IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#384 Part 1: The Ibach god goes to City of God's Descent

! Razer Kingdom. 雷泽王国 In main street and small alley snake human sways from side to side the tail to go out from the house, some mischievous snake human children climb down from the tree, cheer gather on entering the street in city. 大街小巷之中蛇人从房屋里扭动着尾巴走出,一些顽皮的蛇人孩子从树上爬下,欢呼聚集在入城的街道上。 servant of God are lifting idol that is symbolizing sky Giant God comes, that is one somewhat seems like the jellyfish, somewhat seems like a mysterious form that is throwing over the gauze clothes cape, was full of the dim artistic aesthetic sense. 神侍们抬着象征着天空巨神神像而来,那是一个有些像是水母,又有些像是一个披着纱衣斗篷的神秘身影,充满了朦胧的艺术美感。 Similar to cloud Hewu of thunder swamp deep place. 就如同雷霆沼泽深处的云和雾。 God responded to us.” 神明回应了我们。” Is God is blessing us, had our today.” “是神明在庇佑着我们,才有了我们的今天。” Once ten thousand snake royal court invaded our countries, had blessing of god, because of this great swamp, helped us obtain was stable and peaceful.” “曾经万蛇王庭侵略我们的国家,是有了神的庇佑,是因为这片伟大的沼泽,才让我们获得了安定和和平。” We should thank God.” “我们应该感谢神明。” Spiritual God, in the distant place told us, her envoy will soon arrive at the world.” “神灵在远方告诉我们,用不了多久她的使者就会降临人间。” On the street, everyone makes the mountainous cry tsunami general sound, because this indeed is one is worth the happy matter. 街道上,所有人发出山呼海啸一般的声音,因为这的确是一件值得高兴的事情。 Without country that God shelters, the civilians will also think that does not have the security sense and identity. 没有神明庇护的国家,平民也会觉得没有安全感和认同感。 In the prayer hall construction in distant place, Oland also heard this sound. 在远处的一栋祷告堂建筑内,奥兰也听到了这声音。 These people in distant place just ended the sky Giant God sacrificial offering ceremony some time ago, now starts a meeting the god ceremony. 远处的那些人不久前刚结束了天空巨神的祭祀典礼,如今又开始了一场迎神仪式。 Everyone thought that this meeting the god ceremony is sacred, felt oneself are devout. 每个人都觉得这场迎神仪式神圣无比,觉得自己是虔诚的。 Probably so long as brought back to this idol, God also lived in this city, with them in. 好像只要带回了这座神像,神明也就住在了这座城市之中,与他们同在。 However Oland thought that these people are pitiful and laughable, because under their gods have not arrived at oracle to them, all are their conjectures and guesses. 但是奥兰却又觉得这些人可怜且可笑,因为他们的神从来没有对他们降临下神谕,一切都不过是他们自己的臆想和猜测。 Even. 甚至。 The gods who they believe do not know, they are believing themselves. 他们信仰的神都不知道,他们在信仰着自己。 In prayer hall crowded. 祷告堂内人来人往。 Under the wall, Oland covers up own figure and appearance with the imaginary technique, receives his servant of God to say with side. 墙壁下,奥兰用幻术遮掩住自己的身形和容貌,和身边的身旁接待他的神侍说道。 Cannot see the inverted image of god, cannot hear the voice of god, does not know the will of god. “看不到神的倒影,听不到神的声音,不知晓神的意志。 Actually can believe the god.” “却能够信仰着神。” This possibly was mortal funniest and ignorant one.” “这可能就是凡人最滑稽和愚昧的一幕了。” Oland does not know God that keeps aloof what idea sees this is, should not be angry, but is watching a world farce. 奥兰不知道那高高在上的神明看到这一幕是什么样的想法,应该不会是愤怒,而是在看一场人间闹剧。 This is a Yin Washen prayer hall, Razer Kingdom is believing sky Giant God, but in this kingdom has merchant who came from Land of Sunrise massively, usually in also needs to pray. 这是一座尹瓦神的祷告堂,雷泽王国信仰着天空巨神,但是这个王国之中有着大量来自于日出之地的商人,平日里也需要祷告。 Therefore, here also has many Yin Washen prayer hall. 所以,这里也有着不少尹瓦神的祷告堂。 