IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#390 Part 1: God grief

! In thunder city. 雷霆城中。 In massive cities the guard surrounded Yin Wa temple in city and inside or outside the city the every large or small prayer hall, has the unusual regiment member of royal family control, these are Powerful. 大量的城中卫兵包围了城中的尹瓦神庙和城内城外大大小小的祷告堂,其中还有着王室掌控的超凡军团成员,这些都是权能者 servant of God and apprentices in Yin Wa temple and various prayer halls stood, watches outside such big sound. 尹瓦神庙和各处祷告堂内的神侍、学徒都站了出来,看着外面这么大的动静。 What matter had/left?” “出什么事情了?” This......?” “这……这是怎么回事?” „Do they encircle to do us?” “他们把我们围起来干什么?” The bureaucrats in kingdom take the copy clerk scroll of king, announced to all Yin Washen servant of God. 王国的官僚拿着国王陛下的文书卷轴,向所有尹瓦神的神侍宣布。 King orders!” “国王陛下命令!” servant of God of all different gods must leave Razer Kingdom, all life temple temple outside of different god must demolish or change to sky Giant God temple, the retinues and followers of all different gods can not , in Razer Kingdom publicizes the belief and doctrine beyond sky Giant God.” “所有异神的神侍都必须离开雷泽王国,所有生命神庙之外的异神的神庙都必须拆除或者改为天空巨神神庙,所有异神的仆从和信徒都不得在雷泽王国宣扬天空巨神之外的信仰和教义。” Yin Washen servant of God is restless immediately, kept off in front. 尹瓦神的神侍立刻闹腾了起来,挡在了前面。 How will king issue such order?” “国王陛下怎么会下达这样的命令?” This is Yin Washen palace.” “这是尹瓦神的殿堂。” Also many servant of God remembered the caution of beforehand apostle Oland, they understand what at this moment finally apostle Oland said was anything. 也有许多神侍想起了之前使徒奥兰的警示,此时此刻他们终于明白使徒奥兰所说的是什么了。 He has foreseen this ahead of time. 他已经提前预见到了这一幕。 Opposite party put on a high and mighty act looks at them, in the vision full is the dislike. 对方趾高气昂的看着他们,目光之中满是厌恶。 Why?” “为什么?” „The retinues and followers of your different gods, raise the despicable conspiracy in sky Giant God the country of belief, destroyed us for the gift that sky Giant God and succuba your highness makes.” “你们这些异神的仆从和信徒,在天空巨神的信仰之国掀起卑劣的阴谋,摧毁了我们为天空巨神和魔女殿下所造的礼物。” You harbor the criminal who the kingdom issued a warrant for arrest, hid evil person who dares with the sky Giant God resistance.” “你们包庇了王国通缉的罪犯,藏匿了敢于和天空巨神对抗的恶徒。” King has not ordered to catch all of you, is benevolent.” “国王陛下没有命令将你们所有人都抓起来,已经是仁慈至极了。” Why you may also I ask me.” “你们还敢问我为什么。” Everyone is dumbfounded, many of them have not known this matter. 所有人都哑口无言,他们之中许多人都还不知道这件事情。 What?” “什么?” What he said is who?” “他说的是谁?” „The place ship of sky succuba was ruined, does the disaster that the shipbuilding workshop erupts, what relations have with us?” “天空魔女的座船被毁掉了,造船工坊爆发的灾难,和我们有什么关系?” Excuse that also some people do not believe the opposite party, rebuttal vigorously. 也有人根本不相信对方的说辞,极力的反驳。 You are talking nonsense.” “你在胡说。” Yin Washen retinue and follower are impossible to handle this matter.” “尹瓦神的仆从和信徒不可能做这种事情。” You have what evidence.” “你们有什么证据。” The opposite party put out Mer's warrant for arrest. 对方拿出了加美尔的通缉令。 Is this person, your God of Desire and Alchemy retinue.” “就是这个人,一位你们欲望与炼金之神的仆从。” Some people saw with one's own eyes him to create that disaster, used the evil incomparable strength.” “有人亲眼看到了他制造了那一场灾难,用了邪恶无比的力量。” I know that you want to do.” “我知道你们想要干什么。” But I told you, you will never work.” “但是我告诉你们,你们永远不会得逞。” Razer Kingdom, forever is sky Giant God the place of belief.” 