IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#393 Part 1: Sky succuba?

In sky. 天空之中。 The blood-color great eye overlooks the world. 血色巨眼俯瞰人间。 This just looked at a whitebait island along with the thing of Spiritual God will melting the thunder and storm presented obviously, in the island snake human died instantaneously certainly, trees and ferns thing of also variation, after crazy growth, then suddenly withered. 这伴随着雷霆和风暴而出现的神灵意志显化之物只不过看了一眼银鱼岛,岛上蛇人瞬间死绝,树木和蕨类之物也随之变异,疯狂生长之后然后眨眼枯萎。 The entire whitebait island changed into a stretch of deathtrap. 整个银鱼岛化为了一片死地。 Her strength can promote the transformation of life, can kill all lives instantaneously. 她的力量可以促进生命的蜕变,也可以瞬间杀死所有生命。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Ruhul giant beast satisfied the mortals to have an audience with her desire, with the thunder twinkle, the great eye closed together rapidly, vanishes in the sky. 鲁赫巨怪满足了凡人们想觐见她的愿望,随着一道雷霆闪烁,巨眼迅速合上,消失在了天空之中。 As the sky Giant God will vanishes, another form also arrived in the whitebait island. 而随着天空巨神的意志消失,另外一个身影也来到了银鱼岛上。 Oland stepped onto the whitebait island, above the islands is the trace that the plant rises then withers to leave, the withered vine and decayed big tree of spreading across pesters everywhere together. 奥兰走上了银鱼岛,岛屿之上到处都是植物疯涨然后枯萎留下的痕迹,纵横交错的干枯藤蔓和腐朽的大树纠缠在一起。 Altar high and low, everywhere is the terrifying rotten meat. 祭坛上下,到处都是恐怖的烂肉。 These rotten meat some had not even died completely, have the sign of life to struggle. 这些烂肉甚至有些还没有完全死去,有着生命的迹象在挣扎。 They do not have the wisdom, completely degenerated into the stupid thing of desire control. 只是它们早已经没有了智慧,完全沦为了欲望控制的蠢物。 In the entire island is completely scene of one old mans role in yuan drama day. 整座岛上完全是一副末日的景象。 Mer!” “加美尔!” Looks at such scene, Oland called Mer's name suddenly. 看着这样的场景,奥兰突然喊起了加美尔的名字。 This moment Mer also completely immerses during shocked, he has not thought after facing directly Ruhul Giant God, can be such fate. 此刻加美尔也完全沉浸在了震撼之中,他从来没有想过直面鲁赫巨神之后会是这样的下场。 Hears Oland to shout that his name, Mer replied. 听到奥兰喊他的名字,加美尔才回答。 Oland Sir.” “奥兰大人。” Oland: „Have you heard that fable story of Evel person?” 奥兰:“你听说过爱维尔人的那个寓言故事没有?” Mer listens to an Oland reminder, immediately remembers the fable that in that witch spirit spread, afterward even also formed a story. 加美尔听奥兰一提醒,立刻想起了那个巫灵之中流传的寓言,后来甚至还形成了一个故事。 God is Sun.” 神明是太阳。” Excessively close to the god, is far away from the god, will bring the total destruction.” “不论是过度的靠近神,还是远离神,都会带来灭顶之灾。” Sun leaves the land, is eternal at night ; Sun approaches the land, is the end arrives.” “太阳离开大地,便是永恒黑夜;太阳靠近大地,便是末日降临。” Mer attaches on Cup of Desire, looks at the surrounding scene with the energetic angle of view. 加美尔依附在欲望之杯上,用精神的视角看着周围的场景。 At this moment, here all as if are proving the authenticity of these words. 此时此刻,这里的一切彷佛在证明着这句话的真实性。 Oland looks at this, to Mer, or was also saying. 奥兰看着这一幕,对着加美尔,或者也是在对着自己说道。 Relations between god and person, probably were so.” “神与人之间的关系,大概就是如此了。” „The Evel person long ago understood this truth, but the people of Leize are not clear.” 爱维尔人在很久以前就明白了这个道理,但是雷泽之民却并不明白。” Oland stepped onto the altar, in the altar has the disgusting mucilage, the mucilage is soaking clothes, side is also falling a royal crown. 奥兰走上了祭坛,祭坛上有着恶心的粘液,粘液浸泡着一件衣服,旁边还掉落着一件王冠。 This is the thing that the king will melt will leave behind from now on. 