IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#387 Part 1: Sky Behemoth and Sally

temple in thunder city, belongs to life temple. 雷霆城中的神庙,属于生命神庙 However this world has too many life temple, everyone custom called this temple is thunder temple. 但是这个世界有太多的生命神庙,大家更习惯称呼这座神庙为雷霆神庙 Several stone Mola big broad several wood/blockhead god carriage, from thunder temple depart across broad street, enormous and powerful vanguard. 几只石魔拉着高大宽阔的数层木头神辇,从雷霆神庙出发穿过宽阔的街道,浩浩荡荡前行。 Above. 其上。 On snake female Liz the belt/bring filled the accessories of gold, the tissue is sitting cross-legged wear a look of after the curtain. 蛇女莉丝身上带满了黄金的配饰,面带着薄纱盘坐在帘幕之后。 She is representing the sky Giant God inspection world at this moment. 她此刻正代表着天空巨神巡视人间。 But in the following, is following lots of youngster young girls, they wear the specially-made clothes, looks seems like the retinue in god country. 而在下面,跟随着大量少年少女,他们穿着特制的衣服,看上去就好像神国之中的仆从。 Among thunder temple this people believes in the sect, at this moment seems the person to be the same. 雷霆神庙这个人间信仰教派,此刻就好像人一样。 When its has what flaw, more is displays itself the great strength in this aspect, for fear that others discovered oneself flaw, wants completely all means to cover up. 当其拥有什么缺陷的时候,就越是表现自己在这方面的强大,生怕别人发现了自己的缺陷,想尽一切办法遮掩。 They more do not have the legitimacy of God approval, more cannot accept oracle. 他们越是不具备神明认可的正统性,越是接受不到神谕 They make an effort proved god in unceasing gives the enlightenment to them, showed that they by the favor of god, were proven this country under the asylum of god. 他们就越用力的去证明神在不断的向他们给予启示,证明他们饱受神的恩宠,证明这个国家正在神的庇护之下。 The succubas arrive at the world. 魔女降临人间。 Is proving their legitimacy evidence vigorously. 就是极力证明着他们的正统性的证据。 They wish one could everyone to know that this matter, publicized the apostle who sky Giant God selected to appear everywhere. 他们恨不得所有人都知道这件事情,到处宣扬天空巨神选中的使徒已经出现了。 Therefore, then presented present this. 于是,便出现了现在这一幕。 Before the sacrifice of succuba starts, they crave to do the scene of such journey very much, making the person who the god selects represent God, accepts the worship of followers. 魔女之祭开始前,他们很是热衷搞出这样的出行的场面,让神选中的人代表神明,接受信徒们的朝拜。 After all after when the sacrifice of succuba completes, the succubas and retinues will belong to the state of god, they are unable to conduct like the present again the scene. 毕竟等到魔女之祭完成之后,魔女和仆从们都将归于神的国度,他们也就无法再像现在举办这样的场面了。 But the followers in thunder city, craves to participate in this worship. 而雷霆城的信徒们,也十分热衷参与这一场朝拜。 Even also has the person to catch up from very remote place, to worship one time succuba your highness. 甚至还有着人从很遥远的地方赶来,就为了朝拜一次“魔女殿下”。 ~ “库库库库库~” The stone ball rotation of stone demon lower part, makes the sound at the same time ground also to vibrate slowly. 石魔下半身的石球转动,发出声音的同时地面也在缓缓震动。 „The God apostle, please shelter me.” 神明的使徒啊,请庇护我。” Great sky Giant God, I saw your apostle finally.” “伟大的天空巨神,我终于看到您的使徒了。” „The control sky and thunder god of......” “主宰天空和雷霆之神……” Passed through place, followers devout lying on the ground, looks the sand that the ground trembles is speaking the words of pray. 经过的地方,信徒们都虔诚的趴在地上,看着地上震颤的沙粒说着祈祷的话语。 Succuba your highness, is really succuba your highness.” Some person of frantic going forward, were then blocked. “魔女殿下,真的是魔女殿下。”有人狂热的上前,然后被人挡住。 