IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#382 Part 1: The god war ends

The knowledge god country on sea of clouds. 云海上的知识神国。 The shadow from the sea of clouds came, to fall in the god country together. 一道影子从云海之下而来,落在了神国之内。 Looks somewhat distressed. 看上去有些狼狈。 Broken Gate of Myth appeared slowly, stands erect in the deep place of god country's. 残破的神话之门缓缓浮现,竖立在了神国的深处。 That form impatient standing in the myth state, sound somewhat hoarse shouted one. 那身影迫不及待的站在神话国度之内,声音有些沙哑的呼喊了一声。 God country domain!” “神国领域!” Opening!” “开启!” God of Truth and Knowledge revolves immediately the strength of god country's, forms a huge knot seal, but the object of its seal impressively is own Gate of Truth. 真理与知识之神立刻运转起了神国的力量,形成一个庞大的结界封印,而其封印的对象赫然就是自己的真理之门 Under maintenance of knowledge god country's, the strength in Gate of Myth no longer leaks finally. 在知识神国的维持下,神话之门内的力量总算是不再外泄。 After completing all these, Asai has not made other again, but looked to many retinues in state. 做完这一切之后,阿赛也没有再做其他,而是看向了国度之中的众多仆从。 Under stair. 台阶之下。 Massive ghosts also raise head to gaze at their God. 大量的幽魂也同时仰头注视着他们的神明 The Asai vision fast movement, falls on the person who she most trusted finally. 阿赛目光快速的移动,最终落在了她最信任的人身上。 Borwick!” 波里克!” Adjustment direction, returns to the Evel peninsula.” “调整方向,回爱维尔半岛。” Sounding, the sound is somewhat anxious. 听上去,声音有些急切。 Ghost Borwick sees this situation, looks that post breaks off Gate of Truth that the front door splits, does not have to ask again. 幽魂波里克看到这幅情况,看着那门柱折断大门裂开的真理之门,也没有再多问。 All ghosts together, revolution knowledge god country. 所有幽魂一同,运转知识神国。 Immediately adjusts the position of knowledge god country's, as the fog flutters together to the distant place. 立刻调整知识神国的方位,随着云雾一起飘向远方。 Light shadow shuttle sea of clouds, as the wind and cloud vanished above the sea together. 光影穿梭云海,随着风云一起消失在了大海之上。 Asai stands under Gate of Truth, can see that her body becomes partly visible, seems extremely unstable. 阿赛站在真理之门下,可以看到她的身躯变得若隐若现,似乎极不稳定。 Asai is pondering an issue. 阿赛在思考着一个问题。 Ruhul giant beast presents during the present world, this is Ruhul giant beast own will, is...... 鲁赫巨怪出现现世之中,这到底是鲁赫巨怪自己的意志,还是……。 She does not know, is unable to ask. 她不知道,也无法去问。 She thought that she makes mistakes. 她觉得自己犯了个错。 She is not wrong wants to use this opportunity seal Xiao's Gate of Original Sin in oneself, wrong after having to weaken similar then directly to attack the abyss the idea. 她并不是错在自己想要利用这次机会封印肖的原罪之门,错在有着削弱肖之后便可以直接打击深渊的想法。 But is wrong. 而是错在。 She wants Gate of Original Sin, finally has not actually succeeded. 她想要原罪之门,最后却没有成功。 Two people wants seal Gate of Original Sin, wants to take back the purgatory, is not willing to drop. 两人一个想要封印原罪之门,一个想要收回炼狱,怎么也不肯放手。 Finally instead causes the aspect to lose control, even he himself is unable to end. 最后反而导致局面失控,连他自己也都无法收场。 Before the war starts, had the choice, once after the god fights opening, who wanted to leave is not simple, a side that first left must suffer a loss surely. 大战开始之前还有了选择的余地,一旦神战开启之后,无论是谁想要抽身都没那么简单了,先抽身的一方必定要吃大亏。 The final situation was above the expectation of Asai completely, even Ruhul giant beast appeared unexpectedly. 最后的情况完全超乎了阿赛的预料,竟然连鲁赫巨怪都出现了。 Naturally. 当然。 This also has similar is really extremely in the hard to deal with reason. 这也有肖本身实在是太过于难缠的原因。 