IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#395 Part 1: God King descendant

Whistling ~ “呼呼~” The yellow sand of blotting out the sky fills the air above the land, a distant place city is partly visible. 铺天盖地的黄沙弥漫在大地之上,远处一座城市若隐若现。 This is Demon Abyss royal city, a city of demon spirit clan. 这是魔渊王城,魔灵一族的城市。 The demon spirit two characters can be said as demon monster and ghost two's union, it can be said that the spirit of Demon Abyss. 魔灵二字可以说是魔怪和幽魂二者的结合,也可以说是魔渊之灵。 Past People of Demon Abyss is not, however their spirits and will pai returned as before above the land. 昔日的魔渊之民已经不在,但是他们的灵和意志依旧徘回在大地之上。 At this moment. 此刻。 The form that is throwing over the overalls walks in the yellow sand, the clothes robe was blown unceasingly by the wind swings. 一个披着罩衣的身影行走在黄沙之中,衣袍被风吹得不断摇摆。 His lowering the head vanguard, seems to be picking anything in the sand dust. 他低着头前行,似乎在沙尘之中捡着什么东西。 Is burying many things beside that Demon Abyss royal city, some even can pursue the new moon to last era. 在那魔渊王城之外埋藏着许多东西,其中有些甚至能够追朔到上一个纪元 Didn't have?” “没有了么?” Seemingly looked similarly.” “看起来找得差不多了。” Under the overalls is the body that a metal builds, this is a name is the thunder mannequin demon spirit. 罩衣下是一副金属打造的身躯,这是一个名字叫做雷的人偶魔灵 What thunder Zhao was once loses the thing in this piece of yellow sand, these have the assorted flight vehicle wreckage and components of different structure, even also has the notes or other things that once he left behind. 雷找的是曾经的自己遗落在这片黄沙之中的东西,那些拥有着不同构造的各色飞行器残骸和零件,其中甚至还有着曾经的他留下的笔记或者其他的东西。 thunder Hangzou in the yellow sand, he suddenly discovered anything, the right hand that the metal builds changed into the machinery flying claw to drill into the yellow sand suddenly, then grasped any thing. 雷行走在黄沙之中,他突然发现了什么,金属打造的右手突然化为机械飞爪钻入了黄沙之中,然后抓起了一个什么东西。 Is a broken stone!” “是个碎石头啊!” thunder release/place, then walked toward front, he grasped one rusty stain stained thing from the yellow sand not long. 雷放了下来,接着往前面走,没有多久他又从黄沙之中抓起了一样锈迹斑斑的东西。 This is.” “这个是。” Thunder happy, put in it own storage ring. 雷开心了起来,将其放到了自己的储物戒指之中。 Such components, he picked time and time again, but are getting fewer and fewer recently. 这样的零件,他捡了一次又一次,不过最近已经越来越少了。 At present could not have found these big-ticket items, is some shatter small components, other either flowed with the yellow sand beside the Demon Abyss royal city ground mass, either already decayed completely. 目前已经找不到那些大件的了,都是一些破碎的小零件,其他的要么是随着黄沙流动到了魔渊王城的石基之外,要么就早已腐朽殆尽了。 „Some here components, how couldn't other places find?” “这里也有一些零件,怎么其他地方找不到呢?” As the sand class/flow to other places?” “随着沙子流到其他地方去了?” Seeks for these components the days, the thunder will also ask sometimes an own issue. 寻找这些零件的日子,雷有的时候也会问自己一个问题。 He has been relentless seemingly is from the heart, but still has the puzzled issue. 一个他一直坚持不懈看似发自内心,但是却依然有着不解的问题。 How many flight vehicles did I make?” “我到底做了多少个飞行器?” Why each I must fly to the sky, wants to fly in the direction that Sun raises.” “为什么每一个我都要飞向天空,想要朝着太阳升起的方向飞去呢。” The thunder does not know that each why so similar, each he will have the almost same idea. 雷不知道为什么每一个自己都如此相似,每一个他都会拥有几乎完全相同的想法。 Perhaps. 或许。 Is because he is yearning for the distant place and Sun since birth! 是因为他生来就向往着远方和太阳吧! The wind curls up the sand to hit on the thunder duster, somewhat flooded into his clothes, card in the body slit of metal structure. 