IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#396 Part 1: Cannot witness the Creator brilliance

Is following the mannequin demon spirit flight vehicle, naturally did not need to run all over the place in the boundless endless vast desert like before again. 跟随着人偶魔灵的飞行器,自然就不用再像之前那样在茫茫无尽沙海乱跑了。 The curtain of night soon arrives, Demon Abyss royal city is finally partly visible in the ends of the earth. 夜幕快要降临的时候,魔渊王城终于在天尽头若隐若现。 This city entire was wrapped by stratification, outside sandstorm cannot invade. 这座城市整个被一层结界包裹住,外面的风沙丝毫不能侵入其中。 Do not transfer flower cup in Cup of Desire of Oland clothes chest suddenly, faced distant place Demon Abyss royal city to look. 别在奥兰衣服胸口的欲望之杯突然调转了花杯,朝向了远处魔渊王城看去。 Oland Sir!” “奥兰大人!” This city......” “这座城市……” Gamer started talking, he wanted to say anything, but only said half. 伽美尔开口说话了,他原本想要说些什么,但是却只说了一半。 Finally can only say: Is Demon Abyss royal city?” 最后只能说道:“就是魔渊王城?” Because he does not know that should describe this city with what words. 因为他不知道该用什么话来形容这座城市。 Majestic outward appearance, heavy/thick city wall ; Stands tall and erect strange construction that stands in great numbers, with various types of corridor, cable bridge and stone bridge interconnection. 大气磅礴的外观,厚重的城墙;高耸林立的古怪建筑,互相之间以各种廊道、索桥、石桥相互连接。 Not only has ancient and broadness of antique wild time, complex exquisite to the structure that letting the person praised to the heavens and shows Demon Abyss civilization once prosperous. 既有着太古蛮荒时代的古老和恢弘,复杂精巧到让人叹为观止的构造又展现出了魔渊文明曾经的繁盛。 During the speeches, the flight vehicle and magic carpet had approached this city. 说话之间,飞行器和魔毯已经靠近了这座城市。 Oland sits above the magic carpet, is answering the Gamer issue. 奥兰坐在魔毯之上,回答着伽美尔的问题。 Here is Demon Abyss royal city.” “这里就是魔渊王城。” What's wrong?” “怎么了?” Gamer: Felt like arrived at another world.” 伽美尔:“感觉像是来到了另外一个世界。” In the Gamer heart has not being able to say shock, a last era prosperous corner/horn that Oland said that as if had manifestation in this city. 伽美尔心中有种说不出的震撼,奥兰所说的上一个纪元繁荣的一角,似乎在这座城市之中有了体现。 Although he cannot see lost kingdom on that cloud, but actually must see Demon Abyss royal city in this vast desert fortunately. 他虽然没能看见那座云上的失落之国,但是却有幸得见了这座沙海之中的魔渊王城 Also lets Gamer regarding the ancient time, had a more direct-viewing understanding. 也让伽美尔对于古老的时代,有了一个更直观的了解。 Flight vehicle flexible falling, across the big city gate entry, the magic carpet also followed on the heels to slide. 飞行器灵活的落下,穿过高大的城门门洞,魔毯也跟在后面溜了进去。 Thunder from flight vehicle. 雷从飞行器上下来。 However matter that he first handles, cleans up sand, with the divine spell way. 不过他第一时间做的事情,就是清理身上的沙子,用神术的方式。 Here is this is not best, where arrives at sand.” “这里就是这点最不好,走到哪里都有沙子。” thunder Pai patted own metal head, sends out bang bang the sound. 雷拍了拍自己的金属脑袋,发出砰砰响。 Gamer then understands why these mannequin demon spirit must wear the clothes, this sand entered in the body of metal structure not only to make them uncomfortable, will create inconveniently to their actions. 伽美尔这才明白为什么这些人偶魔灵还要穿衣服,这沙子进了金属构造的躯壳之中不仅仅会让他们难受,也会对他们的行动造成不便。 Later, the thunder leads two people to pass through fluctuate to imitate, if the labyrinth general city, walks in that big constructions. 之后,雷带领着两人一路穿过起起伏伏仿若迷宫一般的城市,行走在那一座座高大的建筑之间。 In the city can see shadow that massive has inhuman. 