这是国王陛下融化过后留下的东西。 But in one side, is a beach rotten meat. 而在一旁,则是一滩烂肉。 That booth rotten meat unexpectedly also, it from another head of altar, at this moment in little gets down from the altar. 那摊烂肉竟然还在动,它从祭坛的另一头上来,此刻正在一点点的从祭坛上下去。 Goes toward another, edge advance toward whitebait island. 朝着另一头而去,朝着银鱼岛的边缘前进。 It is wriggling furiously oneself body, toward place advance that lost kingdom is. 它奋力的蠕动着自己的身躯,向着失落之国所在的地方前进。 Mer gazes at the rotten meat that chief servant of God is changing into: It does not have the wisdom, it can be said that had died, why seems like the thing that has anything unable to put down to be the same.” 加美尔注视着首席神侍化为的这摊烂肉:“它都已经没有智慧了,可以说是已经死了,为什么还像是有什么放不下的东西一样。” Oland looked following the direction that it went forward, immediately discovers anything: It must go to that side, goes to the sky Giant God state.” 奥兰顺着它前进的方向看了过去,立刻发现了什么:“它要去那边,去天空巨神的国度。” Mer is unreadable: It suffered the divine punishment, hasn't been willing to give up?” 加美尔难以理解:“它遭受了神罚,还不肯放弃吗?” Oland looks that rotten meat went forward incessantly, vanishes in the dry vine and rotten wood, vanished in the islands edge. 奥兰看着那一摊烂肉不断前进,消失在了枯藤和朽木之中,消失在了岛屿的边缘。 It kicked to fall in the water. 它扑腾一声落入了水中。 Perhaps waits for its is eaten by the fish, perhaps changes into one group of bubbles in the Giant God spitting breath. 等待它的或许是被鱼儿分食,或许是在巨神的吐息之中化为一团泡沫。 It is unable to enter the state of god forever, but it is not willing to give up as before. 它永远无法进入神的国度,但是它依旧不肯放弃。 Look!” “看!” This is truly by the stupid thing of desire obligation.” “这才是真正被欲望驱使的蠢物。” Oland at this moment, replied Mer had asked his question. 奥兰此时此刻,回答起了曾经加美尔问过他的问题。 Person, although was controlled by the desire, but it and these stupid thing different places, are the person can revolt against the control of desire, even controls own desire.” “人虽然被欲望所控制,但是其和这些蠢物不同的地方,是人可以反抗欲望的控制,甚至控制自己的欲望。” Was only this desire strength was too powerful, our resistances can only start faint trace ripples frequently, was embezzled by it thoroughly.” “只是这欲望的力量太强大了,我们的反抗经常只能掀起一丝丝涟漪,然后被它彻底吞没。” But always has the person, can defeat it.” “但是总有人,能够战胜它。” Oland is gazing after going far away of that paralyzed rotten meat, said these words suddenly, 奥兰目送着那瘫烂肉的远去,突然间说出了这段话, At this moment, he wants to pass certain things probably, 此时此刻,他好像想透了某些东西, Control desire strength.” “控制欲望的力量。” Oland suddenly is thinking. 奥兰突然在想。 If he can create a desire, gives one to exist. 他如果能够创造一种欲望,赋予某一个存在。 It can be controlled by the desire, infinite works some duty. 其是不是就能被欲望所操控着,无限的将某一个任务进行下去。 At this time. 这个时候。 The storm of distant place also subsides gradually, Oland saw faintly several ships were blown from the distant place by the storm, 远处的风暴也渐渐平息,奥兰隐隐看到几艘船被风暴从远方吹了过来, Oland first looked to there, then looked down to don't in chest front Cup of Desire. 奥兰先是看向了那里,然后低头看向了别在胸前的欲望之杯 They came back.” “他们回来了。” Which several ships Mer also noticed, he heavy heart, had a consolation at this moment suddenly. 加美尔也注意到了哪几艘船,他原本沉重的心,此刻突然之间有了一丝慰藉。 He brings several points of joy, several points of sigh is saying to Oland, 他带着几分喜悦,几分感叹的对着奥兰说道, Seemed like God only to punish these by God's name group of wicked people, punished these to tarnish the person of name of God.” “看起来神明只惩罚了这些以神之名行恶之人,惩罚了这些玷污神明之名的人。” God, although is Sun, but also has benevolence that benefits all living things.” 