雷泽王国,永远是天空巨神的信仰之地。” In you plotters will suffer the penalty of sky Giant God, your different god retinues and followers will also be pursued sky Giant God the place of belief.” “你们之中的阴谋者都将遭受天空巨神的惩罚,你们这些异神仆从和信徒也将被驱逐出天空巨神的信仰之地。” The Razer Kingdom king prompted by domineering thunder temple, announced day after day law that expels different god temple servant of God. 雷泽王国的国王陛下在日渐强势的雷霆神庙的怂恿下,宣布了驱逐异神神庙神侍的法令。 Establishment of Razer Kingdom has the complicated relations with Land of Sunrise, its can get rid of ten thousand snake royal court dependencies the status and control, relied on the White Tower Alchemy Alliance strength. 雷泽王国的建立就和日出之地有着千丝万缕的关系,其能够摆脱万蛇王庭附庸的身份和控制,更是借助了白塔炼金联盟的力量。 Also so, Razer Kingdom each aspect by the Land of Sunrise serious influence. 也正是如此,雷泽王国的各个方面都被日出之地严重影响。 Razer Kingdom unusual regiment many weaponry come from Land of Sunrise, the Razer Kingdom every large or small workshop is controlled by Land of Sunrise workshop owner, Yin Washen belief for these years in the dissemination of Razer Kingdom wide scope. 雷泽王国的超凡军团许多武器装备都来自于日出之地,雷泽王国的大大小小的工坊都被日出之地工坊主控制着,尹瓦神的信仰这几年在雷泽王国大范围的传播。 This causes, the Razer Kingdom person mostly person loathes the White Tower Alchemy Alliance person. 这导致,雷泽王国的人大多人非常厌恶白塔炼金联盟的人。 Thinks that they invaded this country, robbed was their wealth, but also invaded the belief of belonging to sky Giant God. 认为他们入侵了这个国家,抢夺了属于他们的财富,还侵占了属于天空巨神的信仰。 The civilians loathe workshop owner that these are insatiably greedy, the Razer Kingdom merchants and aristocrats envious hatred and are coveting the wealth of Land of Sunrise merchant, the king also felt the threat. 平民们厌恶那些贪得无厌的工坊主,雷泽王国的商人和贵族们嫉恨和觊觎着日出之地商人的财富,国王也感觉到了威胁。 Although sky Giant God thunder temple is also very domineering, but the king and thunder temple is a body, temple is the spokesman of theocracy, he is control of royal power. 虽然天空巨神的雷霆神庙也很强势,但是国王陛下和雷霆神庙是一体的,神庙是神权的代言人,他是王权的掌控者。 In the thunder temple doctrine, is only royal power control. 在雷霆神庙的教义之中,还是唯一的王权掌控者。 Regardless of thunder temple is how strong, they will maintain king's rule surely. 不论雷霆神庙如何强势,他们都必定会维护国王陛下的统治。 However Yin Washen the place of main belief is White Tower Alchemy Alliance, the Razer Kingdom king, even if believed in Yin Washen, should still only become the White Tower Alchemy Alliance dependency. 但是尹瓦神的主要信仰之地是白塔炼金联盟,雷泽王国的国王陛下就算信奉了尹瓦神,也只会成为白塔炼金联盟的附庸。 Therefore finally. 所以最后。 He chose went to thunder temple thoroughly, chose servant of God that pursued Yin Washen. 他选择了彻底投向了雷霆神庙,选择了驱逐尹瓦神的神侍 This is not only the struggle of belief, is the conflict of interests. 这不仅仅是信仰之争,也是利益之争。 Naturally. 当然。 These have the guarantee of thunder temple chief servant of God. 这其中还有着雷霆神庙首席神侍的保证。 The opposite party told the king, the spoken language was such vowing solemnly. 对方告诉国王陛下,言语是那样的信誓旦旦。 Sky Giant God will stand in our behind.” “天空巨神会站在我们的身后。” Had the sky Giant God strength, White Tower Alchemy Alliance and Yin Wa temple became no longer seems to be fearful. 有了天空巨神的力量,白塔炼金联盟和尹瓦神庙似乎就变得不再可怕了。 But is facing the law of king, is facing the threat and threat of unusual regiment. 而面对着国王陛下的法令,面对着超凡军团的恐吓和威胁。 Yin Wa temple servant of God is not willing to leave the prayer hall and temple. 尹瓦神庙神侍并不愿意离开祷告堂和神庙 However this Razer Kingdom is especially strong, the unusual regiment that although assembles does not dare to slaughter, but during the conflict had many servant of God and apprentices is caught in the jail in thunder city. 