Not only so, here many family also has to consecrate Scarlet Goddess and other God, various beliefs interwine here. 不仅仅如此,这里不少家庭还有供奉腥红女神和其他神明的,各种信仰在这里交织在一起。 Naturally. 当然。 The mainstream believes sky Giant God as before. 主流依旧是信仰天空巨神 In free belief that ten thousand snake royal court have not started thoroughly, here instead first step implemented. 在万蛇王庭都还没有彻底开始的自由信仰,在这里反而先一步实行了。 servant of God of prayer hall does not know that the true status in Oland, only knows the opposite party came from Land of Sunrise alchemist. 祷告堂的神侍并不知道奥兰的真正身份,只知道对方是来自于日出之地炼金师 A very powerful Yin Wa god retinue, least third-order. 一位很强大的尹瓦神仆从,最少三阶。 Oland requests them the praying hall after the sunset to soar to him, they also complied. 奥兰要求他们在日落之后将祷告堂腾空给他,他们也答应了。 However this servant of God at this moment after hearing the words of Oland, actually cannot bear say. 不过这位神侍此刻在听到了奥兰的话后,却忍不住说道。 Your excellency.” “阁下。” I thought that you should not say them like this.” “我觉得您不应该这样说他们。” Oland has turned head to come to see the opposite party, the look seems to be inquiring the opposite party. 奥兰扭过头来看着对方,眼神似乎在询问对方。 Why? 为什么? The opposite party were saying to Oland: They are not only longing for arrival of God, but is expecting and longing for the glorious future.” 对方却对着奥兰说:“他们不仅仅是在渴望着神明的降临,而是在期望和渴望着美好的未来。” „The demand of everyone in this world is different, the average person does not need to know that big truth, is unable to know the great true meaning.” “在这个世界上每个人的需求都是不一样的,普通人不需要知晓那么大的道理,也无法知晓伟大的真意。” They do not have you such profound knowledge to go to cognitive world, they are rushing about every day sadly for three meals a day.” “他们没有您那样渊博的知识去认知这个世界,他们每天都在为一日三餐而奔波忧愁。” You such great alchemist hope can go to the state and god of god in, servant of God hope that can explain the Spiritual God the will to be been more reverent by oneself, the goal of mortal hopes that through believing God comes to bring the consolation to oneself.” “您这样伟大的炼金师希望能够前往神的国度与神同在,神侍们希望能够解读神灵的意志让自己更加虔诚,凡人的目的不过就是希望通过信仰神明来给自己带来慰藉而已。” „Everyone has own goal, has own asked that the thing that therefore everyone can see was also different.” “每个人都有着自己的目的,有着自己的所求,于是大家所能看到的东西也就不一样。” God is too great, we are too tiny.” 神明太伟大,我们却太渺小。” We are unable to guess the God will and its great form forever, we can do also only then this small anticipation.” “我们永远无法揣测神明的意志和其伟大的身影,我们所能做的也只有这小小的期待了。” The opposite party made a posture of prayer, earnest saying. 对方做了一个祷告的姿势,认真的说道。 But after there is a belief, had the cohesive force, this kingdom therefore is also born.” “但是有了信仰之后,就有了凝聚力,这个王国也因此而诞生。” Yin Washen, is sky Giant God.” “不论是尹瓦神,还是天空巨神。” Even if God has not noticed this city and country, but this country actually drew support from the belief to fuse a civilization.” “哪怕神明并没有注意到这座城市和国家,但是这个国家却借助着信仰融合成了一个文明。” Everyone believes God in the darkness is sheltering us, is believing this country has the bright future.” “所有人都相信在冥冥之中神明在庇护着我们,相信着这个国家有着光明的未来。” Regarding the mortal, this was enough.” “对于凡人来说,这就足够了。” Why must make excessive demands the mortal to understand that these great truth, why must make excessive demands the tiny person who three meals a day cannot eat to the full to thoroughly understand the divine will devout?” “为什么要苛求凡人去懂得那些伟大的道理呢,为什么要苛求一日三餐都不能吃饱的渺小之人拥有通晓神意的虔诚呢?” servant of God said finally. 