This war, similar Dedao the intelligent True God second path, but actually cannot take back the purgatory. 这一场大战,肖得到了智慧真神的第二条道路,但是却没有能够收回炼狱。 Asai prevented similar Shouhui purgatory, made similar Zuihou bring Gate of Original Sin to return to the abyss. 阿赛阻止了肖收回炼狱,却让肖最后带着原罪之门回到了深渊之中。 Finally the action of unseemly behavior in the Ruler of Life garden, enraged Ruhul giant beast recklessly, ends up fate that a severe wound ran away, no one has asked for well. 最后两人在生命主宰的花园之中肆意妄为的举措,激怒了鲁赫巨怪,落得了个重伤逃窜的下场,谁也没讨得了好。 Their two forgot. 她们两个遗忘了。 Although Ruler of Life has no longer paid attention to the world, but here as before is the Ruler of Life back garden. 虽然生命主宰早已不再关注人间,但是这里依旧是生命主宰的后花园。 Seven Giant God that she leaves behind although are dormant under the land, has the strength that is inconceivable. 她留下的七位巨神虽然蛰伏于大地之下,却拥有着难以想象的力量。 Suddenly, the knowledge god country from the sea area of Ruhul Giant Island black storm outer layer, returned to above the Evel peninsula. 眨眼间,知识神国从鲁赫巨岛黑风暴外层的海域,回到了爱维尔半岛之上。 At this time, ghost Borwick looked to god under Gate of Truth, made noise to ask. 这个时候,幽魂波里克才看向了真理之门下的神祇,出声发问。 Asai god!” 阿赛神!” You......” “您……” Ghost Borwick also saw the Asai situation is not quite good, hard anti- Ruhul giant beast Burrower Demon Insect strikes, severe wound at the scene is also only the surface. 幽魂波里克也看出了阿赛的情况不太好,硬抗鲁赫巨怪钻地魔虫的一击,当场的重伤还只是表面。 Huge strength of that escape, on Gate of Myth dense and numerous cracks. 那逸散的庞大力量,还有神话之门上密密麻麻的裂缝。 This was not the knot seal of knowledge god country's lives can finish up. 这可不是知识神国的结界封印住就能够完事的。 Asai lifts the hand, prevented the question of Borwick. 阿赛抬起手,阻挡了波里克的问话。 As if oneself have a more important matter to do, has explained without enough time. 似乎自己还有着更重要的事情去做,已经来不及解释了。 Asai put out the bottle of truth seal, pondered. 阿赛拿出了真理封印之瓶,思考了一下。 Then. 然后。 Turned on the plug on flask. 打开了烧瓶上的塞子。 The shadow of distortion runs out from the bottle, Asai released inside existence. 扭曲的影子从瓶子之中冲出,阿赛释放出了里面的存在。 The huge flame stars appeared in the sky, the shadow of corpse eater curse the terrifying twisted in the sky roaring filial piety. 庞大的火焰星辰出现在了天空,恐怖扭曲的食尸者诅咒之影在天空咆孝。 Finally, the corpse eater curse fell into the purgatory. 最后,食尸者诅咒落入了炼狱之中。 But at this time Lord of Purgatory also appeared. 而这个时候炼狱之主也出现了。 In his hand is grasping the book of Huberne, is grasping the source of curse. 他手上握着修伯恩之书,掌握着诅咒的源头。 The purgatory appears during the present world, immediately suffers present customary practice of the day pursuit, was restrained by the pledge. 炼狱一出现在现世之中,立刻就遭受现世法则的驱逐,受到誓约的约束。 Was kicked to return to Dreamland. 被重新踢回到了梦界之中。 Also becomes the figure to sway together with Lord of Purgatory together, must vanish in the present world, but knot of knowledge god country's spreads immediately, broken Gate of Truth released together the illumination on Lord of Purgatory. 连同炼狱之主也一起变得身形摇晃,要消失在现世,但是知识神国的结界立刻扩散,残破的真理之门释放出一道光照在了炼狱之主身上。 God of Truth and Knowledge with the aid of knowledge god country special domain, retains her temporarily. 真理与知识之神借助知识神国这片特殊的界域,临时留住了她。 Waits for.” “等一下。” In just, Asai grasped the Lord of Purgatory life and death. 就在刚刚,阿赛掌握住了炼狱之主的生死。 She even can win Lord of Purgatory all. 她甚至可以夺走炼狱之主的一切。 However Asai thinks, the choice gives up finally. 但是阿赛想了一下,最后还是选择放弃。 