IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#392 Part 1: Faces directly the sky Giant God will

! „The retinue of supreme Ruler of Life, great sky Giant God, controls the sky and thunder the god of Leize.” “至高无上的生命主宰之仆从,伟大的天空巨神,掌控天空和雷霆的雷泽之神。” Supreme Ruler of Life...... “至高无上的生命主宰……。” „......” “……” In the whitebait island, is summoning the name of god followers'frantic. 银鱼岛上,信徒狂热的呼唤着神的名字。 The bonfire twinkle, the snake dance is demented. 篝火闪烁,蛇舞癫狂。 The flame that soars to the heavens projects Liz's dance shadow under the islands, even elongated in the lake. 冲天的火光将莉丝的舞影投射在岛屿下方,甚至拉长到了湖泊之中。 Although their name read mistakenly, but Ruhul Giant God Sky Behemoth consciousness at this moment has been paying attention to around City of God's Descent, naturally saw their behavior. 虽然他们名字都念错了,但是鲁赫巨神天空巨兽此刻的意识一直都在关注着神降之城周围,也自然看到了他们的行为。 The way that Ruhul giant beast gazes at the world is not the psychic force of wisdom half god, this stretch of land is her body, she naturally can gaze here each corner, so long as she attention shift in the past. 鲁赫巨怪注视人间的方式并不是智慧半神的精神力,这片大地都是她的躯体,她自然可以注视到这里的每一个角落,只要她将注意力转移过去。 Probably rotates own pupil, lifts own hand. 就好像转动自己的童孔,抬起自己的手。 She even can the sky opens her eye in the land and, true with looking the way looks at this world. 她甚至可以在大地和天空之中睁开她的眼睛,真正的用看的方式去看这人间。 In sky. 天空之中。 In sea of clouds. 云海里。 Sky over the country of Leize presented spat the air bubble that the breath wrapped by Sky Behemoth, bubble formation another node, organized a giant net finally. 雷泽之国上空出现了一个又一个被天空巨兽吐息包裹住的气泡,气泡形成一个个又一个节点,最后组织成了一张巨大的网。 So long as a strength stimulation of movement of Sky Behemoth, the Sky Behemoth spitting breath will change into the ladder of sky to link these nodes, to lead to distant place. 只要天空巨兽的力量一催动,天空巨兽的吐息将化为天空之梯将这些节点连接在一起,通向远方。 An invisible channel toward east to then distant place the sea, toward north to then the endless vast desert, connects Fire Demon Swamp to point at Mirror of the Sky in the northwest direction. 一条无形的通道往东连接着远方的的大海,往北连接着无尽沙海,往西北方向连接着火魔沼泽遥指天之镜 Toward the west is ten thousand snake royal court, toward east is Land of Sunrise. 往西是万蛇王庭,往东是日出之地 This is the channel network that a mortal cannot see, vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered above thunder swamp. 这是一张凡人看不见的通道网络,纵横于雷霆沼泽之上。 Can use her, is Sky Behemoth master Ruler of Life. 能够使用她的,是天空巨兽的主人生命主宰 Recently Sky Behemoth has been busy with weaving this huge channel network, the sky slide in Ruler of Life mouth, or is the ladder of sky. 最近天空巨兽一直忙于编织这张巨大的通道网络,生命主宰口中的天空滑梯,或者说是天空之梯。 Accidentally dangling vision. 偶然垂下目光。 Before just saw itself , the ship that ruins was constructed, these mortals ran up to again launched to offer sacrifices from the City of God's Descent very near whitebait island. 就刚好看到了自己之前毁掉的船又被建造了出来,那些凡人再一次跑到了距离神降之城非常近的银鱼岛展开献祭。 Sky Giant God has doubts very much. 天空巨神很疑惑。 She remembers that she just ruined the ship obviously, how to appear? 她记得自己明明刚刚才把船毁掉了,怎么又出现了? Oneself warn them obviously, does not need their offering sacrifices. 自己明明警示他们,不需要他们的献祭。 Why they must rush to here to offer sacrifices. 为什么他们还要跑到这里来献祭。 Stands in Ruhul giant beast angle, Sky Behemoth is hard to understand these mortals. 站在鲁赫巨怪的角度,天空巨兽难以理解这些凡人。 These short and frail person, why so rigid must believe itself, must deliver to own side their similar. 