IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#391 Part 1: The sacrifice of succuba

Bang ~!” “砰~!” Bang ~ “轰~” The sounds of several explosions, passed from the corner of thunder city one after another. 接连几声爆炸的声音,从雷霆城的一个角落里传了出来。 Several forms rushed to the sky, then the distant place transmits the fluctuation that various divine spell collided ; And divine spell that alchemist that excels at the flame releases, just like the fireworks to scurry about in the sky generally. 几个身影冲到了天空,然后远方就传来了各种神术碰撞的波动;其中一名擅长火焰的炼金师释放出来的神术,犹如烟花一般在天空之中乱窜。 Emits all detained innocent people, otherwise we will not finish.” “放出所有被关押的无辜者,要不然我们不会结束。” Evil heathen, thunder temple will not tolerate your dissoluteness.” “邪恶的异教徒,雷霆神庙不会容忍你们的放肆。” Blocks them.” “拦住他们。” „The second place Sir must come.” “次席大人要来了。” However quick, a alchemist side two die escapes. 但是很快,炼金师一方就二死一逃。 Here after all is Razer Kingdom. 这里毕竟是雷泽王国 Recently Razer Kingdom high and low such matter repeatedly happened, even alchemist controlled various unusual Alchemy divine creative force to attack temple. 最近雷泽王国上下这样的事情不断发生,甚至还有炼金师操控着各种奇特的炼金造物袭击神庙 In the thunder city often broadcasts the sound of explosion, or presents the fire the prayer hall combustion of workshop or sky Giant God is the ashes. 雷霆城之中不时传来爆炸的声音,亦或者出现大火将工坊或者天空巨神的祷告堂燃烧为灰烬。 Thunder temple from suppressing Ibach temple servant of God, gradually extended on these ordinary workshop alchemist. 雷霆神庙从打压伊瓦神庙神侍,逐渐延伸到了那些普通的工坊炼金师身上。 Moreover the trend of this conflict gets stronger and stronger, continually promotes. 而且这争端的趋势愈演愈烈,不断升级。 Inside and outside the thunder city most Alchemy workshop has shut down, Razer Kingdom assembled the core center of kingdom to suppress these Ibach temple servant of God, heathens and heretics the unusual regiment. 雷霆城内外的大半炼金工坊都已经停工,雷泽王国原本将超凡军团调集到了王国的核心腹地镇压这些伊瓦神庙神侍、异教徒、异信者 Because White Tower Alchemy Alliance adjusted two Alchemy regiments to the Razer Kingdom border, Razer Kingdom most unusual regiments have to move. 但是因为白塔炼金联盟调来了两支炼金军团到了雷泽王国的边境,雷泽王国的大部分超凡军团又不得不调了回去。 Therefore does not have the sufficient strength, suppresses the disorder of continuously unceasingly erupting. 因此没有足够的力量,来镇压住此起彼伏不断爆发的乱象。 But what discouraging is. 而更让人担忧的是。 The border is also having the friction, the condemnation of White Tower Alchemy Alliance is getting more and more intense, even there is an indication that the war is going to break out. 边境也在发生着摩擦,白塔炼金联盟的谴责越来越激烈,甚至有战争将要爆发的征兆。 White Tower Alchemy Alliance interrogated Razer Kingdom, requested the opposite party's to recent a series of actions and law gives the explanation ; But Razer Kingdom accuses White Tower Alchemy Alliance to provoke the conspiracy, but they absolutely not to their threat in force compromise. 白塔炼金联盟质问雷泽王国,要求对方对最近的一系列举措和法令做出解释;而雷泽王国则指责白塔炼金联盟挑动阴谋,而他们绝对不会对他们的武力威胁妥协。 This aspect is interesting. 这个局面非常有意思。 Razer Kingdom relies on to have the asylum of sky Giant God, even if White Tower Alchemy Alliance is very powerful, same will come several big croppers like beforehand ten thousand snake royal court in Razer Kingdom continuously. 雷泽王国自恃有天空巨神的庇护,哪怕白塔炼金联盟很强大,也会如同之前万蛇王庭一样在雷泽王国连续栽几个大跟头。 But White Tower Alchemy Alliance has not really dared to launch the war, because apostle Oland and alliance pretors request unable to launch the war absolutely, because Razer Kingdom at this moment also really has god in blessing they. 