IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#398 Part 2: The gods, some people steal our creativities!

His life seems full of the infinite power and energy probably, probably throughout placed on Man Fa strip condition spiral spring person. 他的生命似乎就好像充满着无限的动力和活力,就好像始终保持在上满发条状态的发条人。 Or his heart regarding distant place holds reading to make him unable my humble home. 或者说,他内心对于远方的执念让他怎么也无法舍下。 He even also proposed, sounds feels not too credible fantasy. 他甚至还提出了一些,听上去觉得不太靠谱的狂想。 Since cannot fly, we can from Dreamland in the past?” “既然不能飞过去,那我们能不能从梦界过去呢?” Manufactures a shuttle Dreamland item, is not good, the Spiritual God cannot achieve in the Dreamland localization direction and coordinates.” “制作一种穿梭梦界的道具,不行不行,神灵都做不到在梦界定位方向和坐标。” He on the table of workshop, wrote down another type to have the feasible idea. 他在工坊的桌子上,写下了另外一种具备可行性的想法。 I heard that once some people sneaked across from the storage item, wanting the storage fairyland to steal the thing.” “我听说曾经有人从储物道具里偷渡,想要去储物仙境偷东西。” I can also try!” “我也可以试试啊!” The thunder miraculous glow flashes, felt oneself found the breach. 雷灵光一闪,觉得自己找到了突破口。 However Eliana heard the crazy idea of thunder, summoned the side. 但是爱莲娜听到了雷的这个疯狂想法,将雷召唤到了身边。 Ms. Eliana!” “爱莲娜女士!” „Did you also hear my idea?” “您也听说了我的想法?” Eliana looks at metal mannequin demon spirit of this optimist, even if in her front as before is the joyful appearance, as if never knows that what gives up is. 爱莲娜看着这个乐天派的金属人偶魔灵,哪怕是在她的面前依旧是快乐的模样,似乎永远不知道放弃为何物。 Eliana wanted to reprove thunder, but saw his appearance time cannot bear sigh. 爱莲娜本来想要训斥雷一番,但是看到他这幅模样的时候又忍不住叹了口气。 Thunder!” “雷!” Gives up, all that because you make do not have the significance.” “放弃吧,因为你所做的一切已经没有了意义。” thunder Feichang has doubts: How not to have the significance?” 雷非常疑惑:“怎么会没有意义呢?” Eliana asked the thunder: Thunder, you really know do oneself want to do?” 爱莲娜问雷:“雷,你真的知道自己想要干什么吗?” thunder Sihao does not have the reply of thinking saying: Place that goes to Sun to raise, found the new world, a new continent.” 雷丝毫没有思索的回答说道:“去太阳升起的地方,找到新的世界,一片新大陆。” „A stretch of bountiful land, hopeful place.” “一片富饶的陆地,充满希望的地方。” Eliana also asked him: Then?” 爱莲娜又问他:“然后呢?” Thunder: Then?” 雷:“然后?” Does not use then, I was want to find there.” “不用然后,我就是想要找到那里。” I want such place, does not have any reason.” “我只是想要去那样的地方,没有任何理由。” Eliana told him: Once well-founded, that reason carves in your bloodlines, carves in body.” 爱莲娜却告诉他:“曾经是有理由的,那理由刻在你的血脉里,刻在里的身躯里。” You, although did not have the memory of that reason, however your body is actually pursuing it as before.” “你虽然没有了那理由的记忆,但是你的身躯却依旧在追逐着它。” The thunder was shocked: „Does Ms. Eliana, how you know?” 雷愣住了:“爱莲娜女士,您怎么会知道?” Eliana: Because you are my student.” 爱莲娜:“因为你是我的学生。” thunder sudden was confused, does not know how should reply. 雷突然迷茫了,不知道该怎么回答。 God of Demon Spirit before temple dangled the head, on illusory translucent that beautiful face revealed to regret and regret. 神殿前的魔灵之神垂下了头颅,虚幻半透明的那张美丽脸庞上流露出了遗憾和惋惜。 Thunder, for a long time is very before very long, you once were my student.” “雷,很久很久以前,你曾是我的学生。” „Do you still remember?” “你还记得吗?” God's Abandonment Era, three leaves human must bring their bloodlines to enter next era, only has us soon to wither away in last era.” 神弃时代,三叶人要带着他们的血脉进入下一个时代,唯有我们即将消亡在上一个纪元。” You had said to me, you must have your flight to non-stop fly to the direction that Sun raises, must find the place of brand-new hope for all People of Demon Abyss.” “你曾经对我说过,你要带着你的飞行去往太阳升起的方向一直飞,要替所有的魔渊之民找到全新的希望之地。” You believe that the distant place has the hope, believing God's Abandonment Era was not finished.” “你相信远方存在着希望,相信神弃时代并不是结束。” You told me, so long as did not stop the footsteps to do, will certainly be born hopefully.” “你告诉我只要不停下脚步去做,就一定会有希望诞生。” Was I uses the demon spirit pyramid to plan to fetter you, you gave up your hope inheriting my demon spirit pyramid plan, made you turn into mannequin.” “是我用魔灵金字塔计划束缚住了你,你放弃了你的希望继承了我的魔灵金字塔计划,也让你变成了一具人偶。” God of Demon Spirit Eliana, goes down from the stair at this point. 