IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#397 Part 1: Body-Fusion! Distortion!

The thunder miracle workshop is located in Moon Tower not far away, is nearby the Yesel great tower. 雷的奇迹工坊位于月塔不远处,也即是耶赛尔巨塔附近。 In the workshop is placing all kinds of components, is chaotic completely not like the appearance, the every large or small miracle ceremony flagstone places to be one of them, very spacious place stops up obviously seems like a narrow corridor. 工坊之中摆放着各种各样的零件,乱得完全不像样子,大大小小的奇迹仪式石板摆放在其中,明明很宽敞的地方堵得像是一个狭窄的过道。 Only has to arrive at the innermost, cleaned up an open area, placing one fully is being the table of scroll. 唯有走到最里面,才清理出了一块空地,摆放着一张满是卷轴的桌子。 A door leads to outside corridor directly, the bright light shoots from the gate permit. 一扇门直接通往外面的长廊,明亮的光从门照射进来。 Arrives at outside, will discover that corridor distance most under ground has dozens meters high, above is placing several flight vehicles. 走到外面,就会发现那条长廊距离最底下的地面有着数十米高,上面摆放着好几架飞行器。 Here was my miracle workshop, was the place that I lived.” “这里就是我的奇迹工坊了,也是我住的地方。” I except for flight vehicle, will make other things, the box that for example can sing, can hold the mechanical gripping device of wall automatically, the glide wing that the flight vehicle simplifies......” “我除了飞行器,也会做一些其他的东西,例如会唱歌的盒子,可以自动抓住墙壁的机械抓手,飞行器简化成的滑翔翼……” The thunder walks toward inside, at the same time was introducing own family/home and workshop, takes up some strange things. 雷往里面走去,一边介绍着自己的家和工坊,拿起一些稀奇古怪的东西。 Mer also and thunder knew, he no longer dreaded like before, felt oneself were with a great godkin speech. 加美尔也和雷认识了,他不再像之前一样畏惧,觉得自己是在和一位伟大的神裔说话。 Thunder except for seeming like not too likely a living person, is easy getting along with , during does not imagine like Mer arrogant. 雷除了看起来不太像个活人,还是非常好相处的,也并不像加美尔想象之中的那样傲慢。 Even is very interesting. 甚至还很有趣。 After Mer arrives at Demon Abyss royal city, first notices clothes that is a demon spirit clan. 加美尔来到魔渊王城之后,第一个注意到的就是魔灵一族的衣服。 That is the gorgeous and exquisite cotton material that in the legend various god states have. 那是传说之中诸神国度才拥有的华美和细腻的布料。 This type of cotton material is snake human is unable to weave, results in finely is not the world, however is not probably precious in this city. 这种布料是蛇人无法织造出来的,精美得不属于人间,但是在这座城市之中好像并不怎么珍贵。 Because he saw at this moment in the thunder miracle workshop is also hanging large number of clothes, cannot bear ask. 因此刻他看到了雷的奇迹工坊之中还挂着大量的这种衣服,就忍不住问道。 Mr. thunder.” “雷先生。” Weaving of this god, in the legend is the thing of God, how do you manufacture?” “这种神之织,传说之中属于神明之物,你们到底是怎么制作出来的?” In Demon Abyss royal city, is producing weaving of this beautiful god, but also has the wonderful workmanship tailor to come for you to sew the clothing?” “难道在魔渊王城之中,也出产着这种美丽的神之织,还有着巧夺天工的裁缝来替您们缝制衣物吗?” The thunder hears Mer's issue, immediately turns head to have doubts looks at him. 雷听到加美尔的这个问题,立刻回过头来疑惑的看着他。 Manufacture?” “制作?” Does not need to manufacture, can change.” “不用制作,可以变。” Mer was shocked: Changes?” 加美尔更愣住了:“变?” Mer is confused, but Oland actually knows that probably the thunder is what meaning, although he has not seen before then. 加美尔一头雾水,不过奥兰却大概知道雷是什么意思,虽然他在这之前也没有见过。 The thunder turned in big pile of junks looked for quite a while, finally turned out a flagstone. 雷在一大堆杂物里翻找了半天,终于翻出了一块石板。 