IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#396 Part 2: Cannot witness the Creator brilliance

Stored female celestial St. Raphael to save him, perhaps he has disappeared. 要不是储物仙女圣拉菲尔救了他,或许他已经消失了。 If possible, you will know.” “有机会的话,你会知道的。” Gamer has not gotten the answer, actually remembered that temple in demon spirit pyramid suddenly. 伽美尔没有得到答案,却突然想起了魔灵金字塔上的那座神殿 That obviously is another God palace, but God of Demon Spirit moved to outside own idol, seems the guard the same as guard this palace. 那明显是另外一位神明的殿堂,而魔灵之神将自己的神像搬到了外面,就好像侍卫一样守卫着这座殿堂。 Ancient God same is defending another God temple like the guard and retinue, such scene is to only think to shock. 一位古老的神明如同侍卫和仆从一样守着另外一位神明神殿,这样的景象光是想想就让人震撼。 In a Demon Abyss royal city vacant house, welcomed a brand-new resident. 魔渊王城的一件空置的房屋里,迎来了一位全新的住客。 Oland had put out one and same thing from own space ring, placed to fill the entire room, has the appliance that many alchemist used. 奥兰早就从自己的空间戒指里拿出了一样又一样东西,摆放满了整个屋子,其中就有着不少炼金师用的器具。 But on the table, places Cup of Desire that several sizes are varying. 而在桌子上,摆放着好几株大小不一的欲望之杯 These Cup of Desire were placed in covers, on the cover also has this ceremony technique, as if for fear that they escaped were the same. 这些欲望之杯被安置在一个个罩子里面,罩子上还有这仪式术阵,似乎生怕它们逃跑了一样。 Oland sits before the table, in the hand takes a Alchemy note. 奥兰坐在桌子前,手里拿着一本炼金笔记。 That is Oland the Alchemy note of good friend Tuteur. 那是奥兰的挚友老图特的炼金笔记。 He reads the content that sets pen to paper inscribes, tossing about looks, finally turned p. 1. 他翻看着笔记上的内容,翻来覆去的看着,最后又翻到了第一页。 He first looked at a content of preface, finally by the chairback, looked up to out of the window. 他先是看了一遍序言的内容,最后靠在椅背上,抬头看向了窗外。 Then, read out that page of contents with the sound. 接着,用声音读出了那一页的内容。 Everyone knows to raise the head, is looking at the group star of space.” “所有人都知道抬着头,望着天上的群星。” They want to grow the wing, wanting the governing wind to fly.” “他们都想要插上翅膀,想要御风而飞。” Actually no one lowers the head, builds that to lead to the sky the ladder.” “却没有人低下头来,搭建那通往天空的梯子。” Because built the ladder is too troublesome, the time that requires to cost was also too long, possibly died until oneself, this ladder is unable to build.” “因为搭建梯子太麻烦了,要耗费的时间也太长了,可能直到自己死去,这个梯子都无法搭建起来。” Is only.” “只是。” „It is not everyone can grow the wing, does not have the wind to arrive every time.” “不是每个人都能够长出翅膀,也不是每时每刻都有风来到。” Grows the talent of wing different to report the person, finally will change into the legend to vanish in the history, is unrepeatable ; Lucky fellow who the governing wind flies, will stop to end with the wind finally, nobody will ask.” “长出翅膀的天赋异禀之人,最终会化为传说消失在历史里,不可重复;御风而飞的幸运儿,也最终会随着风停而落幕,无人问津。” What they change is only oneself, rather than world.” “他们改变的只是自己,而不是世界。” So long as we had the ladder to sky, was similar to snake human to build City of Life Tower of Babel in the ancient times.” “但是只要我们拥有了通往天空的梯子,就如同古代蛇人搭建出生命之城通天塔。” Our then everyone mounts the sky, touches the stars.” “我们便每个人都登上天空,触摸星辰。” That time.” “那个时代。” „Everyone can grow the wing, everyone can the governing wind fly.” “每个人都可以长出翅膀,每个人都能御风而飞。” Oland was recalling this walks, he has seen the fission and battle of past Land of Sunrise, was once leading the White Tower Alchemy Alliance founding of the nation. 