IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#381 Part 1: Ruhul Giant God acts

! The emerald green root hair twines the succuba who brown is sending, a forest lives because of her. 翠色的根须缠绕着褐发的魔女,一片森林因她而生。 But her consciousness actually hauled in the land deep place. 而她的意识却被拉进了大地深处。 Hauled in the Ruhul Giant Island center, goes to the beginning of the era Ruler of Life altar sacred place, place that Ruhul Giant God guards. 拉进了鲁赫巨岛中央,前往纪元之初生命主宰的祭坛圣地,鲁赫巨神守卫的地方。 This is an unusual underground world. 这是一处奇特的地下世界。 The transparent giant jellyfish thin film covers the backdrop, the canopy of thin as cicada wing waves slowly, but like this is similar existence in jellyfish in the underground world, not only. 透明的巨型水母薄膜遮盖天幕,薄如蝉翼的伞盖缓缓舞动,而这样类似于水母的存在在地下世界并不只一个。 Jellyfish same existed to put out the air/Qi, in underground formed the wind and fog. 水母一样的存在吐出了气,在地下形成了风和雾。 !” “呼!” The green rug bedding the land, making the underground world have the fresh air, bear the fruit to send out the great vine of halo to be hanging in the high place illuminates this space. 绿色的地毯铺盖着大地,让地下世界也有着新鲜的空气,一株株结着果实散发着光晕的巨藤悬挂在高处上照亮这片空间。 Here water also probably live, forms transparent knot on the backdrop unexpectedly, or seems like the mirror same lake at the same time. 这里的水也好像活的一样,竟然在天幕上形成一个透明的结界,亦或者一面像是镜子一样的湖泊。 But often dropping under forms the rainwater of underground world. 不时的滴落而下形成地下世界的雨水。 Above sacred ancient altar. 神圣古老的祭坛之上。 Under the Distorted Eye ray has swept the floor the world, can hear the monsters roar, that is Giant God volume. 畸变之眼的光芒扫过地下世界,就能够听见巨物们的吼声,那是巨神的卷属。 A wisp of root hair appeared in the underground world, massive root hair filament entanglement forming, fused a figure of woman. 一缕根须出现在了地下世界,大量的根须细丝纠缠成形,融合成一个女人的身形。 The Earth Demoness shadow also followed to appear under the altar. 大地魔女的影子也跟着出现在了祭坛下。 She knelt under the altar, to representative Ruhul Giant God Burrower Demon Insect mark. 她跪在了祭坛之下,面向代表着鲁赫巨神钻地魔虫的印记。 God!” “神!” Not long. 没有多久。 A powerful will arrives, gaze on the body of Earth Demoness. 一股强大的意志降临,注视在了大地魔女的身上。 Earth Demoness knows that is Ruhul Giant God. 大地魔女知道,那是鲁赫巨神 The opposite party are looking at himself. 对方在看着自己。 The body of opposite party is huge, that is exceeds Giant God that the mortal imagines, existence of carrying/sustaining state land. 只是对方的身躯庞大,那是超越凡人想象的巨神,承载州陆的存在。 Therefore even if she to the utmost full power, what existence is unable to see Giant God is. 所以她哪怕极尽全力,也无法看到巨神到底是什么样的存在。 Opposite party throughout in deep sleep, 对方始终在沉睡之中, Occasionally wakes up , a wisp of consciousness. 偶尔醒来的,也只是其中一缕意识。 The most consciousness is controlling the revolution of this Ruhul Giant Island, seven big Ruhul Giant God same places, formed this mainland. 其大半的意识都在控制着这座鲁赫巨岛的运转,七大鲁赫巨神一起,形成了这座大陆。 But snake human. 蛇人 But resides temporarily a point on this lands. 只不过是寄居在这片土地上的一环。 Earth Demoness toward the named Ruhul's God hope, hopes that she can prevent these to arrive in god of the world, preventing them to wreak havoc in the Ruler of Life creation land, preventing them to act in a self-serving manner for Ruhul's state and Mother of Life back garden in this film title. 大地魔女向着名为鲁赫的神明祈求,希望她能够阻止那些降临在人间的神祇,阻止她们在生命主宰创造的大地上肆虐,阻止她们在这片名为鲁赫的国度、生命之母的后花园为所欲为。 