IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#385 Part 2: Direction of Creator

If you want to maintain the present situation, wants to be ignorant forever, can never obtain the direction of true God, these words that you spoke perhaps is right.” “如果你们想要维持现状,想要永远蒙昧,永远得不到真正神明的指引,你说的那些话或许是对的。” But you want to move toward the future, must change.” “但是你们想要走向未来,就必须改变。” servant of God remembered itself to consider for others, was actually besieged with the scene that the multitude of people referred. 神侍想起了自己为其他人着想,却被人围攻和千夫所指的场面。 Sir!” “大人!” What perhaps you said is right.” “或许您说的是对的。” „The person in this country was extremely ignorant.” “这个国家的人太过于愚昧了。” Ignorant is a crime, the mortal is not always able to be aloof above.” “愚昧是一种罪,凡人总是无法超脱于其上。” This crime God is also inextricable we, can only depend upon us to extricate us.” “这种罪就连神明也都无法解脱我们,只能依靠我们自己来解脱我们自己。” Oland asked him: How do you want to do?” 奥兰问他:“你想要怎么做?” servant of God is somewhat depressed: I am unable to change this matter, I am only ordinary servant of God, is unable resists with the king and this country.” 神侍有些沮丧:“我无法改变这件事情,我只是一个普通的神侍,无法和国王和这个国家对抗。” Moreover even if I saved a person, is unable to recall this ignorant crime.” “而且我哪怕拯救了一个人,也无法挽回这愚昧的罪。” servant of God, raised White Tower Alchemy Alliance at this point suddenly. 神侍说到这里,却突然提起了白塔炼金联盟 I heard that has many Alchemy schools in White Tower Alchemy Alliance, under the school also has the artisan school.” “听说,在白塔炼金联盟有很多的炼金学院,学院下面还有着工匠学院。” Heard that there is rich, has massive Alchemy workshops, the production place is hard the goods that counts ; Powerful alchemist is grasping the technology that surpasses the generation, there every day has the new thing and knowledge birth.” “听说那里非常富有,有着大量的炼金工坊,生产处难以计数的物品;强大的炼金师掌握着超越世代的技术,那里的每一天都有新的东西和知识诞生。” Heard the person who there is literate everywhere is, everyone is well-mannered, thoroughly understands the knowledge and etiquette.” “听说那里识字的人遍地都是,人人都彬彬有礼,通晓知识和礼仪。” Really good.” “真好。” servant of God remembers anything suddenly, turned head to look to Oland. 神侍突然想起什么,扭头看向了奥兰。 Sir!” “大人!” You do not come from White Tower Alchemy Alliance?” “您不就是从白塔炼金联盟而来的吗?” Oland smiled: Without is so exaggerating, but indeed was much better compared with Razer Kingdom that you said that you can have a look, listening to others to say again many were inferior reality that own eye saw.” 奥兰笑了起来:“没有你说的这么夸张,但是的确比雷泽王国这边好多了,你可以自己去看看,听别人说得再多都不如自己的眼睛看到的真实。” servant of God as if strengthened anything: I prepared, prepares to save money after a period of time goes to white tower Alchemy School to study.” 神侍似乎坚定了什么:“我原本就准备好了,准备过段时间存够了钱就去白塔炼金学院学习。” Learns there knowledge, becomes outstanding alchemist, then stays there.” “学习那里的知识,成为一名优秀的炼金师,然后留在那里。” Oland is interested asked him: Now?” 奥兰感兴趣的问他:“现在呢?” servant of God replied: I want to go to white tower Alchemy School, but after completing study, I want.” 神侍回答:“我还是想要去白塔炼金学院,不过学成之后,我想要回来。” I want to establish a Alchemy school here, the knowledge that professor everyone I learn.” “我想要在这里建立起一座炼金学院,教授所有人我学会的知识。” My wish makes here also rich, making here person also be able to become intelligent.” “我想要让这里也变得富有,让这里的人也能够都能变得聪慧。” servant of God was saying to be saying, the eye also shone. 神侍说着说着,眼睛也亮了起来。 In the spoken language, he as if understands the path of oneself life, knows oneself should make anything. 在言语之中,他似乎明白了自己人生的道路,知道自己该做些什么。 We are very tiny, but we are actually also longing for becomes powerful.” “我们很渺小,但是我们却也渴望着变得强大。” We are very ignorant, but is actually longing for the knowledge and light.” “我们很愚昧,但是却渴望着知识和光明。” servant of God sets out, the tone also changed. 神侍起身,语气也变了。 This national many people eat do not sate the appetite, many people live in the ignorance, this is very indeed helpless.” “这个国家很多人都吃不饱饭,很多人都活在蒙昧之中,这的确很无奈。” After all we are only one establish more than 100 years of countries, our background were too bad.” “毕竟我们只是一个建立不过一百多年的国家,我们的底蕴太差了。” But.” “但是。” Cannot continuously so, yes!” “总不能一直如此,是吧!” But will happen one day, we must move from ignorance to civilization, must from tiny become no longer tiny.” “但是终有一天,我们要从愚昧走向文明,要从渺小变得不再渺小。” Oland looks at servant of God, as if saw in his eye is glittering the light. 奥兰看着神侍,似乎看到了他眼中闪烁着光。 This ray he has seen, longs for becoming St. Raphael of storage female celestial, wants to make Tower of Babel Tuteur seriously newly-built, in their looks has such ray. 这种光芒他看到过,渴望成为储物仙女的圣拉菲尔,还有想要重新建造出通天塔的老图特,他们的眼神里都有着这样的光芒。 Oland asked servant of God: What was your name?” 奥兰问神侍:“你的名字叫什么?” Opposite party immediately respectful reply: Sir, my name is Gamer.” 对方立刻毕恭毕敬的回答:“大人,我的名字叫做伽美尔。”
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