IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#398 Part 1: The gods, some people steal our creativities!

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The flight vehicle passes through in the sea of clouds. 飞行器穿越在云海。 The thunder looks out from the coverglass, Sun and ray link, elongates a cross glow star. 雷从玻璃罩往外看出去,太阳和光芒连接在一起,拉长成一个十字芒星。 The ray was too beautiful, but the blue sky and cloud general that seems the watercolor painting to come up. 光线太明媚了,而蓝天和云彩就好像水彩画上去的一般。 All give people not a real feeling. 一切都给人一种不真实的感觉。 At this time they had left the endless vast desert, left Ruhul Giant Island, is going through above the sea. 此时他们已经离开了无尽沙海,离开了鲁赫巨岛,正穿行在大海之上。 Flying is so long, the strength of flight vehicle also exhausted, gradually did not have the power. 飞了这么久,飞行器的力量也耗尽了,渐渐的没有了动力。 „2nd.” “二号。” Distortion.” “变形。” Orders as the thunder of adventure squad team leader, the flight vehicle starts to change immediately ; The above coverglass inflated all of a sudden, changed into a giant transparent hot-air balloon. 作为冒险小队队长的雷一声令下,飞行器立刻开始变化;上面的玻璃罩一下子膨胀了起来,化为了一个巨大的透明热气球。 The flame burns under the transparent hot-air balloon, looked that from below is very difficult to notice the hot-air balloon, can only see one group of flame, under one group of flame hangs anything to be the same probably. 火焰在透明的热气球下燃烧,从下面看过去很难注意到热气球,只能看到一团火焰,就好像一团火焰下吊着什么东西一样。 The flight vehicle turned into a hanging basket, mannequin demon spirit and kite demon spirit also disintegrates from the flight vehicle, stands in the hanging basket, somewhat weary conducting hanging basket. 飞行器变成了一个吊篮,人偶魔灵和风筝魔灵也从飞行器上解体,一个站在吊篮中,一个也有些疲倦的挂载在了吊篮上。 thunder somewhat satisfied lying in the metal hanging basket edge, looks at the sea under cloud layer, is comforting kite demon spirit. 雷有些惬意的趴在金属吊篮边缘,看着云层下的大海,安抚着风筝魔灵 Look ~ “看啊~” We really flew.” “我们真的飞出来了。” Sun raises from the east side, did our represent is being away from it to be nearer?” “太阳是从东边升起的,我们这是不是代表着距离它更近了一些?” Kite demon spirit hears this saying, no longer hung on the hanging basket suddenly, flew to circle around the hot-air balloon. 风筝魔灵听到这话,也突然不再挂在了吊篮上,飞起来盘旋在热气球周围。 Probably was also happy, expressed own anticipation with this way. 好像也非常高兴,用这种方式表达了自己的期待。 Then flew continually for several days, rapidly far. 接下来一连飞了好几天,也越飞越远。 Thunder his goal the East that is Sun raises. 雷他的目标就是太阳升起的东方。 In that morning, the thunder just woke up from the hanging basket, the way that he used to sleep restored own psychic force, conserving strength the preparation flies to be farther today. 这一天早上,雷刚刚从吊篮里醒来,他用睡觉的方式恢复了自身的精神力,养精蓄锐准备今天飞得更远一些。 Then lies the flash near hanging basket, he noticed suddenly the sky of distant place presented a shadow. 然后趴在吊篮边的一瞬间,他突然看到远处的天空出现了一片影子。 Under the sea of clouds has the plain, jungle and mountain, can see that some do not know is anything the existence soaring that but is winged in the distant place, the land and in the jungle has anything to run. 云海之下有着平原、丛林、高山,可以看到一些不知道是什么但是长着翅膀的存在飞翔在远处,大地和丛林之中有着什么东西在奔跑。 The thunder first stares, was very then excited. 雷先是一愣,然后无比激动了起来。 He is shouting. 他大喊着。 Looks quickly!” “快看啊!” Looks at that side quickly.” “快看那边。” „Is that the new world, we found the new paradise.” “那是不是新世界,我们找到新的乐园了。” He is excited, cheering. 他激动不已,欢呼雀跃着。 Because this scene really shocked, is in his heart the long-awaited scene, the imagination for a long time place. 因为这景象实在是太震撼了,更是他心中期待已久的场面,想象已久的地方。 