IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#386 Part 1: Being furious of sky Giant God?

Razer Kingdom issuance of order of king each city, each village. 雷泽王国的国王的命令下达到了各个城市,各个乡村。 The entire kingdom was transferred. 整个王国都被调动了起来。 servant of God, aristocrat and merchant all mobilized, donates money for the sacrifice of this succuba. 不论是神侍、贵族、商人全部都动员了起来,为这一场魔女之祭出钱出力。 . 只是。 When the thunder city also summoned donates money to contribute goods to charity, seemed like really chooses the succuba to choose in advance ; Everyone one piece cheers, was anticipating the god graciousness arrives. 在雷霆城的时候还只是号召捐钱捐物,看上去真的只是挑选魔女预选;所有人都一片欢呼雀跃,期待着神恩降临。 However to the following city, township and village, became completely different. 但是到了下面的城、乡、村,就变得完全不一样了。 Received regional city pretor and the public security officer as well as servant of God in villages insurance of people officer and village order starts to plunder with the aid of this strength wantonly layer upon layer, under justifiable promulgation all kinds of laws. 接到了命令的各地城市执政官、乡镇保民官、村子的治安官以及神侍开始借助着这一股力量大肆层层搜刮,名正言顺的颁布下各种各样的法令。 Various disorders start to appear, an entire Razer Kingdom piece is in chaotic situation. 各种乱象开始出现,整个雷泽王国一片鸡飞狗跳。 No, do not take away my daughter.” “不,不要带走我的女儿。” Doesn't want to associate with people? That gives money.” “不想交人?那就给钱。” I do not have money.” “我没有钱。” I thought that you are irreverent to God, calls me.” “我看你是对神明不虔诚,给我打。” The fisherwomen in many swamp fishing villages carried off, escorted to the thunder city, some are even missing directly. 许多沼泽渔村的渔女被带走,送往了雷霆城,有的甚至直接不见了踪影。 The fisherman couple in rags, can only look that the person carried off to be helpless, dares to stop even also to suffer one to beat mercilessly. 衣不蔽体的渔民夫妇,只能看着人被带走而无能为力,敢于阻拦甚至还会遭受一阵毒打。 A earth dragon knight is leading one group of servant soldier selecting people of house to house, wants not to carry off, must make a payment. 一名地行龙骑士率领着一群仆兵挨家挨户的挑人,想要不被带走,就必须交钱。 Doesn't only choose one?” “不是只选一个吗?” Why can take away so many people?” “为什么要带走这么多人?” Before also supported, during the civilians but who also God cheered, this moment discovery estimated with them completely the difference. 之前还拥护,还神明为之欢呼的平民们,此刻发现情况完全和他们预想之中的不一样。 Rides the earth dragon knight to snort contemptuously, put on a high and mighty act saying. 骑着地行龙的骑士嗤之以鼻,趾高气昂的说道。 Why, doesn't the succuba need the person to take care? God not need more retinues?” “为什么,魔女不需要人服侍吗?神明不需要更多的仆从吗?” How only delivered one in the past enough, that was to blaspheming of God, the empathize lowers the day to punish.” “只送一个过去怎么够,那是对神明的亵渎,神会降下天罚的。” Each temple also lacks the maidservant, your daughter well, even if cannot become the preelection of succuba, which Sir servant of God perhaps can still by settle on, you may be different.” “就连各个神庙也缺少侍女,你女儿长得不错,就算不能成为魔女的预选,或许也能被哪个神侍大人看中,那你们就可不一样了。” He just devils, at this moment suddenly became devout dignified. 他刚刚还是凶神恶煞,此刻眨眼间又变得虔诚庄严。 All these for god!” “这一切都是为了神!” This is your glory.” “这是你们的荣耀。” The earth dragon knight took away the person, raises the whip to go to the next home. 地行龙骑士带走了人,扬起鞭子前往下一家。 At once, does not know that many snake human families are with one's family broken up and decimated. 一时之间,不知道多少蛇人家庭家破人亡。 The merchant and workshop owner who even do not have the background massively also therefore go bankrupt, was won the asset to lose the life. 