Looks at her dignity how, how noble, she is existence that the Subordinate God country arrives, but draws support from this body born in the world.” After having the halo of person of god electing, Liz is shining in the eyes of mortal probably. “看她多么的威严,多么的高贵,她就是从神国降临的存在,只是借助这幅身躯诞生在人间。”有了神选之人的光环之后,莉丝在凡人的眼中好像在发光。 The snake female keeps aloof, from this angle looked that in the past everyone must look up to her, but no one dares to look straight ahead her truly, with her vision looking at each other. 蛇女高高在上,从这个角度看过去所有人都必须仰望着她,但是没有一个人敢真正直视她,和她的目光对视。 Liz looks that the vision of tens of thousands of person like looking at God same look at themselves, most starts, she feels frightened, feels disturbed. 莉丝看着成千上万人的目光如同看着神明一样看着自己,最开始的时候,她觉得惶然,觉得不安。 But to behind, her actually gradually became confident. 而到了后面,她却渐渐变得坦然了起来。 Because thunder temple chief servant of God told her, they are not doing obeisance her, but is doing obeisance God. 因为雷霆神庙的首席神侍告诉她,他们并不是在拜她,而是在拜神明 But Liz is just replacing God, accepts the worships of these people. 而莉丝只不过是在代替神明,去接受这些人的朝拜而已。 The words that like this goes to think, seemed to think that is not hard to accept. 这样去想的话,似乎就觉得不是难以接受的。 Because, I am working for God. 因为,我是在替神明做事。 This is a how glorious matter! 这是一件多么荣耀的事情啊! Liz tall very/straight the head, seemingly is keeping aloof ; Now what because she represents is God, needs to show the God dignity. 莉丝高挺着头颅,看上去高高在上;因为她现在代表的是神明,需要展现出神明的威严。 This is your highness.” “这就是殿下。” Under temple, world acting.” 神殿之下,人间代行。” I am a succuba, I am replacing God to accept their beliefs.” “我就是魔女,我在代替神明接受他们的信仰。” If before, Liz regarding oneself whether selected person also suspicion. 如果之前,莉丝对于自己是否是被选中的人还有一丝怀疑。 She are not self-confident and idea of question emit occasionally, will the god select me? 她内心不自信和质疑的想法偶尔有冒出,神怎么会选中我呢? But now, she is believes without doubt. 而现在,她已经是坚信无疑了。 Because so many people were saying that she is the follower of god, including temple servant of God, has the king, has the aristocrat minister, there is an entire thunder city even entire Razer Kingdom person. 因为这么多人都在说她是神的信徒,其中有神庙神侍,有国王陛下,有贵族大臣,也有整个雷霆城甚至整个雷泽王国的人。 So many people are saying her are, she certainly. 这么多人都在说她是,她就一定是了。 What a pity Liz is not clear, those who decide her is apostle of God is not servant of God and king, is not this country and housing mortal here. 可惜莉丝不明白,决定她是不是神之使徒的并不是神侍和国王,更不是这个国家和居住在这里的凡人。 But is stone idol that in temple that will not speak, is above the sea of clouds is overlooking world God. 而是神殿里那个不会说话的石头神像,是云海之上俯视着人间的神明 The king also greets god carriage personally, crawls to kotow on the ground. 国王也亲自来迎接神辇,在地上匍匐叩首。 Succuba your highness.” “魔女殿下。” Hoping God can direct us, hoping God can shelter this country.” “希望神明能一直指引着我们,希望神明能一直庇护着这个国家。” The kings and aristocrats base and low saluting, the head hangs down. 国王和贵族们卑微的行礼,头颅低垂。 In the God front, the kings, aristocrats or the civilians, only have a name. 神明的面前,不论是国王、贵族还是平民,都只有一个称呼。 Mortals. 凡人。 Is only Liz of ordinary fisherwoman, at this moment the bosom of solemn silence the chest, was making a devout posture. 原本只是个普通渔女的莉丝,此刻庄严肃穆的怀抱着胸,做出了一个虔诚的姿势。 With the chilly and arrogant sound, was saying to this group of mortals. 用清冷且高傲的声音,对着这群凡人说道。 Empathize is blessing you.” “神会庇佑着你们。” She as if started to be used to oneself status- 她似乎开始习惯了自己的身份- The thunder swamp surrounding has many rivers, has the every large or small lake. 雷霆沼泽外围有着很多条河流,也有着大大小小的湖泊。 