She wants is not the present purgatory, the present purgatory also has no function ; Even if seized all strengths, regarding the Asai still not too big gain. 她要的不是现在的炼狱,现在的炼狱也没有任何作用;就算夺走了其所有的力量,对于阿赛自身也并没有太大的增益。 What she wants becomes the myth purgatory, can the abyss existence that God of Original Sin constrains stubbornly, can become similar Dadi purgatory. 她要的是成为神话的炼狱,一个能够将深渊将原罪之神死死拖住的存在,一个能够成为肖大敌的炼狱。 What she settles on is the potential of purgatory. 她看中的是炼狱的潜力。 Even if a Lord of Purgatory person cannot become Xiao's archenemy, Xiao's other enemies will also make the purgatory Xiao's Achilles'heel. 哪怕炼狱之主一个人不能够成为肖的大敌,肖的其他敌人也会让炼狱成为肖的命门。 Lord of Purgatory looks at God of Truth and Knowledge, looked to the surrounding god country retinue. 炼狱之主看着真理与知识之神,又看向了周围的神国仆从。 Asai says to Lord of Purgatory: Avon!” 阿赛开口对着炼狱之主说道:“亚弗安!” The opposite party replied: I am Lord of Purgatory, is not Avon.” 对方却回答:“我是炼狱之主,不是亚弗安。” God of Truth and Knowledge!” 真理与知识之神!” Lord of Purgatory reminded God of Truth and Knowledge, he does not like others calling his Avon this name very much. 炼狱之主提醒了一下真理与知识之神,他很不喜欢别人称呼他亚弗安这个名字。 Asai gawked suddenly. 阿赛突然愣了一下。 During this moment condition was not very good, is anxious to call Avon this name under the conditioned reflex. 她此刻状态很不好,急切之中在条件反射之下就喊出了亚弗安这个名字。 But the response of Lord of Purgatory also made her associate to anything suddenly. 炼狱之主的反应也让她突然联想到了什么。 Let her associate to oneself. 让她联想到了自己。 Regardless of how probably Asai denied that she is Anhofos is the same, in others' eyes she is Anhofos. 就好像无论阿赛怎么否认她就是安霍福斯一样,在别人的眼中她就是安霍福斯 She thinks that once sin had nothing to do with oneself, she thinks that oneself and Anhofos was entirely different. 她认为曾经的罪孽与自己无关,她认为自己和安霍福斯截然不同。 She thinks that she is only Asai. 她认为自己就只是阿赛 However. 但是。 How no one will care about her to think, in everyone's eyes she is Anhofos. 没有人会在意她是怎么想的,所有人的眼中她就是安霍福斯 Everyone is believing, under she seemingly normal face, certainly has one crazily to the shadow that being inconceivable. 每个人都坚信着,她看似正常的面孔下,一定有着一个疯狂到难以想象的影子。 Lord of Purgatory!” 炼狱之主!” Asai has not insisted anything, changed the name. 阿赛并没有坚持什么,改换了称呼。 She can feel that oneself condition was getting more and more bad, but before then something and things must arrange, therefore she says immediately hastily. 她可以感觉到自己的状态越来越差了,但是在此之前还是有些事情和东西要布置,于是她立刻连忙说道。 Then God of Original Sin similar can the deep sleep some time, he lose the control to many things, the subsequent hand who once arranged is unable to respond fast.” “接下来原罪之神肖会沉睡一段时间,他将会对外界的许多事情失去掌控,曾经布置的后手也无法快速的回应。” For example you.” “就比如你。” He is unable in this period of time to disturb you, controls you.” “他无法在这段时间内干扰你,控制你。” Therefore you ascended a height to get a broad view the myth opportunity to arrive, this was also your only opportunity.” “所以你登临神话的机会到来了,这也是你唯一的机会。” You, if cannot ascend a height to get a broad view time myth in this opportunity, is next time you destroy, together with your purgatory same place.” “你如果不能在这一次的机会之中登临神话,那么下一次就是你毁灭的时候,连同你的炼狱一起。” Asai does not have the many words. 阿赛丝毫没有多话。 She gave Lord of Purgatory a book, life body that this has and Avon exactly the same face. 她将一本书递给了炼狱之主,这个拥有着和亚弗安一模一样面孔的生命体。 The name of book is said. 书的名字叫做。 «Man-made Person And Immortal Shape». 《人造人和永生形态》。 