Land Giant God, above this lands many people are believing you.” “大地巨神,这片土地之上许多人都信仰着您。” Is believing Mother of Life.” “信仰着生命之母。” Here is the Ruler of Life garden, is not they can the dissolute place.” “这里是生命主宰的花园,不是她们可以放肆的地方。” Earth Demoness both hands hold alternately in the chest front, crawls on the ground. 大地魔女双手交叉捧在胸前,匍匐在地上。 I know that my request takes the liberty, as I of follower cannot achieve anything for God, can only implore your gracious gift constantly.” “我知道我的请求非常冒昧,身为信徒的我不能为神明做到什么,只能一味祈求您的恩赐。” But my request because not only I am a mortal, is not only because I am ten thousand snake royal court prophets.” “但是我的请求不仅仅因为我是个凡人,不仅仅是因为我是万蛇王庭的先知。” But because, this stretch of land is different.” “而是因为,这片大地是不一样的。” Various gods can disseminate the belief here, can disseminate their scrip­tures here, can choose their retinues here.” “诸神可以在这里传播信仰,可以在这里传播他们的经文,可以在这里挑选他们的仆从。” But they...... “但是她们……。” At this point, the Earth Demoness sound became big. 说到这里,大地魔女的声音变得大了很多。 Must awe the control of life.” “必须敬畏生命的主宰。” Awes all that great Creator creates.” “敬畏伟大的造物主所创造的一切。” Earth Demoness knocked under the altar, even closed the eye. 大地魔女头磕在了祭坛之下,甚至闭上了眼睛。 Earth Demoness is imploring God, however her god could not understand her to say anything, or did not understand. 大地魔女祈求着神明,但是她的神听不懂她在说什么,或者说不理解。 Does not understand that so-called snake human believes itself to have what significance, does not understand that these snake human have what significance regarding Ruler of Life. 不明白那所谓的蛇人信仰自己有什么意义,也不明白这些蛇人对于生命主宰有什么意义。 Ruler of Life makes snake human, but is to make more anchor points, lets Creator Insai earlier arrival in this world. 生命主宰制造出蛇人,不过是想要制造出更多的锚点,让造物主因赛更早的降临在这个世界而已。 However Creator has arrived in this world, Ruler of Life has also given up this world, left the world to return to the Creator side. 但是造物主早已降临在这个世界,生命主宰也早已放弃这个世界,离开了人间回到了造物主的身边。 In the eye of Ruhul Giant God. 在鲁赫巨神的眼中。 snake human and earth dragon, have no difference from the tooth beast, but occupies life one in this land. 蛇人地行龙,和牙兽没有什么区别,只是居住在这片大地上的生命之中的一个。 Is a part of the world circulation. 是世界循环的一部分。 She makes the succuba, but wants an eye that looks at to the world. 她制造出魔女,只是想要一双看向人间的眼睛。 Ruhul Giant God will not have a dream. 鲁赫巨神不会做梦。 But she grants that eyes of succuba, when is their deep sleep dreamland that occasionally appears. 而她赐予魔女的那双眼睛,就是她们沉睡之时偶尔浮现的梦境。 Ruhul Giant God will is paying attention to Earth Demoness, she unexpectedly rare made the sound. 鲁赫巨神的意志关注着大地魔女,她竟然罕见的发出了声音。 Ruhul Giant God sound has no emotion. 鲁赫巨神的声音没有任何情感。 The sound that she makes is very slow, but actually broad broad ; Probably passes through the wind sound/rumor between world, flows the rivers sound of water to sea. 她所发出的声音很慢,但是却恢弘广阔;就好像穿过天地之间的风声,流淌向海洋的河流水声。 If not Earth Demoness is her apostle, it is estimated that will regard the rhythm between world this sound. 如果不是大地魔女是她的使徒,估计会将这声音当成了天地之间的律动。 Insai.” 因赛。” What creation world is...... Insai......” “创造世界的是……因赛……” Supreme...... this world...... eternal......” “至高无上的……这个世界……永恒的……” Creator.” 造物主。” Ruhul Giant God does not have the wisdom. 鲁赫巨神并非没有智慧。 In last era end, the witch doctors and God Made Man Stern found for Creator the method of letting the life power birth wisdom. 上一个纪元之末,巫医们和神造之人斯图恩就替造物主找到了让生命权能诞生智慧的方法。 