Is comparing above ceremony technique, the ancient Fairy name of correspondence, nods. 对照着上面的仪式术阵,还有对应的古代妖精名字,点了点头。 Right, is this.” “没错,就是这个。” Should also be able to use.” “应该还可以用。” Washes to seem like trash one thing from the corner, according to the general allocated proportion, put came up, then both hands according to flagstone. 从角落里淘出一些看上去像是垃圾一样的东西,按照大概的配比,放了一些上去,然后双手按在石板上面。 The above of flagstone presented a colored light, these trash melting in the ray congealed, changed into a lot of light dust. 石板的上方出现了一道彩色的光,于光芒之中那些“垃圾”融化凝结,化为了大量的光尘。 Gorgeous cotton material appeared sky over the flagstone, fell gently. 紧接着一匹华美的布料就出现在了石板上空,轻轻的落了下来。 The thunder personally demonstrated to Oland and Mer, puts out a hand to them said. 雷亲手向奥兰和加美尔展示了一番,伸出手向他们表示。 Look!” “看!” This came out.” “这样就出来了。” As if was saying, is such simple. 似乎在说,就是这么简单。 This, looks at Oland and Mer two people are dumbfounded. 这一幕,看得奥兰和加美尔两个人目瞪口呆。 This is not the Alchemy technique, is not divine spell. 这不是炼金术,也不是神术 This is the miracle. 这是奇迹。 Mer has not thought in this world has such a race, the thing that they use daily does not need to forge, does not need to smelt, does not need to burn. 加美尔从来没有想过这世界上有这样一个种族,他们日常用的东西不需要锻造,不需要冶炼,不需要烧制。 So long as puts out a flagstone, puts something, then both hands press upward, can directly change. 只要拿出一块石板,放上一些东西,然后双手往上一按,就能够直接变出来。 Do not lift flower cup in Cup of Desire of Oland chest, Mer is gazing at the thunder form ; He truly is at this moment clear, the God King descendant is what meaning. 别在奥兰胸口的欲望之杯抬起花杯,加美尔注视着雷的身影;他此时此刻才真正明白,神王的后裔是什么意思。 Oland looks at this flagstone, looked to this somewhat disorderly crowded room, read its true name. 奥兰看着这块石板,看向了这有些杂乱拥挤的屋子,念出了它真正的名字。 Really!” “果然!” This is the miracle ceremony workshop.” “这就是奇迹仪式工坊。” Although Oland understanding female celestial, but the female celestial has Fairy part of strengths, 奥兰虽然认识仙女,但是仙女拥有的只有妖精的一部分力量, The storage thing female celestial has said that her these is fine the thing that is inconceivable is Fairy makes. 储物仙女说过,她的那些精美得难以想象的东西都是妖精们制造出来的。 But in the Fairy state, these thing piling up is hard to measure. 而在妖精的国度之中,这些东西堆积如山难以计量。 So long as Fairy can make all kinds of things in an instant, changes into the wall house the cakes and pastries, makes clew mannequin to change into the paradise. 妖精们只要一念之间就可以制造出各种各样的东西,将糕点化为墙壁房屋,制造出线团人偶化为乐园。 Changes into the star embellishment sky the candy, the liquor hydration is rivers, changes into the mountain gold and silver. 将糖果化为星星点缀天空,将酒水化为河流,将金银化为大山。 This is the strength of miracle. 这就是奇迹的力量。 Listens, thought that the Fairy strength with having a dream to be the same, being full of the fantasy and was not real. 听的时候,就觉得妖精的力量就和做梦一样,充满了幻想和不真实。 Although he had seen, but sees now again, Oland thought as before shocks is unable to restrain oneself. 虽然他曾经见过,但是现在再次看到的时候,奥兰依旧是觉得震撼得不能自已。 The thunder thought all these are very normal, he not cares a whoop held this arrange/cloth, then handed in front of the Oland two people. 雷则觉得这一切很正常,他丝毫不在意的将这匹布抱了起来,然后递到了奥兰两个人面前。 Does not know that delivers you anything.” “也不知道送你们一些什么。” Gives you this, is regarded as the gift of first arriving.” “就将这个送给你们吧,当作是初次到来的礼物。” Is a guest and pays a visit obviously, is Mer and Oland, but this moment these two people completely immerse during shock of miracle technique and was hard to understand. 