甚至大量没有背景的商人、工坊主也因此而破产,被夺走了资产丢掉了性命。 This scene with is the same, but also has the different places that servant of God Gamer of Ibach god expects. 这景象和伊瓦神的神侍伽美尔所预料的一样,但是也有不同的地方。 What Gamer said is these aristocrats, however plunders with the aid of God's name line of wicked matters finally layer upon layer on the contrary is these bureaucrats under king place. 伽美尔说的是那些贵族,然而最终层层搜刮借助神之名行恶事的反倒是国王座下的那些官僚。 But these domain aristocrats, do must restrain some. 而那些领地贵族,做得还要收敛一些。 This they showed the kindness of heart actually not. 这倒不是他们发了善心。 But because the pretor and insurance people officer and public security officer are the king appoint, after their term ended , will then be transferred. 而是因为执政官、保民官、治安官是国王任命的,他们任期结束之后便会被调走。 But domain of domain aristocrat is own, even these are occupied by the person on their domain are also their properties, most of them naturally must treasure some. 领地贵族的领地是属于自己的,连那些居住在他们领地上的人也属于他们自己的财物,他们大多数自然要爱惜一些。 Many succuba preelection was delivered to the thunder city, appearance pretty young girl who selects according to qualification. 大量的魔女预选者被送到了雷霆城,都是择优选中的样貌俏丽的少女。 In addition, some youngster. 除此之外,还有一些少年。 Also is offers sacrifices to give the God offering. 也是献祭给神明的供品。 The succuba is the God apostle, the accompanied young girl and youngster are the servants of succuba, they will be escorted to the state of god together. 魔女是神明的使徒,随同的少女和少年是魔女的仆役,他们将被一起送往神的国度。 temple obtained the authority who they wanted, the king for the Spiritual God found the offering, the following bureaucrat aristocrat fished enough enough advantage, seemed like that is aspect that all won. 神庙得到了他们想要的权威,国王为神灵找到了供品,下面的官僚贵族捞够了足够的好处,看似是一个全赢的局面。 Under temple. 神庙之下。 Puts on servant of God of blue clothes robe to stand a row, is going to give to the God offering to be taken together comes. 穿着蓝色衣袍的神侍们站成一排,所有将要献给神明的供品一同被带上前来。 The servant of God devout prayer, is cheering the god name. 神侍们虔诚的祷告,欢呼着神名。 „The retinue of supreme Ruler of Life, great sky Giant God, controls the sky and thunder the god of Leize.” “至高无上的生命主宰之仆从,伟大的天空巨神,掌控天空和雷霆的雷泽之神。” We obey your oracle, chose your pleasing apostle.” “我们听从您的神谕,挑选出了您中意的使徒。” Please tell us.” “请您告诉我们。” Please give us to direct.” “请你给与我们指引。” True apostle of God, the carrier of succuba of sky.” “真正的神之使徒,天空之魔女的载体。” temple and king under big crowd of people performed a seemingly solemn silence, but actually funny laughable farce. 在大庭广众之下神庙和国王上演了一场看似庄严肃穆但是却滑稽可笑的闹剧。 They passed through screened layer upon layer, will soon select one so-called succuba. 他们经过了层层筛选,即将选中了一个所谓的“魔女”。 But way of choice. 而挑选的方式。 Is allows everyone to enter temple, lets the sky the cloud just stopped in this succuba that window midpoint of head through the prayer. 是让所有人进入神殿,通过祷告让天空的云刚好停在了这位“魔女”的头上的那个窗口正中央。 The cloud is the symbol of sky Giant God, regarding the Razer Kingdom person, this is the Giant God decree- 云是天空巨神的象征,对于雷泽王国的人来说,这就是巨神的旨意- Beside thunder city temple, in sea of people. 雷霆城神庙之外,人山人海之中。 Gamer watches this farce, looks at sky Giant God servant of God in that stage to put on airs, looks that the so-called devout follower under stage falls to the ground to worship on bended knees, raises hand to shout loudly. 伽美尔看着这一场闹剧,看着那高台上的天空巨神神侍装模作样,看着台下的所谓虔诚信徒倒地跪拜,举手高呼。 Young he is filled with righteous indignation, infuriated. 年轻的他义愤填膺,火冒三丈。 How do they dare?” “他们怎么敢?” „Aren't they afraid the divine punishment? How do they dare to do that in the name of god?” “他们不害怕神罚吗?