IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#385 Part 1: Direction of Creator

Under ancient palace that King Yesel builds, in the square once fountain has ceased, however the God's Bestowal Era character statue stands erect as before. 耶赛尔王建立的古老宫殿下,广场上曾经的喷泉早已停息,但是神赐时代的人物雕像依旧屹立。 Ibach hears Ruler of Dreamland that to welcome to come back, whole person silly kneeling on the ground, he began to seem like a child the same as look at Ruler of Dreamland supinely. 伊瓦听到梦境主宰那一句欢迎回来,整个人都傻愣愣的跪在了地上,他仰起头像是个孩子一样看着梦境主宰 Somewhat anxious Ibach, relaxed suddenly. 原本有些紧张的伊瓦,突然间放松了下来。 Reveals a face that seems like in laughing foolishly. 露出一张看上去像是在傻笑的脸。 Sir Shirra!” 希拉大人!” I came back.” “我回来了。” Ibach once was Cup of the Sun, however It cannot become Fairy finally, but was the mistake arising out of chance circumstances becomes ferryman. 伊瓦曾经是一朵太阳之杯,然而祂最终没能成为妖精,而是阴差阳错的成为了摆渡人 Unique ferryman. 独一无二的摆渡人 However what is like Fairy, It is believing the control of dreamland similarly. 不过和妖精一样的是,祂同样信仰着梦境的主宰。 Pitifully I no longer am ferryman, cannot control the sacred boat for you, delivers you and God Insai goes to the distant place.” “可惜我已经不再是摆渡人了,不能为您驾驭着神圣之舟,送您和因赛神前往远方。” Ibach told Shirra: I fondly remember to sit the years before Creation Divine Country front door very much, looks at innumerable three leaves human the state of dream of lifetime return god, that is the beautiful scene that I am unable to put behind forever.” 伊瓦告诉希拉:“我很怀念坐在造物神国大门前的岁月,看着无数的三叶人人生之梦回归神的国度,那是我永远无法忘却的美景。” I remember forever you have spoken those words.” “我永远记得您说过的那句话。” Shirra smiled: I just heard.” 希拉笑了起来:“我刚刚听到了。” Never expected that you still remember, Ibach.” “没想到你还记得,伊瓦。” Ibach earnest saying: Naturally, I will never forget.” 伊瓦认真的说道:“当然,我永远不会忘记。” On that day I extricated from the nightmare, but you granted me the world's most beautiful fond dream.” “那一天我从噩梦之中解脱,而您赐予了我世界上最美的美梦。” I cannot grow in the Creator solar sea of flowers, is only a sunflower in saint mausoleum, can actually run into you fortunately.” “我没能够成长在造物主的太阳花海,只是圣徒陵墓之中的一朵太阳花,却有幸能够遇到您。” Shirra said: You are Cup of the Sun that Sir Borloo plants, just like god Cup of the Sun in garden, without difference.” 希拉说:“你是波罗大人种下的太阳之杯,和神的花园里的太阳之杯一样,没有区别。” Is only you have not fused the bloodlines of dreamland finally, instead fused the bloodlines of wisdom.” “只是你最后没有融合梦境的血脉,反而融合了智慧的血脉。” But, this is never not another miracle.” “但是,这何尝又不是另一种奇迹。” Ibach knows Borloo, but he is born too late, has not seen this Creator young child. 伊瓦知道波罗,但是他诞生得太晚,并未曾见过这位造物主的幼子。 Shirra lifts the hand, making Ibach get up from the ground, before making It arrive at the intelligent royal palace . 希拉抬起手,让伊瓦从地上起来,让祂走到了智慧王宫前。 Ibach, your coming.” 伊瓦,你这次前来。” Is because intelligent fruit?” “是因为智慧果实吗?” Shirra told Ibach: Intelligent fruit can arrive in divine system the Lord body, who can become the True God of wisdom finally, has not been doomed.” 希拉告诉伊瓦:“智慧的果实会降临在神系之主的身上,但是谁能够最终成为智慧的真神,从来都没有注定的。” Being doomed of does not have any destiny.” “没有什么命运的注定。” God has not arranged all, because so all hopefully.” “神从来没有安排好一切,也正是因为如此一切才充满希望。” Ibach.” 伊瓦。” Only when you were ready time, the destiny that you anticipate will arrive on your body.” “只有当你做好了准备的时候,你期待的命运才会降临在你的身上。” Ibach said: Sir Shirra!” 