神明虽然是太阳,但是也有着泽被众生的仁慈。” Oland was saying to Mer: What words did you have to want with her to say?” 奥兰对着加美尔说道:“你有什么话想要和她说吗?” Mer consistently is maintaining the sympathy regarding Liz. 加美尔对于莉丝始终保持着同情。 Perhaps is because, Mer thinks that these kings, aristocrats and servant of God were swallowed by own desire made all sorts of ugly actions. 或许是因为,加美尔认为那些国王、贵族、神侍是被自己的欲望所吞噬才做出了种种丑恶之举。 But Liz she complies with others' desire, was controlled by others' desire. 而莉丝她只是顺应别人的欲望,被别人的欲望所控制。 He hopes that Liz can shake off the control of others desire, found own innermost feelings truly. 他希望莉丝能够摆脱别人欲望的控制,真正找到自己的内心。 This can make him see the possibility that the mortal moves toward the brilliance civilization, rather than degenerates into one crowd by wild animal of desire control- 这可以让他看到凡人走向光辉文明的可能性,而不是沦为一群被欲望控制的野兽- The person above succuba place ship controls the ships to struggle in the storm, everyone bound tightly the cable of ship's sail, even also fixes on the ship. 魔女座船之上的人控制着船只在风暴里挣扎,所有人绑紧了船帆的缆绳,甚至将自己也固定在船上。 Finally, the sudden storm subsided. 终于,突如其来的风暴平息了。 Black unceasing retreating, in the darkness of distant place presented familiar islands. 黑色不断的退却,远处的黑暗之中出现了一个熟悉的岛屿。 They of being saved from death rushed to the islands, then from ship. 死里逃生的他们冲上了岛屿,然后从船上下来。 Saw in the island that to be similar to the end to arrive at the general scene. 就看到了岛上那如同末日降临一般的场景。 What just did here have?” Everyone does not dare to believe looks at the present whitebait island. “刚刚这里发生了什么?”所有人不敢置信的看着现在的银鱼岛。 „Did we stay long time in the storm? How will here turn into this?” They are not clear, but passed such short time, how the whitebait island will turn into this. “我们难道在风暴里呆了很长时间吗?这里怎么会变成这样?”他们不明白,只不过才过去了这么短的时间,银鱼岛怎么会变成这样。 Person all, died completely.” Some people ran from the direction of front altar, is running while panic-stricken shouting. “人全死了,全部都死了。”有人从前面祭坛的方向跑了回来,一边跑着一边惊恐的呼喊。 Liz she thinks that oneself this will enter the state of god, has not actually thought that was actually given to bring by storm. 莉丝她以为自己这一去会进入神的国度,却没有想到却被一场风暴又给带了回来。 She cannot see God, the place ship of succuba brushed past with sky Giant God under Yunshan. 她没能见到神明,魔女的座船在云山之下与天空巨神擦肩而过。 When she comes back, these escorted to the State of God person dead her completely. 等她回来的时候,那些将她送往神之国度的人全部都已经死去。 How to turn into this?” “怎么会变成这样呢?” Liz stepped onto the altar, saw silver Cup of Desire grows in the crown. 莉丝走上了祭坛,看到了银色的欲望之杯生长在顶部。 But existence that is approximate in lamp spirit has been waiting for her here, the opposite party only has a light shadow outline, in Liz saw that his flash spoke with Liz on the opens the mouth. 而一个近似于灯灵的存在早就在这里等待着她,对方只有一个光影轮廓,在莉丝看到他的一瞬间就开口和莉丝说话。 I was very happy that you are also living.” “我很高兴你还活着。” Liz heard Mer's voice: Is you.” 莉丝听出了加美尔的声音:“是你。” „Haven't you died?” “你没有死?” Liz also then asked: What's all this about?” 莉丝又接着问道:“这是怎么回事?” Is you do?” “是你做的?” Mer looks at Liz: „Can I achieve such matter?” 加美尔看着莉丝:“我能做到这样的事情吗?” „Can I in the sky Giant God domain, curl up such storm?” “我能够在天空巨神的领域,卷起这样的风暴吗?” I can control the volume of that god am from the sky rush to , arrived here?” “我可以操控那神之卷属从天空奔赴而下,来到这里吗?” Mer said that Liz had just experienced matter. 加美尔所说的,都是刚刚莉丝经历过的事情。 Mer told Liz. 加美尔告诉莉丝。 