白塔炼金联盟还真的不敢发动战争,因为使徒奥兰和联盟执政官要求绝对不能发动战争,因为雷泽王国此刻还真的有神在“庇佑”着他们。 both sides on maintaining such a strange balance. 双方就维持着这么一个诡异的平衡。 Inside in great confusion, the border plays out, but is no one really dares to hit ; Because a side extremely in muddleheaded, a side actually extremely in understanding. 内里乱成一团,边境剑拔弩张,但是就是没有人真敢打起来;因为一方太过于稀里糊涂,一方却又太过于明白。 Regarding such situation, Liz as thunder temple sky succuba also knows. 对于这样的情况,莉丝身为雷霆神庙的“天空魔女”也是知晓的。 In temple. 神庙之中。 Throws over the snake female who the white clothing is covering the graceful physique somewhat is also worried, such situation gets down noisily, the sacrifice of succuba then cannot start. 披着白衣遮挡住曼妙身姿的蛇女也有些苦恼,这样的情况闹下去,魔女之祭便一直不能开始。 Although the present life is also good, but Liz regarding becoming the hope of true succuba is getting more and more intense. 虽然现在的生活也非常不错,但是莉丝对于成为真正的魔女的渴望却越来越强烈。 The succubas choose in advance, after all is also not the true succuba. 魔女预选,毕竟还不是真正的魔女。 Liz watches distant place the war of Powerful, started to finish not long. 莉丝看着远处的权能者之战,开始没有多久就已经结束了。 In her facial features has to worry, regarding the dislike of these alchemist. 她的眉眼里有着担忧,还有对于那些炼金师的厌恶。 Why these fellows are not willing to tumble out sky Giant God the place of belief, arrival of stop god strength must be unforgiving, stopping oneself to become the succuba? 为什么这些家伙就不肯滚出天空巨神的信仰之地,一定要不依不饶的阻拦神力量的降临,阻拦自己成为魔女呢? Puts on the waiter of formal clothes to go forward, respectful standing said in Liz behind. 穿着礼服的侍者上前,毕恭毕敬的站在莉丝身后说道。 Succuba your highness.” “魔女殿下。” „The picture that you want has delivered, now places in your resting palace.” “您想要的画已经送过来了,现在就放在您的寝宫之中。” A painter offered a picture, is Suinhall Grandmaster Bliman's «lost kingdom» traces the work. 一名画家献上了一幅画,是苏因霍尔大师布里曼的《失落之国》临摹作品。 This picture the original work of work places a protect fire temple mural, is naturally impossible to appear here. 这幅画的作品的原作是放在护火神庙的一副壁画,自然不可能出现在这里。 Worry on Liz face diverges, in the eye revealed the anticipation. 莉丝脸上的担忧散去,眼中流露出了期待。 Has brought?” “已经拿过来了?” Hurry up, leading me to have a look in the past.” “快点,带我过去看看。” Liz arrived at oneself resting palace in a hurry, saw that an extra wide work has placed, occupied a part of wall. 莉丝匆匆来到了自己的寝宫,看到一副宽幅作品已经放在了其中,占据了墙壁的一部分。 The picture corner is the rosy cloud, making people feel close at hand. 画的边角都是云霞,让人感觉近在眼前。 The crown brings the dream and sacred color light, making people feel unattainable. 顶部是带着梦幻和神圣色彩的光,让人感觉遥不可及。 Between the light and cloud, are an ancient city. 光与云之间,是一座古老的城市。 She walks. 她走过去。 As approaches unceasingly, is entering under that sacred light probably little, enters that dream in the clouds. 随着不断靠近,就好像在一点点走进那神圣的光下,走进那梦幻的云中。 She has never seen such magnificent painting, saw for the first time state of god thunder temple servant of God said is actually what. 她从未见过这样华丽的画作,也第一次看到了雷霆神庙神侍们所说的神的国度究竟是什么样的。 By this painting can feel prosperous of this city, the creator as if regarding this city proud and devout, expectation, drew completely. 透过这幅画作就能够感受到这座城市的繁盛,创作者似乎将对于这这座城市的自豪、虔诚、憧憬,全部都画了进去。 Liz opens the lip slightly, in the look is shocking completely. 莉丝微微张着嘴唇,眼神里满是震撼。 State that lost kingdom, the god lives.” 