IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#387 Part 2: Sky Behemoth and Sally

Shirra, is not only we are affecting them.” 希拉,不光是我们在影响着他们。” What are more is they are making the choice.” “更多的是他们在做出选择。” Probably once saint Tito said is the same. 就好像曾经圣徒蒂托所说的一样。 The gods left the person the option of destiny, the destiny grasped in person oneself hand. 神将命运的选择权留给了人,命运掌握在人自己的手中。 Naturally. 当然。 The person who in the saint Tito mouth said also included world various God of this era, because the god in his mouth is the three leaves human only god. 圣徒蒂托口中所说的这个人也包括了这一纪元的人间诸神,因为他口中的神是三叶人唯一的神。 In these Spiritual God had everyone also to make the different choices, the innermost feelings saw was also the different light shadow. 这些神灵之中有每个人也都做出了不同的选择,内心看到的也是不同的光影。 When they want Creator to be benevolent, they believe that Creator is benevolent ; They are ice-cold, and keeps aloof, they then believe that Creator is also the callous overlooking world, is playing a game of harvesting civilization. 当他们想要造物主仁慈的时候,他们坚信造物主是仁慈的;他们自己是冰冷且高高在上的时候,他们便相信造物主也是冷酷的俯视人间,玩着一场收割文明的游戏。 Shirra sighed. 希拉叹了口气。 She has looked at too repeatedly the stupid tour of this mortal, helpless except that with moved, as if cannot make other again. 她看过了太多次这种凡人的愚蠢之行,除了无奈和伤感,似乎就不能再做其他了。 She had made interference, even has also entreated God Insai. 她曾经做过干涉,甚至还哀求过因赛神 Such that however the final result such as she has not thought. 但是最终的结局从来就没有如她所想的那样。 Yin Shen as if heard the Shirra sighing sound, finally said one. 尹神似乎听到了希拉的叹音,最后说了一句。 Shirra!” 希拉!” In your eye was full of the grief, matter that can only see these griefs.” “你的眼中充满了悲悯,就只能够看到这些悲悯的事情。” In the eye of Sally this world is the interesting paradise, the matter that therefore she sees is joyful.” 莎莉的眼中这个世界是有趣的乐园,于是她看到的事情都是快乐的。” Shirra.” 希拉。” „It is not we have the disaster to happen at every place of visit, but in each place, not good matter is happening with good matter together, but you have not discovered and seen.” “不是我们每到一处都有着灾难发生,而是在每一个地方,不好的事情在和好的事情一同发生着,只是你没有发现和看到。” „During some people are offering sacrifices to degenerate, degenerate into the darkness.” “有人在献祭之中堕落,沦为黑暗。” Some people look up at Sun in the darkness, moves toward the light.” “有人在黑暗之中仰视太阳,走向光明。” Sally also went to the garden at this time, just heard the talk of Shirra and Yin Shen, heard the mortal to use the living person to offer sacrifices Sky Behemoth. 莎莉这个时候也来到了花园之中,刚好听到了希拉尹神的谈话,听到了凡人在用活人献祭天空巨兽 But Sky Behemoth, is the Sally retinue, or her favoring beast. 天空巨兽,就是莎莉的仆从,或者说她的宠兽。 Heard these words, Sally cooked slightly ran and rushed to outside. 听到了这句话,莎莉一熘小跑又跑到了外面。 Sounded God Insai to give her whistling again. 再次吹响了因赛神送给她的口哨。 ~ “哔哔~” This time, Sky Behemoth came quickly, the ten thousand li (0.5 km) cloud layer of sky is a will controls again. 这一次,天空巨兽很快就来了,天空的万里云层再次为一个意志所掌控。 Sally is asking to the sea of clouds: Big jellyfish.” 莎莉对着云海问道:“大水母。” You also like eating the person?” “你还喜欢吃人的吗?” snake human is not the first ancestor fish, not to food Oh that you eat!” 蛇人不是始祖鱼,不是给你吃的食物!” Although snake human is not the first ancestor fish, however their ancestors are actually the first ancestor fish. 蛇人虽然不是始祖鱼,但是他们的祖先却是始祖鱼。 Trillion years ago, God Insai grants three leaves human food. 亿万年前,因赛神赐予三叶人的食物。 