风卷起沙粒打在雷的罩袍上,有些涌入了他衣服内,卡在金属结构的身躯缝隙里。 This makes somewhat uncomfortable, can bind tightly own duster. 这让雷有些难受,将自己的罩袍裹得紧一些。 He is walking, while said. 他一边走着,一边说道。 If can find a note to be better again.” “要是能够再找到一本笔记的话就更好了。” Right, heard that Land of Sunrise alchemist is fierce, can make all kinds of Alchemy items also to be above the thing that the average man imagines.” “对了,听说日出之地炼金师非常厉害,能够制造出各种各样的炼金道具还有超乎常人想象的东西。” If can ask them to exchange, perhaps was better.” “如果能够找他们交流一下,说不定就更好了。” Recently. 最近。 The thunder prepares to build a brand-new flight vehicle. 雷准备打造一架全新的飞行器。 Because he prepares to ride this flight vehicle to a farther place, possibly roams through entire Ruhul Giant Island, but he anticipated in comparison has a look outside world. 因为他准备乘坐着这架飞行器去往更远的地方,可能是遨游整个鲁赫巨岛,但是相比之下他更期待去看看外面的世界。 Since Eliana draws support the item demon spirit pyramid is mounting myth, demon spirit is no longer fettered in the endless vast desert. 自从爱莲娜借助着道具魔灵金字塔登上神话之后,魔灵就不再被束缚在无尽沙海之中了。 This unusual life body will also appear in the snake human state occasionally, causes many unrests, becomes in various fantasy magnificent stories in background role. 这种奇特的生命体偶尔也会出现在蛇人的国度之中,引起不少骚乱,成为了各种奇幻瑰丽的故事里之中的背景角色。 The thunder will also leave Demon Abyss royal city occasionally, his once for a while will go to nearby Country of Yellow Sand city, looks thing that these snake human artisans make, collects some Alchemy items of treasuring. 雷也偶尔会离开魔渊王城,他时不时的会去附近的黄沙之国的城市,去看一看那些蛇人工匠做的东西,去收集一些珍惜的炼金道具。 For example the storage ring on his hand, was he bought from Country of Yellow Sand recently. 例如他手上的储物戒指,就是他最近从黄沙之国中买到的。 He listened to a Country of Yellow Sand person saying that beside Ruhul Giant Island had a broader world. 他听黄沙之国的一个人说,鲁赫巨岛之外有更广阔的天地。 Some people walked, sought for the new world outside, new paradise. 曾经有人走出去过,在外面寻找到了新世界,新的乐园。 When he hears the new world, paradise noun time. 当他听到新世界,还有乐园这个名词的时候。 The mood cannot bear surged. 心情就忍不住的激荡了起来。 He asked the opposite party: What is the new world?” 他问对方:“新世界是什么样的?” What new paradise is, can it accommodate many people to live?” “新的乐园又是什么样的,它可以容纳很多人生活吗?” The opposite party replied him: „The new world it is said is much bigger than entire Ruhul Giant Island, can hold the innumerable countries, accommodates countless people to live.” 对方回答他:“新世界据说比整个鲁赫巨岛还要大得多,可以容纳无数个国家,容纳无数人居住。” It is said the Evel person also has a winged human clan in legend, lives that side the new world.” “据说爱维尔人还有传说之中的翼人一族,就居住在新世界那边。” The winged human thunder knows, race that one type can soar since birth. 翼人雷知道,一种生来就会飞翔的种族。 Does not use the flight vehicle, can in sky free ballooning. 连飞行器都不用,就可以在天空自由翱翔。 Is hearing the legend of that new world, imagines is being winged to hover a clan in sky, in thunder heart gives birth to incomparable yearning. 听着那新世界的传说,想象着长着翅膀翱翔在天空之中的一族,雷心中生出无比的向往。 Especially the story of Evel person, making in heart gush out a not being able to say mood. 尤其是爱维尔人的故事,让雷心中涌出了一种说不出的情绪。 Somewhat moved, was happy for them. 有些伤感,又为他们高兴。 Really was good.” “真的是太好了。” Works as the race hopeless, left Ruhul Giant Island to go to the distant place resolutely.” “当种族面临绝境的时候,毅然的离开了鲁赫巨岛前往远方。” Finally can also seek, suits their race the habitat.” “最终还能够寻找到,适合他们种族的栖息地。” Was...... is too good.” “真的是……太好了。” The thunder also asked the opposite party: They go to the new world? Where is also depart?” 