失落之国,神居住的国度。” Right, this is the sky Giant God state.” “没错,这就是天空巨神的国度。” She turns head immediately, asked behind waiter. 她立刻回过头来,问身后的侍者。 Is only......” “只是……” Why must be called lost kingdom.” “为什么要叫做失落之国呢。” The waiters think replied: „Before perhaps is very long is very long, the god and person together live in the country of this sky.” 侍者想了一下回答:“或许很久很久以前,神与人一同居住在这座天空之国中。” Is only now, there only has God.” “只是现在,那里只剩下神明。” Liz hears this saying to be very happy: Therefore after I become the succuba, was that state no longer the state that lost?” 莉丝听到这话很开心:“所以我成为魔女之后,那个国度就不再是失落的国度了?” Waiter reply: Should be this, succuba your highness.” 侍者回答:“应该是这样的,魔女殿下。” Liz looks at that picture, the waiter also on static standing in her behind. 莉丝看着那幅画,侍者也就静静的站在她的身后。 Suddenly, waiter weak on the ground. 突然之间,侍者瘫软在了地上。 Liz heard the sound, turning head of doubts. 莉丝听到了动静,疑惑的回过头去。 She saw a familiar form in oneself resting palace, that issues a warrant for arrest Gamer that and seeks for by entire Razer Kingdom and thunder temple. 她就在自己的寝宫之中看见了一个熟悉的身影,那个被整个雷泽王国和雷霆神庙通缉和寻找的伽美尔 Is you, does your lunatic want to do?” “是你,你这个疯子又想要干什么?” Liz retrocedes panic-stricken, by the wall, pasted under «lost kingdom» imitation. 莉丝惊恐的后退,靠在了墙壁上,贴在了《失落之国》的仿作之下。 Absolutely before not having, previous time the calm of seeing Gamer. 完全没有了之前上一次看到伽美尔的淡定。 Because everyone was telling her recently, this is a crazy heathen. 因为最近所有人都在告诉她,这是一个疯狂的异教徒。 Told her. 告诉她。 In the hand of opposite party stained bloody, he is conducting the evil conspiracy. 对方的手上沾满了血腥,他在进行着邪恶的阴谋。 Heard to be many, she also started to think that the Gamer plans deep innermost feelings were evil, saw and imagines during with her complete different. 听人说得多了,她也开始觉得伽美尔心机深沉内心邪恶,和她看到和想象之中的完全不一样。 Liz wants to summon loudly, but Gamer raises up the finger, she did not have the sound. 莉丝想要高声呼唤,但是伽美尔竖起手指头,她就没有了声音。 A sound spread to Liz's mind, Gamer uses divine spell that the mind communicated. 一个声音传入了莉丝的脑海里,伽美尔使用了心灵沟通的神术 Do not be afraid, I will not harm you.” “不要害怕,我不会伤害你。” Previous Gamer also said that like this, but Liz was actually afraid. 上一次伽美尔也是这样说的,但是莉丝却更加害怕了。 I am come you and make a transaction, one transaction that ended the dispute.” “我是来你和做个交易的,一场结束纷争的交易。” Gamer this time has not said what major principle, no longer attempts to convince this succuba, convinced anybody. 伽美尔这一次没有说什么大道理,也不再企图想要说服这位魔女,说服任何人。 Arrived this situation, said that anything does not have the significance. 到了这个地步,说什么也已经没有意义了。 Liz in innermost feelings great shout, is only somewhat is still outwardly fierce but inwardly faint-hearted, divine spell of mind communication transmitted that side Liz's voice Gamer. 莉丝在内心大声呼喊,只是依旧有些色厉内荏,心灵沟通的神术将莉丝的声音重新传递到了伽美尔那边。 „The sky Giant God apostle will not make anything to trade with the heathen, not by your threats.” “天空巨神的使徒不会和异教徒做什么交易,更不受你们的威胁。” Gamer arrived at Liz's front: „Do you really want to make war with White Tower Alchemy Alliance?” 伽美尔走到了莉丝的面前:“你们难道真的想要和白塔炼金联盟开战吗?” Really wants this dispute to continue, situation that until to is unable to end truly?” “难道真的想要这场纷争一直继续下去,直到真正到无法收场的地步?” Gamer vision somewhat complex looks at Liz, others look at her vision are the respect, however the Gamer vision actually sympathizes. 伽美尔目光有些复杂的看着莉丝,别人看她的目光是敬仰,但是伽美尔的目光却是同情。 