伊瓦却说:“希拉大人!” Intelligent fruit I will strive personally, because I want to become the lord of divine system.” “智慧的果实我会亲手去争取,因为我想要成为神系之主。” I want to lead my wife, leading my peer to track down you and Creator shadow together, will go to the more remote future.” “我想要带着我的妻子,带着我的同行者一起追寻着您和造物主的影子,前往更遥远的未来。” I have not been dream of lifetime ferryman, but I want to support as before am my steamship, is lifting my ship's light, leading everyone to go forward together.” “我早已经不是人生之梦摆渡人,但是我依旧想要撑着属于我的大船,举着我的船灯,带着所有人一同前进。” Ibach looked like one to say with the elder the present child, tells the matter that its present achieves. 伊瓦就像是一个和长辈说着现在的孩子,告诉其自己现在所做到的事情。 Sir Shirra.” 希拉大人。” I no longer am that sit Ibach before Creation Divine Country front door this solitary one, I have and my tourmate.” “我已经不再是那个孤坐在造物神国大门前的伊瓦,我已经有了和我同行的人。” „The significance that once I had is a ferry, now I had the significance of my new existence.” “曾经我存在的意义是摆渡,现在我拥有了我新的存在的意义。” This is my anchor in this world, fixes the anchor in years river.” “这是我锚定在这个世界,固定在岁月长河里的船锚。” I come here, but wants to see you, God Insai.” “我来到这里,只是想要见到您,还有因赛神。” Shirra gratified looks at Ibach: You perhaps are not most intelligent.” 希拉欣慰的看着伊瓦:“你或许不是最聪明的。” But I know that you certainly are firmest most and resolute, you can defend your mission to bridge over the era, can certainly arrive in the more remote future.” “但是我知道你一定是最坚毅的,你可以守着你的使命跨过纪元,也一定能够抵达更遥远的未来。” You did not have me to give your mission, can find the direction as before.” “你没有了我给你的使命,依旧能够找到方向。” You found own significance, I was very happy for you.” “你找到了自己存在的意义,我很为你高兴。” Shirra has turned around, Ibach immediately with. 希拉转过身,伊瓦立刻跟了上去。 It knows. 祂知道。 Shirra is leading It to have an audience with Creator Insai. 希拉正在带着祂去觐见造物主因赛 Insai will rarely see the bystander, only if the coincidence of destiny and chance, therefore this great Creator It will not summon himself on own initiative. 因赛很少会去见外人,除非是命运和机缘的巧合,所以这位伟大的造物主祂不会主动召见自己。 This is the Shirra gracious gift. 这是希拉的恩赐。 It hopes that Ibach can understand the God Insai true meaning, was insufficient the future to go astray the road. 祂希望伊瓦能够明白因赛神的真意,不至于将来走错了路。 This said actually not God Insai is interfering to control the destiny on own initiative, because It, even if anything does not do, this world is tracking down Its will to revolve automatically. 这倒不是说因赛神在主动干涉掌控着命运,而是因为祂哪怕什么都不做,这个世界都在自动追寻着祂的意志运转。 The Shirra figure selects high. 希拉身形高挑。 The rhythm that It walks is not fast, but the speed is quick. 祂走的节奏不快,但是速度却很快。 Ibach lowers the head to follow in Its behind, across the ancient palace, went to the garden in intelligent royal palace , before finally. 伊瓦低着头跟在祂的身后,穿过古老的宫殿,最后来到了智慧王宫的花园前。 Ibach looks to the distant place. 伊瓦看向远方。 Under the moonlight, is a blood-color sea of flowers. 月光下,是一片血色的花海。 Looked toward the distant place again, can see the sea of clouds and stars, this felt that the flowers bloom probably above the sea of clouds stars. 再往远处看,就可以看到云海和星辰,这样就感觉花朵好像开在云海星辰之上。 In blood-color sea of flowers has one like the birdcage same coverglass garden. 血色的花海之中有着一个如同鸟笼一样的玻璃罩花园。 A little girl in the coverglass garden of birdcage shape, stands on a swing sways. 一个小女孩在鸟笼状的玻璃罩花园之中,站在一个秋千上摇晃。 Gorgeous Cup of Bloodmist may not like in its surface looks like beautiful, it is the flower that the life power starts out, this is one piece can swallow all lives sea of flowers. 