雷又问对方:“他们是怎么去到新世界的呢?又是从哪里出发的呢?” What a pity, front person is not clear. 可惜,面前这人也不怎么清楚。 The history of Evel person has passed for a long time was too too long, people had possibly heard the folk tale of Evel person, has the color of myth legend. 爱维尔人的历史已经过去得太久太久了,人们可能听说过爱维尔人的民间故事,带着神话传说的色彩。 However must ask where truly their Evel person lives, the new world where the Evel person goes , the Evel person looks like. 但是要真正问他们爱维尔人住在哪里,爱维尔人从哪里前往去的新世界,爱维尔人长得什么样子。 They do not know. 他们又不知道了。 However spoke story type of thing, what was quite convenient was can arrange according to the feeling. 不过讲故事这种东西,比较方便的是可以根据感觉来编。 They toward east side depart, have gone forward in the direction of Sun, found the new continent.” “他们是向着东边出发的,朝着太阳的方向一直前进,就找到了新大陆。” The thunder heard the opposite party saying that also stood excitedly. 雷听到对方这么说,又兴奋的站了起来。 Right, has passed toward Sun, can definitely find the new world.” “没错,朝着太阳一直过去,肯定能够找到新世界。” The thunder listened to the story of Evel person, wanted with these person of same depart, went to that new world to have a look. 雷听完了爱维尔人的故事,也想要和这些人一样出发,去那片新世界去看看。 What a pity, his original flight vehicle can only fly shortly, is unable to maintain long-term hovering, can the weight of carrying/sustaining be also insufficient. 可惜,他原先的飞行器只能够短暂的飞行,无法维持长时间的翱翔,能够承载的重量也不够。 Therefore he plans to build the new flight vehicle, can make him leap the state land, the leap sea. 于是他打算打造新的飞行器,一个能够让他飞跃州陆,飞跃大海。 Even yes, flies the flight vehicle of new world. 甚至是,飞到新世界的飞行器。 If Ok, he even wants to non-stop fly along the sky, flies the solar that side. 如果可以,他甚至想要沿着天空一直飞,飞到太阳那边去。 The thunder turns in the yellow sand is looking, collects is not only the components, once he regarding making the idea and idea of flight vehicle. 雷在黄沙之中翻找着,凑的不仅仅是零件,还有曾经的他对于制造飞行器的理念和想法。 He once also found two Ben's oneself notes, makes the new flight vehicle to have big inspiration regarding him- 他曾经还找到了两本自己的笔记,对于他制造新的飞行器有着很大的启发- The thunder finished cleaned up trash daily, returned in Demon Abyss royal city. 雷结束了“捡垃圾”的日常,重新回到了魔渊王城之内。 demon spirit in city and is greeting. 城内的魔灵们和雷打着招呼。 And mannequin demon spirit sits on the hanging bridge, after seeing the thunder to pass by, asked. 其中一个人偶魔灵坐在吊桥上,看到雷路过之后问道。 Thunder!” “雷!” Today goes out to recycle waste!” “今天又出去捡破烂了啊!” This mannequin demon spirit sits every day looks at the scenery here, saw that every day the thunder passed by from here. 这个人偶魔灵每天都坐在这里看风景,也每天都看到雷从这里路过。 The thunder did not mind, was saying to him: What recycles waste, that is the treasure that I once lost.” 雷也不介意,对着他说:“什么捡破烂,那是我曾经遗失的宝贝。” Proceeds again, demon spirit of kite shape fluttered, with elusive audio inquiry thunder. 再往前,有一位风筝形态的魔灵飘了下来,用空灵的声音询问雷。 Heard, you wanted to fly Sun to come up.” “听人说,你想要飞到太阳上去。” Told kite demon spirit: I felt, close to the place of Sun, the plant growth luxuriantly, the life is also more exuberant.” 雷告诉风筝魔灵:“我是觉得,越靠近太阳的地方,植物生长得越繁茂,生命也就越旺盛。” „If there is gone forward toward solar there, certainly can find the most suitable life housing the place.” “如果往太阳那里一直前进的话,一定能够找到最适合生命居住的地方的。” „A completely new world.” “一个全新的世界。” The kite demon spirit hear does not understand the words that spoke, she is only nod in a soft voice. 