Sky Giant God arrived here, all lives withered away under the strength of god.” “天空巨神降临在了这里,所有生命都在神的力量下消亡。” Liz looks at the surroundings, suddenly believed Mer's words, because of as if only then this explanation. 莉丝看着周围,突然相信了加美尔的话,因为似乎只有这一种解释。 In the Liz heart gives birth is not frightened, but is one type is unwilling. 只是莉丝心中生出的不是恐惧,而是一种不甘心。 „Did they see the god?” “他们看到了神?” Liz's excited going forward, was saying to Mer. 莉丝激动的上前,对着加美尔说道。 Why?” “为什么?” Why they can see the god, why can't I actually see great God?” “为什么他们能够见到神,为什么我却不能看见伟大的神明?” They integrated the arms of god, did the god actually reject me?” “他们都融入了神的怀抱,神却拒绝了我?” Mer shakes the head, then earnest incomparable told her. 加美尔摇了摇头,然后认真无比的告诉她。 That is not the bosom that is enthralled friendly, but is the divine punishment.” “那不是什么融入神的怀抱,而是神罚。” Liz!” “莉丝!” „It is not clear to now you, you have not received what oracle, you are not the selected succuba.” “到了现在你还不明白吗,你们从来就没有收到过什么神谕,你也不是什么被选中的魔女。” All are only the selfish desire of mortal in the unseemly behavior, this is only one is flaunting the Spiritual God banner, is doing farce that blasphemed the action of God.” “一切只是凡人的私欲在作怪,这只是一场打着神灵旗号,做着亵渎神明之举的闹剧罢了。” You disregarded the caution of previous god, then welcomed this result time.” “你们无视了上一次神的警示,便迎来了这一次的结局。” If the people of Razer Kingdom have not been able to contain own desire, waits for everyone will be the real disaster.” “如果雷泽王国之民还不能够遏制自己的欲望,等待所有人的将会是真正的灾难。” Everyone can only see in own eyes wants to see that everyone uses own thoughts to guess the truth. 每个人都只能看到自己眼中想要看到的,每个人都用自己的心思去猜测着真相。 In Liz's eyes, she thinks that this is god's summon. 在莉丝的眼中,她以为这是神的召唤。 In Mer's eyes, this is an divine punishment. 在加美尔的眼中,这是一场神罚。 However in fact. 但是实际上。 That is Ruhul giant beast Sky Behemoth, saw one side her follower personally. 那不过是鲁赫巨怪天空巨兽,亲自见了她的信徒一面。 . 只是。 The mortals actually saw that continually her consequence at the same time cannot withstand. 凡人却连见到她一面的后果都承受不起。 The light shadow vanishes slowly, Cup of Desire also revolves to shrink into underground. 光影缓缓消失,欲望之杯也旋转着缩入地下。 Liz!” “莉丝!” All finished.” “一切都结束了。” You were coerced by others' desire, therefore the divine punishment only arrived on the bodies of others, but let off you.” “你只是被别人的欲望所裹挟,所以神罚只降临在了其他人的身上,而放过了你们。” Do not go to lost kingdom again, again because of others' idea and desire vanguard, you should see clearly your own true innermost feelings.” “不要再去失落之国了,不要再因别人的想法和欲望前行,你应该看清楚你自己真正的内心。” Liz Station in same place, the wind has blown the water surface, has blown a whitebait island in confusion. 莉丝站在原地,风吹过水面,吹过一片狼藉的银鱼岛。 Blows Liz unable to halt above the altar, she bends the waist, just saw nearby king remains remains. 吹得莉丝在祭坛之上都站不住,她弯下腰,刚好看到了一旁国王陛下留下来的“遗骸”。 Is impossible!” “不可能的!” You are lying.” “你在说谎。” Your this by desire control the person of degeneration, the demon of your abyss.” “你这个被欲望控制的堕落之人,你这个深渊的邪魔。” All are your conspiracy, I will not believe your words.” “一切都是你的阴谋,我才不会相信你的话。” Liz has tears streaming down the face, weak on the ground. 莉丝泪流满面,瘫软在了地上。 Even if how she does not believe again, the surrounding all are telling this are the truth. 她哪怕再怎么不相信,周围的一切都在告诉她这就是真相。 Is telling her real. 都在告诉她是真的。 Because she witnessed arrival of storm, witnessed the volume of god was from the sky state goes down. 因为她亲眼目睹了风暴的降临,亲眼目睹了神之卷属从天空的国度走下。 