IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#384 Part 2: The Ibach god goes to City of God's Descent

These words really quite beautiful. 这句话真的好美。 Is beautiful, even if passed for trillion years, Yin Wa remembers as before newly such as. 美丽得哪怕过去了亿万年,尹瓦依旧记忆如新。 At this moment, she could not bear repeat. 此时此刻,她又忍不住重复了一遍。 Life has not dissipated.” “生命并没有消散。” Their memories and once......” “他们的记忆和曾经……” Will change into the stars to accompany forever in the side of god.” “都将化为星辰永远陪伴在神的身边。” Perhaps these words, make Yin Wayong communicate in star sea endlessly, escorts to the end point all dream of lifetime Creation Divine Country. 或许正是这一句话,才让尹瓦永无休止的来往于星海之间,将所有的人生之梦送往终点的造物神国 Yin Wa walks toward inside with the witch doctors, across that giant city gate, arrived at the miracle time prosperous peak street. 尹瓦随着巫医们朝着里面走去,穿过那巨大的城门,来到了奇迹时代繁荣巅峰的街道。 The once lively and present ending end, two pictures are clashing in the mind. 曾经的繁华和如今的落幕终场,两幅画面在脑海里爆发着冲突。 Before the ancient intelligent royal palace, Yin Wa saw the Ruler of Dreamland form. 在古老的智慧王宫前,尹瓦看到了梦境主宰的身影。 Sir Shirra!” 希拉大人!” Under Yin Wazhan in stair square, raises head to watch the source of dreamland and miracle. 尹瓦站在台阶下的广场上,仰头看着梦境和奇迹的源头。 Stands erect, after a while responded came even to lie on the ground, saluted toward the opposite party. 矗立不前,过了一会反应了过来甚至趴在了地上,向着对方行礼。 Dreamland Fairy on stair, once God Insai caused to look at Yin Wa. 台阶上的梦境妖精,曾经的因赛神使看着尹瓦。 Spans the time samsara, the god and her divine creative force meets once again. 跨越时光轮回,神与她的造物又一次相会。 Although that once divine creative force, has become by the mortal calls it existence of god. 虽然那曾经的造物,也已经成为了被凡人称之为神的存在。 The control of dreamland shows the smile, just like Sun is generally radiant, does not make people feel blazingly. 梦境的主宰露出微笑,犹如太阳一般璀璨,却又不让人感觉到炽烈。 Welcome back.” “欢迎回来。”
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