IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#393 Part 2: Sky succuba?

Liz has turned head, looks at Mer. 莉丝回过头,看着加美尔。 She smiled suddenly, that smile is not arrogant, but also no longer once was fisherwoman Liz simple and honest and fresh timid. 她突然笑了起来,那笑容并不高傲,但是也不再是曾经属于渔女莉丝的淳朴和生怯。 I can not obtain, but cannot accept to lose.” “我可以从来没有得到过,但是不能接受失去。” Fisherwoman Liz can become succuba Liz, but succuba Liz......” “渔女莉丝可以成为魔女莉丝,但是魔女莉丝……” Cannot accept absolutely becomes a fisherwoman again.” “绝对不能接受再成为一个渔女。” Liz no longer turns head, is rowing a boat to go far away. 莉丝不再回头,划着船远去。 Mer as if added anything, but Liz could not have heard clearly, she does not want to listen again. 加美尔似乎还说了些什么,但是莉丝已经听不清了,她也不想再听了。 The ship penetrated in the thunder swamp. 船深入到了雷霆沼泽之中。 One lump of cloud air current dripping water doughs, had picked up Liz's boat. 一团云气流淌水面而过,托起了莉丝的小船。 She is rowing a boat like this has led the way, along the sea of clouds on, jumped into that Yunshan. 她就这样划着船一直前行,沿着云海而上,扑入了那云山之中。 cloud Qi wrapped Liz's body, the hand that she is rowing a boat was assimilated by cloud Qi little, became transparent, and nihility. 云气包裹住了莉丝的身躯,她划着船的手一点点被云气同化,变得透明且虚无。 However Liz has not actually felt same probably slightly. 但是莉丝却好像丝毫没有感觉一样。 Liz's vision looks above the sea of clouds, as if saw faintly she in that city that in the picture sees, but also saw God comes to greet her. 莉丝的目光看着云海之上,似乎隐隐看到了她在画里见到的那座城市,还看到了神明前来迎接她。 Her heart is also following the ship same place, flew that city. 她的心也跟随着船一起,飞到了那座城市。 She is rowing a boat the shuttle in the sea of clouds, in a soft voice was telling to the sky. 她划着船穿梭在云海,轻声的对着天空诉说。 I am a succuba.” “我就是魔女。” Is the sky...... succuba.” “属于天空的……魔女。” „The succuba of sky finally melted in the sky, dissipated the innumerable bubbles. “天空的魔女”最终融化在了天空之中,消散成了无数的泡沫。 But in the world, many people are cheering. 而天底下,许多人都在欢呼。 She becomes the true succuba.” “她成为了真正的魔女。” I saw, succuba your highness entered the state of god.” “我看到了,魔女殿下进入了神的国度。” She was not the mortal of the world, she is the apostle of god, but arrived in the world.” “她本来就不是属于人间的凡人,她是神的使徒,只是降临在了人间罢了。” Off topic 题外话 In the last several days website this chapter mediated the commentary not to show temporarily, was after a period of time good. 最近几天网站本章说和评论暂时不显示,过段时间就好了。
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