IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#397 Part 2: Body-Fusion! Distortion!

Oland and thunder recent several days are almost rushing a job of watching, actually not because of anxious, but are they also anticipate the birth of this special flight item. 奥兰和雷最近几天几乎是不眠不休的赶工,倒不是因为急切,而是他们也非常期待这架特殊飞行道具的诞生。 Today. 今天。 The thunder flight vehicle constructed finally, is quick. 雷的飞行器终于建造好了,算起来已经非常快了。 Compared in the small many numbers flight vehicles, Alchemy Tower of Oland may want to much in a big way, must cost the time many, until now even also only above schematic diagram. 相比于小多少号的飞行器,奥兰的炼金塔可要大得多了,也要耗费时间得多,至今甚至还只在草图之上。 However finally appears before everyone, is actually a great-circle egg, one full is the iron lump of pattern. 不过最终出现在所有人面前的,却是一个大圆蛋,一个满是花纹的铁疙瘩。 Above Demon Abyss royal city city wall. 魔渊王城的城墙之上。 The thunder and Oland lifted here the new flight vehicle, Demon Abyss royal city demon spirit gathered in together, is sizing up flight vehicle that Oland and thunder manufactured most newly. 雷和奥兰将新飞行器抬到了这里,魔渊王城魔灵们汇聚在一起,打量着奥兰和雷最新制作出来的飞行器。 „Is this flight vehicle?” “这是飞行器?” How before complete different?” “怎么和之前的完全不一样?” „Isn't this egg?” “这不是一个蛋吗?” Every large or small demon spirit move around the surroundings, some fly in the space, do some sway, some walk sends out the winter winter the sound. 大大小小的魔灵们围绕着周围旋转,有的飞在天上,有的摇摇晃晃,有的走路都发出冬冬的响声。 Today is the day that the thunder new flight vehicle flies for the first time, but the thunder obviously is a adventurous faction of romanticism. 今天便是雷新飞行器第一次飞行的日子,而雷显然是一个浪漫主义的冒险派。 He the day of first test flight, regarded oneself to set sail to rush to the black storm the day. 他将第一次试飞的日子,就当成了自己起航闯黑风暴的日子。 Can see that on Demon Abyss royal city knot opened an opening, that is Ms. Rhett intention Eliana applies, goes on a journey the preparation for him. 可以看到魔渊王城的结界上打开了一个口子,那是雷特意向爱莲娜女士申请的,为他出行准备的。 The thunder exchanges the duster that made newly, the collar that raises up high looks very energetic, is very imposing. 雷换上了一身新做的罩袍,高高竖起的领子看上去很精神,很威风。 Also follows two other demon spirit, three platoons in the same place. 身后还跟着两个其他魔灵,三个排在一起。 Like corps. 就和一个战队一样。 One is flame demon spirit of big head coverglass head, in the glass head the flame flows , the probably red viscous magma is the same. 一个是大脑袋玻璃罩头的火焰魔灵,玻璃脑袋里火焰流淌,又好像红色的粘稠岩浆一样。 Very attractive kite demon spirit circles in the side of Oland, before asked the thunder must fly that demon spirit of Sun, does not know how the thunder is tricking the agreement him and he rushes to the black storm together. 一个非常漂亮的风筝魔灵盘旋在奥兰的身边,正是之前问雷是不是要飞上太阳的那个魔灵,不知道雷是怎么将他忽悠着同意和他一起闯黑风暴的。 After the thunder looks all are ready, immediately shouts one. 雷看一切准备就绪之后,立刻大喊了一声。 „1st!” “一号!” „2nd!” “二号!” „3rd!” “三号!” Synthesis, distortion.” “合体,变形。” Probably this has the imposing manner specially, in fact the following a series of changes also indeed shook many people. 好像这样特别有气势,实际上接下来的一系列变化也的确震住了不少人。 Only saw mannequin demon spirit, flame demon spirit and kite demon spirit all of a sudden inflated metal egg wrapping. 只看见人偶魔灵、火焰魔灵、风筝魔灵一下子被膨胀的金属蛋给包裹了进去。 The thunder head struggled from the metal egg, formed cockpit of one head. 雷的脑袋从金属蛋里挣扎了出来,形成了一个只有一个脑袋的驾驶舱。 The Alchemy item flight vehicle little formation, grew the propeller, nose and airplane tail. 