明明来做客和登门拜访的,是加美尔和奥兰,不过此刻这两个人完全沉浸在奇迹术的震撼和难以理解之中了。 Mer controlled silver flower cup to aim at the thunder, asked him agitated. 加美尔操控着银色花杯对准了雷,情绪激动的问他。 What strength is this?” “这是什么力量?” We can use, can snake human also use?” “我们可以用吗,蛇人也可以用吗?” What can this flagstone also change? Can change food?” “这块石板还能变出什么来?能够变出食物吗?” Mer thinks, if snake human also has such strength. 加美尔想,如果蛇人也拥有这样的力量的话。 That is not equal to having the countless resources, inexhaustible thing. 那不就是等于拥有数之不尽的资源,取之不尽的东西。 Had its snake human not to need to poverty again, can have all. 有了它蛇人就不用再忍饥挨饿,可以拥有一切。 Oland replied Mer's doubts. 奥兰回答了加美尔的疑惑。 This is miracle power.” “这是奇迹之力。” Is a strength of Fairy clan alone.” “独属于妖精一族的力量。” Has the strength is not this flagstone, but lives in Fairy of Creator state.” “拥有力量的不是这块石板,而是居住在造物主国度的妖精们。” They not only can change weaving of magnificent god, but can also change all kinds of food, can change the oil, candy and cakes and pastries also to have the carrying/sustaining their gold and silver ware.” “他们不仅仅能够变出华丽的神之织,还可以变出各种各样的食物,可以变出油、糖果、糕点还有承载它们的金银器。” Can change the ice, changes the white pottery, changes the crystal.” “可以变出冰,变出白陶,变出水晶。” „The thing that so long as we can imagine, they wave to change.” “只要我们能够想象到的东西,他们挥挥手都可以变出来。” Oland recalled once to store female celestial St. Raphael also in the world, these mortals can imagine all that cannot imagine, she had almost completely. 奥兰回忆起了曾经储物仙女圣拉菲尔还在人间的时候,那些凡人所能想象到的,所不能想象到的一切,她几乎全部都拥有。 Even if the most honored king, is similar to the beggar in her front. 哪怕是最尊贵的国王,在她的面前也如同乞丐。 Mer controlled flower cup to turn the head, aimed at Oland. 加美尔控制着花杯转过头来,对准了奥兰。 Fairy strength?” 妖精的力量?” Mer's small time also had heard the fairy tale, the Ruler of Dreamland side has a Fairy clan, they can change all kinds of things. 加美尔小的时候也听说过童话故事,梦境主宰的身边有着妖精一族,他们能够变出各种各样的东西。 However this changes, there are many annotation methods, 但是这个变出,有很多种诠释方法, However Mer noticed at this moment, true changed. 但是加美尔此刻看到的,是真正的变出来了。 The fairy tale and fantasy, really turned at this moment before him. 童话和幻想,此时此刻在他面前变成了真实。 Oland looked to Mer, was saying to him. 奥兰看向了加美尔,对着他说道。 But this is only the thunder their strength, does not belong to snake human, is not this era.” “但是这是只属于雷他们的力量,不属于蛇人,也不属于这一个纪元。” This is Creator to their gracious gifts , is only them.” “这是造物主对他们的恩赐,也只属于他们。” Thunder not clear present outside situation, can only say to two people. 雷也不清楚现在外面的情况,只能对两个人说道。 In the ancient times demon spirit and a Fairy clan has concluded the contract, therefore we can use miracle power.” “古代魔灵曾经和妖精一族缔结过契约,所以我们可以使用奇迹之力。” „As for concludes the contract, actually we have also forgotten.” “至于什么时候缔结契约的,其实我们也早已经忘记了。” Only remembers indistinctly, how should use it.” “只隐约记得一些,该怎么使用它。” Mer's mood at this moment does not know that should say is the envy, the heart that even envies was flushed peacefully, was only left over looking up. 加美尔此刻的心情不知道该说是嫉妒,还是连嫉妒的心都被冲澹了,只剩下了仰望。 Because the disparity was too big, instead makes people think that is hard to touch. 因为差距太大了,反而让人觉得难以触及。 The opposite party live in the Creator garden, has the bloodlines of God King, is controlling Ruhul Giant God strength. 对方生在造物主的花园,拥有着神王的血脉,掌控着鲁赫巨神的力量。 The Creator gracious gift their miracle power, making them have all baseless. 造物主恩赐他们奇迹之力,让他们凭空拥有了一切。 