If «Path of Wisdom» is secret Dian of half god, then this book is Holy Bible of myth item. 如果《智慧之路》是半神的秘典,那么这本书就是神话道具的圣经。 After Lord of Purgatory attained this book, the myth threshold vanished to him thoroughly. 炼狱之主拿到了这本书之后,神话的门槛对于他来说就彻底消失了。 Lord of Purgatory attained this secret Dian, says: „An opportunity, already enough.” 炼狱之主拿到了这本秘典,开口说道:“一次机会,已经够了。” He looked to God of Truth and Knowledge: But, why do you want to help me?” 他又看向了真理与知识之神:“不过,你为什么要帮我?” Asai shakes the head: I do not help you, I do not want to make similar change probably be stronger.” 阿赛摇头:“我不是帮你,我只是不想让肖变得更强。” You do not need to thank me, it is estimated that you will not thank.” “你也不用感谢我,估计你也不会感谢。” But you become stronger, I more am willing to see.” “但是你变得越强,我就越愿意看到。” Even the hope saw that you can take back the abyss, making similar have no place to go that day.” “甚至希望看到你能够收回深渊,让肖无处可逃的那一天。” Lord of Purgatory understood. 炼狱之主明了了。 The knowledge god country let loose the domain, Lord of Purgatory is shoved open by an invisible strength immediately, vanishes in the world. 知识神国放开了领域,炼狱之主立刻被一股无形的力量推开,消失在了人间。 At this time, Asai looked to Borwick. 这个时候,阿赛才看向了波里克 Borwick!” 波里克!” Borwick goes forward: Asai god!” 波里克上前:“阿赛神!” She started to mention oneself situation to Borwick. 她开始对着波里克说起了自己的情况。 This I and similar suffered the heavy losses time, similar must enter the deep sleep.” “这一次我和肖都遭受了重创,肖要进入沉睡。” However I, is this.” “而我,也是这样。” Ghost Borwick: Without other means?” 幽魂波里克:“没有其他办法吗?” Asai looked to the post break, front door crack dense and numerous Gate of Truth. 阿赛看向了门柱断裂,大门裂缝密密麻麻的真理之门 „The dissipation of strength also in next, so long as costs the time to accumulate ; However the authority had the problem, is the future trouble that is inconceivable.” “力量的消散还在其次,只要耗费时间就可以积累;但是权柄出现了问题,就是难以想象的后患。” Therefore must conduct the deep sleep, patches own Gate of Truth and strength.” “所以必须进行沉睡,修补自身的真理之门和力量。” Ghost Borwick: „The Asai god, how long do you want deep sleep?” 幽魂波里克:“阿赛神,您要沉睡多久?” Asai: Will not be long, this era is not last era, I have also become myth, does not need to walk Path of Wisdom again.” 阿赛:“不会太久,这个纪元不是上一个纪元,我也早已成为神话,不用再走智慧之路。” On the Evel peninsula and Ruhul Giant Island have my massive witch spirit, they will help me patch Gate of Myth, makes up for my defect the strength.” 爱维尔半岛和鲁赫巨岛上有着我的大量巫灵,他们会帮助我修补神话之门,弥补我缺失的力量。” Borwick has no idle talk: „The Asai god, what do you want to urge my?” 波里克没有任何废话:“阿赛神,您要叮嘱我一些什么?” Asai told him: Helps Sukob full power, he can become the words of half god, I the Lord status will wake up by divine system.” 阿赛告诉他:“全力帮助苏科布,他能够成为半神的话,我将会以神系之主的身份醒来。” This is our future, is the most essential matter.” “这才是我们的未来,也是最关键的事情。” Borwick indicated to understand, looked at Asai to nod. 波里克表示明白了,望着阿赛点了点头。 But Asai walks toward creakying Gate of Truth. 阿赛则朝着摇摇欲坠的真理之门内部走去。 In the gate sends out the ray. 门内散发出光芒。 Submerges the Asai form thoroughly. 阿赛的身影彻底淹没。 Was sending out ray plain Gate of Myth, in a flash became dark peaceful. 原本散发着光芒的古朴神话之门,一瞬间变得暗澹了下来。 The innumerable say/way chains were born baseless, pester on Gate of Truth, locked in it stubbornly. 无数道锁链凭空诞生,纠缠在了真理之门上,将其死死锁住。 Borwick had all retinue ghosts to lie on the ground, the surface knelt down toward Gate of Truth. 波里克带着所有的仆从幽魂趴在了地上,面朝着真理之门跪下。 