IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#388 Part 1: Sally whistle( asked monthly ticket)

Because Gamer intruded thunder temple to be recognized, recently the thunder temple person was looking for him everywhere, he does not dare to live in the thunder city. 伽美尔因为闯入了雷霆神庙被人认出,最近雷霆神庙的人到处都在找他,他就没敢在雷霆城之中居住。 He lives with Oland in the small town of swamp lakeside, there has his small log cabin. 他和奥兰一起居住在沼泽湖边的小镇,那里有着他的一座小木屋。 In log cabin. 木屋里。 This powerful alchemist does not know that is making anything, every day raises own lamp of divine contract to talk over. 这位强大的炼金师也不知道在做些什么,每天提着自己的神契之灯念叨着。 Desire authority.” “欲望权柄。” Lamp...... tower spirit deep meaning...... reincarnation ......... “灯……塔灵奥义……转生………。” This kind of Gamer listens to the thing that does not understand completely. 这一类伽美尔完全听不太懂的东西。 Moreover he always stands near the great lake, looks around toward the swamp deep place. 而且他总是站在大湖边,朝着沼泽深处张望。 Before Oland even also a swamp deep place, but anything has not seen comes back. 之前奥兰甚至还去了一趟沼泽深处,但是什么也没有看到就回来了。 Gamer knows, Oland at and other sacrifices of succuba. 伽美尔知道,奥兰是在等魔女之祭。 He as to look at the sky Giant God shadow. 他似乎想要看一看天空巨神的影子。 Gamer is also waiting for the sacrifice of succuba similarly, is only and compared with peaceful sane Oland, Gamer always feels restlessly, in heart agitated. 伽美尔也同样在等待着魔女之祭,只是和安静理智的奥兰相比,伽美尔总是感觉坐立不安,心中烦躁不已。 Because he does not know all that Oland said real, the god will really get angry, will the anger of god be the same will not really affect entire Razer Kingdom that will expect with Oland. 因为他不知道奥兰所说的一切到底是不是真的,神是不是真的会发怒,神的怒火是不是又真的和奥兰所预料的一样不会波及到整个雷泽王国 Gamer does not know. 只是伽美尔不知道。 Oland wants to look is not sky Giant God, but wants to witness these greater existence. 奥兰想要看的不是天空巨神,而是想要目睹那些更伟大的存在。 Founds all root Supreme God. 开创一切的根源至高神祇。 These Supreme God only as if also stay lost kingdom on sea of clouds until now, this is the real reason that Oland is not willing to depart. 那些至高神祇至今似乎还停留在云海上的失落之国,这才是奥兰不愿意离去的真正原因。 Gamer left the log cabin, looks that actually concentrates on to gaze at an Oland of lamp obviously in broad daylight, cautious saying. 伽美尔离开了木屋,看着明明是大白天却全神贯注注视着一盏灯的奥兰,小心翼翼的说道。 Sir!” “大人!” I want to go to the wharf to have a look, may want to be later comes back.” “我想要去码头上看看,可能要晚一些回来。” Oland has not visited him, even the mouth has not moved, the sound actually spread to the Gamer mind. 奥兰没有看他,甚至嘴巴都没有动一下,声音却传入了伽美尔的脑海之中。 During the Oland life whole time by a mannequin status exist, compare in speak with the mouth, he is accustomed to the dialogue in this mind. 奥兰一生之中大部分时间都是以一个人偶的身份存在,相比于用嘴巴说话,他更习惯于这种心灵上的对话。 I am occupied by the guest here temporarily, you are here master, you want to make anything are your freedom.” “我只是暂时居住在这里的客人,你才是这里的主人,你想要做什么都是你的自由。” But I want to warn your one, do not attempt to handle other things.” “但是我想要警示你一句,不要去尝试做其他的事情。” Oland reminded Gamer, making him do not handle any extreme matter that side the wharf. 奥兰提醒伽美尔,让他不要在码头那边做什么过激的事情。 These by God's name group of wicked people, will certainly suffer the evil consequence.” “那些以神之名行恶之人,必将遭受恶果。” These borrow the person of Spiritual God satisfied selfish desire, will be punished finally.” “那些假借神灵满足私欲之人,终将遭受惩罚。” All are early and late.” “一切不过是早和晚罢了。” However your senseless behavior, will only possibly cause more disasters.” “而你无谓的行为,只可能会导致更多的灾难。” Gamer.” 