At this moment, in Mer heart somewhat desolate said a few words. 此时此刻,加美尔心中有些落寞的说出了一句话。 We are the mortals, they are godkin.” “我们是凡人,他们是神裔。” The thunder does not know that in Mer heart thinks, at this moment he drew Oland to arrive on outside corridor warmly, reported own several flight vehicles to him. 雷不知道加美尔心中所想,此刻他热情的拉着奥兰来到了外面的长廊上,向他介绍起了自己的几架飞行器。 Looks at this, is individual lift device that I make.” “看这个,是我做的单人飞行器。” This can sit two people.” “这个是可以坐两个人的。” This, is the pair of wings that I conceive, but has not finished.” “还有这个,是我设想的双翼的,但是还没有完工。” Is introducing the manufacture principles and structure lines of these flight vehicles endlessly, its materials behavior. 雷喋喋不休的介绍着这些飞行器的制造原理和结构线条,还有它的材料特性。 Oland also in suddenly discovered, can make this type of flight vehicle, only then grasped existence of miracle technique, because the snake human smelting technology has not reached this level at present. 奥兰也在其中突然发现,能够制造出这种飞行器的只有掌握了奇迹术的存在,因为目前蛇人的冶炼技术并没有达到这种水准。 However Oland is listening to the explanation of thunder as before earnestly, has listened to him to say thoroughly. 不过奥兰依旧还是认真听着雷的讲解,一直听他彻底说完。 At this time, Oland asked the thunder the reason that wanted to build the new flight vehicle. 这个时候,奥兰才问起了雷想要打造新飞行器的原因。 Right, thunder.” “对了,雷。” Why can you make the new flight vehicle?” “你为什么要制造新的飞行器呢?” The thunder said happily: I must the place that goes to Sun to raise.” 雷高兴的说:“我要去太阳升起的地方。” Oland has doubts: Place that goes to Sun to raise?” 奥兰非常疑惑:“去太阳升起的地方?” Why will you have such idea?” “你为什么会有这样的想法?” The thunder was saying to Oland: Because some people told me, the place that so long as raised toward Sun non-stop flew, can fly the new world, there had a new continent.” 雷对着奥兰说:“因为有人告诉我,只要朝着太阳升起的地方一直飞,就能够飞到新世界去,那里有一座新大陆。” „The Evel person travelled by boat, but I want to bring my flight vehicle to go together.” 爱维尔人曾经就坐船去过,而我想要带着我的飞行器一起去。” Oland shakes the head, tells the thunder. 奥兰摇了摇头,告诉雷。 „The Evel person from west side depart, there is the direction that Sun sets.” 爱维尔人是从西边出发的,那里是太阳落山的方向。” The thunder gawked, adjusted a direction to look, that side was the West. 雷愣了一下,调整了一个方向看了过去,那边是西方。 But knew is the West time, the thunder somewhat is suddenly desolate. 只不过得知是西方的时候,雷突然有些落寞。 If toward solar depart, were better.” “如果朝着太阳出发的话,就更好了。” The thunder patted a palm suddenly, will turn to the East. 雷突然拍了一下手掌,又将头扭向了东方。 „The western mainland had been discovered, that did not have the means.” “西边的大陆已经被人发现了,那就没有办法了。” Perhaps toward direction depart of Sun, can discover another mainland, some people have never arrived in the world?” “说不定朝着太阳的方向出发,也能够发现另一片大陆,一个从未有人抵达过的世界呢?” Oland: This is not I can know that my Ruhul Giant Island has not left, place that let alone Sun raises.” 奥兰:“这就不是我能够知道的,我连鲁赫巨岛都从来没有离开过,更别说太阳升起的地方了。” The thunder actually approached him: But made one anticipate very much, was rousing, not?” 雷却凑近了他:“但是很令人期待,也令人兴奋,不是吗?” Oland is not clear, actually the thunder is to seek for that new world, new mainland. 奥兰不明白,雷究竟是想要去寻找那片新世界,新的大陆。 Is only pure, wants to fly toward the place that Sun raises. 还是只是单纯的,想要朝着太阳升起的地方飞去。 After Oland knew the thunder goal, the hope persuaded him to eliminate this method. 奥兰知道了雷的目的之后,还是希望劝说他打消这个方法。 Is only, you are impossible to depart Ruhul Giant Island to go.” “只是,你不可能飞出鲁赫巨岛去的。” Thunder doubts asked him: Why?” 