IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#392 Part 2: Faces directly the sky Giant God will

Therefore takes to her state us together.” “所以将我们一同带往她的国度。” The revolting rotten meat hill mounted the highest place of altar, finally makes the sound in crazy. 令人作呕的烂肉小山登上了祭坛的最高处,最后在疯狂之中发出声音。 We will remove the body of this mortal.” “我们将褪去这凡人的躯壳。” With God in.” “与神明同在。” At this moment, in sky thunder crack, that sound cavity, but buzz is long. 此时此刻,天空之中雷霆炸响,那声音空洞而嗡长。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Finally. 最后。 He heard truly, sky Giant God sound. 他听到了真正的,天空巨神的声音。 Above altar, this is the chief servant of God final consciousness. 祭坛之上,这是首席神侍最后的意识。 Heard?” “听见了吗?” God is summoning me.” 神明在召唤我。” During the chief servant of God consciousness is satisfying vanishes, the rotten meat also lost the support thoroughly, the paralysis becomes one piece. 首席神侍意识在满足之中消失,烂肉也彻底失去了支撑,瘫成一片。 He heard the voice of god, thought that the god is summoning them. 他听到了神的声音,觉得神在召唤他们。 In fact, sky Giant God is responding to their beforehand hopes. 实际上,天空巨神是在回应他们之前的祈求。 Was saying one to them. 对着他们说了一句。 Every......” “凡……” Person......” “人……” Sky Giant God had not said that with enough time following words, everyone has melted under the radiation of her strength. 只是天空巨神还没有来得及说完接下来的话,所有人都已经消融在她力量的辐射下。 „?” “?” She depended near. 她靠得太近了。 Not uses own strength with the aid of the land or other media, exposes own will before the mortal directly. 没有借助大地或者其他媒介来使用自己的力量,直接将自己的意志暴露在凡人之前。 But her devout follower and retinue have not possibly thought. 而她那虔诚的信徒和仆从可能从来没有想过。 Has an audience with price that their God need to pay, is so frigid and despairs. 觐见他们的神明需要付出的代价,是如此的惨烈和绝望。
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