伽美尔。” You are not a Savior, this world has its rule.” “你不是救世主,这个世界自有其规则。” Gamer obeyed regarding the words of Oland recently, even has meaning of worship. 伽美尔最近对于奥兰的话非常听从,甚至有着一种崇拜的意味。 Because he discovered, Oland powerful is above his imagination by far, the mystery of knowledge and this world that he masters, these exceed in the vision above time and world. 因为他发现,奥兰的强大远远超乎他的想象,他掌握的知识和这个世界的奥秘,还有那些超越于时代和世界之上的眼界。 The opposite party will predict to be the same probably, can see certain the paths of matter ahead of time. 对方就好像会预言一样,能够提前看到某些事情发生的轨迹。 This even let the Gamer relates to existence faintly. 这甚至隐隐让伽美尔联想到了一种存在。 God. 神明 However to Oland, this is he regarding the use of knowledge, lived more than 100 years of experiences. 但是对于奥兰来说,这不过是他对于知识的利用,活了一百多年的经验而已。 Under Sun does not have any something new, lives enough regarding one long existence, this world seems like one unceasingly in the redundant circle. 太阳底下没有什么新鲜事,对于一个活得够久的存在来说,这个世界就好像是一个不断在重复的圆。 So-called new thing, but had had time now happened again. 所谓的新事物,不过是曾经发生过的时候如今又再次发生。 Although Gamer cannot understand what is heard completely the words of Oland, he is replied earnestly. 伽美尔虽然并没能完全听明白奥兰的话,他还是认真的回答。 Sir.” “大人。” My this time certainly keeps calm, I was only the past look.” “我这次一定会保持冷静,我只是过去看一看。” I am restless, did not look that always feels uncomfortable.” “我坐立不安,不去看一眼总觉得难受。” The distant rapid river water flows rapidly, forms a river bend and natural wharf to here. 远方湍急的河水奔流不息,到这里形成一个河湾和天然的码头。 A big shipbuilding workshop is situated here, the Razer Kingdom warship produces here. 一座大型造船工坊坐落在这里,雷泽王国的战船就是在这里出产的。 However this time to make the private car of succuba your highness, gives to the God gift, the entire shipbuilding workshop convened massive consecrations and labor forces, only in order to completes the private car of succuba your highness on time. 但是这一次为了建造魔女殿下的座驾,献给神明的礼物,整个造船工坊召集了大量的供奉和劳力,只为了能够按时完成魔女殿下的座驾。 That is several steamship that has the cloud pattern characteristics, the both sides broad sides are the clouds of changing, specially but also uses, only then the thunder swamp forest has the whitewood that. 那是几艘拥有着云纹特征的大船,两侧的船舷都是跌宕起伏的云,还特意用的只有雷霆沼泽森林才有的白木。 At this moment they one after another slides from the track, enters in the sea little. 此刻它们正在一个接着一个的从轨道上滑下去,一点点进入大海之中。 The entire shipbuilding workshop erupts to cheer, river course both banks also stood the person. 整个造船工坊都爆发出欢呼,河道两岸也站满了人。 Look, got down.” “看,下去了。” Launched, the ship launched.” “下水了,船下水了。” „The private car of succuba your highness, looked that it is magnificent, your highness will sit it to go to the state of god.” “魔女殿下的座驾,看它多么壮观,殿下会坐上它前往神的国度。” Looks at its appearance, it seems the palace of god to flutter on the sea of clouds.” “看它的模样,它就好像神的宫殿飘在云海上。” Everyone looks out ships to enter in the water, imagines it to go through in the thunder swamp deep place that the sea of clouds fills. 所有人都遥望着一艘艘船进入水中,想象着它穿行在云海弥漫的雷霆沼泽深处。 That piece tranquilest, most sacred, does not belong to the banning territory of mortal. 那片最宁静,也最神圣,不属于凡人的禁域。 They wish one could themselves also to board the ship, follows it to go to the state of god together. 他们恨不得自己也能够登上船,跟随着它一起前往神的国度。 Gamer also in the crowd, he looks that these ship looks are complex. 伽美尔也在人群之中,他看着那些船眼神复杂。 Just, these ships after launching not long. 只不过,这些船在下水之后没有多久。 The sky then started to present the phenomenon. 天空便开始出现了异象。 These cloud layers start the orderly movement, was summoned by whom probably general. 