IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#389 Part 2: Belief conflict of Ibach god and sky Giant God( thanked hegemon who Niu Gulu dot constructed wave)

This is the different god is invading this country, this is these heretics and heathens is declaring war to us.” “这是异神在入侵这个国家,这是那些异信者和异教徒在向我们宣战。” Chief servant of God raised the head, in the look full is cold. 首席神侍抬起头,眼神里满是冷冽。 They will not work.” “他们不会得逞的。” God has selected her apostle, the will and asylum of god will arrive thoroughly in this country.” “神已经选出了她的使徒,神的意志和庇护将会彻底降临在这个国家。” These heathens, forever disappearance in the sky Giant God domain.” “那些异教徒,将会永远的消失在天空巨神的领域。” That wants to occupy the different god in Leize, will be pursued by the sky Giant God strength.” “那想要占据雷泽的异神,也将被天空巨神的力量驱逐出去。” Chief servant of God told Liz. 首席神侍告诉莉丝。 Succuba your highness!” “魔女殿下!” „The sacrifice of succuba will not terminate, but will be later holds.” “魔女之祭不会终止,只是会晚一些举行。” These heathens more are want to stop us, we more must enter the state of god, welcomed into the world the strength of god.” “那些异教徒们越是想要阻拦我们,我们就越要进入神的国度,将神的力量迎入人间。” Succuba your highness finally installed the heart, she covered the chest luckily, happy saying. “魔女殿下”终于安下了心,她万幸的捂住了胸口,开心的说道。 That may really be good.” “那可真的是太好了。” God the world's most devout retinue, you will certainly guard god's belief, guards the state of god.” “神在人间最虔诚的仆从,你一定会守卫神的信仰,守卫好神的国度。” Right?” “是吗?” Chief servant of God devout bowing politely on the ground: We are willing for the god, to be the beliefs.” 首席神侍虔诚的叩拜在地上:“我们愿意为神,为信仰。” Pays all our.” “付出我们的一切。” Two people at this moment are very reverent, is believing thing that the innermost feelings are willing to believe. 两人此刻虔诚无比,坚信着自己内心愿意相信的东西。 ------------------------ ------------------------ But at this moment. 而此时此刻。 Another side. 另一边。 White Tower Alchemy Alliance miracle temple with the aid of the strength of rainbow tree, sent to the letter/believes to Razer Kingdom each prayer hall and alchemist. 白塔炼金联盟的奇迹神庙借助彩虹树的力量,向雷泽王国的各个祷告堂和炼金师送去了信。 Signature of letter/believes is apostle Oland of god of Alchemy. 信的署名者是炼金之神的使徒奥兰。 Entire Ruhul Giant Island reputation illustrious fourth-order mannequin alchemist Oland. 整个鲁赫巨岛声名赫赫的四阶人偶炼金师奥兰。 The God of Desire and Alchemy apostle sounded the caution, warns all God of Desire and Alchemy retinues. 欲望与炼金之神的使徒发出了警示,警示所有欲望与炼金之神的仆从。 Let them temporarily leave Razer Kingdom to go to Land of Sunrise, avoids the unnecessary casualties and conflict. 让他们暂时离开雷泽王国前往日出之地,避免没有必要的伤亡和冲突。 In the letter/believes has such a. 信里有这样一段。 Belief belongs to God, guesses the person of God will, represents the person of divine will with the will of the people, finally will carry with the god the line.” “信仰归于神明,揣测神明意志之人,以人心代表神意之人,最终都将与神背道而行。” Belief travels together with God, implements the will of god.” “信仰是与神明同行,是贯彻神的意志。” Rather than is wicked by the name of line patron god glory, to destroy the name of god enemy to slaughter, vented the selfish desire in the name of Spiritual God.” “而不是以守护神荣耀之名行恶,以毁灭神敌之名屠戮,借神灵之名发泄私欲。” everyone God of Desire and Alchemy retinue.” 诸位欲望与炼金之神的仆从。” True belief does not lie in the external object of protection, does not lie in shouting on mouth, but is your innermost feelings in whether is grasping the will of god truly.” “真正的信仰不在于守护的外物,不在于口上的呼喊,而是你们的内心所在是否真正在秉持着神的意志。” The meaning of these words, some profound meanings. 这句话的意思,有些许深意。 However the surface meaning is to admonish all Razer Kingdom alchemist, gives up all belonging to Land of Sunrise temporarily. 但是更表层的意思是劝戒所有雷泽王国炼金师,放弃一切暂时归于日出之地 So long as you can the innermost feelings be able with the god in, these external things, to give up. 只要你能够内心能够与神同在,那些外在的东西,都可以放弃。 This news is sudden, but can confirm that is the will of apostle. 这个消息非常突然,但是可以确认是使徒的意志。 But all God of Desire and Alchemy prayer halls and temple that received the letter/believes, these alchemist, fall into an uproar. 而所有收到了信的欲望与炼金之神祷告堂和神庙,还有那些炼金师们,陷入一片哗然。 Off topic 题外话 1st, greatly old threw to guarantee a minimum the monthly ticket! 一号了,大老们投个保底月票吧! The blowing sways back and forth to ask the ticket. 吹风打滚求票。
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