IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#383 Part 1: Creator and place of god falling

The witch doctors brought all kinds of things to return to strange little building from the street, crawled in front of wearing the form of white silk robe. 巫医们从街道上带着各种各样的东西回到了奇异的小楼内,匍匐在身着白色丝袍的身影面前。 That big form passes through from the mother of all snakes trial painting. 那高大的身影从万蛇之母的试炼画作下走过。 She moved toward that leaf of modeling novel transmission gate, whose the mouth same said one to speech probably. 她走向那扇造型新奇的传送之门,嘴里好像对谁说话一样的说了一句。 Almost should leave.” “差不多该离开了。” The witch doctors move do not dare to move, is maintaining the original appearance as before. 巫医们一动不敢动,依旧保持着原来的模样。 However Ruler of Dreamland Shirra before window has actually looked back to Yin Shen, later walked toward her. 但是窗前的梦境主宰希拉却回过头来看向了尹神,之后朝着她走了过来。 In the building also heard dá dá the sound of footsteps, a small head of brown hair searched from the crevice of stair hall, looked to the Yin Shen back. 楼上也传来了哒哒哒的脚步声,一个褐色头发的小脑袋从楼梯间的夹缝里探了出来,看向了尹神的背影。 Sally somewhat exciting big shouts: Can open the door?” 莎莉有些兴奋的大喊道:“要开门了?” The voice has not fallen, she cooks the smoke ran from the staircase, boasting loud was saying to Yin Shen. 话音还没有落下,她就一熘烟的从楼梯上跑了下来,咋咋呼呼的大声对着尹神说。 Wait I!” “等等我!” Wait I!” “等等我!” Probably for fear that came late, missed anything to be the same. 好像生怕来晚了,就错过了什么一样。 She a body that hit in Yin Shen, the face rolled on that mild-mannered white robe, is raising the head the anticipation looks at her. 她一把撞在了尹神的身上,脸在那柔顺的白袍上滚了一圈,然后抬着头期待的看着她。 Makes me come, making me come.” “让我来开,让我来开。” She is stamping one's foot, seems acting like a spoiled brat with Yin Shen. 她跳着脚,似乎在和尹神撒娇。 I also want to open the door!” “我也想要开门!” Sally is the control of life. 莎莉是生命的主宰。 She has the power of life, in her Mother Conch of Myriad Things was born all kinds of lives. 她拥有生命的权能,她的万物母螺之中诞生过各种各样的生命。 In the present land and sea, do not know that many species are born under her power, or is beginning these generation of species evolve. 如今的大地和海洋之中,不知道多少物种是在她的权能下诞生,或者说是那些初代物种演化而来。 She sounds oneself conch, since seven Giant God support a mainland from the sea. 她吹响自己的螺号,七位巨神就从大海之中承托起一座大陆。 Her strength is above the great strength that the average man imagines. 她的力量超乎常人想象的强大。 However so powerful god, actually anticipated to an opening the door matter. 但是如此强大的神祇,却对一件开门的事情如此期待。 The life most terrible thing is unknown, most is worth waiting for is also unknown. 人生最可怕的东西是未知,最值得期待的也是未知。 However to a Supreme God body of only divine creative force God department, unknown fearful also started becomes vanishes. 但是到了造物神明一系的至高神祇的身上,未知的可怕也开始变得消失了。 Becoming. 变得。 Only was left over the anticipation. 只剩下期待了。 Yin Shen is pressing the shoulder of Sally, led own side her, two people stood looks at that leaf of transmission gate. 尹神按着莎莉的肩膀,将她带到了自己的身边,两人站在一起看着那扇传送之门 Shirra stands in Yin Shen behind, looks that two people show the smile. 希拉站在尹神的身后,看着两个人露出微笑。 Sally anticipates shook the hand on the doorknob, the strength that was the miracle and dreamland transmitted. 莎莉期待的将手握在了门把上,一股属于奇迹和梦境的力量传递了开来。 In the golden light dust, wear spacious gasification clothes bring the hood to cover up solid existed to appear. 金色的光尘之中,一个穿着宽大充气衣服带着头罩将自己遮掩得严严实实的存在出现了。 That is Miracle Item Fairy hot-air balloon own mythical spirit Waylen. 那是奇迹道具妖精的热气球自身的神话之灵维伦 God Insai, Ruler of Life and Ruler of Dreamland.” 