He was saying to Liz: You actually also wanted to finish, but you thought that cannot receive the hand like this.” 他对着莉丝说:“你们其实也想要结束,只是你们觉得不能够这样收手。” Everyone needs a reason.” “所有人都需要一个理由。” Gamer arrived to sit at the same time, received the tail. 伽美尔来到了一边坐了下来,收起了尾巴。 He looks at the wine glass of succuba, in the resting palace is wasteful the decoration and daily necessities. 他看着魔女的酒杯,还有寝宫内奢靡得装饰和日用品。 Knows that Liz no longer had once been that fisherwoman. 就知道莉丝早已经不再是曾经那个渔女了。 The people change. 人是会变的。 Gamer looks at the magnificent bronze mirror, is looking at mirror own form. 伽美尔看着华丽的铜镜,望着镜子里自己的身影。 Showed a smile, looks like in the eye of Gamer, that is only an ordinary smile. 露出了一个微笑,在伽美尔的眼中看来,那只是一个普通的微笑。 However in Liz's eyes looks like, that smile is evil. 但是在莉丝的眼中看来,那笑容邪恶无比。 Insufficiently devout evil person Gamer lost the belief, was misled by the evil abyss, destroyed the place ship of succuba your highness, wants to initiate war in Razer Kingdom and White Tower Alchemy Alliance.” “不够虔诚的恶徒伽美尔丢失了信仰,被邪恶的深渊蛊惑,摧毁了魔女殿下的座船,想要引发雷泽王国白塔炼金联盟之中的战争。” „A degenerating person wants to trigger the conflicts of two countries, wants to try to please evil god in the disaster ; As for all, is a misunderstanding.” “一个堕落之人想要引发两个国家的争端,想要在灾难里取悦邪恶的神祇;至于原本发生的一切,都不过是一场误会。” Such reason how?” “这样的理由怎么样?” In the Liz eyes brings panic-stricken, doubts. 莉丝眼中带着惊恐,还有疑惑。 She looks at Gamer earnestly, does not dare to speak. 她认真的看着伽美尔,不敢说话了。 She does not know what Gamer said is real, is a joke. 她不知道伽美尔所说的是真的,还是一个玩笑。 Gamer also intimate Liz the following matter will consider for sky succuba, 伽美尔还贴心的替“天空魔女”莉丝将接下来的事情都考虑好了, „The conspiracy of person of Gamer degeneration was detected by the sky succuba, finally was killed by succuba your highness.” “堕落之人伽美尔的阴谋被天空魔女察觉,最终被魔女殿下杀死。” Under the apostle succuba your highness promulgation of sky Giant God the decree, relieved this misunderstanding.” “天空巨神的使徒魔女殿下颁布下旨意,解除了这一场误会。” However the after retinue of Ibach god passes through these things, has been hard to base in Razer Kingdom, and apostle Oland of Ibach god has been summoning all servant of God to return to Land of Sunrise.” “而伊瓦神的仆从经过这些事情之后,已经在雷泽王国难以立足,并且伊瓦神的使徒奥兰都已经在召唤所有神侍回到日出之地。” So long as you release these, because misunderstanding arrested person, this dispute can end.” “只要你们释放出那些因为‘误会’被逮捕的人,这场纷争就可以结束了。” Gamer looks at Liz, this he traded the name time. 伽美尔看着莉丝,这一次他换了称呼。 Succuba your highness!” “魔女殿下!” He said succuba your highness time cannot hear any respectfully, but is light straight states. 只是他说魔女殿下的时候听不到任何恭敬,而是一种平淡的直述。 Like this in everyone's eyes, the status of your succuba did not have to vacillate, you recalled one soon possibly the war of eruption, directing this country to take the correct path.” “这样在所有人的眼中,您魔女的身份更加无可动摇了,你挽回了一场即将可能爆发的战争,指引这个国家走上了正确的道路。” You protected the belief of sky Giant God, protected his place of belief.” “您守护了天空巨神的信仰,守护了祂的信仰之地。” Everyone will extol your reputation.” “所有人都将赞颂您的美名。” Gamer can feel the innermost feelings of opposite party, the Liz heart movement. 伽美尔可以感觉到对方的内心,莉丝心动了。 He sets out, passed through the side of succuba. 他起身来,走过了魔女的身边。 This.” “这样。” This dispute completely ended.” “这一场纷争就彻底结束了。” Gamer did not fear that Liz will not do that even if this sky succuba does not do that thunder temple chief servant of God and king, will turn all that he will say. 