他们怎么敢借神的名义这么做?” Was about to leave, actually because of Oland that the sacrifice of succuba leaves behind, appreciated Razer Kingdom the farce. 原本准备离开,却因为魔女之祭而留下的奥兰,也欣赏了雷泽王国的这一场闹剧。 In this farce, he also saw influence of God to the world. 在这场闹剧之中,他也看到了神明对人间的影响力。 Even if your anything does not do. 哪怕你什么都不做。 Even if your anything did not respond. 哪怕你什么都不回应。 Has countless people in the name of your, is shouting loudly your name, fulfills own goal and desire. 都有着无数人会借着你的名义,高呼着你的名字,去践行自己的目标和欲望。 Only to look at this, Oland felt oneself should remain. 光是为了看一看这一幕,奥兰就觉得自己应该留下来。 This can let he clearer seeing clearly, the relations between god and person. 这可以让他更清晰的看清楚,神与人之间的关系。 Also prepares for the future. 也为将来做准备。 Oland heard the Gamer words, is gaining ground as before. 奥兰听到了伽美尔的话,依旧抬着头。 You feel blaspheme, but they did not feel.” “你觉得是亵渎,但是他们却不觉得。” They thought that oneself do very right, they believe that this is the decree of god, is the enlightenment of god.” “他们觉得自己做得很对,他们坚信这就是神的旨意,是神的启示。” You are unable to awaken one to pretend to be sleeping the person, is unable to persuade one crowd of self- hypnoses crazy.” “你无法叫醒一个装睡的人,更无法说动一群自我催眠的疯狂者。” It seems like in Gamer, this blasphemes God, this is lifts by the God name line wickedly. 伽美尔看起来,这是亵渎神明,这是假借神明的名义行恶举。 However in these eye of servant of God and aristocrat is actually not so. 但是在这些神侍和贵族的眼中却不是如此。 They sincerely believe themselves are the devout followers, they are putting herder of god. 他们笃信自己是虔诚的信徒,他们是神的放牧者 Their buttocks sat in oneself position, the nature regarded God on by own vision. 他们屁股坐在了自己的位置上,自然就以自己的眼光去看待神明 They the retinue as god, they replace God putting herder, naturally has to explain the oracle right, they manage the person in this world for the god. 他们身为神的仆从,他们是代替神明的放牧者,自然就有着解读神谕的权利,他们是替神管理这个世界的人。 They said that definitely is the God decree. 他们所说的,肯定就是神明的旨意。 They see, definitely is the direction of God. 他们所看到的的,肯定就是神明的指引。 They so believe, not only told others is this, but also the unceasing hypnosis told is in itself this. 他们如此坚信,不仅仅告诉别人是这样的,还不断的催眠告诉自己是这样的。 As for in this, they handled some not too honored matter, they made some not too noble action for oneself benefit. 至于在此中,他们做了一些不太光彩的事情,他们为自己的利益做了一些不太高尚的举措。 How this can calculate that tarnishes God's name? 这怎么能算玷污神之名呢? The God retinue, naturally should need to enjoy the treatment that is a cut above others ; As God putting herder, naturally has the right to control these civilians. 神明的仆从,自然应该需要享受高人一等的待遇;作为神明的放牧者,自然有权利掌控那些平民。 This is not natural? 这不是理所当然的吗? As for these fisherman and handwork and farmer, are the person? 至于那些渔民、手工者、农民,他们是人吗? They in these great person eyes, are not the person probably, but is a cargo and resources. 他们在这些大人物眼中,大概是算不上人的,而是一种货物和资源。 Putting herder of god, what took advantage of some resources to have not, will the god punish them for this matter? 神的放牧者,利用了一些资源有什么不可以的,神怎么会为这种事情惩罚他们呢? Keeping aloof will God care about such minor matter and detail? 高高在上的神明怎么会在乎这样的小事和细节呢? Gamer looked following the vision of Oland, looks at stage the countenance on these people, is reverent just like saint to be the same. 伽美尔顺着奥兰的目光看了过去,看着台上的那些人的嘴脸,一个个虔诚得犹如圣徒一般。 Oland turns head, a both eyes light is looking straight ahead the Gamer innermost feelings probably. 奥兰扭头,一双目光好像直视着伽美尔的内心。 