Trillion years later, once first ancestor fish has exterminated, their descendants are actually found in the whole world. 亿万年之后,曾经的始祖鱼早已灭绝,它们的后裔却遍布整个世界。 That that Sally selected initially special, without growing the strange lizard of foot, is the descendant of first ancestor fish evolves. 莎莉当初选中的那个特殊的,没有长出脚的怪异蜥蜴,就是始祖鱼的后代演变而来。 This by the three leaves human cultivation in the God's Bestowal Ground lake, was once drilled into the species of sea through a slit accidentally, now has become the important component of this world ecology and biosphere. 这个曾经被三叶人养殖在神赐之地的湖泊里,偶然通过一个缝隙钻入海洋的物种,如今已经成为了这个世界生态和生物圈的重要组成部分。 In the future, does not know that actually born anything, what miracle will create. 往后,也不知道究竟会诞生些什么,会创造出什么样的奇迹。 The big jellyfish hears the question of Ruler of Life, very doubts. 大水母听到生命主宰的问话,非常疑惑。 She checked long time, the line of sight has swept the world land, understands that exactly what happened. 她查了良久,视线扫过人间大地,才明白到底发生了什么事情。 Oh!” !” Originally is the mortal hard stopper gives you, is not yourself wants.” “原来是凡人自己硬塞给你的,不是你自己要的。” Sally had not been serious, what she cares is Sky Behemoth makes mistakes, or must be more accurate, makes mistakes in front of God Insai. 莎莉也就没有当回事了,她在意的是天空巨兽有没有犯错,或者说得更精准一些,是在因赛神面前犯了错。 But now is not Sky Behemoth makes mistakes in front of God Insai, she did not care. 而如今不是天空巨兽因赛神面前犯错,她也就不在意了。 Ruler of Life departs. 生命主宰离去。 Spoke softly, the sound had other movements like wind passing over gently and swiftly pasture general Sky Behemoth. 原本柔声细语,声音如同风掠过草场一般的天空巨兽却有了其他的动作。 The cloud layer sinks Xiadade, unceasingly close to ground. 云层沉下大地,不断靠近地面。 Sky Behemoth at this moment sent out a roaring filial piety. 此刻的天空巨兽发出了一声咆孝。 No longer is the base and low language secretly, but reverberates in a loud sound loudly in the world. 不再是卑微的窃语,而是轰然回荡在天地之间的一声巨响。 The dense and numerous thunder reverberate in the cloud layer, erupt the terrifying the strength, with amazement. 密密麻麻的雷霆在云层之中回荡,爆发出恐怖的力量,骇然至极。 Remote wharf shipbuilding workshop. 遥远的码头造船工坊。 At this moment everyone raised the head, saw the celestial phenomenon mutation. 此刻所有人抬起头,就看到了天象异变。 Off topic 题外话 Thanks everyone's care, the author person does not have any matter, actually frightens continually does not have, at that time heard the winter, the whole person is then ignorant, gets out to discover oneself in intersection center, anything does not have, is really the destiny in the body, naturally also has the reason that the large cart checked got out, in brake Yin Road pulls off far away. 谢谢大家的关心啊,作者人没有什么事情,其实连惊吓也没有,当时就听到冬的一下,然后整个人接下来都是懵的,下车发现自己在十字路口中央,啥事都没有,果然是气运在身啊,当然也有大车刹了一下车的原因,刹车印路上拖出老远。 Moreover said one, everyone drives must hide a that large cart, behind my here car(riage) shrank went together, its hair Shi did not have ; However bumps into my time situation also to feel to have nothing to use, I and other traffic lights slow a point, that large cart looked that the traffic light time will draw near wants to overrun directly, passed my resentment directly. 另外说一句,大家开车的时候还是要躲着点那大车,我这边车后面都缩一块去了,它毛事都没有;不过碰上我这次的情况也感觉没啥用,我在等红绿灯慢了一点,那大车看红绿灯时间快到了想直接冲过去,直接就把我怼过去了。 Moreover finally the opposite party minute/share has not buckled, punished 200 dollars, other are safe the adjustment. 而且结果对方分都没扣,就罚了两百块钱,其他都保险理赔。
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