艳丽的血雾之杯可并不像它表面上看来的那样美丽,它是生命权能开出的花,这是一片能够吞噬所有生命的花海。 However before that little girl, they are only one crowd of ordinary flowers. 但是在那个小女孩面前,它们就只是一群普通的花。 Even, where that swing toward swings, Cup of Bloodmist flower cup also follows is swinging together. 甚至于,那秋千往哪边摇,血雾之杯花杯也跟随着一起摆动。 The Ibach god sees the flash of opposite party, the ear bank resounded extinguished the world conch common bugle horn sound, destroyed day of the shadow of demon god extinguished the place wrapped the world, regarding round of Moon of God. 伊瓦神看到对方的一瞬间,耳畔就响起了灭世螺号一般的号角声,一个毁天灭地的魔神之影包裹天地,围绕着一轮神之月 It knows. 祂知道。 In this seemingly petite body, is hiding the world's most fearful demon god. 在这幅看上去娇小的躯壳里,隐藏着世界上最可怕的魔神。 Composes Ruhul Giant Island seven big Giant God, such terrifying existence is also the pet and retinue of opposite party, compares is not worth mentioning with it. 组成鲁赫巨岛的七大巨神,这样的恐怖存在也不过是对方的宠物和仆从,和其相比不值一提。 The end of sea of flowers, is standing another form. 花海的尽头,站着另外一个身影。 Yin Shen stands there looks thing that second-generation King of Wisdom Yesel leaves behind. 尹神站在那里看着第二代智慧之王耶赛尔留下的东西。 A white clothing, presents two completely different feelings with gorgeous red. 一袭白衣,和艳丽的红呈现出两种完全不同的感觉。 Life red of pleased moving, as well as eternal unique pinnacle white. 生命的悦动之红,以及永恒超脱的极致之白。 Ruler of Life!” 生命主宰!” God Insai!” 因赛神!” Ibach has not said anything, the God Insai sound conveys from the sea of flowers deep place, along with wind and flower dragging sound. 伊瓦还没有说什么,因赛神的声音从花海深处传来,伴随着风和花的摇曳声。 Ibach!” 伊瓦!” The Ibach myth strength came from the gift of Creator most probably, is used to reward the merit of Its last era ferry. 伊瓦神话力量大半都来自于造物主的赠予,用来奖励祂上一个纪元摆渡的功绩。 Had the wisdom, had the desire.” “拥有了智慧,就拥有了欲望。” Your name is the desire.” “你的名字叫做欲望。” Desire is never a derogatory term, because the person has the desire to feel living.” “欲望从来不是一个贬义词,人因为拥有欲望才能够感觉到活着。” „It seems like you to feel that oneself is living, found itself living significance.” “看起来你感觉到自己在活着,也找到了自己活着的意义。” Ibach just left Creation Divine Country time, is only one like white paper same Cup of Desire, Its vacant departure Creation Divine Country, seeks own future. 伊瓦刚刚离开造物神国的时候,只是一张如同白纸一样的欲望之杯,祂茫然的离开造物神国,去寻找属于自己的未来。 He once cannot completely understand that Ibach this name significance, only knows that this is Creator Insai gives Its name. 他曾经并不能完全理解伊瓦这个名字的意义,只知道这是造物主因赛赋予祂的名字。 At this moment. 此时此刻。 It understands that God Insai gives this name to him the profound meaning. 祂才明白因赛神给他取这个名字的深意。 The form of god is very far, in another head of garden, that sound is light, but actually the thorough heart, just like the night moonlight. 神的身影很远,在花园的另一头,那声音平淡但是却深入心底,犹如夜晚的月光。 Intelligent fruit enters the road of intelligent root, is the intelligent life is aloof in the road in this world ; However this road to lead to where, will be decided by you finally.” “智慧果实是进入智慧根源的路,是智慧生命超脱于这个世界的路;但是这条路最终会通向哪里,由你们自己决定。” „The lord of divine system does not carve up the intelligent authority, but is the ship of wind and rain Tongji, common exploration future boat.” 神系之主不是瓜分智慧的权柄,而是风雨同济的船,共同探索未来的舟。” Found your true peer, spans the time river together, is the real sense that divine system has.” “找到你真正的同行者,一同跨越时光长河,才是神系存在的真正意义。” Ibach also understood Supreme God will only finally. 伊瓦也终于明白了至高神祇的意志。 