伽美尔也不怕莉丝不会这么做,哪怕这位“天空魔女”不这么做,那位雷霆神庙的首席神侍以及国王陛下,都会将他所说的一切都变成真的。 Because entire Razer Kingdom also feels to come from the internal and exterior tremendous pressure now, is finding the way to look for solution, but actually the card cannot drop there. 因为现在整个雷泽王国也感受到了来自于内部和外部的巨大压力,正在想办法找一个解决的办法,但是却又卡在那里不能够放手。 But now, Gamer is the best stair, directly to the ladder that they deliver. 而现在,伽美尔就是最好的台阶,一个直接给他们送过来的梯子。 King Lei Ze eased the pressure, chief servant of God pursued the Ibach god's belief, succuba your highness consolidated her status. 雷泽国王缓解了压力,首席神侍驱逐走了伊瓦神的信仰,魔女殿下巩固了她的身份。 This may really be perfect wins. 这可真是一场完美的共赢。 Gamer raised the head, looks at that «lost kingdom» imitation, is gazing at the state of that sea of clouds deep place. 伽美尔抬起头,看着那副《失落之国》的仿作,注视着那云海深处的国度。 However your highness you, can go......” “而殿下您,也可以前往……” State of God that you believe.” “你信仰的神之国度了。” Liz asked Gamer at this time suddenly: You thought that I am a succuba?” 莉丝这个时候突然问伽美尔:“你觉得我是魔女吗?” Gamer raises head to look at the picture, is turning away from Liz. 伽美尔仰头看着画,背对着莉丝。 He has not said is, but asked Liz one. 他没有说是或者不是,而是反问了莉丝一句。 Arrived this step.” “到了这一步。” „Can you also not?” “你还可以不是吗?” You can accept, aren't oneself a succuba?” “你能接受,自己不是魔女吗?” Liz not the answer that oneself want, but Gamer moved suddenly. 莉丝没有得到自己想要的答案,而伽美尔突然动了。 Gamer deeply inspires. 伽美尔深吸了一口气。 Put out that killing the old servant of God dagger suddenly, he pointed at trembles, then complexion one horizontal, then pierced own chest directly. 骤然拿出了那把杀死老神侍的匕首,他手指发颤,然后脸色一横,便直接刺穿了自己的胸膛。 He poured under the extra wide painting, rickets waist unceasing struggling, probably a prawn. 他倒在了宽幅画作之下,佝偻着腰不断的挣扎,像是一个大虾。 He made an effort to take out that to stand up from failure the dagger, lay down in the corner, panted for breath several not to have the aura. 他用力了抽出了那把匕首翻过身来,躺在了墙角,喘息了几下就没有了气息。 „!” “啊!” Liz sees the deceased person for the first time. 莉丝还是第一次见到死人。 She has not seen such scene, is unable to understand the Gamer actions. 她从来没有见过这样的场面,更无法理解伽美尔的所作所为。 It looks like from her angle of view, Gamer is a from head to tail lunatic. 从她的视角看来,伽美尔就是一个彻头彻尾的疯子。 She can only panic-stricken emanation scream, unceasing retreat, retreat time also bumped into that the bloodstained dagger, she frightened the sound becomes bigger. 她只能惊恐的发出尖叫,不断的后退,后退的时候还碰到了那把染血的匕首,她吓得声音变得更大了。 Outside person flushed, immediately sees this. 外面的人冲了进来,立刻就看到这一幕。 Protects succuba your highness.” “保护魔女殿下。” Has the raider.” “有袭击者。” Some people turn inside out the Gamer corpse, those present recognize his identity immediately. 有人将伽美尔的尸体翻了过来,在场的人立刻认出了他的身份。 Is he?” “是他?” Is that Gamer, fellow who that is playing the tricks secretly.” “是那个伽美尔,那个在幕后玩弄阴谋的家伙。” Succuba your highness you killed him, killed this evil person.” “魔女殿下您杀死了他,杀死了这个恶徒。” Sky succuba Liz is very long to be quiet, periphery she looks at discussing spiritedly of person, that is looking at own unusual vision, does not understand how has not become Liz of succuba to kill Gamer truly. “天空魔女”莉丝很久才平静下来,她看着周围之人的议论纷纷,还有那望着自己的奇特目光,不明白还没有真正成为魔女的莉丝是如何杀死伽美尔的。 At this time, she stood. 这个时候,她站了出来。 