雷疑惑的问他:“为什么?” Oland said: Because you, regardless of flies in that direction, not possible leap black storm.” 奥兰说:“因为你无论朝着那个方向飞,都不可能飞跃黑风暴。” The thunder is actually not willing to give up, he believes that the Evel person can find the method to leave Ruhul Giant Island, he can also attempt. 雷却不愿意放弃,他相信爱维尔人能够找到方法离开鲁赫巨岛,他也可以尝试一下。 So long as found the method certainly to fly, some people flew, these Evel people.” “只要找到方法一定可以飞出去的,曾经就有人飞出去过,那些爱维尔人。” Oland wants to say after the Evel person, no one has left Ruhul Giant Island. 奥兰本来想说从爱维尔人之后,就再也没有人离开过鲁赫巨岛 However looks at the thunder exciting exciting appearance, Oland has not said ; Because he is faintly clear, this is incomparably rigid demon spirit. 但是看着雷激动兴奋的模样,奥兰却并没有说出来;因为他隐隐明白,这是一个无比执着的魔灵 Matter that so long as he recognizes, even if failed 1000 times, 10,000 times. 只要他认定的事情,哪怕失败一千次,一万次。 Even if died a lot of times, even if passes through the years samsara. 哪怕死亡千百次,哪怕穿越岁月轮回。 He will also pursue a that only chance of success- 他也会去追求那唯一的一次成功的机会- Thunder miracle workshop. 雷的奇迹工坊。 Oland is helping the thunder transform his flight vehicle, after he goes back, thinks one in the evening, put out new side An. 奥兰正在帮助雷改造着他的飞行器,他回去之后想了一晚上,拿出了一个新的方桉。 Thunder original side An is very rough, installs one on the flight vehicle with the hot-air balloon that the flame stimulates to movement. 雷原本的方桉很粗糙,是在飞行器上装上一个用火焰催动的热气球。 Then on mine belt flame demon spirit, kite demon spirit. 然后雷带上一个火焰魔灵,一个风筝魔灵 The thunder controls the flight vehicle in front, flame demon spirit can the raising hot-air balloon rest in the sky, kite demon spirit can also drag to entrain them occasionally to glide. 雷在前面操控飞行器,火焰魔灵可以升起热气球在天空休息,风筝魔灵偶尔还可以拖拽着他们滑翔。 Three demon spirit form a team, can circulate to proceed alternately. 三个魔灵组成一个队,就可以交替循环往前了。 How this side did An say? 只是这个方桉怎么说呢? Flame demon spirit can turn into hot-air balloon to flutter in the space, everywhere which kite demon spirit can also fly to fly to fly. 火焰魔灵可以变成热气球自己在天上飘着,风筝魔灵也可以四处飞想飞哪就飞哪。 Will not fly on a thunder person, another two lead him of child in such an arrangement to proceed to push onward is completely same. 就雷一个人不会飞,另外两个完全是带着拖油瓶的他在往前挺进一样。 Kite demon spirit and flame demon spirit spiritual strength is also limited, can only maintain is not the long some time strength revolves, needs to rest, it is estimated that the thunder flight vehicle does not use. 要不是风筝魔灵和火焰魔灵精神力量也有限,只能维持并不算长的一段时间力量运转,也需要休息,估计连雷的飞行器都不用了。 side An of Oland is. 奥兰的方桉则是。 Builds a flight vehicle of third-order Alchemy item, with wind and thunder two strengths of incantation seal.” “打造一个三阶炼金道具的飞行器,用风、雷两种咒印的力量。” Incantation of seal wind can accelerate the flight vehicle speed, incantation of seal thunder can prevent the thunder in storm.” “风之咒印可以加速飞行器速度,雷之咒印可以阻挡住风暴之中的雷霆。” Oland looks at the thunder, told him. 奥兰看着雷,告诉他。 Even this, still being insufficient lets you across the black storm.” “不过就算这样,也不足以让你穿过黑风暴。” The thunder nods, is somewhat eager to try: This is very good, first tries!” 雷点了点头,有些跃跃欲试:“这样很不错,先试一试吧!” Oland looked at the thunder to agree, then said. 奥兰看雷同意了,便接着说道。 Because of the Alchemy item according to divine blood how much, was deciding its period of revolution, wisdom divine blood derives the spiritual strength, but stimulation of movement the unusual strength will consume the psychic force that divine blood derives every minute.” “因为炼金道具按照神血的多寡,决定着它的使用时间,智慧神血衍生出精神力量,而催动的每一分超凡力量都会耗费神血衍生出来的精神力。” Oland a few words, to put it bluntly the essence of divine spell item. 