IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#389 Part 1: Belief conflict of Ibach god and sky Giant God( thanked hegemon who Niu Gulu dot constructed wave)

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Thunder temple. 雷霆神庙 The outer layer palace is big, the steps also want to be higher than the inner layer palace, look to feel the greatness and sacredness of temple from afar. 外层的殿堂高大威严,阶梯也要比内层的殿堂要高很多,远远望去就能够感受到神庙的伟岸和神圣。 The sky is having the light rain, hits on the stair outside palace, bright that the distant place cloud layer often transmitting thunderclap and flicks. 天空下着小雨,打在殿外的台阶上,远处云层不时的传来雷声和一闪一闪的亮光。 The thunder ripped open a crevice in the heavy/thick dark cloud probably, transmits the ray. 雷霆就好像在厚重的乌云之中撕开了一条夹缝,将光芒传递出来。 A whole body soaks terrified snake human to turn the snake tail, passed through the pitch ladder that is carving the thunder and cloud layer chart tuart, sway crashed in the palace. 一个浑身湿透惶恐不安的蛇人扭着蛇尾,穿过了刻着雷霆和云层图桉的斜坡梯,摇摇晃晃的冲进了殿堂之中。 He passed through the side entry rapidly, comes to a covert library. 他迅速穿过了侧边的门洞,来到一处隐蔽的图书室。 Chief Sir, had an accident.” “首席大人,出事了。” In the library temple chief servant of God is preparing the ceremony of sacrifice of succuba, searches the ancient ancient book to improve this rite. 图书室里神庙的首席神侍正在准备着魔女之祭的仪式,搜查古老的典籍完善着这一场祭典。 He is looking records the books of ancient time history related, above has the City of Life mother of all snakes generation's sacrifice god ceremony. 他在看着有关记载着古老时代历史的书籍,上面有着生命之城万蛇之母世代的祭神仪式。 In the paper page is drawing the bonfire and altar, but also has the dance of snake female. 纸页上画着篝火、祭坛,还有着蛇女之舞。 He will also accompany, to lead everyone when the time comes together in the whitebait island is held the ceremony the state that the succuba delivers to be enthralled. 他到时候也会一同随行,带领着所有人在银鱼岛上举行仪式之后将魔女送入神的国度。 Had/Left anything.” “出什么事情了。” Chief servant of God too big touching, what important matter has not looked like does not have the sacrifice of succuba to be important after all in his eyes. 首席神侍并没有太大的触动,毕竟什么大事在他眼中看来都没有魔女之祭重要。 However an opposite party opens the mouth, made chief servant of God lift the head. 但是对方一开口,就让首席神侍抬起了头。 Chief Sir.” “首席大人。” „The place ship of succuba your highness was ruined, just outside the city had the hurricane suddenly, rains hard.” “魔女殿下的座船被毁掉了,刚刚城外突然起了飓风,下起了大雨。” „The place ship of succuba your highness was curled in the river by the storm, then disappears.” “魔女殿下的座船被风暴卷到了河里,然后不见了。” The chief servant of God instantaneous anger soars to the heavens, the intense pressure pressed in the body that came the person, was almost pressed to lie by him on the ground. 首席神侍瞬间怒火冲天,强烈的威压压在了来人的身上,差点被他压趴在地上。 What situation? You what's the matter?” “什么情况?你们到底是怎么回事?” „The sacrifice of succuba must start immediately, how at this time can you have this problem?” “魔女之祭马上就要开始了,这个时候你们怎么可以出这种问题?” This is to offer of God, this is the rite of succuba.” “这是给神明的献礼,这是魔女的祭典。” „Did your wish make me say this matter to succuba your highness? Wants me to explain this matter in temple to God?” “你们想要让我对魔女殿下说这种事情吗?想要我在神殿神明解释这种事情吗?” Comes the person panic-stricken. 来人惊恐不已。 At this time, he supplemented one cautiously. 这个时候,他又小心翼翼的补充了一句。 Chief Sir!” “首席大人!” Some people noticed that in the sky lowered a thunder, then the place ship of succuba your highness disappears.” “有人看到天空之中降下了一道雷霆,然后魔女殿下的座船就不见了。” This violent storm was too strange, does not seem the strength of the world to be the same.” “这一场狂风暴雨太奇怪了,就好像不属于人间的力量一样。” On the chief servant of God brow lifts, the eye will stare is not seeming to be the same suddenly. 