因赛神生命主宰梦境主宰。” Time.” “时间到了。” Sally according to the doorknob, does not have to open the door immediately. 莎莉手按在门把上,却没有立刻把门推开。 She is staring at Waylen ruthlessly, I am very fierce, you must be afraid my appearance. 她狠狠的盯着维伦,一副我很厉害,你要害怕我的模样。 Waylen.” 维伦。” Where will this gate open?” “这次门会开在哪里呢?” I felt, it will open above a big volcano.” “我觉得,它会开在一个大大的火山之上。” At this point, in her emerald-green eye pupil revealed happy and anticipation. 说到这里,她的翠绿色眼眸里露出了开心和期待。 Right!” “对吧!” She as if wants with threatening the Fairy way, lets the Waylen door open in the place that she wants. 她似乎想要用威胁妖精的方式,来让维伦将门开在一个她想要的地方。 However seems like Waylen of astronaut elf as if unable to understand this threat, its respectful reply. 但是看上去像是一个宇航员精灵的维伦似乎听不懂这种威胁,其毕恭毕敬的回答。 All are stochastic, great Ruler of Life.” “一切都是随机的,伟大的生命主宰。” Before opening the door, no one knows this door to where.” “在开门之前,没有人知道这扇门会通向何处。” Including me.” “包括我。” Yin Shen knows certainly that the Sally wishful thinking, she volcano that wants lava giant beast to be. 尹神当然知道莎莉的小心思,她想要去熔岩巨怪所在的火山。 Do not make excessive demands the asked thing will certainly appear, uncertain is in the future.” “不要苛求所求的东西一定会出现,不可预测的才是未来。” Sally, having in the future is a matter that is worth waiting.” 莎莉,拥有未来是一件值得期待的事情。” Do not demand the flash to arrive in the destination, you are since birth immortal god, should go to the scenery of learned appreciation journey.” “不要去强求一瞬间就能够抵达目的地,你是生来永生的神祇,应该去学会欣赏路途的风景。” Yin Shen feels her head. 尹神摸着她的头。 „The thing that years and time will be worth waiting for you wears down little completely, becomes fewer and fewer.” “岁月和时间会将你值得期待的东西一点点消磨殆尽,变得越来越少。” The idea of Sally actually and Yin Shen is completely different, she regarding the future, has the enormous difference regarding the views and angles of view and Yin Shen lot. 莎莉的想法却和尹神完全不一样,她对于未来,对于很多东西的看法和视角与尹神有着极大的差别。 I will not feel that bored, I thought that the fun, has found it fun.” “我才不会感觉到无聊呢,我觉得好玩的东西,就会一直觉得好玩。” I am not afraid the time, I am immortal, the time should be afraid me.” “我才不害怕时间,我是永生的,时间应该害怕我。” I feel the joyful matter, even if repeats innumerably feels joyful as before.” “我觉得快乐的事情,哪怕重复无数遍依旧觉得快乐。” Sally was saying to Yin Shen. 莎莉对着尹神说。 Like me in the side of god, I will feel the anticipation forever.” “就像我在神的身边,我永远都会觉得期待。” I want to talk with you forever.” “我想要永远陪着你说话。” Even if you said that I listen not to understand, but I am still very happy, every day is happy.” “哪怕你说的话我听不太懂,但是我依旧很开心,每天都开心。” Yin Shen looks at Sally, he smiled suddenly. 尹神看着莎莉,他突然笑了。 Good.” “挺好的。” Sally asked Yin Shen: What good?” 莎莉尹神:“什么挺好的?” Yin Shen said: You have the inherent eternal life, has an immortal Spiritual God heart, to all not weary heart.” 尹神说:“你拥有与生俱来的永生,也拥有着一颗永生神灵的心,对一切都不会疲倦的心。” Yin Shen was called the initial god, all Creator. 尹神被称之为最初的神,一切的造物主 However Yin Shen initial time, is a person. 但是尹神最初的时候,是一个人。 Life span hundred years of short-lived species. 一个寿命百年的短生种 But Sally lives, but is a god, she is born is then immortal. 莎莉是生而为神,她降生便是永生的。 She stretches across the years not to dread the washout of time. 她横跨岁月而丝毫不畏惧时间的冲刷。 With is the same, the time that he said should be afraid her. 就和他说的一样,时间应该害怕她。 Yin Shen looks at Sally, after spanning the eternal look, is eternal alone stars. 尹神看着莎莉,跨越万古的眼神后是一颗永恒孤寂的星辰。 