The intelligent fruit is Creator regarding the gracious gift of the world, it is not only a leaf to higher front door, but will be a leaf to the front door of future and hope, opportunity that will give everyone. 智慧果实是造物主对于人间的恩赐,它不仅仅是一扇通往更高的大门,而是一扇通往未来和希望的大门,一个给予每个人的机会。 The lord of divine system also is not only a divine system master, among each people the divine system masters are looking for peer. 神系之主也不仅仅是一个神系的主人,每一个人间神系的主人都在寻找着同行者。 Builds their ship, found peer who shares hardships, is carrying their state. 打造好他们的船,找到风雨同舟的同行者,载着祂们的国度。 Looks for the final answer. 寻找最后的答案。 Found the answer time, perhaps is the era end. 找到答案的时候,或许已经是纪元之末。 However this they like last era, will not miss Creator to give their opportunity time again. 但是这一次他们不会再像上一个纪元一样,错过了造物主赋予祂们的机会。 This they firmly will hold the future time, goes to them the other shore that wants to arrive. 这一次他们会牢牢的抓住未来,前往他们想要抵达的彼岸。 Ibach devout kneeling on the ground, was saying to supreme Creator. 伊瓦虔诚的跪在地上,对着至高无上的造物主说道。 I understood!” “我明白了!” His devout prayer, just like a follower. 祂虔诚的祷告,犹如一个信徒。 No. 不。 It at this moment is a follower. 祂此刻就是一个信徒。 Hope all lives, all fond dreams, can surround accompany side eternal God Insai.” “愿所有的生命,所有的美梦,都能够环绕陪伴在永恒的因赛神身边。” This era, we will find to be our answers, arrives at your side together.” “这一个纪元,我们会找到属于我们的答案,一同来到您的身边。” Spoke these words, the Ibach figure is gradually lax. 说完这句话,伊瓦的身形渐渐涣散。 Turned into Cup of Desire to fall on the ground. 变成了一朵欲望之杯落在了地上。 Shirra walks up, pinched the flower of this silver desire in the hand. 希拉走上前去,将这朵银色的欲望之花捏在了手中。 She enters the sea of flowers deep place, before going to that birdcage glass garden . 她走进花海深处,来到了那鸟笼玻璃花园前。 Here is last era plants the Cup of the Sun garden, now here Cup of Bloodmist came from here, grows from the coverglass, the spread grew this situation. 这里是上一个纪元种植太阳之杯的花园,如今这里的血雾之杯都是从这里而来,从玻璃罩下长出,蔓延生长到了这种地步。 Shirra asked God Insai. 希拉因赛神 „Will god, this era also finish?” “神,这一个纪元也会结束吗?” God Insai light saying: All will finish, Shirra.” 因赛神淡淡的说道:“一切都会结束,希拉。” Because the time is proceeding, rather than stagnation.” “因为时间在往前,而不是停滞。” Shirra sighed, It did not like finishing. 希拉叹了口气,祂不喜欢结束。 God Insai then said: But the conclusion did not vanish, but was the new start.” 因赛神接着说道:“但是结束并不是消失,而是新的开始。” Invariable water only becomes smelly, flows, gathers in together, will change into rushes to the rivers of distant place.” “不变的水只会变臭,流淌起来,汇聚在一起,才会化为奔向远方的河流。” What answer key was they found, chose how finished, what kind of start will also choose.”- “关键是他们找到什么样的答案,选择如何去结束,又会选择怎样的开始。”- Razer Kingdom. 雷泽王国 Thunder city. 雷霆城。 Oland rests today in the God of Alchemy and Desire prayer hall, this only then several servant of God prayer halls are not big, behind only then several rooms, servant of God was setting aside one for him. 奥兰今天休息在了炼金与欲望之神的祷告堂,这座只有几个神侍的祷告堂并不大,后面只有着几间屋子,神侍为他腾出了一间。 After Oland ended the communication pray of God, for a very long time has not gone to sleep. 奥兰结束了神明的沟通祈祷之后,久久没有入睡。 He tosses about, once for a while sets out from the bed. 他翻来覆去,时不时的从床榻上起身。 Before Oland arrived at the window, repeatedly looks to the distant place, white mountain that the most deep place of that thunder swamp, the sea of clouds lays on top of one another. 奥兰一遍又一遍的来到了窗户前看向远方,那片雷霆沼泽的最深处,云海垒砌的白色大山。 God that he believes where went. 