They do not have the emotion of average man, does not have the thinking of average man ; Their thoughts are very slow, because the years and time lost the significance to them. 只是她们却没有常人的情感,也没有常人的思考模式;她们的思维很缓慢,因为岁月和光阴对她们来说失去了意义。 Ruhul Giant God is more like a stone that most of the time had the wisdom, is completely different regarding the time and sensation and average man. 鲁赫巨神大多时候更像是一颗拥有了智慧的石头,对于时光和外界的感知和常人完全不同。 Perhaps instant that they ponder, outside on the past millennium ten thousand years. 可能她们思考的一念之间,外面就过去了千年万年。 Ruhul rejected the hope of Earth Demoness. 鲁赫拒绝了大地魔女的祈求。 It is not because of the dislike opposite party, because this is not their missions. 并不是因为厌恶对方,而是因为这不是她们的使命。 Because. 更因为。 Is their eras not to arrive. 属于她们的纪元还未曾到来。 Intelligent era.” “智慧的纪元。” Was not Ruhul...... the era of life not to arrive.” “还不属于鲁赫……生命的纪元还未到来。” The mission of Ruhul Giant God this era, is the carrying/sustaining this mainland ; Let this world make more lives, breeds many species. 鲁赫巨神这个纪元的使命,便是承载着这座大陆;让这个世界制造出更多的生命,孕育出更多的物种。 This is their missions, is Ruler of Life gives their mission, can pursue the new moon to the Creator Insai will upward. 这是她们的使命,是生命主宰赋予她们的使命,往上更可以追朔到造物主因赛的意志。 They do not worry, because the time years do not have the significance to them. 她们并不着急,因为时光岁月对于她们来说并没有意义。 Supreme God will only. 至高神祇的意志。 Creator will. 造物主的意志。 Has arranged all, she must do is following their trail, went to the time the other shore. 早就安排好了一切,她要做的只是追寻着她们的足迹,前往时间的彼岸。 Earth Demoness sets out, is raising head to look above the altar. 大地魔女起身,仰着头看着祭坛之上。 Creator?” 造物主?” Intelligent era? The era of life?” “智慧的纪元?生命的纪元?” Ruhul Giant God words are off and on, that sound fuses in the marvelous rhythm of the world, even if Earth Demoness cannot the words of thorough understanding what is heard opposite party. 鲁赫巨神的话断断续续,那声音更融合在天地的奇妙律动之中,哪怕是大地魔女也没有能彻底听明白对方的话语。 She heard the opposite party faintly regarding the name of Creator, but that definitely is not the Ruler of Life Sally god name. 她隐隐听到了对方对于造物主的称呼,但是那肯定不是生命主宰莎莉的神名。 She cannot think at this moment, or may I ask this issue. 只是她此刻也不敢多想,或者也不敢问这个问题。 Earth Demoness is raising head, asked Ruhul Giant God. 大地魔女仰着头,问鲁赫巨神 Is only.” “只是。” „The world of Ruler of Life creation, how can, whatever these gods only destroy recklessly.” 生命主宰创造的世界,怎么能任由这些神祇肆意破坏。” Ruhul Giant God Burrower Demon Insect mood has not fluctuated, the Earth Demoness words seem to the sky are shouting, is unable to start any mighty waves. 鲁赫巨神钻地魔虫的情绪没有丝毫波动,大地魔女的话语就好像是对着天空呼喊,无法掀起任何波澜。 Because. 因为。 Earth Demoness has not understood the god as before only the difference from god only, what existence also the clear control has not been. 大地魔女依旧未曾明白神祇与神祇之间的区别,也未曾明白主宰到底是什么样的存在。 It looks like in Creator, is controlling God looks like. 造物主看来,在主宰神明看来。 World various God in the actions of back garden, is not the destruction of external person. 人间诸神在后花园的所作所为,不是外来之人的破坏。 But is only the ecology in garden, is the revolution in order. 而只是花园里的生态,是秩序之内的运转。 The mortal and apostle, are half god, is part in garden, is a part of the world. 不论是凡人、使徒,还是半神,都不过是花园之中的一部分,是人间的一部分。 Long time, Burrower Demon Insect replied finally. 良久后,钻地魔虫终于回答了。 Mother of Life...... does not care.” 生命之母……不在乎。” In your...... the eye, they are the god.” “在你的……眼中,她们是神。” In the eye of control...... they is also the mortal, live long...... every...... person......” “在主宰的眼中……她们也是凡人,活的久一些的……凡……人……” Mortal joke. 