IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#394 Part 1: Sally the ladder of sky

The cloud layer is piled up, spreads layer by layer infinitely upward, probably white wall who covers the front world. 云层堆积成山,一层一层无限往上蔓延,就好像一堵遮挡住前方世界的白墙。 The sea of clouds deep place, city of a float in the cloud in sky has the person's shadow ; The witch doctors stand to stand in a row in the City of God's Descent edge, the vision penetration stratus cloud overlook the world from the high place. 云海深处,一座漂浮在天空之中的云上之城中有着人影;巫医们站成一排立在神降之城的边缘,目光穿透层云从高处俯瞰人间。 Is witnessing the farce of the world, was witnessing aristocrat and servant of God who these deceive oneself and others repeatedly. 目睹着人间的闹剧,目睹着那些一遍又一遍自欺欺人的贵族和神侍 Looks at these, even if were warned the mortal who actually acts willfully as before by the god, finally when faces directly God truly is actually the frightened resonance oscillation intimidated, melts under the strength radiation of life half god. 看着那些哪怕是被神警示却依旧一意孤行的凡人,最终在真正直面神明的时候却是恐惧和振怖,在生命半神的力量辐射之下融化。 Was witnessing that turns into a beach rotten meat chief servant of God, finally is still deceiving itself, after consciousness dissipation, wriggles as before is going to State of God in his eye. 目睹着那变成一滩烂肉的首席神侍,最后还在欺骗着自己,意识消散之后依旧蠕动着前往他眼中的神之国度 That is not a succuba, actually thinks that is the young girl of succuba ; Finally because is unable to discard the status of succuba, changes into the bubble in the giant beast spitting breath. 还有那不是魔女,却自认为是魔女的少女;最后因为无法舍弃魔女的身份,在巨怪的吐息之中化为泡沫。 Is drown to death the mortal in desire, is laughable and pitiful.” A head witch doctor face is sane, looks somewhat ice-cold. “溺死在欲望里的凡人,可笑又可悲。”头颅巫医一脸理智,看上去有些冰冷。 Most pitiful is not drown to death in own desire, but is drown to death in others' desire.” The left hand witch doctor somewhat sighed. “最可悲的不是溺死在自己的欲望里,而是溺死在别人的欲望里。”左手巫医则有些感叹。 She estimates until the last minute is clear, she becomes not the sky Giant God succuba, but is the succubas in other person of eyes, but she is unable to discard, is the succuba status in his person eyes.” Witch doctor both hands of named left leg insert in the pocket of white long gown, shakes the head. “直到最后一刻她估计才明白,她成为的不是天空巨神的魔女,而是其他人眼中的魔女,而她无法舍弃的,也是他人眼中的魔女身份。”名为左腿的巫医双手插在白色长袍的兜里,摇了摇头。 Regardless of past many years, the intelligent species desire so blazing and followed blindly.” The right hand witch doctor made the summary. “无论过去多少年,智慧种的欲望都是如此的炽烈和盲从。”右手巫医做出了总结。 This is a sickness, must govern.” A torso witch doctor face is actually interested sudden said that if the desire is a sickness, what then the cured person is? “这是种病,得治。”躯干巫医却一脸感兴趣的突然说道,只是如果欲望是一种病的话,那么被治好的人是什么样的? Other witch doctors hear these words, looked together to the torso witch doctor. 其他巫医听到这句话,一同看向了躯干巫医。 The world noisy end will end. 人间的闹剧终会结束。 But a witch doctors more important matter, is the god who follows in Zhigao only goes to the distant place together. 而巫医们更重要的事情,是追随于至高的神祇一同前往远方。 Although they do not know, distant place actually where, the end point of journey actually where. 虽然她们也不知道,远方究竟在何处,旅途的终点究竟在哪里。 However they know, when the journey ends, they will leave Supreme God side only, starts to be the story of witch doctor individuals. 但是她们知道,当旅途终结的时候,她们将离开至高神祇的身边,开始属于巫医这个个体们的故事。 This also makes the witch doctors hope this journey to be able unlimited working. 