城市里可以看到大量非人存在的影子。 Metal mannequin, clay jar mannequin and glass mannequin that form beyond the construction on the corridor walks, in sky often passing over gently and swiftly kite demon spirit. 建筑外廊道上行走的金属人偶、陶罐人偶、玻璃人偶的身影,天空之中不时的掠过的风筝魔灵 This fantasy city matches the outer layer never-ending yellow sand, making here all flood a magnificence and dream of myth world. 这座奇幻的城市搭配上外层永无休止的黄沙,让这里的一切都充斥着一种神话世界的瑰丽和梦幻。 Absent-minded in they passed through by a palace, arrived at the demon spirit pyramid. 恍恍惚惚之中他们经过了一座宫殿旁,来到了魔灵金字塔。 The thunder stopped the footsteps here finally, said with Oland. 雷在这里终于停下了脚步,和奥兰说道。 Oland!” “奥兰!” These must treat some time time much, helping me make the new flight vehicle.” “这一次一定要多待一些时间啊,帮我建造出新的飞行器。” My flight vehicle is very good, making the flight vehicle is very interesting.” “我的飞行器很不错,建造飞行器很有趣的。” The thunder is very frank, he as if not know that anything is called politely, but he also knows that makes the person help probably return. 雷很爽朗,他似乎并不知道什么叫做客气,但是他也知道让人帮忙要给回报。 Oland nods, saying that simultaneously intent has referred. 奥兰点了点头,同时意有所指的说道。 Perhaps, I also need some of your help.” “或许,我也需要一些你的帮助。” The thunder left, in Cup of Desire spread the sound. 雷离开了,欲望之杯里传出了声音。 Oland Sir.” “奥兰大人。” „Can I also go in?” “我也要进去吗?” Gamer is feeling the strength of demon spirit pyramid, he as if saw a huge strength passes through the reality, in the connection an illusory and unknown dimension. 伽美尔感受着魔灵金字塔的力量,他似乎看到了一股庞大的力量贯穿现实,连接上一个虚幻而未知的维度。 That strength is not the mortal, named myth. 那股力量不属于凡人,名为神话 The mood that he anticipated, turned in a flash dreaded and paced back and forth. 他原本期待的情绪,一瞬间变成了畏惧和彷徨。 Because he knows, so long as walks into will see God, God of Demon Spirit in legend. 因为他知道,只要走入其中就会看到一位神明,传说之中的魔灵之神 Listened to Oland to say was light. 听奥兰说的时候非常平淡。 Has an audience with God, seems this. 去觐见一位神明,似乎就是这样而已。 But is only standing seriously the time here, can understand that this is in the common population the solemn silence, the sacred matter. 但是只有当真正站在这里的时候,才能够明白这是寻常人口中何等庄严肃穆、何等神圣的事情。 Therefore, the Gamer mood change at this moment becomes not strange. 所以,伽美尔此刻的情绪变化也就变得不奇怪了。 Oland understands the Gamer mood, even also knows that he is worrying about anything faintly, what because one group of mortals saw right in front of one God fate some time ago are, they have witnessed. 奥兰懂得伽美尔的情绪,甚至也知道他在隐隐担忧着什么,因为不久前一群凡人面见神明的下场是什么样的,他们是亲眼目睹过的。 Other God and Ruhul Giant God is different, because Ruhul Giant God was extremely powerful, the influence that therefore their every action and every movement have is also above the imagination.” “其他神明和鲁赫巨神不一样,鲁赫巨神因为太过于强大了,所以祂们的一举一动造成的影响也超乎想象。” Moreover, we did not blaspheme the person of God.” “而且,我们也不是亵渎神明之人。” Therefore does not need to be worried and be afraid.” “所以不用担心和害怕。” Gamer.” 伽美尔。” Sir Eliana is a noble, benevolent and just Spiritual God, It once helped me be many.” “爱莲娜大人是一位高贵、仁慈、正义的神灵,祂曾经帮助我很多。” Oland went down step by step, entered the demon spirit pyramid. 奥兰一步步走下,进入了魔灵金字塔。 The vision just saw that ancient, is consecrating Creator temple, the entire domain space reversed. 目光刚刚看到那座古老的,供奉着造物主神殿,整个领域空间都倒转了过来。 Oland looks all around, knows oneself already not in the world. 奥兰环顾四周,就知道自己已经不在人间了。 