风筝魔灵听不太懂雷说的话,她只是轻声的点了点头。 Originally, does not want to fly Sun to come up!” “原来,不是想要飞到太阳上去啊!” Later, fluttered like this. 之后,就这样飘走了。 The thunder felt oneself were despised, therefore was then shouting to kite demon spirit. 雷觉得自己是不是被人鄙视了,于是又接着对着风筝魔灵大喊。 This is only the first step, later can also fly Sun to come up.” “这只是第一步,以后也可以飞到太阳上去的。” If you want to go, I can take you.” “如果你想去的话,我可以带上你。” However kite demon spirit has walked away, does not know that hears his words. 但是风筝魔灵早已经走远了,也不知道有没有听到他的话。 This makes want the idea of belt/bring companion to fail. 这让雷想要带个同伴的想法落了空。 Entire Demon Abyss royal city seems like with beforehand and does not have any too big difference, and as before the seal is peaceful, like a paradise. 整个魔渊王城看起来和之前并没有什么太大的不同,依旧封闭且安静,如同一处世外桃源。 To the person a time stagnated probably here feeling. 给人一种时间好像在这里停滞了的感觉。 Although demon spirit as a race, they have a background of ancient civilization. 虽然魔灵作为一个种族,他们拥有一个古老文明的底蕴。 However a demon spirit clan had not found one truly to be their directions, should have the power that as the civilization. 但是魔灵一族并未曾找到一个真正属于他们的方向,一个作为文明该有的动力。 They hide in the place of this narrow and small asylum, secluded from the world, almost with not too big exchange. 他们躲藏在这个狭小的庇护之地里,与世隔绝,几乎和外界没有太大的交流。 Although also has some demon spirit to leave Demon Abyss royal city to go to the distant place recently, but this type brings the change and future feeling to an entire demon spirit clan has not arrived. 虽然最近也有着一些魔灵离开了魔渊王城前往远方,但是这种给整个魔灵一族带来变化和未来的感觉并没有到来。 As a race, as a civilization. 作为一个种族,作为一个文明。 Its deficient vigor. 它缺乏活力。 More deficient goal. 更缺乏目标。 The thunder has not returned to own miracle workshop, but before led the way arrived at the demon spirit pyramid, directly. 雷并没有回到自己的奇迹工坊,而是一路前行直接来到了魔灵金字塔前。 As soon as he steps into Temple of Insai, drew in another domain by a powerful strength. 他一踏入因赛神殿,就被一股强大的力量拖入到了另一个领域之中。 Inverted pyramid with outside is different, here demon spirit pyramid is positive. 和外面的倒金字塔不一样,这里的魔灵金字塔是正的。 Temple of Insai outside, has idol that is guarding temple. 因赛神殿的外面,有着一座守卫着神庙神像 Under idol. 神像下。 He saw throws over the cape to have the Spiritual God of hood, has the women of entities and ghost two faces ; The chest of woman hangs a mysterious compass, the clothes robe is revealing a sword hilt. 他看到了一个披着斗篷带着兜帽的神灵,拥有实体和幽魂两张面孔的女人;女人的胸口挂着一副神秘的指南针,衣袍露出一副剑柄。 idol is exactly the same as that is setting up, is God of Demon Spirit Eliana. 和那立着的神像一模一样,正是魔灵之神爱莲娜。 She as God. 只是她身为一位神明 Is actually defending temple of another god. 却守着另一位神的神殿 This moment God of Demon Spirit Eliana is replying on the strength of demon spirit pyramid, is paying attention to the pray of distant another demon spirit. 此刻魔灵之神爱莲娜正在借助魔灵金字塔的力量,关注着远方另一位魔灵的祈祷。 Can see not high mannequin demon spirit, was praying to Eliana. 可以看到一个个头不高的人偶魔灵,正在向爱莲娜祈祷。 In the mouth the song is singing: Control in demon spirit pyramid, shelters demon monster and God of Demon Spirit, came from ancient time the lord of Demon Abyss.” 口中颂唱着:“魔灵金字塔的掌控者,庇护魔怪魔灵之神,来自于古老时代的魔渊之主。” This is the triadic god name that Eliana establishes, can let a demon spirit clan communicates in the Dreamland relation through the god name and ceremony she. 这是爱莲娜设置的三段式神名,可以让魔灵一族通过神名和仪式沟通梦界联系上她。 