首席神侍眉头上抬,眼睛瞪着就好像不会眨眼一样。 He quite a while has not spoken, does not know is shocking, was pondering. 他半天没有说话,不知道是震惊,还是在思考。 Comes the water of person not to do, unceasing drops, hits makes the clear sound on the flagstone. 来人身上的水都没有干,不断的滴落下来,打在石板上发出清脆的声音。 Even if outside is having the light rain, as before clear incomparable, because inside person was silent even the breathing not to have probably. 哪怕外面下着小雨,依旧清晰无比,因为里面的人沉默得好像连呼吸声都没有了。 Comes on the face is water stain, was disclosing fears and anxious, he said finally. 来人脸上都是水渍,透露着恐惧和不安,他最后说道。 Chief Sir.” “首席大人。” Is......” “难道是……” Chief servant of God has not waited for him saying that character, stopped up his following words directly. 首席神侍还没有等他说出那个字,就直接堵住了他后面的话。 Shut up.” “住口。” I am the god most reverent retinue, succuba your highness am the apostle who the god selects.” “我是神最虔诚的仆从,魔女殿下是神选中的使徒。” Sky Giant God will only shelter us, we are sky Giant God in the world will incarnation.” “天空巨神只会庇护我们,我们是天空巨神在人间意志的化身。” The chief servant of God stand, arrived at the front of opposite party. 首席神侍站了起来,来到了对方的面前。 Felt some adding something superfluous and ruining the effect repeated, over and over emphasized their status. 感觉有些画蛇添足的重复了一遍,再三强调了他们的身份。 God , if there is will to transmit, how we can not know?” “神如果有意志想要传达,我们怎么会不知道?” How can't we possibly feel?” “我们怎么可能感受不到?” Came the person to listen to this saying actually to feel at ease. 来人听完了这话却安心了下来。 Yes! 是啊! Chief Sir servant of God is the god in belief control of the world, the succuba Sir is the apostle who the god selects. 首席神侍大人是神在人间的信仰掌控者,魔女大人是神选中的使徒。 They are the distance god recent two people, how unable to feel the will of god. 他们是距离神最近的两个人,怎么会感受不到神的意志。 However chief servant of God somewhat is actually flustered, he looks at the rainwater deep place, looks at the sky densely covered dark cloud. 但是首席神侍却有些心慌,他看着雨水深处,看着天空密布的乌云。 The innermost feelings have some anxieties. 内心有着些许不安。 Storm, sudden downpour and thunder. 风暴、骤雨、雷霆。 These phrases sound, with the sky Giant God strength and authority is what kind of similar. 这些字眼听上去,和天空巨神的力量和权柄是何等的相似。 ? 难道? , How this will not be possible. 不会的,这怎么可能。 They are holding the rite for sky Giant God, they are giving the most precious gift that they have for the god, is offering their irreverence and beliefs for the god. 他们可是在为天空巨神举行祭典,他们在为神献上他们拥有的最珍贵的礼物,在为神献上他们的虔诚和信仰。 Sky will Giant God do that? 天空巨神怎么会这么做呢? Without this reason? 没有这个理由啊? Chief servant of God is seemingly tranquil and under the cool mood, is the intense darkness wells up. 首席神侍看似平静和澹然的情绪下,是强烈的暗涌。 At this moment, lies on the ground came the person then also to mention another matter. 此时此刻,趴在地上的来人接着又说起了另外一件事情。 About recent thunder temple continuously in that person of looking, for this reason also inside and outside in thunder city each prayer hall and merchant home searched several, offended many people. 关于最近雷霆神庙一直在找的那个人,为此还将雷霆城内外的各个祷告堂和商人家里搜查了好几遍,得罪了不少人。 Right, chief Sir.” “对了,首席大人。” In shipbuilding workshop there, some people saw before , intrudes the temple heathen.” “在造船工坊那里,有人看到了之前闯入神庙的异教徒。” That person named Mer, one obviously is the people of Leize, actually becomes the fellow of different god retinue.” “那个叫做加美尔的人,一个明明是雷泽之民,却成为了异神仆从的家伙。” Chief servant of God frowns: „Before is, person who that tries to plunder succuba your highness?” 