He looks at the profundity of that distant place, endless darkness, 他看着那远处的幽深,没有尽头的黑暗, Dreamland.” 梦界。” various God state.” “诸神的国度。” A life female celestial clan that Oland once follows the dreamland travels in Dreamland, his eyes recognized here. 奥兰曾经伴随着梦境的生灵仙女一族在梦界之中旅行,他一眼就认出了这里。 The demon spirit pyramid is a myth item, It is divided into the pro and con. 魔灵金字塔是一件神话道具,祂分为正反两面。 Inverted pyramid in the world, pyramid in Dreamland. 倒金字塔在人间,正金字塔在梦界 Can enter the person in this demon spirit pyramid, without many. 只是能够进入这座正魔灵金字塔的人,没有多少。 In the demon spirit pyramid has temple, the palace is setting up God of Demon Spirit Eliana's idol, this moment this God looks at Oland under idol. 魔灵金字塔上有着一座神殿,殿堂立着魔灵之神爱莲娜的神像,此刻这位神明就在神像下看着奥兰。 God of Demon Spirit Eliana stands there, Oland and in the Gamer eye actually saw the dense and numerous traces and brand marks in its behind appear, blot out the sky. 魔灵之神爱莲娜只是站在那里,奥兰和伽美尔眼中却看到了密密麻麻的纹路和烙印在其背后浮现,铺天盖地。 Saw Demon Abyss of antique time changes into the vortex rotation in its back, the innumerable People of Demon Abyss wills are summoning Its name. 看到了太古时代的魔渊在其背后化为漩涡转动,无数魔渊之民的意志呼唤着祂的名字。 She is the People of Demon Abyss will successor, is entire civilized final shouldering. 她是魔渊之民意志的继承人,也是整个文明最后的背负者。 Only looks at It, two people as if must unable to raise the head to the suppression by the heavy/thick spirit and myth of civilization strength pressure, immediately lowers the head does not dare to look upward. 光是看着祂,两人似乎就被文明的厚重气息和神话的力量威压给压制得抬不起头来,立刻低下头不敢往上看。 Oland goes forward to salute. 奥兰上前行礼。 Even if the opposite party does not have the God status, once also has the benevolence to Oland. 哪怕对方没有神明的身份,曾经也对奥兰有着恩情。 Therefore, Oland is respectable regarding Eliana. 因此,奥兰对于爱莲娜非常尊敬。 Great God of Demon Spirit, Ms. Eliana.” “伟大的魔灵之神,爱莲娜女士。” „The Ibach god makes me bring Its blessing for you, congratulates you to return from the ancient wild years, mounts divine throne in this era.” 伊瓦神让我为您带来祂的祝福,祝贺您从亘古的蛮荒岁月之中归来,在这个纪元登上神位。” Wish you to retrieve once all, restores the Demon Abyss civilization the glory.” “愿您找回曾经的一切,恢复魔渊文明的荣耀。” Eliana's voice conveys from the above, hearing the sound should be a noble woman, but has a strong feeling, the knight who probably steel builds is common. 爱莲娜的声音从上方传来,听声音应该是一位高贵的女士,但是却有着一种强硬的感觉,像是一个钢铁打造的骑士一般。 Thanked the Ibach god's blessing for me.” “替我感谢伊瓦神的祝福。” Was only once all has passed, may not turn head like the years.” “只是曾经的一切已经过去,就像岁月已经不可回头。” New era naturally has the new story, even if myth must accept such fact.” “新的纪元自然有新的故事,哪怕是神话也得接受这样的事实。” It does not need to comfort me.” “祂不必安慰我。” Eliana's directness as always, making Oland not know how should answer, after all these words were not say to him. 爱莲娜一如既往的直接,让奥兰都不知道该如何回话了,毕竟这些话也不是对他说的。 The following words, were Eliana said that listened to Oland. 接下来的话,才是爱莲娜说给奥兰听的。 Eliana looks at form of God of Oland, suddenly some feelings. 爱莲娜看着奥兰的神之形态,突然有些感触。 Oland.” “奥兰。” snake human, mannequin and shape of God.” 蛇人人偶神之形。” Every sees you one time, seems changing.” “每一次见到你,似乎都在变化。” Sees your time next time, what shape will you in stand in my front?” “下一次见到你的时候,你会以什么样的形态站在我的面前?” Oland replied: Great Ms. Eliana, because perhaps I am lucky enough.” 奥兰回答:“伟大的爱莲娜女士,或许因为我足够幸运。” The Eliana chuckle, as if could not take a liking regarding the lucky this word. 