I envy you very much, Sally.” “我很羡慕你,莎莉。” You are since birth immortal, goes with the mentality of eternal life facing the years, facing all.” “你生来永生,也以永生的心态去面对岁月,面对一切。” Time is unable to change you, is unable to wear down your heart.” “时光无法改变你,更无法消磨你的心。” Sally told Yin Shen: God!” 莎莉告诉尹神:“神!” „Don't you feel joyful?” “你不觉得快乐吗?” I can my joy, divide half...... not.” “我可以将我的快乐,分一半……不。” I give you my joy completely.” “我将我的快乐全部都给你。” Sally is breaking off the finger, after considering as finished one next, said. 莎莉掰着指头,算了一下之后说道。 Yin Shen said: Gave me completely, you what to do?” 尹神说:“全部都给我了,那你怎么办?” Sally said: Your happy words, I am happy, like this I will be happy!” 莎莉说:“你开心的话,我就开心,这样我还是会开心啊!” Sally smiles very brightly, at this moment she thought that she was really intelligent. 莎莉笑得很灿烂,这一刻她觉得自己真的是太聪明了。 Yin Shen smiled. 尹神只是微微笑了一下。 She held down the hand of Sally, grasped together on the door knob. 她按住了莎莉的手,一起握在了门把手上。 Sally anticipates looks at outside. 莎莉期待的看着外面。 Card observes!” “卡察!” In sound that sways from side to side, a powerful strength reverses the space, through the Dreamland transmission to distant place. 那扭动的声音里,一股强大的力量扭转空间,通过梦界传递向远方。 The gate opened, outside turned into a vortex. 门打开了,外面变成了一个旋涡。 Window outside picture is also glittering unceasingly, finally framed in the sky. 窗户外面的画面也在不断闪烁,最后定格在了天空之中。 In the sky presented layer upon layer the ripples, a hot-air balloon appeared under layer upon layer the sea of clouds. 天空之中出现了层层涟漪,一座热气球出现在了层层云海之下。 This time, turned into the shape of hot-air balloon airship. 这一次,还是变成了热气球飞艇的形态。 Where arrived at?” “到哪里了?” Sally looked to outside, looked around everywhere. 莎莉看向了外面,四处张望。 Only sees the distant place cloud layer to pile up a white mountain, under is the blue water surface. 只看见远处云层堆积成一座白色的大山,下方则是碧蓝色的水面。 Under Sally looks at the limitless water surface, was saying to Yin Shen. 莎莉看着下方无边无际的水面,对着尹神说道。 God!” “神!” Is the sea. „ “是海。“ Fairy took up the mirror, compared, said to Yin Shen and Sally. 妖精拿起了镜子,对照了一下,对着尹神莎莉说道。 Here does not seem like the sea, we also on Ruhul Giant Island.” “这里好像不是海,我们还在鲁赫巨岛上。” Un ~ “嗯~” Here is the thunder swamp. „ “这里是雷霆沼泽。“ Sally raised the head, she looked to that Yunshan, probably who is summoning her. 莎莉抬起头,她看向了那座云山,好像有谁在呼唤着她。 Oh ~ ~” Is the big jellyfish.” “是大水母。” Sally smiled: I know here, day above has a city, is the big jellyfish remains from the previous era.” 莎莉笑了起来:“我知道这里,天上面有座城市,是大水母从上个纪元留下来的。” Here is very fun.” “这里很好玩。” The so-called big jellyfish, is Sky Behemoth. 所谓的大水母,就是天空巨兽 Although cannot look at the volcano, but can see Sky Behemoth Sally is very happy. 虽然没能够去看火山,但是能够看到天空巨兽莎莉还是很高兴。 Although here not necessarily is in the Sally eye the most fun place, but here without doubt is in each restricted area the most beautiful place, in the name of the sky marvelous sight, with the sea of clouds and lake is a partner. 这里虽然不一定是莎莉眼中最好玩的地方,但是这里无疑是各个禁地之中最美丽的一个地方,以天空为名的奇景,与云海和湖泊为伴。 Here seal the last era most ancient land city, was being called lost kingdom by snake human- 这里封印着上一个纪元最古老的陆地城市,被蛇人称之为失落之国- In sky. 天空之中。 A strange blanket picks up a form to pass through under the sea of clouds in a hurry, flies to the distant place. 一张奇怪的毯子托起着一个身影匆匆穿过云海之下,飞向远方。 Oland is riding the flight magic carpet from white tower city depart of golden province, goes to Demon Abyss royal city of endless vast desert. 奥兰乘坐着飞行魔毯从黄金行省的白塔城出发,前往无尽沙海的魔渊王城 Demon Abyss knight Eliana ascends a height to get a broad view the position of myth, after this title is a god. 