IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#394 Part 2: Sally the ladder of sky

Oland puts out a hand immediately, held this strange flower shape life body. 奥兰立刻伸出手,抓住了这朵怪异的花形态生命体。 What is this?” “这到底是什么?” Touches it the time, the spirit and strength of Oland conduct the scanning to it immediately. 触碰到它的时候,奥兰的精神和力量立刻对它进行了扫描。 „A brand-new life?” “一种全新的生命?” However it is swaying immediately, actually wants to shake off the fetter of Oland. 但是它立刻摇晃着,竟然想要挣脱奥兰的束缚。 Because it not from Oland holds in the desire born, but from sky succuba Liz holds to read with the desire is born, how is willing to be controlled by Oland. 因为它不是从奥兰的执欲之中诞生,而是从“天空魔女”莉丝的执念和欲望之中诞生,怎么肯受到奥兰的控制呢。 Even because Oland does not make it complete its holds to read with the desire, actually wants the self- destruction. 甚至因为奥兰不让它去完成它的执念和欲望,竟然想要自我毁灭。 Finally is not willing to look at it such destruction Oland, hesitant one loosened the hand, made it shake off own control unexpectedly like this. 最后不愿意看着其就这样毁灭的奥兰,犹豫了一下松开了手,竟然让它就这样挣脱了自己的控制。 „It is not good.” “不好。” Oland loosened the hand, it sneaks in immediately underground, dissipates without a trace. 奥兰一松开了手,它就立刻钻进了地下,消逝得无影无踪。 Mer actually thoroughly in same place, in his mind is reverberating that and Liz's exactly the same face. 加美尔却彻底愣在了原地,他脑海中回荡着那张和莉丝一模一样的面孔。 „Did she live?” “她活了吗?” Although Oland does not know that it is anything, but as the God of Desire and Alchemy apostle, he is touching that strange flower flash, felt the lots. 奥兰虽然不知道它是什么,但是作为欲望与炼金之神的使徒,他在触碰到那朵怪异之花的一瞬间,就感觉到了很多东西。 This is not a complete life.” “这不是一种完整的生命。” It does not have the wisdom, did not remember once all.” “它没有智慧,也不记得曾经的所有。” It only continuously in Liz holds under the desire, perishes in the endless desire.” “它只会一直在莉丝的执欲之下,在无尽的欲望之中沉沦。” Mer asked Oland: What is that felt?” 加美尔问奥兰:“那是种什么感觉?” Oland: What is Liz felt finally? Is painful or desperate?” 奥兰:“莉丝最后是什么感觉?是痛苦还是绝望?” Mer has turned head suddenly, looks to the lost kingdom direction of distant place. 加美尔骤然扭过头,看向了远方的失落之国方向。 In his mind is reverberating that feeling. 他脑海中回荡着那种感觉。 Mer feels suddenly desperately for that flower. 加美尔突然为那朵花感觉到绝望。 Because that is one type in the feeling in the honey water being drown to death, soaks in the entrance fragrantly, the death blocked the breath. 因为那是一种在蜜水之中溺死的感觉,香甜浸入口中,死亡塞住鼻息。 Letting the person is unable to breathe, uncomfortable desperate to the extreme. 让人无法呼吸,难受绝望到了极点。 A happiness that however the tip of tongue transmits, actually gives people an illusory happiness- 但是舌尖传来的一丝甜蜜,却又给人一种虚幻的幸福- Silver Cup of Desire left the ground, presents again time it has appeared in the riverside. 银色的欲望之杯离开了地面,再一次出现的时候它已经出现在了河边。 It along the rivers on, penetrated in the swamp. 它沿着河流而上,深入到了沼泽之中。 It has fluttered the water surface, unceasing close to Yunshan of that swamp deep place. 它飘过水面,不断的靠近那沼泽深处的云山。 The shuttle as if recognizes here in the confused flower. 穿梭在迷茫的花儿似乎认得这里。 Finally, it reached the whitebait island. 最后,它登上了银鱼岛。 It uses the root hair to treat as the foot, in full was the rotten wood and in the dry vine islands provoked the dance, that was used to offer sacrifices the God ancient snake dance. 它用根须当做脚,在满是朽木和枯藤的岛屿上挑起了舞蹈,那是用来献祭神明的古老蛇舞。 