凡人可笑之处。 Is they always by own vision, estimates others even God this existence. 就是他们总是以自己的眼界,去揣度他人甚至神明这种存在。 Even if Earth Demoness this so approaches existence of God. 哪怕大地魔女这样如此靠近神明的存在。 Also cannot be truly clear, controls two characters the meanings. 也并未能真正明白,主宰二字的含义。 Ruhul Giant God Burrower Demon Insect spoke these words, might fall into the deep sleep again. 鲁赫巨神钻地魔虫说完这句话,好像又要再度陷入沉睡之中。 Can be able to hear her sound more to tow longer, vanished in that day between marvelous rhythm, vanished in the land buzz the cry, vanished, in forest whish made a sound also has in the sky wind sound/rumor. 可以听得到她的声音越拖越长,消失在那天地之间的奇妙律动之中,消失在了大地的嗡鸣,消失在了森林的哗响还有天空的风声里。 Earth Demoness once was ten thousand snake temple prophets, was the Ruler of Life most reverent follower. 大地魔女曾经是万蛇神庙的先知,是生命主宰最虔诚的信徒。 She said at this moment suddenly. 她此刻突然说道。 But can you not care?” “但是您能不在乎吗?” „Can I...... not care?” “我……能不在乎吗?” Land Giant God!” “大地巨神啊!” Suddenly. 突然之间。 The land shook, the entire underground world has anything to move slightly probably, that shake has transmitted above the land from the land. 大地震荡了一下,整个地下世界就好像有着什么东西微微动了一下,那震荡从大地之下一直传递到了大地之上。 Ruhul Giant God Burrower Demon Insect regained consciousness probably again came, Earth Demoness felt that far exceeded the beforehand pressure on appear on oneself. 鲁赫巨神钻地魔虫好像再度苏醒了一些过来,大地魔女感觉到了远超之前的压力出现在了自己身上。 The opposite party are taking a look at her, seems judging these words that she spoke. 对方在打量着她,似乎在评判她所说的那些话。 This time, the God words probably became sober, no longer has the nihility feeling and is full of the sleepiness. 这一次,神明的话语好像变得清醒了许多,不再是带着虚无感和充满睡意。 As if these words. 似乎这句话。 Has what special significance. 有着什么特别的意义。 This saying...... should not say by a mortal.” “这话……不应该由一个凡人说出。” Long time later. 良久之后。 The gaze of Ruhul Giant God Burrower Demon Insect vanished, Earth Demoness can feel itself on that huge pressure on vanish slowly. 鲁赫巨神钻地魔虫的注视消失了,大地魔女可以感觉到自己身上那股庞大的压力缓缓消失了。 Earth Demoness thinks oneself were defeated, she somewhat depressed crawling on the ground. 大地魔女以为自己失败了,她有些沮丧的匍匐在地上。 However at this time. 但是这个时候。 The terrifying strength overflows from the land, the rhythm of life from the Ruhul Giant Island central transmission to the whole world. 恐怖的力量从大地之下溢出,生命的律动从鲁赫巨岛中央传递向整个世界。 At this time did not have obviously completely since the spring, all plants above land start to grow suddenly. 此时明明还没有完全进入春季,突然之间大地之上的所有植物都开始生长。 But towers in Ruhul Giant Island central Origin of Life Mountain, erupted the fierce ray at this time. 而耸立在鲁赫巨岛中央的生命起源之山,也在这个时候爆发出剧烈的光芒。 Land Giant God!” “大地巨神!” In the Earth Demoness pleasant surprise, said these words. 大地魔女惊喜之中,说出了这句话。 Afterward. 随后。 Her consciousness carried over the underground altar, left the underground world. 她的意识就被带出了地下的祭坛,离开了地下世界。 Returned above the ground, she as before by the vine and green leaf package was one of them. 重新回到了地面之上,她依旧被藤蔓和绿叶包裹在其中。 However she knows. 但是她知道。 Oneself succeeded. 自己成功了。 But this success not only obtained the God gracious gift once again. 而这一次成功不仅仅是又一次获得了神明的恩赐。 Also has other significance. 还有着别的意义。 From now above Ruhul Giant Island had the new rule, God no longer can make a move above this great island at will, was dissolute in the place of this origin of life. 