魔渊骑士爱莲娜登临神话之位,从此之后冠名为神。 Although. 虽然。 She with the path of myth item, walked is not the path of legitimate half Shen Road line. 她是以神话道具的道路,走的不属于正统半神路线的道路。 However myth is myth. 但是神话就是神话 Even if has all sorts of drawbacks, for example is unable to leave the item, once were broken the barrier to dissipate thoroughly, can say that is another Little Human in a Bottle. 哪怕有着种种弊端,例如无法离开道具内部,一旦被人打破了屏障就会彻底消散,可以说就是另外一个瓶中小人 But half god with the aid of the strength of retinue can the free walk world, even want a retinue also, will not die truly. 而半神借助仆从的力量就可以自由行走人间,甚至只要一个仆从还在,就不会真正死去。 However to these step had the long life, exceeds the strength of mortal. 但是到了这一步就拥有了漫长的生命,超越凡人的力量。 This is mother Yong doubts. 这是母庸置疑的。 The Oland trip is congratulates Sir Eliana, presents the God decree. 奥兰此行便是去祝贺爱莲娜大人,奉神明的旨意。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 He also has another goal. 他还有着另外一个目的。 Oland above magic carpet closes one's eyes was pondering, he could not bear read a noun. 魔毯之上的奥兰闭着眼睛在思考,他忍不住念出了一个名词。 Subordinate God.” 从神。” Oland is the God of Desire and Alchemy Yin Wa apostle, but he is not a simple apostle. 奥兰是欲望与炼金之神尹瓦的使徒,但是他也并不是一个简单的使徒。 He was selected to become his follower by Yin Washen, was granted «Path of Wisdom» this becomes the mysterious standard. 他被尹瓦神选中成为其从者,被赐予了《智慧之路》这本成神秘典。 If all smooth, he is very likely to become the new half god in the future, or Yin Washen Subordinate God. 如果一切顺利的话,他极有可能在未来将会成为新的半神,或者说尹瓦神的从神 But Yin Washen will open world divine system, becomes the lord of divine system. 而尹瓦神将开辟人间神系,成为神系之主。 This becomes the mysterious standard indeed to have can lead to the path of half god, even if can also use in this era. 这本成神秘典的确拥有着可以通往半神的道路,哪怕是在这一个纪元也可以使用。 However this road is too long, because the time that wants to pass it to require is. 但是这条路太漫长,因为想要走通它需要的时间是。 Trillion years. 亿万年。 God of Desire and Alchemy not trillion years gives Oland, Oland also felt own first era various God will, cannot believe oneself have the courage of spanning trillion years of long years. 欲望和炼金之神没有亿万年的时间给奥兰,奥兰也感觉自己没有第一纪元诸神的毅力,不敢去相信自己拥有跨越亿万年漫长岁月的勇气。 Trillion years of after past, what can also the remaining? 亿万年过去之后,还能剩下什么? Passing all were once worn down completely, only have ; All worrying, all the things of caring were obliterated. 曾经过往的一切都被消磨殆尽,只剩下自己一人;所有的牵挂,所有在乎的东西都被磨灭。 Oland felt oneself are unable to withstand. 奥兰感觉自己无法承受。 At least, present he is hard to accept. 至少,现在的他难以接受。 Therefore he needs to find another to answer the tuart in this journey time. 所以他需要在这一次的旅途之中找到另一个答桉。 „The law of reincarnation!” “转生之法!” Certainly also had the new path, God of Truth and Knowledge apostle Sukob as if walks to pass the new path, I can look.” “一定还有新的道路,真理与知识之神的使徒苏科布似乎走通了新的道路,我可以去看一看。” Before then, sees Sir Eliana, I always thought that the shape of demon spirit pyramid, regarding the tower spirit deep meaning has place that can profit from.” “不过在此之前,去见一见爱莲娜大人,我总觉得魔灵金字塔的形态,对于塔灵奥义有着可以借鉴的地方。” After the flight magic carpet arrived in the thunder swamp above, fell directly. 飞行魔毯抵达了雷霆沼泽上方之后,就直接落了下来。 Even if Oland is an apostle, existence close to God. 哪怕奥兰是使徒,最接近神明的存在。 However in death restricted area place, the apostle and mortal also did not have much difference. 但是在死亡禁地这种地方,使徒和凡人也没有太大区别。 Oland controls the flight magic carpet to fall from the sky, can see the ashore to have a city, the surroundings have massive towns and villages. 