魔灵之神爱莲娜说到这里,从台阶之上走下。 Thunder!” “雷!” People of Demon Abyss does not need the thunder you to seek for the place of hope, because new era each is the place of hope.” 魔渊之民已经不需要雷你去寻找希望之地,因为新的纪元每一处都是希望之地。” Eliana remembered the thunder life, remembers oneself that always to fill with the hope and smile student, remembered that to control the flight vehicle to charge into bright mannequin repeatedly. 爱莲娜想起了雷的一生,想起了自己那个总是满怀着希望和笑容的学生,也想起了那个一遍又一遍驾驭着飞行器冲向光明的人偶 Gives up, stopped.” “放弃吧,就到此为止了。” Do not let the former days hope, becomes your today's nightmare.” “不要让旧日的希望,成为你今日的噩梦。” Do not let once samsara, is infinite at the present.” “不要让曾经的轮回,在现在无限重复。” The thunder whole person looks at dumbly at the scene. 雷整个人呆立当场。 I am, Ms. Eliana's student?” “我是,爱莲娜女士的学生?” How don't I...... remember?” “我怎么……不记得了?” However was saying to be saying, his also as if appears at present a picture. 但是说着说着,他的眼前也似乎浮现出了一幅画面。 That is the God's Abandonment Era scene. 那是神弃时代的场景。 Eliana has not turned into the present mannequin appearance, but is the Insai apostle, existence of shape of God. 爱莲娜还没有变成现在的人偶模样,而是因赛的使徒,神之形的存在。 In temple of that high place, she faced the window to move toward the final end, the hand grasped the sword to insert in the ground, is guarding Insai idol. 就在那高处的神殿之中,她面向着窗户走向了最后的终结,手握着剑插在地上,守卫着因赛神像 It seems like. 就好像。 Her ancestor such. 她的祖先那样。 His ear bank reverberated teacher's final urging, despaired and vacant. 他的耳畔回响起了老师最后的叮嘱,绝望而茫然。 Brings my Divine Grace Stone, leaves here.” “带着我的神恩石,离开这里。” My body, makes it stay here.” “我的身体,就让它留在这里。” However my god graciousness, belongs to Demon Abyss, belongs to God.” “而我的神恩,归于魔渊,归于神明。” Listens to that words, the thunder unable to bear shivered. 听着那话,雷忍不住的颤抖了起来。 In his body as if has another will to regain consciousness general, the strong mood will transmit into his mind. 他的身体里似乎有另一个意志正在苏醒一般,将强烈的情绪传递入他的脑海之中。 He exceptionally excited, the eye socket wants to burst into tears, actually cannot flow any tears. 他异常的激动,眼眶想要流泪,却流淌不出任何泪水。 thunder Taitou looks at Eliana, looked to that temple. 雷抬头看着爱莲娜,又看向了那座神殿 No!” “不!” I remember probably.” “我好像记得一些。” „It is not this, is not this.” “不是这样的,不是这样的。” The thunder walks up little, finally knelt down in Eliana's front, he seems to be imploring Eliana's forgiving. 雷一点点走上前去,最后跪倒在了爱莲娜的面前,他似乎在祈求着爱莲娜的原谅。 Ms. Eliana, was not you make me turn into metal mannequin.” “爱莲娜女士,不是您让我变成了金属人偶。” Is I, was we abandoned your last wish, chose this path.” “是我,是我们背弃了您的遗愿,选择了这条道路。” Right?” “是吗?” Yes, is this.” “是的,是这样的。” He cannot recall these things, but actually such affirmation. 他记不起那些事情,但是却又如此的肯定。 Eliana shook the head, bends down according to approaching the thunder shoulder. 爱莲娜摇头,俯身按向了雷的肩膀。 In any event, we had arrived in this era, we have succeeded.” “不论如何,我们都已经抵达了这一个纪元,我们都已经成功了。” As for once these, is unimportant.” “至于曾经的那些,都已经不重要了。” Thunder!” “雷!” You had found the paradise in your heart.” “你已经找到了你心中的乐土。” The thunder raised the head, looks Eliana concerned looks at itself. 雷抬起头,看着爱莲娜关切的看着自己。 He is somewhat happy, is somewhat sad. 他有些开心,又有些难过。 When he lowers the head, the spiral spring that as if back that can never stop ceased slowly. 只是当他低下了头,似乎背后那永远不会停下的发条慢慢的停息了下来。 Originally is this.” “原来是这样。” Originally ~ “原来~” I do not want to go to the distant place, I do not have the dream.” “我不是想要去远方,我不是心怀着梦想。” But once I, wanted to seek for the place of hope.” “而是曾经的我,想要去寻找希望之地。” The thunder exuded the laughter again, but said this saying time, the thunder sound is somewhat desolate. 雷再度发出了笑声,只是说这话的时候,雷的声音有些落寞。 I was only one track down yesterday's illusory image.” “我只是一个追寻昨日的幻影。”
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