首席神侍皱起了眉头:“就是之前那个试图想要掠走魔女殿下的人?” „Does he do there?” “他在那里干什么?” Perhaps comes the person to believe that perhaps, wants to shirk the responsibility. 来人或许是这么相信的,或许只是想要将责任推卸开来。 I do not know, but he used the strange inspection lamp photo of heathen to a ship, presented afterward matter, the place ship of Your Highness even/including Monv also disappeared.” “我并不知道,但是他用异教徒的诡异提灯照向了座船那边,就出现了后来的事情,连魔女殿下的座船也不见了。” Those present said that he sends out evil laughing wildly, added that the ship did not have is too good, said that the sacrifices of our succuba do not want to complete.” “在场的人说他发出邪恶的狂笑,还说船没了太好了,说我们的魔女之祭别想要办成。” The seat of honor holds the answering tuart of oneself hope to be very same probably, but also without investigated thoroughly then to confirm. 首席就好像抓住了自己无比渴望的答桉一样,还没有等彻查便确认了下来。 He is first pointing at the person, loud saying. 他先是指着来人,大声的说道。 Right.” “没错。” Definitely is these heathens, definitely is the ghost who they do.” “肯定是这些异教徒,肯定是他们搞的鬼。” Is they want to prevent the sacrifice of succuba, wants to prevent apostle of God to appear, wants to prevent the sky Giant God will to shelter this country.” “是他们想要阻挡魔女之祭,想要阻挡神之使徒出现,想要阻挡天空巨神的意志庇护这个国家。” The retinue who thunder temple chief servant of God determined is God of Desire and Alchemy instigated, at this time his on the face started to gush out the anger, that anger has not camouflaged, was clear sent out from the innermost feelings. 雷霆神庙的首席神侍一口确定了是欲望与炼金之神的仆从主使,这个时候他的脸上开始涌出了愤怒,那愤怒没有丝毫伪装,是真切的从内心发出的。 Chief servant of God bends the waist, with lying in snake human looking at each other of ground, in eye completely regarding these dislike of heathen and his follower. 首席神侍弯下腰来,和趴在地上的蛇人对视,眼中满是对于那些异教徒和其信徒的厌恶。 „It seems like has not really been able to blame you completely, strength involvement that if the different god, you indeed are hard to prevent.” “看起来还真的不能完全怪你们,如果是异神的力量介入的话,你们的确难以阻挡。” These heathens have the heretics unceasingly invasion our country, misleads the person in this piece of land.” “这些异教徒还有异信者不断的入侵我们的国家,蛊惑这片大地上的人。” This is sky Giant God the country of belief, is not their.” “这是天空巨神的信仰之国,不是他们的。” However now.” “而现在。” Their another plots started.” “他们的又一次阴谋开始了。” Chief servant of God lowers to roar with the tonality of clenching jaws: This is the different god regarding Leize, invasion to our country.” 首席神侍用咬牙切齿的音调低吼出:“这是异神对于雷泽,对我们国家的入侵。” These heathens dare in sky Giant God the country of belief, to summon their God strengths unexpectedly, destroys us to receive and instruct the place ship of strength of God.” “那些异教徒竟然敢在天空巨神的信仰之国,召唤他们的神明力量,摧毁我们接引神明之力的座船。” She wants to capture the belief of this country.” “她想要夺取这个国家的信仰。” He according to the words that the opposite party spoke, immediately deduces a series of reasons. 他根据对方所说的话,立刻推演出了一系列的原因。 Moreover more thinks, more feels reasonable. 而且越想,就越觉得有道理。 He found the answering tuart that oneself wanted. 他找到了自己想要的答桉。 Then various unceasing collection left Zheng, proved that own answering tuart is correct. 然后不断的搜集各种左证,来证明自己的答桉是正确的。 But lies also shares a common hatred in ground snake human servant of God at this moment, said loudly. 而趴在地上的蛇人神侍此刻也同仇敌忾,大声说道。 We cannot make them work absolutely.” “我们绝对不能让他们得逞。” ------------------------- ------------------------- The palace in temple deep place cannot compare the big dignity of outer layer, but has a more resplendent in gold and jade green decoration, puts the mortal has not been seeing his entire life various collections. 