但是这一次雷泽王国格外强硬,虽然调集来的超凡军团并没有敢大开杀戒,但是冲突之中有不少神侍和学徒被抓到了雷霆城的监牢之中去了。 Moreover also surged the tide on the civilians in including the city, under adding fuel to the flames of thunder temple. 而且就连城中的平民之中也涌起了浪潮,在雷霆神庙的推波助澜之下。 A lot of sky Giant God follower starts to surround outside temple and prayer hall, throws the stone toward temple, even attacks temple and prayer hall, attacks them. 大量天空巨神的信徒开始包围在神庙和祷告堂之外,朝着神庙之中扔石头,甚至冲击神庙和祷告堂,袭击他们。 „The retinue of different god.” “异神的仆从。” Get lost.” “滚出去。” Leaves the country of Leize, leaves our countries.” “离开雷泽之国,离开我们的国家。” Here is sky Giant God the country of belief, you gave up any idea of that invades the belief Saint territory of god.” “这里是天空巨神的信仰之国,你们休想侵占神的信仰圣域。” Believed Yin Washen follower , has to give up regarding Yin Washen belief in such a case. 就连原本信仰尹瓦神的信徒,也在这样的情况下,不得不放弃对于尹瓦神的信仰。 Facing such position. 面对这样的境地。 Some Yin Wa temple servant of God chose giving up, left Razer Kingdom. 其中部分尹瓦神庙神侍选择了放弃,离开了雷泽王国 Obeys the direction of apostle Oland, goes to Land of Sunrise. 听从使徒奥兰的指引,前往日出之地 Naturally also has few people not to leave, is not willing to give up here all, gives up them opening the place of belief with great difficulty. 当然也有一部分人不愿意离开,不愿意放弃这里的一切,放弃他们好不容易开辟出来的信仰之地。 As before choice and Razer Kingdom, with the thunder temple resistance. 依旧选择和雷泽王国,和雷霆神庙对抗。 ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- Another side. 另一边。 Old servant of God of thunder city prayer hall leads two servant of God apprentices to protect the palace of this god, although a follower has not worshipped God of prayer hall recently again, stone that only then throws once for a while from outside, imprecations. 雷霆城其中一处祷告堂的老神侍率领着两名神侍学徒守护着这座神的殿堂,虽然最近已经没有一个信徒再来朝拜祷告堂的神明,只有时不时从外面扔进来的石头,还有咒骂声。 Mer does not know where obtained the news, knows that old servant of God has not left. 加美尔不知道从哪里得到了消息,知道老神侍还没有离开。 He turned from the behind wall secretly, this young people seem good at handling this matter especially. 他偷偷从后面墙壁里翻了进来,这个年轻人似乎格外擅长做这种事情。 He saw until now looks after his old servant of God, quickly was saying to him. 他见到了一直以来都非常照顾他的老神侍,急忙对着他说道。 „Others left, how haven't you left?” “其他人都离开了,你们怎么还不离开?” Hurries to leave!” “赶紧离开吧!” Goes to Land of Sunrise, again this turbid water.” “去日出之地,不要再趟这趟浑水了。” Old servant of God actually arrived at Mer hastily behind, anxious was saying to him. 神侍却连忙将加美尔拉到了后面,急切的对着他说道。 „Does Mer, how you also dare to come back?” “加美尔,你怎么还敢回来?” „The people in entire thunder city are looking for you everywhere, your portrait pastes everywhere is.” “整个雷霆城的人都在到处找你,你的画像贴得到处都是。” Old servant of God drew him behind, looked about. 神侍将他拉到了后面,看了看左右。 „Did you really handle these things?” “你真的做了那些事情?” Was you borrows the strength of god, ruined the place ship of succuba?” “是你借来了神的力量,毁掉了魔女的座船?” Mer said: That is not I does, I am only ordinary first-order retinue alchemist, how possibly to achieve such matter.” 加美尔说:“那不是我干的,我只是一个普通的一阶仆从炼金师,怎么可能做到这样的事情。” Is all that they make, incurred the caution of God.” “是他们自己所做的一切,招致了神明的警示。” „It is not Yin Washen, but is sky Giant God is warning them.” “不是尹瓦神,而是天空巨神在警示着他们。” Old servant of God does not know what who said is right, what who said is the mistake. 神侍也不知道谁说的是对的,谁说的是错的。 At this time Mer mentioned the matter of departure again, but old servant of God occupied the most lifetime here, now the experienced this appearance, is not willing to leave here. 