone such a ten meters high tower action, that is very troublesome. 奥兰的力量可以轻易的举起这座塔,但是要时时刻刻带着这样一座十米高的塔行动,那还是非常麻烦的。 Oland actually held up the bracelet on hand: Just, my storage check is ten meters.” 奥兰却举起了手上的手镯:“刚好,我的储物格子就是十米。” Mer this even/including stores the item has not had the person, where knows the heroic spirit of Oland. 加美尔这种连储物道具都没有拥有过的人,哪里知道奥兰的豪气。 In the thunder city, the storage item that these richest and most powerful person has, the storage check is also an ordinary package size. 在雷霆城之中,那些最富有、最有权势的人拥有的储物道具,储物格子也不过是一个普通包裹大小。 But their storage item, in check must plan carefully every minute, does not arrive at the critical moment not to use. 而他们的储物道具,格子里面的每一分都要精打细算,不到关键时刻不会使用。 Once the item of this type of storage uses at crucial moments, the function of display is inconceivable, a storage item even can be treated as the inheritance by a Powerful family. 这种储物的道具一旦用在关键时刻,发挥的作用难以想象,一件储物道具甚至可以被一个权能者家族当做传承。 This booing, his opens the mouth must ten meters high clogging in own storage item. 这位倒好,他张口要将一座十米高的塔塞进自己的储物道具之中去。 In the following time, Oland has been improving and arranged own Alchemy Tower. 接下来的时间里,奥兰一直都在完善和布置自己的炼金塔 He took several storage item inside things, placed in Alchemy Tower, in empty Alchemy Tower started to have the life breath, is placing the tables, bookshelves and all kinds of Alchemy equipment. 他将自己几个储物道具里面的东西都拿了出来,放在了炼金塔之中,原本空荡荡的炼金塔之中开始拥有了生活气息,摆放着桌子、书架以及各种各样的炼金器材。 On this day, Oland arrived in own Alchemy Tower to be a guest Rerat. 这一天,奥兰将雷拉到了自己的炼金塔内做客。 The thunder sits before the window, looks at outside to say. 雷坐在窗户前,看着外面说道。 Your flight magic carpet everyone likes very much, is more popular than my flight vehicle.” “你的飞行魔毯大家很喜欢,比我的飞行器还受欢迎。” For these days always sees these demon spirit to control the flight magic carpet to fly in the sky randomly, was the thunder flight vehicle has not actually seen him to open on the contrary. 这几天总是看见那些魔灵驾驭着飞行魔毯在天空之中乱飞,反倒是雷的飞行器却没看到他开出来了。 Oland consulted many books recently, the most important thing is he acts according to the thunder previous time the situation of crashing in the storm sea, analyzed many things. 奥兰最近查阅了不少书籍,最重要的是他根据雷上一次冲进风暴海的情况,分析出了不少东西。 Thunder!” “雷!” My these found some interesting thing time, you look.” “我这一次找到了一些非常有意思的东西,你看一下。” Once the Evel person left Ruhul Giant Island time, about has many guesses how they leave, but I compare to believe one type.” “曾经爱维尔人离开鲁赫巨岛的时候,关于他们是怎么离开的有很多种猜测,但是我比较相信其中一种。” That is their time, encircles in the black storm of Ruhul Giant Island outer layer does not know that dissipated because of what reason.” “那就是他们那个时代,围在鲁赫巨岛外层的黑风暴不知道因为什么原因而消散了。” About this situation, in this book has had the guess and record.” “关于这个情况,这本书里面有过猜测和记载。” Oland said that also placed on a nautical chart the table, points at an above place to say. 奥兰说完,又将一张海图放在了桌子上,指着上面的一个地方对着雷说道。 Thunder, you look, this is the dozens years ago sea areas.” “雷,你看,这是几十年前的海域。” He took the manages pen to draw a route above, moved a distance toward the outer layer, in another place. 