神庙深处的殿堂比不上外层的高大威严,但是却有着更加金碧辉煌的装饰,放着凡人一生都未曾见过的各种珍藏。 Sky succuba lives here, this is she in the world temporary residence. “天空魔女”就住在这里,这是她在人间临时的宫邸。 Liz just arrived at time, thought that here all as if are not the world, seems the god country. 莉丝刚刚到来的时候,觉得这里的一切似乎都不属于人间,好似神国。 The appliances of these golden manufactures, the bronze mirror of copper fine gold gold/metal, just like white jade white pottery colored drawing on pottery bottle wait/etc utensils of exquisitely. 那些黄金制造的器具,铜鎏金的铜镜,细腻犹如白玉的白陶彩绘瓶等等器物。 Any one thing takes, enough her family lived the well-off life lordly. 任何一样东西拿出去,都足够她曾经的家庭过上贵族般的富裕生活。 She once touched does not dare to touch these things, for fear that did not spoil them carefully. 她曾经连触碰都不敢触碰这些东西,生怕不小心弄坏了它们。 However waitress told her. 但是身边的女侍者告诉她。 Your highness!” “殿下!” They can be used by you, is their luck and glorious.” “它们能够被你使用,是它们的幸运和荣耀。” You are the apostle of god, they are just the common things of the world.” “您是神的使徒,它们只不过是人间的俗物。” Now. 如今。 Liz takes up the silver qualitative tableware, is studying gracefully lordly after eating up a meat, immediately some people hand over the white turban. 莉丝拿起银质的餐具,学着贵族般优雅的吃下了一块肉之后,立刻有人递上了白巾。 After the dinner, she was also arranged other duties. 用晚餐之后,她还被安排了其他任务。 Liz arrived in a altar that stood servant of God, everyone arranges in order in both sides. 莉丝来到了一处站满了神侍的祭坛上,所有人列在两旁。 Some people play music, some young girls are singing the hymn. 有人奏乐,有少女唱着赞美诗。 servant of God carried in the liquor, sent out the slightly fragrant liquor fluid to spread to Liz's nose. 一位神侍捧上了酒,散发着微香的酒液传入了莉丝的鼻子。 servant of God said: Liquor is consecrates the thing of God, after servant of God drinks wine, can be close to God, clearer hears the God sound.” 神侍说:“酒是供奉神明之物,神侍饮酒之后可以更加的接近神明,更清晰的听到神明的声音。” This is the God rite necessary thing that the world hands down. 这是人间相传的神明祭典必备之物。 In a more ancient age, the liquor is the servant of God exclusive thing. 在更古老的年代,酒是神侍的专有之物。 Until afterward, slowly enjoys by the king and aristocrat, finally enters the world of civilians. 直到后来,才慢慢的被国王和贵族享用,最后才进入平民的世界。 Liz takes up the wine glass, drank. 莉丝拿起酒杯,喝了下去。 Liz's first drinking, this is the thing that once the kings could not enjoy, but now she can actually drink to heart's content. 莉丝第一次喝酒,这可是曾经国王都享用不到的东西,而如今她却能畅饮。 The resplendent in gold and jade green palace, is abundantly wasteful the life that is inconceivable, keeps aloof power and influence and status that ten thousand people respect. 金碧辉煌的宫殿,富足奢靡得难以想象的生活,高高在上万人敬仰的权势和身份。 This feeling, making Liz immerse. 这种感觉,让莉丝为之沉醉。 Is individually uncorrectable. 不可自拔。 After Liz drinks up the liquor, on the face has dark red, appears beautiful moving. 莉丝喝完酒之后脸上有着一丝殷红,显得更加的美丽动人。 But that dizzy heavy feeling, is to make her feel that floats in the clouds. 而那晕沉沉的感觉,更是让她感觉漂浮在云端。 Nearby some people had a thought the incantation, the red ray peripheral surges in the altar. 一旁有人念起了咒语,红色的光芒在祭坛周边涌动。 !” “噗!” Thunder temple servant of God summoned Fire Demon. 雷霆神庙神侍召唤出了火魔 The flame shoots up to the sky, heat wave sweeps across the altar high and low. 火焰冲天而起,一股热浪席卷祭坛上下。 Powerful Fire Demon is twisting the body, a terrifying shadow is transforming, is paying attention to the surrounding everyone. 强大的火魔扭曲着身体,一个恐怖的影子在其中变换着,关注着周围的所有人。 Summoned Fire Demon servant of God, why explained for Liz must summon Fire Demon. 