奥兰操控着飞行魔毯从天空落下,可以看到岸上有着一座城市,周围有着大量的镇子和村落。 This is the Razer Kingdom city. 这是雷泽王国的城市。 Razer Kingdom several steamships move to the thunder swamp deep place, above packed with sacrificial offering that gives to God. 雷泽王国的几艘大船驶向雷霆沼泽深处,上面满载着献给神明的祭品。 Large number of boats are following the same place, these are the Razer Kingdom fishermen, they escort to the thunder swamp this ship together the deep place. 大量的小船跟随着一起,这些都是雷泽王国的渔民,他们一起将这艘船送往雷霆沼泽的深处。 This is not the king requests, but is they to express to the belief of Spiritual God. 这并不是国王要求的,而是他们自己为了表示对神灵的信仰。 In shore stage. 岸边的高台上。 Razer Kingdom servant of God is holding the sacrificial offering. 雷泽王国神侍正在举行祭祀。 The clothes robe that the Razer Kingdom sacrificial offering wears is the blue color, that is the color of sky, the chest and behind also has the pattern of cloud. 雷泽王国的祭祀穿着的衣袍是蓝色的,那是天空的颜色,胸口和背后还有着云彩的花纹。 Is the head manages on servant of God of sacrificial offering to grasp the scepter of golden casting, above is describing the thunder and wind and rain. 为首主持祭祀的神侍手上握着黄金铸造的权杖,上面描绘着雷霆和风雨。 The sky, naturally always follows the thunder and lightning, storm and sudden downpour. 天空,自然总是伴随着雷电、暴风、骤雨。 In the eyes of mortal, this is the graciousness of deity punishes. 在凡人的眼中,这是天神的恩罚。 Great sky Giant God!” “伟大的天空巨神啊!” Please listen respectfully to your followers' hope, please give us to respond.” “请聆听您信徒们的祈求,请给予我们回应。” We are willing to establish to belong to your state in the world, and is earnestly seeking your asylum.” “我们愿在人间建立属于您的国度,并渴求着您的庇护。” What Razer Kingdom belief is sky Giant God, they until now also want to imitate ten thousand snake royal court and sky Giant God conclude the contract, gets the response of Spiritual God, has to be their succubas. 雷泽王国信仰的是天空巨神,他们一直以来也想要效彷万蛇王庭和天空巨神缔结契约,得到神灵的回应,拥有属于他们的魔女。 Sky Giant God has not responded to them. 只是天空巨神从来没有回应过他们。 Oland went into hiding the figure to arrive above the ground, static watched this grand ceremony. 奥兰隐匿了身形来到了地面之上,静静的看了一下这场盛大的仪式。 Ruhul giant beast apostle was called the succuba, this should be the apostle of life power, is completely different from us.” “鲁赫巨怪的使徒被称之为魔女,这应该是生命权能的使徒,和我们完全不一样。” Existence of life power, existence that but same is hard to see with the female celestial, where can be born simply.” “生命权能的存在,可是和仙女一样难以见到的存在,哪能这么简单就诞生。” Oland followed storage female celestial St. Raphael to have an audience with many God, knows secret that many average men do not know. 奥兰曾经跟随着储物仙女圣拉菲尔觐见过多位神明,知晓不少常人不知晓的隐秘。 The sacrificial offering that he looks at these mortals, actually does not believe that the opposite party will get the response of Ruhul Giant God. 他看着这些凡人的祭祀,却不太相信对方会得到鲁赫巨神的回应。 He looked at one to depart on the preparation, here looked for a ship. 他看了一会就准备离去,在这里找一艘船。 Goes to another head of swamp. 前往沼泽的另一头。 Then goes to remote Country of Yellow Sand. 然后再前往遥远的黄沙之国 However did not have, when he turns around to leave, the deep place of thunder swamp presented the change. 但是还没有等到他转身离开,雷霆沼泽的深处就出现了异动。 On that day the end laid on top of one another layer upon layer, exceedingly high penetrating all year long not loose white mountain. 那天尽头层层垒砌而起,通天彻地终年不散的白色大山。 Suddenly had the change. 突然出现了变化。 The white fog proliferated from the thunder swamp deep place layer upon layer, the sky of blue sky was overspread by the cloud layer instantaneously. 