他拿起管笔在上面画了一道线,紧接着又往外层移动了一段距离,点在了另外一个地方。 However this is your previous arriving place, but here should not be such that you see, long ago also is completely the black storm.” “而这是你上一次抵达的地方,但是这里不应该是你看到的那样,在很久以前也全部都是黑风暴。” Is only you flew the past time, here storm vanishes.” “只是你飞过去的时候,这里的风暴都消失了。” „Do you discover?” “你发现没有?” Oland has not waited to respond, immediately replies said. 奥兰还没等雷回应,立刻就回答说道。 This indicated, packages the entire Ruhul Giant Island black storm to dissipate.” “这表示,包裹整个鲁赫巨岛的黑风暴在消散。” Oland according to the nautical chart, was saying. 奥兰按在了海图上,对着雷说。 Thunder, had matter is very possible to a time appear again.” “雷,曾经发生过一次的事情很可能要再次出现了。” Will open to Ruhul Giant Island outside front door again.” “通往鲁赫巨岛外面的大门将会再度打开。” „The miracle that the miracle that we hope , the Evel person creates, will arrive again.” “我们期盼的奇迹,爱维尔人创造的奇迹,将会再次降临。” Can be able to see that Oland is also excited, because this is not only a matter of thunder person, this concerns the entire Ruhul Giant Island matter. 可以看得出奥兰也非常激动,因为这不仅仅是雷一个人的事情,这是关乎到整个鲁赫巨岛的事情。 If the front door to outside world opened, was equal to that everyone can leave Ruhul Giant Island, explores a broader world. 如果通往外面世界的大门打开了,那么等于所有人都可以离开鲁赫巨岛,去探索更广阔的天地。 Although Oland does not understand that previous and this black storm starts to dissipate because of anything, but does not hinder him regarding the anticipation of this matter. 虽然奥兰也不明白上一次和这一次黑风暴到底是因为什么而开始消散,但是不妨碍他对于这件事情的期待。 And Oland thinks is not quite same, the thunder actually does not have the slight excitement. 只是和奥兰所想的不太一样,雷竟然没有丝毫的激动。 Is unimportant.” “不重要了。” The thunder is gaining ground to Oland, grasped scratching the head, somewhat embarrassed saying. 雷对着奥兰抬起头,抓了抓头,有些不好意思的说道。 Because I decided that did not leave Demon Abyss royal city.” “因为我决定不离开魔渊王城了。” Oland was shocked: This not like you, thunder.” 奥兰愣住了:“这不像你,雷。” What happened?” “发生了什么事情了吗?” Thunder silent a meeting, he does not seem to know how should reply, or is expressing. 雷沉默了一会,他似乎不知道该怎么回答,又或者正在措辞。 Because I suddenly discovered, thing that I track down, possibly is not I wants to track down truly.” “因为我突然发现,我所追寻的东西,可能并不是我真正想要去追寻的。” Oland!” “奥兰!” I suddenly discovered that all my hopes, all hopes, are completely a dream bubble.” “我突然发现我所有的渴望,所有的期盼,全部都是一场梦幻泡影。” I forgot the ideal and goal, are only left over to track down the impulsion of dream.” “我忘记了理想和目标,只剩下追寻梦想的冲动。” My flying time and time again to the sky, actually does not know oneself are seeking for anything.” “我一次又一次的飞向天空,却不知道自己在找寻什么。” „The thing that because I must look for had found, the past dream has been realized.” “因为我要找寻的东西早已经找到了,昔日的梦想早已实现。” But I actually lived as in once, is tracking down yesterday's illusory image.” “但是我却依旧活在曾经,追寻着昨日的幻影。” Thunder: I do not know that actually I am rigid and thunder of intention dream, lives in the shadow that the past is not willing to dissipate.” 雷:“我不知道我究竟是执着和心怀梦想的雷,还是一个活在过去不肯消散的影子。” Oland asked the thunder: This?” 奥兰问雷:“就这样?” The thunder raised the head: „Is this insufficient?” 