这也让巫医们希望这趟旅途能够无限期的进行下去。 The witch doctors enter in the city, walks toward the intelligent royal palace. 巫医们进入城中,朝着智慧王宫走去。 Miracle Item the Fairy hot-air balloon ship has stopped on the stair of highest place, here is also the entire City of God's Descent peak. 奇迹道具妖精的热气球艇早就停在了最高处的台阶上,这里也是整个神降之城的最高点。 mythical spirit Waylen flutters above, received to float in the above hot-air balloon. 神话之灵维伦飘在上面,收起了浮在上面的热气球。 The airship gradually turned into the appearance of ordinary vessel, but does not have the deck not to have the ship's sail. 飞艇渐渐的变成了普通船艇的模样,只是没有甲板也没有船帆。 Ruler of Life Sally runs from the intelligent royal palace. 生命主宰莎莉从智慧王宫里面跑出来。 She runs in the forefront, the body leans forward, both hands places behind, probably this can pick up the speed to be the same. 她跑在最前面,身体前倾,双手放在身后,好像这样就能够加快速度一样。 Wū wū!” “呜呜!” She should behind also some people, therefore she is running, while looks toward behind. 她身后应该还有人,所以她一边跑着,又一边朝着后面看。 You quickly!” “你们快一点!” Was too slow!” “太慢了!” Before Sally ran up to the Fairy hot-air balloon, finally stopped the footsteps. 莎莉跑到了妖精的热气球前,终于停下了脚步。 On her face showed the smile, the happy mood has not covered up slightly. 她脸上露出了笑脸,高兴的情绪丝毫没有遮掩。 Sky slide must clear.” “天空滑梯要开通了。” Waited for many days, Sky Behemoth built the ladder of sky finally, completed Sally to give her duty. 等待了很多日,天空巨兽终于搭建出了天空之梯,完成了莎莉交给她的任务。 Covers the thunder swamp above the sky sea of clouds, arranges nodes that the average man is unable to detect, gathered a huge network channel, but now this channel must open finally. 覆盖雷霆沼泽的天空云海之上,布置着常人无法察觉的一个又一个节点,汇聚成了一个庞大的网络通道,而现在这个通道终于要开启了。 Sally saw behind God Insai and Shirra finally with, immediately is giving orders to the sky sea of clouds. 莎莉看到身后的因赛神希拉终于跟了上来,立刻对着天空云海发号施令。 Big jellyfish.” “大水母。” Can start.” “可以开始了。” Immediately, ten thousand li (0.5 km) sea of clouds surges. 立刻,万里云海涌动。 The wind sound/rumor howls, probably is responding to the Ruler of Life god aim. 风声呼啸,好像在回应着生命主宰的神旨。 In wind and cloud transformation. 风云变换里。 A giant canopy takes shape in the sky, spread like the tentacle common pipeline to the distant place, in the connection the air bubble same nodes. 一个巨大的伞盖在天空之中成型,一条条如同触手一般的管道蔓延向远方,连接上一个又一个气泡一样的节点。 This is one huge to being inconceivable, spits the syntagma that the breath gathering becomes by sky giant beast. 这是一个庞大到难以想象的,由天空巨怪吐息汇聚而成的结构体。 The canopy is the center and core, these tentacle common pipelines are the genuine channels. 伞盖是中枢和核心,那些触手一般的管道则是真正的通道。 Looks up to the sky unable to see its complete picture from the land, can only see that the space special cloud layer is changing, but these special cloud layers mix in the ordinary cloud layer. 从大地之上仰望天空根本不能看到其全貌,只能够看到天上特殊的云层在发生着变化,而这些特殊的云层又夹杂在普通的云层之中。 Oh!” “喔!” Ruler of Life Sally actually clear saw this, in the eye was flashing the star probably, this was the thing that she wanted. 生命主宰莎莉却清晰的看到了这一幕,眼中好像闪着星星,这个就是她想要的东西。 This is Sky Behemoth gives to her gift, is not disposable, but can the multiple reusables. 这是天空巨兽献给她的礼物,并不是一次性的,而是可以多次重复使用的。 She can go to many places through the ladder of this sky. 她可以通过这个天空之梯前往很多地方。 But the destination that this time, she designates is the sea. 而这一次,她选定的目的地是大海。 Ruler of Life Sally is somewhat impatient, she must on biggest the slippery slide from this history slide, from state land smooth/slide to sea. 