他信仰的神明前往了哪里。 Has an audience with these to create all Supreme God, Creator in having an audience with legend. 去觐见那些创造一切的至高神明,觐见传说之中的造物主 „Did the Ibach god see Creator?” 伊瓦神见到了造物主了吗?” What did Creator also say to It?” 造物主又对祂说了些什么?” „Related in the future, the secret of related this world, concerns this world everyone's destiny.” “是不是有关未来,有关这个世界的秘密,是不是关乎这个世界所有人的命运。” Oland felt, the deep place of which swamp is certainly having the mortal matter that at this moment is inconceivable. 奥兰觉得,此时此刻在哪沼泽的深处一定发生着凡人难以想象的事情。 Because of there each Spiritual God, a few words that they spoke, has the strength of affecting the whole world. 因为那里的每一位神灵,祂们所说的一句话,都拥有着影响整个世界的力量。 Even. 甚至。 Decides opening and end of era. 决定纪元的开启和终结。 In his eyes, in his imagination. 在他的眼中,在他的想象里。 There is happening is affecting everyone's destiny, matter of change world. 那里在发生着影响着所有人的命运,改变世界的事情。 In this deeply worried, he fell into the deep sleep in tossing and turning. 就在这焦灼之间,他在辗转反侧之间陷入了沉睡。 Daybreak time. 黎明时刻。 The prayer hall silver flower cup empty shadow blooms one after another, idol in temple sent out the ray. 祷告堂一朵又一朵银色的花杯虚影绽放,神殿之中的神像散发出了光芒。 Oland smelled the flower fragrance, heard talking in whispers of that Cup of Desire, is telling his concern. 奥兰闻到了花的香味,又听见了那欲望之杯的窃窃私语,诉说着他内心的心事。 He was worried very much.” “他很担心。” „Also confused.” “也很迷茫。” He walks on the road, actually does not know why walks on the road.” “他走在路上,却不知道为何走在路上。” He is seeking for the future, actually does not know that in the future is anything.” “他寻找着未来,却不知道未来是什么。” Oland sets out, he as before also in prayer hall. 奥兰起身,他依旧还在祷告堂里。 His under foot opened completely silver Cup of Desire. 只是他的脚下开满了银色的欲望之杯 He opens the door, as the direction of Cup of Desire arrived in the main hall. 他推开门,随着欲望之杯的指引来到了大殿之中。 Oland!” “奥兰!” That is the God of Desire and Alchemy Ibach sound. 那是欲望与炼金之神伊瓦的声音。 Oland raised the head, seeing idol of Ibach god to shine in the powder. 奥兰抬起头,看见伊瓦神的神像在散发着光。 Ibach god!” 伊瓦神!” The Ibach god is gazing at Oland, told him the direction of Creator. 伊瓦神注视着奥兰,告诉他造物主的指引。 Creator opened road that enters the intelligent root, that is the intelligent life is aloof in the road in this world ; However this road to lead to where, will be decided by us finally.” 造物主打开了进入智慧根源的路,那是智慧生命超脱于这个世界的路;但是这条路最终会通向哪里,由我们自己决定。” „The lord of divine system does not carve up the intelligent authority, but is the ship of wind and rain Tongji, common exploration future boat.” 神系之主不是瓜分智慧的权柄,而是风雨同济的船,共同探索未来的舟。” This is Creator to the words that I spoke.” “这是造物主对我说的话。” Oland is somewhat excited, the Ibach god really saw Creator. 奥兰有些激动,伊瓦神果然见到了造物主 The Ibach god was saying to Oland: This era had started, but goes to where us not to know finally.” 伊瓦神对着奥兰说道:“这个纪元已经开始了,但是最终前往何处我们都不知道。” This is not someone is doomed, because great Creator also lets the answer that we choose us to want, other shore that we want to arrive.” “这不是某一个人注定的,因为伟大的造物主也让我们自己选择我们想要的答案,我们想要抵达的彼岸。” I have chosen my road, I will construct world divine system, the carrying/sustaining lead everyone to go to the future together.” “我已经选择了我的路,我会建造人间神系,承载着带着所有人一同前往未来。” But person on this ship, has the different ideas, different choices.” “但是在这条船上的人,也有着不同的想法,不同的选择。” We will be fulfilling the different missions, makes this steamship together, creates one to belong to our state.” “我们将履行着不同的使命,共同建造出这条大船,创造一个属于我们的国度。” The Ibach god accepted Creator oracle, has seen clearly regarding the future all. 