雷抬起头:“这还不够吗?” Oland smiled: Once dream was realized, this is a how joyful matter, the thunder you should cheer are.” 奥兰笑了起来:“曾经的梦想实现了,这是一件多么让人高兴的事情啊,雷你应该为之欢呼才是。” On a dream was realized, that tracks down the next dream.” “上一个梦想实现了,那就去追寻下一个梦想。” intelligent species was called intelligent species, because we have never the satisfied desire, desire that will never stop.” 智慧种之所以被称之为智慧种,就因为我们拥有永不满足的欲望,永不停止的愿望。” The thunder has turned head, by before window. 雷扭过头,靠在了窗户前。 His appears at present wiped the expectation, regarding blue sky, regarding distant place, regarding end of that day Sun. 他的眼前浮现了一抹憧憬,对于蓝天,对于远方,对于那天尽头的太阳。 But I want to go to the distant place, I want to soar.” “可是我还是很想去远方,我还是想要飞翔。” But I actually cannot distinguish clearly, these are I really want, is false.” “但是我却分不清,这些是我真的想要的,还是虚假的。” At this time, slid one thing from his collar. 这个时候,从他的衣领里滑出了一样东西。 A compass. 一副指南针。 Oland notices such thing immediately, felt that was not the fluctuation of intelligent power. 奥兰立刻注意到了这样东西,感觉到了那一股不属于智慧权能的波动。 Miracle Item?” 奇迹道具?” This world's most common thing is the divine spell item, the Alchemy item is only the divine spell item that alchemist makes, Alchemy is only the method of manufacturing, the divine spell item is its true name. 这个世界最常见的东西是神术道具,炼金道具只是炼金师制造出的神术道具,炼金只是制作方法,神术道具才是其真正的名字。 But Miracle Item and life item, is actually rare. 奇迹道具和生命道具,却是罕见之极。 However Oland can recognize is because his within the body also has one, Miracle Item wood/blockhead heart of Oland. 不过奥兰能够认出来是因为他体内也有一个,奇迹道具・奥兰的木头心脏。 Is storage female celestial St. Raphael stays in his within the body, had rescued his life. 是储物仙女圣拉菲尔留在他体内的,曾经救过他一命。 The thunder held the compass: This is Ms. Eliana's treasure.” 雷抓住了指南针:“这是爱莲娜女士的珍宝。” Told Oland: It called not only the compass of guide.” 雷告诉奥兰:“它叫不仅仅指南的指南针。” Although I do not know why Ms. Eliana gives me such thing, possibly was worried that I lost the direction in the sky!” “虽然我也不知道爱莲娜女士为什么送给我这样东西,可能是担心我在天空之中迷失了方向了吧!” Was lucky it, I can in the black storm find the direction to escape.” “多亏了它,我才能黑风暴之中找到方向逃回来。” Does not dare to look straight ahead facing the God of Demon Spirit Eliana Oland, at this time Oland noticed this is Miracle Item. 面对魔灵之神爱莲娜奥兰不敢直视,这个时候奥兰注意到了这是一个奇迹道具 Oland looks at the thunder: Sir Eliana is willing to give you her Miracle Item, the thunder, she regards as important you.” 奥兰看着雷:“爱莲娜大人愿意将她的奇迹道具送给你,雷,她非常的看重你。” The thunder heard this saying happily suddenly, could not bear from the words joyfully gushes out. 雷听到这话突然开心了起来,喜悦忍不住从话语里涌出。 Ms. Eliana said that I am her student.” “爱莲娜女士说我是她的学生。” Added that I inherit her to inherit and ideal person finally.” “还说我是最后继承她传承和理想的人。” The thunder, could not bear at this point suddenly repeated. 雷说到这里,突然忍不住又重复了一遍。 Yes!” “是啊!” I am Ms. Eliana's inheritance, ideal successor.” “我是爱莲娜女士的传承者,理想的继承人。” Oland looks at the thunder, is listening to his these words. 奥兰看着雷,听着他这句话。 He also as if understood anything, remembers some ancient secrets that once knew. 他也似乎明白了什么,想起了曾经知道的一些古老秘密。 He felt suddenly scalp tingles with numbness. 他突然感觉头皮一阵发麻。 