In you and my heart.” “就连你和我心中。” Actually regarding this evil conduct, is becomes accustomed.” “其实对于这种恶行,也是习以为常的。” What we are more is the fear and fear, they unexpectedly at by God line of this wicked matters.” “我们更多的是恐惧和害怕,他们竟然在以神明行这种恶事。” Rather than they did wicked matter matter.” “而不是他们做了恶事这件事本身。” They are because did the wicked matter to blaspheme God, rather than because of blaspheming God did the wicked matter.” “他们是因为做了恶事亵渎了神明,而不是因为亵渎了神明而做了恶事。” Gamer was shocked. 伽美尔愣住了。 He, suddenly discovery. 就连他自己,也突然发现。 He is angry unexpectedly is not this matter, because this matter blasphemed keeping aloof God. 他生气的竟然不是这件事本身,而是因为这件事亵渎了高高在上的神明 He sympathizes with these poor, however also merely is only the sympathy. 他同情那些贫民,然而也仅仅只是同情。 Without the sympathize. 没有感同身受。 Only then Oland even more saw clearly the essences of certain things at this moment, this is also the important harvest in his journey. 只有奥兰此刻越发看清楚了某些事情的本质,这也是他这一趟旅途之中的重要收获。 Is because we are ignorant?” “是因为我们愚昧吗?” „It is not, because we are servant of God, we also similarly are the member of this arrogant person.” “不是,而是因为我们是神侍,我们也同样是这傲慢之人的一份子。” Oland looks at front Gamer, before was he reminded own arrogance, but at this moment also reminded his innermost feelings. 奥兰看着面前的伽美尔,之前是他点醒了自己的傲慢,而此刻自己也点醒了他的内心。 Walks in this world, everyone is the teacher of opposite party. 行走在这个世界上,每个人都是对方的老师。 When a person cannot jump out own status regards this world, he cannot distinguish clearly black and white of this world, is unable to see clearly wrong.” “当一个人不能够跳出自己的身份去看待这个世界的时候,他就分不清这个世界的黑白,也无法看清对错。” Gamer actually has profound respect. 伽美尔却肃然起敬。 Sir!” “大人!” You are really a wise man.” “您真的是一个智者。” Oland said: Is only the temporary wisdom, perhaps cannot say that wisdom, can only say that is the sensibility.” 奥兰说:“只是一时的智慧而已,或许称不上智慧,只能说是感悟。” True God can jump out of the vision of mortal, the limitation of unique time regards the essence of this world.” “只有真正的神明才能够跳出凡人的眼界,超脱时代的局限性去看待这个世界的本质。” Spiritual God can the incarnation myriad, each retinue be the eyes of god.” “神灵能够化身万千,每一个仆从都是神的一双眼睛。” Oland was saying to Gamer: If some day you really go to the White Tower Alchemy Alliance learn/study, hopes that you can with jumping out of all visions regard this world, when like this you come back, you can make itself the matter that truly wants to make.” 奥兰对着伽美尔说道:“如果有朝一日你真的前往白塔炼金联盟学习,希望你能够用跳出一切的眼界去看待这个世界,这样当你回来的时候,你才能够真正的做成自己想要做成的事情。” Otherwise, you are only another, the funny clown on stage.” “要不然,你就只是另外一个,台上的滑稽小丑罢了。” With the name of ideal, the person who implements the desire, rather than changes the person in this country truly.” “一个以理想之名,实行自己欲望的人,而不是真正改变这个国家的人。” Funny clown who Oland said that is these servant of God and king on aristocrat stage. 奥兰所说的滑稽小丑,就是台上的那些神侍和国王贵族。 Gamer asked Oland: God, if saw all these, the god won't get angry?” 伽美尔问奥兰:“神明如果看到了这一切,神不会发怒吗?” Oland: What violates to be stupid is the mortal, why God must get angry because of the absurd mortal.” 奥兰:“犯蠢的是凡人,神明为什么要因为愚蠢可笑的凡人而发怒。” This is the mortal own crime, with God irrelevant.” “这是凡人自己的罪,和神明无关。” However said here, the look of Oland changed. 但是说道这里,奥兰的眼神微变。 „.” “不过。” This difference.” “这一次不一样。” Perhaps before sky Giant God did not care, perhaps will not have looked at the world.” “以前天空巨神或许不在乎,或许根本就从来没有将目光投向人间。” This It may erupt the anger of soaring to the heavens time.” “这一次祂或许会爆发出冲天的怒火。” Gamer asked: What difference?” 