生命主宰莎莉已经有些迫不及待了,她要从这个史上最大的滑滑梯上一路滑下去,从州陆滑向海洋。 She is appreciating oneself big toy time, God Insai and Ruler of Dreamland Shirra has walked into the cabin door, even the witch doctors followed on the heels to enter in the ship cautiously. 她欣赏着自己的“大玩具”的时候,因赛神梦境主宰希拉已经走入了舱门,连巫医们都小心翼翼的跟在后面进入了艇内。 Shirra stands in the entrance, was saying to Sally. 希拉站在门口,对着莎莉说道。 Sally!” 莎莉!” Came.” “进来了。” Sally actually shakes the head to express the rejection, she do not sit in inside. 莎莉却摇头表示拒绝,她才不要坐在里面。 I must sit above.” “我要坐在上面。” Sitting is fun above.” “坐在上面才好玩。” She must sit in front of vessel, then and vessel slides together on this. 她要坐在船艇的前面,然后就这样和船艇一起滑下去。 The under foot cloud layer floats off unceasingly, by entire City of God's Descent. 脚下云层不断浮起,透过整座神降之城 Then was condensed the giant canopy that became to pick up Miracle Item by the fog the Fairy hot-air balloon ship, Sally ran above the cloud layer, finally jumped the uppermost of hot-air balloon all of a sudden. 那由云雾凝聚而成的巨大伞盖托起了奇迹道具妖精的热气球艇,莎莉在云层之上奔跑,最后一下子跳到了热气球的最上面。 Her happy sitting above, but also bends the waist to look to the following round window, beckons toward inside God Insai and Shirra. 她高兴的坐在上面,还弯下腰看向了下面的圆窗,朝着里面的因赛神希拉招手。 Because God Insai as if sits had not seen, but Shirra actually smile looks at her. 因赛神似乎因为坐着并没有看到,不过希拉倒是微笑的看着她。 Indicated to encourage to her. 对她表示鼓励。 Canopy unceasing pushing up, until overlooking the entire world land. “伞盖”不断的推高,直至俯瞰整个人间大地。 But at this time the vessel of highest place fell finally, goes toward the distant place. 而这个时候最高处的船艇终于滑落而下,朝着远方而去。 Acceleration. 加速。 Acceleration. 加速。 Slides. 一路滑行。 The vessel coasts from the canopy, accurate entered to Eastern pipeline, slides an along the sky scaling ladder unceasingly. 船艇从伞盖之上滑下,精准的进入了一个通往东方的管道,沿着天空云梯不断滑行。 Probably through the suspension train that the track accelerates unceasingly. 就好像通过轨道不断加速的悬浮列车。 The witch doctors stand before the window, looks that the sea of clouds transforms vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, the speed is much faster. 巫医们站在窗户前,看着云海纵横变换,速度快得不可思议。 But above the Fairy hot-air balloon ship, Sally faces directly this velocity shock. 而在妖精的热气球艇之上,莎莉更是直面这种速度冲击。 Span of time and passes cannot wear down the life the control half a point, this coming impact was not worth mentioning. 只是连时间的跨越和流逝都不能消磨生命的主宰半分,这种迎面而来的冲击就更不值一提了。 Sally sits on the vessel motionless, probably a mountain is the same. 莎莉坐在船艇上面一动不动,就好像一座大山一样。 The wind blows the Sally brown hair in the future to draw a mop shape, Sally does not care, is staring to laugh, opens the arm to feel this speed. 只是风吹得莎莉褐色的头发往后拉成一个拖把状,莎莉也不在意,瞪着眼睛哈哈大笑,张开手臂感受着这速度。 Ha!” “哈哈哈哈哈!” Wū wū!” “呜呜!” Flies.” “飞起来咯。” But at this moment, the dense and numerous Sky Behemoth volumes are from the cloud layer appear. 而此时此刻,密密麻麻的天空巨兽卷属从云层之中浮现。 The volume of life half god are pursuing Miracle Item Fairy the form of hot-air balloon ship goes to the distant place, just like it comes time is the same. 生命半神的卷属们追逐着奇迹道具妖精的热气球艇的身影前往远方,犹如其来的时候一样。 Sky Behemoth delivers her master to go far away, picks up the opposite party only escorts to the next stand cautiously the control and to the high god of life. 天空巨兽送着她的主人远去,小心翼翼的托起对方将生命的主宰和至高的神祇送往下一站。 