这些短暂而脆弱的“人”,为什么如此执着的要信仰自己,要把他们的同类送到自己的身边。 Sky Behemoth is hard to understand, but she decided. 天空巨兽难以想明白,但是她决定。 Sees one side these short and frail existences. 见这些短暂而脆弱的存在一面。 Satisfies their desires. 满足他们的愿望。 Above vast boundless water surface, sky sea of clouds surges. 辽阔无边的水面之上,天空云海翻腾。 In distant place. 在远处。 Oland sits above a flight magic carpet, is looking into the thunder swamp deep place distantly, is gazing at the scene above whitebait island. 奥兰坐在一张飞行魔毯之上,遥遥眺望着雷霆沼泽的深处,也注视着银鱼岛之上的场景。 In the hand of Oland takes a bead, he is also placing a bead above the whitebait island ahead of time. 奥兰的手上拿着一颗珠子,他提前在银鱼岛之上也安置着一颗珠子。 The round bead on this moment Oland, at the scene of that round bead whitebait island receiving. 此刻奥兰手上的这颗圆珠,将银鱼岛上那颗圆珠的场景给接收了过来。 Can see the bonfire that surges, snake female to the God offering dance. 可以看到涌动的篝火,还有蛇女向神明的献舞。 On the chest of Oland alchemist long gown, is leaving a silver flower. 在奥兰炼金师长袍的胸口上,别着一朵银色的花。 Oland has been looking at the process of sacrifice of succuba, looks that the prayer ended, looks that sky succuba Liz and her retinues board the place ship together, starts to get ready to go to lost kingdom in snake human mouth. 奥兰一直在看着魔女之祭的过程,看着祷告仪式结束,看着“天空魔女”莉丝和她的仆从们一同登上座船,开始准备前往蛇人口中的失落之国 He received from the bead the vision suddenly, looked up to the remote horizon. 突然间他将目光从珠子上收了回来,抬头看向了遥远的天际。 Had the sound.” “有动静了。” Mer's voice do not spread in the flower on Oland chest, asked this apostle. 加美尔的声音从别在奥兰胸口上的花内传出,问起了这位使徒。 Was sky Giant God appears?” “是天空巨神出现了吗?” Oland vision dignified looks at the distant place, he felt the powerful will that is inconceivable congeals in the sky suddenly, the gaze to the world. 奥兰目光凝重的看着远方,他感觉到一股难以想象的强大意志突然凝结于天空,注视向人间。 The huge spiritual sudden conditioned reflex that he was released externally retracted generally own within the body, does not dare to release, as if felt to exist to suppress the entire land and vault of heaven that what terrifying is unable to describe. 他原本外放的庞大精神突然条件反射一般的缩回了自己的体内,再也不敢释放出去,彷佛感受到了有什么恐怖得无法言状的存在压制住了整个大地和苍穹。 Oland has not spoken, but his expression had shown all. 奥兰没有说话,但是他那表情已经说明了一切。 Mer anything had not seen, but he also felt arrival of danger from Oland. 加美尔什么都没有看到,但是他也从奥兰的身上感觉到了危险的降临。 „Will she die?” “她会死吗?” These were selected, escorts to the lost kingdom sacrificial offering together.” “还有那些被选中的,一同送往失落之国的祭品。” „Will they also die?” “他们也会死吗?” Oland looked to Mer: She no longer is formerly that fisherwoman, she is unable to return to the past again.” 奥兰看向了加美尔:“她已经不再是从前那个渔女了,她也无法再回到从前。” Mer silent a meeting: I feel very sorry, they are only the average people who some were involved in this disaster.” 加美尔沉默了一会:“我觉得很遗憾,他们只是一些被卷入这场灾难的普通人。” They had nothing to do with all these, actually because of the desires and selfishness of these great people, because of everyone's need.” “他们本来与这一切都无关,却因为那些大人物们的欲望和私心,因为所有人的需要。” „Becoming by the sacrificial offering of offering sacrifices.” “成为了被献祭的祭品。” They should accompany in the side of family member, peaceful ordinary life.” “他们本应该陪伴在家人的身边,安静平凡的生活着。” Life is not perhaps abundant, but can also be said as one type being their happiness.” “生活或许并不富足,但是也可以说是一种属于他们的幸福。” Saw life all sorts to experience Oland of major rises, at this moment was saying to Mer. 见惯了人生种种经历过大起大落的奥兰,此刻对着加美尔说道。 