那些云层开始有规律的移动,就好像被谁召唤一般。 Because the range is really extremely in widespread, has exceeded the limit that the vision has been able to see, therefore also no one notices. 只是因为范围实在是太过于广泛,已经超过了目光所能看到的极限,所以也没有人注意到。 After repeating two times . 重复了两次之后。 The will of that control sea of clouds as if discovered anything suddenly. 那操控云海的意志突然之间似乎发现了什么。 It consciousness from the state of space finally, went to the land world. 祂终于将意识从天上的国度,投向了大地人间。 Will look up to is transferring to the high control god vision of only, vertical the land of Its carrying/sustaining. 将仰望着至高主宰神祇的目光调转,垂向了祂承载的大地。 The sky Giant God vision has swept the boundless land, has swept the swamp and forest, finally framed above the shipbuilding workshop, framed on these ships. 天空巨神的目光扫过茫茫大地,扫过沼泽和森林,最后定格在了造船工坊之上,定格在了那些船上。 In a flash. 一瞬间。 The strong winds get up suddenly, passing over gently and swiftly land. 狂风骤起,掠过大地。 The person along the river both banks blow unstaily, above various junks volumes the land ascends the sky. 将沿河两岸的人吹得东倒西歪,将大地之上各种杂物都卷上了天。 Wū wū!” “呜呜!” The wind sound/rumor howls. 风声呼啸。 That sound is boundless, seems the sky to sob, probably low and deep bugle horn sound. 那声音苍茫厚重,就好像天空在呜咽,又好像低沉的号角声。 That sound reverberation gives people in the world a depressing feeling, the heart gushes out the nameless panic. 那声音回荡在天地之间给人一种压抑的感觉,心底涌出无名的恐慌。 snake human sway in the riverside, the hand obstructed to keep out the wind, looks to the distant place. 一个个蛇人在河边摇晃,手遮挡着风,看向了远处。 Each of them felt that own heart beat a drum to vibrate probably generally, thump thump thump the sound across the bloodlines, reverberated in own mind. 他们每个人都感觉自己的心脏好像打鼓一般震动了起来,咚咚咚的响声穿过血脉,回荡在自己的脑海之中。 In where heart does not well up to live, but actually does not know that actually that is anxious to come from where. 不安在心中涌生,但是却不知道那不安究竟源自于何处。 Such big wind where comes?” “哪来的这么大的风?” This wind is quite strange.” “这风好怪。” How to get windy suddenly?” “怎么突然起风了?” Sweeps across the wind of the world also to start. 席卷天地的风还只是开始。 Airborne is cloudy. 紧接着,空中乌云密布。 Sky that white cloud comes like the vortex general gathering, sank toward the ground. 天空那白色的云如同漩涡一般汇聚而来,朝着地面沉了下来。 The weather that slowly was gloomy, changed into the night to be common in a flash, moreover did not have the deepness of moon/month of night not to have up. 原本慢慢暗淡下来的天色,一瞬间化为了黑夜一般,而且还是无月之夜的深沉无光。 Sky white cloud layer, changed into the grey gradually, finally changed into pitch-black. 天空白色的云层,也渐渐的化为了灰色,最后化为了乌黑。 Startling thunderclap blasts open from the dark cloud, faintly everyone's eardrum tearing. 一声惊雷从乌云之中炸裂,隐隐将所有人的耳膜撕裂。 Bang!” “轰隆!” The thunder surrounds in the sky, then together, the torrential downpour drops from the clouds together. 雷霆环绕在天空,一道接着一道,倾盆大雨从天而降。 Strong winds and sudden downpour, startling thunderclap. 狂风、骤雨,惊雷。 The three fuse together. 三者融为一体。 The crowd proceeds along no particular course like the headless fly generally, various sounds spread in the rainstorm mixed, everyone does not understand why the day will turn into this suddenly. 人群如同无头苍蝇一般乱撞,各种声音在暴雨之中交杂传出,所有人都不明白为什么天会突然变成这样。 Run, rains.” In such situation, everyone seems incomparably flurried. “快跑啊,下雨了。”这样的情况下,所有人都显得无比慌乱。 Covers the wood/blockhead, the wood/blockhead covers, do not moisten.” That side the shipbuilding workshop person is much better, was trying to find out entered in the workshop, immediately starts the activity. “把木头罩起来,木头罩起来,不要打湿了。”造船工坊那边的人则要好一些,摸索着进入了工坊之内,立刻开始了活动。 