The Fairy hot-air balloon ship speed is getting more and more fast, suddenly vanishes in the day end. 妖精的热气球艇速度越来越快,眨眼间就消失在天的尽头。 Scene unceasing transformation. 一路的景象不断的变换。 Leap sea of clouds, leap mainland. 飞跃云海,飞跃大陆。 Does not know how long, the distant place presented the deep blue boundless world. 不知道过去了多久,远方出现了碧蓝无边的世界。 The sea appeared. 大海出现了。 Cheers was shouting Sally at this moment also peaceful, the mind deep place as if recalled anything. 欢呼大喊着的莎莉此刻也安静了下来,脑海深处似乎回忆起了什么。 Before for a long time is very very long, God Insai arrived in the seashore, she and came in virtue niche together birth in the sea. 很久很久以前,因赛神就是降临在了海边,她和来德利基一同诞生于大海之中。 She for the life, the opposite party is the wisdom. 她为生命,对方是智慧。 Sea!” “大海!” While Sally must remember anything time, ship passes from the ladder of sky coasts, like shell same sneaking under. 正当莎莉要想起什么的时候,船一个噗通从天空之梯上滑下,如同炮弹一样的潜入水底。 The sea water blows Sally moistens like the mop same hair, but Sally also made the sound. 海水将莎莉吹得如同拖把一样的头发打湿,而莎莉也发出了声音。 ~ “啊~” Ship sank.” “船沉了。” Sound that in fact comes out, is actually this. 只是实际上出来的声音,其实是这样的。 Rumble!” “咕噜噜!” With, bubbles. 伴随着而出的,还有一个个小气泡。 Then, the control of life really spat the bubble. 这下,生命的主宰是真的吐泡泡了。 However she came from the sea, and has no strangeness regarding sea in all, fell into the sea water instead to give her a kind and comfort. 不过她本身就是自大海而来,对于海洋之中的一切并没有什么陌生感,落入海水之中反而给了她一种亲切和舒适感。 In the sea water shadow gatherings come, a shadow knocked the cabin door. 海水之中一道道影子汇聚而来,一个影子敲了敲船舱的门。 The dreamland domain launched, drives back the sea water to form knot, the vessel in tying in opens the door. 梦境领域展开,逼退了海水形成了一个结界,船艇在结界之中开了门。 Like drenched chicken same Sally stands on palm that in a shadow changes into, entered in the gate. 如同落汤鸡一样的莎莉站在一个暗影化为的手掌上,进入了门内。 Sally squats the foot, shaking of effort is sending, shook fast several, water flung to do completely. 莎莉蹲着脚,用力的甩了甩头发,快速的抖了几下,身上的水就全部甩干了。 Sally unhappy looks at Fairy hot-air balloon ship consciousness incarnation Waylen: Your this broken ship is not much, sank all of a sudden.” 莎莉不开心的看着妖精的热气球艇意识化身维伦:“你这艘破船不怎么样,一下子就沉了。” mythical spirit Waylen arrived at side Ruler of Life, salutes toward her: Great Ruler of Life.” 神话之灵维伦来到了生命主宰身边,向着她行礼:“伟大的生命主宰。” Ship has not sunk, this is the submarine shape.” “船没有沉,这是潜水艇形态。” Sally: Submarine?” 莎莉:“潜水艇?” Sally has turned head, saw before the scene in seabed printed the glass window . 莎莉扭过头,就看到海底里的景象印入了玻璃窗前。 But God Insai had stood before the window at this time, looks at outside seabed world. 因赛神这个时候已经站在了窗户前,看着外面的海底世界了。 Sally is disinclined to haggle over with Waylen immediately, ran up to God Insai behind. 莎莉立刻懒得和维伦计较了,跑到了因赛神的身后。 She and God Insai was narrating had just slid the experience of ladder of sky, although the final result was falls head over heels crashed, but the feeling of midway leap sea of clouds and mainland was very good. 她和因赛神叙说着刚刚滑过天空之梯的体验,虽然最后的结果是个倒栽葱冲进了海里,不过中途飞跃云海和大陆的感觉还是很不错的。 God!” “神!” Slippery slide was really fun, later I must play.” “滑滑梯实在是太好玩了,以后我还要去玩。” Yin Shen embraced the side her, stood in front of the window together. 尹神将她揽到了身边,和自己一同站在了窗户前面。 The vessel shuttles back and forth in the seabed, various plants rock before the glass, but also has various class marine life. 船艇在海底穿梭,各种植物从玻璃前晃动而过,还有着各类的海洋生物。 Gathers a quietness, but probably is profoundly mystical must the picture that the person attracts. 