IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#388 Part 2: Sally whistle( asked monthly ticket)

She passes through, Cup of Bloodmist drags is making way a path. 她走过,血雾之杯摇曳着让开一条道路。 That path goes nonstop to the deep place of sea of flowers, before coverglass garden form that sits. 那道路直通花海的深处,通向玻璃罩花园前坐着的身影。 She overran, lies on the arm rest of stone bench. 她冲过去,趴在了石头长椅的扶手上。 She is familiar with this movement very much, because she always lies in the side of god like this, spoke with It. 她很习惯这个动作,因为她总是这样趴在神的身边,和祂说话。 Her voice is very loud, sometimes seems noisy, but regarding chilly temple, can actually call it lively. 她的声音很大,有的时候显得吵闹,但是对于清冷的神殿来说,却又可以称之为热闹。 But Shirra liking stands in the side of god, static looks at the god, the speech time also spoke softly. 希拉更喜欢站在神的身边,静静的看着神,说话的时候也是轻声细语的。 God!” “神!” I have asked.” “我去问过了。” Big jellyfish may be obedient, It does not eat the person.” “大水母可听话了,祂才不吃人的。” Sally gesticulated with the hand, seemed saying that giant beast is huge, these snake human a little are small. 莎莉用手比划了一下,似乎在说巨怪多么巨大,那些蛇人才那么一点小。 Moreover snake human is so small, many also insufficiently It eats again.” “而且蛇人那么小个,再多也不够祂吃的。” Sally drew a very greatly very big circle, as if must go in the entire Earth picture. 莎莉又画了一个很大很大的圆,似乎要将整个地球都画进去。 „The words that they must eat, should entire eat this world.” “祂们要吃的话,应该将这个世界整个吃掉。” Wisdom Powerful swallows similar, can use divine blood of opposite party, even if there is drawback that is hard to solve, at least can also use. 智慧权能者吞噬同类,是可以利用对方的神血的,哪怕有着难以解决的弊端,至少也是可以用的。 However Ruhul giant beast is the half god of life, they have no demand regarding the bloodlines of wisdom, that and their strengths have the conflict. 但是鲁赫巨怪是生命的半神,祂们对于智慧的血脉没有任何需求,那和祂们本身的力量是有冲突的。 Therefore Ruhul giant beast looks at these intelligent species time, with looking at these jungle wild animals has no difference. 所以鲁赫巨怪看这些智慧种的时候,和看那些丛林野兽没有什么区别。 Yin Shen looks at the Sally bone common eye: You heard.” 尹神看着莎莉骨碌碌的眼睛:“你听到了。” Sally said: I have not listened secretly, is you have not discovered me.” 莎莉说:“我可没有偷听,是你们没有发现我。” How Yin Shen has not possibly discovered her, but is disinclined to reveal her. 尹神怎么可能没有发现她,只是懒得揭穿她。 Sally then said: Big jellyfish said that It does not want offering sacrifices of these people, It thought that these people are very annoying.” 莎莉接着说道:“大水母说了,祂才不要那些人的献祭,祂觉得那些人很烦人。” Then, these mortals will definitely not offer sacrifices again.” “接下来,那些凡人肯定不会再献祭了。” Yin Shen knows, all that Sally makes are not studious. 尹神知道,莎莉所做的一切都是无用功。 However It touches the head of Sally, told her. 但是祂还是摸了摸莎莉的头,告诉她。 Sally!” 莎莉!” You do very well.” “你做得很好。” Yin Shen this time, has not said what major principle with her again. 尹神这一次,没有再和她说什么大道理。 Shirra likes exchanging these issues with Yin Shen very much, because she likes the person, likes paying attention to the world of mortal. 希拉很喜欢和尹神交流这些问题,因为她喜欢人,喜欢去关注凡人的世界。 Shirra is born from the Yin Shen strength, Its Dreamland is connecting everyone's dream. 