Ship? Ship what to do?” Some people scared looks at the direction of river, however glitters the shadow that during except for the thunder presents occasionally, anything cannot see ; The curtain of rain blocked from all, the strong winds blow the person eyes unable to open. “船呢?船怎么办?”有人恐慌的看着河的方向,然而除了雷霆闪烁之中偶尔出现的影子,什么也看不见;雨幕遮住了一切,狂风吹得人眼睛都睁不开。 „A darkness, anything cannot see!” More people run all over the place above the land. “一片漆黑,什么都看不见啊!”更多的人则在大地之上乱跑。 Wind was too big, even the direction could not find, everyone do not run all over the place!” Some people overrun toward the river that side unexpectedly, flushes away toward the storm most serious place. “风太大了,连方向都找不到了,大家不要乱跑啊!”有人竟然朝着河那边冲过去,朝着风暴最严重的地方冲去。 Under celestial phenomenon mutation, person like ants. 天象异变之下,人如蝼蚁。 Everyone except for hiding and pacing back and forth, helplessly, then anything could not be left over. 所有人除了躲藏、彷徨、无能为力,便什么也剩不下了。 In darkness. 黑暗之中。 Gamer rushed to a tower suddenly, he summoned oneself lamp of divine contract to light the lights. 伽美尔突然冲上了一座塔,他召唤出了自己的神契之灯点燃了灯火。 He adjusted an angle, goes to the ray the darkness, outshines the curtain of rain and nighttime sky. 他调整了一下角度,将光芒投向黑暗之中,照亮雨幕和夜空。 Many people discovered light that Gamer lights. 很多人发现了伽美尔点燃的光。 Looks at that side.” “看那边。” That side has the light, toward that side.” “那边有光,往那边去。” Everyone also noisy crowd runs over toward here, toward being far away from the direction of rivers goes, left a that storm most fearful region gradually. 所有人也都一窝蜂的朝着这边跑了过来,朝着远离河流的方向而去,渐渐离开了那风暴最可怕的一片区域。 Some people rushed in the tower to hide, some people hid in tower other constructions. 有人闯进了塔内躲了起来,有人则藏在了塔周围的其他建筑内。 This sudden wind and rain was really fearful. 这突如其来的风雨实在是太可怕了。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Thunder unceasing crack, together then together. 雷霆不断的炸响,一道接着一道。 Crash-bang!” “哗啦啦!” The rainwater must crowds general the whole world, crazy toward the land above instill into probably. 雨水就好像要将整个世界塞满一般,疯狂的朝着大地之上灌输。 At this moment, the river bank mighty waves are rapid, the river water rises suddenly. 此时此刻,河上波涛湍急,河水暴涨。 The strong winds curl up the monstrous waves, changed into dragon scroll. 狂风卷起巨浪,化为了龙卷。 Blew the space that several ships. 将那几艘船吹到了天上去。 Above this rivers, presented in the sea unexpectedly the rare storm. 这条河流之上,竟然出现了大海之中都难得一见的风暴。 It looks like in the eyes of mortal, seems the whole world to get angry. 在凡人的眼中看来,就好像整个世界在发怒。 The thunder comes toward in the world racing wells up together, several succuba place ships that just finished were torn instantaneously, are reduced to ashes the dissipation in the world. 一道雷霆朝着天底下奔涌而来,刚刚完工的几艘魔女座船瞬间被撕裂,化为了灰烬消散在人间。 Rainstorm, together thunder. 一场暴雨,一道雷霆。 Destroys the private car of succuba. 将魔女的座驾毁去。 This is the caution of sky Giant God, is the god who Razer Kingdom consecrates responds to them for the first time. 这是天空巨神的警示,是雷泽王国供奉的神第一次对他们进行回应。 Actually is in this manner. 却是以这种方式。 Above the lighthouse, Gamer just saw this. 在灯塔之上,伽美尔刚好看到了这一幕。 Although separates him unable to see clearly too, only saw after the ray, the shadow of that ship vanished. 虽然隔得太远他并没能看清,只看到了光芒过后,那船的影子就消失了。 Possibly was embezzled by the river water? Also or was struck by lightning to break? 可能是被河水吞没了?亦或者是被雷劈散了架? Disappears in any case. 反正是不见了。 He does not understand that this is the strength of nature, during is dark has great existence to interfere with all. 他不明白这到底是大自然的力量,还是冥冥之中有着伟大的存在在干涉着一切。 