伊瓦神接受了造物主神谕,对于未来的一切都已经看清。 What I wield is the desire authority, the desire has the innumerable branches.” “我执掌的是欲望的权柄,欲望拥有着无数的分支。” Oland!” “奥兰啊!” You want to choose that path, what end point also wants to arrive in?” “你想要选择那一条道路,又想要抵达什么样的终点?” The Ibach god asked Oland. 伊瓦神问奥兰。 Mounts peer of my steamship, did you find were your road?” “登上我大船的同行者,你找到了属于你的路了吗?” Oland: Answer that I want?” 奥兰:“我想要的答案?” Ibach god: Naturally, my apostle.” 伊瓦神:“当然,我的使徒。” Otherwise, why you must board my ship.” “要不然,你为何要登上我的船。” Oland quite a while has not spoken, finally his voice very small reply. 奥兰半天没有说话,最后他声音很小的回答。 I as if know, but actually does not know.” “我似乎知道,但是却又不知道。” Oland remembered the form of Tuteur, he stands in inside of workshop, is crying out to everyone, must establish that Tower of Babel. 奥兰想起了老图特的身影,他站在工坊的里面,对着所有人呐喊着,要重新建立起那座通天塔 He remembered oneself teacher, remembered tower spirit school of thought one generation for the deep meaning that the person tracks down. 他想起了自己的老师,想起了塔灵学派一代代人追寻的奥义。 I do not know that is I anticipated, others make me anticipate.” “我不知道,那是我期待的,还是别人让我期待的。” I do not know that I can achieve , after does not know achieves, can be I wants.” “我不知道我能不能做到,也不知道做到之后,会不会是我想要的。” Oland and tower spirit school of thought had once made mistakes, such person is always easy to stand still. 奥兰和塔灵学派曾经犯过错,这样的人总是容易会驻足不前。 The Ibach god looks at Oland, saw once probably. 伊瓦神看着奥兰,就好像看见了曾经的自己。 You had actually known, is only somewhat confused.” “你其实已经知道了,只是有些迷茫。” Then on depart!” “那就出发吧!” On the road, your confusedness will clear, you will see clearly the future that you want truly.” “在路上,你的迷茫将会散尽,你将看清你真正想要的未来。” The Spiritual God sound goes far away little. 神灵的声音一点点远去。 Oland actually wakes from the bed, movement some even fall from the bed greatly directly. 奥兰却从床榻之上醒了过来,动作有些大甚至直接从床上掉了下来。 Looks at outside the window again, the sky is greatly bright. 再一看窗户外面,天已经大亮了。 servant of God heard the sound that broadcasts from the room, knocks on a door. 神侍听到了从屋子里面传来的声音,敲了敲门。 Sir!” “大人!” „Are you good?” “您还好吧?” Oland replied said: All right, but has a dream.” 奥兰回答说道:“没事的,只是做了个梦。” servant of God not strange, after all the person has a dream to have anything to be strange. 神侍没有奇怪,毕竟人做梦有什么奇怪的。 However he does not know, what in front of him is an apostle. 但是他不知道,他面前的是一位使徒。 An apostle has a dream often has in -depth meaning and reason. 一个使徒做梦往往就有着更深层的含义和原因。 That certainly is a fond dream, outside I and others will first leave the prayer hall to go to handle something, if the Sir has anything to tell me.” “那一定是个美梦,我等会先离开祷告堂去外面办些事情,大人如果有什么事情可以吩咐我。” Oland: No, is very troublesome you.” 奥兰:“没有,已经很麻烦你们了。” Oland got up, put on the coat outside the white in shirt. 奥兰起来了,在白色的内衬衣外面披上了外衣。 Opens the door, Sun according to the body. 打开门,太阳照在身上。 He as in all that thinking the dream God and said that particularly that. 他依旧在想着梦中神明和自己所说的一切,尤其是那一句。 Creator opened road that enters the intelligent root, that is the intelligent life is aloof in the road in this world ; However this road to lead to where, will be decided by us finally.” 造物主打开了进入智慧根源的路,那是智慧生命超脱于这个世界的路;但是这条路最终会通向哪里,由我们自己决定。” „The lord of divine system does not carve up the intelligent authority, but is the ship of wind and rain Tongji, common exploration future boat.” 