神侍最后说道。 What you see from this ceremony is the ignorance of mortal, but everyone saw the hope from this ceremony and in the future.” “您从这一场仪式里看到的是凡人的愚昧,但是大家从这种仪式里看到了希望和未来。” Even if this hope is not so real, but it also directs everyone to go forward as before.” “哪怕这希望并不是那么真实,但是它也依旧指引着所有人在前进。” Oland looks at the opposite party, never expected that prayer hall servant of God of Razer Kingdom such remote place can actually say such words. 奥兰看着对方,没想到雷泽王国这样一个偏僻之地的祷告堂神侍竟然能够说出这样的话来。 He remembered for more than 100 years ago he had also come to here, that time here was one crowd remote wild, is similar to savage general snake human everywhere. 他又想起了一百多年前他也曾经来过这里,那个时候的这里就是一群偏僻的蛮荒,到处都是如同野人一般的蛇人 But now here had had the tremendous changes, 而如今这里已经发生了翻天覆地的变化, Sky Giant God has not directly changed here, actually in little change here. 天空巨神并没有直接改变这里,却又在一点点的改变着这里。 snake human walks from the among the roads of desolate, more than 1000 years had the present prosperous civilization, because had various God to promote after that. 蛇人从蛮荒之中一路走来,一千多年就拥有了现在的繁盛文明,正是因为了有诸神在其后推动。 God of Truth and Knowledge that Land of Sunrise Yin Washen, Suinhall Scarlet Goddess, the Evel person believes that is so. 日出之地的尹瓦神,苏因霍尔腥红女神,爱维尔人信仰的真理与知识之神,都是如此。 Regardless of the original intention of God is anything, all that snake human has now benefit from their kindness. 不论神明的初衷是什么,蛇人现在拥有的一切都得益于他们的恩惠。 Oland thinks of here, with expressing the sound of apology said. 奥兰想到这里,用表示歉意的声音说道。 That is true.” “的确如此。” I should not say like this, the thing that everyone sees is different.” “我不应该这样说,每个人看到的东西是不一样的。” My idea extremely in the arrogance, replaced everyone with my angle.” “我的想法太过于傲慢,用我的角度去代替了所有人。” Traded an angle of view, Oland looks again to the distant place, listens sound that is making noise. 换了个视角,奥兰再一次看向远方,听着那喧闹的声音。 Suddenly feels this ceremony, became completely different. 突然觉得这一场仪式,又变得完全不一样了。 Oland had a sensibility at this moment. 奥兰此刻有了一种感悟。 Civilization is to proceed from darkness to light, from moves toward ignorantly greatly.” “文明就是从黑暗走向光明,从愚昧走向伟大。” God walks in the world forefront guide, leads to the forerunner in distant place.” 神明是走在人间最前面的引导者,是通往远方的先行者。” Oland regarding the view of God also in the different periods of life, has changes unceasingly. 奥兰对于神明的看法也是在人生的不同阶段之中,有着不断地改变。 From following blindly God, to awing God, to following God. 从盲从神明,到敬畏神明,到追随神明 Follows blindly God time, thought that God is omniscient and omnipotent, thinks that own all God can grant, reposes to God on. 盲从神明的时候,觉得神明就是全知全能,认为自己的一切神明都可以赐予,将一切寄托到神明身上。 Awes God time, feeling God is incomparably powerful existence, cannot be far away may not approach. 敬畏神明的时候,觉得神明是无比强大的存在,不可远离也不可靠近。 But Oland. 而奥兰。 In the gradual understanding God will, his gradually can be called follows God. 则在逐渐的理解神明的意志,他渐渐的可以称得上是追随神明 He thought. 他心想。 Now the civilization walks before most, is White Tower Alchemy Alliance.” “现在文明走在最前的,就是白塔炼金联盟。” Ancient and great God had opened the new era, all are similar to daybreak the rising sun.” “古老而伟大的神明已经开启了新的纪元,一切就如同黎明初阳。” Then.” “接下来。” Perhaps was we stands.” “或许就是我们自己站出来了。” Oland is self-confident regarding White Tower Alchemy Alliance, has proudly. 奥兰对于白塔炼金联盟非常自信,也同时有着自豪。 White Tower Alchemy Alliance is not the biggest country, compared with the Suinhall city-state alliances and ten thousand snake royal court, White Tower Alchemy Alliance is very small. 