召唤出火魔神侍,为莉丝讲解着为什么要召唤火魔 „More than 1000 years ago, mother of all snakes obtains the gracious gift from control there of life, snake human can control Fire Demon.” “一千多年前,万蛇之母从生命的主宰那里得到恩赐,蛇人就可以控制火魔。” Fire is the gracious gift of control, is the rite most important link.” “火是主宰的恩赐,也是祭典最重要的环节。” Fire and dance, communicate the God ceremony.” “火与舞,是沟通神明的仪式。” Liz looks at servant of God to use divine spell, summoned powerful Fire Demon. 莉丝看着神侍使用神术,召唤出强大的火魔 Looks that servant of God displayed the powerful strength, looks that powerful Fire Demon was similar to the servant to be generally docile in the hand of servant of God, this strength made Liz dazzling. 看着那神侍展现出了强大的力量,看着那强大的火魔神侍的手中如同奴仆一般温顺,这力量让莉丝为之炫目。 She understands finally why servant of God said the wealth of the world is not worth caring, that is the external thing. 她终于明白,为什么神侍们说人间的财富不值得在意,那不过是外在的东西。 Has such powerful strength, they no longer are the average people. 拥有这样强大的力量,他们已经不再是普通人了。 These gold, silver and common thing, but is the thing of the world, the thing that they track down is not the mortal is conceivable. 那些黄金、白银和俗物,只不过是人间的东西,他们追寻的东西不是凡人可以想象的。 Liz anticipates looks at servant of God, asked him. 莉丝期待的看着神侍,问他。 This strength.” “这力量。” „Can I have?” “我也可以拥有吗?” servant of God told her: Sure, succuba your highness.” 神侍告诉她:“当然可以,魔女殿下。” Strength that you will have in the future, is 1000 times of this strength, above 10,000 times.” “您将来拥有的力量,将会是这力量的一千倍,一万倍之上。” Ten thousand snake royal court Earth Demoness, can summon to cover divine tree of city at will ; She blows out the one breath, can make an entire city turn into the spring from the winter.” “万蛇王庭大地魔女,可以随意召唤出遮挡住一座城市的神树;她吹出一口气,可以让一整座城市从冬季变成春天。” You will become the true succuba in the future, my negligible strength will not be worth mentioning.” “您将来成为了真正的魔女,我的微末力量将不值一提。” Liz is listening to the servant of God words, is imagining that Earth Demoness strength. 莉丝听着神侍的话,想象着那位大地魔女的力量。 Mortal, servant of God, apostle.” “凡人,神侍,使徒。” Finally yes. 最后是。 God.” 神明。” Liz also understood the world equivalent finally, understands what she will soon have is anything, what she is going to turn is anything. 莉丝也终于明白了人间的等阶,也明白了她即将拥有的是什么,她将要变成的是什么。 She and immerses from the unclear lake in the life of succuba wakes up, finally faint understanding, actually the succuba was what existence. 她从迷迷湖湖和沉醉于魔女的生活醒来,终于隐隐的明白,魔女究竟是一种什么样的存在了。 All of the world of mortals were the most vulgar thing, the pursue of god servant and apostle have exceeded them. 凡间的一切不过是最低俗的东西,神仆和使徒的追求已经超越了它们。 She regarding the sacrifice of following succuba, anticipated. 她对于接下来的魔女之祭,更加的期待了。 servant of God lit the bonfire in altar with the fire of demon monster, then respectful was saying to Liz. 神侍魔怪之火点燃了祭坛中的篝火,然后毕恭毕敬的对着莉丝说道。 Your highness.” “殿下。” Should start.” “该开始了。” Is God offers the dance, is the most reverent and grand ceremony.” “为神明献舞,是最虔诚和隆重的仪式。” Liz in the altar and under the flame, started the dance of offering sacrifices. 莉丝在祭坛和火焰之下,开始了献祭之舞。 This is for the preview of sacrifice of true succuba. 这是为真正的魔女之祭的预演。 She followed the most Razer Kingdom most outstanding dancer to study recently was very long, powerful servant of God strengthens the body for her specially, strengthens her learning capability with divine spell, does everything possible to force in her mind various knowledge. 她最近跟着最雷泽王国最优秀的舞者学习了很久,还有强大的神侍专门为她强化身体,用神术增强她的学习能力,将各种知识想尽办法塞进她的脑海之中。 Present she no longer is that ordinary fisherwoman, here life is changing her unceasingly. 如今的她已经不再是那个普通的渔女,这里的生活在不断改变着她。 She wears the beautiful clothing, is waving the body under flaming combustion the fire of altar. 