神系之主不是瓜分智慧的权柄,而是风雨同济的船,共同探索未来的舟。” More is thinks, more can feel a great wisdom. 越是去想,就越能感觉到一种伟大的智慧。 One type exceeds in the civilization and all above, overlooks aloofness that the world is changing. 一种超越于文明和一切之上,俯瞰着人间变化的超然。 Gives the mortal to choose together, is actually directing the great form that the civilization is leading the way secretly. 一道给予凡人选择,却又在暗暗指引着文明前行的伟岸身影。 St. Raphael!” “圣拉菲尔!” I understand finally, great that you said what is.” “我终于明白,您所说的伟大是什么样的了。” Oland went out of the prayer hall, packed the thing, summoned the flight magic carpet in the roof. 奥兰走出了祷告堂,收拾了东西,在屋顶召唤出飞行魔毯。 Is preparing again depart. 正准备再度出发 Above outside street, heard the stormy loud noise. 外面的街道之上,传来了密集的喧闹声。 Greeted the sky Giant God idol sound with before not too, these time along with stormy argument sound, a sound quite big sound impressively was servant of God of prayer hall. 和之前迎接天空巨神神像的声音不太一样,这一次伴随着密集的争论声,其中声音比较大的一个声音赫然就是祷告堂的神侍 Oland walked from the prayer hall: What matter had/left?”- 奥兰从祷告堂走了出去:“出什么事情了吗?”- Razer Kingdom just welcomed sky Giant God idol, because of the response of sky Giant God, lets the life temple power and influence and influence increases greatly. 雷泽王国刚刚迎来了天空巨神神像,因为天空巨神的回应,让生命神庙的威势和影响力巨增。 The king personally arrived in temple, is greeting Giant God idol. 国王亲自来到了神庙之中,迎接着巨神神像 Then one prayed in temple all night, requested blessing of God, requested that explains the God decree. 然后一整夜都在神庙之中祈祷,请求神明的庇佑,请求解读神明的旨意。 Life temple. 生命神庙 This life temple is placing Ruler of Life idol, its under is sky Giant God personification idol, one is completely the image that the mortal imagines. 这座生命神庙摆放着生命主宰神像,其下就是天空巨神的拟人神像,一个完全是凡人想象出来的形象。 Life temple servant of God, the sky Giant God retinue fights one row in temple, looks king respectful completed the pray. 生命神庙神侍,天空巨神的仆从在神庙之中战成一排,看着国王毕恭毕敬的完成了祈祷。 temple chief servant of God arrived at the front of king, told the king. 神庙的首席神侍来到了国王的面前,告诉国王陛下。 King!” “王!” So long as found the right person, then can welcome is our succubas.” “只要找到合适的人,便能够迎来属于我们的魔女。” We will truly have the strength and asylum that the god grants, fearless all enemies.” “我们将真正拥有神赐予的力量和庇护,无惧一切的敌人。” The Razer Kingdom king also showed the look of anticipation. 雷泽王国的国王也露出了期待的神色。 Sky Giant God world retinue, what great does Giant God need me to make?” “天空巨神的人间仆从,请问伟大的巨神需要我做什么?” Quick. 很快。 Each city and villages and small towns of kingdom pasted the notice, announced king's order. 王国的各个城市、村镇都贴出了布告,宣告了国王的命令。 temple is going from each region choice, the young girl who chooses a so- called suitable standard, escorts to the state of god. 神庙将要从各地挑选,选择出一个所谓的适格的少女,送往神的国度。 Also is the thunder swamp deep place, that stretch of losing Castle in the Sky. 也即是雷霆沼泽的深处,那片失落的天空之城。 This young girl, was called by the succuba who sky Giant God selects. 这个少女,也被称之为被天空巨神选中的魔女。 By the succuba who the god selects.” “被神选中的魔女。” This is unsurpassed being honored.” “这可是无上的荣幸。” Delivers to the thunder swamp the deep place? Can this person also live?” “送到雷霆沼泽的深处?这人还能活着吗?” This is a succuba, is not the average person.” “这是魔女,可不是普通人。” How to elect? On this had not said that won't have problems?” “怎么选?这上面也没有说啊,不会出问题吧?” Under the notice, a person is responsible for reading the above content, surroundings many people discuss spiritedly. 