Hahahaha!” “哈哈哈哈!” Didn't have?” “没了?” „, Had not really had well!” “真的没了,没了好啊!” Did not have completely.” “全部都没了。” Gamer was happy, is completely different from others on the scene. 伽美尔非常高兴,和在场的其他人完全不一样。 The surrounding person saw him, laughing of Gamer so conspicuous, with everyone terrifiedly and is incompatible at a loss. 周围的人都看到了他,伽美尔的大笑是如此的显眼,和所有人的惶恐不安和茫然格格不入。 Some people looked to the tower, asked him: What are you smiling?” 有人看向了塔上,问他:“你在笑什么?” Gamer said happily: Ship did not have, the sacrifice of succuba conducted inadequately!” 伽美尔高兴的说:“船没有了啊,魔女之祭举办不成了啊!” Crowd in an uproar that the tower following interior takes shelter from the rain, some people of flurried asking. 塔下面内部躲雨的人群一片哗然,有人慌乱的问道。 „Didn't ship have?” “船没了?” How didn't ship possibly have?” “船怎么可能没了?” That is for the private car that succuba your highness builds, gives to the God gift.” “那可是为魔女殿下打造的座驾,是献给神明的礼物。” How can ship not have?” “船怎么能没了呢?” Some people even start to go toward the storm deep place, but that violent storm gave to drive back him, returned in the tower. 有人甚至开始朝着风暴的深处而去,但是那狂风暴雨将他给逼退了回来,重新回到了塔内。 Has the people sound to interrogate Gamer: Ship did not have, do you also smile unexpectedly?” 有人大声质问伽美尔:“船没了,你竟然还笑?” Gamer said: Why I cannot smile, because of this stupid rite, is one blasphemes the God behavior by God's name.” 伽美尔说:“我为什么不能笑,因为这一场愚蠢的祭典,是一场以神之名亵渎神明的行为。” You should rejoice, the ship did not have luckily.” “你们应该庆幸,幸好船没有了。” Tower person where is willing to listen to Gamer the piece of excuse, they overshot along the steps, just saw the Gamer appearance in the halfway. 塔内部的人哪里肯听伽美尔的这片说辞,他们沿着阶梯上冲了上来,在半途之中也刚好看到了伽美尔的模样。 Immediately some people recognize Gamer, recently in the thunder city some people were looking for him everywhere. 立刻有人认出了伽美尔,最近雷霆城之中到处有人在找他。 Is he, is that heathen who intrudes temple to threaten succuba your highness, by fellow who temple issues a warrant for arrest.” “是他,是那个闯入神殿威胁魔女殿下的异教徒,被神庙通缉的家伙。” Holds him, hurries to hold him.” “抓住他,赶紧抓住他。” Cannot make him run.” “不能让他跑了。” Gamer actually turned around to leap vanishes in the tower, vanished in the darkness. 伽美尔却转身一跃消失在了塔上,消失在了黑暗之中。 But the storm of space also subsides gradually, but the rain has not actually diverged completely, but turned into the continuous drizzle from the rainstorm. 而天上的风暴也渐渐平息,但是雨却没有完全散去,只是从暴雨变成了绵绵细雨。 Sky Giant God ruined the mortal to give other party the ship. 天空巨神毁掉了凡人给祂造的船。 Gave the mortal to respond and warn. 给予了凡人回应和警示。 It does not need offering sacrifices of mortal, does not accept their offering sacrifices. 祂不需要凡人的献祭,更不接受他们的献祭。 Hurried It does not have the moods and these mortals plays noisily, It has the responsibility that the carrying/sustaining land control ecological cycle revolves, this is the responsibility of Its god. 匆忙的祂没有心情和这些凡人玩闹,祂有着承载大地控制生态循环运转的职责,这才是祂的神之职责。 Then. 接下来。 It also has a more vital duty, is Ruler of Life gives Its temporary mission. 祂还有更重要的任务,是生命主宰赋予祂的临时使命。 The person in shipbuilding workshop walked slowly, saw the lumber of piling up was blown, many were blown in the river. 造船工坊的人慢慢走了出来,看到了堆积如山的木料都被吹垮了,不少都被吹到河里去了。 The rooms in shipbuilding workshop, many roofs gave to throw off. 造船工坊的一间间屋子,许多屋顶都给掀翻了。 But looked toward the river in again, everyone complexion is pale. 而再往河中一看,所有人面色惨白。 The ship disappears. 船不见了。 The private car of succuba your highness, they give to the God gift. 魔女殿下的座驾,他们献给神明的礼物。 Disappearing. 不见了。 