她穿着美丽的服饰,在熊熊燃烧的祭坛之火下舞动着身躯。 Her expression immerses, on tipsy feeling welling up even more. 她的表情沉醉,酒意越发的涌上头来。 She immerses in the dance of rite. 她沉醉于祭典之舞中。 Flame and snake dance. 火焰、蛇舞。 Ding the bell!” “叮铃!” The hair moves drives a round of tree top is tying the arms the bell, the gold/metal link collision on hand to exude the clear sound. 头发甩动带动发梢上绑着的银铃,手上的金环碰撞发出清脆的响声。 A beautiful snake female, is trying to please her God under the bonfire with the dance. 一个美丽的蛇女,在篝火下用舞蹈取悦着她的神明 With harp the sound of temperament, this scene is sacred and beautiful. 伴随着竖琴的音律之声,这场景神圣又美丽。 After offering the dance conclusion, she returned to herself the residence that is transformed by the palace temporarily. 献舞结束之后,她又回到了自己由殿堂临时改造的宫邸。 Today the person arrived at temple, deliberately looks for Liz. 今天有一个人来到了神庙,刻意来寻找莉丝。 Her once father. 她曾经的父亲。 Why as for was once, because he sold out Liz. 至于为什么是曾经,因为他将莉丝卖掉了。 Since sold out, then she no longer was his daughter, yes? 既然被卖掉了,那么她就不再是他的女儿了,是吧? She sits after the tissue, the side is the handsome and beautiful waiter, but also has servant of God to guard in the one side. 她坐在薄纱之后,身旁都是英俊和美丽的侍者,还有着神侍守卫在一旁。 She is all cores, succuba your highness of keeping aloof. 她就是一切的核心,高高在上的魔女殿下。 That once was a household head, lets man who Liz does not dare to revolt against, at this moment lay on the ground. 那个曾经身为一家之主,让莉丝丝毫不敢反抗的男人,此刻就趴在地上。 He saw Liz, immediately proceeds one meter. 他看到了莉丝,立刻往前了一米。 Summon of anticipation Liz's name. 期待的呼唤着莉丝的名字。 Liz!” “莉丝!” Is I!” “是我啊!” Liz keeps aloof, is overlooking the opposite party. 莉丝高高在上,俯瞰着对方。 On face indifferent, she thought that detests and rejects is unnecessary. 脸上只有冷漠,她觉得厌弃都是多余的。 I am not your Liz, I am the apostle of god.” “我不是你的莉丝,我是神的使徒。” Your admitting mistakes person.” “你认错人了。” That ordinary person looks at Liz, in the look full is stunned. 那个凡夫看着莉丝,眼神里满是错愕。 Carefully looks, the opposite party is beautiful, the noblest aristocrat is nobler than he has seen, but during this hall something surpassed him to imagine the richest king. 仔细看去,对方美丽高贵,比他见过的最高贵的贵族还要高贵,而这座大厅里有的东西超过了他想象之中最富有的国王。 Except for having the same face, he as if could not see once that Liz's least bit shadow again. 除了拥有同一张面孔,他似乎再也看不出曾经的那个莉丝的半点影子。 That timid weak, was towed the daughter who entrains to sell out does not dare to revolt against by him. 那个怯怯懦懦,被他拖拽出来卖掉都不敢反抗的女儿。 Liz's father was shocked. 莉丝的父亲愣住了。 He discovered that oneself did not recognize her to come probably, in this dignity sacred residence, he spoke trembles, there also dares to question. 他发现自己好像根本认不出她来了,在这威严神圣的宫邸之内,他连说话都哆哆嗦嗦,那里还敢质疑。 Perhaps the opposite party really no longer is his daughter, but becomes succuba your highness, becomes another person. 或许对方真的已经不再是他的女儿了,而成为了魔女殿下,成为了另外一个人。 Yes!” “是的!” Succuba your highness.” “魔女殿下。” I possibly...... admitting mistakes person.” “我可能……认错人了。” Opposite party in a panic was pursued, even the words do not dare to say much, distressed left here, even still hit the pillar outside. 对方仓皇的被人驱逐了出来,连话都没有敢多说,狼狈的离开了这里,甚至还在外面撞到了柱子。 Liz sets out to leave, on face indifferent and kept aloof to vanish. 莉丝起身离开,脸上的冷漠和高高在上消失了。 Walks in the corridor, she feels suddenly is very relaxed, has a not being able to say joy. 行走在长廊里,她突然感觉很轻松,有着一种说不出的快乐。 She could not bear smile, dances in the corridor, is turning circle. 她忍不住笑了起来,在长廊里跳起了舞,转着圈冲了出来。 In the Liz heart was saying. 莉丝心中对着自己说道。 