He is shouting to another two demon spirit, the three start the flight vehicle immediately, pursued toward the place that shadow is. 他对着另外两位魔灵喊道,三者立刻启动了飞行器,朝着那影子所在的地方追了过去。 However flies, simply had not actually seen that „the new world is, only helplessly looks at the image little dissipation. 但是一路飞过去,却根本没有看到那“新世界”所在,只眼睁睁的看着影像一点点消散。 They just saw, but is a mirage. 他们刚刚所看到的,不过是一场海市蜃楼。 If the marine experienced crew can certainly recognize at that time, but thunder Zhishi had heard this phenomenon, has not actually experienced. 如果海上有经验的船员当时一定能够认出来,但是雷只是听说过这种现象,却从来没有见识过。 When all clearing time, the thunder responded them as in internal sea area that also in Ruhul Giant Island was, here many merchant ship, battleship and pirates have arrived, how to have what „the new world? 等到一切散尽的时候,雷才反应过来他们依旧还在鲁赫巨岛所在的内部海域内,这里不少商船、战舰、海盗都抵达过,怎么会有什么“新世界”呢? Originally is only the illusion.” “原来只是幻象。” However the thunder actually thinks that this illusion is not born baseless, the scene that just he saw exists certainly in one of the world truly. 不过雷却认为这种幻象并不是凭空诞生的,刚刚他看到的景象在世界的某一处一定真正存在着。 Comes to naught to like not to attack the thunder, instead makes him anticipate to the distant place. 一场空欢喜并没有打击到雷,反而让他对远方更加期待。 He and said to 2nd on the 3rd, his sound was full of the enthusiasm, dances with joy. 他对着二号和三号说道,他的声音充满了热情,手舞足蹈。 Saw? The distant place really has the mainland.” “看到了吗?远方真的有大陆。” In that picture just flew to see in the thing of space?” “那画面里刚刚飞在天上的东西看见了吗?” That possibly is winged human, may be other we have not seen the thing, that definitely is not Ruhul Giant Island.” “那可能是翼人,也有可能是其他我们没有见过的东西,那肯定不是鲁赫巨岛。” He raised the head, is gazing at the distant place. 他抬起头,注视着远方。 I must go to there.” “我要去那里。” I must go to there.” “我一定要去那里。” The thunder is competitive, said loudly. 雷干劲十足,大声说道。 Today we must pick up the speed, our point, can certainly a day find the new mainland fast early.” “今天我们要加快速度,我们飞快一点,一定能够早一天找到新的大陆。” The thunder enthusiasm as if lit 2nd and 3rd, the speed of flight vehicle was faster, flushes away toward the distant place. 雷的热情似乎点燃了二号和三号,飞行器的速度更快了,朝着远方冲去。 How long however not to have flown, the situation of ends of the earth in his line of sight had the change. 但是还没有飞多久,在他视线之中天尽头的情况出现了变化。 The darkness that the distant place blots out the sky appeared. 远处铺天盖地的黑暗出现了。 The terrifying dark cloud tumbling comes, to block the sky. 恐怖的乌云翻滚而来,遮天蔽日。 Black storm. 黑风暴。 No. 2 flame demon spirit as if felt that anything, sent out the mood of fear. 二号火焰魔灵似乎感觉到了什么,散发出了害怕的情绪。 Is kite demon spirit is on the contrary fearless, the fearful storm instead lets this unusual species clan that is the sky moves restlessly. 反倒是风筝魔灵无所畏惧,可怕的风暴反而让这种属于天空的超凡种族更加躁动。 Came, should not be afraid.” “来都来了,不要害怕。” Actually do we experienced, the black storm in legend have them to say was so fearful.” “我们去见识一下,传说之中的黑风暴究竟有没有他们说的那么可怕。” The thunder they controlled flight vehicle one to crash in the black storm, they were competitive, filled challenged all courage. 雷他们驾驭着飞行器一头冲进了黑风暴之中,他们干劲十足,充满了挑战一切的勇气。 However black storm not only and fearfulness in such legend, even also wants terrifying dozens times, several hundred times. 但是黑风暴不仅仅和传说之中的那样可怕,甚至还要恐怖数十倍,数百倍。 They crashed in a picture probably the world. 他们好像冲进了一副画中世界。 The whole world is the crazy painter with the black line that the black charcoal pencils smudge, covered all layer by layer. 整个世界都是疯狂的画家用黑色的炭笔涂抹出的黑色线条,一层又一层覆盖了所有。 