白塔炼金联盟并不是最大的国家,和苏因霍尔城邦联盟和万蛇王庭相比,白塔炼金联盟很小。 However here has the biggest vigor, Oland thought that here will erupt the thing of change the whole world. 但是这里有着最大的活力,奥兰觉得这里将会爆发出改变整个世界的东西。 Oland regarding the journey of trip, had a new sensibility. 奥兰对于此行的旅途,有了一层新的感悟。 --------------------------------- --------------------------------- The night falls. 夜幕降临。 The person in prayer hall departs gradually, entire palace for Oland emptying. 祷告堂的人渐渐离去,整个殿堂都为奥兰给空了出来。 Facing Yin Washen idol, Oland kneels on the ground starts to pray. 面对尹瓦神的神像,奥兰跪在地上开始祷告。 He uses the triadic god name, communication remote Spiritual God state through Dreamland and in ceremony. 他用三段式的神名,通过梦界和仪式沟通上遥远的神灵国度。 Is occupied by the lights god in sky garden, the desire and Alchemy control, receives and instructs the Yin Wa god of crowd of stars.” “居住在天空花园的灯火之神,欲望和炼金的掌控者,接引群星的尹瓦神。” Your apostle Oland prayed to you, requested your response.” “您的使徒奥兰向您祈祷,请求您的回应。” Repeated, Oland got god's response. 重复了一遍,奥兰就得到了神的回应。 The silver flowering shrubs appeared in the under foot, spread unceasingly along the side, with the starry sky of distant place linked. 银色的花丛出现在了脚下,沿着身边不断蔓延开来,和远方的星空连接在一起。 Sky the scene in miracle garden appeared in the body week of Oland, was great and quiet. 天空的奇迹花园之中的景象出现在了奥兰的身周,伟大而静谧。 The gate of desire appears in the end, lamp spirit lamp bowls like stars row of spatial. 欲望之门浮现在尽头,一座座灯灵灯盏如同星辰列空。 The shadow of great myth appeared in the hanger-on, looked to Oland. 伟岸的神话之影出现在了门下,看向了奥兰。 Apostle Oland.” “使徒奥兰。” Said your hope.” “说出你的祈求。” Also only then the Oland such special apostles can relate God momentarily, only then he can so fast gets the response of God. 也只有奥兰这样特殊的使徒才能随时的联系上神明,也只有他才能如此快速的得到神明的回应。 Oland pondered a meeting, raised the head to look up to God to say. 奥兰思考了一会,才抬起头仰望着神明说道。 Oland told Yin Washen in the discovery of thunder swamp, on was related he to see in the sky of thunder swamp that spanned the ship of sky the sea of clouds came. 奥兰告诉了尹瓦神自己在雷霆沼泽的发现,其中就有关他在雷霆沼泽的天空看到了那跨越云海而来的天空之船。 Yin Washen!” “尹瓦神!” I see in the legend the Ruler of Life private car to enter lost kingdom in legend, the Sky Behemoth volume is leaves the swamp deep place for this reason, greets the arrival of great control.” “我看见传说之中生命主宰的座驾进入传说之中的失落之国,天空巨兽的卷属为此离开沼泽深处,迎接伟大主宰的驾临。” „Does god, you know Supreme God to arrive at the world for what?” “神啊,您知晓至高神明降临人间是为了什么吗?” Great Ruler of Life appears in the world, we need to make anything.” “伟大的生命主宰出现在人间,我们需要做些什么。” Oland knows, seems like two completely different God in average man opinion Ruler of Life and Ruler of Dreamland, probably not too big connection. 奥兰知道,在常人看来生命主宰梦境主宰好像是两个完全不同的神明,好像并没有太大的关联。 However Oland actually knows from storage female celestial St. Raphael there, Ruler of Life and Ruler of Dreamland is a body, entire creates world divine system always to represent the same will. 但是奥兰却从储物仙女圣拉菲尔那里知道,生命主宰梦境主宰是一体的,整个创世神系从来都是代表着同一个意志。 That is the true Creator will. 那属于真正的造物主的意志。 The god under Gate of Myth only proceeds one step, raised the lamp on hand to illuminate the starry sky, illuminated the whole world. 神话之门下的神祇往前一步,提起了手上的灯照亮星空,照亮了整个世界。 Myriad lights glitter together, glistens together. 万千灯火共同闪烁,一同辉耀。 