He is not alchemist, he is by the evil disciple who the abyss seduction degenerates.” “他不是什么炼金师,他是个被深渊诱惑堕落的邪恶之徒。” He wants to shoulder Razer Kingdom and White Tower Alchemy Alliance war, but also wants to mislead me.” “他想要挑起雷泽王国白塔炼金联盟的战争,还想要蛊惑我。” I detected luckily ahead of time, therefore then relied on the strength of god to kill this evil disciple.” “幸好我提前察觉到了,于是便借助神的力量杀死了这个邪徒。” At this time everyone was suddenly enlighted, looks that sky succuba Liz's look thoroughly changed, everyone crawled to bow politely devotionally on the ground. 这个时候所有人都恍然大悟,看着“天空魔女”莉丝的眼神彻底变了,所有人虔诚的匍匐叩拜在地上。 This certainly is the direction of sky Giant God.” “这一定是天空巨神的指引。” Succuba Sir felt the God will.” “魔女大人感受到了神明的意志。” „The demon of abyss, hides under the apostle of God vision nowhere.” “深渊的邪魔,在神之使徒的目光下无处躲藏。” ---------------------- ---------------------- In the thunder city discusses spiritedly. 雷霆城之中议论纷纷。 Because an explosive news passed from temple, and had been confirmed. 因为一个爆炸性的消息从神庙传了出来,并且已经被确认了。 That plays the tricks to provoke the dispute, person who that prevents the sacrifice of succuba, unexpectedly is one by the evil disciple of abyss seduction. 那个玩弄阴谋挑起纷争,那个阻挡魔女之祭的人,竟然是一个被深渊诱惑的邪徒。 So long as any not good matter adds on the abyss the name, as if thought that is not strange. 任何不好的事情只要加上深渊的名字,似乎就觉得不奇怪了。 The Razer Kingdom person Gamer, this evil corpse hung above punishment stage, seeming like the terrifying was incomparable. 雷泽王国的人将伽美尔,这个邪恶的尸体挂在了刑台之上,看上去恐怖无比。 Such scene was also as if more solid, he is a status of abyss evil disciple. 这样的情景似乎又更加坐实了,他就是一个深渊邪恶之徒的身份。 Originally this Gamer is the abyss evil disciple.” Under punishment stage people are directing to that corpse, have the fear, there is excited and curious. “原来这个伽美尔是个深渊邪徒。”刑台之下人们对着那尸体指指点点,有恐惧,也有兴奋和好奇。 I know that this matter is not simple, the back definitely has the conspiracy, has not thought that unexpectedly is the abyss mission.” The history that the abyss is born compares in these ancient myth is very late, perhaps but many people do not know these myth, actually knows the notorious abyss surely. “我就知道这件事情不简单,背后肯定有阴谋,没想到竟然是深渊教团。”深渊诞生的历史相比于那些古老的神话很晚,但是许多人或许不知道那些神话,却必定知道臭名昭著的深渊。 This group of evil people, extended here to come their evil clutches unexpectedly.” Speaking of the abyss mission, everyone was afraid. “这群邪恶之徒,竟然将他们的魔爪延伸到了我们这里来了。”提起深渊教团,所有人都心生恐惧。 Under succuba's order, massive, because the dispute shut in servant of God, alchemist, workshop owner, merchant and heretics jail to be put. 在魔女的命令下,大量因为纷争被关进监牢之中的神侍炼金师工坊主、商人、异信者被放了出来。 However they are pursued the thunder city immediately, does not allow to keep Razer Kingdom again. 但是他们立刻就被驱逐出了雷霆城,不允许再留在雷泽王国 These people after punishment stage under time, dislike hatred looks at the Gamer corpse. 这些人经过刑台之下的时候,厌恶憎恨的看着伽美尔的尸体。 Bah!” “呸!” Believes person of not the firm degeneration, actually enough becomes the retinue of god by luck.” “信仰不坚定的堕落之人,竟然侥幸够成为神的仆从。” Is this fellow, lets our so many years laborious did not have completely.” “都是这个家伙,才让我们这么多年的辛苦全部没有了。” Abyss seriously is everywhere, does evil everywhere.” “深渊当真是无处不在,到处作恶。” The abyss has done all kinds of evil matters, has provoked all kinds of disasters and disputes. 深渊做过各种各样的邪恶之事,挑起过各种各样的灾难和纷争。 However this time. 但是这一次。 They want said that really does not have. 他们很想表示真的没有。 The dim light of night gets dark gradually, the night evening breeze crosses the punishment stage, shakes that heavy corpse gently. 