IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#390 Part 2: God grief

At this moment, his thought no longer is an average person. 此时此刻,他的思想不再是一个普通人。 Mer had not replied, but Oland spoke one's mind. 加美尔没有回答,但是奥兰却自说自话。 He at this moment, starts to ponder that these are not the mortal, but is the issue of God angle. 此时此刻的他,开始思考那些不属于凡人,而是属于神明角度的问题。 This may really be is hard to choose and distinguish to the wrong answering tuart.” “这可真是一个难以选择和分辨对错的答桉。” Actually is present is important to the mistake, is the goal of finally arriving in more important?” “究竟是眼前的对错重要,还是最终抵达的目的更重要?” Is the temporary charitable disposition is more moving, is the eternal reason is more perfect.” “是一时的善念更动人,还是永恒的理智更完美。” Finally, Oland said. 最后,奥兰说道。 In perhaps the eye of God, does not have the good and evil.” 神明的眼中,或许并没有善恶。” „The good and evil in mortal eyes had at least lost the significance in their bodies.” “至少凡人眼中的善恶在她们的身上早已失去了意义。” They stand above the time river, focuses on the entire civilization and world, they not because a point small good small disrupts the order of this world wickedly, what they want to see will be the future of civilized end point and world.” “她们站立于时光长河之上,着眼于整个文明和世界,她们不会因为一点的小善小恶来破坏这个世界的秩序,她们想要看到的是文明的终点和世界的未来。” Perhaps Mer only saw a good and evil of person, Mer to save a person, perhaps perhaps several people, these people may not die in the storm. 加美尔只看见一个人的善恶,加美尔或许拯救了一个人,或许可能有几个人,或许那些人本身就不会死在风暴里。 Oland at this moment he actually saw the end point and world of civilization in the future, what he ponders is how can maintain the order of god and person. 此刻的奥兰他却看见了文明的终点和世界未来,他思考的是如何才能维持神与人的秩序。 Stands in the civilized, the world and Spiritual God angle carefully examines a matter to the mistake, hopes that can keep the order also to go to the future, rather than someone's life and death. 站在文明、世界、神灵的角度去审视一件事情的对错,希望能够维持秩序并且前往未来,而不是某一个人的生死。 Is Mer is better? 是加美尔更加善良? Oland grief? 还是奥兰更加悲悯? However the foresight of this transcendence mortal vision, this keeping aloof is overlooking pitying of the world. 但是这种超越凡人眼界的远见,这种高高在上俯视着人间的怜悯。 Is the God grief. 属于神明的悲悯。 It looks like in the eyes of mortal, is what kind of brutality. 在凡人的眼中看来,又是何等的残酷。 Mer asked Oland: These people overthrew Yin Washen idol, destroyed her palace and temple, why Yin Washen isn't angry?” 加美尔问奥兰:“那些人推倒了尹瓦神的神像,摧毁了她的殿堂和神庙,为什么尹瓦神不愤怒呢?” Oland asked Mer: Why can god because of the stupidity and angry of mortal?” 奥兰问加美尔:“神为什么要因为凡人的愚蠢而愤怒?” „An ant lifts up the stone to pound to you, finally will actually give to run over, will you feel the anger?” “一只蚂蚁举起石头砸向你,最终却将自己给压死了,你会觉得愤怒吗?” God may smile to shake the head, possibly for the ignorant grief of mortal.” 神明可能会一笑摇头,可能会为凡人的愚昧悲悯。” „, Will not be only angry.” “唯独,不会愤怒。” Oland received «the Tentative plan picture roll of Alchemy Life», asked Mer. 奥兰收起了《炼金生命的设想》图卷,问加美尔。 Mer.” “加美尔。” You know that who I am?” “你知道我是谁吗?” Mer seems to have guessed correctly the status in Oland: You are apostle Oland.” 