爱莲娜轻笑了一声,对于幸运这个词似乎并不太瞧得上。 Each can arrive at this step person to be lucky enough, but lucky cannot maintain, therefore temporary lucky regarding some people are the opportunity, regarding some people are the disaster.” “每个能够走到这一步的人都足够幸运,但是幸运不是能够一直维持下去的,所以一时的幸运对于有的人来说是机会,对于有的人来说是灾难。” Oland, you can the favor of forest female celestial, be able to be regarded as important by the Ibach god.” “奥兰,你能够得到林中仙女的亲睐,能够被伊瓦神所看重。” You have the special characteristics that others do not have.” “你本身就具备其他人不具备的特质。” The words, Oland follows to ask front this God at this point immediately. 话说到这里,奥兰立刻顺着下去问面前这位神明 Ms. Eliana.” “爱莲娜女士。” I come on here road to have doubts, the issue wants to ask you.” “我来这里的路上一直都有一个疑惑,有一个问题想要问您。” Eliana has not spoken, but looks at Oland. 爱莲娜没有说话,只是看着奥兰。 Oland knows, this is the meaning that made him then say. 奥兰知道,这是让他接着说的意思。 Therefore he opens the mouth again. 于是他再度开口。 You felt that to become God, what are the most important special characteristics?” “您觉得成为一位神明,最重要的特质是什么?” Wants to become God, is the thing that most needs what?” “想要成为神明,最需要的东西是什么呢?” When the Ibach god told Oland he will become his follower, he has been pondering this issue. 伊瓦神告诉奥兰他将成为其从者的时候,他就一直在思考着这个问题。 Although before he regarding the relations between god and person had the new cognition in the country of Leize, but he wants to ask true God now, God that has lived a era, God should have anything. 虽然之前在雷泽之国他对于神与人之间的关系有了新的认知,但是他现在想要问一位真正的神明,一位活过了一个纪元的神明,一位神明应该拥有些什么。 If he wants to become God, must have anything. 他如果想要成为神明,又必须具备什么。 The opposite party told him: „Becoming God not to need what special characteristics, once had lucky fellow anything not to need to become God.” 对方却告诉他:“成为神明不需要什么特质,曾经就有‘幸运儿’什么都不需要就能够成为神明。” This saying, makes Oland dumbfounded immediately, but Gamer belonged to the God topic to shake by this has a dizzy spell, does not know oneself where. 这话一出,顿时让奥兰傻了眼,而伽美尔更是被这属于神明的话题震得头晕目眩,不知道自己在何处了。 Oland is unable to understand how possibly to have such existence. 奥兰无法理解,怎么可能有这样的存在。 What does not need, can become the god?” “什么都不需要,就能成为神?” The Gamer innermost feelings shout wildly is: „Becoming God?” 伽美尔内心狂呼的则是:“成为神明?” Eliana: Because It from a birth is God, but does not have the blessing birth, but is born in the nightmare and disaster.” 爱莲娜:“因为祂从一诞生就是神明,但是却并不是带着祝福诞生的,而是在噩梦和灾难之中诞生。” Eliana's voice fell into the recollection, seems recalling that immemorial wild past events. 爱莲娜的声音陷入了回忆,似乎在回忆起那太古蛮荒的往事。 It is Little Human in a Bottle, the evil god who in the bottle is born.” “祂是一个瓶中小人,瓶子之中诞生的邪神。” By myth that Anhofos creates.” “被安霍福斯创造出来的神话。” Has the strength spatially, actually does not have any reason and goal, the eternal life also just like the poisoned liquor to him.” “空有力量,却没有任何理由和目标,永生对于祂来说也犹如毒酒。” It was closed in the bottle since birth, roams about to flutter above the boundless sea, could not find the destination, has not tied up Its anchor.” “祂生来就被关在瓶子里,流浪飘荡在无边大海之上,找不到目的地,也没有拴住祂的锚。” Anhofos created It, gave It the myth position standard, the person who however It most hates is actually Anhofos.” 安霍福斯创造了祂,给予了祂神话的位格,然而祂最憎恨的人却是安霍福斯。” Oland does not know that who Anhofos is, is hard to understand that what can create existence of myth is, is unable to understand the antique time behind these myth and epic frigidity and grief. 