The consciousness of thunder felt that the sky sea level is revolving, the terrifying sound pricks the ear to make the life have the fearful thought. 雷的意识感觉到天空海面都在旋转,恐怖的声音刺入耳朵让人生出可怕的念头。 Therefore the flight vehicle crashed in the darkness, they then lost the direction not long, probably headless fly equally in chaotic revolutions. 因此飞行器冲进了黑暗之中,他们没有多久便迷失了方向,就好像无头苍蝇一样在里面乱转。 Buzz humming sound ~ the sound of storm blots out the sky, is only big ear to hear to buzz. “嗡嗡嗡~”风暴的声音铺天盖地,大得耳朵只能听到嗡嗡作响。 Bang ~ the thunderclap that occasionally blasts open has not only made people feel gratingly, instead agitated dispelled steadfast feelings. “轰隆~”偶尔炸裂的雷声不仅仅没有让人感觉到刺耳,反而有一种烦躁被祛除的踏实感觉。 Terrifying unusual storm unceasing wears down the knot miraculous glow of flight vehicle, in the darkness thunder is shelling their flight vehicle unceasingly. 恐怖的超凡风暴不断的消磨着飞行器的结界灵光,黑暗之中一道道雷霆不断的轰击着他们的飞行器。 Ties the strength of miraculous glow to be worn down unceasingly, the left Yaoyou of flight vehicle in the storm shakes. 结界灵光的力量不断被消磨,飞行器在风暴之中左摇右晃。 Moreover they can feel a powerful corroded strength mixture in the storm, once there is a life of consciousness to contact this strength, it is estimated that suddenly will be cancelled the consciousness and wisdom, goes black in the chaos. 而且他们可以感觉到一股强大的侵蚀力量夹杂在风暴里,一旦有意识的生命接触到这股力量,估计眨眼间就会被抹去意识和智慧,陷入混沌和黑暗之中。 Right, I had Ms. Eliana's compass.” “对了,我有爱莲娜女士的指南针。” It can make us not lose the direction.” “它可以让我们不迷失方向。” At this time thunder sudden thinks Eliana gave his Miracle Item compass. 这个时候雷突然想到了爱莲娜送给他的奇迹道具指南针。 He held the metal box on neck, opened it. 他一把抓住了脖子上的金属盒子,打开了它。 This God of Demon Spirit donates the thing of his miracle not to disappoint slightly, the compass crazy rotation, framed finally in the Ruhul Giant Island direction. 这件魔灵之神赠予他的奇迹之物丝毫没有让雷失望,指南针疯狂的转动,最终定格在了鲁赫巨岛的方向。 The thunder looked to the direction of indicator. 雷看向了指针的方向。 The direction that it aims is as if telling him, should give up, now should go home. 它指向的方向似乎在告诉他,应该放弃了,现在该回家了。 This just entered the black wind violent not long, the range that the entire black storm covers takes ten thousand li (5,000 km) to calculate as the unit, moreover is more fearful toward the deep place. 这才是刚刚进入黑风暴没有多久,整个黑风暴覆盖的范围以万里为单位计算,而且越往深处越可怕。 Goes back?” “回去?” Then advance?” “还是接着前进?” Just saw the thunder of hope, seemed unwilling departs like this. 刚刚看到了希望的雷,似乎并不甘心就这样离去。 He looked suddenly to layer upon layer the sky of storm and dark clouds, looked that to sky who that thunder changed into the slit, is speaking to on the 2nd. 他突然看向了层层风暴和黑云的上空,看向了那雷霆化为缝隙的高天,对着二号说到。 „2nd, distortion.” “二号,变形。” We across that dark cloud, fly high, flies.” “我们穿过那乌云,飞到最高,一路飞上去。” Since below is intransitable, we from above in the past.” “既然下面不能通过,那我们就从上面过去。” The flight vehicle turned into the hot-air balloon, fast rise. 飞行器变成了热气球,快速的升高。 Is upward, the thunder is intensive. 越是往上,雷霆越是密集。 However luckily Oland and thunder, when designs this model of flight item, had considered this aspect, above has incantation of seal and knot thunder, natural can fight against the strength of this thunder and lightning. 但是幸好奥兰和雷在设计这款飞行道具的时候,就已经考虑到了这方面,上面有着雷之咒印和结界,天然就能抗击这雷电之力。 Tied the strength of thunder preventing, the hot-air balloon hanging basket also jumped over rapidly high, gradual penetrated in the dark clouds. 结界将雷霆的力量给阻挡了,热气球吊篮也越飞越高,逐渐的深入到了黑云之中。 The situation in dark clouds seemed to be much better. 