IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#395 Part 2: God King descendant

They can also make such flight goods unexpectedly, this is not a item, how they make.” “他们竟然还能制造出这样的飞行物品,这不是道具吧,他们是怎么制造出来的。” Mer's saying has to be the arrogance of intelligent species, regarding the contempt of demon monster this since birth dull-witted race. 加美尔的这话有着属于智慧种的傲慢,对于魔怪这种生来愚钝种族的轻视。 Even if demon monster under the God of Demon Spirit strength, the transformation becomes demon spirit, but they thought as before these demon spirit will be similar to demon monster equally stupid, has regarding the pride of civilization snake human founds. 哪怕魔怪魔灵之神的力量下,蜕变成为了魔灵,但是他们依旧觉得这些魔灵会如同魔怪一样蠢笨,有着对于蛇人创建的文明的自傲。 Oland actually lowers the head suddenly, looks at Mer seriously. 奥兰却突然低下头,严肃的看着加美尔。 Mer!” “加美尔!” You spoke incorrectly.” “你说错了。” demon spirit that demon monster turns into, is completely different from them.” 魔怪变成的魔灵,和他们完全不一样。” Oland looks to front was flying the flight vehicle, the thunder on flight vehicle. 奥兰看向了前面飞着的飞行器,还有飞行器上的雷。 In the eye of Oland also revealed the different mood at this moment, the awe that the antique time preserves that is to ancient to have. 此时此刻奥兰的眼中也露出了不一样的情绪,那是对太古时代留存下来的古老存在的敬畏。 Oland with sound of awe, saying in a soft voice. 奥兰用敬畏的声音,轻声的说道。 They were ancient demon spirit.” “他们是古代魔灵。” Mer does not know that the origin of mannequin demon spirit, does not know the truth that they are born, these span the era the remote story. 加美尔并不知道人偶魔灵的来源,并不知道他们诞生的真相,还有那些跨越纪元的遥远故事。 He has only heard, demon monster can turn into demon spirit in the city of Demon Abyss. 他只听说过,魔怪可以在魔渊之城变成魔灵 He then thinks that front, is demon spirit that is transformed by demon monster becomes. 他便以为面前的这位,就是一个由魔怪蜕变而成的魔灵 In the ancient times demon spirit?” “古代魔灵?” „Different with demon spirit that demon monster does turn into?” “和魔怪变成的魔灵不一样吗?” Oland nods, tells Mer. 奥兰点了点头,告诉加美尔。 Besides demon spirit of this era.” “除了这一个纪元的魔灵之外。” Has demon spirit of metal mannequin shape, is not this era is born.” “拥有金属人偶形态的魔灵,并不是这一个纪元诞生的。” Mer heard the word of era once again: Isn't this era is born?” 加美尔又一次听到了纪元的这个词:“不是这一个纪元诞生的?” Mer remembers, about last era words that Oland said. 加美尔想起了奥兰所说的,关于上一个纪元的话。 These ancient did demon spirit come from last era? 难道这些古代魔灵就来自于上一个纪元 Then, how long last era is. 那么,上一个纪元又是多久。 The Oland following words, told Mer last era time record. 奥兰接下来的话,就告诉了加美尔上一个纪元的时间刻度。 They come from 250 million years ago, came from the era that various God is.” “他们来自于两亿五千万年前,来自于诸神所在的纪元。” Oland then mentioned these ancient secrets with Mer, so long as does not talk about these to be easy to connect on Dreamland and great existence name, these contents are not dangerous. 奥兰接着和加美尔说起了那些古老的隐秘,只要不谈及那些容易连接上梦界伟大存在的名字,这些内容并不算危险。 They span existence that the era leaves behind, in front of you possibly once stood with some God shoulder to shoulder, has the complicated relations with various God.” “他们是跨越纪元留下的存在,你面前的这位可能曾经就和某位神明并肩而立,和诸神有着千丝万缕的关系。” On them is flowing the bloodlines of God King, changes a view.” “他们身上流淌着神王的血脉,换个说法。” You can regard as godkin them.” “你可以将他们视为神裔。” Words of Oland not wrong, although in his angle of view somewhat three leaves human and Lane People of Demon Abyss mixed. 