IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#391 Part 2: The sacrifice of succuba

We will greet the asylum of god, does not need to dread Land of Sunrise and ten thousand snake royal court.” “我们将迎接来神的庇护,再也不用畏惧日出之地和万蛇王庭。” As for Suinhall, the opposite party and Razer Kingdom are away from too, always can not even the threat of Razer Kingdom. 至于苏因霍尔,对方和雷泽王国距离得太远,从来就算不得雷泽王国的威胁。 Stands in king thunder temple chief servant of God, at this time also devout crawling under altar. 站在国王陛下身旁的雷霆神庙首席神侍,这个时候也虔诚的匍匐在了祭坛之下。 God will certainly feel our irreverence, feels all that we make.” “神一定会感受到我们的虔诚,感受到我们所做的一切。” He crawled on the ground, the intonation suddenly became high. 他匍匐在了地上,声调突然变高。 It is shouting loudly. 其高声呼喊着。 Great sky Giant God!” “伟大的天空巨神啊!” Please receive us for your offer, please shelter us forever with this country.” “请接收我们为您的献礼,也请您永远庇护我们和这个国家。” Under bonfire. 篝火之下。 Most people are following chief servant of God and king crawl together in the place, at the same time the sacred heavy/thick temperament resounds. 大部分人跟随着首席神侍和国王陛下一同匍匐在地,与此同时神圣厚重的音律响起。 Sky succuba Liz wears the splendid attire, seems like arrives at the world like the saintess. “天空魔女”莉丝身着盛装,看上去如同圣女降临人间。 Her body is charming, but the expression is holy. 她的身体妩媚动人,但是表情圣洁严肃。 The snake female is swaying from side to side the waist, slowly arrived under the bonfire, it follows the temperament, is showing the most beautiful stance and dance. 蛇女扭动着腰身,慢慢来到了篝火之下,其伴随着音律而起,展现着最美丽的姿态和舞蹈。 In the solemn silence music, during the hymn of retinues recited. 在庄严肃穆的乐曲之中,在仆从们的赞美诗吟唱之中。 Started the dance of offering sacrifices. 开始了献祭之舞。 Dingdong!” The long hair sends the bell of tail to move, makes the clear sound, hits in graceful line that in tissue this cannot block. “叮当!”长发发尾的铃铛甩动,发出清脆的声音,打在薄纱这挡不住的优美线条上。 „!” Waves, the gold/metal link on hand is also following sound that sends out the collision. “哗哗!”挥手,手上的金环也跟随着发出碰撞的声音。 Liz mounts the pitch little, little arrived above the altar, soars to the heavens flame incomparable being close to that. 莉丝一点点登上斜坡,一点点的来到了祭坛之上,和那冲天火焰无比的接近。 However she actually cannot feel scalding hot, is warm. 但是她却感受不到灼热,只有温暖。 Crawls in the following person is looking at the flame in altar, probably felt that during was dark has the great existence will to pay attention to here, is paying attention to them. 匍匐在下面的人望着祭坛上的火焰,好像感觉到了冥冥之中有伟大存在的意志正在关注着这里,关注着他们。 They hope looks at the bonfire and altar, is longing for god's response. 他们期盼的看着篝火和祭坛,渴望着神的回应。 The king wants to rely on the strength of god to establish the great dynasty, the chief servant of God hope truly obtains the approval of God since then, what the aristocrats imagine the God gracious gift are being, what kind of liveliness the retinues also imagine the state of sea of clouds deep place are being and richness and populousness, there has all that the world cannot enjoy. 国王陛下想要借助神的力量建立伟大王朝,首席神侍希望从此真正得到神明的认可,贵族们想象着神明的恩赐是什么样的,仆从们也想象着云海深处的国度是如何的繁华和富庶,那里有着人间所不能享受到的一切。 Is waving the physique sky succuba Liz, at this moment also complexion slightly red, falls into during all sorts of fantasies. 就连舞动着身姿的“天空魔女”莉丝,此刻也脸色微红,陷入种种幻想之中。 Everyone imagines them to obtain anything. 所有人想象着他们将会获得什么。 Because they are such devout, God will certainly not grant parsimoniously. 因为他们是如此的“虔诚”,神明当然不会吝啬赐予。 This altar seems not the place of belief, is more like one with the God exchange, they are exchanging with the belief and God the thing of asking. 这座祭坛似乎并不是信仰之地,更像是一个和神明的交易所,他们在用信仰和神明交换着自己所求之物。 7017 k 7017k
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