Yin Washen is gazing at Oland, determined all that he said real. 尹瓦神注视着奥兰,确定他所说的一切都是真的。 Does not need to make anything, does not need you to make anything to the high control.” “无需做什么,至高的主宰也不需要你做什么。” That is the Ruler of Dreamland ship, the Creation Divine Country divine tool.” “那是梦境主宰的船,造物神国的神器。” Sacred boat is the boat of dreamland receiving and instructing, but it is the Supreme God private car.” “神圣之舟是梦境接引之舟,而其就是至高神明的座驾。” Has directly opens the jurisdiction of Creation Divine Country front door.” “拥有直接打开造物神国大门的权限。” Only then Yin Washen came from existence in Creation Divine Country like this, knows such secret. 只有尹瓦神这样来自于造物神国的存在,才知道这样的秘密。 Yin Washen seemingly had long known anything, but cannot bear at this moment as before excitedly, 尹瓦神看上去似乎早就知道了什么,但是此刻依旧忍不住激动、 Arrived not only also Ruler of Life.” “降临的也不只是生命主宰。” But was Supreme God arrives at the world together, together with the Creator Insai same place.” “而是至高神明一同降临人间了,连同造物主因赛一起。” God of Desire and Alchemy is one seemingly does not have too many emotion god, or is one seems like very reserved God. 欲望和炼金之神是一个看上去没有太多情感的神祇,或者说是一个看上去很内敛的神明 However she said a word at this moment excitedly, has the anticipation and hope. 但是此时此刻她却言语激动,带着期待和渴望。 Yin Washen was saying to Oland. 尹瓦神对着奥兰说道。 Oland.” “奥兰。” You saw Creator!” “你看到了造物主!” Oland is bewildered, he knows certainly Creator, but had not actually realized that what concept Creator such god is only. 奥兰一脸茫然,他当然知道造物主,但是却从来未曾认识到造物主这样的神祇到底是个什么样的概念。 Creator arrives at the world.” 造物主降临人间。” „The Divine Moon time arrives, the Ruler of Life bugle horn sound has sounded, all will change.” 神月时代到来,生命主宰的号角声已经吹响,一切都将会发生变化。” Oland!” “奥兰!” You can meet Creator, perhaps is the dark in direction, the Supreme God will is then towing you to go to the new time.” “你能够遇到造物主,或许便是冥冥之中的指引,至高神明的意志在牵引着你前往新的时代。” Asai, Vivien and Yin Wa, Eliana, similar have the witch doctor they to represent last era. 阿赛费雯、尹瓦、爱莲娜、肖还有巫医她们代表着上一个纪元 Then Oland and Sukob are representing this era, is representing the new times. 那么奥兰和苏科布就代表着这一个纪元,代表着新时代。 Although. 虽然。 They have not grown truly. 他们还没有真正成长起来。 Oland felt that for the first time a serious strength pressed on own body, but came with it also some confused. 奥兰第一次感觉到一股沉重的力量压在了自己的身上,但是与之而来的还有些许迷茫。 Because he did not have to understand until now oneself can make anything for this era. 因为他到如今还没有明白自己能够为这个纪元做些什么。 Oland crawls on the ground, was saying to Yin Washen. 奥兰匍匐在地上,对着尹瓦神说道。 God!” “神!” You have the innumerable followers, I just am.” “您拥有无数的信徒,我只不过是其中一个罢了。” Yin Washen: various God have the innumerable followers, but they are not true belief God, they believe God in heart.” 尹瓦神:“诸神都拥有无数的信徒,但是他们都不是真正的信仰神明,他们只是信仰自己心中的神明。” Only then understands God, only then follows in the God will, only then with the person of god peer.” “只有了解神明,只有追随于神明的意志,只有与神同行之人。” Is the true follower.” “才是真正的信徒。” A Yin Washen words revolution: You can meet Creator, in time that the new times open.” 尹瓦神的话语一转:“你能够遇见造物主,在新时代开启的时刻。” It seems like, this is the choice of destiny.” “看来,这就是命运的选择。” Oland!” “奥兰!” „Will you become my true follower?” “你会成为我真正的信徒吗?” Oland, can you travel together with me?” “奥兰,你会与我同行吗?” Yin Wa said, is because she is such existence. 尹瓦这么说,就是因为她是这样的存在。 She once followed with Ruler of Dreamland Shirra behind, fulfills Ruler of Dreamland to give her mission. 