Grasps the god of truth, the control of books and knowledge, the Asai god of eternal return!” “掌握真理之神,书籍与知识的主宰,永恒轮回的阿赛神!” We have hoped for and waiting for your return.” “我们会一直期盼和等候着您的归来。” ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- Another side. 另一边。 Lord of Purgatory was repelled by the present customary practice of the day, was fettered by the abyss pledge. 炼狱之主被现世法则排斥,被深渊誓约所束缚。 Finally returned to Dreamland, but this coordinates and previous time also is completely different. 最终回到了梦界之中,不过这一次坐标和上一次又完全不一样了。 Became the dark peaceful flame stars, burnt the flaming fire. 原本变得暗澹的火焰星辰,重新燃烧起了熊熊大火。 Lord of Purgatory passes through void, sat his throne. 炼狱之主穿过虚空,重新坐上了他的王座。 He takes «Book of Huberne» single-handedly, takes «Man-made Person And Immortal Shape» single-handedly. 他一手拿着《修伯恩之书》,一手拿着《人造人和永生形态》。 The book of Huberne record various god secret secret Dian who is compiled by Huberne, but another book Lord of Purgatory does not know that is who compiles. 修伯恩之书是由修伯恩编撰的记录诸神隐秘的秘典,而另外一本书炼狱之主就不知道是谁编撰的。 However. 但是。 Above content makes people think that shocks incomparably. 其上的内容却让人觉得震撼无比。 Especially this book the intelligent strength, will be divided into the intelligence source, the wisdom consciousness, the desire personality and methods of knowledge memory four parts unexpectedly, might be considered as pierced the mystery of wisdom. 尤其是这本书竟然将智慧的力量,分为了灵性本源、智慧意识、欲望人格、知识记忆四个部分的方法,堪称是洞穿了智慧的奥秘。 Lord of Purgatory cannot understand, what existence can write such book. 炼狱之主不能够理解,什么样的存在能够写出这样的书。 Which inborn God is!” “是哪一位天生的神明吧!” Lord of Purgatory felt, only then God can so clear sees through the intelligent secret. 炼狱之主自己觉得,只有神明才能够如此清晰的看穿智慧的秘密。 Do the mortals possibly write to obtain such book? 凡人怎么可能写得出这样的书呢? However after flipping through this book, thought that was not quite right. 但是翻完了这本书之后,又觉得不太对劲。 Compiles this book the angle is not from top to bottom, but from bottom to top. 编写这本书的角度并不是从上至下的,而是从下至上的。 From an angle of mortal, what describes the shape of eternal life is. 以一个凡人的角度,来描写永生的形态是什么样的。 By the body of mortal, creates God. 以凡人之躯,创造出一个神明 It is not right. 不对。 With the content on this book, should be an immortal man-made person. 用这本书上的内容来说,应该是一个永生的人造人。 However an immortal person, is that a person? 但是一个永生的人,那还是人吗? Even if arrogant Lord of Purgatory, at this moment was also startled thoroughly. 哪怕是高傲的炼狱之主,此刻也被彻底惊到了。 He reads this book repeatedly, as if wanted to find the creator from above. 他翻来覆去的看着这本书,似乎想要从上面找到创作者。 This is who writes?” “这到底是谁写的?” „Does a mortal, actually want to create God?” “一个凡人,竟然想要创造神明?” Lord of Purgatory remembered anything suddenly. 炼狱之主突然想起了什么。 Once Avon saw ghost Borwick, Borwick led him to watch the last era secret. 曾经亚弗安见到了幽魂波里克,波里克带着他观看上一个纪元的隐秘。 And some few words had said the last era war of cause various god, as if has some connection with this book inside content. 其中有一段话就说过上一个纪元的诸神之战起因,就似乎和这书里面的内容有着某种关联。 At that time ghost Borwick said. 当时幽魂波里克说道。 Evil thing that God of Truth and Knowledge Asai once made, named Little Human in a Bottle evil god.” 真理与知识之神阿赛曾经制造出的邪恶之物,名为瓶中小人的邪神。” „The Asai god thinks what oneself makes is myth, has and his exactly the same memory, another God of exactly the same will.” 