层层白雾从雷霆沼泽深处扩散了开来,原本万里无云的天空瞬间被云层铺满。 That cloud layer is not linked to each other, but layer by layer, probably steps continuously. 那云层并不是连在一起的,而是一层一层的,就好像连绵不断的阶梯。 As huge runs out as the transparent shadow that being inconceivable from the cloud layer, the figure is ordinary like the illusory image, rushes to the distant place like the sky elf generally. 从云层之中一个个庞大到难以想象的透明影子冲出,身形如同幻影一般,如同天空的精灵一般涌向远方。 That has the size like the mountain massif, is opening the transparent canopy body, dangles the tiny whisker. 那存在大小如同山体,张开着透明的伞盖身躯,垂下细小的触须。 The canopy receives to open, oneself soar lithely in the sky. 伞盖收起张开之间,自身轻盈的飞翔在天空。 They rush to another head of sky, seems greeting anything. 她们奔向天空的另一头,彷佛在迎接着什么。 Finally. 最后。 These huge forms circle by a small many shadow, receives and instructs him to go to the sea of clouds the deep place, that giant white Yunshan. 那些巨大的身影盘旋在一个小很多的影子旁边,接引着其前往云海的深处,那巨大的白色云山内部。 But at this moment, in shore grand sacrificial offering ceremony instantaneous ebullition. 而此刻,在岸边举行的盛大祭祀典礼瞬间沸腾。 God!” “神!” Sky Giant God responded to us.” “天空巨神回应了我们。” God is responding to us.” “神在回应我们。” Sky Giant God, your follower and retinue waited till this day finally.” “天空巨神,您的信徒和仆从终于等到了这一天。” Razer Kingdom servant of God and followers became crazy excited, everyone crawled on the ground, kowtowed unceasingly, was saying prayer language that temple compiled. 雷泽王国神侍和信徒们一个个变得疯狂激动了起来,所有人都匍匐在地上,不断地叩头,说着神庙编撰的祷告语。 However Oland actually felt that is not so simple, his vision is staring at the sunspot of spatial deep place of that day, then by innumerable transparent great shades regarding welcoming on existence. 但是奥兰却感觉没有这么简单,他目光盯着那天空深处的黑点,那被无数透明巨影围绕恭迎的存在上。 What is that?” “那是什么?” Oland tried to find out on the storage ring, put out a Alchemy item. 奥兰在储物戒指上摸索了一番,拿出了一个炼金道具。 That is a telescope. 那是一个单筒望远镜。 He according to before the eye, elongated the lens cone. 他按在了眼睛前,拉长镜筒。 The scene of distant place pulls closer unceasingly, becomes more and more clear. 远处的景象不断地拉近,变得越来越清晰。 Oland sees that immediately is anything. 奥兰立刻看到了那是什么。 That is one flies the fantasy ship unexpectedly in sky, the colored hot-air balloon brings the ship of wood/blockhead to fly in the sky, slowly across horizon. 那竟然是一艘飞在天空之中的奇幻之船,彩色的热气球带着木头的船飞在天空,缓缓穿过天际。 These hover the great shadow in sky to surround one after another side that ship, is pursuing its stern, seems the pet general to obey docilely. 那些翱翔在天空之中的巨影一个接着一个环绕在那船身边,追逐着它的船尾,就好像宠物一般温顺而服从。 Flies the ship in sky?” “飞在天空之中的船?” Oland put down the telescope, the entire expression is ignorant. 奥兰放下了单筒望远镜,整个表情都是懵的。 However he took up the telescope quickly, looked again. 但是他很快又拿起了望远镜,又再一次看了过去。 This he attention will place on the hot-air balloon time completely. 这一次他将注意力全部都放在了热气球上。 „It is not...... is not......” “不是……不是……” Saw that hot-air balloon, Oland responded suddenly, he immediately associates to myth legend in goods. 看到那热气球,奥兰突然反应了过来,他立刻联想到了一个神话传说之中的物品。 That should not be......” “那该不会是……” Ruler of Life private car?” 生命主宰的座驾?” Oland is a sophist, likes reading various types of books since childhood, listens to all kinds of stories. 奥兰是个博学者,从小就喜欢阅读各种书籍,听各种各样的故事。 But a story that he most likes, is at the beginning of the era the City of Life mortal casting has the Tower of Babel story. 而他最喜欢的一个故事,就是纪元之初生命之城凡人铸造出通天塔的故事。 That is the miracle that the mortal creates. 那是凡人创造出的奇迹。 