I no longer am fishing female Liz in swamp.” “我不再是沼泽里的捕鱼女莉丝。” I am succuba Liz.” “我是魔女莉丝。” However after Liz goes out of the corridor, suddenly some discovery outside people visit her, is temple several waiters. 但是莉丝走出长廊之后,突然发现外面有人看着她,是神殿的几名侍者。 The opposite party are taking a look at her with a strange look, seems discussing anything low voice. 对方用一种奇怪的眼神打量着她,似乎在小声的议论着什么。 Not is only they. 不仅仅是她们。 In the succuba residence, the person in entire palace seems to be discussing anything. 魔女宫邸之内,整个殿堂里的人似乎都在议论着什么。 The shipbuilding workshop news quick transmitted in temple, everyone knows also this matter, with has the strange hearsay that it follows. 造船工坊消息在神庙之中很快就传递了开来,每个人都知道了这件事情,与之伴随的还有着诡异的传闻。 Liz asked and her intimate waitress. 莉丝问起了和她亲近的女侍者。 The waitresses told her: Your highness.” 女侍者告诉她:“殿下。” „The sacrifice of succuba is unable to be held on time.” “魔女之祭无法按时举行了。” Liz suddenly becomes anxious: Why?” 莉丝突然变得紧张:“为什么?” The waitresses told her the reason, Liz only knows that the succuba place ship of manufacture, ruined completely. 女侍者告诉了她原因,莉丝这才知道原本制造的魔女座船,全部都毁掉了。 Ruins in strange rainstorm, vanishes without a trace. 毁掉在一场诡异的暴雨之中,消失得无影无踪。 „Did ship vanish in the rainstorm?” “船在暴雨之中消失了?” Some people saw the thunder above a ship, even saw the Spiritual God shadow in the sky?” “有人看到了雷霆噼在了座船之上,甚至在天空看到了神灵的影子?” The waitresses also mentioned another hearsay, mentioned the suspicion of people. 女侍者还说起了另外一个传闻,说起了众人的怀疑。 Some people said, was the god lowered the divine punishment.” “有人说,是神降下了神罚。” Liz felt immediately body one soft, almost falls down. 莉丝顿时感觉身体一软,差点倒在地上。 How can like this?” “怎么会这样?” Liz understands finally, why these people suspect looks at her. 莉丝终于明白,为什么那些人怀疑的看着她。 If were God lowered the divine punishment, then this on behalf of what meaning? 如果是神明降下了神罚,那么这代表着什么意思? The waitress at this moment, looks that in Liz's eyeground also has the suspicion faintly. 就连女侍者此刻,看着莉丝的眼底里也隐隐有着怀疑。 Liz dislikes this look. 莉丝讨厌这个眼神。 This type suspects her look. 这种怀疑她的眼神。 However the innermost feelings compared with the repugnant graver mood, are flustered and frightened. 但是内心比讨厌更深重的情绪,是慌张和恐惧。 Liz is afraid, she felt that the whole body the strength was found time, until now supports her certain things as if to drain from her within the body. 莉丝害怕,她感觉浑身的力气都被抽空,一直以来支撑她的某些东西似乎在从她体内流失。 Because of except for succuba status, she does not have a thing in the world. 因为除了魔女这个身份,她一无所有。 The question as her of succuba, questions all her. 质疑作为魔女的她,就是质疑她的一切。 Questioned that she has the reason in this world now. 质疑她现在存在于这个世界上的理由。 She also heard the sound of that thunder yesterday, she thinks what hears is God to her summon. 她昨天还听到了那雷霆之声,她以为听到的是神明对她的呼唤。 Result that sound, is the distant place thunder ruins the thunder of succuba place ship to send out. 结果那声音,是远处雷霆毁掉魔女座船的雷霆发出的。 Her ear bank even reverberated that sound that man who intruded temple, the opposite party once told her. 她的耳畔甚至回荡起了那个闯入神庙的男人的声音,对方曾经告诉她。 All these are only a lie.” “这一切都只是一场谎言。” Sky Giant God has not lowered what oracle, oracle also is never this.” “天空巨神从来没有降下什么神谕,神谕也从来不是这样的。” Liz has not believed these words, now is not willing to believe. 莉丝从来没有相信过这句话,现在也不愿意去相信。 Is impossible!” “不可能的!” This is impossible!” “这不可能!” Liz's flustered shouting, she looked to the surrounding everyone, as if wanted to hear another reply. 莉丝慌张的大喊,她看向了周围的所有人,似乎想要听到另一个回答。 But at this time, chief servant of God entered here. 而这个时候,首席神侍进入了这里。 His sound passed on. 他的声音传了出来。 