阿赛神以为自己制造出的是一位神话,一个拥有着和他一模一样的记忆,一模一样意志的另一个神明。” He indeed touched the secret of truth, did not have to think what oneself made was a anomaly, but he himself also enters the deep sleep in that moment that the evil god presented.” “他的确触碰到了真理的秘密,却没想到自己制造出来的是一个怪胎,而他自己也在邪神出现的那一刻进入沉睡。” Evil god was born, the disaster arrives in this world.” “邪神诞生了,灾难降临于这个世界。” Lord of Purgatory read another name. 炼狱之主念出了另外一个名字。 Anhofos.” 安霍福斯。” As if another name of Asai god, therefore this book is God of Truth and Knowledge writes? 似乎就是阿赛神的另一个名字,所以这本书就是真理与知识之神写的? Lord of Purgatory as if watched the God of Truth and Knowledge Asai other aspect, during it as if did not imagine like snake human, like her follower believed in simple. 炼狱之主似乎观看到了真理与知识之神阿赛的另一面,其似乎并不像蛇人想象之中,像她的信徒所信奉的那样简单。 Abyss and truth!” “深渊与真理!” various God and the oldest!” “诸神和最古者!” myth and Anhofos!” 神话安霍福斯!” Lord of Purgatory said average man seemingly complete relation not on words, do not know is thinking deeply about anything. 炼狱之主说了一段常人看上去完全联系不上的话,不知道在思索些什么。 Long time . 良久后。 Lord of Purgatory put down «Man-made Person And myth Shape» this book finally. 炼狱之主终于放下了《人造人与神话形态》这本书。 A lot are far from him too, passed was too long, wants too many to be not meaningful. 很多事情离他太远,也过去了太久,想太多没有什么意义。 He must do now, is becomes stronger. 他现在要做的,是变得更强。 Had opened to a higher gate, but then must walk step by step. 通往更高的门已经打开了,但是接下来还是要一步步走。 Passed through this drastic change time, he had some changes. 经过了这一次的剧变,他有了一些改变。 Xiao's small planning made him almost lose all. 肖的一个小小的算计就让他差点丢失了一切。 Although he has not discarded the life finally, has not discarded the purgatory. 虽然他最后没有丢掉生命,也没有丢掉炼狱。 Instead became more powerful. 反而变得更加强大了。 However all these, made the Lord of Purgatory sense of urgency stronger. 但是这一切,也让炼狱之主的紧迫感变得更强了。 With God of Truth and Knowledge said that if he cannot seize this opportunity to become myth, then did not have the next time. 真理与知识之神所说的一样,他如果不能够抓住这一次机会成为神话的话,那么就没有下一次了。 On throne. 王座上。 The Lord of Purgatory stand, summoned the huge shadow. 炼狱之主站了起来,召唤出了巨大的暗影。 Lord of Purgatory is controlling the shadow of curse, must and this flame stars is in one it thoroughly friendly. 炼狱之主控制着诅咒之影,要将其和这颗火焰星辰彻底融合为一体。 His sound transmission above the flame stars, goes far away along Dreamland. 他的声音传递在火焰星辰之上,沿着梦界远去。 Purgatory and curse is a body.” “炼狱和诅咒是一体的。” Purgatory is the origin of curse.” “炼狱就是诅咒的起源。” Purgatory is these by the nightmare of curse.” “炼狱就是那些被诅咒者的噩梦。” Purgatory is these touches the home to return to of person of taboo.” “炼狱就是那些触碰禁忌之人的归宿。” His sound is summoning the curse and purgatory, smelts the two thoroughly. 他的声音呼唤着诅咒和炼狱,将二者彻底熔炼。 I grant the strength of purgatory curse, gives the strengths of ten thousand spirit dark surface curses.” “我赐予炼狱诅咒之力,给予万灵暗面诅咒的力量。” I am Lord of Purgatory.” “我乃炼狱之主。” Existence of source of control curse.” “掌控诅咒之源的存在。” The huge strength of corpse eater curse changes into the gray-black smog, circled three above the flame stars. 食尸者诅咒的庞大力量化为灰黑色的烟雾,在火焰星辰之上绕了三圈。 Finally. 最终。 Above the flame stars sticks out a giant black stone platform. 火焰星辰之上隆起一处巨大的黑色石台。 That stone platform is very long is very long, seems like probably a giant table. 那石台很长很长,看上去就好像一个巨大的餐桌。 In this table above, presented a lot of food. 在这“餐桌”之上,出现了大量的食材。 Carefully looked at the past, that unexpectedly was the snake human transparent shadows. 仔细看过去,那竟然是一个又一个蛇人的透明影子。 