IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#383 Part 2: Creator and place of god falling

Yin Shen walks very slowly, she stepped on the ancient steps to stop above. 尹神走得很慢,她踩着古老的阶梯停在了上面。 She puts out a hand. 她伸出手。 Took up the royal crown gently. 轻轻拿起了王冠。 Seeming like somewhat similar to Crown of Wisdom, but has day and the difference of place, same is actually representing Hinsai, is representing the country of that ancient belief. 看上去和智慧王冠有些相似,但是有着天和地的差别,却一样代表着希因赛,代表着那古老的信仰之国。 Yin Shen looks that above imitates comes the virtue niche pledge that is carving weakly, these had spoken words. 尹神看着上面模彷着凋刻上去的来德利基誓约,那些自己曾经说过的话语。 Comes the virtue niche, Crown of Wisdom and Hinsai royal crown.” “来德利基、智慧王冠希因赛王冠。” Comes the virtue niche to construct an eternal belief the state, names to it is Hinsai.” “来德利基希望建造一个永恒信仰的国度,给它取名为希因赛。” I told him.” “我却告诉他。” Can extinguish including Sun, all will dissipate.” “连太阳都会熄灭,一切都会消逝。” Comes the virtue niche not to believe, he believes oneself belief will inherit eternal, all three leaves human will be the same like him.” “来德利基不愿意相信,他相信自己的信仰会永恒传承,所有三叶人都会如同他一样。” He distributed the pledge to the royal crown, I told him that am to his descendant's curse.” “他给王冠发下了誓约,我告诉他那是对他后裔的诅咒。” Yin Shen was saying to Shirra: Finally.” 尹神对着身边的希拉说:“最后。” I as if said right.” “我似乎说对了。” She is always right, stood in the end point of years probably looks once. 她总是对的,就好像站在岁月的终点回望曾经。 However she does not hope that she is right. 但是她并不期盼自己是对的。 Hinsai. 希因赛 Believes the Insai state. 信仰因赛的国度。 Once great state has dissipated during the years, the belief of God Insai has also changed with the era forgot. 曾经的伟大国度早已消逝在岁月之中,因赛神的信仰也早已随着纪元更替被忘记。 Shirra looks at Yin Shen, suddenly the feeling is somewhat sad. 希拉看着尹神,突然感觉有些难过。 Hinsai continuously, in dream star sea, in historical years.” 希因赛一直都在,在梦幻星海中,在历史岁月中。” Believes your is not only Hinsai, Demon Abyss State.” “信仰您的不仅仅是希因赛,还有魔渊之国。” Even if to this era, many people were always remembering as before once.” “哪怕到了这一个纪元,很多人依旧铭记着曾经。” Shirra asked a Yin Shen question suddenly. 希拉突然之间问了尹神一个问题。 God!” “神!” „Did you forgive them?” “您原谅她们了吗?” What Shirra said is People of Demon Abyss. 希拉说的是魔渊之民 Yin Shen walks toward inside, stands looks at full garden Cup of Bloodmist in the corridor. 尹神朝着里面走去,站在长廊里看着满园的血雾之杯 The flowers are gorgeous and radiant, with this city plain is incompatible wildly. 花朵艳丽而璀璨,和这座城市的古朴蛮荒格格不入。 Does not know.” “不知道。” Possibly forgives, possibly forgot!” “可能是原谅,可能是遗忘了吧!” Shirra did not understand: Forgets?” 希拉不理解:“遗忘?” How god may forget.” “神怎么可能会遗忘。” Yin Shen such existence, even if passed trillion years of matter so long as during changing mind can track down, will not have any mistake. 尹神这样的存在,就算是过去了亿万年的事情只要转念之间就能够追寻到,而且不会出现任何差错。 Yin Shen told Shirra: Did not forget certain things, but why forgot the anger, forgot too many mood.” 尹神告诉希拉:“不是遗忘了某些事情,而是遗忘了愤怒为何,遗忘了太多的情绪。” Yin Shen remembered once: Yes!” 尹神想起了曾经:“是啊!” I will also once be angry.” “曾经我也会生气。” I will be willful, will vent anger, will regret.” “我会任性,会迁怒,会惋惜。” Yin Shen looks to Shirra: Now, forgets probably.” 尹神看向希拉:“现在,好像都遗忘了。” Yin Shen is not the inherent sacredness, but as if there is eternal life God mentality during the years little. 尹神并不是与生俱来的神圣,但是却在岁月之中似乎一点点拥有永生神明的心态。 Although that mentality and eternal life species Sally, with long-lived species Fairy. 虽然那种心态和永生种莎莉,和长生种妖精 Also has entirely different. 也有着截然不同。 Sally seems to be eternally unchanging, Fairy is always similar to the fond dream to be the same. 莎莉似乎永恒不变,妖精总如同美梦一般美好。 Shirra said: I thought that the god you have not changed.” 希拉却说:“我觉得神您从来没有变过。” You in my mind, forever are sacred and only.” “您在我的心中,永远都是神圣且唯一的。” Yin Shen as if saw mortal follower who these follow blindly: Shirra, are you also my follower?” 尹神似乎看到了那些盲从的凡人信徒:“希拉,你也是我的信徒吗?” Following blindly believes that the god is only, the god is versatile, the god is such that in their hearts thinks.” “盲从的去相信神就是唯一,神就是全能,神就是他们心中所想的那样。” Shirra told Yin Shen: I am also your follower.” 希拉却告诉尹神:“我也是您的信徒。” Even if follows blindly, I also such as drink sweet Yi.” “哪怕是盲从,我也如饮甘怡。” Yin Shen looks to the world, the vision as if fell on Oland. 尹神看向人间,目光似乎落在了奥兰身上。 Each god has the follower, what is more precious than the follower is peer.” “每个神都拥有信徒,但是比信徒更珍贵的是同行者。” Perhaps they had not found true peer, establishes own divine system.” “他们或许还没有找到真正的同行者,建立自己的神系。” But I have.” “但是我已经有了。” Yin Shen stands before sea of flowers, moved a flower petal. 尹神站在花海前,拨动了一下花瓣。 Sun across the sea of clouds, according to gorgeous sea of flowers, fell on various gods on corridor. 太阳穿过云海,照在了艳丽的花海上,落在了长廊上的诸神身上。 Even if exceeds Supreme God above years samsara, will leave behind the inverted image in the porch. 哪怕是超越岁月轮回之上的至高神祇,也会在廊中留下倒影。 I may lose the lots, will forget the lots.” “我或许会丢失很多东西,会遗忘很多东西。” You can always help me find my anchor point in this world, making me not lose roams about under the years and eternal washout.” “你们总能够帮助我在这世间找到我的锚点,让我不迷失流浪在岁月和永恒的冲刷之下。”
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