The thunder swamp flows to by a outside broad rivers transition, from a thunder city not too far wharf, here called tens of thousands of artisans. 雷霆沼泽流向外面的一条宽阔河流转折旁,距离雷霆城并不算太远的一个码头,这里召集来了成千上万的工匠。 The succubas have selected, remaining naturally must deliver to the state of god succuba your highness. 魔女已经选出了,剩下的自然就要将魔女殿下送到神的国度。 Therefore Razer Kingdom also needs to build several special steamships, the ship of special style. 因此雷泽王国还需要打造出几艘特殊的大船,特殊样式的船。 When the time comes. 到时候。 Succuba your highness and her retinues, will take these ships to go to the thunder swamp together State of God. 魔女殿下和她的仆从们,就会乘坐着这几艘船一同前往雷霆沼泽的神之国度 But produces these ships, naturally needs lots of artisans and civilians, but also needs the materials of massive share. 而造这些船,自然需要大量的工匠、平民,还需要大量合用的材料。 Just the Razer Kingdom civilians crossed one group by the selection plow of succuba, then lots of civilians and artisans were convened here, stay up till dawn the shipbuilding of breath. 刚刚雷泽王国的平民才被魔女的选拔犁过了一拨,接下来大量的平民和工匠又被召集到了这里,日夜不停息的造船。 Not only so, many Powerful were convened continually, only in order to completes this gift on time giving to God. 不仅仅如此,连不少权能者都被召集了过来,只为了能够按时完成这艘献给神明的礼物。 It is not right, it could not have said that is the gift, but is a box that is used to install the gift. 不对,它还称不上是礼物,而是一个用来装礼物的盒子。 The wharf shipbuilding workshop shines the special gas lamp that many Land of Sunrise are producing, above a stone platform also has Fire Demon to shine the ray to illuminate the darkness, Powerful is guarding it above the pinnacle. 码头造船工坊亮着不少日出之地出产的特殊汽灯,一座石台之上还有着火魔放着光芒照亮黑暗,权能者在石塔之上看守着它。 But below is various urging sounds, even is the sound that brushes to curse angrily. 而下面则是各种催促声,甚至是抽打怒骂的声音。 Quickly.” “快。” Do not stop, who dares to stop?” “别停,谁敢停下?” Gives me to get up.” “都给我起来。” The supervisors stand under the lumber of piling up, or stands near the river bank, eying covetously looks at the streaming with sweat coolie labors. 监工们站在堆积如山的木料下,或者站在河岸边,虎视眈眈的看着汗流浃背的苦力劳工们。 This is the private car of succuba your highness, goes to the State of God ship, gives to the God gift.” “这是魔女殿下的座驾,是前往神之国度的船,是献给神明的礼物。” Missed the time, God will lower the divine punishment, punished you unable to enter the state of god, forever roamed about lonely in the darkness, by eternal pain.” “错过了时间,神明会降下神罚,罚你们不能够进入神的国度,永远孤独流浪在黑暗之中,受永恒之苦。” „Do you for the God shipbuilding, know now?” “你们现在是为神明造船,知道吗?” Missed the time, all of us must die.” “错过了时间,我们所有人都得死。” Day and night continuous, in all directions the collection appropriate giant tree and material, consumed a huge amount of manpower and labor forces and artisan life. 日夜不休,四处搜集合适的巨木和材料,耗费了大量的人力以及劳力和工匠生命。 Razer Kingdom made specifically to be used to put the fine box of gift finally as scheduled. 雷泽王国终于如期造好了专门用来盛放礼物的精美盒子。 This is a special large ship, hill of a shuttle in rivers, the colossus in mortal eyes. 这是一艘特殊的楼船,一座穿梭在河流上的小山,凡人眼中的庞然大物。 It is not a warship, looks like an artware. 它并不是战船,更像一件艺术品。 Magnificent and atmosphere. 华丽且大气。 Shipbuilding workshop, riverside river bank. 造船工坊,沿河河岸。 The artisan and labor force that the whole body perspiration dirt, is exhausted look at this steamship at this moment, excited. 一个个浑身汗污,疲惫不堪的工匠和劳力此刻看着这艘大船,一个个激动不已。 Finished.” “完工了。” Finally finished.” “终于完工了。” On time created the merit, without extension.” “按时造成功了,没有延期。” We did not use, we did not use.” “我们不用死了,我们不用死了。” „After we die, will not be sent into exile to the darkness, God will reward our.” “我们死后不会被放逐到黑暗里,神明会奖励我们的。” These artisans and labor forces stopped, even dissolute crashed in the river, takes a bath the summon in inside. 