布告下,一个人负责念上面的内容,周围许多人议论纷纷。 servant of God of God of Desire and Alchemy prayer hall comes out from the prayer hall, just saw this notice. 欲望与炼金之神祷告堂的神侍从祷告堂出来,就刚好看到了这个布告。 But after looking, servant of God changed the complexion suddenly. 只不过在看完之后,神侍突然变了脸色。 Laughable!” “可笑!” „Is this succuba who the god selects?” “这是神选出的魔女吗?” This is they selects, an innocent sacrificial victim.” “这是他们选出的,一个无辜的牺牲品。” The servant of God stand, rebuttal vigorously said. 神侍站了出来,极力的驳斥道。 Moreover when the time comes chooses in advance the so-called succuba time, these aristocrats and tyrannical gentries will also definitely attempt to pervert, this matter the first time was not.” “而且到时候预选所谓的魔女的时候,那些贵族、豪绅也肯定会从中做手脚,这种事情也不是第一次了。” Does not know how many people must meet with a disaster, this is God is willing to see?” “不知道多少人要遭殃,这是神明愿意看到的吗?” No, this and God irrelevant, this is only the mortal by God's name in the crime.” “不,这和神明无关,这只是凡人假借神之名在犯罪。” The servant of God words, encounter rebuttals of many immediately, even is the multitude of people of a lot of sky Giant God follower refers. 神侍的话,立刻遭到了不少人的驳斥,甚至是大量天空巨神信徒的千夫所指。 What are you saying?” “你在说什么?” This heretics, obviously is the mother of all snakes Themus descendant, is actually believing other God.” “这个异信者,明明是万蛇之母瑟摩丝的后裔,却信仰着其他的神明。” Right, this heretics is poisoning people's minds.” “没错,这个异信者在蛊惑人心。” The sky Giant God follower was instigated, the public sentiment is roused to action. 天空巨神的信徒被人一挑拨,群情激奋。 Distant place, but also has life temple servant of God to hear the sound to catch up. 更远处,还有着生命神庙神侍听到了动静赶来。 At this time. 这个时候。 Old servant of God comes to break through for young servant of God. 一个老神侍前来替年轻神侍解了围。 Afterward, servant of God immediately by old servant of God of praying hall drawing. 随后,神侍立刻被祷告堂的老神侍给拉了回去。 In prayer hall. 祷告堂内。 Old servant of God is teaching rash and impulsive of young servant of God: This is king's order, moreover is another God decree.” 神侍教训着年轻神侍的莽撞和冲动:“这是国王的命令,而且是另外一位神明的旨意。” Young servant of God: How this possibly is the God decree, this is......” 年轻神侍:“这怎么可能是神明的旨意,这就是……” Old servant of God broke him: Whether or not, to have nothing to do with us.” 神侍打断了他:“不论是不是真的,与我们无关。” We are the followers of Ibach god, cannot at will and life temple has the conflict, cannot defy king's orders casually.” “我们是伊瓦神的信徒,不可以随意和生命神庙起冲突,更不可以随便违抗国王的命令。” Knows?” “知道吗?” Young servant of God opened the mouth to say anything, but can only close finally, did not say a word. 年轻神侍张开嘴巴想要说些什么,但是最后又只能合上,一言不发。 Old servant of God looked after young servant of God obeys, this leaves. 神侍看年轻神侍服从之后,这才离开。 Leaves also said. 离开的时候还说道。 You must calm, something not be you can change.” “你得冷静一下,有些事情不是你能够改变的。” Oland actually walked from behind, arrived at side somewhat dispirited young servant of God. 奥兰却从后面走了出来,走到了有些颓丧的年轻神侍身边。 „Is this hope that you said?” “这就是你所说的希望?” With one or sacrifice of one group of innocent people, received exchange a hope.” “用一个或者一群无辜的人的牺牲,来换取一个希望。” With the false divine will, is hoodwinking everyone, is maintaining the royal power and temple right.” “用虚假的神意,来蒙蔽着所有人,维持着王权和神庙的权利。” Oland: „A country can establish in the lie, but actually cannot move toward the future in the lie.” 奥兰:“一个国家可以在谎言之中建立,但是却不能够在谎言之中走向未来。”
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