紧接着炼金道具飞行器一点点成型,长出了螺旋桨、机头、机尾。 Kite demon spirit changes into the wing, delays from the both sides of metal egg. 风筝魔灵化为机翼,从金属蛋的两侧延展出来。 But flame demon spirit emitted two flame, changed into the above glass. 而火焰魔灵喷吐了两口火焰,化为了上面的玻璃。 DuangDuangDuang ~ “DuangDuangDuang~” A sound. 一阵声音。 Three demon spirit and Alchemy items combine in together, changed into the complete body. 三个魔灵炼金道具组合在一起,化为了完全体。 A strange Alchemy flight vehicle appears in everyone impressively at present, but three demon spirit were completely long with this flight vehicle in one was the same. 一架奇异的炼金飞行器赫然出现在了所有人眼前,而三位魔灵和这架飞行器完全长在了一起一样。 Even if demon spirit, has not seen such scene, sends out to call out in alarm. 哪怕是魔灵们,也没有见过这样的场面啊,一个个发出惊呼。 However the thunder movement had not ended, the metal mannequin head in flight vehicle cabin swayed from side to side. 但是雷的动作还没有结束,飞行器舱内的金属人偶脑袋扭动了起来。 „2nd 3rd.” “二号三号。” Obeys the order!” “听从命令!” Launching ~ “起飞~” Then this flight vehicle really flew, accelerates from the city wall, finally flushed from above. 然后这飞行器真的飞了起来,从城墙之上加速,最后从上面冲了下去。 The strong winds curl up, the flight vehicle front propeller rotated fast, the speed of flight vehicle is also getting more and more fast. 狂风卷起,飞行器前面的螺旋桨快速转动了起来,飞行器的速度也越来越快。 After the terrain flight a distance, rushed to the sky suddenly. 在贴地飞行了一段距离之后,眨眼间就冲上了天空。 Although in exactly the same as tentative plan, but Oland is very surprised. 虽然和设想之中的一模一样,但是奥兰还是非常惊奇。 „A demon spirit clan.” 魔灵一族。” Also can unexpectedly like this?” “竟然还可以这样?” „It is not the item of flesh since birth, has the body of unusual strength since birth.” “生来就不属于血肉的道具,生来拥有超凡力量的身躯。” Can combine naturally in the item together, has a more powerful strength, more flexible stance.” “天然可以和道具组合在一起,拥有更强大的力量,更灵活的姿态。” Even if Oland, at this moment also thinks that saw the different scenes. 哪怕是奥兰,此刻也自认为是见到了不一样的场面了。 Oland suddenly felt, a demon spirit clan and item are such conjunctions. 奥兰突然觉得,魔灵一族和道具是如此的契合。 They as if are the natural item users, can rely on the strength of item, even can with the item link. 他们似乎就是天生的道具使用者,能够借助道具的力量,甚至能够和道具结合在一起。 Demon Abyss royal city demon spirit, are pursuing that flight vehicle to another side of city wall, looks at the flight vehicle to vanish in the distant place. 魔渊王城魔灵们,更是追逐着那飞行器一直到城墙的另一边,看着飞行器消失在远方。 Thunder they constructed one thing, then put together oneself in the same place goes out to play.” “雷他们建造了一样东西,然后把自己拼在一起出去玩了。” „It seems like very interesting.” “看起来好像挺有趣的。” How does this is achieve?” “这是怎么做到的?” And other thunder came back, we can ask him.” “等雷回来,我们可以问他。” demon spirit also as if discovered another type, the way that their strength and characteristics display. 魔灵们也似乎发现了另外一种,将他们力量和特点发挥出来的方式。 In demon spirit pyramid. 魔灵金字塔内。 God of Demon Spirit Eliana is also gazing at the thunder at this moment, looks at the thunder to control his brand-new flight vehicle, leading two demon spirit partners to rush to the sky. 魔灵之神爱莲娜此刻也在注视着雷,看着雷驾驭着他的全新飞行器,带着两位魔灵伙伴冲上天空。 That face of ghost, revealed gratified unexpectedly. 幽魂的那张面孔,竟然露出了一丝欣慰。 Thunder!” “雷!” You are not only flying to the distant place, is exploring a future and hope of demon spirit clan.” “你不仅仅是在飞向远方,也是在探索着魔灵一族的未来和希望。”
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