As the prayer ended, the picture goes into hiding gradually. 随着祷告结束,画面渐渐隐匿去。 God of Demon Spirit Eliana turns head finally, looks to the thunder. 魔灵之神爱莲娜终于回过头来,看向了雷。 Thunder.” “雷。” thunder Gui on the ground: „Does Ms. Eliana, what you ask me to tell?” 雷跪在地上:“爱莲娜女士,您找我有什么吩咐吗?” Eliana gave a thunder duty: „The God of Desire and Alchemy apostle Oland arrived, you represent me to greet his one!” 爱莲娜交给了雷一项任务:“欲望和炼金之神的使徒奥兰到来了,你代表我去迎接他一下吧!” The thunder knows Oland, the opposite party had come Demon Abyss royal city. 雷认识奥兰,对方曾经来过魔渊王城 Moreover Oland and Ms. Eliana have the relations, was he returns to Demon Abyss royal city Ms. Eliana's Divine Grace Stone, made the demon spirit pyramid plan to succeed thoroughly. 而且奥兰和爱莲娜女士也有着关系,是他将爱莲娜女士的神恩石送回到了魔渊王城,才让魔灵金字塔计划彻底成功。 His comes previous time, is many years ago!” “他上一次过来,还是好多年前吧!” Why these does come time?” “这一次是为什么过来呢?” Eliana told the thunder: God of Desire and Alchemy wants to compete for the intelligent fruit, Oland should become her follower.” 爱莲娜告诉雷:“欲望与炼金之神想要争夺智慧果实,奥兰应该会成为她的从者。” He is launching to travel, besides congratulates me to become myth, should also seek is the road of his own myth.” “他在展开游历,除了来祝贺我成为神话之外,应该也在寻找着属于他自己的神话之路。” The thunder nods: Outside world, is really lively.” 雷点了点头:“外面的世界,真的是热闹啊。” In his words has not envied, only then yearning to distant place. 他的话语之中并没有羡慕,只有对远方的向往。 Even makes people feel, even if Oland becomes God, he did not think that oneself attitude will have anything to change. 甚至让人感觉哪怕奥兰成为了神明,他也不觉得自己的态度会有什么变化。 thunder Zhunbei departs, at this time God of Demon Spirit before Temple of Insai stopped by calling him. 雷准备离去,这个时候因赛神殿前的魔灵之神喊住了他。 Eliana asked the thunder. 爱莲娜问雷。 Thunder.” “雷。” Heard that you want to leave Ruhul Giant Island.” “听说你想要离开鲁赫巨岛。” Eliana was that face of metal mannequin stops the speech, that face of ghost experienced the fluctuation, asked him. 爱莲娜身为金属人偶的那张脸停止了说话,幽魂的那张脸却出现了波动,开口问他。 Why?” “为什么?” The thunder hears Eliana to ask him, immediately grasps own head. 雷听到爱莲娜这么问他,立刻抓了抓自己的头。 Somewhat seems like the child same said to Eliana with a smile: Why?” 有些像是孩子一样的笑着对爱莲娜说:“为什么?” Ms. Eliana.” “爱莲娜女士。” Why without, me is wants!” “没有为什么,我就是想要去啊!” Sometimes the person vainly hopes for the distant place, wants to handle something, seems like does not have the reason. 有的时候人梦想远方,想要做某一件事情,似乎是没有理由的。 Suddenly, wants to go to the distant place, wanted to do. 就是突然间,想要去远处,想要去做了而已。 On the thunder body, his wants to be as if for different reasons suddenly, but this reason Eliana looked. 只是在雷的身上,他的突然想要似乎另有原因,而这个原因爱莲娜看出来了。 Eliana is gazing at the thunder, has not said anything, but walked from the temple entrance suddenly. 爱莲娜注视着雷,没有多说什么,只是突然从神殿门口走了下来。 She along the steps, stood in the thunder front. 她沿着阶梯而下,站在了雷的面前。 Took down wore an accessory on neck. 取下了戴在脖子上的一个饰品。 Then, hung on the thunder body personally. 然后,亲手挂在了雷的身上。 That is Eliana's compass. 那是爱莲娜的指南针。 Miracle Item not only the compass of guide 奇迹道具・不仅仅指南的指南针】 Series number 163 【序列号163】 Demon Abyss knight Eliana saw the strange scene in the seashore, during received to be dark the influence on make this compass.】 魔渊骑士爱莲娜在海边看到了奇异的景象,受到冥冥之中的影响制造了这枚指南针。】 Ability 1: South it not only can aim, can through the thing that and somebody, something touches year to year, looks for their whereabout, will have its us not to lose relic again.】 