You thought that ordinary is lucky, but the ordinary person is actually willing to exhaust all strengths, pursues that flash is extraordinary.” “你觉得平凡是幸运,但是平凡之人却愿意用尽所有的力气,去追求那一瞬间的不平凡。” So-called is glad to the ordinary life, most of the time is because they have not tasted the extraordinary taste, has not tasted abundant daily, has not grasped has dominated the power and influence above average person.” “所谓的甘于平凡的生活,大多数时候是因为他们没有品尝过不平凡的滋味,没有品尝过富足的日常,没有掌握过凌驾于普通人之上的权势。” When they have tasted, cannot go back again.” “当他们品尝过了,就不能够再回去了。” They, only then goes to lost kingdom on that partial clouds, because only then there has all that they want, they cannot return again.” “他们只有前往那片云上的失落之国,因为只有那里才有他们想要的一切,他们已经不能够再回到过去。” Mer sighed: God of Desire and Alchemy apostle Oland Sir!” 加美尔叹息了一声:“欲望与炼金之神的使徒奥兰大人啊!” Actually is the person to control the desire, the person was controlled by the desire.” “究竟是人掌控欲望,还是人被欲望所掌控。” We exist in this world, degenerated into the desire slave?” “我们存在于这个世界,就沦为了欲望的奴隶了吗?” This time, Oland had not replied. 这一次,奥兰没有回答。 Because of the answering tuart of this issue, Oland had not found now. 因为这个问题的答桉,奥兰现在也没有找到。 But at this moment, the sound of distant place thunder transmits together. 而此时此刻,远处一道雷霆之声传来。 Bang!” “轰隆!” The world changes color, the lower-level white sea of clouds changed into the dark cloud and thunder, tight oppression above water surface. 天地变色,下层的白色的云海化为了乌云和雷霆,紧紧的压迫在水面之上。 The sky is cloudy, thunder sparkle. 天空乌云密布,雷霆闪耀。 Oland he sees faintly, in the dark clouds and lightning have an eye to visit him. 奥兰他隐隐看见,黑云和闪电之中有着一只眼睛正在看着他。 In a flash. 一瞬间。 Oland felt that own scalp tingles, the whole body is icy cold. 奥兰感觉自己的头皮发麻,浑身冰凉。 He discovered that oneself cannot control oneself body unexpectedly, the opening mouth vigorously, ugly-looking exudes one to shout. 紧接着,他发现自己竟然不能控制自己的身体,极力的张开嘴巴,面目狰狞的发出一声大喊。 ~ “啊~” Then he raised his hand all of a sudden, seems like and strives for the control of body to be the same. 然后他一下子举起了自己的一只手,就好像自己和自己争夺着身体的掌控权一样。 Oland blocked own throat vigorously, fell down all of a sudden above the magic carpet, unceasing fierce respite. 奥兰极力扼住了自己的喉咙,一下子栽倒在了魔毯之上,不断的剧烈喘息。 Even Mer was shocked thoroughly, does not understand that Oland saw anything. 连加美尔都彻底惊呆了,不明白奥兰到底看到了什么。 Oland Sir!” “奥兰大人!” You how?” “您怎么了?” What did you see?” “您看到了什么?” Mer is unable to pay attention to the scene of distant place, he wants to look immediately to that bead of Oland. 加美尔无法关注到远处的景象,他立刻想要看向奥兰的那颗珠子。 An Oland actually hand holds down on the chest was leaving Cup of Desire, prevented him to look to the line of sight of bead. 奥兰却一只手按住了胸口上别着的欲望之杯,阻挡住了他看向珠子的视线。 In respite rapid told him. 喘息之中急促的告诉他。 Do not ask, do not look.” “不要问,不要看。” Saying that Oland this God apostle, trembles. 奥兰这个神明使徒,都瑟瑟发抖的说道。 Ruhul Giant God will arrived.” “鲁赫巨神的意志降临了。” Meanwhile, the beaded glass on Oland also fell from the magic carpet, sank under water. 与此同时,奥兰手上的玻璃珠也从魔毯之上落下,沉入了水底。 ------------------------- ------------------------- The island sacrifice on succuba eventually ended, sky succuba the Li ribbon her retinues were boarding oneself place ship. 岛上的魔女之祭终于结束,“天空魔女”莉丝带着她的仆从们登上了自己的座船。 Liz stands above the bow, looks at distance not too far white Yunshan. 莉丝立在船头之上,看着距离并不算太远的白色云山。 Here is the limiting position that the people of Leize can arrive. 这里已经是雷泽之民所能抵达的极限位置了。 Proceeds again is the sky Giant God banning territory, so long as enters existence that there person cannot come back again. 