奥兰不知道安霍福斯是谁,难以理解一个能够创造出神话的存在又是什么样的,更无法理解太古时代的那些神话和史诗背后的惨烈和伤痛。 Eliana wakes up from the recollection, the body calmly stands upright before temple looks to below. 爱莲娜从回忆之中醒来,身躯静静挺立在神殿之前看向下面。 Oland!” “奥兰!” „Becoming God not to need what special characteristics, anybody possibly becomes God.” “成为神明不需要什么特质,任何人都可能成为神明。” But becomes God is only a start.” “但是成为神明只是一个开始。” That becomes the reason of god, becomes the reason of god.” “那成为神的原因,成为神的理由。” Then in the years river, that passes through eternally is unable to put behind holds to read.” “那在岁月长河之中,那穿越万古也无法忘却的执念。” Is most important.” “才是最重要的。” It is you in the years river, lets anchor that you stand firm do not lose.” “它是你在岁月长河里,让你稳住不迷失的锚。” Was you passed the boat of years river, was your anchor, was your lighthouse.” “是你度过岁月长河的舟,是你的船锚,是你的灯塔。” Eliana hood surface of does not have any expression under fine metal mannequin, said and metal equally ice-cold words. 爱莲娜兜帽下的精致金属人偶之面没有任何表情,说出了和金属一样冰冷的话。 If you are also suspicious, represents you not to become the heart of God, without the bearing of carrying/sustaining eternal life.” “如果你还心存疑惑,就代表着你没有成为神明的心,没有承载永生的气量。” Also expressing, you will become another Little Human in a Bottle.” “也表示着,你将会成为另一个瓶中小人。” Falls into extremely arrogantly under the strength, falls into confusedly under the strength, ultimately moves toward the destruction under the strength.” “在力量下陷入狂妄,在力量下陷入迷茫,最终在力量下走向毁灭。” Oland, the eternal life regarding without person of heart of God is not the reward, but is the penalty.” “奥兰,永生对于没有神明之心的人来说不是恩赏,而是惩罚。” Because during this ancient years, all will be worn down.” “因为在这亘古的岁月之中,一切都会被消磨。” Is worn down finally cleanly all that you have, is only left over an eternal life the body, without the body of heart.” “将你拥有的一切最后都会被消磨得一干二净,只剩下一副永生的躯壳,没有心的躯壳。” Perhaps time could not kill your body, but can actually kill your heart, killed your frail will.” “时光或许杀死不了你的躯体,但是却可以杀死你的心,杀死你脆弱的意志。” Oland is listening to Eliana's words, is raising head to look at this God. 奥兰听着爱莲娜的话,仰着头看着这位神明 God in his moment and is completely once different, no longer is these great, powerful and eternal these empty nouns. 他此刻眼中的神明和曾经完全不一样了,不再是那些伟岸、强大、永恒这些空洞的名词。 He as if saw form within the body in that high place, is surging a heart of sparkle. 他似乎看到了那高处的身影体内,涌动着一颗闪耀的心。 These characters can become God, not only because of strength. 这些人物能够成为神明,不仅仅是因为力量。 Because also they have the anchor point that can never vanish, during wears down as before the sparkling heart in the years river. 还因为他们拥有一副永远不会消失的锚点,一颗在岁月长河消磨之中依旧闪闪发光的心。 Eliana saw the confusedness of Oland innermost feelings, finally asked him. 爱莲娜看到了奥兰内心的迷茫,最后问他。 Ibach chooses you to become Its follower, however last option power as in your hand.” 伊瓦选择你成为祂的从者,但是最后的选择权依旧在你手上。” You really have to think that what God good to become?” “你真的有想好要成为什么样的神明了吗?” Oland has not spoken, he is also asking he himself at this moment. 奥兰没有说话,他此刻也在问他自己。 Oland!” “奥兰!” „Do you have such a to be able carrying/sustaining eternal life the heart of God?” “你有这样一颗能够承载永生的神明之心吗?” You really know how to make God, really has to think that what God good to make?” “你真的知道如何去做一位神明,真的有想好要做什么样的神明了吗?” Oland this flash, remembered Tuteur suddenly. 奥兰这一瞬间,突然想起了老图特。 