【能力一:它不仅仅可以指向南方,更可以通过和某个人、某个物常年触碰的东西,寻找到他们的下落,有了它我们就不会再遗失旧物。】 Ability 2: It can aim at the direction that own innermost feelings are, will have its us not to lose the goal.】 【能力二:它可以指向自己的内心所在的方向,有了它我们就不会失去目标。】 thunder Feichang is shocked, does not understand why Eliana delivers herself suddenly such thing. 雷非常震惊,同时也不明白为什么爱莲娜突然送自己这样东西。 Ms. Eliana.” “爱莲娜女士。” This is your treasure, it has not left your side.” “这是您的宝贝,它从来没有离开过您的身边。” Eliana: Was only the belt/bring is used.” 爱莲娜:“只是带习惯了而已。” Eliana and explained the function of this compass, its origin. 爱莲娜和雷解释起了这枚指南针的作用,还有它的来历。 It is the first compass of the world, is I makes personally, however its function is not only south the direction.” “它是世界的第一枚指南针,是我亲手制造的,但是它的作用不仅仅是指向南方。” Asked Eliana: Where then it does aim at?” 雷问爱莲娜:“那它指向哪里?” Eliana: It can find you person who according to the aura wanted to find, can aim at you any place that wanted to find.” 爱莲娜:“它可以根据气息找到你想要找到的人,也可以指向你想要找到的任何地方。” It is the divine creative force of miracle, is Creator and Ruler of Dreamland gracious gift.” “它是奇迹的造物,是造物主梦境主宰的恩赐。” three leaves human and People of Demon Abyss are King of Wisdom come the direct line bloodlines of virtue niche, the thing that we once had are many, this is one of them.” 三叶人魔渊之民智慧之王来德利基的直系血脉,我们曾经拥有的东西很多,这便是其中之一。” The thunder put out a hand, gripped Eliana to his compass. 雷伸出手,握住了爱莲娜给他的指南针。 He looked to the compass of oneself palm, discovered indicator rocking of keeping, is not willing to stop. 他看向了自己掌心的指南针,发现其中的指针在不停的晃动,怎么也不肯停下。 But, Ms. Eliana!” “可是,爱莲娜女士!” It turning circle of keeping.” “它在不停的转着圈。” Eliana asked the thunder: Therefore you really know direction that own innermost feelings are at?” 爱莲娜问雷:“所以你真的知道自己内心所在的方向吗?” You real, found the target in oneself heart?” “你真的,找到了自己心中的目标了吗?” Thunder!” “雷!” The thunder left, the hand grasps Eliana to give his compass, has some vacant. 雷离开了,手握着爱莲娜送给他的指南针,有着些许茫然。 However after the thunder leaves, ghost Eliana opened the mouth. 但是雷离开之后,幽魂爱莲娜开口了。 Passed for 250 million years, he still remembered his once desire.” “都过去了两亿五千万年了,他还记得他曾经的愿望。” The mannequin Eliana reply was only an era passed, once desire is also expired with the time.” 人偶爱莲娜回答“只是一个纪元过去了,曾经的愿望也早已随着时间而过期。” Ghost Eliana: But he still remembers.” 幽魂爱莲娜:“但是他还记得。” thunder Chusheng in God's Abandonment Era, he once wanted to go to the distant place to seek for the place of hope, because finally Eliana's demon spirit pyramid plans to give up, was willing to turn is fettered in Demon Abyss royal city demon spirit. 雷出生在神弃时代,他曾经想要前往远方寻找希望之地,最终因为爱莲娜的魔灵金字塔计划放弃,甘愿变成了被束缚在魔渊王城的一个魔灵 However in his mind, but also remembers own hope. 但是在他的心中,还记得自己的渴望。 In not being able to see the time of hope, goes to the remote place to seek for hope in his heart, during he imagines the new world and paradise. 在看不到希望的时代,去遥远的地方寻找他心中的希望,他想象之中的新世界和乐园。 After an era, its once goal and desire did not have any significance again, is actually fettering he himself as before- 只是在一个纪元之后,它曾经的目标和愿望再也没有了任何意义,却依旧束缚着他自己- In sky. 天空之中。 The magic carpet nimble and resourceful shuttle under the sea of clouds, comes toward the endless vast desert together. 一块魔毯灵动的穿梭在云海之下,朝着无尽沙海而来。 