再往前就是天空巨神的禁域,只要进入那里的人就没有能够再回来的存在。 The steamship turns around, leaves the whitebait island to go in the direction of Yunshan. 大船掉头,离开银鱼岛向着云山的方向而去。 Liz with the sound that only then can hear said. 莉丝用只有自己才能听得见的声音说道。 Sky Giant God!” “天空巨神啊!” I arrive at your state, the state that once lost will open again, welcomes the brand-new time.” “我来到您的国度,曾经失落的国度将再次打开,迎来全新的时代。” In the Liz eyes only then that lost kingdom, in the mind appeared that great ancient city. 莉丝眼中只有那失落之国,脑海之中浮现出了那座伟大古老的城市。 She will coronate to become the true succuba there. 她将在那里加冕成为真正的魔女。 She also becomes part in story, then changed into myth in the years. 她也成为了故事里的一部分,然后在岁月里化为了神话 Probably once the characters in these myth stories were the same. 就好像曾经那些神话故事里的人物一样。 The ship moves to Yunshan unceasingly, the fog flows layer upon layer from Yunshan, seems the avalanche to be the same. 船不断驶向云山,层层云雾从云山上流淌下来,就好像雪崩一样。 That fog dispersing, flows above the water surface. 那云雾散开,在水面之上流淌。 Here has no fish, lizard and insect, is peacefully limpid does not seem the world. 这里没有任何鱼类、蜥蜴、虫子,安静清澈得就好像不属于人间。 That seems like with the ordinary cloud has no difference sky Giant God to spit the breath, washed out here repeatedly, anything has not stayed behind. 那看上去和普通的云没有什么区别的天空巨神吐息,将这里冲刷了一遍又一遍,什么也没有留下。 Ship across water surface time, felt that own mind was washed. 船穿过水面的时候,感觉自己的心灵都被洗涤了一遍。 Some people thought that this scene terrifying is inexplicable, some people feel here sacred incomparable. 有人觉得这场景恐怖莫名,有人觉得这里神圣无比。 The fog is uncertain, curls up the dissipation. 云雾渺茫,卷起消散。 Here. 在这里。 Yunshan. 云山脚下。 The person on succuba place ship saw floats the ship on water surface, a fishing boat. 魔女座船上的人看到了一艘漂在水面上的船,一艘渔船。 The ship is seemingly damaged, had finished decayed also supports as before reluctantly in aquatic is fluttering. 船看上去破败不堪,已经腐朽了却还依旧勉强支撑着在水上飘荡。 The ship still , the person actually disappears. 船还在,人却不见了。 The ship that returns from lost kingdom that once was only has to leave behind, his name is Shiner. 那是曾经唯一从失落之国返回的存在留下的船,他的名字叫做夏纳 He once mounted lost kingdom twice, this is he loses under one time. 他曾经两次登上失落之国,这就是他其中一次遗落下的。 The succubas look at that fishing boat, does not understand that what story on this ship had had. 魔女看着那艘渔船,不明白这艘船上曾经发生过什么样的故事。 Flutters from the distant place to here comes?” “是从远处飘到这里来的?” Once did some people also want to enter the state of god?” “还是曾经有人也想要进入神的国度?” The fog that suddenly, above Yunshan collapses spreads toward several succuba place ships, must swallow them shortly. 突然之间,云山之上垮塌下来的云雾朝着几艘魔女座船蔓延过来,眼看着就要将他们吞噬。 But at this time, distant place thunder crack. 而这个时候,远处雷霆炸响。 Bang!” “轰隆!” The electric light tearing cloud layer, the black transmits from the slit of that tearing, being contaminated cloud layer the deep blue of white and sky. 电光撕裂云层,黑色从那撕裂的缝隙传递开来,浸染云层的白色和天空的蔚蓝。 The white fog vanished completely, the black unceasing spread, changed into a darkness the whole world. 白色的云雾全部都消失了,黑色不断的蔓延,将整个世界化为了一片黑暗。 The white clouds changed into the black dark cloud, the sky had the violent storm, hit several succuba place ships sways to continue. 白云化为了黑色的乌云,天空下起了狂风暴雨,将几艘魔女座船打得摇晃不止。 Everyone is flustered immediately, what to do does not know then should. 所有人立刻慌张了,不知道接下来该怎么办。 