IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#382 Part 2: The god war ends

Those who have the limit is only the person, the person is unable to imagine the broadness of this world, seems the last era person unable the understanding next era 250 million years later, that has exceeded them regarding the imagination of time end. 拥有极限的只是人,人无法想象这个世界的广阔,就好像上一个纪元的人无法理解下一个纪元在两亿五千万年后,那已经超越了她们对于时间尽头的想象。 However. 不过。 Also because of this, because just has so many unknown. 也正因为如此,也正因为拥有着如此多的未知。 Therefore makes one anticipate. 所以才让人期待。 similar without depressed, perhaps he , there would be no this mood. 肖并没有沮丧,或许他本身就没有这种情绪。 She even also thought that this he obtained time much. 她甚至还觉得这一次他得到了不少。 She found the intelligent True God second road , the vision from the abyss and from narrow Ruhul Giant Island, looked at to the world. 她找到了智慧真神的第二条路,也将目光从深渊、从狭窄的鲁赫巨岛,看向了世界之外。 Time is proceeding.” “时代在往前。” This era, is various God the era.” “这个纪元,是诸神的纪元。” That?” “那么?” various God years, end and end point where?” “诸神的时代,尽头和终点又在何处?” She is staring at the distant place, the flesh stars of under foot in the fierce creeping motion. 她凝望着远方,脚下的血肉星辰在剧烈的蠕动。 The never-ending black rain is getting more and more fierce, changes into the fierce storm. 永无休止的黑雨越来越剧烈,化为剧烈的风暴。 Gate of Original Sin arrived from the outside world, falls to the flesh stars. 原罪之门从外界降临,落向了血肉星辰。 Crashes into Earth like the meteor. 如同流星坠入地球。 The flesh stars swallowed it completely, integrated internal core. 血肉星辰将其全部吞噬,纳入了内部核心。 But God of Original Sin similar also this, follows little is sinking to the abyss core in together the flesh stars. 原罪之神肖也就这样,一点点跟随着一起沉入深渊核心的血肉星辰之中。 But the ceramic villain on skeleton long table was anxious at this time, it pursued to similar was shouting. 而骸骨长桌上的陶瓷小人这个时候急了,它追向了肖大喊着。 God!” “神!” What is up?” “您怎么啦?” You cannot drop out me!” “您不能抛下我啊!” similar lowers the head, held the ceramic villain. 肖低下头,抓住了陶瓷小人。 However similar has not led the ceramic villain to fall into the deep sleep together, but puts out a hand another side. 不过肖却没有带着陶瓷小人一起陷入沉睡,而是伸出手到另一边。 Let loose it. 放开了它。 Whatever it drops the world. 任由它跌落人间。 On the ceramic small face that falls unceasingly revealed panic-stricken, it does not understand that original sin evil god this is making anything. 不断下坠的陶瓷小人脸上露出了惊恐,它不明白原罪邪神这是在做什么。 God?” “神?” No, do not drop out me.” “不,不要抛下我。” The original sin evil god stands erect in the darkness, the sound spread to the mind of ceramic villain. 原罪邪神屹立在黑暗之中,声音传入了陶瓷小人的脑海里。 I have arranged, your duty.” “我已经安排好了,你的任务。” similar has turned around, no longer looks at the ceramic villain. 肖转过身,不再看陶瓷小人。 All have been ready.” “一切都已经准备就绪。” Next waking up time, I will start to attack divine system Lord divine throne.” “下一次醒来的时候,我将开始冲击神系之主的神位。” The flesh tumbles, swallows together with the form of original sin evil god Gate of Myth together. 血肉翻滚,将神话之门连同原罪邪神的身影一起吞掉。 similar Rongru flesh stars. 肖融入了血肉星辰。 Started the deep sleep. 开始了沉睡。
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