What on magic carpet is Oland and Mer, they lived in the Country of Yellow Sand hotel yesterday, experienced the valiant character and style of desert nationality, has looked at the be continuous unceasing pack animal caravan, hot of cabaret dancer. 魔毯上的是奥兰和加美尔,他们昨天居住在黄沙之国的旅馆之中,见识了沙漠民族的彪悍风情,看过了绵延不绝的驮兽商队,还有酒馆舞女的火辣。 This is a very small country, lives in the barren land in vast desert edge. 这是一个很小的国家,居住在沙海边缘的贫瘠之地。 In is the water that Razer Kingdom most does not lack, but here each water drop so precious. 雷泽王国最不缺的就是水,但是在这里每一滴水都是如此的珍贵。 Above the magic carpet, attached to lamp spirit on Cup of Desire starts talking: Country of Yellow Sand is such country, what they believe is wilderness Giant God.” 魔毯之上,依附在欲望之杯上的灯灵开口说话了:“黄沙之国原来是这样的国家,他们信仰的是荒漠巨神。” „It seems like, they have not made the contact with this Ruhul Giant God truly.” “不过看起来,他们也并没有真正和这位鲁赫巨神建立联系。” Oland is experienced: Ruhul Giant God and ordinary God are not quite same, they do not need the belief of intelligent species completely.” 奥兰见多识广:“鲁赫巨神和普通的神明不太一样,他们完全不需要智慧种的信仰。” The wisdom half god needs is mortal's belief, rather needs to select the retinues of these gods from the place of belief, the ordinary mortal's belief and irreverence, have not actually affected regarding the wisdom half god slightly. 智慧半神需要的与其说是凡人的信仰,不如说是需要从信仰之地择选出那些神之仆从,普通凡人的信仰和虔诚,对于智慧半神来说其实是丝毫没有作用的。 Only can say that has the basic plate of belief, choosing the retinue of god comes more convenient. 只能说拥有信仰的基本盘,挑选神之仆从来就更加方便。 But regarding Ruhul Giant God, mortal's belief was more useless. 而对于鲁赫巨神来说,凡人的信仰就更加无用了。 Oland mentioned knows recently, matter about new country. 奥兰说起了最近才知道的,一个关于新国家的事情。 It is said also has a new country born above the wilderness, is called wilderness Witch Country.” “据说在荒原之上也有着一个新国家诞生,叫做荒原巫国。” In its behind, has the support of witch spirit and God of Truth and Knowledge.” “在其背后,有着巫灵真理与知识之神的支持。” Each country on Ruhul Giant Island, has the Spiritual God to take the background. 鲁赫巨岛上的每一个国家,都有着神灵作为背景。 Without the support of Spiritual God, is unable to establish a country. 没有神灵的支撑,是无法建立起一个国家来的。 Even if really does not have the Spiritual God to support, at least must disguise the support of Spiritual God. 哪怕真的没有神灵支撑,至少也得假装有神灵的支撑。 The country and Country of Yellow Sand Leize are born like this. 雷泽之国和黄沙之国都是这样诞生的。 Mer arrived here for the first time: Oland Sir, Demon Abyss royal city where?” 加美尔第一次来到这里:“奥兰大人,魔渊王城在哪里?” Oland said: „The Demon Abyss royal city position is not fixed, this vast desert is moving always, therefore this city is also moving, we can only look slowly.” 奥兰说:“魔渊王城的位置不是固定的,这片沙海无时无刻不在移动,所以这座城市也在移动,我们只能慢慢去找。” How long however this Oland enters the endless vast desert not to look, had the change. 不过这一次奥兰进入无尽沙海并没有找多久,就出现了变化。 The flight magic carpet flies well in the sky, the distant place broadcast the strange sound suddenly. 飞行魔毯在天空之中飞得好好的,突然之间远处传来了奇怪的声音。 „!” “哗哗哗哗!” A strange thing from the distant place came, to fly side of flight magic carpet, hovered with Oland and Mer together in the horizon. 一个奇怪的东西从远处而来,飞到了飞行魔毯的旁边,和奥兰与加美尔一同翱翔在天际。 The magic carpet and flight vehicle are on par under the sea of clouds, this regarding snake human even Powerful of this time, is especially unusual. 魔毯和飞行器在云海之下比肩,这一幕对于这个时代的蛇人甚至权能者来说,都是格外奇特。 That on flight vehicle exists to turn head, greets toward Oland. 飞行器上的那个存在扭过头来,朝着奥兰打了个招呼。 