奥兰一句话,就说穿了神术道具的本质。 „The restoration of spiritual strength requires the time, when use that therefore most Alchemy items decide limitedly or is long.” “精神力量的恢复需要时间,所以大多数炼金道具都有限定的使用次数或者时长。” You must gather enough much wind and thunder unusual material, the divine blood intensity at least need enough you to use quite a while, then takes third-order flame demon spirit, raising hot-air balloon in rest.” “你要凑到足够多的风和雷的超凡材料,神血强度至少要足够你用半天的,然后再带上一位三阶火焰魔灵,在休息的时候升起热气球。” Like this is insufficient you not to have the power the time, fell into the into the sea|nautical mile directly.” “这样不至于你们没有动力的时候,直接掉进海里去了。” The thunder asked a question at this time. 雷这个时候问了一个问题。 Your flight magic carpet?” “那你的飞行魔毯呢?” Also is flies a meeting, stops a meeting?” “也是飞一会,停一会吗?” Oland told the thunder: I have many flight magic carpets, a strength exhausted, trades another.” 奥兰告诉雷:“我有很多张飞行魔毯,一张力量耗尽了,就换另一张。” Good, this is also a rich fellow. 好吧,这也是个有钱的家伙。 It passes through less than half Ruhul Giant Island unexpectedly like this. 其竟然是这样穿过小半个鲁赫巨岛的。 However this is not strange, Oland after all is the White Tower Alchemy Alliance founder, is apostle of God, 不过这也不奇怪,奥兰毕竟是白塔炼金联盟的缔造者,更是一位神之使徒, The thunder also understood how to refine the item, the thing that but grasps at present is quite rough. 雷也懂得如何炼制道具,但是目前掌握的东西比较粗糙。 Once he was possibly skilled, but he has forgotten the initial many knowledge now. 曾经的他可能非常精通,但是现在他早已遗忘了当初的许多知识。 However the thunder has many savings, should enough build the third-order Alchemy item flight vehicle, moreover can find Demon Abyss royal city others to borrow some. 不过雷有着不少积蓄,应该足够打造出三阶的炼金道具飞行器,而且还可以找魔渊王城的其他人借上一些。 However thunder after looking, made the adjustment on the side tuart of Oland. 但是雷在看完之后,又在奥兰的方桉上做了调整。 The thunder put out a brand-new blueprint from the table, is his recent new idea. 雷从桌子上拿出了一张崭新的图纸,是他最近的新想法。 Oland, you look.” “奥兰,你看。” „Can we this.” “我们可不可以这样做。” Only makes kite demon spirit turn into the wing of flight vehicle in the flight directly, this can be quicker, was equal to growing an unusual wing for the flight vehicle.” “只在飞行的时候直接让风筝魔灵变成飞行器的机翼,这样就可以更快了,等于是为飞行器插上了一张超凡的翅膀。” Does not need the wing rest time, is a hanging basket, turns into a genuine hot-air balloon.” “不需要机翼休息的时候,就是一个吊篮,变成一个真正的热气球。” The thunder and Oland are sharing own idea: I think recently this means that are also looking for kite demon spirit to join me.” 雷和奥兰分享着自己的想法:“我最近才想到了这个办法,也在找一位风筝魔灵加入我。” Oland nods: Leaves behind a vacancy, enabling kite demon spirit to mount directly on the Alchemy item, this idea is interesting.” 奥兰点了点头:“留下一个空缺,让风筝魔灵可以直接镶嵌在炼金道具上,这个想法非常有意思。” After several days, how two people in designing kite demon spirit mounted , on Alchemy item flight vehicle, had a new idea suddenly. 过了几天,两个人在设计好了风筝魔灵如何镶嵌在炼金道具飞行器上的时候,又突然生出了一个新的想法。 Oland: Since can mount kite demon spirit, that other demon spirit should also be able to mount.” 奥兰:“既然能够将风筝魔灵镶嵌上去的话,那其他魔灵应该也可以镶嵌上去。” Thunder: We cannot regard components ourselves directly, installing on Alchemy item flight vehicle?” 雷:“我们不能直接把自己当成一个零件,给安装在炼金道具飞行器上?” Oland and thunder two people look at each other one, can see that both people discovered probably any new world is the same. 