汇聚成一副静谧,但是幽深神秘得好像要将人吸进去的画面。 The plants and lives of seabed, capture the Sally attention immediately. 海底的各种植物和生命,立刻吸引了莎莉的目光。 Quite attractive.” “好漂亮。” Yin Shen is pointing at these lives, was saying to Sally. 尹神指着这些生命,对着莎莉说道。 Is before very long .” “很久以前。” I and you, with coming the virtue niche pass through the sea together.” “我和你,和来德利基一同穿越大海。” In which time sea anything does not have, few primitive lives, on the land are anything do not have.” “哪个时候大海里什么都没有,只有少量的原始生命,陆地上则是什么都没有。” Yin Shen looks at Sally, told her. 尹神看着莎莉,告诉她。 However now.” “而现在。” Not only above the land was covered with various plants, in the sea also had the innumerable new lives.” “不仅仅陆地之上长满了各种植物,就连海洋之中也有了无数种新生命。” Their some were initially I the descendant of life uses your Mother Conch of Myriad Things to create, some are born under Distorted Eye, some radiation evolution under your retinue Ruhul giant beast strength.” “它们有些是当初我用你的万物母螺创造出的生命的后代,有的是在畸变之眼下诞生,有的是在你的仆从鲁赫巨怪的力量下辐射演化。” Sally, your birth brought the multicolor multi- colors of life.” 莎莉,你的诞生带来了生命的多色多彩。” Although these lives are not the Sally directly manufacturing, however her appearance indeed is an important opportunity of life evolution and eruption. 这些生命虽然都不是莎莉直接制造出来的,但是她的出现的确是生命演化和爆发的一个重要契机。 Without her appearance, would have no present these. 没有她的出现,也就没有现在的这些。 Sally heard Yin Shen saying that somewhat was immediately proud, but does not know how to reply. 莎莉听到尹神这么说,顿时有些骄傲,但是又不知道怎么回答。 Stands before the window laughs foolishly, is much happier. 只是站在窗户前傻笑,开心得不得了。 Finally she holds the hand of Yin Shen to say. 最后她只是抱着尹神的手说道。 My life power, came from the god.” “我的生命权能,来自于神。” Yin Shen and she stands before the window together, Sally hears the words that Yin Shen just spoke, starts earnestly looks in these sea the common biota. 尹神和她一同站在窗户前,莎莉听到尹神刚刚说的话,也开始认真的看着这些海洋之中不起眼的生物群。 Looks small and weakly these, even wisdom no species. 看着这些弱小的,甚至连智慧都没有的物种。 They composed a huge ecosphere, this had this life luxuriant and hopeful and future second era. 它们组成了一个庞大的生态圈,这才有了这个生命繁茂和充满希望和未来的第二纪元。 Sally asked Yin Shen: What do we then make?” 莎莉尹神:“我们接下来做什么呢?” Yin Shen replied: We come to see together, trillion years later was born many new species, many ancient lives dissipated.” 尹神回答:“我们一起来看一看,亿万年后到底诞生了多少新的物种,又有多少种古老生命消逝了。” Perhaps looks, we can also see these trillion years ago trace that stays behind.” “或许找一找,我们还能够看到那些亿万年前留下的痕迹。” Sally said: In my Mother Conch of Myriad Things has their life templates, can make them.” 莎莉说:“我的万物母螺之中有它们的生命模板,可以重新制造出它们。” In Sally Mother Conch of Myriad Things, records their life template. 莎莉万物母螺之中,都记载有它们的生命模板。 Also is the source of life. 也是生命的源头。 Yin Shen: Reason that these species dissipate , because they have no longer adapted to this world, even if you make them, they cannot live again in this world.” 尹神:“这些物种消逝的原因,是因为它们已经不再适应这个世界,你哪怕重新制造出它们,它们也不能够再活在这个世界了。” Saying that Sally does not care at all: Can transform, I can easily achieve.” 莎莉满不在乎的说道:“可以改造一下,我可以轻易的做到的。” Yin Shen cool reply: That was not once that species.” 尹神澹然的回答:“那就不是曾经的那个物种了。” Among the one asked questions and other answered, the vessel bottom and various plants and schools of fish goes far away across the sea. 一问一答之间,船艇穿过大海底部和各种植物和鱼群远去。 