从此以后鲁赫巨岛之上拥有了新的规则,神明不再可以在这座巨岛之上随意出手,在这座生命起源之地放肆。 Because. 因为。 Here is the Ruler of Life back garden. 这里是生命主宰的后花园。 Here is various God origins and in it place. 这里是诸神起源和所在之地。 Although she is not clear, why oneself can persuade land Giant God. 虽然她也不明白,自己为什么能够说动了大地巨神 Does not understand those words that God spoke are what meaning. 更不明白神明所说的那句话是什么意思。 Perhaps is because she was really persuaded by Earth Demoness. 或许是因为她真的被大地魔女说动了。 Perhaps is because. 或许是因为。 Supreme God that Earth Demoness said at this moment, at this moment in the world. 此时此刻大地魔女所说的至高神祇,此刻就在人间。 ------------------------- ------------------------- Nearby lunar eclipse city. 月蚀城附近。 Two myth made really hot in the world. 两位神话在人间打出了真火。 The truth and original sin strength pester in together, no one is able to let loose anyone. 真理和原罪力量纠缠在一起,谁也无法放开谁。 The height takes the kilometer as the feather snake and Gate of Truth dogfight in the same place that the unit calculates, God of Truth and Knowledge and God of Original Sin method frequency leaves, various strange divine spell sweep across the land. 身长以公里为单位计算的羽蛇和真理之门缠斗在一起,真理与知识之神原罪之神手段频出,各种诡异的神术席卷大地。 The roaring flame combustion land, burns to extinguish the jungle, the night sea of fire illuminates the vault of heaven. 烈焰燃烧大地,焚灭丛林,夜晚的火海照亮苍穹。 The mountain range of standing tall and erect was torn instantaneously, changes into the dust that blots out the sky, the giant stone that crashes from the sky. 高耸的山峦被瞬间撕裂,化为铺天盖地的尘埃,还有从天空坠落的巨石。 The God battlefield, can see that the terrain of land was revised, once familiar all turned into one piece in confusion. 神明的战场,可以看到大地的地形被修改,曾经熟悉的一切都变成一片狼藉。 God of Truth and Knowledge launches the domain, the thick fog covers the whole world, wants to imprison the feather snake in own domain. 真理与知识之神展开领域,浓雾将整个世界都覆盖,想要将羽蛇囚禁在自己的领域之中。 But the strength of original sin on the feather snake surges rips open the dense fog time and time again. 而羽蛇身上涌动的原罪之力一次又一次撕开迷雾。 From works loose, later was swallowed by the dense fog. 从其中挣脱出来,之后又被迷雾吞噬了过来。 In the feather snake eye releases to extinguish the world common flame, summoned the terrifying black rain, in the throat connected all that the black hole is swallowing is seeing. 羽蛇眼中释放出灭世一般的火焰,召唤来恐怖的黑雨,喉咙里连接着黑洞更是吞噬着所见的一切。 Projects on this share, somewhat receives Asai does not stop. 打到这个份上,连阿赛都有些收不住手。 similar Kongzhi feather snake seems like causes heavy losses time and time again, but depends upon the strength of guzzling to restore unceasingly, lived time and time again, but that pain and suffers spreads to Xiao's mind as before unceasingly. 肖控制的羽蛇看上去被一次又一次重创,但是依靠着暴食之力不断恢复,一次又一次重新活了过来,但是那痛苦和折磨依旧不断地传入肖的脑海之中。 Asai, do you want to suffer me?” 阿赛,你想要折磨我?” Does not have the significance.” “没有意义的。” Coming that the aloneness of hundred million ten thousand years, the years of endless reincarnation I can boil.” “亿万载的孤寂,无尽转生的岁月我都能够熬的过来。” This pain, is not worth mentioning to me.” “这点痛苦,对于我来说不值一提。” Asai looks at the feather snake, its behind partly visible original sin strength, seven pardoned crimes take turn the samsara, changed into the abyss and Gate of Original Sin shadow. 阿赛看着羽蛇,还有其背后若隐若现的原罪力量,七种原罪交替轮回,化为了深渊和原罪之门的影子。 