Even if deceives oneself and others, even if the one who deceives is oneself. 哪怕是自欺欺人,哪怕欺骗的是自己。 It is not able then to deceive again by this moment. 到了这一刻也无法再接着欺骗下去了。 Liz turns head to look out the distant place, saw faintly the cloud layer deep place flashes through together the thunder. 莉丝扭头遥望着远处,隐隐看到了云层深处闪过一道雷霆。 At this moment, she heard angry roaring and roaring of filial piety Spiritual God probably. 此时此刻,她好像听到了神灵的怒吼和咆孝。 She is never what succuba. 她从来就不是什么魔女。 Even is a person who blasphemed and name of tarnish Spiritual God- 甚至是一个亵渎和玷污神灵之名的人- Finally. 最后。 The place ship of succuba cannot enter lost kingdom of space, but returned to Razer Kingdom. 魔女的座船没能进入天上的失落之国,而是重新返回了雷泽王国 The king and thunder temple chief servant of God died, this is controlling the existence of theocracy and royal power in the world ; If compares with a person Razer Kingdom, this was equal to that Razer Kingdom lost the head to be the same. 国王和雷霆神庙的首席神侍死了,这可是在人间掌控着神权和王权的存在;如果将雷泽王国比作一个人,这等于是雷泽王国失去了头颅一样。 Also not only so, with has lots of aristocrats and servant of God who it vanishes together. 不仅仅如此,与之一同消失的还有着大量的贵族和神侍 Then, entire Razer Kingdom messes up. 这下,整个雷泽王国都乱了套。 Entire Razer Kingdom then passed in the confusion, several princes launched war that competes for the throne. 整个雷泽王国的接下来都是在混乱之中度过,几个王子展开了争夺王位的大战。 After a confusion, the new king and vested interest influence mounted stage that controls this country. 经过了一番混乱之后,新的国王和既得利益势力登上了掌控这个国家的舞台。 Once prince, the present king declared. 曾经的王子,现在的国王宣称。 Senior king was taken into the state of space, in depart, he had given oneself the royal crown.” “老国王被带进了天上的国度,在出发的时候,他就已经将王冠交给了自己。” The king proved the legitimacy of oneself throne, subsided another suspicion. 国王陛下证明了自己王位的正统性,更平息了另一种猜疑。 Discusses spiritedly in Razer Kingdom, suffered the divine punishment the hearsay as if to subside about the kings and aristocrats like this. 雷泽王国议论纷纷的,关于国王和贵族们遭受神罚的传闻似乎就这样平息了下来。 Like this seems like, all as if are not a misdemeanor. 这样看起来,一切似乎并不是一件坏事。 Because the king, chief servant of God and aristocrat as well as other servant of God did not die, but entered the state of god. 因为国王、首席神侍和贵族以及其他神侍们并不是死去了,而是进入了神的国度。 This is the mortal unsurpassed glory, is the approval of sky Giant God. 这是凡人无上的荣耀,是天空巨神的认可。 However another issue emerged. 但是另一个问题出现了。 Initially the selected succuba, why did not have to carry off, but returned to the thunder city. 当初被选中的魔女,为什么没被带走,而是返回了雷霆城。 Before thunder temple, every day has the devout follower and servant of God gathers, wants to see right in front of one succuba your highness. 雷霆神庙前每天都有虔诚的信徒和神侍聚集,想要面见魔女殿下。 Questioned why she has not followed everyone to go to the state of god together, even start gradually doubts the identity of her succuba. 质疑她为什么没有跟随所有人一同前往神的国度,甚至渐渐的开始怀疑她的魔女的身份。 Why she had not been taken away by the Spiritual God, why doesn't have to become the true succuba?” “她为什么没有被神灵带走,为什么没有成为真正的魔女?” „Isn't she true succuba?” “难道她不是真正的魔女?” Possibly initially God selected her, because of her some not good behavior, by God abandoning.” “可能当初神明选中了她,但是因为她的一些不好的行为,被神明给抛弃了。” What did she make? Angered God unexpectedly.” “她到底做了什么?竟然惹怒了神明。” By the succuba who God abandons, is a succuba?” “一个被神明抛弃的魔女,还是魔女吗?” All kinds of rumors, all kinds of guesses, spread in Razer Kingdom. 各种各样的流言,各种各样的猜测,传扬在雷泽王国之中。 Similarly. 同样。 Also spread to sky succuba in Liz's ear. 