Temple of Truth!” 真理圣殿!” Oland followed storage female celestial St. Raphael to pay a visit many God, he knows the inheritance that came from last era, was born many God places. 奥兰曾经跟随着储物仙女圣拉菲尔拜见过多位神明,他知道一个来自于上一个纪元的传承,诞生过多位神明的地方。 The gods of the world except for coming from Creation Divine Country God of Desire and Alchemy , almost come from this place. 人间的诸神除了来自于造物神国欲望与炼金之神,几乎全部都来自于这个地方。 thunder Jiran is Eliana's student, then he definitely also stems from Temple of Truth- 雷既然是爱莲娜的学生,那么他肯定也是出自于真理圣殿- In yellow sand. 黄沙之中。 The thunder rushed to Demon Abyss royal city outside, wanders in the yellow sand. 雷又跑到了魔渊王城的外面,在黄沙之中游荡。 Recycles waste in pile of trash, once was he every day the happiest matter. 在一堆垃圾之中捡破烂,曾经是他每天最欢乐的事情。 The exquisite structure that each broken components that among the yellow sand picks, analyze, makes happy. 黄沙之间捡到的每一个破零件,分析出来的精巧结构,都让雷为之高兴不已。 However this time, he as if has no mood. 不过这一次,他似乎并没有什么心情。 Thunder.” “雷。” What did you inherit?” “你到底继承了些什么?” What do you want to make?” “你又到底想要做些什么?” Self-examining that he is bored to death, but actually cannot answer. 他百无聊赖的自问,但是却不能够自答。 In his unclear lake, arrived at a ancient vestige stack place, here is the pile of stones that big scrap rock stacks become, its whole time were submerged in the yellow sand, occasionally the reveal from the yellow sand will come out. 他迷迷湖湖之中,走到了一片古遗迹堆积的地方,这里就是一大片废石堆积而成的乱石堆,其大部分时间都被淹没在黄沙之中,偶尔才会从黄沙之中露出来。 thunder Cai the pile of stones is walking toward above, in these stones has much also has the writing, records the most ancient story and myth. 雷踩着乱石堆朝着上面走,这些石头上有不少还有着文字,记录着最古老的故事和神话 However can understand it, life that be only these ancient time survive. 但是能够看懂它的,只有那些古老时代残存下来的生灵。 Prince of Yesel moon/month, our ancestors come the virtue niche king, king of saint Tito and initial Demon Abyss.” “月之王子耶赛尔,我们的祖先来德利基王,圣徒蒂托和最初的魔渊之王。” Even if trillion years later, some people are always remembering them as before.” “哪怕是亿万年后,依旧有人铭记着他们。” Has own story to be really good!” “有自己的故事真好啊!” The thunder looks at the writing of these surviving mold lakes, but in the mind has supplemented the outcome of above writing is anything, because many stories in Demon Abyss royal city each corner, have in the demon spirit royal palace and temple. 雷看着那些残存模湖的文字,但是脑海之中已经补充出了上面写的究竟是什么,因为不少故事在魔渊王城的各个角落里,在魔灵王宫之中和神殿里也有。 The thunder somewhat envies these people suddenly, the time that they have is very short, however changed into eternal during the years, their stories were sung in this era as before. 雷突然有些羡慕这些人,他们存在的时间很短,但是在岁月之中化为了永恒,他们的故事在这个纪元依旧被人所传唱。 But he spanned the river of era, but he himself cannot remember oneself. 而他虽然跨越了纪元的长河,但是连他自己都不能记住自己。 Walks along the fluctuate debris, thunder sudden discovered anything. 沿着起起伏伏的碎石堆走过去,雷突然发现了什么。 He will draw back in the future several steps, looks toward inside from a stone crevice. 他往后退了几步,从一个石头夹缝朝着里面看去。 Well?” “咦?” Under shining of sunlight, inside has anything to reflect light. 阳光的照耀下,里面有着什么东西在反光。 The thunder extends two arms, metal palm separating, lifting to reveal is pressing the thing under the stone. 