similar!” “肖!” You from arriving in this world, starts to bring this disaster.” “你从降临在这个世界上,就开始带来这灾难。” God of Original Sin, your indeed whole body is flooding the evil, you exhaust the sin that all cannot pay off forever.” 原罪之神,你的确浑身充斥着罪恶,你穷尽一切也永远还不清的罪孽。” similar first gawked, she gazes at that youngster under Gate of Truth to smile suddenly, laughs wildly. 肖先是愣了一下,她注视着真理之门下的那个少年突然想要笑,狂笑。 Why however does not know, cannot smile. 但是不知道为什么,却怎么也笑不出来。 Perhaps is because smiles this mood and expression, truly has not always been him. 或许是因为笑这种情绪和表情,从来都未曾真正属于他。 However she to Asai was saying with the sound that most ridiculed. 但是她却用最嘲弄的声音对着阿赛说道。 Asai!” 阿赛!” You forgot, who is Little Human in a Bottle creates?” “你难道忘了,瓶中小人是谁创造出来的?” Xiao's sound reverberation in the world. 肖的声音回荡在天地之间。 Whose is first taboo that touches the eternal life?” “是谁第一个触碰永生的禁忌?” Who was destroyed Holy Mountain and City of God's Servants?” “是谁毁灭了圣山和神仆之城?” Is who grants the evil god life in that bottle actually to imprison him in the darkness forever?” “是谁赐予那瓶中的邪神生命却将其永远囚禁在黑暗之中?” Who is, turned on this evil demon bottle, courses the world the disaster.” “是谁,打开了这罪恶的魔瓶,将灾难引向人间。” „Are all setters I?” “一切的始作俑者是我吗?” The head of feather snake lets fall, extruded before the Gate of Truth barrier, looks with Asai of cane. 羽蛇的头颅垂落下来,挤压在了真理之门的屏障前,看着拿着手杖的阿赛 „It is not right.” “不对。” Xiao's voice blasts open by the ear of Asai, sends out fierce thundering. 肖的声音在阿赛的耳旁炸裂开来,发出剧烈的轰鸣。 Is you!” “是你啊!” Asai!” 阿赛!” Xiao's voice ice-cold, which ice-cold sound but Asai actually from, heard the intense taunt. 肖的声音是冰冷的,但是阿赛却从哪冰冷的声音里,听到了强烈的嘲讽。 In this world, anybody can say that similar she is the evil, said that she degenerates. 这世界上,任何人都可以说肖她是罪恶的,说她是堕落的。 Only Asai not. 唯独阿赛不可以。 Xiao's words have not stopped, she is attacking Gate of Truth unceasingly, while said. 肖的话语没有停,她一边不断地攻击着真理之门,一边说道。 No!” “不!” Should be is...... “应该是是……。” Anhofos Samoll.” 安霍福斯・萨莫。” „Did you forget? Your once name?” “你忘记了吗?你曾经的名字?” Anhofos, Temple of Truth third generation apprentice, demon monster first ancestor Haru student, Little Human in a Bottle manufacturer. 安霍福斯,真理圣殿第三代学徒,魔怪始祖哈鲁的学生,瓶中小人的制造者。 Direct line descendant who Samoll, the royal power blood family, King of Wisdom comes the virtue niche, the crazy family of pursue eternal life. 萨莫,王权血裔家族,智慧之王来德利基的直系后裔,追求永生的疯狂家族。 At this moment. 此刻。 The name and surname fuse in together, constructed a complete person. 名字和姓氏融合在一起,构建出了一个完整的人。 Asai hears this name, the complexion changes. 阿赛听到这个名字,脸色微变。 Her time had not said that again what I am Asai, is not Anhofos. 她这一次没有再说什么我是阿赛,不是安霍福斯 She has not argued anything. 她没有辩解什么。 How this life cannot escape from that shadow probably. 她这一生好像怎么都逃不出那个影子。 She is holding up the head, inspires. 她只是昂着头,吸了一口气。 We...... rush to that eternal darkness together.” “那我们就一起……奔向那永恒的黑暗。” Asai erupted the complete strength at this time, as if sets firm resolve thoroughly. 阿赛这个时候爆发出了全部的力量,似乎彻底下定了决心。 But at this time, under the land heard the bellow. 而这个时候,大地之下传来了轰鸣声。 It seems like the howling of bull. 就好像公牛的吼叫声。 That sound continuously, conveys from the floor, from transmits in all directions. 那声音源源不断,从底层下方传来,从四面八方传来。 It seems the whole world to angrily roar, in roaring filial piety. 就好像整个世界在怒吼,在咆孝。 In a flash. 一瞬间。 God of Truth and Knowledge Asai, or original sin evil god similar. 不论是真理与知识之神阿赛,亦或者原罪邪神肖。 