希拉尹神的力量中诞生,祂的梦界连接着所有人的梦。 It after Borloo second by Yin Shen personally manufacture Fairy, although is not the inborn control however also and ordinary Fairy is different. 祂是自波罗之后第二个由尹神亲自制造的妖精,虽然不是天生的主宰但是也和普通妖精不同。 However Sally cannot understand these, she does not like listening to these topics. 不过莎莉是听不懂这些的,她也不喜欢听这些话题。 And. 而且。 If she can understand, she perhaps was not since birth the control of immortal life. 如果她能听懂了,她或许就不是生来永生的生命之主宰了。 Because she regards this world in the attempt at an angle of view of average person, 因为她在尝试以一个普通人的视角去看待这个世界, Before, Yin Shen liked holding her hand very much, the time of telling her own as a person how to regard this world. 以前,尹神很喜欢牵着她的手,告诉她自己作为一个人的时候是如何去看待这个世界的。 However finally discovered. 但是最后发现。 She with an eternal mentality, regards this world. 她是以一种永恒的心态,去看待这个世界。 She will not grow, because she is since birth eternal god. 她不会长大,因为她是生来永恒的神祇。 All that now she has are her bodies of eternal, now in the heart thinks is her perfect mind. 现在她拥有的一切就是她的永恒之躯,现在心中所想的就是她的完美心灵。 The people are changing with the time, because they are short, seems like in the years gradually the rotten apple. 人在随着时间而变化,因为他们是短暂的,就好像岁月中渐渐腐烂的苹果。 Sally will not have any change during the years, the time is unable to change her unable to wear down her. 莎莉不会在岁月之中有任何变化,时间无法改变她更无法消磨她。 And. 而且。 She is very simple, is very joyful. 她很简单,也很快乐。 This seems to be enough. 这似乎就已经足够了。 Even, making Yin Shen envy. 甚至,让尹神都为之羡慕。 Sally lies on the arm rest, the specific use is rubbing Yin Shen, then put out Yin Shen to give her whistle. 莎莉趴在扶手上,用头蹭着尹神,然后又拿出了尹神送给她的哨子。 ~ “哔哔~” Sally looks at Yin Shen with a smile: I like this whistle very much, I must retain it well.” 莎莉笑着看着尹神:“我很喜欢这个哨子,我要好好保留着它。” I usually quite blow the time to be careful, for fear that it shattered.” “我平常吹得时候都好小心的,生怕它坏掉了。” Yin Shen knows, Sally likes storing up very much something, Ruhul giant beast also has this custom. 尹神知道,莎莉很喜欢将一些东西储存起来,就连鲁赫巨怪也有着这种习惯。 You may probably protect, should not be careful it not to have.” “那你可要保护好,别不小心它就没有了。” After all.” “毕竟。” Compared with you, the lots is very frail, is too easy to dissipate.” “和你相比,很多东西都很脆弱,也太容易消逝。” Sally was somewhat worried: What to do if really shattered?” 莎莉有些担心:“要是真坏掉了怎么办?” Yin Shen said: I make one to you again.” 尹神却说:“我再给你做一个。” Sally smiled: God is eternal, I have had the whistle.” 莎莉笑了起来:“神是永恒的,那我就一直有哨子了。” I did not fear that it shattered.” “我就不怕它坏掉了。” Then, she ran. 说完,她就跑了起来。 Is upon the jump in the Cup of Bloodmist sea of flowers and palace, sea of flowers has submerged her form, but the flowering shrubs deep place actually broadcast the sound of whistle. 血雾之杯的花海和宫殿里跑来跑去,花海淹没过了她的身影,但是花丛深处却传来了哨子的声音。 ~ “哔哔~” Continuously. 此起彼伏。 Off topic 题外话 Asked the bill, did not throw was really expired, asked a next beginning of the month monthly ticket while convenient 求票票,再不投就真过期了,顺便求一下月头的月票 7017 k 7017k
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