奥兰回想着自己这一路走来,他看到过昔日的日出之地的分裂和争斗,也曾经带领着白塔炼金联盟建国。 He saw the mortal in the country of Leize regarding following blindly of belief, he experienced ignorantly is what kind of fearfulness. 他在雷泽之国看到了凡人对于信仰的盲从,他见识到了愚昧是何等的可怕。 He even suspected significance that sometimes intelligent species is born. 他有的时候甚至怀疑智慧种诞生的意义。 But at this moment he suddenly felt, birth of intelligent species, its significance of existence. 而此刻他突然觉得,智慧种的诞生,其存在的意义。 Is one moves toward the civilized unceasingly the process. 就是一个不断走向文明的过程。 However this process is not to come baseless, needs the effort of mortal, needs the efforts of talent. 但是这个过程并不是凭空得来的,需要凡人的努力,需要一个个天才的努力。 Even, but also needs the God strength. 甚至,还需要神明的力量。 Oland felt, perhaps he is to promote this process part of strengths. 奥兰觉得,他或许就是推动这过程的一部分力量。 At least, he wants to become this strength. 至少,他想要成为这一股力量。 I want to build a completely new world, an unprecedented civilized world.” “我想要打造出一个全新的世界,一个前所未有的文明世界。” Oland is reading the Alchemy note on hand, at present appears the form of Tuteur. 奥兰看着手上的炼金笔记,眼前浮现了老图特的身影。 Tuteur, lends me your desire!” “老图特,把你的愿望借给我吧!” We realize it together.” “我们一起来实现它。” The voice said, in the body of Oland bloomed suddenly the ray. 话音说完,奥兰的身体里突然绽放出了光芒。 lamp of divine contract appeared from his body, the shades of innumerable lamp spirit leap from the lamp bowl. 一盏神契之灯从他的身体里浮现了出来,无数的灯灵之影从灯盏之内飞跃而成。 Finally, the ray changed into a shadow, flooded into front coverglass. 最终,光芒化为了一道影子,涌入了面前的玻璃罩之中。 Flooded into the Cup of Desire interior. 涌入了欲望之杯的内部。 Cup of Desire starts to be insanely long immediately, as long is high as half person. 欲望之杯立刻开始疯长,长到半人高。 In flower cup was long a face, seeming like somewhat similar to Oland. 花杯里长出了一张面孔,看上去和奥兰有些相似。 It did not remember, without wisdom, it, only then a wisp holds to read. 只是它没有记忆,没有智慧,它只有一缕执念。 Oland looks at its birth, suddenly untied the cover. 奥兰看着它的诞生,突然解开了盖子。 This time, this strange life body has not escaped, but is rubbing the palm of Oland. 这一次,这种诡异的生命体并没有逃跑,而是在蹭着奥兰的手掌。 Oland can feel its will and desire, because it is oneself will and desire. 奥兰可以感觉到它的意志和愿望,因为它就是自己的意志和愿望。 About him with Tuteur regarding making the tower spirit desire, ultimate deep meaning about generations of tower spirit school of thought pursues, about them regarding the future hope. 关于他和老图特对于制造出塔灵的愿望,关于一代代塔灵学派追求的终极奥义,关于他们对于未来的期盼。 It is born from the desire of person.” “它是从人的欲望之中诞生的。” If the desire makes one perish.” “如果说欲望让人沉沦。” If can bring the happiness, brings the desire of hope, what is also?” “如果能够给人带来幸福,带来期盼的欲望,又是什么?” Oland here, gave own answer. 奥兰在此,给出了自己的答案。 Also can call it the desire.” “也可以称之为愿望。” Oland prepares to take the core with it, manufactures the tower spirit school of thought the ultimate deep meaning. 奥兰准备用它作为核心,制作出塔灵学派的终极奥义。 tower spirit. 塔灵 Has the independent personality consciousness, existence that but can never betray. 一个拥有独立人格意识,但是永远不会背叛的存在。 Can follow the desire to implement unceasingly, until life body that the desire achieves. 一个能够遵循着愿望不断实行,直至愿望达成的生命体。
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