这些工匠和劳力一个个停了下来,甚至放肆的冲进了河里,在里面洗澡呼唤。 These people with insane were the same, these date and time also indeed gave to compel them insanely. 这些人都和疯了一样,这些时日也的确将他们给逼疯了。 The supervisors, bureaucrats and Powerful who are responsible for the shipbuilding have not gone to manage, they also feel relieved at this moment, constructed finally it. 负责造船的监工、官僚、权能者们也没有去管,他们此刻也是如释重负,总算是将它建造出来了。 But another side. 而另一边。 Thunder temple chief servant of God also received this message, the sacrifice of this succuba can be held to him on time, can see on his face to show the smile. 雷霆神庙的首席神侍也收到了这个消息,这对于他来说魔女之祭能够按时举行,可以看到他脸上露出了笑容。 He arrives at temple that Liz occupied, is away from outside the main hall is very far and succuba talks. 他来到了莉丝居住的神殿,在大殿外面隔着很远和魔女对话。 Succuba your highness, your ship has made.” “魔女殿下,您的船已经造好了。” This is the style of ship, if you thought that had the issue with me to say.” “这是船的样式,您如果觉得有问题的话可以和我说。” A waiter has taken the blueprint, delivered to Liz's front. 一名侍者拿过了图纸,送到了莉丝的面前。 Liz read the chart, only felt to shock. 莉丝看完了图,只觉得震撼。 However she covers up shock on face immediately, as the God apostle, regardless of what matter should not be worth her being amazed, she should make the calm appearance facing all. 但是她立刻将脸上的震撼遮掩了下来,身为神明的使徒,不论什么样的事情都不应该值得她惊诧,她面对一切都应该做出波澜不惊的模样。 I feel good.” “我觉得不错。” Its style looks like very much clouds, I like very much.” “它的样式很像云,我很喜欢。” Thunder temple chief servant of God salutes again: That all decided.” 雷霆神庙的首席神侍再次行礼:“那一切都定下来了。” Chief servant of God retreats, starts to arrange the following matters concerned. 首席神侍退去,开始去安排接下来的事宜。 But snake female Liz arrived in the main hall in a hurry, started another round of devout pray. 而蛇女莉丝则匆匆来到了大殿之中,开始了又一轮虔诚的祈祷。 She now is very harsh requests itself to pray the posture that to achieve the most standard appearance, just like these old servant of God, she recited the hymn aria to be certainly exquisite, the singer who seemed these to become famous is the same. 她如今是非常苛刻的要求自己祈祷的姿势必须达到最标准的模样,和那些老神侍一样,她吟唱赞美诗的咏叹调一定要优美,就好像那些成名的歌者一样。 She trained again, feels insufficiently. 她再度训练了一遍,却怎么也感觉不够。 Because she soon will have an audience with God. 因为她即将去觐见神明 She is imagining, if sees God time, what posture should with bow politely, what sound praise Spiritual God should use great. 她想象着自己如果见到神明的时候,该用什么样的姿势叩拜,该用什么样的声音赞美神灵的伟大。 However more thinks like this, more does not feel perfectly. 然而越是这样想,就越觉得不完美。 She crawls in the front of god, to darkness. 她匍匐在神的面前,一直到天黑。 Only is left over own time. 只剩下自己一个人的时候。 She raises head to look at idol, finally felt own feeling at ease rather. 她仰头看着神像,终于觉得自己的心安宁了下来。 Sky can Giant God be what kind of greatness?” “天空巨神会是何等的伟岸?” „Will I see the god?” “我会见到神吗?” Liz self-examines answers: I will definitely see the god.” 莉丝自问自答:“我肯定会见到神。” At this time, she heard the distant place to have the sound of thunder suddenly. 这个时候,她突然听到了远处有雷霆的声音。 However enters the ear time, seemed to think that is not the thunder. 但是进入耳朵的时候,又似乎觉得那不是雷霆。 She heard the voice of god probably. 她好像听到了神的声音。 The opposite party in using one type are great the sound of expansion in the world, is summoning her name. 对方在用一种宏大得扩充在天地之间的声音,呼唤着她的名字。 Liz ~ “莉丝~” Liz is moved, even remained to lie down the tears. 莉丝感动不已,甚至留躺下了泪水。 