IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#381 Part 2: Ruhul Giant God acts

Stands Earth Demoness on hump dumbfounded looks to flee in panic two god that looks giant eye that in the land opens. 站在山岗上的大地魔女目瞪口呆的看着仓皇逃窜的两位神祇,看着大地上睁开的巨大眼睛。 Seeming like irresistible, like extinguishing world disaster common god war. 看起来不可抵挡,如同灭世灾难一般的神战。 Like this dropped the curtain. 就这样落下了帷幕。 She understands that for the first time Ruler of Life keeps the world, what existence Giant God of carrying/sustaining land is. 她第一次明白生命主宰留在人间,承载大地的巨神到底是什么样的存在。 She also understands finally, that land Giant God said. 她也终于明白,大地巨神所说的那句。 In your eyes they are the gods, in eye of control they are also the mortals, live long mortal. 在你的眼中她们是神,在主宰的眼中她们也是凡人,活的久一些的凡人。 Was what meaning. 是什么意思了。 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ War eruption between God of Original Sin and God of Truth and Knowledge not long. 原罪之神真理与知识之神之间的大战爆发没有多久。 Scarlet Goddess noticed in ten thousand snake royal court the matter. 腥红女神就注意到了万蛇王庭之中发生的事情。 Although she does not know the cause, but can actually induce to arriving who two people are. 她虽然不知道起因,但是却可以感应到降临的两个人是谁。 similar.” “肖。” Asai.” “还有阿赛。” Scarlet Goddess does not understand why two people fight, but has the hatred with similar, may continue a Asai person. 腥红女神不明白二人为何而战,但是和肖有着仇恨的,可不止阿赛一个人。 She puts down the matter on hand immediately, catches up toward ten thousand snake royal court from Suinhall. 她立刻放下了手上的事情,从苏因霍尔朝着万蛇王庭赶来。 Scarlet Goddess has not believed in ten thousand snake royal court, no three leaves symbiont arrives for her. 只是腥红女神在万蛇王庭没有信仰,更没有三叶共生者供她降临。 She can only catch up personally from Suinhall. 她只能从苏因霍尔亲自赶过来。 The half god of life in some special method uses, does not have the half god of wisdom is so widespread. 生命的半神在一些特殊的手段使用上,也没有智慧的半神那么广泛。 However. 然而。 Scarlet Goddess just arrived in the road of great snake, has not entered in ten thousand snake royal court completely. 腥红女神刚刚抵达巨蛇之路,还没有完全进入万蛇王庭境内。 Just saw such a. 就刚好看到了这样的一幕。 Ruhul Giant God acts personally, pursued Ruhul Giant Island two wisdom half gods. 鲁赫巨神亲自出手,将两位智慧半神驱逐出了鲁赫巨岛 Even if in which original sin evil god had run away, Giant God pursues the Dreamland entrance that she is opening, breaks down to the hammer her Gate of Original Sin forcefully. 其中的原罪邪神哪怕已经逃了出去,巨神都追着她打开的梦界入口,硬生生将她的原罪之门给锤垮。 This. 这一下。 Asai or similar, two people withstood the unprecedented heavy losses, is not a short time can recover consciousness absolutely. 不论是阿赛还是肖,两人都承受了前所未有的重创,绝对不是一时半会能够缓过来的。 Scarlet Goddess is not Asai and similar two people regretted, what she is at this moment more is shocks in Ruhul Giant God strength. 腥红女神并不为阿赛和肖两个人惋惜,她此刻更多的是震惊于鲁赫巨神的力量。 Scarlet Goddess is also the half god of life, although the position standard is the same. 腥红女神也是生命的半神,位格虽然一样。 However the accumulation of divine blood is completely different. 但是神血的积累却完全不一样。 Like this great island. 就像这座巨岛一样。 Seven Ruhul Giant God composed a mainland, but what she has is only a side under continental shelf. 七位鲁赫巨神组成了一座大陆,而她拥有的只是大陆架下的一方。 Ruhul giant beast Burrower Demon Insect.” “鲁赫巨怪钻地魔虫。” Scarlet Goddess looks that giant eye vanished above the land, the shadow tentacle of blotting out the sky also vanished in the whole world. 腥红女神看着那个巨大的眼睛消失在了大地之上,铺天盖地的暗影触手也消失在了整个世界之中。
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