The official in management shipbuilding workshop also collapsed at this time, whole person weak on the ground, like a beach mud. 管理造船工坊的官员这个时候也崩溃了,整个人瘫软在了地上,如同一滩烂泥。 „Didn't ship...... have?” “船……没了?” Ended, all ended.” “完了,一切都完了。” Reported the king and chief Sir servant of God quickly.” “快去禀告国王陛下和首席神侍大人。” ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- In the log cabin on small town hillside, Gamer comes back it is black. 小镇山坡上的木屋里,伽美尔回来的时候天已经黑了。 In the log cabin is turning on a light, can see by far. 木屋里亮着灯,远远就可以看到。 He to the uphill slope, the happy shoving open gate flushed hasty, is searching high and low the form of Oland. 他急冲冲的冲上山坡,高兴的推开门冲了进来,四处寻找着奥兰的身影。 Saw Oland is standing before the window at this moment, outside looks at lightly the light rain. 就看到了奥兰此刻正站在窗户前,看着外面淅淅沥沥的小雨。 Oland obviously is shape of God, but he inscribed at this moment divine spell of influence cognition on himself, lets see his person to disregard his form of God, regards an ordinary snake human appearance to regard him. 奥兰明明是神之形,但是此刻他在自己身上铭刻了一种影响认知的神术,让看见他的人无视他的神之形态,将他当成一个普通蛇人模样看待。 Only if he bumped into with for existence of apostle, otherwise is unable to see through his original appearance and apostle status. 除非他碰上了同为使徒的存在,否则无法看穿他的本来面貌和使徒身份。 Sir.” “大人。” I came back.” “我回来了。” Gamer pushes the door to enter, he was drenched from top to bottom soaks, effort is scratching own face. 伽美尔推门而入,他浑身上下被淋得湿透,用力的擦着自己的脸。 However the smile on face, cannot cover. 但是脸上的笑容,却怎么也遮挡不住。 Oland had not answered, he looks at the distant place attentively, probably in looking at some above sea of clouds exists. 奥兰没有回话,他全神贯注的看着远方,好像在看着云海之上的某个存在。 He uses very light sound, read that name that had in Razer Kingdom. 他用很轻的声音,念出了那个存在在雷泽王国的称呼。 Sky Giant God.” “天空巨神。” „The half god of life, this may really be the terrifying strength.” “生命的半神,这可真是恐怖的力量。” In an instant can change the celestial phenomenon wind and cloud, spitting among the breaths is the storm, the thought anger dangles is the thunder. 一念之间就能够改变天象风云,吐息之间就是风暴,意念怒火垂下就是雷霆。 With the god of wisdom only compared with. 和智慧的神祇相比。 Sky Giant God this existence, in some sense conforms to the mortal only to define regarding the god probably. 天空巨神这种存在,从某种意义上好像更符合凡人对于神祇的定义。 They are the land, is the sky. 祂们就是大地,就是天空。 Is the thunder, is the storm. 是雷霆,也是风暴。 The intelligent god strength of only strong in mind, the half god of life in body ; However at least on the surface looks like, the half god strength of life is more direct. 智慧神祇的力量强在心灵,生命的半神强在躯体;但是至少在表面上看来,生命的半神力量更为直接。 Gamer has not heard whispering of Oland, he completely immerses at this moment, in the sacrifice of succuba is unable to succeed in the joy of opening, in his opinion this unusual heavy rain completes the matter that he anticipated completely. 伽美尔没有听到奥兰的低语,他此刻完全沉浸在魔女之祭无法成功开启的喜悦之中,在他看来这一场奇特的大雨将他原本期待的事情全部办成了。 Sir!” “大人!” Told you a good matter, how you want to estimate that cannot think.” “告诉你一件好事情,你怎么想估计都想不到。” „The sacrifice of succuba definitely could not complete, because the ship completely one sudden rainstorm was just destroyed, possibly was blows to sink the river bottom to go, or breaks by the river water volume runs.” “魔女之祭肯定办不成了,因为船刚刚全部都一场突如其来的暴雨给被毁了,可能是吹沉到了河底去了,或者散了架被河水卷跑了。” Does not remain was destroyed.” “一个都不剩的被毁了。” All did not have.” “全都没了。” Oland has turned head to come to see wiping the face before the window, happy young people. 奥兰从窗户前扭过头来看着擦着脸,开心不已的年轻人。 