Indeed was God ruined the place ship of succuba.” “的确是一位神明毁掉了魔女的座船。” He looked all around everyone in succuba temporary residence, everyone is avoiding his sharp vision. 他环顾了魔女临时宫邸里的所有人,所有人都躲避着他锐利的目光。 But is our God, is the god of heathen.” “但是不是我们的神明,是异教徒的神。” Is one eyes covetously, wants to snatch away the different god in sky Giant God belief state.” “是一位虎视眈眈,想要侵夺天空巨神信仰国度的异神。” temple chief servant of God broke rumor at this time the dissemination, said truth. 神庙首席神侍这个时候打断了“谣言”的传播,说出了“真相”。 You are talking nonsense anything.” “你们在胡言乱语些什么。” Heathen disrupts the will of the people the rumor, made you lose devout and belief?” “异教徒的一些扰乱人心的传言,就让你们丢失了虔诚和信仰?” You believe the insufficiently firm person like this, does not match to enter the state of god.” “你这样信仰不够坚定的人,不配进入神的国度。” Person who chief servant of God leads, these dissemination rumors, the belief is not very immediately firm the devout person to have. 首席神侍带过来的人,立刻将那些传播谣言,信仰不够坚定虔诚的人带了下去。 And, includes the Liz intimate that waitress. 其中,就包括莉丝亲近的那个女侍者。 They will greet the brutal penalty, temple regarding the irreverent person, regarding daring to blaspheme and suspect that the God person, is always relentless. 她们将迎接残酷的惩罚,神庙对于不虔诚的人,对于敢于亵渎和怀疑神明的人,向来都是毫不留情的。 Waitress frightened shouting. 女侍者恐惧的大喊。 Succuba your highness, saves me!” “魔女殿下,救救我!” Saves me!” “救救我!” My anything has not done, I said the words that others said.” “我什么都没有做,我只是说出了别人说出的话。” I have not suspected you, has suspected God!” “我从来没有怀疑过您,怀疑过神明啊!” In the Liz heart gushed out did not endure. 莉丝心中涌出了不忍。 Chief servant of God said: Your highness, the dignity of god is inviolable.” 首席神侍却说:“殿下,神的威严不容侵犯。” They abandon God like this, suspected that the God person, does not match to follow you to enter the state of god, this tarnishes the God brilliance.” “他们这样背弃神明,怀疑神明的人,不配跟随你进入神的国度,这是玷污神明的光辉。” Liz felt good that chief servant of God said that in her heart also the person of repugnant suspicion god, suspects the oracle person. 莉丝觉得首席神侍说的不错,她心中也讨厌怀疑神的人,怀疑神谕的人。 She is listening to opposite party's entreaty, finally suppresses to turn head, whatever these people carried off. 她听着对方的哀求,最后强忍着扭过头去,任由这些人被带走。 Chief servant of God started to salute at this time: Succuba your highness.” 首席神侍这个时候才开始行礼:“魔女殿下。” Does not need to be flustered.” “不必慌张。” All had investigated thoroughly, is completely the plots of these heathens.” “一切都已经查清楚了,全部都是那些异教徒的阴谋。” Chief servant of God Liz was mentioning truth to sky succuba, told all cause and effect, told the plots of these heathens are what kind of deceitful sinister, what method they used in order to reach the goal. 首席神侍对着“天空魔女”莉丝说起了“真相”,讲述了一切的前因后果,讲述了那些异教徒的阴谋是何等的狡诈阴险,他们为了达到目的使用了什么样的手段。 Is a heathen named Mer does, he used the inspection lamp of heathen to conduct the ceremony, summoned the strength of different god to destroy the succuba your place ship.” “是一个叫做加美尔的异教徒做的,他用异教徒的提灯进行了仪式,召唤来了异神的力量摧毁了魔女您的座船。” You still remember many days ago heathen who that goes into your residence?” “您还记得很多天前那个闯入您宫邸的异教徒吗?” That crazy fellow.” “那个疯狂的家伙。” He cannot harm you before, cannot destroy the sacrifice of succuba.” “他之前没能伤害到您,没能破坏掉魔女之祭。” But he appears now, to destroy the sky Giant God strength and direction arrives in the world, these heathens had fallen into thoroughly crazily.” “但是现在他又出现了,为了破坏天空巨神的力量和指引降临在人间,这些异教徒已经彻底陷入了疯狂。” Liz remembers Mer's form immediately: Is he?” 莉丝立刻想起了加美尔的身影:“是他?” Chief servant of God nods: Right, is this person.” 首席神侍点头:“没错,就是这个人。”
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