What's the matter?” corpse eater of degeneration appeared, appears above that stone platform, they put from the body of corpse eater curse, evil disciple who majority once followed Huserot. “怎么回事?”一个又一个的堕落的食尸者浮现,出现在了那石台之上,她们是从食尸者诅咒的身体内部放出来的,大部分都是曾经跟随于瑟罗的邪恶之徒。 How I can here.” Among these corpse eater majority knew, at this moment shows the panic-stricken expression. “我怎么会在这里。”这些食尸者之间互相之间大部分都认识,此刻一个个露出惊恐的表情。 «Unique Becoming an immortal» 《独步成仙》 Fire, everywhere is the fire.” Under stone platform the flame combustion, roasts black stone platform blushes, these corpse eater burnt/anxious Kao, is bruised and lacerated very painful. “火,到处都是火。”石台下火焰燃烧,将黑色石台烤得发红,将那些食尸者焦烤得皮开肉绽,痛苦不堪。 Quite hot, is quite sore, puts me to go out, puts me to go out.” Above black stone platform, all snake human are wailing. “好烫,好疼,放我出去,放我出去。”黑色石台之上,所有的蛇人在哀嚎。 Purgatory, here is a purgatory.” Where also some people recognized here panic-stricken are. “炼狱,这里是炼狱。”也有人惊恐的认出了这里是哪里。 But an end of stone platform, a huge shadow floats off slowly. 而石台的一端,一个庞大的影子缓缓浮起。 The shadow of terrifying corpse eater curse sits in another head of stone platform, diner who is big and hungry probably. 恐怖的食尸者诅咒之影坐在石台的另一头,就好像饥肠辘辘的食客。 The shadow twists unceasingly, gradually becomes must be real, finally turned into a miserable white person's shadow. 暗影不断地扭曲,渐渐的变得真实,最后变成了一个惨白色的人影。 ~ “呜~” The huge form made the hungry beast general voice, forked corpse eater above black stone platform. 巨大的身影发出了饿兽一般的声音,叉起了黑色石台之上的食尸者 „!” “啊!” All corpse eater send out the panic-stricken pitiful yell, but no one can escape from stone platform, escapes from this terrifying in the purgatory prison. 所有的食尸者发出惊恐的惨叫,但是没有人能够逃出石台,逃出这恐怖的炼狱囚牢之中。 corpse eater in panic-stricken, were forked to force in the curse in shadow big mouth. 一个个食尸者在惊恐之中,被叉起塞进了诅咒之影的大嘴之中。 They were eaten by the shadow of corpse eater curse, try that swallowed pinnacle pain, but will actually not die like this, finally will also appear above stone platform. 他们被食尸者诅咒之影吃掉,尝试那被吞噬的极致痛苦,但是却不会就这样死去,最后还会出现在石台之上。 Repeats time and time again, until its radical dissipation. 一次又一次重复,直到其彻底消散。 At this moment. 此时此刻。 The shadow and the purgatory two curse have combined, fell into during the control of Lord of Purgatory. 诅咒之影和炼狱二者已经合二为一了,落入了炼狱之主的掌控之中。 He had the complete corpse eater curse, he wants strength of complete curse, will ascend a height to get a broad view myth the idea of authority to take shape as the future initially. 他拥有了完整的食尸者诅咒,他想要以诅咒之力圆满自身,作为将来登临神话的权柄的想法已经初步成型了。 Then. 接下来。 He must start to accumulate the strength, is to attack myth prepares. 他要开始积累力量,为冲击神话做准备。 ---------------------------- ---------------------------- In abyss. 深渊之中。 God of Original Sin similar is seriously battered during the present world, the terrifying Giant God tentacle searches from the present world, the entire abyss trembles under its terrifying shape. 原罪之神肖在现世之中遭受重创,恐怖的巨神触手从现世之中探进来,整个深渊都在其恐怖的形态下瑟瑟发抖。 The one strikes, will be representing the Gate of Original Sin of death and disaster scattering the frame. 其一击,就将代表着死亡和灾难的原罪之门给打散了架。 The evil King in abyss is looking at this unprecedented scene, innumerable abyss demon is dumbfounded. 深渊之中的邪恶王者一个又一个望着这前所未有的场景,无数的深渊魔物目瞪口呆。 In their memories, had not seen the original sin evil god has had the so distressed time. 在他们的记忆之中,就从来没有见到过原罪邪神有过如此狼狈的时刻。 