这个时候加美尔再度说起了离开的事情,但是老神侍在这里居住了大半辈子,如今都老成这个样子了,已经不愿意离开这里了。 I do not leave.” “我不离开。” I did missionary work here for a lifetime, here is my family/home.” “我在这里传教了一辈子,这里就是我的家。” I do not believe them to dare to the palace of god, how dares to Yin Washen Saint territory?” “我就不相信他们敢对神的殿堂,敢对尹瓦神的圣域怎么样?” Old servant of God gave a hand signal devotionally, closed the eye. 神侍虔诚的做了个手势,闭上了眼睛。 Empathize is blessing me.” “神会庇佑着我的。” Some Mer shorts of breath, were saying to old servant of God. 加美尔有些气急,对着老神侍说道。 If blessing of god, is directs me to tell you, making you leave?” “如果神的庇佑,就是指引我来告诉你,让你离开呢?” Apostle Oland has given the caution, making everyone hurry to leave.” “就连使徒奥兰都已经给予了警示,让大家赶紧离开。” You cannot see the direction and asylum of god, but in blind is believing you like to believe.” “你看不见神的指引和庇护,只是在盲目的相信着你愿意相信的。” Gives up here, now leaves.” “放弃这里吧,现在就离开。” Old servant of God is also tenacious, even had the repugnant mood to Mer's words. 神侍也非常固执,甚至对加美尔的话产生了反感的情绪。 Cannot.” “不会的。” How god will give up her temple, gives up her follower.” “神怎么会放弃她的神殿,放弃她的信徒呢。” So long as I defend here, the god will be sheltering me.” “只要我守在这里,神就会庇护着我。” Mer is helpless, can only leave the prayer hall quietly. 加美尔无奈,只能悄悄的离开了祷告堂。 But on this day. 而就在这一天。 A lot of sky Giant God follower obtained what news, knows Mer walks from this prayer hall. 大量的天空巨神的信徒得到了什么消息,知道了加美尔就是从这间祷告堂走出去的。 These crazy followers know was the different god retinue in this prayer hall destroyed the place ship of succuba your highness with the evil ceremony, is conducting one subverted the sky Giant God belief conspiracy. 那些疯狂的信徒知道了就是这座祷告堂的异神仆从用邪恶的仪式摧毁了魔女殿下的座船,进行着一场颠覆天空巨神信仰的“阴谋”。 They are carrying the mood gathering of violent anger in this, broke in the prayer hall crazily. 他们携带着暴怒的情绪汇聚于此,疯狂冲入了祷告堂之中。 Is they do.” Their eyes are red, look at the person in prayer hall to just like the life and death foe. “是他们干的。”他们眼睛通红,看着祷告堂里的人犹如生死仇敌。 Pursues these heathens and heretics.” The first person flushed, sends out to shout loudly. “将这些异教徒、异信者驱逐出去。”第一个人冲了进来,发出高呼。 Old servant of God is a genial old person, he had lived for dozens years on this street, he even knows many people in these crazy sky Giant God followers. 神侍是一个和善的老人,他在这条街上已经生活了几十年了,他甚至认识这些疯狂的天空巨神信徒之中的不少人。 Everyone is calm.” “大家冷静。” Yin Washen is benevolent, how the god will lower the disaster to the world.” “尹瓦神是仁慈的,神怎么会向人间降下灾难。” God will only bless everyone.” “神只会庇佑大家。” Everyone must believe the god......” “大家要相信神……” However no one wanted to listen to him to say anything, the crazy sky Giant God follower flushed, first aimed in the prayer hall related God of Desire and Alchemy all. 但是没有人想要听他说什么,疯狂的天空巨神信徒冲进来,第一时间就瞄准了祷告堂里有关欲望与炼金之神的一切。 In their eyes. 在他们的眼中。 These things exist in Razer Kingdom, exists in the sky Giant God belief state. 这些东西存在于雷泽王国,存在于天空巨神的信仰国度。 Is one type to blaspheming of sky Giant God. 就是一种对天空巨神的亵渎。 Pounded idol of this different god!” “砸了这异神的神像!” „The sky Giant God followers, guarded the time that the god believed.” “天空巨神的信徒们,守卫神信仰的时刻到了。” Pounded, ruins the things of these different gods completely.” “砸了,把这些异神的东西全部都毁掉。” Drives out the different god's belief, the people of Leize can only believe sky Giant God.” “将异神的信仰赶出去,雷泽之民只可以信仰天空巨神。” Two prayer hall servant of God apprentices, old servant of God are stopping them. 两名祷告堂神侍学徒,还有老神侍阻拦着他们。 