伽美尔问:“什么不一样?” How you know that sky Giant God will get angry?” “你怎么知道天空巨神会发怒?” Oland looked to the thunder swamp deep place, without replying why reason. 奥兰看向了雷霆沼泽的深处,却没有回答为什么的原因。 This difference, sky Giant God will certainly gaze at their action.” “这一次不一样,天空巨神一定会注视到他们的举措。” When they launch the sacrifice of this succuba truly, perhaps is the anger of God arrives at the time.” “当他们真正展开这场魔女之祭的时候,或许就是神明之怒到来的时候。” Oland is gaining ground, watches the farce in thunder city. 奥兰抬着头,看着雷霆城中的闹剧。 Looks at this mortal the action of doing dying, looks that their cheering laugh. 看着这一场凡人的作死之举,看着他们的欢呼大笑。 If before, regardless of these mortals make anything, that will support Ruhul Giant Island God not to look at their one eyes. 如果是以前,这些凡人无论做出什么,那承托起鲁赫巨岛神明都不会看他们一眼。 Let them in blurry, once again hoodwinked. 让他们在迷迷糊糊之中,又一次蒙混了过去。 Then with their oracle right to interpret, is reading out to the common people, shouting loudly. 然后用他们的神谕解释权,向平民百姓们宣读着,高呼着。 God has tacitly approved to agree. 神明已经默认同意了。 Later the followers believed that even/including Shenpu and aristocrats also believed. 之后信徒们相信了,连神仆和贵族们也都相信了。 However now under the nose of Creator, these ignorant people by the ugly performance that the sky Giant God name group living person offers sacrifices time, what will present? 但是如今在造物主的眼皮底下,这些愚昧之人以天空巨神的名义行活人献祭的丑态的时候,会出现些什么呢? Sky Giant God this great god, but also won't care like the past? 天空巨神这位伟大的神祇,还会像从前一样不在乎吗? Gamer looks at the expression of Oland, suddenly feels a chill in the air. 伽美尔看着奥兰的表情,突然感觉到一阵寒意。 What when the time comes will have?” “到时候会发生什么?” Oland does not know: „The anger of Spiritual God, how will the mortal know?” 奥兰也不知道:“神灵之怒,凡人怎么会知晓呢?” Why Gamer does not know, highly believes regarding the words of Oland. 伽美尔不知道为什么,对于奥兰的话非常相信。 Cannot like this, this bring the disaster to the entire kingdom.” “不能够这样,这会给整个王国带来灾难。” Gamer has looked at the temple direction. 伽美尔一直看着神庙的方向。 Oland actually as if felt that the Gamer intention, he wanted to prevent this matter. 奥兰却仿佛感觉到了伽美尔的心意,他想要阻止这件事情的发生。 Gamer looked suddenly to Oland, as if wanted to say anything. 伽美尔突然看向了奥兰,似乎想要说些什么。 However Oland looks at Gamer, shakes the head gently. 但是奥兰看着伽美尔,轻轻摇了摇头。 Oland knows, he wants to request oneself help. 奥兰知道,他想要请求自己的帮助。 However Oland is the White Tower Alchemy Alliance founder, is the God of Desire and Alchemy apostle, cannot easily meddle this matter by his status. 但是奥兰是白塔炼金联盟的开创者,是欲望与炼金之神的使徒,以他的身份不可以轻易插手这件事情。 Because of him in some sense. 因为他从某种意义上。 Is representing White Tower Alchemy Alliance, is representing God of Desire and Alchemy . 就代表着白塔炼金联盟,代表着欲望与炼金之神 But this is not Land of Sunrise, is not his white tower Alchemy School. 而这不是日出之地,更不是他的白塔炼金学院。 Gamer also understood the look of Oland, he has not spoken finally. 伽美尔也看懂了奥兰的眼神,他最终没有说话。 Looks at this impulsive young people, Oland as if saw of young time. 看着这个冲动的年轻人,奥兰似乎看到了年轻时候的自己。 He is also young, was once reckless. 他也曾经年轻过,也曾经不顾后果。 Although he of young time does not have the Gamer such intense sense of justice, what he is more is yearns for the mysticalness and great strength of Alchemy technique. 虽然年轻时候的他没有伽美尔这样强烈的正义感,他更多的是向往炼金术的神秘和强大。 In order to fulfill the tower spirit deep meaning, he once changed into the puppet to be stranded in the exile white tower nearly 100 years. 为了践行塔灵奥义,他曾经化为傀儡被困在了放逐白塔近一百年。 But after that. 而那之后。 