Is then conducting their journey to the high various gods, careless is going to the next stand. 至高的诸神接着进行着她们的旅程,漫不经心的前往着下一站。 The old story leaves the stage, the new story emerges. 旧的故事退场,新的故事涌现。 The human affairs fluctuate, the civilization leaves the stage, the ancient species also dissipates one after another during the years. 人事变幻,文明退场,古老的物种也接连消逝在岁月之中。 But they navigate as in the sea of time- 而他们依旧航行在光阴的海洋之中- Above limpid swamp lake surface. 清澈的沼泽湖面之上。 On a silver flower, stands the shadow that a ray gathering is becoming. 一朵银色的花上,站着一个光芒汇聚而成的影子。 To keep hold of Liz, actually can only look that finally the opposite party changes to Mer who the bubble dissipates. 想要挽留莉丝,却最终只能看着对方化作泡沫消散的加美尔。 He is raising head to look at beautiful form of that gradually dissipation in the bubble, this picture so beautiful, makes people feel uncomfortably. 他仰着头看着那个在泡沫之中渐渐消散的美丽身影,这画面是如此的美丽,却又让人感觉难受至极。 Uncomfortable was not only Liz's death and dissipation, mortal's confusion before desire. 难受的不仅仅是莉丝的死亡和消散,还有凡人在欲望前的执迷不悟。 Why?” “为什么?” Why can't turn head?” “为什么就不能回头呢?” You know obviously, you are impossible to become the succuba.” “你明明知道的,你不可能成为魔女。” You know obviously.” “你明明知道的。” In cloud sailing the seas boat. 云海行舟里。 The snake female form changes into the bubble thoroughly, scatters does not see. 蛇女的身影彻底化为泡沫,飘散不见。 In flash that Liz dissipates, thing that is Liz from day empty, fell into Cup of Desire. 在莉丝消散的一瞬间,一股属于莉丝的东西从天空落了下来,落入到了欲望之杯中。 That is Liz's desire and holds to read. 那是莉丝的欲望和执念。 Cup of Desire felt indelibly that held the desire, it also felt the specialness of Cup of Desire, mutual collision in one. 欲望之杯感受到了那不可磨灭的执欲,它也感受到了欲望之杯的特殊,相互碰撞在了一起。 What is this?” “这是什么?” What thing did Cup of Desire integrate?” 欲望之杯融入了什么东西?” Mer appears at present a form, that form was saying to him. 加美尔眼前浮现了一个身影,那身影对着他说。 I am the succuba of sky.” “我是属于天空的魔女。” Mood of that being drown to death in desire, complete welling up Mer's heart, Mer understands Liz's all immediately. 那种溺死在欲望之中的情绪,完完全全的涌上了加美尔的心头,加美尔立刻明白了莉丝的所有。 He felt Liz's final feeling, that was a not being able to say despair, has a happiness. 他感受到了莉丝最后的感觉,那是一种说不出来的绝望,却又带着一丝幸福。 In the words loses with completely uncomfortably. 其话语里满是失落和难受。 You are not want to become the succuba.” “你不是想要成为魔女。” You want to become, the succuba in people heart.” “你只是想要成为,人们心中的魔女。” Liz!” “莉丝!” Mer does not know to be worth, at least he feels unworthy. 加美尔不知道值不值得,至少他是觉得不值得。 However to Liz, she is willing. 但是对于莉丝来说,她心甘情愿。 Shortly after Razer Kingdom the sacrifice of succuba just ended, the sky transmitted the phenomenon again. 雷泽王国的魔女之祭刚刚落幕不久,天空就再一次传来了异象。 The sea of clouds surges, covered the sky. 云海翻腾,遮挡住了天空。 The dense and numerous giant jellyfish drill from Yunshan, shuttle back and forth above the horizon. 密密麻麻的巨型水母从云山之中钻出,穿梭在天际之上。 Space has the thing.” Is rowing a boat in the swamp outer layer consecrates the God follower, at this moment saw the phenomenon of sky. “天上有东西。”许多划着船在沼泽外层供奉神明的信徒,此刻都看到了天空的异象。 That is the envoy of god.” The giant jellyfish will reveal the figure from Yunshan occasionally, some mortals had also seen, is regarded as the sky Giant God envoy. “那是神的使者。”巨型水母偶尔会从云山之中显露出身形,曾经也有凡人看到过,被视为天空巨神的使者。 Certainly is welcome succuba your highness, Your Highness Liz is really the true succuba.” This makes the people of Leize cheer. “一定是来欢迎魔女殿下的,莉丝殿下果然是真正的魔女。”