During pushes and shoves, 推搡之中, Old servant of God was pushed the center, at this time the crowd also more and more impulsed indignantly, everyone hot blooded became confused the mind by one. 神侍被挤到了中央,这个时候人群也越来越激愤冲动,所有人都被一股热血冲昏了头脑。 Old servant of God and apprentices completely by crowd surrounding, all around is a person. 神侍和学徒们完全被人群给包围了,前后左右都是人。 What to do old servant of God does not know should, does not know that should use the Powerful strength. 神侍也不知道该怎么办,不知道该不该用权能者的力量。 On the one hand felt oneself use this strength to counteract belief in the heart for one group of average people, on the other hand is worried about the further intensified contradiction. 一方面觉得自己对一群普通人使用这种力量有悖于自己心中的信仰,另一方面又担心进一步的激化矛盾。 Behind the hesitations, he is feeling one suddenly cool. 正在犹豫之间,突然他感觉背后一凉。 Old servant of God lowers the head, saw a dagger to pierce own chest from the back. 神侍低下头,就看见一把匕首从背后刺穿了自己的胸膛。 Heathen.” “异教徒。” Death!” “死吧!” Old servant of God has turned head. 神侍回过头。 That is a face of young people, opposite party excited saying. 那是一个年轻人的面孔,对方激动不已的说道。 Killed your heathen, the empathize rewarded our.” “杀了你这个异教徒,神会奖励我们的。” Look!” “看啊!” This is I to the irreverence that the god offers.” “这就是我向神献上的虔诚。” Old servant of God recognizes him, is young people who on this street he looks at to grow up. 神侍认得他,是这条街上他看着长大的年轻人。 They do not have the enmity, even old servant of God small time also has hugged him, has listened to his naive laughter. 他们没有仇怨,甚至老神侍小的时候还抱过他,听过他天真的笑声。 However at this moment. 但是此刻。 The opposite party actually regard him for the biggest enemy, has the biggest hatred to him. 对方却视他为最大的敌人,对他有着最大的仇恨。 Old servant of God his face upwelled stunned, he does not understand that actually hate of opposite party came from where, oneself made the any mistake. 神侍他脸上涌出了错愕,他不明白对方的恨究竟来自于哪里,自己又做错了什么。 He is Powerful, he can summon oneself lamp of divine contract to slaughter here. 他是权能者,他可以召唤出自己的神契之灯在这里大开杀戒。 However finally, he chose giving up. 但是最后,他选择了放弃。 Old servant of God weak by sitting on the ground, the blood flowed place. 神侍瘫软靠坐在了地上,鲜血流淌了一地。 Two apprentices have the young people of Powerful talent, even the foundation learn/study has not been completed, even lamp of divine contract has not congealed, at this moment has no difference from the average person. 两名学徒只是拥有权能者天赋的年轻人,连基础学习都没有完成,连神契之灯都没有凝结,此刻和普通人没有什么差别。 In their chaotic crowds sad shouting, is calling the old servant of God name. 他们混乱的人群之中悲伤的大喊,喊着老神侍的名字。 However was actually promoted by the crowd was very very far, fell into ganging up to surround and beating up of crowd. 但是却被人群推出了很远很远,陷入了人群的围殴之中。 Old servant of God felt that the strength of body pulled out to little. 神侍感觉身体的力量一点点被抽离了出去。 He looks at a prayer hall in confusion, looks that the crazy person overthrew spirit table, looks that Yin Washen idol fell to pound from spirit table on the ground. 他看着一片狼藉的祷告堂,看着疯狂的人推倒了神台,看着尹瓦神的神像神台上倾倒砸在了地上。 Breaks the idol person not to have the fear, only then cheers. 砸碎神像的人没有恐惧,只有欢呼。 Because of them for their gods, expels another different god's belief. 因为他们是为他们的神,驱逐另外一位异神的信仰。 They are just. 他们是正义的。 They made the contribution to the god, they protected god the place of belief, God will praise them surely, lets state that they died are enthralled less advanced, enjoys all that they cannot enjoy. 他们为神做出了贡献,他们守护了神的信仰之地,神明必定会嘉奖他们,让他们死后进入神的国度,享受他们生前不能享受的一切。 At least, they think like this. 至少,他们自己是这样认为的。 