也传入了“天空魔女”莉丝的耳中。 In palace. 殿堂之中。 Liz she as if experienced a long night, in her eye could not see the slight gloss again, the whole person lost the belief and vigor probably. 莉丝她似乎经历了一个漫长的黑夜,她眼中再也看不到丝毫的光泽,整个人都好像失去了信仰和精气神。 She indulges in various types of good food and good wines, lively clothing, in fine decoration. 她沉溺在各种美食、美酒,还有繁华的服饰,精美的装饰上。 She is willing to be controlled by the desire. 她甘愿被欲望所控制。 Perishes and degenerates. 沉沦且堕落。 Although she lost the belief, but she at least also has the status of succuba. 她虽然失去了信仰,但是她至少还有魔女的身份。 She can also enjoy the wasteful life that the succuba status is bringing, is enjoying all that exceeds the king. 她还可以享受着魔女身份带来的奢靡生活,享受着超越国王的一切。 . 只是。 In the question sounds of countless person, her succuba profession is also as if going to come to the end. 在无数人的质疑声中,她的魔女生涯似乎也将要走到尽头。 On this day, some people brought outside hearsay to her. 这一天,有人给她带来了外面的传闻。 Succuba your highness.” “魔女殿下。” Heard that many servant of God start to question the authenticity of your status, wants to conduct a selection of round succuba again.” “听说许多神侍开始质疑你身份的真实性,想要再进行一轮魔女的选拔。” If you cannot obtain the approval of god again, then they will abolish your status, chooses the succuba to conduct the sacrifice of succuba.” “如果您不能再一次得到神的认可,那么他们将会废除您的身份,重新挑选魔女进行魔女之祭。” Liz by the bed, in the hand is grasping the silver nature wine glass falls suddenly on the ground. 莉丝靠在床榻上,手上握着的银质酒杯突然掉落在了地上。 Recently she has heard too the sound of question, but has turned a deaf ear. 最近她听过了太多质疑的声音,但是一直都是充耳不闻。 However these time was different. 但是这一次不一样了。 They must win the status of her succuba unexpectedly. 他们竟然要夺走她魔女的身份。 Who was questioning?” “谁在质疑?” „Do they want to do?” “他们到底想要干什么?” Liz sets out, stubbornly is staring person who told this news. 莉丝起身,死死的盯着告诉她这个消息的人。 They in the decree of question god?” “他们是在质疑神的旨意吗?” They dare to question the God apostle unexpectedly.” “他们竟然敢质疑神明的使徒。” Liz violent anger pulls out the silver cup flies, overthrows the thing on one side table on the ground. 莉丝暴怒的将银杯抽飞,将一旁桌子上的东西都推倒在地上。 Completely is the lie, they are lying completely.” “全部都是谎言,他们全部都在说谎。” I by the person who the god selects!” “我是被神选中的人!” God told me personally, I was her apostle.” “神亲口告诉我,我是她的使徒。” Your these fellows, blaspheme the God person completely, will blaspheme the God people to suffer the divine punishment.” “你们这些家伙,全部都是亵渎神明的人,亵渎神明的人都将遭受神罚。” Liz probably by the stamp in the innermost feelings most frightened thing, vigorously all that refuted the opposite party to say. 莉丝好像被戳中了内心最恐惧的东西,极力的反驳着对方所说的一切。 However her flustered and ugly performance, was watched by others completely. 但是她的慌张和丑态,也完全被其他人看在了眼里。 Her side everyone, started to suspect her completely. 就连她身边的所有人,也全部都开始怀疑起了她。 Liz also noticed these looks, she drives out everyone. 莉丝也注意到了这些眼神,她将所有人都赶了出去。 Get lost to me, rolls to me.” “都给我滚出去,都给我滚。” Then, oneself will lock in the resting palace. 然后,将自己一个人锁在了寝宫之中。 After that except for ordering others gives the thing to come, then does not allow anybody to enter again. 此后除了命令其他人送东西进来,便不允许任何人再进入。 Because of this. 因为这样。 She does not need to look at anybody that strange look again, listens the words that these she is not willing to hear. 她就不用再去看任何人那怪异的眼神,去听那些她不愿意听到的话了。 On this day. 这一天。 In new one round enlightenment of sky Giant God under. 在新一轮“天空巨神的启示”之下。 