黑云之中的情况似乎好多了。 The fearful unusual storm no longer wears down the unusual miraculous glow of flight vehicle, but the thunder in dark clouds as if cannot do to them. 可怕的超凡风暴不再消磨飞行器的超凡灵光,而黑云之中的雷霆似乎也奈何不了他们。 However suddenly, stuck in the thick dark clouds to present one crowded huge like the mountain common shadow, with the electric light of thunder twinkle was partly visible. 但是突然之间,密集黏稠的黑云之中出现了一道庞大如同山岳一般的影子,随着雷霆闪烁的电光若隐若现。 The fearful strength and aura fill the air in the black storm, lets the spirit and consciousness of person is frozen. 可怕的力量和气息弥漫在黑风暴之中,让人的精神和意识都被冻结。 Is the frightened and crazy thought that squeezed in each in existence body that forcefully has the consciousness. 一股属于恐惧和疯狂的意念,被强行塞入了每一个具备意识的存在身体之内。 Including thunder they. 包括雷他们。 What is that?” “那是什么?” The thunder looks at the high-level dark clouds and lightning, has the terrifying thing that is inconceivable to shuttle back and forth, is wriggling. 雷看着高层的黑云和闪电,有难以想象的恐怖之物在穿梭,在蠕动。 That is volume that is born from Ruhul giant beast aura. 那是从鲁赫巨怪气息之中诞生的卷属。 They are constrained by Ruhul giant beast, can only live in the giant beast aura. 它们受到鲁赫巨怪的约束,只能生活在巨怪的气息之中。 So long as the thunder rises to bump into the opposite party, that result only has the dead end. 雷只要升上去就会碰上对方,那结果只有死路一条。 If only then good, but the thunder feels in the storm to have massive such terrifying existence, but the thickness of dark clouds was very likely also to go far beyond his imagination. 如果只有一个还好,但是雷感觉到风暴之中有着大量这样的恐怖存在,而黑云的厚度极有可能也远远超过了他的想象。 Not only so, the thunder also felt upward, that invisible corroded strength is also getting more and more fearful, that absolutely is not the place that intelligent species can have. 不仅仅如此,雷也感觉到越是往上,那无形的侵蚀力量也越来越可怕,那绝对不是智慧种可以存在的地方。 Originally seems like the most fearful black storm, unexpectedly is here safest place.” “原来看起来最可怕的黑风暴,竟然是这里最安全的地方。” thunder Zhongyu understands, the black storm in people mouth is the danger that this sea area is not worth mentioning. 雷终于明白,人们口中的黑风暴不过是这片海域最不值一提的危险。 The limit that because regarding the common person, they can arrive in is also here, place that they can see also only then this storms. 只是因为对于寻常人来说,他们所能抵达的极限也就是这里的,他们所能看到的地方也只有这片风暴。 thunder Zhushi in darkness. 雷注视着黑暗之中。 Is gazing at that fearful black stratus cloud and monster in darkness. 注视着那可怕的黑色层云和在黑暗之中的怪物。 The hand is grasping the Miracle Item compass, the absent-minded between his intelligence extended endless sky over. 手握着奇迹道具指南针,恍恍忽忽之间他的灵性延伸到了无尽上空。 He saw the dark strength has extended the end of sky, there does not exist the air, absolutely is not the altitude that the mortal can leap. 他看到了黑暗的力量一直延伸到了天空的尽头,那里连空气都不存在,也绝对不是凡人能够飞跃的高度。 He saw the shades of seven fearful Ruhul surround around Ruhul Giant Island, but the back of these shadows, are one with camouflage the demon god in the whole world dark. 他看到了七位可怕的鲁赫之影环绕在鲁赫巨岛周围,而这些影子的背后,是一尊用黑暗遮蔽整个世界的魔神。 The mainland under its, the sky was covered by it. 大陆在其身下,天空被其覆盖。 But the hand taking bearing sky of that demon god, seems like must swallow Sun unexpectedly. 而那魔神的手探向天空,看起来竟然要吞噬掉太阳。 Sees this time, the boundless bugle horn sound resounds in the intelligence deep place. 看到这一幕的时候,苍茫的号角声在灵性深处响起。 Wū wū!” “呜呜!” thunder Haoxiang heard the bugle that extinguishes the world reverberates in the world, the myriad things recovery and destruction grasp between the palms of that demon god. 雷好像听到了灭世的号角在天地之间回响,万物复苏和毁灭掌握那魔神的手掌之间。 