夜色渐渐黑了下来,夜晚吹过刑台,轻轻撼动那沉重的尸体。 The wood/blockhead rack makes the sound, appears in the dim light of night frightened. 木头架子发出吱吱呀呀的声音,在夜色之中显得惊悚至极。 Suddenly, flame sent out from the corpse a continuously, rushed to the distant place. 突然间,一缕缕火光从尸体之内散发了出来,奔向了远方。 Outside the city a remote small town, on the hillside a form calmly stands. 城外一个遥远的小镇,山坡上一个身影静静站立。 Oland Station here, in the hand is grasping a silver mysterious flower. 奥兰站在这里,手里握着一朵银色的神秘之花。 Will only open in the Flower Cup of Desire of God of Desire and Alchemy state. 只会开在欲望与炼金之神国度的花-欲望之杯 Distant several wisps of flame across the nighttime sky came, to fall on the hillside. 远方几缕火焰穿过夜空而来,落在了山坡上。 Oland seems to be welcome the opposite party to return is the same. 奥兰似乎在欢迎对方归来一样。 Came back.” “回来了。” Oland held up Cup of Desire, that flame integrated in Cup of Desire. 奥兰举起了欲望之杯,那火焰就融入了欲望之杯中了。 Cup of Desire changes immediately, has probably a shadow to twist in silver flower cup wriggles, finally in flower cup shone the ray slowly. 欲望之杯立刻发生了变化,好像有着一个影子在银色的花杯之中扭曲蠕动,最后花杯之中慢慢亮起了光芒。 The Gamer sound passed from inside, vacant looked to the surrounding all. 伽美尔的声音从里面传了出来,茫然的看向了周围的一切。 Finally, he saw Oland. 最后,他看到了奥兰。 Oland Sir, I how in this?” “奥兰大人,我怎么会在这?” „Did I live?” “我活过来了?” Oland told Gamer: You have not lived, you lost the body, in some sense you have died.” 奥兰告诉伽美尔:“你并没有活过来,你失去了身体,从某种意义上来说你已经死了。” I used God Cup of Desire to detain your personality, duplicated your most memories ahead of time, but my control to the memory was not good, at least seems like has not made a mistake at present.” “我用神明欲望之杯留住了你的人格,又提前复制了你的大部分记忆,不过我对记忆的操控并不好,至少目前看起来并没有出错。” Gamer.” 伽美尔。” You, because the defect the lots, you later are not possibly able to become a normal person forever.” “你因为缺失了很多东西,你以后可能永远无法成为一个正常的人。” Even if I , can only achieve this situation.” “哪怕是我,也只能做到这个地步了。” Gamer suddenly thought Oland, when he just before leaving, deliberately looked at his lamp of divine contract, it is estimated that at that time Oland felt that he could die, is preparing ahead of time. 伽美尔突然想起来了奥兰在他临走的时候,刻意看了一下他的神契之灯,估计在那个时候的奥兰就感觉到了他可能会死,在提前做准备。 Originally at that time, you have known that what I did want to make?” “原来在那个时候,您就已经知道我想要做什么了?” Oland: I somewhat felt, but has not thought of you to be able in this manner.” 奥兰:“我有些感觉,只是没想到你会用这样的方式。” You use my to teach your method previous time, evaded the thunder temple knot flaw, bypassed everyone's line of sight.” “你用我上一次教给你的方法,躲过了雷霆神庙的结界破绽,绕过了所有人的视线。” You think not to have, if the opposite party made up for this flaw.” “你想过没有,如果对方弥补了这个破绽呢。” Previous Oland guides Gamer with the consciousness, makes its smooth entered the temple deep place. 上一次奥兰用意识引导伽美尔,让其顺利的进入到了神庙深处。 Gamer: They are not the apostles, how can understand the skill of apostle.” 伽美尔:“他们不是使徒,怎么能看得懂使徒的技巧。” Oland has not continued this topic again, because all had happened, cannot change again. 奥兰没有再继续这个话题,因为一切已经发生了,不可再改变。 Oland succeeded, although also paid the incomparably deeply grieved price. 奥兰成功了,虽然也付出了无比惨痛的代价。 Gamer, you ended this dispute.” 伽美尔,你结束了这一场纷争。” Is only you in everyone's eyes, becomes an evil disciple.” “只是你在所有人的眼中,都成为了一个邪徒。” No one will thank all that you make, everyone will curse, spurn and hates you.” “没有人会感谢你所做的一切,所有人都将咒骂、唾弃、憎恨你。” This regarding a follower, is hard to accept. 