I saw.” “我看到了。” Oland closed the window, sat on the chair. 奥兰关上了窗户,坐在了椅子上。 He pondered, told Gamer. 他思考了一下,还是告诉了伽美尔 Gamer, this is not the celestial phenomenon.” 伽美尔,这不是什么天象。” This is sky Giant God is warning us, is warning Razer Kingdom.” “这是天空巨神在警示我们,在警示雷泽王国。” It does not want offering sacrifices of mortal.” “祂不要凡人的献祭。” Does not accept the offering sacrifices of this country.” “更不接受这个国家的这种献祭。” Oland even guessed, if not Creator here. 奥兰甚至猜测,如果不是造物主在这里。 Sky Behemoth perhaps was not the caution. 天空巨兽恐怕就不是警示了。 However if Creator here, Sky Behemoth did not estimate that will also be disinclined to pay attention. 不过如果造物主不在这里,天空巨兽估计也会懒得理会。 The difference between good deed and misdemeanor, is very sometimes difficult to define. 好事和坏事之间的差别,有的时候真的很难定义。 Sky Giant God is not ordinary God, It is Ruler of Life keeps God of the world carrying/sustaining land, It does not need mortal's belief.” “天空巨神并不是普通的神明,祂是生命主宰留在人间承载大地的神明,祂并不需要凡人的信仰。” Therefore I have not been able to understand, actually ten thousand snake royal court Earth Demoness how is born?” “所以我至今还未能明白,万蛇王庭大地魔女究竟是怎么诞生的?” By mortal's body, becomes the Giant God apostle unexpectedly.” “竟然以凡人之身,一跃成为巨神的使徒。” The Oland train of thought flew remote ten thousand snake royal court, that lived in seclusion on the Origin of Life Mountain under foot once prophet blind female. 奥兰思绪飞到了遥远的万蛇王庭,那隐居在生命起源之山脚下曾经的先知盲女身上。 Compared with that in thunder city, this is the true apostle, what inherited is the belief and protection of time inheritance. 和雷霆城中的那位相比,这位才是真正的使徒,继承的是时代传承的信仰和守护。 Possibly must bear the pain that is inconceivable, pays the average man unreadable price!” “可能要承受难以想象的痛苦,付出常人难以理解的代价吧!” Oland understands. 奥兰明白。 Never what white to come strength. 从来就没有什么白来的力量。 All in this world, have labelled the price. 这个世界上的一切,早就标注好了代价。 But after some people first pay obtains, touches step by step ; After some people are obtains, horrible price that again payout is inconceivable. 只不过有的人是先付出后得到,一步步触摸到;有的人是得到之后,再付出难以想象的惨烈代价。 The Gamer hear does not understand these words, what he paid more attention at this moment is these words of sky Giant God caution. 伽美尔听不太懂这些话,他此刻更关注了的是天空巨神警示的这句话。 „The caution of god?” “神的警示?” Gamer looked suddenly to out of the door, is looking up to the sky. 伽美尔骤然看向了门外,仰望着天空。 Said, God in space.” “这么说,神明就在天上。” The will of god has diverged, but Gamer actually felt that on the day of spatial Giant God is everywhere. 神的意志早已散去,但是伽美尔却感觉那天空的巨神无处不在。 The land of this under foot, that howls the wind incessantly, on that day during was spatial the rain that drops unceasingly. 这脚下的大地,那呼啸不止的风,那天空之中不断落下的雨。 As if becomes a part of opposite party strength. 似乎都成为了对方力量的一部分。 Associates to the terrifying celestial phenomenon that before saw, Gamer then understands the god strength the terrifying. 联想到之前看到的恐怖天象,伽美尔这才明白神力量的恐怖。 What existence he feels God for the first time is. 他第一次感受到神明到底是一种什么样的存在。 The mortals always said that the god is omnipotent, but on the mouth said that with true feeling entirely different. 凡人总说神是无所不能的,但是嘴上所说的,和真实感受到的还是截然不同的。 That endless sea of clouds revolves, the expiration changes into the storm thunder is really inconceivable. 那无尽云海为之运转,呼气化为风暴雷霆实在是难以想象。 The mortals felt disaster that is hard to resist, but breath of that great God ; It does not need to lower what divine punishment, It does not need to kill what mortal to punish. 凡人觉得难以抵抗的灾难,不过那伟岸神明的呼吸;祂不用降下什么神罚,祂更不用去杀死什么凡人进行惩戒。 