Old servant of God is gazing at this crazy disorder, suddenly remembers the letter/believes of that rainbow tree oneself received, sends in the letter/believes of his dreamland directly. 神侍注视着这疯狂的乱象,突然想起了自己收到的那封彩虹树之信,直接送入他梦境的信。 Then from God in acting of the world will, came from calls it the caution that the apostle has. 那来自于神明在人间意志的代行者,来自于被称之为使徒存在的警示。 In the letter/believes has one. 信上有一句。 Guesses the person of God will, represents the person of divine will with the will of the people.” “揣测神明意志之人,以人心代表神意之人。” Finally.” “最终。” Will carry with the god the line.” “都将与神背道而行。” He looks at these people, looks at these crazy sky Giant God followers, suddenly understood the meaning of these words. 他看着那些人,看着那些疯狂的天空巨神信徒,突然明白了这句话的意思。 Carries with the god, but group person. 只是与神背道而行的人。 Not is only these people, he himself. 不仅仅是这些人,还有他自己。 The sky Giant God follower is misinterpreting oracle by own intention, the selfish desire and original sin of oneself innermost feelings, wrapped the name of god. 天空巨神的信徒凭借自己的心意曲解着神谕,将自己内心的私欲和原罪,包裹上了神的名义。 But old servant of God follows blindly thinks that this prayer hall is the Spiritual God Saint territory, thinks that the empathize blesses is directing him. 而老神侍盲从的认为这座祷告堂是神灵的圣域,认为神会庇佑指引着他。 Or he prayer hall that does not hate him to construct single-handedly, did not hate him to do missionary work dozens years of place. 或者说,他舍不得他一手建造起来的祷告堂,舍不得他传教了数十年的地方。 In his heart was still retaining a luck. 他心中仍旧保留着一丝侥幸。 Therefore disregarded or gave up the true direction. 因此无视或者放弃了真正的指引。 Old servant of God stares the eye of pollution, the hand is covering the wound to look in this palace the chaotic belief conflict, said the final words in the noisy sound. 神侍瞪着浑浊的眼睛,手捂着伤口看着这殿堂之中发生的混乱信仰冲突,在嘈杂的声音说出了最后的话。 Named follower, we are actually the fools who one crowd does not understand the God true meaning.” “名为信徒,我们其实都是一群不懂得神明真意的愚人。” Old servant of God until the last minute, cannot close the eye. 神侍直到最后一刻,也没能闭上眼睛。 Mer went to return , the time day of catching up with is black. 加美尔去而复返,赶过来的时候天已经黑了。 All had finished. 一切都已经结束。 In the prayer hall was evacuated, the remaining things were also destroyed. 祷告堂内被搬空了,剩下的东西也都被砸毁。 Two servant of God apprentices are defending the old servant of God corpse, looks that in return the eyes of Mer's is passing the anger in a hurry. 两个神侍学徒守着老神侍的尸体,看着匆匆归来的加美尔的眼中透着愤怒。 „Does Mer, how you also dare to come back?” “加美尔,你怎么还敢回来?” Before old servant of God had also spoken these words. 之前老神侍也说过这句话。 Old servant of God said these words time is worried about him, but front two servant of God apprentices said this saying time, the mood in words is the blame. 只是老神侍说这句话的时候是担心他,而面前的两个神侍学徒说这话的时候,话语里的情绪是责备。 The opposite party think that he is all chief criminals. 对方认为他是一切的罪魁祸首。 Thinks that was he killed old servant of God, was he makes the king issue the order to expel servant of God and belief. 认为是他害死了老神侍,也是他让国王陛下下达了命令要驱逐神侍和信仰。 Is you.” “都是你。” What did you make?” “你到底做了什么?” Is you, how many people did you kill you not to know?” “是你,你害死了多少人你知道不?” How you do not die!” “你怎么不去死啊!” Mer listens to the words that the opposite party is speaking, looks at the old servant of God corpse, overthrown spirit table. 加美尔听着对方所说的话,看着老神侍的尸体,还有被推倒的神台 God of Desire and Alchemy stone idol falls on the ground, was pounded crushes. 欲望与炼金之神的石头神像掉落在地上,被砸得粉碎。 Mer body short, looks at the old servant of God corpse. 