But then in this myth, appears many are on Tower of Babel is putting the Ruler of Life private car, controls God to ride it back and forth in Creation Divine Country. 而在这段神话里,出现得最多的便是通天塔上放着生命主宰的座驾,主宰神明乘坐着它来回于造物神国 But ship of the sky the front presents, in exactly the same as legend. 而面前出现的这个天空之船,就和传说之中的一模一样。 Oland does not believe that this is a coincidence. 奥兰不相信这是个巧合。 Moreover withdrew 10,000 steps to say again, even some people can make the ship of similar sky, who can make the death restricted area these terrifying existence be it leads the way, welcomed its return like the pet generally. 而且再退后一万步说,就算有人能够制造出类似的天空之船,又有谁能够让死亡禁地的那些恐怖存在为其引路,如同宠物一般恭迎其归来。 Except for Ruler of Life, Oland really cannot find out another to exist. 除了生命主宰,奥兰实在想不出另一个存在。 Then, the complexion of Oland thoroughly changed. 这下,奥兰的脸色彻底变了。 „Did Ruler of Life arrive from Creation Divine Country?” 生命主宰造物神国降临了?” Why great control does God arrive at the world?” “伟大的主宰神明为何降临人间?” He is raising head, looks at the sky. 他仰着头,看着天空。 Finally said. 最后说道。 Yin Washen does know?” “尹瓦神知道吗?” The Ruler of Life Subordinate God country arrives at the world, but God God of Desire and Alchemy Yin Wa who he believes that came from Creation Divine Country. 生命主宰从神国降临人间,而他信仰的神明欲望与炼金之神尹瓦,正是来自于造物神国 Oland does not know, on that not only has Mother of Life. 奥兰并不知道,那上面不仅仅有着生命之母 On that also has Ruler of Dreamland and King of Wisdom to come the virtue niche the losing exuviate. 那上面还有着梦境主宰智慧之王来德利基的遗蜕。 Also. 还有。 Creator Insai. 造物主因赛 Even at this moment they, are also using the vision to sweep oversized. 甚至此刻他们,也在用目光扫过大地。 But they look are the world all phenomena on earth, looks is the lake, jungle, land and city. 只不过她们看得是人间万象,看得是湖泊、丛林、大地和城市。 Oland is not special, is only. 奥兰并不是特殊的,只是其中一个。 The phenomenon of sky vanishes slowly, all were covered again under Yunshan. 天空的异象慢慢消失,一切重新被掩盖在了云山之下。 But has been gazing at Oland of distant place, noticed itself to exert in has not covered up divine spell to vanish slightly. 而一直注视着远方的奥兰,丝毫没有注意到自己施加在身上的遮掩神术已经消失了。 Has the form of God Oland in the eyes of person of Razer Kingdom, was regarded God born. 拥有神之形态的奥兰在雷泽王国之人的眼中,被当成了神明降世。 The surrounding everyone looks at him panic-strickenly, some people were frightened to faint directly, some people approach crazily, some people kneel kowtow unceasingly. 周围的所有人都惊骇的看着他,有的人被直接吓晕了,有人疯狂的靠近,有人跪地不断地磕头。 God!” 神明!” God appeared!” 神明出现了!” God in this.” 神明在这。” God aids, God aids.” 神明护佑,神明护佑。” The mortal blind faith the god, is actually never knowing the god who oneself believe is anything. 凡人盲目信仰着神,却从来不知道自己信仰的神是什么。 What they believe is not a god, but is that god of innermost feelings. 他们信仰的并不是神,而是自己内心的那个神。 Oland shakes the head to sigh. 奥兰摇头叹了口气。 Suddenly vanishes without a trace, escaped this farce- 眨眼之间消失得无影无踪,逃过了这一场闹剧- The Fairy hot-air balloon across the sea of clouds, is like the jellyfish same giant Ruhul giant beast volume for them leads the way. 妖精的热气球穿过云海,一个个如同水母一样的巨大鲁赫巨怪卷属为她们引路。 Before the glass window of airship, Shirra beckons toward giant beast. 飞艇的玻璃窗前,希拉朝着巨怪招手。 She likes this flying is very much in the Sky Behemoth volume of space, thought that they are attractive. 她很喜欢这种飞在天上的天空巨兽卷属,觉得它们非常漂亮。 If side Yin Shen, she does not want to fly and these big jellyfish a launching in the sky, or sits on their canopies. 如果不是在尹神身边,她很想飞出去和那些“大水母”一起飞在天空,或者坐在它们的伞盖上。 This is the idea of very typical Fairy. 这是很典型的妖精的想法。 