What had?” “发生了什么?” How here will have the storm, isn't this normal?” “这里怎么会有暴风雨,这不正常啊?” I could not find the direction, we should toward that side.” “我找不到方向了,我们该往那边去。” Observation can, see the direction?” “瞭望手,可以看到方向吗?” Everyone was careful.” “所有人都小心。” The person on ship is thrown into confusion in the storm, but at this time in the dark cloud in sky drilled huge forms. 船上的人在暴风雨之中手忙脚乱,而这个时候天空之中的乌云里钻出了一个又一个庞大的身影。 Everyone on ship sees giant jellyfish one after another, rips open the dark cloud, rushes to the direction of whitebait island. 船上的所有人看到一个接着一个的巨型水母,撕开乌云而下,奔向银鱼岛的方向。 That greatly sent out the fluorescent jellyfish to pass over gently and swiftly the side of succuba place ship, the transparent whisker let fall from the sky, has swept the water surface and storm. 那巨大散发着荧光的水母掠过了魔女座船的身边,透明的触须从天空垂落下来,扫过水面和风暴。 Dark cloud, thunder and storm. 乌云、雷霆、风暴。 In that myth the volume of god is, at this moment changes into the picture that incomparably shocked. 还有那神话之中神之卷属,此刻化为了一副无比震撼的画面。 The follower as sky Giant God, as the people of Leize. 身为天空巨神的信徒,身为雷泽之民。 They recognized certainly this are anything. 他们当然认出了这是什么。 The flurried person actually stabilized at this moment. 原本慌乱的人这一刻却安定了下来。 Everyone does not have the fear, instead sends out to cheer in the dark storm. 所有人没有恐惧,反而是在黑暗的风暴之中发出欢呼。 Is volume of god.” “是神的卷属。” Is the envoy of god.” “是神的使者。” God sent them to greet us, the god is directing us to go to her state.” “神派他们来迎接我们了,神在指引我们前往她的国度。” Everyone arrived on the broad side, wants to approach that huge such as existence of mountain. 所有人来到了船舷上,想要靠近那庞大如山的存在。 They do not know oneself were what kind of being close death. 他们不知道自己是何等的接近死亡。 However the Sky Behemoth volume is slightly crosses from the water surface, suddenly vanished around the succuba place ship, they lost all photo sources, went black in thoroughly. 但是天空巨兽的卷属只是从水面上略过,眨眼间就消失在了魔女座船周围,他们又失去了所有的光源,彻底陷入了黑暗之中。 Everyone is bewildered, does not understand why can be this. 所有人一脸茫然,不明白为什么会是这样。 Their confused drifted with the current in the storm, could not find the direction, could not find the exit|to speak. 他们迷茫的在风暴之中随波逐流,找不到方向,也找不到出口。 But another side. 而另一边。 Above the whitebait island, saw everyone who the succuba place ship moves to the distant place, started the conclusion of sacrifice of succuba. 银鱼岛之上,眼看着魔女座船驶向远方的所有人,也开始了魔女之祭的收尾。 Succuba the place that goes to him to go.” Most people know, the succuba will not return again ; According to the view of chief servant of God, the succuba will stay in the sky Giant God state, forever serves God. “魔女去了他该去的地方。”大多数人都知道,魔女不会再回到了;按照首席神侍的说法,魔女将会留在天空巨神的国度,永远侍奉神明 „Does empathize satisfy our gifts?” People discuss spiritedly, are acclaiming this great offering sacrifices magnificent ceremony. “神会满意我们的礼物吗?”人们议论纷纷,赞叹着这一次伟大的献祭盛典。 Naturally, the god has directed us, we according to the choice that the direction of oracle makes.” Everyone sincerely believes does not doubt. “当然,神已经指引过我们,我们是按照神谕的指引做出的选择。”所有人都笃信不疑。 „Will succuba your highness protect Razer Kingdom?” Some people asked. “那魔女殿下会保护雷泽王国吗?”有人问。 Naturally, if Razer Kingdom besets with a crisis, succuba your highness will certainly appear, probably ten thousand snake royal court that succuba.” Reply that they believe like this. “当然,如果雷泽王国陷入危机的话,魔女殿下一定会出现的,就好像万蛇王庭的那位魔女。”他们还是这样坚信的回答。 Under altar. 祭坛之下。 Chief servant of God is very satisfied this time offering sacrifices, nearby king is also this. 首席神侍很满意这一次的献祭,一旁的国王陛下也是这样。 King: Really is sacrifice of the perfect succuba.” 