But seemingly devout she is not really believes the god, in short date and time she is unable to become the true follower from a fisherwoman. 只不过看似虔诚的她并不是真的信仰神,短短的时日里她也无法从一个渔女成为真正的信徒。 Her God is what existence does not know, has never thought the belief from what comes, why oneself believe sky Giant God. 她连神明到底是什么样的存在都不知晓,也从未想过信仰自何而来,自己为什么会信仰天空巨神 She wallows in the status of succuba your highness. 她只是沉迷在魔女殿下的这个身份里。 Person usual cannot distinguish clearly difference. 人通常自己是分不清其中的区别的。 It seems the person always unable to distinguish clearly, sometimes oneself said good is not really good for others for you, in fact intense control desire to others. 就好像人总是分不清,有时候自己所说的为你好并不是真的为别人好,实际上只是对他人的强烈控制欲。 The love of sometimes on the mouth saying to be not really the love, dependence that but is unable to get rid. 有时候嘴上所说的爱也并不是真的爱,而是无法摆脱的依赖。 However on the mouth said a lot, oneself innermost feelings therefore also believed like this- 但是嘴上说得多了,自己内心于是也就这样相信了- City of God's Descent on sea of clouds. 云海上的神降之城 The lost kingdom edge that the fog fills, is anchoring a dream fairy tale spatial ship. 云雾弥漫的失落之国边缘,停靠着一艘梦幻童话般的空艇。 This moment wear dark-colored formal clothes put on the girl of red small leather boots to stand most edge in this sky state, the under foot cloud layer is thick, seems the cotton fiber to be the same. 此刻一个穿着深色礼服穿着红色小皮靴的女孩正站在这座天空国度的最边缘,脚下云层厚实浓密,就好像棉絮一样。 Make people feel that falls down like this is not important, that thick cloud layer can same pick up you like the bed. 让人感觉就这样掉下去也不打紧,那厚实的云层能够如同床一样托起你。 Both hands of Sally grab Yin Shen to give her whistle, treasure serious scratched scratching. 莎莉的双手抓着尹神送给她的哨子,宝贝得不得了的擦了擦。 Then forced in the mouth. 然后塞进了嘴巴里。 „!” “哔哔!” The sound of whistle resounds. 哨子声响起。 Not is resounding, the sound is not quite of pleasant to hear. 并不算响亮,声音也不太好听。 However Sally was very happy, likes very much. 但是莎莉却很高兴,很喜欢。 Sally this is summoning Sky Behemoth, but this whistle as if no Mother Conch of Myriad Things to be effective, perhaps the first time is she summoned Sky Behemoth with this way. 莎莉这是在召唤天空巨兽,只是这哨子似乎并没有万物母螺管用,或许是她第一次用这种方式召唤天空巨兽 Perhaps has not passed to the ear of Sky Behemoth immediately, must make the sound fly a meeting. 或许没有立刻传到天空巨兽的耳朵里,得让声音飞一会。 ~ “呜~” Un ~ “嗯~” Small leather boots bottom impatient is striking the stone, Sally looks unhappy, comes unexpectedly such slowly. 小皮靴底不耐烦的敲打着石头,莎莉看起来不开心,竟然来得这么慢。 To summon Mother Conch of Myriad Things, blows the previous time in the world. 就想要召唤出万物母螺,在人间吹上一次。 Luckily. 幸好。 The boundless sea of clouds of quick entire sky had the ripples, the huge sea of clouds formed a great shadow, flew toward Mother of Life Sally. 很快整个天空的茫茫云海起了涟漪,庞大的云海形成了一个巨影,朝着生命之母莎莉飞了过来。 The cloud of ten thousand li (0.5 km) clear sky changed into a huge shadow, because was extremely huge, the mortal from the ground looked upward cannot see the complete picture. 万里晴空的云化为了一个庞大的影子,只是因为太过于庞大了,凡人从地面往上看都不能够看到全貌。 The crowded cloud layer circles in the Sally side, gathers in a cloud layer vortex general place. 密集的云层盘旋在莎莉的身边,汇聚成一个云层旋涡一般的地方。 Expressed best wishes to Ruler of Life. 生命主宰致意。 A form giant pet that the cloud changes into is showing good will to its master probably, is rubbing gently her leather boots. 云化为的身影就好像一个巨大的宠物在向它的主人示好,磨蹭着她的皮靴。 This is the consciousness part of Sky Behemoth obviously. 这就是天空巨兽的意识部分显化。 