雷伸出两条手臂,金属手掌弹开,将石头给抬了起来露出下面压着的东西。 Impressively is a flight vehicle. 赫然是一架飞行器。 Here really also has one.” “这里竟然也有一架。” However the thunder walks up, immediately discovers some issues. 不过雷走上前去,立刻发现有些问题。 Because this flight vehicle was too new, probably was new just to be manufactured to be the same, above is also sending out the dream color light. 因为这架飞行器太新了,新得就好像刚刚被制作出来一样,上面还散发着梦幻的彩光。 That is the light of unusual strength, is the light of miracle. 那是属于超凡力量的光,属于奇迹的光。 thunder Sihu felt anything, hand unbending in midair. 雷似乎感觉到了什么,手僵直在了半空之中。 „Is this?” “这是?” He walks up, cancelled the above yellow sand gently. 他走上前去,轻轻的抹去了上面的黄沙。 On the wing that the flight vehicle turns upwards has one line of characters, is its initial creator inscribes. 飞行器翘起的机翼上面有着一行字,是它最初的创造者铭刻的。 Above writes: Dream is the god to we most beautiful gracious gift, but the soaring is the world's most beautiful illusion.” 上面写着:“梦是神对我们最美的恩赐,而飞翔是世界上最美的幻梦。” But below also has the signature. 而下面还有着署名。 Thunder.” “雷。” These words, making stand erect at the scene. 这一句话,让雷矗立当场。 This is the first flight vehicle in the world , stems from the initial thunder hand. 这是世界上的第一架飞行器,也是出自于最初的雷手中。 It does not know how long losing, possibly from last era, it submerged here here. 它不知道遗失在这里多久了,可能是从上一个纪元,它就沉没在了这里。 Miracle Item flight vehicle 奇迹道具・雷的飞行器】 Series number 48 【序列号48】 Thunder made the first flight vehicle in the world, not with the aid of any unusual strength, but rushed to the sky by own wisdom ; He saw the mainland that the cloud layer forms, saw the most beautiful light and most dazzling Sun.】 【雷建造出了世界上的第一艘飞行器,没有借助任何超凡力量,而是凭借自己的智慧冲上了天空;他看到了云层结成的大陆,看到了最明媚的光和最耀眼的太阳。】 He will not have a dream from then on, because the soaring is the most beautiful dream that he can have.】 【从那以后他就不会做梦,因为飞翔就是他所能做的最美之梦。】 In ability 1 cloud wing: Once this flight vehicle rushes to the cloud layer, can obtain the knot of addition dream, obtains to be above the speed of imagination.】 【能力一云上之翼:这艘飞行器一旦冲上云层,就可以获得梦之结界加成,获得超乎想象的速度。】 【The dreams of ability 2 soaring: This flight vehicle can jump to enter in Dreamland above the cloud layer temporarily, in the Dreamland illusion ties in rests ; No one can leave behind the dream of society most magnificent fantasy, can prevent a person of hope to sky like nothing.】 【能力二飞翔之梦:这艘飞行器在云层之上可以临时跳跃进入梦界之中,在梦界的幻梦结界之中休憩;没有人能够留下人世间最瑰丽的幻想之梦,就像没有什么能够阻挡人对天空的渴望。】 last era, granting of Miracle Item is different. 上一个纪元,奇迹道具的赐予是不同的。 However the weight/quantity of flight vehicle obviously be much more precious than the compass, this is very powerful Miracle Item. 不过飞行器的分量明显要比指南针要珍贵得多,这是一件非常强大的奇迹道具 Thunder touched on this flight vehicle, as its once master, thunder Like got the response. 雷手触碰到在了这架飞行器上,身为它曾经的主人,雷立刻得到了回应。 He cannot bear discuss. 他忍不住念道。 Soaring is the most beautiful dream that I can have.” “飞翔就是我所能做的最美之梦。” Nothing can prevent a person of hope to sky.” “没有什么能够阻挡人对天空的渴望。” thunder Feichang likes these words, felt that these writing interpolated in his heart to go to be the same probably. 