奥兰和雷两个人对视一眼,可以看到两个人都好像发现了什么新天地一样。 This at first idea by being proposed. 这个最初由雷提出的想法。 Further improves. 进一步完善。 Changes, the blueprint of Alchemy item flight vehicle changed the appearance completely. 改来改去,炼金道具飞行器的设计图就完全变了样子。 At least side one seemed like with the flight vehicle does not build completely, seems like the item that can distort probably to be the same. 至少一眼看上去和飞行器完全不搭边了,看上去就好像一个可以变形的道具一样。 The metal mannequin demon spirit thunder can integrate the fuselage, entire metal mannequin is controlling each place of fuselage, is control of entire flight vehicle. 金属人偶魔灵雷可以融入机身,整个金属人偶掌控着机身的每一个地方,也是整个飞行器的操控者。 Flame demon spirit turned into the above keeping out the wind cover, can inflate to change into a big hot-air balloon. 火焰魔灵变成了上面的挡风罩子,也可以膨胀开来化为一个大热气球。 Kite demon spirit turns the wing that can disassemble and free start, does not need time can take down. 风筝魔灵变成可以拆卸和自由启动的机翼,不需要的时候可以取下来。 Records ceremony technique knot in the overall structure again, can be used to prevent the storm and thunder. 再在主体上刻录上一层仪式术阵结界,可以用来阻挡风暴和雷霆。 The general designer tuart was also this. 大概的设计方桉也就是这样了。 Two people started to take action, but also found many demon spirit help in city, new flight vehicle also in day-by-day formation. 两人开始行动了起来,还找到了城中的不少魔灵帮忙,新的飞行器也在一天天的成型。 Arrived this step, some Oland also anticipations. 到了这一步,奥兰也有些期待。 If the thunder really can be successful, after representative, has the increasing number of people to break the limit of black storm, goes to outside world. 因为如果雷真的能够成功的话,是不是代表着以后有着越来越多的人将会突破黑风暴的限制,前往外面的世界。 On this day. 这一天。 Oland holds a pot to come. 奥兰是抱着一个花盆进来的。 That silver flower cup vacillates, is speaking the strange words. 那银色的花杯左右摇摆,说着奇怪的话。 Tower of Babel!” 通天塔啊!” Tower of Babel!” 通天塔!” Everyone knows to raise the head, is looking at the group star of space.” “所有人都知道抬着头,望着天上的群星。” They want to grow the wing, wanting the governing wind to fly.” “他们都想要插上翅膀,想要御风而飞。” The sound is melodious, is singing to be the same probably. 声音抑扬顿挫,就好像在唱歌一样。 The thunder is busy at work is recording ceremony technique on the fuselage, saw Oland noticed Cup of Desire that fused the Oland desire. 雷正在忙活着在机身上刻录仪式术阵,一看到奥兰就注意到了融合了奥兰愿望的欲望之杯 This seems somewhat infiltrates the flowers of person in the thunder eye, actually surprised. 这个看起来有些渗人的花朵在雷的眼中,却只有惊奇。 Therefore after letting Oland sits, he cannot bear look that grows the flower of head to say. 所以让奥兰坐下来之后,他忍不住看着那长着头颅的花说道。 What is this?” “这是什么?” Oland said: I stumbled upon, and builds through a special way.” 奥兰说:“我偶然发现,并且通过一种特殊的方式打造出来的。” The thunder looked at this strange flower, looked at Oland. 雷看了看这朵怪异之花,又看了看奥兰。 „!” “哇!” Your alchemist is quite fierce, can actually make the life.” “你们炼金师好厉害啊,竟然能够制造生命。” Oland told the thunder: „It is not the life that alchemist can make, Cup of Desire before for a long time was very very long had existed, he should be born in very ancient time, I discovered about this flower some secrets.” 奥兰告诉雷:“不是炼金师能够制造出的生命,欲望之杯在很久很久以前就已经存在了,他应该是在很古老的时代就已经诞生了,我只是发现了关于这朵花的一些秘密。” At this point, Oland touched a flower cup border. 说到这里,奥兰触碰了一下花杯的边沿。 I also understand finally why it is called Cup of Desire.” “我也终于明白,它为什么叫做欲望之杯。” This is one with the flower that the desire and holds to read to water. 这是一朵用欲望和执念浇灌出来的花。 