这一幕让雷泽之民欢呼雀跃。 We also had own succuba, the country of Leize also had the succuba finally.” But servant of God of country's of Leize, are moved to tears. “我们也拥有了属于自己的魔女,雷泽之国也终于有魔女了。”而雷泽之国的神侍们,更是激动得热泪盈眶。 Great sky Giant God, your asylum arrived at the world finally.” In their opinion, this is their approved proof. “伟大的天空巨神,您的庇护终于降临人间了。”在他们看来,这是他们得到认可的证明。 Mer has turned head, looks the people of Leize logical all that will have nothing to do with again, explained the god to give their enlightenment. 加美尔回过头,看着雷泽之民顺理成章的再次将丝毫不相干的一切,都解读成了神给予他们的启示。 Mer is not willing to look at these scenes. 加美尔不愿意去看这些场景。 Cup of Desire took back under water, returned to the side of apostle Oland. 欲望之杯收回到了水底,回到了使徒奥兰的身边。 Outside thunder city, on a hillside of small town. 雷霆城外,一处小镇的山坡上。 During Oland also in looking was spatial on that day the cloud, he elongates a telescope tube to look that the ladder of sky appears, looks that a lot of sky Giant God volume is pursues some not being able to see clearly shadow to go far away. 奥兰也在看着那天空之中的云,他拉长着一个望远镜筒看着天空之梯显现,看着大量的天空巨神卷属追逐着某个看不清的影子远去。 Oland guessed correctly anything faintly, he put down the telescope tube slowly, the look looks at the horizon to say as before. 奥兰隐隐猜到了什么,他慢慢的放下了望远镜筒,眼神依旧看着天边说道。 Creator left.” 造物主离开了。” Mer also returned to the side of Oland at this time, just heard these words of Oland. 加美尔这个时候也回到了奥兰的身边,刚好听到了奥兰的这句话。 Creator?” 造物主?” Mer turns head immediately, he as if understood anything. 加美尔立刻回头,他似乎明白了什么。 To high Ruler of Life there?” “至高的生命主宰在那里吗?” Before he understood Oland, words that spoke, understands why Oland said that. 他明白了奥兰之前所说的话,也明白奥兰为什么说那句。 The gods will only punish the true guilty person. 神只会惩罚真正的有罪之人。 Even if sky Giant God is furious, should still have greatly benevolent exists to comfort her. 就算天空巨神震怒,也会有更加伟大仁慈的存在安抚住她。 Oland has not said Creator and snake human the difference of maker with Mer, but was saying to Mer. 奥兰没有和加美尔说造物主蛇人造主的区别,只是对着加美尔说道。 Ruler of Life indeed is also one of them.” 生命主宰的确也在其中。” With ending of phenomenon, Oland received the telescope tube. 随着异象的收场,奥兰收起了望远镜筒。 His to ground Cup of Desire, is Mer said. 他对着地上的欲望之杯,也即是加美尔说道。 All finished, our also this/should depart.” “一切都结束了,我们也该出发了。” Cup of Desire flower cup raises slightly, Mer asked Oland: Where do you want to go to?” 欲望之杯花杯微微扬起,加美尔问奥兰:“您要去哪里?” Oland aimed at a more remote northeast: Goes to the endless vast desert, has an audience with the Demon Abyss royal city master, ancient god of demon spirit clan.” 奥兰指向了更遥远的东北方:“去无尽沙海,觐见魔渊王城的主人,魔灵一族的古老神祇。” Mer pondered, knows that what Oland said was who: „In the legend, occupies existence in endless vast desert that mysterious old city?” 加美尔思考了一下,就知道奥兰说的是谁了:“是传说之中,居住在无尽沙海那座神秘古城的存在吗?” In recent years, many people have astrayed the mysterious old city of that endless vast desert deep place, in everyone legend city occupies demon spirit that one crowd will not be dying, but what control this city is existence of doubtful God. 这些年来,有不少人误入过那座无尽沙海深处的神秘古城,人人都传说城中居住着一群不会死亡的魔灵,而掌控这座城市的是一位疑似神明的存在。 Oland nods: That city, and lost kingdom is almost equally ancient.” 奥兰点了点头:“那座城市,和失落之国几乎一样古老。” They are the antique time that snake human does not know, only then God knows a on era.” “他们属于蛇人不知晓的太古时代,只有神明才知晓的上个纪元。” Mer from the mouth of Oland, knew on era term for the first time. 