White clouds stopped above the temple skylight, stopped in a head of lucky fellow. 一朵白云停在了神庙天窗之上,停在了一个幸运儿的头上。 Therefore new chief servant of God birth. 于是新的首席神侍诞生了。 After this new thunder temple chief servant of God took over control of temple the strength of right, first arrived in her resting palace. 这位新的雷霆神庙首席神侍接管了神庙的权利之力之后,第一个就来到了她的寝宫之中。 He disregards the ban of succuba your highness, intruded directly. 他无视魔女殿下的禁令,直接闯入了其中。 Is who allows you to go into my palace like this?” “是谁允许你这样闯入我的宫殿?” Liz by sitting on the seat after tent/account valance, arrogant looks to rush new chief servant of God that. 莉丝靠坐在了帐帷后的座椅上,高傲的看着闯进来的新任首席神侍 She wallows in the status of oneself succuba as before, routine is playing the role of succuba. 她依旧沉迷于自己魔女的身份之中,习惯性的扮演着魔女的角色。 This chief servant of God to she not too many awes. 只是这位首席神侍对她并没有太多的敬畏。 If after losing the halo of succuba, Liz is only an ordinary snake female. 如果失去了魔女的光环之后,莉丝只是一个普普通通的蛇女罢了。 She does not have the Powerful strength, is not worth mentioning in the servant of God front. 她没有权能者的力量,在神侍的面前不值一提。 Succuba your highness!” “魔女殿下!” New chief servant of God is looking straight ahead on the seat sky succuba, although in the mouth called the opposite party as before is succuba your highness, but has no sense of awe. 新任首席神侍直视着座椅上的“天空魔女”,口中虽然依旧称呼对方为魔女殿下,但是已经没有任何敬畏之心。 If you are indemonstrable, you had not been abandoned by God.” “如果您不能证明,您还没有被神明所抛弃。” You will lose all your, becomes an ordinary fisherwoman.” “您将失去你的一切,重新成为一个普通的渔女。” Liz is throwing over the gorgeous clothes, is wearing the gem necklace and fine accessories, has is not seem to be the beautiful stance of the world. 莉丝披着华美的衣裳,佩戴着宝石项链和精美的配饰,拥有着似乎不属于人间的美丽姿态。 However in the eye of new chief servant of God, feels vulgar incomparable. 但是在新任首席神侍的眼中,却觉得庸俗无比。 He thought that noble never manifests with these external objects. 他觉得高贵从来不是用这些外物来体现的。 When people sincerely believe her are the succuba, on her also attached the sacred halo, threw over the white homespun cloth long gown is also being holy. 当人们笃信她就是魔女的时候,她身上还附加上了神圣的光环,披着白色的粗布长袍也是圣洁。 When people start to suspect her, gorgeous clothes and accessories, only feels vulgar. 只是当人们开始怀疑她的时候,再华美的衣裳和配饰,也只觉得庸俗。 „Are you questioning me?” “你在质疑我?” New chief servant of God does not make concessions, looks at each other with her. 新任首席神侍丝毫不退让,和她对视。 „It is not I am questioning you.” “不是我在质疑您。” But is the entire kingdom, everyone is questioning you.” “而是整个王国,所有人都在质疑您。” Liz goes out from the curtain, can see her to drink many liquor, the complexion branch is red. 莉丝从帐幔后面走出,可以看到她喝了不少酒,脸色沱红。 Her spacious clothes robe somewhat does not have the lacing, revealed the snow white shoulder. 她宽大的衣袍有些没有束紧,露出了雪白的肩头。 She is gaining ground slightly, lifts the wine glass to drink the last liquor gently. 她微微抬着头,抬起酒杯轻轻的喝了最后一口酒。 She looked to the silver pot on table, took up one but actually, discovery inside liquor fluid had actually emptied but actually. 她看向了桌子上的银壶,拿起倒了一倒,却发现里面的酒液已经空了。 „!” “啪!” She placed on the silver pot the stone table, makes not the big collision sound. 她将银壶放在了石头桌子上,发出并不大的碰撞声音。 In a flash. 一瞬间。 The arrogance that her face upper garment comes out, is keeping aloof of succuba, lax. 她脸上装出来的傲慢,属于魔女的高高在上,松懈了下来。 Her interest is waning said one: Liquor drank up.” 她意兴阑珊的说了一句:“酒喝完了。” She understands. 她明白。 Own succuba profession has come to the end. 