When the youngster time with Tuteur joins the tower spirit school of thought that pledge that once distributed. 还有少年时候和图特一起加入塔灵学派时,曾经发下的誓言。 tower spirit deep meaning.” 塔灵奥义。” tower spirit deep meaning not someone's faith, but is their crowd of alchemist common ideas, thing of common pursue. 塔灵奥义并不是某一个人的信念,而是他们这一群炼金师们共同的理念,共同追求的东西。 Oland as if saw a wisp of light faintly, that light/only illuminated from the distant place. 奥兰似乎隐隐看到了一缕光,那光从远处照了过来。 The ray is directing his direction, illuminates him at heart. 光芒指引着他的方向,也照进他的心里。 Oland: I understood, I must find to be my ship.” 奥兰:“我明白了,我要找到属于我的船。” Oland shakes the head, that ray is as if getting more and more near at present, he sees is not the ship, but is other one thing. 奥兰摇了摇头,那光芒似乎在眼前越来越近,他看到的不是什么船,而是另外一样东西。 Possibly is somewhat different!” “可能有些不一样!” To me, that should be a tower.” “对于我来说,那应该是一座塔。” Powder is shining, pure white tower.” “一座散发着光,纯白色的塔。” Oland thought through anything finally, his expression had some changes. 奥兰终于想通了什么,他的表情有了些许的变化。 He is finally expressing gratitude for Eliana, thank the direction of this God. 他最后对着爱莲娜表示感谢,感谢这位神明的指点。 Flash that turns around to leave, Oland as if remembered anything. 只是转身离开的一瞬间,奥兰似乎想起了什么。 He stood the body, very earnest and God of Demon Spirit Eliana said one. 他站直了身体,非常认真的和魔灵之神爱莲娜说了一句。 „Does Sir Eliana, you know a matter?” “爱莲娜大人,您知道一件事情吗?” Creator arrived in the world.” 造物主降临在了人间。” Eliana has not as if responded suddenly, or cannot believe words that Oland is speaking. 爱莲娜似乎一时间没有反应过来,又或者不敢相信奥兰在说的话。 What did you say?” “你说什么?” The Eliana words blurt, understands immediately meaning that Oland said. 爱莲娜话一脱口,就立刻明白了奥兰所说的意思。 You met......” “你碰见了……” However these words have not said, was overruled by Eliana. 但是这句话还没说完,就被爱莲娜否决了。 No, is impossible, you are impossible to see It.” “不,不可能的,你不可能见到祂。” Yes Ibach is right?” “是伊瓦对吗?” It saw Creator.” “祂见到了造物主。” Thinks it over, only then Ibach may see Creator. 思来想去,也只有伊瓦才有可能见到造物主 God of this Ruler of Dreamland manufacture, last era Dreamland ferryman, It can face directly Creator such existence personally, because It came from there. 这位梦境主宰亲手制造的神祇,上一个纪元梦界摆渡人,祂才能够直面造物主这样的存在,因为祂本就来自于那里。 Oland: I pass through the thunder swamp time, accidentally met the sky Giant God change of Leize.” 奥兰:“我经过雷霆沼泽的时候,偶然遇见了雷泽的天空巨神异动。” „After informing the Ibach god, It told me Creator to arrive in the world.” “告知了伊瓦神之后,祂告诉我造物主降临在了人间。” „The Ibach god went to sky lost kingdom, goes to there to have an audience with create all God, row position control.” 伊瓦神去了一趟天空的失落之国,前往那里觐见创造一切的神明,还有列位主宰。” Eliana hears lost kingdom this name, first has doubts, later remembered anything. 爱莲娜听到失落之国这个名字,先是疑惑,之后又想起了什么。 Sky lost kingdom?” “天空的失落之国?” Is City of God's Descent.” “是神降之城吧。” Place that Creator arrives at first, second-generation King of Wisdom Yesel construction city.” 造物主最初降临的地方,第二代智慧之王耶赛尔建造的城市。” At this point, Its sound turns into whispering that can only hear. 说到这里,祂的声音变成了只能自己听见的低语。 God arrives there, in missing initial Wisdom God King ledlicki?” 神明降临在那里,是在思念最初的智慧神王莱德利基吗?” After Eliana whispered, then asked Oland suddenly: „Did It see?” 爱莲娜低语过后,又突然接着问奥兰:“祂见到了吗?” A few words saying, It also added. 一句话说完,祂又补充道。 Creator?” 造物主?” Oland nods, Ibach indeed saw Creator, under the leadership of Ruler of Dreamland. 