Asked Oland: What do you manufacture it to make?” 雷问奥兰:“你制作出它来想要做些什么呢?” Oland said: I want to be centered on it, makes Alchemy Tower, it can change into the Alchemy Tower will, is revolving all of this tower.” 奥兰说:“我希望以它为核心,制造出一座炼金塔,它可以化为炼金塔的意志,运转着这座塔的一切。” thunder Jiezhe asked: Then?” 雷接着问:“然后呢?” Oland said: Such Alchemy Tower is will surpass the predecessor to imagine, it can revolve, does not need anybody to control, even if its control left thoroughly.” 奥兰说:“这样的炼金塔将是超越前人想象的,它可以自行运转,不需要任何人操控,哪怕它的掌控者彻底离开了。” Alchemy Tower damaged it to patch, Alchemy Tower lacked what it to make, Alchemy Tower has problems it to protect.” 炼金塔损坏了它可以修补,炼金塔缺少了什么它可以制造,炼金塔出了问题它可以防护。” However the most important thing is, it is the Alchemy workshop that can revolve.” “但是最重要的是,它是一个可以自行运转的炼金工坊。” It and Alchemy Tower link, is tower spirit ; Alchemy Tower is its body, its hands and feet.” “它和炼金塔结合在一起,就是塔灵;炼金塔就是它的身躯,它的手脚。” Independent it only empties one to hold to read with the desire, but after having Alchemy Tower, it will create the miracle, this is a brand-new Alchemy life.” “单独的它只空有一股执念和欲望,但是拥有了炼金塔之后,它将创造出奇迹,这是一种全新的炼金生命。” The thunder asked Oland: Makes a life be stranded in a place forever, carries out a task.” 雷却问奥兰:“让一个生命永远困在一个地方,执行一个任务。” Can be very brutal?” “会不会很残酷?” „Can it really want?” “它真的会愿意吗?” Oland said: Finally formation tower spirit is not the genuine life body, because it, only then a wisp of desire and holds to read.” 奥兰说:“最后成型的塔灵算不上真正的生命体,因为它只有一缕欲望和执念。” It what for brutal, does not have any to want.” “它并不懂的何为残酷,也没有什么愿意不愿意。” It, only then holds to read with the desire, that must complete this to hold to read with the desire.” “它只有一个执念和欲望,那就是一定要完成这个执念和欲望。” thunder somewhat exclaimed in surprise: How do you think of this idea?” 雷有些惊叹:“你们是怎么想到这种想法的?” Does not choose a person, makes a Alchemy life to come to oneself to work.” “不用人,制造出一个炼金生命来给自己干活。” Oland said: This is the tower spirit deep meaning, is the founder of tower spirit school of thought raises, I come from the tower spirit school of thought.” 奥兰说:“这是塔灵奥义,是塔灵学派的创建者提出来的,我就出身于塔灵学派。” At this point, Oland said the reason that oneself brought it to come finally. 说到这里,奥兰终于说出了自己带着它过来的原因。 I bring it to come, is hopes that the thunder you can help me build the Alchemy Tower basic material with the miracle ceremony.” “我带着它过来,是希望雷你能够用奇迹仪式帮我打造炼金塔的基础材料。” Perhaps also only then your miracle techniques, can help me complete it truly.” “或许也只有你们的奇迹术,才能够真正帮助我完成它。” thunder Muguang is gazing at this on flowers that is growing the head, complied very much refreshedly , indicating that does not have the issue. 雷目光注视着这个长着头颅的花朵上,很爽快的答应了下来,表示没有问题。 Does not have the issue.” “没问题。” You help me transform the flight vehicle, I help you construct Alchemy Tower.” “你帮我改造飞行器,我帮你建造炼金塔。” Two people start to cooperate with joint forces, how the thunder also wants to have a look at Alchemy Tower to refine, studies the alchemist secret- 两个人开始合力协作,雷也想要看看炼金塔是怎么炼制的,学习一下炼金师的秘密- Put all sorts of things together many materials, the thunder with the incantation seal unusual materials of other characteristics, traded the wind, fire and unusual materials of thunder three incantation seal characteristics with Demon Abyss royal city other demon spirit. 东拼西凑了不少材料,雷用其他特性的咒印超凡材料,和魔渊王城的其他魔灵换来了风、火和雷三个咒印特性的超凡材料。
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