自己的魔女生涯已经走到了尽头。 She put down the wine pot and wine glass, moved toward the corner of resting palace. 她放下了酒壶和酒杯,走向了寝宫的一角。 Looks up that «lost kingdom» imitation, is gazing in that sea of clouds the partly visible great city. 抬起头看着那《失落之国》的彷作,注视着那云海之中若隐若现的伟岸城市。 Once she so looked forward to there. 曾经她是如此的憧憬那里。 But now, in her eye is glittering as before the light. 而如今,她的眼中依旧闪烁着光。 I will show.” “我将会证明。” I am the true succuba.” “我就是真正的魔女。” On this day. 这一天。 When Liz exchanged the sacrifice of succuba the clothes that she wears, took her place ship, started again the journey of going to the thunder swamp deep place. 莉丝重新换上了魔女之祭时她穿的衣服,重新乘坐上了她的座船,再度开始了前往雷霆沼泽深处的旅程。 When the ship soon arrives at the lost kingdom under foot, she actually orders all place ships to stop. 只是当船快要到失落之国脚下的时候,她却命令所有的座船停下。 Liz stands in the bow, looked that to water surface that the fog filled. 莉丝立在船头,看向了云雾弥漫的水面。 She saw that worn-out fishing boat once again, it drifts as before above the water surface, with previous Liz comes time time exactly the same. 她又一次看到了那艘破旧的渔船,它依旧漂泊在水面之上,和上一次莉丝来的时候一模一样。 Unexpectedly also.” “竟然还在。” Today's Liz especially is movingly beautiful, probably a getting married bride. 今天的莉丝格外美艳动人,就好像一个出嫁的新娘。 She is healthy and vigorous, the eye midwave light circulation, could not see completely the least bit degenerates the appearance that perishes. 她精神奕奕,眼中波光流转,完全看不到半点堕落沉沦的模样。 Liz looks at others, looks that the distant place follows on succuba place ship other ships, is responsible others who supervise and attended the ceremony. 莉丝看着其他所有人,看着更远处跟在魔女座船后面的其他船只上,负责监督和观礼的其他人。 I do not need what retinue.” “我不需要什么仆从。” You do not match to enter the state of god, the ship of this world does not match to enter the sky Giant God state.” “你们不配进入神的国度,这人间的船也不配进入天空巨神的国度。” Therefore previous God rejected my arrival, is completely because you are unqualified.” “所以上一次神明拒绝了我的到来,全部都是因为你们不够资格。” This time.” “这一次。” I go to the sky a person the god city, with the most reverent stance.” “我将一个人前往天空的神城,以最虔诚的姿态。” She spoke these words, on how long ship that did not know along a string under Yunshan drifted. 她说完这句话,沿着一条绳子下到了那条不知道在云山之下漂泊了多久的船上。 The small fishing boat shook shaking, has not actually tilted, is still calm. 小小的渔船晃了晃,却没有倾覆,依旧沉稳。 She poles Shiner had been poling the ship, went to the thunder swamp deep place, increasingly estranged. 她撑着曾经夏纳撑过的这条船,前往了雷霆沼泽深处,渐行渐远。 She is proficiently delimiting the oar, recollection gradually oneself is a fisherwoman time. 她熟练的划着船桨,渐渐的回忆起了自己还是个渔女的时候。 That soon the beforehand matter, Liz actually feels like obviously at this moment many years ago is the same. 明明那只是不久之前的事情,莉丝此刻却觉得好像是很多年前一样。 Tittered!” “噗嗤!” In the water started layer upon layer the ripples, started out a silver flower, the shadow that a ray gathering becomes appeared on the water surface. 水里掀起了层层涟漪,开出了一朵银色的花,一个光芒汇聚而成的影子出现在了水面上。 Mer looks at Liz's back, is summoning her name. 加美尔看着莉丝的背影,呼唤着她的名字。 Liz!” “莉丝!” Mer told Liz, oneself can help her. 加美尔告诉莉丝,自己可以帮助她。 Then, you can leave here, goes to other places.” “回头吧,你可以离开这里,去其他的地方。” Liz has not turned head, poles a boat to lead the way as before. 莉丝没有回头,依旧撑着船前行。 Goes to other places?” “去其他地方?” „Am I a succuba?” “那我还是魔女吗?” Mer asked her loudly: Is demon Nuzhen is so important?” 加美尔大声的问她:“是不是魔女真的有这么重要吗?”
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