国王陛下:“真是一场完美的魔女之祭。” Chief servant of God nods: Razer Kingdom starting today, had the asylum of God.” 首席神侍点头:“雷泽王国从今天开始,拥有了神明的庇护。” The king looks at chief servant of God, showed the smile: Probably ten thousand snake royal court are the same.” 国王陛下看着首席神侍,露出了笑容:“就好像万蛇王庭一样。” Two people smiled together, has the common tacit understanding. 两人一同笑了出来,有着共同的默契。 When they have turned head, discovered a matter. 但是当他们回过头,就发现了一件事情。 Distant place. 远处。 The dark cloud and storm of sun-blocking are raiding fast. 遮天蔽日的乌云和风暴正在快速袭来。 Others on island are also this, noticed this unusual scene. 岛上的其他人也是这样,注意到了这不寻常的场景。 Looks quickly, that side how?” The disorderly sound erupts. “快看,那边怎么了?”杂乱的声音爆发开来。 Storm, the storm came toward here.” Some people rushed to the islands edge, sends out to shout. “风暴,风暴朝着这边来了。”有人冲到了岛屿边缘,发出大喊。 This is the sky Giant God domain, how to have the storm?” Several have guarded servant of God of altar to look panic-stricken. “这是天空巨神的领域,怎么会有风暴?”几个一直驻守祭坛的神侍面露惊恐。 Before has had such matter?” Some people asked them. “以前发生过这样的事情吗?”有人问他们。 Never!” The servant of God reply of guarding altar. “从来没有过啊!”驻守祭坛的神侍回答。 They saw that shocks. 紧接着,他们就看到了更加震撼的一幕。 Comes along with the storm, but also has massively like the mountain common giant jellyfish. 伴随着风暴而来的,还有着大量如同山岳一般的巨型水母。 The giant jellyfish shuttle back and forth in the storm, altogether dances with the thunder. 巨型水母们在风暴之中穿梭,与雷霆共舞。 Finally. 最终。 The dark cloud and storm encircle the entire whitebait island, but the form of giant jellyfish is partly visible, pai returns outside the islands. 乌云和风暴将整个银鱼岛团团围住,而巨型水母的身影若隐若现,徘回在岛屿之外。 Volume of god.” Some people recognized these to exist, send out to call out in alarm. “神之卷属。”有人认出了这些存在,发出惊呼。 „It is not the storm, this is the response of God.” The sky Giant God followers and retinues from the panic-stricken mood, changed into a flash wild with joy. “不是风暴,这是神明的回应。”天空巨神的信徒和仆从们从惊恐的情绪,一瞬间化为了狂喜。 This is volume of god.” Massive snake human rushed to the edge in islands, looks fluorescent whisker of that day hangs spatially, but also has the colossus that in that dark cloud the powder is shining, the expression is excited. “这是神之卷属。”大量的蛇人冲到了岛屿的边缘,看着那天空垂下来的荧光触须,还有着那乌云之中散发着光的庞然大物,表情激动不已。 „The sky Giant God volume is, look, how beautiful sacred stance.” Some servant of God and followers crawl directly directly in the place, is toward the sky Giant God volume kowtows. “天空巨神的卷属,看啊,多么美丽神圣的姿态。”一些神侍和信徒更是直接直接匍匐在地,朝着天空巨神的卷属叩头。 But some people also guessed that faintly God, looks at the phenomenon in sky. 而有人也隐隐猜测到了神明,看着天空之中的异象。 „, Was God arrives.” First responded chief servant of God that he does not dare to believe looks at this, then blurted out. “难道,是神明降临了。”第一个反应过来的首席神侍,他不敢置信的看着这一幕,然后脱口而出。 „Is God this must give us the gracious gift? Can give us the strength?” They had heard from myth many such stories, most -quoted is Ruler of Life gives the mother of all snakes gracious gift, next also has Shinji to obtain Yin Washen gracious gift, the Evel person obtains the gracious gift of Asai god. 神明这是要给予我们恩赐吗?是要给予我们力量吗?”他们从神话里听说过不少这样的故事,其中最广为流传的就是生命主宰给予万蛇之母的恩赐,其次还有辛吉得到尹瓦神的恩赐,爱维尔人得到阿赛神的恩赐。 „Is this omen that God must arrive at?” The king also recognized this is anything, but he felt this scene, did not seem like God to come to give them the gracious gift the picture. “这是神明要降临的预兆?”国王陛下也认出了这是什么,只是他感觉这场面,怎么也不像是神明前来给予他们恩赐的画面。 