The thunder knows what oneself sees is who: Mother of Life Sally.” 雷知道自己看到的是谁:“生命之母莎莉。” Creator eldest daughter.” 造物主的长女。” Perhaps above spirit table, the image that this God seems like a young goddess appearance, in the eye of Creator she is only little girl of that encirclement near oneself foot. 或许在神台之上,这位神明看上去的形象是一位年轻的女神模样,在造物主的眼中她更只是那个环绕在自己脚边的小女孩。 However in the eye of snake human, in this era and world. 但是在蛇人的眼中,在这个纪元和世界。 She is that can create the life and mainland, can destroy the demon god in this world. 她就是那可以创造生命和大陆,也可以毁灭这个世界的魔神。 Acts in a self-serving manner, supreme. 为所欲为,至高无上。 Saw that this thunder knew. 看到这一幕的雷知晓了。 The seas of this storm, insurmountable. 这片风暴之海,不可逾越。 Even if he longs for again, no longer the adventure forwards. 他哪怕再渴望,也不再冒险向前。 Told No. 2 flame demon spirit: Downward, draws back.” 告诉了二号火焰魔灵:“往下,退回去。” The hot-air balloon hanging basket drops immediately, turned into the flight vehicle to flee downward, starts to be separated from this storms. 热气球吊篮立刻下降,紧接着又变成了飞行器往下窜,开始脱离这片风暴。 thunder Caokong the flight vehicle, kite demon spirit is controlling the wind vigorously, wants to run out of here at the maximum speed. 雷操控着飞行器,风筝魔灵极力驾驭着风,想要以最快的速度冲出这里。 However suddenly, in the dark stratus cloud of sky dangled a wisp of whisker. 但是突然之间,天空的黑暗层云之中垂下了一缕触须。 Also the terrifying giant monsters passed by the storm. 又有一座恐怖的巨型怪物路过风暴之中。 Such big head?” “这么大的个头?” Said that is one wisp, however looks like a great column to fall from the sky in thunder their eyes probably, simultaneously raises layer upon layer the terrifying unusual strength monstrous waves. 说是一缕,但是在雷他们的眼中看来就好像一支巨柱从天空落下,同时掀起层层恐怖的超凡力量巨浪。 The flight vehicle evades it less, was raised to fly by that tide directly. 飞行器避之不及,直接被那浪潮掀飞了出去。 Suddenly, binds the knot miraculous glow breakage outside flight vehicle. 眨眼之间,裹在飞行器外的结界灵光破裂。 The flight vehicle disintegrates instantaneously, three demon spirit were driven back. 飞行器瞬间解体,三位魔灵被逼退了出来。 But the main body of flight vehicle changed into a metal egg to be involved in the tide. 而飞行器的主体则化为了一个金属蛋被卷入浪潮之中。 The thunder felt that in the sky was not wonderful: Had an accident!” 雷在天空中感觉到了不妙:“出事了!” Once intelligent species the direct exposure in this strength, that were really finished, moreover did not have the flight vehicle thunder is not not possible to leave this black storms. 智慧种一旦直接暴露在了这股力量之中,那就真的完蛋了,而且没有了飞行器雷不可能离开这片黑风暴。 Hiss ~ “嘶~” At this time kite demon spirit started the strength, changed into wind, fast binding thunder and flame demon spirit. 这个时候风筝魔灵启动了力量,化为了一层风界,快速的裹住了雷和火焰魔灵 Vigorously flies toward the distant place. 极力的朝着远处飞去。 However the kite demon spirit strength also has the limit, wind unceasing reduction. 但是风筝魔灵的力量也是有极限的,风界不断的缩小。 Saw that the speed is getting more and more slow, the strength discontinues. 眼看着速度越来越慢,力量不继。 Death at present. 死亡就在眼前。 However at present actually suddenly sees the light suddenly, the ray falls from the high place photo, bathes on them. 但是眼前却骤然豁然开朗,光芒从高处照落下来,沐浴在他们身上。 Came out?” “出来了?” They look all around, discovered oneself intruded a no war zone of big black storms. 他们环顾四周,才发现自己闯入了一大片黑风暴的真空地带。 Here has not arrived in the storm obviously the normal boundary, about the distant place also has the terrifying black storm to wreak havoc. 这里明明还没有抵达风暴的正常边界,远方左右还有着恐怖的黑色风暴在肆虐。 Obviously is the place that a bulk sinks, had anything to exist here storm gnawing probably generally. 