Oland.” “奥兰。” You came.” “你又来了。” Mer has not actually seen this scene, mannequin that can move he can guess correctly probably is a demon spirit clan in legend, the thing that but this can fly is anything. 加美尔却从来没有见过这种场面,会动的人偶他大概能猜出是传说之中的魔灵一族,但是这个会飞的东西是什么。 Will move.” “会动的。” mannequin that can move.” “会动的人偶。” What he opens is what thing, the Alchemy item?” “他开的是什么东西,炼金道具吗?” Mer actually cannot feel from above slightly, fluctuation about unusual strength. 只是加美尔却没能从上面感受到丝毫,关于超凡力量的波动。 This on behalf of what? 这代表什么? The opposite party with the aid of any unusual strength, have not flown like this in the sky. 对方没有借助任何超凡力量,就这样飞在天空之中。 This may be rarer than the unusual item that can fly, makes people think inconceivable. 这可比会飞的超凡道具更加罕见,也更加让人觉得不可思议。 The apostle on magic carpet actually recognized the opposite party: Is the thunder you!” 魔毯上的使徒却认出了对方:“是雷你啊!” thunder Zhushi the flight magic carpet of Oland, previous Oland is entering Demon Abyss royal city time, has received this thing, the thunder had not noticed at that time. 雷注视着奥兰的飞行魔毯,上一次奥兰进入魔渊王城的时候,早就将这东西收起来了,雷当时并没有注意到。 Oland!” “奥兰!” Your this magic carpet is very interesting, how can tell me it to make?” “你这魔毯很有意思,能够告诉我它是怎么制造的吗?” Oland very natural saying: I can deliver one to you.” 奥兰很大方的说道:“我可以送一个给你。” The thunder actually shakes the head: No, I want to study.” 雷却摇头:“不,我只是想要研究一下。” Recently, I wanted to transform my flight vehicle, your magic carpet was interesting.” “最近,我想要重新改造我的飞行器,你的魔毯非常有意思。” I can use my flight machine manufacturing method, exchanges with you.” “我可以用我的飞行机制造方法,和你进行交换。” Oland raised the head, looks at the thunder. 奥兰抬起头,看着雷。 In this case, I profited.” “这样的话,我太占便宜了。” The method of manufacturing of flight magic carpet and is not any high-end technology in White Tower Alchemy Alliance, but this type can make the average person also be able the flight vehicle that flies to ascend the sky, does not use the flight thing that uses the unusual material to build completely, is completely different. 飞行魔毯的制作方法在白塔炼金联盟并算不上什么高端技术,但是这种能够让普通人也能够飞上天的飞行器,完全不用使用超凡材料打造的飞行用品,就完全不一样了。 Besides of thunder, Oland has not at least seen in other places. 至少除了雷的这副之外,奥兰还从来没有在其他地方见到过。 Oland felt, if this thing appears in White Tower Alchemy Alliance, may cause a round brand-new Alchemy technique transformation. 奥兰觉得如果这个东西出现在白塔炼金联盟的话,或许会引起一轮全新的炼金术变革。 The thunder actually does not care: We agreed.” 雷却不在意:“那我们就约定好了。” thunder open/start the flight vehicle, was relaying several in the sky, probably is showing off own technology. 雷开着飞行器,在天空之中转了几圈,好像在炫耀着自己的技术。 He can operate upside-down the flight vehicle, is parallel toward the land and flight magic carpet in the same place. 他可以把飞行器开倒了过来,头向着大地和飞行魔毯平行在一起。 I first lead you to see Ms. Eliana.” “我先带你去见爱莲娜女士。” Later you come to my miracle workshop, we discussed.” “之后你来我的奇迹工坊,我们一起讨论一下。” Oland!” “奥兰!” I am just still thinking today, if there is alchemist to come Demon Abyss royal city to be good, never expected that you came.” “我今天刚刚还在想,要是有一位炼金师魔渊王城就好了,没有想到你就来了。” The frank voice falls, the flight vehicle accelerated to rush front led the way. 爽朗的话音落下,飞行器加速冲到了前面引路。 The magic carpet follows on the heels, saying that at this time Mer shocked. 魔毯跟在后面,这个时候加美尔才震撼的说道。 demon monster that can speak, really and living person is completely exactly the same.” “会说话的魔怪,真的和活人完全一模一样。”
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