奥兰点了点头,伊瓦的确见到了造物主,在梦境主宰的带领下。 It even also heard the direction and oracle of Creator. 祂甚至还听到了造物主的指引和神谕 Oland mentioned God to arrive at the City of God's Descent matter, cause and effect that he experienced. 奥兰说起了神明降临在了神降之城的事情,还有他所经历的前因后果。 Finally told, Creator left the sound of Leize. 最后讲述到,造物主离开了雷泽的动静。 From now on, no one knows where Creator went, no one knows Its next arriving place where. 自此,谁也不知道造物主去往了何方,谁也不知道祂下一个降临的地方又会在何处。 God of Demon Spirit Eliana silent, static standing before temple- 魔灵之神爱莲娜沉默了下来,静静的立在神殿之前- Oland left, returned to the present world across the front door of demon spirit pyramid domain. 奥兰离开了,穿过魔灵金字塔领域的大门回到了现世。 In the Dreamland demon spirit pyramid only Eliana person alone standing in the high place, guards that to remain from last era, People of Demon Abyss construction temple. 梦界的正魔灵金字塔上只爱莲娜一个人孤寂的站在高处,守卫着那从上一个纪元留下来的,魔渊之民修建的神殿 It does not know how long to stand, finally turned around to enter in temple. 祂不知道站立了多久,最后转身进入了神殿之内。 Eliana stands in temple, looks that plain exquisite is hoodwinking white muslin exquisite idol probably. 爱莲娜站在神殿里,看着那古朴细腻好像蒙着一层白纱的细腻神像 Sees only the outline, not obvious appearance. 只见轮廓,不可见容貌。 Pitifully!” “可惜!” I have not seen your form, even if can witness that your brilliance is also good.” “我没有见到您的身影,哪怕只是能够目睹一眼您的光辉也好。” After Eliana has thought long time . 爱莲娜想过良久之后。 The original nuisance and regrettable, actually put down gradually. 原本的懊恼和遗憾,却又渐渐的放下了。 Because It does not have the means to see Creator, without the means leaves the tower of this demon spirit. 因为祂没有办法去见造物主,没有办法离开这座魔灵之塔。 It using divine throne that the myth item mounts, cannot leave this demon spirit pyramid ; It with himself by the price of eternal fettering, traded the demon spirit freedom. 祂是利用神话道具登上的神位,不能够离开这座魔灵金字塔;祂用自己被永恒束缚的代价,换来了魔灵们的自由。 But she felt, even if It can leave the tower of demon spirit to go to City of God's Descent. 而她觉得,哪怕祂能够离开魔灵之塔前往神降之城 Even if oneself same arrive in City of God's Descent like Ibach, finally is also unlikely to enter. 自己哪怕如同伊瓦一样抵达神降之城,最后也不太可能进入其中。 However. 不过。 In Its heart is thinking. 祂心中又在想。 If God Insai can also come city of Demon Abyss, perhaps his follower can also fortunately, see one side this Creator. 如果因赛神也能够来魔渊之城一趟,祂这位信徒或许也能够有幸,见到这位造物主一面。 However thinks, thought that is unlikely. 但是想一想,又觉得不太可能。 Although Demon Abyss royal city is also Yesel establishes, even the age can trace compared with the City of God's Descent remote time. 虽然魔渊王城也是耶赛尔建立,甚至年代可以追溯到比神降之城更久远的时代。 However by having the significance, has no comparability with City of God's Descent. 但是论起意义,和神降之城没有任何可比性。 Because sacred is not that city, but is that lands. 因为神圣的不是那座城市,而是那片土地。 Like three leaves human, although regards as sacred place City of God's Servants and Holy Mountain, but there is they greets the God Insai sacred place, from King Yesel to finally end the belief home to return, is generations of three leaves human the place of deep sleep. 就像三叶人虽然将神仆之城和圣山视为圣地,但是那里是他们迎接因赛神的圣地,从耶赛尔王到终末的信仰归宿,是一代代三叶人的沉睡之地。 However that regarding the three leaves human significance, naturally is City of God's Descent has the significance regarding Creator. 但是那只是对于三叶人的意义,对于造物主来说自然是神降之城更具备意义。 Eliana wants to come, why perhaps this is Creator arrives there reason. 