明显是一大块凹进去的地方,就好像有什么存在把这里的风暴给啃掉了一般。 The thunder has looked back to the storm. 雷回过头看向了风暴之中。 This time, he saw the shadows of a lot of monster unexpectedly, no wonder he makes circuit with troupe to bump into the so huge monster toward here, originally monster piles in heaps here. 这一次,他竟然看见了大量怪物的影子,难怪他往这边走会碰到如此庞大的怪物,原来怪物在这里扎成了堆。 Why however the monsters of these terrifying do not know, but returns in surroundings pai. 但是这些恐怖的怪物不知道为什么,只是在周围徘回。 As to approach here, actually does not dare to approach here truly. 似乎想要靠近这里,却又不敢真正靠近这里。 The thunder does not understand that here exactly had anything, does not dare to stop here. 雷不明白这里到底发生了什么,也不敢在这里多作停留。 He holds the body of kite demon spirit, flies in the Ruhul Giant Island direction. 他抓住风筝魔灵的身体,朝着鲁赫巨岛的方向飞去。 On the halfway they saw a wing demon, travelled by an available vehicle. 半路上他们看到了一只翼魔,搭乘了一段便车。 Lies soars in this wing demon body and kite demon spirit alternately, finally saw an island. 趴在这只翼魔身上和风筝魔灵交替飞翔,才终于看到了一座岛。 The thunder restores the strength on this island, finally gets strength back. 雷在这座岛上恢复力量,才终于缓过劲来。 ----------------------------- ----------------------------- In sea. 大海之中。 The submarine of sea deep place following the Ruhul Giant Island vanguard, in the black storm also formed a stretch of huge no war zone. 大海深处的潜水艇循着鲁赫巨岛前行,黑风暴之中也随之形成了一片庞大的真空地带。 The volume that in the storm is born is, the monsters of these blind no wisdom. 风暴之中诞生的卷属,那些盲目无智的怪物们。 At this moment felt them only to appear to the high god in the world, pai returned in the surroundings. 此刻一个个就感受到了它们至高的神祇出现在了人间,徘回在周围。 Sally stands before the window of submarine, the face tight post on the glass, the eye stares in a big way, the nose gave to push crookedly. 莎莉站在潜水艇的窗户前,脸紧紧的贴在玻璃上,眼睛瞪得大大的,鼻子都给挤歪了。 Her vision looks at the thunder in distant place storm. 她目光看着远处风暴之中的雷。 Accurate does not look at the thunder, but is his item. 准确的并不是看着雷,而是他的道具。 Because she saw a new hot-air balloon unexpectedly, this is not they have the thing that. 因为她竟然看到了一个新的热气球,这不是她们才有的东西吗。 In the ship cabin resounds in Sally immediately the air/Qi full yawp, in the sound was full of the surprise. 艇舱内立刻响起了莎莉中气十足的叫喊声,声音里充满了诧异。 God ~ “神~” Space really has a hot-air balloon.” “天上竟然有个热气球。” Has the thief, some people are stealing our creativities.” “有小偷,有人在盗窃我们的创意。” Sally watched a meeting again, discovered a more serious thing. 莎莉再看了一会,就发现了更不得了的东西。 God looks quickly.” “神快看。” Its can also distort, this is also our creativities.” “它的也能变形,这也是我们的创意。” Sally finishes speaking, the thunder flight vehicle cannot shoulder the black storm, was almost cool in the hurricane. 莎莉话音刚落,雷的飞行器就扛不住黑风暴,差点在飓风之中凉凉了。 Sally is much happier, the counterfeit goods that because that dares to steal their creativity have been punished. 莎莉却高兴得不得了,因为那个敢偷他们创意的假货得到惩罚了。 Haha!” “哈哈!” Fellow who that steals our creativity, the hot-air balloon of counterfeit goods by storm blowing badly.” “那偷我们创意的家伙,假货的热气球被风暴给吹坏了。” Sally expressed that she has not made anything, was these fellow luck was too bad, moreover no strength also dares to rush to the danger everywhere is black storm. 莎莉表示她可没有做什么,都是那些家伙运气太差了,而且没什么力量还敢闯危险遍地都是的黑风暴。 Took pleasure in others'misfortunes, has not forgotten to supplement one. 幸灾乐祸完了,还不忘补充一句。 Fake thing, really was really disappointing.” “假的东西,果然实在是太差劲了。” Our really fierce.” “还是我们的真的厉害。” Sally forgot, she to mythical spirit Waylen was also saying some time ago this is a broken ship. 