这对于一个信徒来说,是难以接受的。 Gamer was silent, long time the latter his sound passed from Cup of Desire. 伽美尔沉默了,良久后他的声音从欲望之杯里传了出来。 But the final result is good, is I wants.” “但是最后的结局还不错,是我想要的。” Oland told Gamer: You later follow side me, perhaps in the future I can find other methods.” 奥兰告诉伽美尔:“你以后就跟在我身边吧,或许将来我可以找到其他的方法。” Oland has arrived most to withstand/top from the hillside, looked to the thunder swamp deep place. 奥兰从山坡一直走到了最顶上,看向了雷霆沼泽的深处。 The moonlight is dim, the fog winds around. 月色朦胧,云雾缭绕。 In the world every large or small lake and jungle be continuous to the distant place, most distant place are producing an inverted image like the sea common broad water surface the moonlight. 天底下大大小小的湖泊和丛林绵延向远方,最远处如同大海一般宽阔的水面倒映着月光。 Gamer.” 伽美尔。” „Do you want to look, what result is this farce finally?” “你想不想看一看,这一场闹剧最后到底是什么样的结局?” ---------------------- ---------------------- Thunder swamp deep place. 雷霆沼泽深处。 Whitebait island. 银鱼岛。 Once in this island had a lively fishing village, produced is being all the rage the whitebait above aristocrat table, afterward does not know what reason left uncultivated overnight. 曾经这座岛上有一个繁华的渔村,出产着风靡贵族餐桌之上的银鱼,后来不知道什么原因一夜之间荒废了。 Afterward Razer Kingdom rose, here was transformed a sacrificial offering sky Giant God place. 后来雷泽王国崛起,这里被改造成了一处祭祀天空巨神的地方。 The sky Giant God followers built up a grand altar here, has servant of God for a long time stationed here, every year ceremony that here will hold the large-scale sacrifice god. 天空巨神的信徒们在这里建起了一座宏伟的祭坛,长期还有着神侍驻扎在这里,每一年这里都会举行大型祭神的典礼。 The time that Razer Kingdom rises is not long, compares other countries. 只是雷泽王国崛起的时间并不长,相比于其他国家来说。 Therefore. 因此。 This national many places retain as before are being wild and characteristics of tribe, these customs even can also trace the millennium ago time. 这个国家许多地方依旧保留着蛮荒和部落的特点,这些习俗甚至还可以追溯到千年以前的时代。 In them some people are Pince's descendants, some people are Alshvang descendants, even Evel person. 他们之中有人是潘斯的后裔,有人是阿尔西妮的后裔,甚至还有爱维尔人。 Finally actually fuses for a nationality here, says people for Leize. 最终却在这里融合为了一个民族,自称为雷泽之民。 On this day, the altar opens again. 这一天,祭坛再一次开启。 The flame flaming combustion, in the square under altar stood the person, but near the islands anchors the succuba place ship that several are making. 火焰熊熊燃烧,祭坛下的广场上站满了人,而岛屿边停靠着几艘重新建造的魔女座船。 After the rite ended . 祭典结束之后。 The ship from here depart, goes to the state of god. 船就从这里出发,前往神的国度。 Succuba your highness who the god selects, sends to the state of god. 将神选中的魔女殿下,送去神的国度。 In crowd. 人群之中。 Has the king, has chief servant of God, has sky succuba Liz. 有国王陛下,有首席神侍,也有着“天空魔女”莉丝。 They are following many aristocrats behind, thunder temple servant of God. 他们身后跟随着诸多贵族,雷霆神庙神侍 These were selected, will soon follow sky succuba to go to the State of God retinues together. 还有那些被选中的,即将跟随着“天空魔女”一同前往神之国度的仆从们。 The king is excited, he incomparably is longing for can expand this country, establishes the great dynasties of exceeding other countries. 国王陛下激动不已,他无比渴望着能够壮大这个国家,建立一个超越其他国家的伟大王朝。 But wants to achieve this step, needs the incomparable strong boost. 而想要做到这一步,就需要无比的强大的助力。 „The sacrifice of succuba must start.” “魔女之祭就要开始了。” Seat of honor.” “首席。”
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