加美尔身体矮了下来,看着老神侍的尸体。 He looks at old servant of God that is staring dead, does not know that should say anything. 他看着瞪着眼睛死去的老神侍,不知道该说些什么。 Finally. 最后。 He can only say in a low voice. 他只能低声说道。 My anything has not done.” “我什么都没有做。” My anything has not really done, I am saving others.” “我真的什么都没有做,我只是在救人。” What did I make the mistake?” “我做错了什么?” Saves others also has the mistake?” “难道救人也有错吗?” Mer is the people of Leize, is Yin Washen follower. 加美尔是雷泽之民,也是尹瓦神的信徒。 Because he believes, the mysterious Alchemy technique and knowledge can bring the future to this country, that continuous is producing various types of goods workshops and makes alchemist of Alchemy item, can make everyone in this country abundant. 因为他相信,神奇的炼金术和知识能够给这个国家带来未来,那源源不断的出产着各种物品的工坊和制造出炼金道具的炼金师,能够让这个国家的所有人变得富足。 Becoming abundant, mastered the knowledge, can get rid of the ignorant trend civilization. 变得富足,掌握了知识,就能够摆脱愚昧走向文明。 Finally makes the country of Leize turn into White Tower Alchemy Alliance, Suinhall and ten thousand snake royal court such countries. 最终让雷泽之国变成白塔炼金联盟苏因霍尔、万蛇王庭那样的国家。 He once wanted to go to the White Tower Alchemy Alliance learn/study, then learns from the good knowledge all belt/bring to come back him. 他曾经想要前往白塔炼金联盟学习,然后将他学习好的知识全部都带回来。 Now, he was somewhat confused. 现在,他有些迷茫了。 What does he really possibly change? 他真的可能改变什么吗? What can he really achieve? 他真的能够做到什么吗? Mer remembered that powerful form, that speech and behavior just like existence of God general wisdom. 加美尔想起了那个强大的身影,那个言谈举止犹如神明一般睿智的存在。 Then Mer thinks the mortal who all day long did not have enough to eat does not need to understand what major principle, but the opposite party told him afterward, the civilization not remain unchanged, a country must always go forward, must always from move toward the light ignorantly. 当时的加美尔认为终日食不果腹的凡人是不需要懂得什么大道理的,但是对方后来却告诉他,文明并不是一成不变的,一个国家总是要前进的,总是要从愚昧走向光明。 I saw for a while, he actually saw the future.” “我看到了一时,他却看到了未来。” This time. 这一次。 He saw the present good and evil, actually does not know the own temporary action actually caused such consequence, but at that time the opposite party had also expected. 他又看到了眼前的善恶,却不知道自己一时的举措却招致了这样的后果,而当时对方也早已预料到了。 Old servant of God and many in the person who during the conflict died, probably a blasting fuse. 神侍和不少在冲突之中死去的人,就好像一场导火索。 Started to get ready to evacuate servant of God and alchemist this country was angry because of a series of things recently, the accent turns the head to gather immediately in together, starts law that resists the king to promulgate. 原本开始准备撤离出这个国家的神侍炼金师们因为最近一连串的事情愤怒至极,一个个立刻调转头来汇聚在一起,开始对抗国王陛下颁布的法令。 Razer Kingdom regional alchemist, merchant and Yin Washen follower, was congealed by a strength. 雷泽王国各地的炼金师、商人、尹瓦神信徒,被一股力量凝结了起来。 Various Razer Kingdom places, are erupting the confusion, to slaughter and resist every day. 雷泽王国各处,每天都在爆发着混乱、厮杀、对抗。 The work suspension of workshop big piece, battle of Powerful during the dark night, the soldier goes into the house to grasp with the criminal at night one after another. 工坊大片的停工,权能者在暗夜之中争斗,士兵夜间闯入一间又一间房屋抓拿着罪犯。 Especially in thunder city. 尤其是雷霆城之中。 The increasing number of people died, the increasing number of people were grasped, invested in the prison. 越来越多的人死去,越来越多的人被抓了起来,投入了监狱之中。 War of the belief is soon going to break out in Razer Kingdom. 一场信仰之战即将将要在雷泽王国爆发。 