Looks at their skirts, is attractive!” “看它们的裙子,多漂亮啊!” Sally said: I have like this pure white skirt, compared with their attractiveness.” 莎莉说:“我也有这样的纯白色裙子,比他们的漂亮多了。” Shirra said: I know, before is you, that wrap/sets that usually puts on.” 希拉笑着说:“我知道,就是你以前经常穿的那套。” The airship across the sea of clouds, opens out the white fog. 飞艇穿过云海,拨开白雾。 A float appears in the sky city at present. 一座漂浮在天空的城市出现在眼前。 Is more ancient immemorial Araki much, the civilized lively and ancient vicissitudes link, making one not believe that this is the city of mortal. 古老得难以形容的太古蛮荒城市,文明的繁华和古老沧桑结合在一起,让人不相信这是凡人的城市。 This belongs to the God state. 这是属于神明的国度。 The Fairy hot-air balloon fell on sky lost kingdom slowly, fell on urban fringe that is spreading the flagstone. 妖精的热气球缓缓落在了天空的失落之国上,落在了铺着石板的城市边缘。 The gate opened. 门打开了。 Sally first flushed, is Shirra. 莎莉第一个冲了出来,然后就是希拉 Yin Shen leads the witch doctor and Waylen goes down from the airship, stands in this ground. 尹神带着巫医和维伦从飞艇上走下,站在了这片地面上。 Sally happy is running outside, exudes the big cry. 莎莉开心的在外面跑着,发出大叫声。 She stands the edge in city, imagines the feeling of such high place sliding, the feeling can from here straight skid to the sea. 她站在城市的边缘,想象着从这么高的地方滑下去的感觉,感觉可以从这里一直滑向大海。 She was very happy, felt the place that this gate opens is very good. 她很高兴,觉得这一次门开的地方很不错。 However. 然而。 The Yin Shen stand has the completely different emotions here. 尹神站在这里却有着完全不一样的情感。 Because of here, is all starts. 因为这里,是一切的开始。 Yin Shen raised the head, looks to the distant place. 尹神抬起头,看向了远处。 His present all chapter of new moons, the sky turned into the sea, the land returned wildly. 他眼前的一切回朔,天空变成了大海,大地回归蛮荒。 Is before very long .” “很久以前。” Sally!” 莎莉!” I and you have to come the virtue niche to arrive together here.” “我和你还有来德利基一起降临在这里。” Sally looks at the surrounding all, some probably impressions, all forgot probably. 莎莉看着周围的一切,好像有些印象,好像又全都忘了。 My some do not remember!” “我有些不记得了!” Yin Shen looks at Sally: You were just also born at that time, will only spit the bubble in the sea, every day keeps fighting outside temple.” 尹神看着莎莉:“你那个时候还刚刚诞生,只会在海上吐泡泡,每天在神殿外面吵个不停。” The Sally hear, both hands bunch after behind, made an appearance that spits the bubble. 莎莉听完,双手束在身后,做了一个吐泡泡的模样。 Rumble?” “咕噜噜?” Yin Shen could not bear smile, but in the smile has the mood of being able to say. 尹神忍不住笑了,但是笑容里有着说不出的情绪。 It is not sad and moved, but is all by the cavity that the years dust falls completely covers. 不是难过和伤感,而是一切被岁月尘埃落尽掩盖的空洞。 Trillion years ago. 亿万年前。 She arrives above this land. 她降临在这座大地之上。 Mother of Life Sally emerges the sea, King of Wisdom comes the virtue niche to step onto the land. 生命之母莎莉浮出大海,智慧之王来德利基走上陆地。 Intelligent God King called the first name in the world. 智慧的神王喊出了世界上的第一个名字。 God!” “神!” Yin Shen name. 尹神的名字。 All start. 一切就此开始。 The wisdom and life, had the origin from here. 智慧和生命,从这里有了起源。 Yin Shen has turned around, walks toward the deep place. 尹神转过身,朝着深处走去。 Across the street of nobody left, across ancient palace and temple. 穿过空无一人的街道,穿过古老的宫廷和神殿 Finally, the distant place presented a blood-color sea of flowers. 最后,远方出现了一片血色的花海。 sea of flowers that Cup of Bloodmist gathers. 血雾之杯汇聚成的花海。 Enters the entrance of sea of flowers, here is also putting the Hinsai royal crown. 进入花海的入口处,这里还放着希因赛王冠。 After Crown of Wisdom loses, royal crown that Yesel grandson King Yali builds. 智慧王冠失落之后,耶赛尔的孙子亚利王打造的王冠。
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