He then lost the young heart of that brave advance, becomes shrinks conservatively- 他便失去了那勇敢前进的年轻之心,变得保守畏缩- temple of thunder city. 雷霆城的神庙 Several days ago selected lucky fellow, in people's eyes is going to become the snake female of sky succuba to be consecrated in temple, no one dares to raise the head to look straight ahead her again. 几天前被选中的幸运儿,在人们眼中将要成为天空魔女的蛇女被供奉在神殿之中,没有人再敢抬头直视她。 Some time ago. 不久前。 She is also only a fisherwoman in village, depends on fishes in the thunder swamp to live. 她还只是一个乡村的渔女,靠着在雷霆沼泽里捕鱼为生。 She has not left oneself hometown, even did not know the character. 她从来没有离开过自己的家乡,甚至连字都并不认识。 But now, she becomes succuba who” keeps aloof, everyone regards her for God world acting. 而现在,她成为了高高在上的“魔女”,所有人都视她为神明的人间代行者。 She changed one clothes, no longer was once that wrap/sets rough tattered sleeveless overalls, is the whole body sludge, the whole body is the fish is no longer rank. 她换了一套衣服,不再是曾经那套粗糙破烂的无袖罩衫,不再是满身污泥,浑身都是鱼腥。 But is throwing over the gorgeous long gown, in pure white that inside wear White Tower Alchemy Alliance produces shirt, what on the neck is hanging has never seen the gem necklace, the hair, ear and wrist/skill are the fine accessories. 而是披着华美的长袍,内里穿着白塔炼金联盟出产的洁白内衬衣,脖子上挂着的是从未见过的宝石项链,头发、耳朵、手腕都是精致的配饰。 Everyone respectable name in temple she for succuba your highness. 神殿里的所有人都尊敬的称呼她为魔女殿下。 Suddenly, she probably really no longer is a mortal. 一时间,她好像真的不再是凡人。 But is the God apostle. 而是神明的使徒。 temple chief servant of God arrived at the front of succuba, great person who this once she does not dare to look up to looking straight ahead, now actually becomes does not dare to look up to and look straight ahead her. 神庙的首席神侍来到了魔女的面前,这位曾经她不敢仰望直视的大人物,如今却变得不敢仰望和直视她。 Succuba your highness.” “魔女殿下。” Early morning secure!” “晨安!” Also lived recently comfortably?” “请问最近还住得舒适吗?” Whether to meet anything, or is other needs.” “可否遇见什么事情,或者是其他需要。” You can say with me, can propose with anybody, they will tell me.” “您都可以和我说,也可以和任何人提出,他们都会告诉我。” Chief servant of God is respectful, probably really regarded the succuba the opposite party. 首席神侍毕恭毕敬,好像真的将对方当成了魔女。 temple chief servant of God, really said with Oland is the same. 神庙的首席神侍,真的就和奥兰所说的一样。 He really believes that all are the God decree, the thunder swamp deep place sudden change, the white clouds that the space stops suddenly, is the god's enlightenment to the world. 他真的相信那一切都是神明的旨意,雷霆沼泽深处突然的变化,天上突然停下的白云,都是神对人间的启示。 He as if has to believe that without these, he were not equal to that acknowledged his chief servant of God has not obtained the approval of God, entire consecrates sky Giant God temple is only the stone empty shell that mortal deceive. 他又似乎不得不去相信,因为如果没有这些,他不就等于承认他这个首席神侍从来没有得到神明的认可,整个供奉天空巨神神庙都只是一个凡人自己欺骗的石头空壳。 Even entire Razer Kingdom, lost legitimate of the world , indicating that they are one not by the God acknowledgment country. 甚至整个雷泽王国,也失去了人间的正统,表示他们是一个不受神明承认的国家。 No. 不。 This he is unacceptable. 这他不能接受。 The king is unacceptable, Razer Kingdom everyone is also unacceptable. 国王不能接受,雷泽王国的所有人也不能接受。 Therefore, all these certainly real. 所以,这一切一定都是真的。 Succuba your highness looks somewhat embarrassed, is not familiar with some people to salute to her. “魔女殿下”看上去有些窘迫,并不习惯有人向她行礼。 I am very good.” “我很好。” Here all are very good.” “这里的一切都很好。” Chief servant of God also asked: Succuba your highness, immediately was the day of sacrifice of succuba.” 