The storm and darkness were embezzled the entire whitebait island, the partly visible giant jellyfish has the lightning that the fluorescence and explodes unceasingly to illuminate the darkness. 风暴和黑暗将整个银鱼岛都被吞没了,只有若隐若现的巨型水母带着荧光和不断爆裂开来的闪电照亮黑暗。 Everyone is gaining ground, looks at the sky to anticipate anything. 所有人抬着头,看着天空期待着什么。 Suddenly, the sky darkness split a route. 突然之间,天空的黑暗裂开了一道线。 Then proliferated. 然后扩散了开来。 The sky opened a blood red eye, the gaze to the thunder swamp, the gaze approached the followers and servant of God on whitebait island. 天空睁开了一只血红的眼睛,注视向了雷霆沼泽,注视向了银鱼岛上的信徒和神侍们。 In a flash, anticipations on all faces and devout change color completely. 一瞬间,所有人脸上的期待和虔诚全部变了色。 Is only left over to be demented and fear. 只剩下癫狂和恐惧。 Looks straight ahead the flash of that eye, they were swallowed by the nondescript terrifying completely. 直视那眼睛的一瞬间,他们全部都被无可名状的恐怖吞噬。 Many years ago. 许多年前。 Crazy Evel person Huberne writes down «Book of time Huberne», with intelligent writing, when above writes down the Sky Behemoth real name, he also once witnessed such scene. 疯狂的爱维尔修伯恩写下《修伯恩之书》的时候,用智慧文字在上面写下天空巨兽的真名的时候,他也曾经目睹了这样的场景。 Just, then Evel person Huberne induces the sky Giant God strength distantly. 只不过,当时的爱维尔修伯恩只是遥遥感应到了天空巨神的力量。 But at this moment, these mortals are face directly the sky Giant God will obviously. 而此刻,这些凡人是直面天空巨神的意志显化。 Moreover above so near distance, does not have the reserved contact sky Giant God will. 而且是在如此近的距离之上,丝毫没有保留的接触天空巨神的意志。 Before even if Ruhul Giant God opened the eye above the land, these mortals are unable to see clearly the complete picture of eye, is unable to contact Ruhul Giant God will. 之前哪怕鲁赫巨神在大地之上睁开眼睛,那些凡人都无法看清楚眼睛的全貌,更无法接触到鲁赫巨神的意志。 However this time, they implored named Ruhul's God to respond to them, God also satisfied their desires specially. 不过这一次,他们祈求名为鲁赫的神明回应他们,神明也特意来满足他们的愿望。 The situation was also different. 情况也就不一样了。 . 只是。 These were known as that by sky great God's name, is ruling the aristocrat in country's of entire Leize, is shouting loudly time and time again by the God's name retinues. 这些号称以天空巨神之名,统治着整个雷泽之国的贵族,一次又一次高呼着以神之名的仆从们。 And these draw support from the God's name righteous deed wicked fellow, forces lots of civilians to be with one's family broken up and decimated taking advantage of the sacrifice of succuba, artisan and hard labor skeleton piled up bureaucrats. 其中那些借助神之名义行恶的家伙,借着魔女之祭逼迫得大量平民家破人亡,将工匠和苦役尸骸堆积成山的官僚们。 At this moment everyone is uniform, sends out from the innermost soul explodes, but cry. 此刻所有人整齐划一,发出从灵魂深处爆裂而出的叫声。 „!” “啊!” Shouts oneself hoarse just like falls into the purgatory abyss. 声嘶力竭得犹如堕入炼狱深渊。 People erupted the scream, completely weak on the ground. 一个又一个人爆发出了尖叫,全部瘫软在了地上。 They are struggling, the whole body actually started to present the variation. 他们挣扎着,浑身却开始出现了变异。 Some person of bodies melt like the wax figure generally. 有人身体如同蜡像一般融化。 In some people of bodies was long palms, or scale and so on thing. 有人身体里长出了一个又一个手掌,或者鳞片之类的东西。 Some people start the atavism, turned into an ancient lizard from the snake human exuviate, even degenerated species. 有人开始返祖,从蛇人蜕变成了一种古老的蜥蜴,甚至退化成了海里的物种。 These think replaces the God control royal power, replaces God to run the belief, thinks the devout incomparable mortal. 这些自以为代替神明掌控王权,代替神明执掌信仰,自以为虔诚无比的凡人。 Finally, when sees God that they believe truly. 最终,在真正看到他们信仰的神明时。 