她曾经追随与梦境主宰希拉的身后,履行着梦境主宰赋予她的使命。 Oland raised the head, he is so gazing at his God for the first time boldly. 奥兰抬起头,他第一次如此大胆的注视着他的神明 What existence because he wants to see clearly his God is, he wants to travel together with the opposite party. 因为他想要看清他的神明到底是一个什么样的存在,他想要与对方同行。 Great God of Desire and Alchemy !” “伟大的欲望与炼金之神啊!” What is your will? End point that you track down to lead to where?” “您的意志是什么?您追寻的终点又通向何处?” The Spiritual God under Gate of Myth lifted the hand. 神话之门下的神灵抬起了手。 Lights changed into the shadow, stood in her behind. 一盏盏灯火化为了影子,站在了她的身后。 Including her wife gold queen, stands with her shoulder to shoulder. 连她的妻子黄金女王一起,和她并肩而立。 I want to illuminate this world with the lights.” “我想要用灯火照亮这个世界。” I want to receive and instruct everyone to go to the future together.” “我想要接引所有人一同前往未来。” Yin Wa looked to nearby golden queen. 尹瓦看向了一旁的黄金女王。 I want to establish great divine system and state with my followers together.” “我想要和我的信徒们一起建立一个伟大的神系和国度。” Finally goes to the unknown end point together, I do not know that what the end point can be, but we will lead the way together.” “最终一同前往未知的终点,我不知道终点会是什么样的,但是我们会一同前行。” Is lifting up high the lamp in hand, is following the Supreme God form.” “高举着手中的灯,追随着至高神明的身影。” After Oland listens, without the youngster time in shock of temple, without the youth time receives and instructs the lights to see fear of gate of desire. 奥兰听完之后,没有少年时候在神殿的震撼,没有青年时候接引灯火看到欲望之门的畏惧。 At this moment, he felt that what is boundless feeling at ease, anticipation. 此时此刻,他感觉到的是无边的心安,还有期待。 Was anticipating the steamship that is riding Yin Washen, with all peer together, arrives in that unknown end point. 期待着乘坐着尹瓦神的大船,和所有的同行者一起,抵达那未知的终点。 Why although does not know that end point, but has so many companions to lead the way together, feels cannot frightened. 虽然不知道那终点为何,但是有着如此多的同伴一同前行,就觉得没有丝毫可以恐惧的了。 Yin Washen. „ “尹瓦神。“ I am willing to board the ship of your eternal, is raising hand the lights, forever travels together with you.” “我愿意登上您的永恒之船,举着手中的灯火,永远与你同行。” The Spiritual God light shadow cannot see the expression, but can feel that she is very gratified. 神灵的光影看不到表情,但是可以感觉到她很欣慰。 She looks that Oland feels at ease the expression that and anticipates, then turned head to look to the remote starry sky. 她看着奥兰心安和期待的表情,然后扭头看向了遥远的星空。 Suddenly said. 突然说道。 Your pray ended, my apostle.” “你的祈祷结束了,我的使徒。” Now!” “现在!” I should have an audience with my God!” “我该去觐见我的神明了!” The gods in Oland are Yin Wa, but Yin Wa god. 奥兰的神是尹瓦,而尹瓦的神。 Is Ruler of Dreamland Shirra. 梦境主宰希拉 Yin Washen held up the inspection lamp on hand, goes out from Gate of Myth, goes toward the distant place. 尹瓦神举起了手上的提灯,从神话之门下走出,朝着远方而去。 But in the eye of Oland, the surrounding all scenes is dissipating slowly. 而在奥兰的眼中,周围的所有景象正在缓缓消散。 He returned in the prayer hall. 他重新回到了祷告堂之中。 State of God all dissipate, is only left over the peace and auspicious of the world, is only left over the night silence. 神之国度的一切都消散,只剩下人间的安静和祥和,只剩下夜晚的寂静。 However before the body of Oland, actually grew a flower in the flagstone crevice under idol slowly. 但是在奥兰的身前,在神像下的石板夹缝里却缓缓长出了一朵花。 Cup of Desire!” 欲望之杯!” That is silver Cup of Desire, is symbolizing the God of Desire and Alchemy flower. 那是一朵银色的欲望之杯,象征着欲望与炼金之神的花。 Land of silver flower cup from Oland works loose, same revolves like the dandelion is fluttering to the sky. 