加美尔从奥兰的口中,第一次知道了上个纪元这个名词。 Oland must go to the endless vast desert, Creator arrives at the news of the world perhaps also to spread henceforth. 奥兰要前往无尽沙海,造物主降临人间的消息或许也将从此传开。 Oland squatted, prepares to take out the ground Cup of Desire, brings Mer together depart. 奥兰蹲了下来,准备取出地上的欲望之杯,带着加美尔一同出发 However bumps into the Cup of Desire flash in his hand, Oland receives immediately. 但是在他的手碰到欲望之杯的一瞬间,奥兰立刻收了回来。 Well?” “咦?” He earnest careful is sizing up this Cup of Desire, discovers it unexpectedly in unceasing growing up. 他认真仔细的打量着这朵欲望之杯,发现它竟然在不断的长大。 What thing did you fuse?” “你融合了什么东西?” Mer replied truthfully: I do not know, was only Liz in dying, as if her anything fell.” 加美尔如实回答:“我不知道,只是莉丝在死去的时候,似乎她的什么东西掉下来了。” I cannot see, cannot feel, but indeed had anything to integrate in this flower.” “我看不见,也感受不到,但是的确有什么东西融入了这朵花中。” Cup of Desire gets bigger and bigger, even started to force Mer's the body of lamp spirit. 欲望之杯越长越大,甚至开始将加美尔的灯灵之躯逼迫了出来。 Mer: It is growing up, fuses in complete and Cup of Desire together.” 加美尔:“它在长大,在完全和欲望之杯融合在一起。” I live on Cup of Desire temporarily, without the means and it resists.” “我只是暂时居住在欲望之杯上,没有办法和它对抗。” Mer knows as special lamp spirit him, if left Cup of Desire this carrier, perhaps immediately must dissipate. 加美尔知道作为一个特殊的灯灵的他,如果离开了欲望之杯这个载体,恐怕立刻就要消散了。 Oland is observing this desire the flower change: You change a place to live.” 奥兰在观察着这朵欲望之花的变化:“你换一个地方住。” Oland put out another Cup of Desire, integrated Mer's the body of lamp spirit. 奥兰又拿出了另一朵欲望之杯,将加美尔的灯灵之躯融入了进去。 Mer leaves the Cup of Desire flash, that Cup of Desire also inflated half person to be high. 加美尔离开欲望之杯的一瞬间,那朵欲望之杯也膨胀到了半人高。 This is almost high with Yin Washen Cup of Desire in miracle garden. 这已经和尹瓦神的奇迹花园之中的欲望之杯差不多高。 In flower cup the ray congealed, presented the person of surface outline. 花杯之中光芒凝结,出现了人面的轮廓。 Finally. 最后。 In Cup of Desire grew a head of person unexpectedly. 欲望之杯中竟然长出了一副人的头颅。 That is one, with Liz exactly the same face. 那是一张,和莉丝一模一样的面孔。 Mer: What is this?” 加美尔:“这是什么?” Oland: „Becoming the life body?” 奥兰:“成为了生命体?” Mer, is Oland. 不论是加美尔,还是奥兰。 At this moment is startled. 此刻都大吃一惊。 They only know that Cup of Desire opens in Yin Washen the mysterious flower in sky garden, has not actually understood and known this silver desire the flower origin. 他们只知道欲望之杯是开在尹瓦神的天空花园里的神秘之花,却从未曾了解和知晓过这银色欲望之花的来历。 Cup of Desire it came from in Cup of the Sun. 欲望之杯其源自于太阳之杯 Because was contaminated by the strength of wisdom, turned into the silver from the golden color, probably is been same by Cup of Bloodmist that the life power is contaminated. 只是因为被智慧的力量浸染,才从金色变成了银色,就好像被生命权能浸染的血雾之杯一样。 God of Desire and Alchemy Yin Wa initial main body, is Cup of Desire. 欲望与炼金之神尹瓦最初的本体,也就是一株欲望之杯 But it swallowed the bloodlines and desire of royal power blood Prince Weiss Hoatson is born. 而其就是吞噬了王权血裔威士·霍森王子的血脉和欲望而诞生。 That flash of the birth went black in the endless fear, was envoy of God Shirra gave her own dreamland egg, made her go round that despaired and dark, becomes a genuine complete intelligent individual. 其诞生的那一瞬间就陷入了无尽的恐惧和黑暗之中,是神之使希拉将自己的梦境之卵给了她,才让她绕开了那绝望和黑暗,成为了一个真正的完全智慧个体。 Then had afterward dreamland ferryman, had afterward God of Desire and Alchemy Yin Wa. 这才有了后来的梦境摆渡人,有了后来的欲望与炼金之神尹瓦。
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