The main body carrying/sustaining the mainland is unable to move, can only have an audience in this manner her control God. 其本体承载着大陆无法挪动,只能以这种方式来觐见她的主宰神明 But her control God summoned her, had was important the duty to give her. 而她的主宰神明召唤她,也是有“非常重要”的任务交给她。 Big jellyfish!” “大水母!” Quite slow.” “好慢。” You are not obedient, this is the God Insai whistle.” “你不听话,这可是因赛神的哨子。” I blew two, you have not come.” “我吹了两下,你还没有过来。” Sally is not the polite person, she is usually happy and is unhappy on the face, there is any mood not to hide. 莎莉可不是会客气的人,她通常开心和不开心都在脸上,有任何情绪也不会隐藏着。 Even if in the Yin Shen front is also so. 哪怕是在尹神的面前也是如此。 Before Yin Shen let she unhappy time, she sat in pyramid temple entrance frequently. 以前尹神让她不开心的时候,她就经常坐在金字塔神殿的门口。 Unceasing hmph hmph with the nose, from early snort/hum to evening. 不断的用鼻子哼哼,从早哼到晚上。 Her whistle must come. 她这个哨子就这么得来的。 Sky Behemoth immediately to controlling God explained. 天空巨兽立刻向主宰神明解释。 In the air heard the tiny wind sound/rumor, the cloud layer also proliferated. 空气之中传来了细小的风声,云层也随之扩散开来。 Sky Behemoth is very suffering, although the whistle is the whistle of God Insai manufacture, but this is only the whistle of it conveniently manufacture. 天空巨兽很委屈,哨子虽然是因赛神制造的哨子,但是这只是其随手制造的哨子。 Although has the special significance regarding Sally, but its strength and characteristics and Mother Conch of Myriad Things such supreme divine artifact naturally has huge difference. 虽然对于莎莉来说有着特别的意义,但是其力量和特性与万物母螺这样的至高神器来说自然有着天壤之别。 Sally nods. 莎莉点了点头。 Next time earlier will come, besides the god and Shirra, whom never having to dare to make me wait.” “下次早点过来,除了神和希拉以外,从来没有谁敢让我等着。” Sky Behemoth circled in the Sally side, the fog rubbed her lower hem corner and leather boots, base and low is flattering this control. 天空巨兽盘旋在莎莉的身边,云雾蹭了蹭她的衣角和皮靴,卑微的讨好着这位主宰。 She is standing on tiptoes the foot in the City of God's Descent edge, looks that the following world was saying to Sky Behemoth. 她在神降之城的边缘踮着脚,看着下面的世界对着天空巨兽说道。 I must slide from here, must slip into the sea that side.” “我要从这里滑下去,要一直滑到海那边去。” How you accomplish to me.” “你怎么给我办到。” Sky Behemoth sends out wind sound/rumor talking in whispers, great at the same time, has the gentle feeling. 天空巨兽还是发出风声般的窃窃私语,宏大的同时,又有着轻柔的感觉。 Like this powerful god, colossus. 这样的强大神祇,庞然大物。 In the Sally front so cautious. 莎莉的面前是如此的小心翼翼。 Un!” “嗯!” Makes the ladder with the cloud?” “用云做梯子?” Probably is very good.” “好像很不错。” Sally eye one bright, thought that the proposition of Sky Behemoth is good. 莎莉眼睛一亮,觉得天空巨兽的这个提议不错。 She likes. 她非常喜欢。 If above the sky, how many such ladders constructs, then entire Ruhul Giant Island really wasn't her amusement park and back garden? 如果在天空之上,多建几个这样的梯子的话,那么整个鲁赫巨岛不就真的是她的游乐场和后花园了吗? The sky sea of clouds is her slippery slide, the underground cavern is her big labyrinth, the lava volcano is her big fireworks. 天空云海是她的滑滑梯,地下洞窟是她的大迷宫,熔岩火山是她的大烟花。 When can construct?” “什么时候能够建好?” Must quickly.” “要快一点。” Sally has not noticed, under her words and cloud top at this moment these urged that the supervisor of artisan labor force is exactly the same. 莎莉没有注意到,她此刻的话和云头底下那些催促工匠劳力的监工一模一样。 Sally satisfied put down own whistle, but the Sky Behemoth shadow also diverges. 莎莉满意的放下了自己的哨子,而天空巨兽的影子也就此散去。 The cloud layer has not vanished, but loses the control to scatter freely. 云层并没有消失,而是失去掌控自由流散。 Her plan complete success, these a plan that arrives at the world must achieve one finally. 她的计划圆满成功,这一次来到人间的计划终于要达成一个了。 