So long as It lets loose oneself strength, Its breath, Its sound, his will. 祂只要放开自己的力量,祂的呼吸,祂的声音,他的意志。 Will change into extinguishes the world the disaster. 都将化为灭世的灾难。 The Gamer whole body is icy cold, on the face the joyful expression disappears, but the forehead actually flowed out the perspiration. 伽美尔浑身冰凉,脸上喜悦的表情不见了,但是额头却流出了汗。 Sir!” “大人!” They will certainly give up!” “他们一定会放弃吧!” However Oland said: Is uncertain.” 但是奥兰却说:“不一定。” Mortal is not a god, they are very difficult to understand the caution of god.” “凡人不是神,他们很难理解神的警示。” Person always does not like to believe the truth, they only believe oneself like to believe ; They will first tell the answer that want, then seeks to prove the evidence of this answer.” “人总是不愿意相信真相,他们只相信自己愿意相信的;他们会先告诉自己一个自己想要的答案,然后去寻找证明这个答案的证据。” Finally told others.” “最后告诉其他人。” Look, this is the truth.” “看,这就是真相。” Gamer is actually not willing to believe: Person really ignorantly to this degree?” 伽美尔却不愿意相信:“人真的会愚昧到这个程度吗?” On the Gamer mouth was saying does not believe that but the innermost feelings actually believed at this moment faintly. 伽美尔嘴上说着不相信,但是内心此刻却隐隐相信了。 If were not Oland warned him, he wasn't parts of these ignorant people? 如果不是奥兰警示了他,他不也是那些愚昧之人的一部分吗? Oland that seemingly exceeds the wisdom of average man , not pure is the wisdom ; Is he understood that God knows the truth of this world, operating from a strategically advantageous position that finally brings. 只是奥兰那看似超越常人的智慧,也不单纯是智慧;更是他了解神明知晓这个世界的真相,最后所带来的高屋建瓴。 Oland, responded at this point suddenly comes anything. 奥兰说到这里,突然反应了过来什么。 Gamer.” 伽美尔。” What haven't you made?” “你没有做什么吧?” Gamer gawked, then fell into the recollection. 伽美尔愣了一下,然后陷入了回忆。 „Hasn't my what done?” “我什么都没有做啊?” I saw the space thunder to fall together, then just launched to anchor the ship near dock to disappear.” “我看见天上一道雷霆落了下来,然后刚刚下水停靠在船坞边的船就不见了。” Gamer told Oland, something that oneself then handled. 伽美尔告诉奥兰,自己接下来所做的一些事情。 I saved some people in the storm, otherwise these person of fly same proceeding along no particular course, have not known that can have anything!” “我就是在风暴之中救了一些人,要不然这些人没头苍蝇一样的乱撞,不知道会出什么事情呢!” They have not only thanked me finally, but also regarded the unprincipled person me.” “不过他们最后不仅没有感谢我,还把我当成了坏人。” Gamer looks somewhat helpless. 伽美尔看上去有些无奈。 The Oland vision suddenly became earnest, is gazing at Gamer long time. 奥兰目光突然变得认真了起来,注视着伽美尔良久。 Is gazing at this good and just young people. 注视着这个善良、正义的年轻人。 Finally. 最后。 He sighed. 他叹了口气。 Gamer.” 伽美尔。” „Do you know? If from the perspective of average person, you saves others wrong not.” “你知道吗?如果从普通人的角度来看,你救人是没有错的。” But from my present perspective, my reason thought that you were wrong.” “但是从我现在的角度来看,我的理智却觉得你错了。” Gamer is incomprehensible: „Was I...... wrong?” 伽美尔不能理解:“我……错了?” I save others, how to be wrong?” “我救了人,怎么还错了呢?” ------------------ ------------------ Another side. 另一边。 Sally had just asked Sky Behemoth, ran back in intelligent royal palace that opened full Cup of Bloodmist. 莎莉刚刚问过天空巨兽,就跑回到了开满血雾之杯的智慧王宫之内。 In this royal palace is blooming the flower of gorgeous red everywhere, such as the blood is generally dark red, like life vigorously is blooming own beauty, was declaring difference that and this world other have. 这片王宫里到处都开着艳丽的红色之花,如血一般殷红,就像生命一样极力的绽放着自己的美丽,宣示着自己和这个世界其他存在的不同。 Too dropped the sea of clouds firm, moon climbed. 太阳刚落下云海,月亮又攀了上来。 Appeared above the cloud layer. 出现在了云层之上。
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