IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#386 Part 2: Being furious of sky Giant God?

To them, this is only a ceremony, to you this is actually a road of no return.” “对于他们来说,这只是一场祭祀仪式,对于你来说这却是一条不归路。” The snake female nod, some people had said anything to her probably before. 蛇女点头,好像之前就有人对她说过什么。 I know.” “我知道。” I will enter the state of god, perhaps later can never leave there.” “我会进入神的国度,或许以后永远都不能够离开那里了。” The road of no return in snake female mouth, in the road of no return with Gamer mouth has the significant difference. 蛇女口中的不归路,和伽美尔口中的不归路有着明显的差别。 The snake female crawls under idol, the expression cannot see sadly, cannot call joyfully. 蛇女匍匐在神像下,表情看不出悲伤,也称不上喜悦。 I like there.” “我喜欢那里。” I in childhood each time , in the swamp fishes likes looking at that huge Yunshan of swamp deep place, I once rode the boat to get up to flutter by sky Giant God Juntto in the sky.” “我小时候每一次在沼泽里捕鱼的时候都喜欢看沼泽深处的那庞大的云山,我曾经乘坐着舟被天空巨神的云托起飘在天空。” I like the white cloud, likes all of swamp deep place.” “我喜欢白色的云,喜欢沼泽深处的一切。” I have heard has a losing state in the cloud deep place, I have wanted to have a look, there certainly is the world's most beautiful place.” “我一直听说在云的深处有一座失落的国度,我一直都想要去看看,那里一定是世界上最美丽的地方。” The Gamer air/Qi smiled, he has not thought that the temple excuse unexpectedly is this. 伽美尔气笑了,他没有想到神庙的说辞竟然是这样的。 In his opinion, after this was even is defeated the excuse to find. 在他看来,这是连失败后的借口都找到了。 We have the succuba, why as for has not seen the succuba, because the succuba was kept Its state by the Spiritual God. 我们已经拥有了魔女,至于为什么没有看到魔女,因为魔女被神灵留在了祂的国度。 No one can confirm, because no one can live state that enters the god. 没有人可以去确认,因为没有人能够活着进入神的国度。 Perfect closed loop. 完美闭环。 Gamer has the mood said to her in a low voice: „It is not right, all these are only a lie.” 伽美尔带着情绪的低声对她说道:“不对,这一切都只是一场谎言。” Sky Giant God has not lowered what oracle, oracle also is never this.” “天空巨神从来没有降下什么神谕,神谕也从来不是这样的。” You sent in the swamp deep place not to become what succuba, will only vanish there, quiet dying.” “你被送入沼泽深处不会成为什么魔女,只会消失在那里,悄无声息的死去。” You will become a sacrificial victim, this is unworthy.” “你将成为一个牺牲品,这不值得。” The snake female actually does not believe Gamer these words: „, The god will not select me, they said like this.” 蛇女却并不相信伽美尔的这番话:“不会的,神选中了我,他们都是这样说的。” The snake female surface toward idol, no longer looks at Gamer. 蛇女面朝着神像,不再看伽美尔 You should not be here person, I thanked you to be worried about me very much.” “你应该不是这里的人吧,我很感谢你能够担心我。” You leave quickly, when I have not seen you, if were discovered you will die.” “你快离开吧,我就当从没有见过你,如果被人发现的话你会没命的。” The snake female changed many, but the innermost feelings are maintaining the fisherwoman time as before simple good. 蛇女变了不少,但是内心依旧维持着渔女时候的朴素善良。 Does not know. 只是不知道。 This is good and simple, if has been soaked in the dirtiness of mistrusting each other, how long can also maintain. 这份善良和朴素,如果一直被浸泡在尔虞我诈的肮脏之中,又能够维持多久。 Sees the snake female, Gamer remembered those words of Oland again, 看着蛇女,伽美尔又再次想起了奥兰的那句话, You are unable to awaken one to pretend to be sleeping the person. 你无法叫醒一个装睡的人。 Gamer somewhat worries: No, this is not only you and my matter, this is concerns the entire Razer Kingdom destiny the matter.” 伽美尔有些着急:“不,这不仅仅是你和我的事情,这是关乎整个雷泽王国命运的事情。” You think not to have, if from the beginning this matter is a self-deceiving lie and farce, when that offers sacrifices to start truly, we might enrage God.” “你想过没有,如果从一开始这件事情就是一场自欺欺人的谎言和闹剧,那么当献祭真正开始的时候,我们将有可能激怒神明。” Gamer does not know the words real reason that Spiritual God that Oland said that will get angry, can only guess with my own imagination. 伽美尔并不知道奥兰所说的那句神灵会发怒的话的真正原因,只能够用我自己的想象来猜测。 