爱莲娜想来,或许这就是造物主为什么降临在那里的原因。 Eliana can only in the sound bring to regret finally. 爱莲娜最后只能声音里带着惋惜。 Perhaps all have arranged, who can see you, is the direction of destiny.” “或许一切都早已安排好,谁能够见到您,都是命运的指引。” I am only an ordinary follower, perhaps cannot see your glory.” “我只是一个普通的信徒,或许本就没有能够看到您的荣耀。” Eliana is the First King of Demon Abyss descendant, It follows the first-generation truth sage Sandan learn/study, although It is People of Demon Abyss, is actually also inheriting two generations of saint will. 爱莲娜是初代魔渊之王的后裔,祂跟随第一代真理贤者桑德安学习,祂虽然是魔渊之民,却也继承着两代圣徒的意志。 His childhood time hears most, is the story that First King of Demon Abyss and saint go on a pilgrimage together. 祂幼年时候听得最多的,便是初代魔渊之王圣徒一起朝圣的故事。 It was naturally also once hoping some day, It can also mount God's Bestowal Ground in that legend, walks in the sea of flowers of Sun. 祂自然也曾经希望着有朝一日,祂也能够登上那传说之中的神赐之地,行走在太阳的花海里。 But. 可是。 As mortal time, she is thinking. 身为凡人的时候,她在想。 As apostle time, she is thinking. 身为使徒的时候,她在想。 As God time, she is still thinking. 身为神明的时候,她还在想。 Perhaps the mortal or God, these two status do not have the significance in the Creator front. 或许不论是凡人还是神明,这两种身份在造物主的面前都没有意义。 Finally, It approached Insai idol slowly. 最后,祂慢慢的靠近了因赛神像 This is the time that Divine Moon arrives, this is Creator walks in the time of the world.” “这是神月降临的时代,这是造物主行走在人间的时代。” This is the best time, is a hopeful era.” “这是最好的时代,也是充满希望的一个纪元。” At this point, a Eliana's words revolution. 说到这里,爱莲娜的话语一转。 „A demon spirit clan.” 魔灵一族。” „Is the successor of Demon Abyss civilization, what role playing in this time?” 魔渊文明的继承者,在这个时代又扮演着什么样的角色呢?” Eliana looked to the demon spirit pyramid. 爱莲娜看向了魔灵金字塔外面。 The entire Demon Abyss city, the entire demon spirit state, all appears at Its present- 整个魔渊城,整个魔灵的国度,全部都出现在祂的眼下- Comes out after the demon spirit pyramid, Oland has not been about to leave here. 魔灵金字塔出来之后,奥兰并没有准备离开这里。 He prepared in the Demon Abyss royal city housing some time, to conduct one here already the experiment that wanted to start. 他准备在魔渊王城居住一段时间,在这里进行一个早就想要开始的实验。 At this time, Gamer asked an Oland question suddenly. 这个时候,伽美尔突然问了奥兰一个问题。 Oland Sir!” “奥兰大人!” „Can you become God?” “您要成为神明?” Oland has not covered up: Before had not thought that but the Ibach god hopes that I can become can with Its tourmate, becomes Its follower.” 奥兰并没有遮遮掩掩:“以前是没有想过的,但是伊瓦神希望我能够成为能够与祂同行的人,成为祂的从者。” Gamer.” 伽美尔。” True follower does not follow blindly the person of belief, but can inherit the God will truly, can with the God tourmate.” “真正的信徒不是盲从信仰之人,而是能够真正继承神明的意志,能够和神明同行的人。” New time must arrive, various God are forwarding, the civilization is forwarding, all are proceeding.” “新的时代要到来了,诸神都在向前,文明都在向前,一切都在往前。” Because this is Creator desired, is the Supreme God will.” “因为这是造物主希望看到的,是至高神明的意志。” Gamer: Why I felt Creator that you said that what knows with me isn't same?” 伽美尔:“为什么我感觉你们所说的造物主,和我知道的并不是同一个?” Oland knows the God Insai name, but he actually does not dare to say. 奥兰知道因赛神的名字,但是他却不敢说。 Because he listened to that three leaves symbiont to read one time, but the opposite party can call God Insai for the god, he read the God Insai name time actually almost vanished in this world directly. 因为他曾经听那三叶共生者念过一次,但是对方可以称呼因赛神为神,他念出因赛神名字的时候却差点直接消失在了这个世界。
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