At this moment, was jumped by a flower unexpectedly. 此时此刻,竟然由一朵花儿跳了出来。 The beautiful woman head in flower cup starts to speak, in once held under the altar of sacrifice of succuba. 花杯里的美人头颅开始说话,在曾经举行魔女之祭的祭坛之下。 „The god of great sky!” “伟大的天空之神!” „The retinue of supreme Ruler of Life, great Ruhul Giant God......” “至高无上的生命主宰之仆从,伟大的鲁赫巨神……” You are the master of thunder, the wind bring your sound for the mortal, the sky and cloud are your......” “您是雷霆的主人,风为凡人带来您的声音,天空和云是您的……” It jumps is jumping, arrived at another head of whitebait island. 它跳着跳着,来到了银鱼岛的另一头。 It saw a rotten fishing boat, then mounted it. 它看到了一艘腐烂的渔船,然后登上了它。 Also jumped on the fishing boat. 又在渔船上跳了起来。 Fishing boat left Yaoyou shakes, its unusual adaptation, once lived probably year to year on the ship is the same. 渔船左摇右晃,它非常的适应,就好像曾经常年生活在船上一样。 The mist on Yunshan crashed, as the water surface spreads, and it embezzled the ship together. 云山上的雾气崩塌了下来,随着水面扩散开来,将船和它一同吞没了进去。 However not long, it penetrated the fog to reappear with that fishing boat before the person. 但是没有多久,它又和那艘渔船一起穿透云雾重新出现在了人前。 Perhaps is because it is like ghost life form, is not a complete life. 或许是因为它和幽魂这种生命形态一样,算不上一种完整的生命。 Also or because of the Cup of Desire particularity, thing looking like of Creator garden. 又或者是因为欲望之杯的特殊性,和造物主花园之物的酷似。 Makes it safe and sound. 才让它安然无恙。 Its this and Shiner fishing boat together, formed the companion in this stretch of death restricted area. 它就这样和夏纳的渔船一同,在这片死亡禁地之中结成了同伴。 Afterward. 后来。 Would some people astraying the swamp deep place. 总会有人误入沼泽深处。 Saw in fog that flower that distantly is growing the beautiful woman head across death, is taking a worn-out decayed ship. 遥遥看到一朵长着美人头颅的花穿过死亡的云雾之中,乘坐着一艘破旧腐朽的船。 It uses the aria to sing the hymn, is praising great sky Giant God. 它用咏叹调唱着赞美诗,赞美着伟大的天空巨神 It does not know oneself come from where, only knows oneself must go to where. 它不知道自己从何而来,只知道自己要去往何处。 It thinks that oneself goes to the city in sky, can achieve the goal ; Its holds to read tells it, so long as mounts that Castle in the Sky to become the succuba. 它以为自己去往天空之中的城市,就能够达成目的;它的执念告诉它,只要登上那座天空之城就能成为魔女。 However it takes the ships to spit the breath following giant beast time and time again on, hovers during the breath of Giant God, but can never mount the city after Yunshan. 但是它一次又一次乘坐着船只循着巨怪吐息而上,翱翔在巨神的呼吸之中,但是始终不能登上云山后的城市。 Because the control of life once told Sky Behemoth, even if not the person cannot enter in her holding. 因为生命的主宰曾经告诉天空巨兽,哪怕不是人也不可以进入她的藏品里。 Therefore Shiner that miracle, cannot be redundant. 所以夏纳的那种奇迹,已经不可再重复。 However. 不过。 Even if were it entered this lost kingdom truly, it is unable to become the succuba who it wanted as before. 哪怕是它真正的进入了这座失落之国,它依旧无法成为它想要的魔女。 Enters lost kingdom to become the succuba, but is Liz and everyone's fantasy. 进入失落之国就能够成为魔女,只不过是莉丝和所有人的幻想罢了。 It can only time and time again, once again. 它只能一次一次,又一次的。 pai returns between the sea of clouds and lake surface. 徘回在云海和湖面之间。 When, the true sky succuba is one day born, its will hold to want perhaps completely to finish. 等到有一天,真正的天空魔女诞生的时候,它的执欲或许才会彻底结束。 Because of not satisfying, because it knows that is impossible. 不是因为满足,而是因为它知道不可能了。 During the dream is broken dissipates. 在梦碎之中消散。
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