However in any event, Gamer cannot look on, looks on matter that in the Oland mouth said to happen. 不过不论如何,伽美尔不能够坐视,坐视奥兰口中所说的事情发生。 However the snake female cannot understand the Gamer words, she only thought that Gamer somewhat is really crazy. 但是蛇女听不懂伽美尔的话,她只觉得伽美尔实在有些疯狂。 But at this time, some outside people also heard inside sound. 而这个时候,外面有人也听到了里面的动静。 Succuba your highness.” “魔女殿下。” What's wrong, are you speaking with whom?” “怎么了,您在和谁说话?” A person flushed, immediately discovers the Gamer form. 一个人冲了进来,立刻就发现了伽美尔的身影。 Who you are.” “你是谁。” The opposite party detected that Gamer is not the temple person. 紧接着,对方就察觉到伽美尔并不是神殿的人。 Comes the person, some people rush to temple.” “来人啊,有人闯神殿。” Comes the person!” “来人啊!” Holds him!” “抓住他!” Gamer escapes in a panic, flushed from the window again. 伽美尔仓皇而逃,从窗户再度冲了出去。 However at this moment lots of guard temple, Powerful caught up. 然而此刻大量的神庙护卫,还有权能者赶了过来。 Gamer crashed in a botanical garden, hides, must shortly by the consciousness discoveries of several Powerful. 伽美尔冲进了一片园林,躲躲藏藏,眼看着就要被几名权能者的意识发现。 Must be held shortly, but it actually vanished from the botanical garden suddenly. 眼看着就要被抓住,但是其却骤然从园林之中消失了。 Several snake human Powerful flushed, met in one, they felt obviously here had the sound, finally anything had not actually discovered. 几名蛇人权能者冲了过来,碰面在了一起,他们明明感觉到了这里有动静,最后却什么也没有发现。 Vanished?” “消失了?” What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Person?” “人呢?” Gamer appeared outside temple, still shaken. 伽美尔出现在了神庙外面,惊魂未定。 But a familiar form stands in his side, looks at him peacefully. 而一个熟悉的身影就站在他的身旁,安静的看着他。 He saw Oland again, this mysterious and powerful alchemist. 他又再度看见了奥兰,这位神秘而强大的炼金师 Oland opens the mouth to ask: Was defeated?” 奥兰一开口就问道:“失败了?” Gamer knows, Oland knows from the beginning he wants to make anything, even own every action and every movement throughout under the attention of opposite party. 伽美尔就知道,奥兰从一开始就知道他想要做什么,甚至自己的一举一动始终都在对方的关注下。 Sir, is really you are helping me.” “大人,果然是您在帮我。” After Gamer thanked Oland, revealed the forced smile. 伽美尔感谢完了奥兰之后,露出了苦笑。 Yes, even if there is your help I to be defeated.” “是的,哪怕有您的帮助我还是失败了。” I am unable to prevent the sacrifice of succuba to start, is unable to prevent this stupidly, blasphemed the God sacrificial offering ceremony.” “我无法阻挡魔女之祭开始,无法阻挡这一场愚蠢的,亵渎神明的祭祀典礼。” Perhaps only then a deeply grieved disaster, can truly Razer Kingdom to awaken truly.” “或许只有一场惨痛的灾难,才能够真正让雷泽王国的人真正醒悟过来。” Can let these by God's name group of wicked people, suffers to be their penalties.” “才能让那些以神之名行恶的人,遭受到属于祂们的惩罚。” Although on the Gamer mouth said that but in the sound has as in a terrified way. 伽美尔嘴上虽然这么说,但是声音里依旧有着惶恐。 After all, that is the anger of Spiritual God! 毕竟,那可是神灵之怒啊! Who knows that finally will affect the broad range. 谁知道最后会波及到多广的范围。 Oland actually compared with many that Gamer must stabilize: Do not be worried.” 奥兰却比伽美尔要安定的多:“不要担心。” God will only punish the true guilty person.” “神只会惩罚真正的有罪之人。” Even if sky Giant God is furious, should still have greatly benevolent exists to comfort It.” “就算天空巨神震怒,也会有更加伟大仁慈的存在安抚住祂。” Oland told his oracle through the Ibach god, the Creator will, he can the faint sensation to that great existence outline and form. 奥兰通过伊瓦神告诉他的神谕,造物主的意志,他就能够隐隐感知到那个伟大存在的轮廓和身影。 However Gamer is bewildered, who he does not know greater existence that in the Oland mouth said is. 但是伽美尔一脸茫然,他不知道奥兰口中所说的更伟大的存在是谁。 He can only associate to the control of life in a hurry. 他匆忙之间只能联想到生命的主宰。 However the control of life had left the world, how to be paying also attention to Razer Kingdom this remote corner? 不过生命的主宰都早就已经离开了人间,怎么还会关注着雷泽王国这个偏僻的角落呢?
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