加美尔似乎早就猜到了奥兰的身份:“您是使徒奥兰。” Yin Washen in acting of the world, White Tower Alchemy Alliance founder, great mannequin alchemist.” “尹瓦神在人间的代行者,白塔炼金联盟的创建者者,伟大的人偶炼金师。” The story of Oland has more, Mer has heard. 奥兰的故事有很多很多,加美尔都听说过。 He is guarding the story of white tower, he and forest female celestial story, he establishes the White Tower Alchemy Alliance story, he becomes the story of apostle. 他守卫着白塔的故事,他和林中仙女的故事,他建立白塔炼金联盟的故事,他成为使徒的故事。 Each story, was full of legendary. 每一个故事,都充满了传奇性。 Oland: „Don't you want to make me make a move?” 奥兰:“你不想要让我出手吗?” Solves this crisis for you?” “替你们解决这一场危机?” Oland puts out a hand, looks at own palm. 奥兰伸出手,看着自己的掌心。 I have the strength of apostle, what can have in the mortal was the most powerful strength.” “我拥有使徒的力量,在凡人所能拥有的是最强大的力量了。” In the eyes of average person, I should be omnipotent.” “在普通人的眼中,我应该是无所不能。” „It seems like the mortal unlimitedly always made a vow to God, because omnipotent God, so long as waved to satisfy their desires.” “就好像凡人总是无限制的向神明许愿,因为无所不能的神明只要一挥手就能够满足他们的愿望。” Mer shakes the head: „Because you are apostle of God, because just you are mannequin alchemist Oland Sir.” 加美尔摇了摇头:“正因为您是神之使徒,正因为您是人偶炼金师奥兰大人。” Therefore you cannot make a move.” “所以您不能够出手。” Mer sat was very long, his mood from excited, by the present thorough tranquil. 加美尔坐了很久,他的情绪从激动,到现在已经彻底平静了下来。 How I have wanted to go to solve.” “我已经想要了要去怎么解决了。” Oland: „Do you want to retaliate?” 奥兰:“你想要报复?” „To kill the king, or goes to temple again?” “还是想要杀死国王,亦或者再去一趟神庙?” Mer had been through repeatedly these things, this young probably became mature. 加美尔历经了这些事情,这个年轻好像变得成熟了。 I do not have this ability.” “我没有这个能力。” Retaliation cannot solve the problem.” “报复也不能解决问题。” Mer: They said, was I created all these.” 加美尔:“他们说,是我造成了这一切。” „Regardless what the truth is, a bigger conflict must arrive immediately, I can only try.” “不论真相是什么样的,更大的冲突马上就要到来了,我只能去试一试了。” Oland looks at Mer's eyes: Mer!” 奥兰看着加美尔的眼睛:“加美尔!” You no longer care about the present matter, starts to pay attention to the essence of matter, more important result.” “你不再在意眼前的事,开始关注事情的本质,还有更重要的结果。” Mer sets out, he inspires to spit. 加美尔起身,他吸了一口气吐了出来。 Rubbed own face, making the expression no longer tie tight. 揉了揉自己的脸,让表情不再紧绷着。 Oland Sir.” “奥兰大人。” Thank you until now taught, I learned the lots from your body.” “谢谢您一直以来的教导,我从您的身上学到了很多东西。” Mer turns around to depart, arrives at entrance time Oland to ask him suddenly. 加美尔转身离去,走到门口的时候奥兰突然开口问他。 Your lamp of divine contract?” “你的神契之灯呢?” Mer has turned head, summons oneself lamp of divine contract. 加美尔回过头,召唤出了自己的神契之灯 That is a lamp of silver casting, silver-white lamp body pure silver white, the lights are also the pure white. 那是一盏白银铸造的灯,银白色的灯身纯净银白,灯火也是纯白色的。 Oland walked, raised Mer's lamp of divine contract in the hand looked. 奥兰走了过来,将加美尔的神契之灯提在了手上看了一下。 Very attractive silver lamp.” “很漂亮的银灯。”
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