These sunflower nautical miles, always what can become small Fairy to have? 那些太阳花海里,总是什么都能变得小妖精有吗? Small Fairy do not have. 妖精们没有。 Another side. 另一边。 In the intelligent royal palace, Supreme God also noticed recently the Razer Kingdom sound. 智慧王宫之中,至高神明们也注意到了最近雷泽王国的动静。 Yin Shen sits outside of birdcage shape coverglass garden, is putting in one in the ground that the flagstone paves the era three leaves human civilized style stone chair, static looks at the sea of clouds sunlight of distant place. 尹神坐在鸟笼形玻璃罩花园的外面,在石板铺就的地面上放着一张上个纪元三叶人文明风格的石椅,静静的看着远处的云海阳光。 Looks very easy and comfortable, but she as if likes this peaceful easy and comfortable behavior and life very much. 看上去很安逸,而她似乎很喜欢这种安静安逸的行为和生活。 But in another side of coverglass garden, the young girl who on a metal hanging basket sits the golden hair. 而在玻璃罩花园的另一边,一处金属吊篮上坐着金发的少女。 She is using her magic mirror to look at the world. 她在用她的魔镜看着人间。 The finger delimits to rule out in the mirror surface, is adjusting the picture. 手指在镜面上划来划去,调整着画面。 God!” “神!” We arrive seemed seen by the mortal.” “我们降临的时候似乎被凡人看到了。” Actually accurate was not Yin Shen they are seen by the mortal, but was Sky Behemoth greets Yin Shen their sound to be seen by the god, but then the shape of God apostle appearance of Oland was seen by snake human, had of present. 其实准确的来说不是尹神他们被凡人看到了,而是天空巨兽迎接尹神他们的动静被神看到了,而接下来奥兰的神之形使徒模样被蛇人看到了,才有了现在的这一幕。 Shirra then looks, detected the mortal is preparing to offer sacrifices Sky Behemoth, delivers to the thunder swamp several ships the deep place. 希拉接着看下去,就发觉凡人正在准备献祭天空巨兽,将几艘船送到雷霆沼泽的深处。 They actually want to deliver to here, they do not know that here mortal cannot come in?” “他们竟然想要将人送到这里来,他们不知道这里凡人是进不来的吗?” These people will die, here is not the place that the mortal can survive.” “那些人都会死的,这里不是凡人可以生存的地方。” The cloud of thunder swamp deep place is not the genuine cloud, but is the breath of Sky Behemoth. 雷霆沼泽深处的云并不是真正的云,而是天空巨兽的呼吸。 Supreme God can only not care a whoop these cloud layers, but these mortals and living creatures, once touched these fog, suddenly will change into the bubble. 至高神祇可以丝毫不在意这些云层,但是那些凡人和活物一旦触碰到了这些云雾,眨眼间就会化为泡沫。 Before then, only then exists to go into here. 在此之前,只有一个存在闯入过这里。 However the opposite party is not a person, even cannot say that is a life body, but is puppet on a string. 不过对方并不是人,甚至称不上是一个生命体,而是一个提线之偶 They know.” “他们知道。” Shirra.” 希拉。” Yin Shen has long known probably, she is horizontally viewing the distant place motionlessly. 尹神好像早就知道,她一动不动的平视着远方。 Looks at the sea of clouds, looks at the horizon probably. 看着云海,就好像看着地平线。 Looks at that cloud light, looks at the setting sun setting sun probably. 看那云光,就好像看着落日夕阳。 Shirra seems like some mood, is sad? Perhaps didn't some understand? 希拉似乎有些情绪,是难过?或许也有些不理解? They know why can also deliver?” “他们知道,为什么还要将人送进来呢?” The gods are turning away from Shirra, can only see the seat back cushion of seat. 神背对着希拉,只能看到座椅的靠背。 The past from this angle, the opposite party sat in blood-color sea of flowers center, the distant place was the sea of clouds and ray concentrates the frontline. 从这个角度看过去,对方坐在血色的花海中央,远处是云海和光芒凝成一线。 The gods sit on the chair, becomes the central point of this world, eternal only. 神坐在椅子上,就成为了这个世界的中心点,永恒的唯一。 Because this is the sacrificial offering.” “因为这是祭品。” The gods replied very slowly, could not listen to the mood in his voice. 神回答得很慢,也听不出他声音里的情绪。 Shirra said: But the god does not need their sacrificial offerings.” 