奥兰的话并没有错,虽然他的视角里有些将三叶人魔渊之民混了。 However People of Demon Abyss also similarly is the King of Wisdom descendant, is bloodlines that comes the virtue niche king two sons to leave behind. 不过魔渊之民也同样是智慧之王的后裔,是来德利基王两个儿子留下的血脉。 But the thunder as Eliana's student, the Temple of Truth third-generation apprentice. 而雷身为爱莲娜的学生,真理圣殿的第三代学徒。 He even can be said as with God of Truth and Knowledge Asai and abyss evil god is a peer, has the similar inheritance and origin with these two people. 他甚至可以说是和真理与知识之神阿赛与深渊邪神是同辈,和这两个人拥有着同样的传承和起源。 Mer had been shaken at this time does not know that should say anything, that last era time record, origins and status about these ancient demon spirit. 加美尔这个时候已经被震得不知道该说些什么了,那上一个纪元的时间刻度,还有关于这些古代魔灵的来历和身份。 Routs Mer's the world of cognition completely, shatters one not to remain. 全部都将加美尔的认知的世界击溃,冲垮得一丝不剩。 That time exceeded him regarding the imagination of years length, that ancient demon spirit status also exceeded him to the limit that the life knows noblly. 那时间超越了他对于岁月长度的想象,那古代魔灵的身份也超越了他对生命高贵所知的极限。 He can only with bringing saying of vibrato: godkin?” 他只能用带着颤音的说道:“神裔?” Oland nod: Mer, accurate controls the God descendant.” 奥兰点头:“加美尔,准确的来说是主宰神明的后裔。” Once the female celestial told me, they live in the Creator garden since birth.” “曾经有一位仙女告诉我,他们生来居住在造物主的花园之中。” However Yin Washen also told me, their ancestors are even controlling Ruhul Giant God control sky land and sea.” “而尹瓦神也告诉我,他们的祖先甚至控制着鲁赫巨神统御天空大地和海洋。” „After spanned the length of era, they lost once body and status, even lost the memory, turned into the present appearance.” “只是跨越了纪元的长度之后,他们失去了曾经的身躯和身份,甚至丢失了记忆,变成了现在的模样。” But noble of their status, their back secrets and origins.” “但是他们身份的高贵,他们背后的秘密和来历。” Is we not unimaginable.” “是我们无法想象的。” Oland told Mer these, is tells him and others to enter in Demon Abyss royal city, must learn to regard all of this city with the vision of awe. 奥兰告诉加美尔这些,是告诉他等会进入魔渊王城之中,要学会用敬畏的眼光看待这座城市的一切。 That is one does not belong to the city of this era, city that is hiding the innumerable secrets. 那是一座不属于这个纪元的城市,一个隐藏着无数秘密的城市。 Then, Mer looks demon spirit that front that is controlling the flight vehicle. 这下,加美尔看着前面那个驾驭着飞行器的魔灵 As if saw another form behind him. 似乎在他背后看到了另一个身影。 Stands erect in last era, has the antique life of ancient mysterious shape. 一个屹立在上一个纪元,拥有着古老神秘形态的太古生命。 In following various gods passes through during the long time together, turned into the body of this metal. 只是在伴随着诸神一同穿过漫长光阴之中,变成了这具金属的躯壳。 Controls the God descendant.” “主宰神明的后裔。” Lives in the clan of Creator garden, is controlling a Ruhul Giant God clan.” “居住在造物主花园的一族,控制着鲁赫巨神的一族。” He is unable to imagine, some race can control Ruhul Giant God this existence. 他无法想象,某一个种族能够控制鲁赫巨神这种存在。 He is unable to imagine, has anything to exist to span 250 million years of length to exist now. 他更无法想象,有什么存在能够跨越两亿五千万年的长度存在到现在。
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