莎莉忘记了,她不久前还对着神话之灵维伦说这是一艘破船。 Shortly after Sally just took pleasure in others' misfortunes. 莎莉刚刚幸灾乐祸不久。 Space that metal egg was blown with the storm, fell into the sea, sinks. 天上那个金属蛋随着风暴被刮出,落入了大海之中,一路下沉而来。 Bang ~ “砰~” The metal egg bang one hit on their submarine, but also was just Sally is lying on the glass. 金属蛋砰的一下撞在了她们的潜水艇上,还刚好是莎莉趴着的这块玻璃上。 The Waylen form flutters immediately outside sea water, cautious is cleaning own glass window, although this myth item not possible, because this pounds to have what problem, but she is the treasure serious. 维伦的身影立刻飘在了外面的海水中,小心翼翼的擦着自己的玻璃窗,虽然这神话道具根本就不可能因为这砸一下会出现什么问题,但是她还是宝贝得不得了。 Waylen cleaned the glass window, suddenly vanished outside, took carry back a metal egg to place in the cabin. 维伦擦了擦玻璃窗,眨眼间又消失在了外面,拿回来了一个金属蛋放在了舱内。 Placed the God Insai front. 放在了因赛神的面前。 Sally and Shirra surround immediately, even the witch doctor also followed. 莎莉希拉立刻围拢了过来,连巫医也跟随了过来。 The metal egg launches, turned into the appearance of flight vehicle. 金属蛋展开,重新变成了飞行器的模样。 Shirra sized up this new phenomenon, in the eye was revealing the doubts. 希拉打量着这个新鲜玩意,眼中露出了疑惑。 Well!” “咦!” I have seen this thing probably.” “我好像见过这个东西。” She remembered anything probably suddenly, pleasantly surprised looks at Yin Shen. 她好像突然想起了什么,惊喜的看着尹神 God!” “神!” In the mural before temple, has with the thing that this looks like probably.” 神殿前的壁画里,好像就有和这个非常像的东西。” Yin Shen nods, the vision looked that to losing exuviate that comes the virtue niche. 尹神点了点头,目光看向了来德利基的遗蜕。 That is came the virtue niche to be just born the time, the wall that kept carved.” “那是来德利基刚刚诞生的时候,留下来的壁刻。” Shirra knows: Defers to picture recording in god memory.” 希拉知道:“是按照神记忆里的画面刻录的。” Before Creation Divine Country pyramid temple, has large number of walls to carve, has tall buildings steel jungle, has to fly the airplane in sky, has in the metal large snake that on the track navigates. 造物神国的金字塔神殿前有着大量的壁刻,有着高楼大厦钢铁丛林,有着飞在天空之中的铁鸟,有在轨道上航行的金属长蛇。 No one knows that actually these pictures are representing anything. 只是没有人知道这些画面究竟代表着什么。 Yin Shen looked to the window: Storm is dissipating, in these years.” 尹神看向了窗户外面:“风暴正在消散,就在这几年内了。” The storm is accelerating to dissipate, it is estimated that cannot use for more than ten years. 风暴正在加速消散,估计用不上十几年。 Even if however the black storm dissipates, the effect that remains regarding the average person and Powerful is also very fearful, this navigation is flooding unknown and various dangers as before. 但是哪怕黑风暴消散,那残留下来的影响对于普通人和权能者也是非常可怕的,这条航行依旧充斥着未知和各种危险。 Sally is stepping the calf, one sat in the flight vehicle: Was they were too useless, even the strength could not control.” 莎莉迈着小腿,一把坐在了飞行器:“是她们太没用了,连力量都控制不住。” They refer to seven Ruhul giant beast. 她们指的是七位鲁赫巨怪 God Insai looks to the black storm of ends of the earth be continuous, giant beast spits in the breath to breed a lot of monsters. 因赛神看着绵延到天尽头的黑风暴,巨怪吐息之中孕育着大量的怪物。 Was similar.” “差不多了。” Was the time door opens to them.” “是时候将门给他们打开了。” This storm once was also a protection, is one mechanism that the Ruhul Giant Island ecology revolved. 这风暴曾经也是一层保护,是鲁赫巨岛生态运转的一种机制。 However with time change, the institute and god barrier of once asylum. 不过随着时间变迁,曾经的庇护之所、神之屏障。 When the civilization starts to move toward powerful, this asylum and barrier started to turn into the fetter. 在文明开始走向强大的时候,这庇护和屏障就开始变成了束缚。 Seemed like the past gracious gift, as time was easy to transform the divine punishment to be the same. 就好像昔日的恩赐,随着时光的易转变成了神罚一样。 ------------------------ ------------------------ Endless vast desert. 无尽沙海。 Demon Abyss royal city. 魔渊王城 The thunder adventurous squad was compelled by the black storm, even the flight item also gave to lose. 雷的冒险小队被黑风暴逼了回来,连飞行道具也给丢了。 These three fellow one have not been the meat does luckily, vitality also tenaciously, but also has some luck. 幸好这三个家伙没有一个是肉做的,生命力也顽强至极,还有着些许运气。 Actually lived to run. 竟然活着跑回来了。 The thunder in own miracle workshop, is complaining with own friend Oland. 雷在自己的奇迹工坊之中,和自己的朋友奥兰抱怨着。 „!” “啊!” Then was finished, without flight vehicle.” “这下完蛋了,没有飞行器了。” thunder Bao the head, must be finished appearance. 雷抱着自己头,一副啊要完蛋了的模样。 Was bad!” “坏了!” Shattered completely.” “全部都坏掉了。” However truly discouraged person, not so many movements and mood. 但是真正气馁的人,才不会有这么多的动作和情绪。 Oland looks at the thunder, knows that he had not been defeated. 奥兰看着雷,知道他并没有被打败。 Regarding the thunder, is defeated probably is the normal state is the same, cannot attack him. 对于雷来说,好像失败就是常态一样,丝毫打击不到他。 He just came back, arranged the next adventure, he takes one pile of scrolls, starts thing that recorded oneself trip to see, and sought for the new idea. 他才刚刚回来,就又筹备起了下一次的冒险,他拿着一堆卷轴,开始记录起了自己此行看到的东西,并且寻找起了新的想法。 Storm sea is insurmountable.” “风暴海不可逾越的。” At least cannot fly, can only think other methods.” “至少不能飞过去,只能想一想其他的方法了。” The courage that although Oland fights on despite repeated setbacks regarding the thunder acclaimed, but the innermost feelings worry next he may not come back from the storm sea time. 奥兰虽然对于雷屡败屡战的勇气非常赞叹,但是内心又担心下一次他不一定能够从风暴海回来。 Gives up!” “放弃吧!” Thunder!” “雷!” No one can pass through that storm seas, the miracle of Evel person was not once replicable.” “没有人能够穿越那片风暴海,曾经爱维尔人的奇迹不可复制。” The thunder actually grasps own metal forehead, was saying to Oland. 雷却抓了抓了自己的金属脑门,对着奥兰说。 Then several time!” “这才第几次呢!” Even if must admit defeat, must try several times!” “就算要认输,也得多试几次吧!” Oland was saying to: Each attempt, possibly takes the price in the by life.” 奥兰对着雷说:“每一次尝试,都可能是在以生命作为代价。” Thunder, the storm sea was too dangerous.” “雷,风暴海太危险了。” The thunder was saying to Oland: But each attempt and failure, have not harvested slightly, each failure is advancing ahead.” 雷却对着奥兰说:“但是每一次尝试和失败,都不是丝毫没有收获,每一次失败都在往前推进。” For example this failure, I know what the storm sea is, the next my preparation will be more sufficient.” “比如这一次的失败,我就知道了风暴海到底是什么样的了,下一次我的准备就会更加充分。” The thunder, stopped at this point. 雷说到这里,停顿了一下。 „The next time, did not have 2nd and 3rd went, somewhat was truly dangerous.” “不过下一次,就不带二号和三号去了,确实有些危险。” That storm into the sea|nautical mile strength of was really strange, these fearful existences, the myth following was hard to resist.” “那风暴海里的力量实在是太诡异了,还有那些可怕的存在,神话以下难以抵抗。” In his sound has embarrassed, has several points of simple and honest. 他的声音里有着不好意思,又有着几分憨厚。 Their these frightened time unbearably, may not accompany me to take risk next time.” “他们两个这一次吓得够呛,下次也可能不会陪我去冒险了。” Oland was saying to: I found the way to check a next past history and record again, looks how once the Evel person left Ruhul Giant Island.” 奥兰对着雷说道:“我想办法再查一下当年的历史和记载吧,看一看曾经爱维尔人到底是怎么离开鲁赫巨岛的。” The thunder is expressing gratitude for Oland: Help thank you, Oland.” 雷对着奥兰表示感谢:“谢谢你的帮助,奥兰。” mannequin demon spirit of named thunder as if always does not stop, was just defeated starts to toss about. 名为雷的人偶魔灵似乎总是停不下,刚刚失败就开始折腾。
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