首席神侍又问:“魔女殿下,马上就是魔女之祭的日子了。” He wear a look of frantic, excited saying. 他面带狂热,激动的说道。 „The Spiritual God state will open for you, you will enter the god country of space.” “神灵的国度将会为您打开,您将进入天上的神国。” This is the important matter that entire Razer Kingdom anticipates, is the Spiritual God regarding the Razer Kingdom gracious favor.” “这是整个雷泽王国都期待的大事,也是神灵对于雷泽王国的恩泽。” „Did you prepare?” “您准备好了吗?” The snake female also became earnest, even in the eye was faint has the anticipation. 蛇女也变得认真了起来,甚至眼中隐隐里有着期待。 She is imagining the beautiful scene of that sea of clouds deep place, imagines a steamship across the sky, God is greeting her in the sky. 她想象着那云海深处的美景,想象着一艘大船穿过天空,神明在天空迎接着她。 She looked forward , is also somewhat anxious. 她憧憬,又有些不安。 Probably a getting married bride. 就好像一个待嫁的新娘。 I have prepared.” “我已经准备好了。” Chief servant of God satisfied departure, all are then ready, looks does not have the issue. 首席神侍这才满意的离开,一切准备就绪,看起来并没有问题。 But succuba your highness is studying various hymns about Spiritual God in the palace as before, studies like to recite the triadic god name with the exquisite aria, how studies to pray to God. 而“魔女殿下”依旧在殿中学习着各种关于神灵的赞美诗,学习着如同用优美的咏叹调吟唱出三段式神名,学习着如何向神明祈祷。 She has related in the evening, learned these incoherent writing and pronunciations. 她一直联系到傍晚,才学会了那些拗口的文字和读音。 Sky Giant God.” “天空巨神。” She looks at idol in palace, this is Razer Kingdom generations of consecrating God, seems like throwing over the person's shadow of tissue cape. 她看着殿中的神像,这就是雷泽王国一代代供奉的神明,一个看上去像是披着薄纱斗篷的人影。 Illusory indistinct, such as cloud Siwu. 虚幻缥缈,如云似雾。 She learned/studied these hymn and prayer language, after three god names, then cannot help but wants to attempt. 她学习了那些赞美诗、祷告语,还有三段神名之后,便不由自主的想要尝试一下。 She looks to outside, no one is gazing at her again. 她看向外面,没有人再注视着她。 Therefore she then knelt, prayed to the Spiritual God. 于是她便跪了下来,面向神灵祈祷。 „The retinue of supreme Ruler of Life, great sky Giant God, controls the sky and thunder the god of Leize.” “至高无上的生命主宰之仆从,伟大的天空巨神,掌控天空和雷霆的雷泽之神。” Your servant prayed to you, requested your response.” “您的仆人向您祈祷,请求您的回应。” „......” “……” She read being lost in thought name, repeated several. 她念出了神名,重复了数遍。 However has not actually communicated on God. 但是却没有沟通上神明 First is because she does not have the strength that God grants, second is also because in a god setting of temple is wrong. 第一是因为她并没有神明赐予的力量,第二也是因为神庙的神名设定上就是错的。 They are imitate ten thousand snake royal court temple to establish regarding land Giant God god, rather than God told their name. 他们是模仿万蛇王庭神庙对于大地巨神的神名来设定的,而不是神明告诉他们的名字。 However chief servant of God will not say, they declared this is oracle that God lowers tells them. 不过首席神侍却不会这么说,他们宣称这是神明降下的神谕告诉他们的。 And second was wrong. 其中第二段就错了。 This should be great Ruhul Giant God Sky Behemoth, moreover is used to communicate God truly time, Sky Behemoth this pronunciation must with being similar in the pronunciation of three leaves human intelligent writing. 这一段应该是伟大的鲁赫巨神天空巨兽,而且真正用来沟通神明的时候,天空巨兽这个读音还要用类似于三叶人智慧文字的读音。 Although failed. 虽然失败了。 However snake female extremely in not losing. 但是蛇女并没有太过于失落。 She thought that this is because have not been able to become the succuba, or is because own pronunciation is not right. 她觉得这是因为自己还没能成为魔女,或者是因为自己的读法不对。 But at this time. 而这个时候。 A form turned from the window suddenly, looked to the snake female. 一个身影突然从窗户翻了进来,看向了蛇女。 Lay the snake female under idol turns head to look immediately to the opposite party, opened the mouth to ask. 