希拉说:“可是神并不需要他们的这种祭品。” Sky Behemoth had not demanded that their sacrificial offerings, has not paid attention to them.” 天空巨兽并没有索要他们的祭品,更从来没有理会他们。” And.” “而且。” In the eyes of mortal, God is some monsters that eat the person?” “在凡人的眼中,神明就是一些吃人的怪物吗?” The gods replied Shirra: Most precious sacrificial offering that because in the eyes of mortal, they can put out, was they.” 神回答希拉:“因为在凡人的眼中,他们所能拿出的最珍贵的祭品,就是他们自己了。” All in addition, are God grant them.” “除此之外的一切,都是神明赐予他们的。” Mortal is unable to know how the empathize goes to think, they only know how oneself go to think.” “凡人无法知道神会怎么去想,他们只知道自己怎么去想。” They guess God with oneself heart, they only believe oneself like to believe.” “他们用自己的心去揣测神明,他们只相信自己愿意相信的。” When they like to believe that cloud of horizon can be the miracle.” “当他们愿意相信的时候,天边的一朵云都可以是神迹。” When they do not like to believe that the miracle places , in front of them, they are not willing to acknowledge.” “当他们不愿意相信的时候,神迹摆放在他们面前的时候,他们也不愿意承认。” Shirra sighed: „Does the place why we present, would some not good things happening?” 希拉叹了口气:“为什么我们出现的地方,总会有一些不好的事情发生呢?” Our anything has not done obviously, but the association/will presents such matter.” “我们明明什么都没有做,但是总会出现这样的事情。” Wears eternal Creator or the back of white robe sits, is saying with Shirra with the light peaceful sound. 身着白袍的永恒造物主还是背坐着,用轻澹的声音在和希拉说着。 God every action and every movement are affecting this world, even if your anything does not do.” 神明的一举一动都在影响着这个世界,哪怕你什么都不做。” Shirra.” 希拉。” When you exist in this world, is doomed to affect this world, is affecting everyone.” “当你存在于这个世界,就注定在影响着这个世界,影响着所有人。” What we do is not does not do, but stands in the front of road.” “我们所做的并不是什么都不做,而是站在路的前方。” As for behind, gives them to choose.” “至于后面的,就交给他们自己的去选择。” They can choose with coming up, can choose other paths, can choose to remain same place.” “他们可以选择跟上来,也可以选择其他的道路,也可以选择留在原地。” Each choice not to with wrong, more importantly can choose.” “每种选择都没有对与错,重要的是可以选择。” Light of ends of the earth is longer, gradually changed into a line. 天尽头的光越拉越长,逐渐的化为了一条线。 Because Sun just and sea of clouds was flush. 因为太阳刚好和云海齐平了。 This scene is too beautiful to behold, the scene that particularly Shirra sees at this moment, making the control of this dreamland also feel aesthetic sense and shock that one type could not explain. 这景象美不胜收,尤其是希拉此刻看到的景象,让她这位梦境的主宰也感觉到了一种言喻不出的美感和震撼。 Even if she looked at completely various dreams, was creation dream Supreme God. 哪怕她看尽了各种梦幻,还是创造梦幻的至高神祇。 She looks at the God Insai back, that sits well in cloud layer Huahai central Creator. 她看着因赛神的背影,那端坐在云层花海一线中央的造物主 In her eye saw the shadow, saw the light. 她眼中看到了影,看到了光。 She saw the flowers, saw the sea of clouds. 她看到了花朵,也看到了云海。 She saw true God at this moment, God that in her heart believes. 她此刻看到了真正的神明,她心中信仰的神明 The voice of god spreads to the ear of Shirra. 神的声音传入希拉的耳中。 „The gods in their eye are affecting them, but decided finally they destiny, is they.” “他们眼中的神在影响着他们,但是最终决定他们自身命运的,是他们自己。” Some people see the shadow of god to go black, some people in the light that in the back of god sees.” “有的人看见神的影子陷入黑暗,有的人在神的背影里看到的光明。” Was not the god granted him the light with dark, but was his heart has to be bright and dark.” “不是神赐予了他光明和黑暗,而是他内心本来就有着光明和黑暗。” „The shadow of god is only a mirror, reflected their innermost feelings.” “神的影子只是一面镜子,倒映出了他们的内心。”
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