Even White Tower Alchemy Alliance becomes as if ready to make trouble, it is said started to send the Alchemy regiment to the Razer Kingdom border. 甚至连白塔炼金联盟都似乎变得蠢蠢欲动,据说开始派遣炼金军团到了雷泽王国边境。 Thunder temple and King Lei Ze must protect their countries and beliefs, guards the sky Giant God the Saint territory and belief country. 雷霆神庙和雷泽国王要守护他们的国家和信仰,守卫天空巨神的圣域和信仰之国。 Yin Washen retinues and followers must protect their temple and prayer hall, White Tower Alchemy Alliance are not willing to look on that the merchant and workshop owner interest was harmed. 尹瓦神的仆从和信徒们要守护他们的神庙和祷告堂,白塔炼金联盟不愿意坐视商人和工坊主的利益受到损害。 ------------------------- ------------------------- Outside thunder city. 雷霆城外。 The hut on hillside. 山坡上的小屋。 Oland is drawing up a blueprint on the wooden table, in the blueprint is a somewhat complex mechanical body, one side writes several characters. 奥兰在木桌上绘制着一张图纸,图纸上是一个有些复杂的机械体,一侧写着几个字。 „The tentative plan of Alchemy life.” 炼金生命的设想。” Oland obtains «Path of Wisdom» from God of Desire and Alchemy there, he proceeds one step to become reincarnator. 奥兰已经从欲望与炼金之神那里得到了《智慧之路》,他往前一步就可以成为转生者 But reincarnator needs the body, simplest then seeks for an intelligent species body, comes samsara reincarnations times. 转生者需要躯体,其中最为简单的便是寻找一个智慧物种的身体,来一次次的轮回转生。 This method after test. 这种方法是经过考验的。 The last era half god, becomes myth in this way. 上一个纪元的半神,就是通过这种方式成为了神话 However this era is not good, Oland so many time, God of Desire and Alchemy has not had so many time to wait for him. 但是这一个纪元不行了,奥兰没有那么多的时间,欲望与炼金之神也没有那么多的时间等待他。 Therefore Oland noticed on the vision the carrier of this reincarnation. 于是奥兰将目光注意到了这个转生的载体上。 He felt himself, if can be broken through in the body of reincarnation, can reduce the reincarnation to become the myth time. 他觉得自己如果在转生的躯体能够得到突破,是不是就可以缩短转生成为神话的时间。 Moreover Oland always thought that the end point of alchemist path, the life form has started to be aloof in the ordinary life form. 而且奥兰总觉得炼金师道路的终点,生命形态已经开始超脱于普通的生命形态了。 That time alchemist, no longer is snake human. 那个时候的炼金师,已经不再是蛇人了。 But is another life form. 而是另外一种生命形态。 Even is not an ordinary life form, life form that one type is the Alchemy strength. 甚至不是一种普通的生命形态,一种属于炼金力量的生命形态。 Even if the body of Oland present apostle, actually has started to transform toward that trend. 哪怕是奥兰现在的使徒之躯,其实已经开始朝着那种趋势在转变。 Alchemy life. 炼金生命。 This is Oland now the proposition of tentative plan, is he prepares the answering tuart that begins to break through. 这就是奥兰现在设想的命题,也是他准备着手突破的答桉。 „!” “吱呀!” At this time Mer from outside hurried hurrying back, opened the door of log cabin. 这个时候加美尔从外面匆匆忙忙的赶回来,推开了木屋的门。 Mer is gasping for breath, looks at the back of Oland. 加美尔喘着气,看着奥兰的背影。 He had many words to say, many issues wanted to ask, but at this time he actually became peaceful. 他有很多的话要说,有很多的问题想要问,但是这个时候他却变得安静了下来。 He sat, lowers the head. 他坐了下来,低着头。 Did not say a word. 一言不发。 In the air only then the manages pen of Oland has rubbed the sound on paper. 空气中只有奥兰的管笔摩擦过纸张上的声。 Oland writes, while opened the mouth suddenly. 奥兰一边写着,一边突然开口了。 You saved these people, actually brought in the major problem.” “你救了那些人,却引来了更大的问题。” You thought that you handled right the matter, finally actually to lead to the worst result.” “你觉得自己做对了事情,最后却通向了最坏的结果。” You are not clear, why can like this?” “你不明白,为什么会这样?” Right?” “是吗?” Oland stopped the pen, turns head to look at Mer. 奥兰停下了笔,扭头看着加美尔。
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