When God realizes their desires truly, when God sees right in front of one them personally. 神明真正实现他们的愿望的时候,当神明亲自来面见他们的时候。 Despairs and fears. 却是如此的绝望和恐惧。 Bang!” “轰隆!” The empty thunderclap transmits from the horizon, sweeps away above the swamp, goes toward the distant transmission. 空洞的雷声从天际传来,横扫沼泽之上,朝着远方传递而去。 That is the Sky Behemoth sound. 那是天空巨兽的声音。 The thousand li (500 km) moor country is her banning territory, ten thousand li (0.5 km) stratus cloud is her spitting breath. 千里沼国是她的禁域,万里层云是她的吐息。 But the thunder storm, is her words. 而雷霆风暴,就是她的话语。 ------------------- ------------------- Under altar. 祭坛之下。 Thunder temple chief servant of God is raising head, his body grew the dense and numerous scales, the appearance becomes fierce and ugly. 雷霆神庙的首席神侍仰着头,他的身上长出了密密麻麻的鳞片,面目变得狰狞且丑陋。 His sentence hunchback under the altar, hand-held above altar. 他句偻在祭坛下,手扶在祭坛之上。 He is staring, the eyeball must explode from the eye socket probably. 他瞪着眼睛,眼珠子都好像要从眼眶里爆裂了出来。 He is most powerhouses in these people. 他是这些人中的最强者。 Also is will firmest person. 也是其中意志最坚定的人。 In his king, has melted one group of rotten meat at this moment, but he can also retain the will at this moment unexpectedly temporarily reluctantly. 在他身旁的国王陛下,此刻已经融化成了一团烂肉,而他此刻竟然还能暂时勉强保留着意志。 Chief servant of God felt that the indescribable pain swamps into own consciousness, that exceeded the sense of fear of death, wanted to destroy all crazy, is twisting his flesh and consciousness. 首席神侍感觉难以言喻的痛苦涌入自己的意识,还有那超越死亡的恐惧感,还有想要毁灭一切的疯狂,都在扭曲着他的血肉和意识。 However compares all these to make him be hard to accept, why will turn into this. 但是比这一切更让他难以接受的,是为什么会变成这样。 No!” “不!” How can like this?” “怎么会这样?” How can like this?” “怎么会这样?” Great sky Giant God, we are your follower, is your retinue.” “伟大的天空巨神,我们是您的信徒,是您的仆从。” How you can treat us like this, treats us to believe your person like this devotionally.” “您怎么可以这样对待我们,对待我们这样虔诚信仰您的人。” Chief servant of God is hard to accept, he holds up both hands holding down head under the altar, frantic emanation call. 首席神侍难以接受,他在祭坛之下举起双手按住头颅,疯狂的发出呐喊。 In that sound has the despair, has his crazy, has his puzzled and doubts. 那声音里有绝望,有着他的疯狂,更有着他的不解和疑惑。 What was we to make the mistake?” “是我们做错了什么吗?” How possibly, did we make the mistake what?” “怎么可能,我们做错了什么?” Our all are follow the god make your will, the god your direction of!” “我们一切都是遵循神您的意志,神您的指引在做的啊!” Then the god why non- gracious gift we, instead lowered the divine punishment.” “那么神为什么不恩赐我们,反而降下了神罚。” Chief servant of God suddenly, in the mind gushed out another idea. 首席神侍突然之间,脑海之中涌出了另一个想法。 No!” “不!” This is not the divine punishment, this is the gracious gift.” “这不是神罚,这就是恩赐。” The doubts in chief servant of God eye diverge gradually, his body in the distortion, the flesh unceasing inflation was changing into one group of meat mountains finally. 首席神侍眼中的疑惑渐渐散去,他身体在畸变着,血肉不断的膨胀最后化为了一团肉山。 He wriggles is going toward the altar above along the pitch ladder, gradually the crazy embezzled consciousness in great shout, that sound is sending out from the mouth in rotten meat. 他蠕动着沿着斜坡梯朝着祭坛之上而去,逐渐被疯狂吞没的意识在大声呼喊着,那声音从烂肉之中的嘴巴里发出。 Right!” “没错!” This is the gracious gift, sky Giant God to our rewards.” “这就是恩赐,天空巨神对我们的奖赏。” This is the god is summoning me, he to reward our merit, rewards our irreverence.” “这是神在召唤我,他为了奖赏我们的功绩,奖赏我们的虔诚。”
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