Also has not thought that was known as that existence of God will really have so frail side. 也从来没有想过,号称神明的存在竟然也会有如此脆弱的一面。 These King of Abyss panic-stricken looks that terrifying tentacle that searches from the present world. 这些深渊之王一个个惊恐的看着那从现世探进来的恐怖触手。 And. 其中。 Also some people turned head to look to abyss most deep place. 也有人扭头望向了深渊的最深处。 The original sin evil god suffered the unprecedented heavy losses, now is at the weakest stage. 原罪邪神遭受了前所未有的重创,现在处于最虚弱的阶段。 In abyss. 在深渊之中。 Except for Lust Queen Merder, does not have one to be loyal to God of Original Sin Xiao's existence truly. 除了色欲之王梅尔德,就没有一个真正忠于原罪之神肖的存在。 Although similar also never needs their loyalty and beliefs. 虽然肖也从来不需要她们的忠诚和信仰。 original sin evil god similar feels to have a dizzy spell, own consciousness as if lost the sustenance, must dissipate in void. 原罪邪神肖感觉头晕目眩,自己的意识似乎都失去了寄托,要消散在虚空之中。 However quick, he suppresses that to by the deep sleep feeling of void swallowing, is falling into the dark edge pulling back own Gate of Original Sin. 但是很快,他就强忍着那要被虚空吞噬的沉睡感,在堕入黑暗的边缘将自己的原罪之门给拉了回来。 She is supporting the skeleton long table, arrived at another head of long table. 她撑着骸骨长桌,来到了长桌的另一头。 I am God of Original Sin.” “吾乃原罪之神。” Controls all pardoned crimes, swallows all pardoned crimes.” “驾驭一切原罪,吞噬一切原罪。” Gate of Original Sin, tracks down my is, takes me as the coordinates.” 原罪之门,追寻吾之所在,以吾为坐标。” Belongs to the darkness of ten thousand spirit.” “归于万灵之暗。” The Gate of Original Sin upper half of frame, as well as scatters the void pedestal base. 原罪之门的上半部分框架,以及散落虚空的基台。 The flash induced the original sin evil god Xiao's summon completely, probably by powerful attraction locking, was declined toward the abyss. 一瞬间全部都感应到了原罪邪神肖的呼唤,好像被一股强大的引力锁定,朝着深渊之中落了下来。 Demon in abyss is ready to make trouble, stood. 深渊之中的魔物蠢蠢欲动,一个个站了出来。 At this time. 这个时候。 similar stands on flesh stars, overlooked from the high place to the entire abyss. 血肉星辰上的肖站了出来,从高处俯瞰向整个深渊。 Un?” “嗯?” Light, the probably cold ice froze everyone equally, the time of entire abyss solidified probably, no one dares to move. 只是一声轻哼,就好像寒冰一样冻住了所有人,整个深渊的时间都好像凝固住了,再也没有人敢动弹一下。 Even if so weak she, so long as she has the moment. 哪怕如此虚弱的她,但是只要她存在一刻。 So long as she is also awaking. 只要她还醒着。 In the abyss no one dares to face directly in her. 深渊之中就没有人敢直面于她。 In a flash, entire abyss peaceful. 一瞬间,整个深渊都安静了下来。 similar Shouhui the vision, she has not paid attention to them. 肖收回了目光,她从来没有将他们放在眼里。 She looked to world Ruhul Giant Island . 她看向了人间的鲁赫巨岛,。 „The Ruler of Life back garden, seemed like.” 生命主宰的后花园,看起来是真的了。” similar shakes the head. 肖摇了摇头。 Controls God not to care!” “主宰神明不在乎!” „The follower and follower of god will actually maintain the leaving uncultivated garden that she is not caring about, is maintaining the sand dust in garden.” “神的信徒和从者却会维护着她不在乎的荒废花园,维护着花园里的沙尘。” Hoping, some day her can also arrive again.” “期盼着,有朝一日她还能够再度降临。” Ruhul Giant Island is different, here has too many secrets, here has too many god. 鲁赫巨岛还是不一样的,这里有着太多的隐秘,这里有着太多的神祇。 similar Diaozhuan vision, looked to Ruhul Giant Island. 肖调转目光,看向了鲁赫巨岛之外。 In there, but also has the broader world. 在那里,还有着更加广阔的世界。 He looked up to the starry sky. 他又抬头望向了星空。 Which starry sky outside is what? 在哪星空之外又是什么样的呢? This world does not have the end, does not have the limit. 这个世界没有尽头,也没有极限。
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