银色的花杯从奥兰面前的大地挣脱,如同蒲公英一样旋转着飘向天空。 It across the temple window, flutters toward the distant place. 它穿过神殿的窗户,朝着远方飘去。 Toward the Yunshan fog sea of that thunder swamp deep place. 向着那雷霆沼泽深处的云山雾海。 Oland Station in the prayer hall, looks that silver flower cup vanishes in the dim light of night. 奥兰站在祷告堂内,看着那银色的花杯消失在夜色里。 To high creation world God.” “至高的创世神明。” All origins and ends, create the myriad things Creator.” “一切的起源和终结,创造万物的造物主。” Oland from Yin Vanuatu, saw a divine creative force divine system lineage/vein shadow faintly. 奥兰从尹瓦的身上,隐隐看到了造物神系一脉的影子。 Even if only a shadow of faint trace, made Oland gush out infinite yearning. 哪怕只是一丝丝的影子,也让奥兰涌出了无限的向往。 What existence is.” “到底是什么样的存在。” ----------------------- ----------------------- Cup of Desire is in full bloom under the sky sea of clouds, the night wind is pushing it one layer upon layer upward, across that matter stratus cloud fog. 欲望之杯盛开在天空云海之下,夜风推着它一层层往上,穿过那层层云雾。 Yunshan of thunder swamp deep place started out a large cave/hole, the moonlight shone from the hole, bathed on the silver flowers. 雷霆沼泽深处的云山开出了一个大洞,月光从洞中照射了下来,沐浴在了银色的花朵上。 This is the channel to heaven, receives and instructs Yin Washen light. 这是通往天国的通道,是接引尹瓦神的光。 Yin Wajiang across Yundong. 尹瓦降穿过云洞。 She saw that long-separated for a long time City of God's Descent, arrived in this city edge. 她看到了那阔别已久的神降之城,降临在了这座城市的边缘。 Silver Cup of Desire fell gently under the moonlight, turned into a man of wear stickup long gown, seemed like the somewhat mechanical not too nimble and resourceful man. 银色的欲望之杯在月光下飘落,变成了一个穿着竖领袍服的男人,一个看上去有些刻板不太灵动的男人。 The men are gazing at this city, even if he passes like this as if not too sensitive god regarding the years, at this moment also felt the vicissitudes. 男人注视着这座城市,哪怕是他这样对于岁月流逝似乎不太敏感的神祇,此刻也感觉到了沧桑。 Felt years the sincerity of passing no longer return. 感觉到了岁月的流逝不再归来的厚重。 City of God's Descent.” 神降之城。” City that King Yesel establishes.” 耶赛尔王建立的城市。” Place that the place of Creator arrival, the life and wisdom origin.” 造物主降临之地,生命和智慧起源的地方。” Second-generation King of Wisdom Yesel, the prince of moon/month. 第二代智慧之王耶赛尔,月之王子。 Once felt the story, afterward felt the epic, is the myth name. 一个曾经觉得是故事,后来觉得是史诗,是神话的名字。 Until now, even myth is not enough to describe that years was ancient. 直到现在,连神话都不足以形容那段岁月的古老了。 Yin Wa walks toward front. 尹瓦朝着前面走去。 Before ancient broad city, presented forms. 古老恢弘的城市前,出现了一个又一个身影。 Has the man, has the woman, there is an old man. 有男人,有女人,也有老者。 Although the opposite party transformed form of God, but Yin Wa can recognize their once appearances. 虽然对方幻化成了神之形态,但是尹瓦还是能够认出她们曾经的模样。 Yin Wa arrived in front of them, signals by nodding toward them. 尹瓦走到了她们面前,向着她们点头示意。 Left hand witch doctor.” “左手巫医。” Right hand witch doctor.” “右手巫医。” Head witch doctor.” “头颅巫医。” Torso witch doctor, right leg witch doctor, left leg witch doctor.” “躯干巫医,右腿巫医,左腿巫医。” The name of witch doctor is somewhat strange, but unifies their origins, thought that is not strange. 巫医的名字有些奇怪,但是结合她们的来历,就觉得并不奇怪了。 Yin Wa is knows their, in the past the witch doctor and God Made Man returned, was Yin Wa controls the sacred boat to go to receive and instruct them to go to Creation Divine Country. 尹瓦是认识她们的,当年巫医和神造之人归来的时候,就是尹瓦驾驭着神圣之舟前去接引她们前往造物神国 They also at that time, followed Creator to go to the next era together, survived this era. 