雷非常喜欢这些话,感觉这些文字就好像写进了他心底里去了一样。 But at this time, thunder Gua was shocked in the compass of chest suddenly, inside indicator crazy start revolving. 而这个时候,雷挂在胸口的指南针突然震动了起来,里面的指针疯狂的开始旋转。 The thunder turned on the compass, discovery its revolving will actually start to decelerate from now on slowly. 雷打开了指南针,却发现其旋转过后开始缓慢减速。 Finally. 最后。 Stopped. 停了下来。 The indicator pointed at front flight vehicle, aimed at Sun of distant place. 指针指向了面前的飞行器,指向了远处的太阳。 Well!” “咦!” How did it stop?” “它怎么停了?” The thunder looks at the direction that the indicator points, looks at that flight vehicle. 雷看着指针指向的方向,看着那架飞行器。 His hope could not bear inflate again. 他内心的渴望再度忍不住膨胀了起来。 Then regarding yearning of blue sky, buries in the strength of bloodlines and will deep place, irresistible welling up whole body. 那对于蓝天的向往,埋在血脉和意志深处的力量,无可抵挡的涌上全身。 thunder Fumo the wing of flight vehicle, cannot help but sitting. 雷抚摸着飞行器的机翼,不由自主的坐了上去。 He as if not need to know how to control it, the thought moves it with own consciousness, overshot from the debris. 他似乎根本不用去想就知道如何驾驭它,意念一动它就随着自己的意识而起,从碎石堆上冲了下去。 Staggering along slid for a long time, the flight vehicle flew together finally. 跌跌撞撞的滑行了好久,飞行器终于飞了起来。 These days had not flown the sky the thunder, rushed to the sky again, rushed to above the cloud layer. 这段时间一直没有飞上天空的雷,再度冲上了天空,冲上了云层之上。 A colored air bubble wrapped the flight vehicle, brings its fast vanguard, pulled out a rainbow in the sky. 一层彩色的气泡包裹住了飞行器,带着它快速的前行,在天空拉出一道长虹。 The thunder laughed, he voiced cheering. 雷哈哈大笑了起来,他发出了欢呼。 If once dream, once misery becomes the past.” “如果曾经的梦想,曾经的苦难都成为了过去。” Then opening new future.” “那么就开启新的未来。” If did not soar for the past, then for not round trip soaring!” “如果不为了过去而飞翔,那么就为了未来去飞翔吧!” Takes risk, discovered, explores this world.” “去冒险,去发现,去探索这个世界。” thunder Jiayu the Miracle Item flight vehicle, is penetrating the sea of clouds, the front blade curls up the stratus cloud. 雷驾驭着奇迹道具飞行器,穿透云海,前面的螺旋桨叶卷起层云。 He falls from the sky, but at this time Demon Abyss royal city knot also opened an opening. 他从天空之中落下,而这个时候魔渊王城的结界也打开了一道口子。 He revolved like this was digging in Demon Abyss royal city all of a sudden. 他就这样旋转着一下子扎入了魔渊王城之中。 He was just controlling the Miracle Item sound, then pulls out a rainbow the strength to fluctuate in the sky, alarmed everyone in Demon Abyss royal city. 他刚刚驾驭着奇迹道具的动静,那在天空拉出一道长虹的力量波动,都惊动了魔渊王城之中的所有人。 God of Demon Spirit Eliana also went out from pyramid, stands looked outside temple to him in sky. 就连魔灵之神爱莲娜也从金字塔之中走出,站在了神殿外面看向了天空之中的他。 This time. 这一次。 The thunder violates had violated the taboo, although he to sky over the demon spirit pyramid, has not actually circled in the range that forbids to soar. 雷又犯了曾经犯过的忌讳,他虽然没有冲在魔灵金字塔上空,却盘旋在了禁止飞翔的范围。 He stood from the flight vehicle, was shouting to following Ms. Eliana. 他从飞行器上站了起来,对着下面的爱莲娜女士大喊。 Told her own idea, own will. 告诉她自己的想法,自己的意志。 If to not survive, then to vainly hope to open in the future!” “如果不是为了生存,那么就为了梦想而开启未来吧!” Ms. Eliana.” “爱莲娜女士。”
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