趴在神像下的蛇女立刻扭头看向了对方,开口问道。 Who are you?” “你是谁?” Comes person Gamer, it intruded in temple at this time unexpectedly quietly, arrived at this covert palace. 来人正是伽美尔,其竟然在这个时候悄悄闯入了神庙之中,来到了这座隐蔽的殿堂。 He of servant of God apprentice, has mixed the temple strict guard unexpectedly like this, depended upon shallow divine spell to pass through several to induce divine spell, even stratification. 只是一个神侍学徒的他,竟然就这样混过了神庙的严密的守卫,依靠着粗浅的神术穿过了几层感应神术,甚至还有一层结界。 Saw this succuba your highness. 见到了这位“魔女殿下”。 Has saying that is really mysterious. 不得不说,真的是神奇。 Gamer saw the snake female, recognized this succuba your highness. 伽美尔一眼就看到了蛇女,认出了这位“魔女殿下”。 His at a moderate pace walks toward the opposite party, for fear that frightened the opposite party. 他不紧不慢的朝着对方走来,生怕惊吓到了对方。 Do not be afraid.” “不要害怕。” I am not your enemy, I am rescue your.” “我并不是你的敌人,我是来救你的。” I can lead you to leave, deliver you to go home.” “我可以带你离开,送你回家。” However snake female actually doubts looks at him, looks at his eye. 然而蛇女却疑惑的看着他,看着他的眼睛。 From the eye of Gamer, she indeed saw the opposite party is well-meant. 伽美尔的眼睛里,她的确看出了对方没有恶意。 However she replied: I do not want to go home, please go back.” 但是她却回答说:“我不想回家,请你回去吧。” Gamer asked her: You did not think of that your family/home, does think of your family member?” 伽美尔问她:“你难道不想念自己的家,想念你的家人吗?” They snatched here you, now the family member does not know that missed you, what ratio in this world also had and family member reunites importantly?” “他们将你抢到了这里,现在你的家人不知道多思念你,这个世界上还有什么比与家人团聚更重要的呢?” The snake female looks at Gamer, told him. 蛇女看着伽美尔,告诉他。 I was not snatched, I was sold to temple by the father.” “我不是被抢过来的,我是被父亲卖给神庙的。” The snake female as if recalled a picture. 蛇女似乎回想起了一副画面。 Her cruel-hearted father is dragging her with the string, treats as the picture that her a cargo sells out. 她狠心的父亲用绳子拖着她,将她当做一个货物卖掉的画面。 The humiliation, sad and sad. 屈辱、难过、伤心。 Arrived final is not willing to recall. 到最后的不愿回忆。 The father has his reason, in the family/home so many children is unable to support, temple is just willing to disburse money to buy the appearance attractive girl, that is enough lives a several years of sum of money regarding their families, at least can go through the present difficulty. 父亲有他的理由,家里那么多孩子无法养活,刚好神庙愿意出钱买模样好看的女孩,那是对于他们家庭来说足够生活好几年的一笔钱,至少可以度过眼前的难关。 The truth can want to understand, but the heart does not hope as before facing and accepts this matter. 只是,道理可以想明白,但是心依旧不愿面对和接受这种事情。 She can understand the father, actually cannot forgive the father. 她能够理解父亲,却不能原谅父亲。 Her sold out that moment, no longer had the family/home, she only belongs to temple now. 她被卖掉的那一刻,就不再有家了,她现在只属于神庙 „Before seeming like you come, does not know me, does not know me.” “看起来你来之前并不知道我,也不认识我。” Gamer lived mutely, before he comes, indeed does not know such matter. 伽美尔哑住了,他来之前的确不知道这样的事情。 The snake female voice is very tranquil, but obviously she does not want to mention this matter. 蛇女的声音很平静,但是很明显她并不想多提及这件事情。 I do not want to go back, because no one cares about me.” “我不想回去,因为没有人在乎我。” But here, many people care about me.” “但是在这里,有很多人在乎我。” Gamer said: They do not care about you, they care about the sacrifice of succuba to succeed.” 伽美尔说:“他们不是在乎你,他们只是在乎魔女之祭能不能成功。” And.” “而且。” „Do you know the price of sacrifice of succuba?” “你知道魔女之祭的代价吗?”
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