她们也是在那个时候,跟随着造物主一同前往了下一个纪元,存活到了这一个纪元。 But this time, actually changed into the witch doctors to receive and instruct Yin Wa to go to receive Supreme God. 只不过这一次,却换成了巫医们接引着尹瓦前去接见至高神祇。 Yin Wa.” “尹瓦。” Great Ruler of Dreamland is waiting for you!” “伟大的梦境主宰在等候着您!” The sound gathering of witch doctors overlaps in the same place, actually does not seem disorderly. 巫医们的声音汇聚重叠在一起,却不显得杂乱。 That sound reverberation in this empty sea of clouds lost kingdom, instead has a great feeling. 那声音回荡在这空荡荡的云海失落之国,反而有种宏大的感觉。 Yin Wa heard the Ruler of Dreamland title, the expression moved slightly. 尹瓦听到了梦境主宰的称号,表情微动。 Sir Shirra still remembers me.” 希拉大人还记得我。” The witch doctors have not spoken, but leads him to enter in the city. 巫医没有说话,只是带着他进入城内。 In the sea of clouds of distant place, big jellyfish wanders in the sky, dives in the sea probably. 远处的云海之中,一个又一个“大水母”在天空之中游荡,就好像在海洋里潜水。 Yin Washen walks, while looks this beautifully, and dream scene. 尹瓦神一边走,一边看着这美丽且梦幻的景象。 Associated to passing. 联想到了过往。 Compares in God Insai, Yin Wageng anticipated that can see Sir Shirra. 相比于因赛神,尹瓦更期待能够见到希拉大人。 God Insai extremely in great, is extremely remote. 因赛神太过于伟大,也太过遥远。 She leaves Creation Divine Country time has seen one side God Insai, seen is not a Spiritual God that has in this world, but is one exceeds in all above eternal stars. 她离开造物神国的时候见过因赛神一面,看到的不是一个存在于这个世界的神灵,而是一个超越于一切之上的永恒星辰。 Creator never exists in this world, regarding everyone, he is all starts, is an inverted image of dream. 造物主从来就不存在于这个世界,对于所有人来说,他是一切的开始,也是一个梦幻的倒影。 It is not visual, cannot touch. 不可看见,不可触及。 Yin Wa regarding God Insai, only then awes, to is great shock of existence is inconceivable. 尹瓦对于因赛神只有敬畏,还有对伟大得难以想象的存在的震撼。 In comparison. 相比之下。 Ruler of Dreamland creates her, gives her to have the significance god, making him feel warm such as existence of sunlight. 梦境主宰才是创造出她,赋予她存在意义的神祇,让他觉得温暖如阳光的存在。 That is she was just born the time, she is Cup of the Sun that swallowed the three leaves human bloodlines and memory, swallowed royal power blood Hoatson family's prince Weiss all strengths, however actually stayed in its last minute nightmare forever. 那还是她刚刚诞生的时候,她是一个吞掉了三叶人血脉和记忆的太阳之杯,吞掉了王权血裔霍森家族的王子威士的一切力量,然而却永远停留在了其最后一刻的噩梦之中。 At that time was also not Ruler of Dreamland, but was Shirra of Insai envoy rescued Yin Wa. 当时还不是梦境主宰,而是因赛使者的希拉将尹瓦解救了出来。 Yin Wa is very grateful she . 尹瓦很感激她,。 Thanked...... thanks......” “谢……谢……” Thanks...... you.” “谢谢……你。” Fairy of dreamland said with a smile: We agree, not?” 梦境的妖精笑着说道:“我们约定好的,不是吗?” Fairy waves gently, the front door of dreamland world opens. 妖精只是轻轻一挥手挥手,梦境世界的大门打开。 Then gave the Yin Wa first mission. 然后赋予了尹瓦第一个使命。 Communicated in the sacred boat of dreamland and receives and instructs the memory dreamland ferryman!” “来往于梦境的神圣之舟和接引记忆的梦境摆渡人啊!” Hopes after you, can replace me, the shuttle communicated in the dreamlands, received and instructed all the memories of belonging to dreamland star sea.” “希望你以后能够代替我,穿梭来往于梦境之间,接引所有归于梦境星海的记忆。” The sea under nighttime sky, the Fairy elusive aria biography is farther. 夜空下的大海,妖精空灵的咏叹调越传越远。 Life has not dissipated, their memories and once.” “生命并没有消散,他们的记忆和曾经。” Will change into the stars to accompany forever in the side of god.” “都将化为星辰永远陪伴在神的身边。”
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