Felt that an intense chill in the air covered in the heart, this is they after becoming myth never feels, that was the innermost feelings regarding the induction of death, the intelligence regarding the foreknowledge of destruction. 都感觉到了一股强烈的寒意笼罩在了心头,这是他们从成为神话之后从未感觉到的,那是内心对于死亡的感应,灵性对于毁灭的预知。 Has fearfully what existed to appear. 有什么可怕的存在出现了。 But that exists. 而那存在。 Can kill their eternal life god. 可以杀死他们两个永生的神祇。 Asai and similar also call a halt, looks toward the land under. 阿赛和肖同时停手,朝着大地之下看去。 In the vision the land was covered by a brown strength suddenly, covered a crystal to be the same probably. 目光之中大地突然被一股褐色的力量覆盖,就好像蒙上了一层结晶一样。 But suddenly, that brown crystallization started. 而突然之间,那褐色的结晶开始动了起来。 Probably a door, slowly was shoved open, revealed the gate following scene. 就好像一扇门,缓缓的被推开,露出了门后面的景象。 Buzz!” “呜嗡!” However after the gate shoves open, two people actually discovered that behind is not leads to the scene of bottom deep place. 然而门推开后,两人却发现后面不是什么通往地底深处的景象。 But is pupil of singular configuration. 而是一只奇异结构的童孔 This unexpectedly is an eye. 这竟然是一只眼睛。 Land buzz in the cry, above the land an eye of big being hard imagination opened ; Everyone saw the change of land, but looks not completely. 大地的嗡鸣之中,大地之上一只大的难以想象的眼睛睁开了;所有人都看到了大地的异动,只是看不完全。 That eye covers the land, completely how long cannot see. 那眼睛覆盖大地,完全看不出有多长。 Only knows that is only this eye, has surpassed the line of sight institute and horizon. 只知道光是一这只眼睛,就已经超过了视线所及的地平线。 Across plain, across mountain range, across jungle. 穿过平原,穿过山峦,穿过丛林。 Cannot see the end completely. 完全看不到尽头。 similar and Asai knows that was anything exists to appear, had also only existence to have such huge body in this world, so terrifying strength. 肖和阿赛都知道是什么存在出现了,在这个世界上有也仅有一种存在拥有这样庞大的身躯,如此恐怖的力量。 Ruler of Life is used to construct Ruhul Giant Island, life power god of carrying/sustaining mainland, samsara under Creator personally manufacture Distorted Eye innumerable life half god. 生命主宰用来建造鲁赫巨岛,承载这座大陆的生命权能神祇,在造物主亲手制造的畸变之眼下轮回了无数次的生命半神。 Ruhul giant beast!” “鲁赫巨怪!” similar and Asai also blurted out, the sound is uniform. 肖和阿赛同时脱口而出,声音整齐划一。 Two people felt not wonderful, but is late at this time. 两人都感觉到了不妙,但是这个时候已经迟了。 Burrower Demon Insect acted, simultaneously attacked to approach the similar and Asai two people. 钻地魔虫出手了,同时攻击向了肖和阿赛两个人。 They face not only a half god of life. 她们面对的不仅仅一个生命的半神。 Here is Ruhul Giant Island, is Ruhul Giant God state, here their strengths will be hard to imagine the situation that the addition to one. 这里是鲁赫巨岛,是鲁赫巨神的国度,在这里她们的力量将会加成到一个难以想象的地步。 In the giant eye blooms probably the black ray. 巨大的眼睛里好像绽放出黑色的光芒。 Cannot call the ray, but is that pupil gaze to where, where was covered by the terrifying shadow. 或者也称不上光芒,而是那童孔注视向哪里,哪里就被恐怖的黑影覆盖。 The entire land found out the innumerable black tentacles to extend toward the sky simultaneously, grasps to Gate of Truth and body of feather snake. 整个大地探出无数根黑色的触手同时朝着天空延伸,抓向了真理之门和羽蛇之躯。 Fought in together similar and Asai to separate instantaneously, wants to escape in two directions. 原本战斗在一起的肖和阿赛瞬间分开,想要朝着两个方向逃跑。 However that black tentacle held Asai Gate of Truth suddenly, the tentacle of sky land pressed vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, directly Asai Gate of Truth patting on the ground. 但是那黑色的触手眨眼间就抓住了阿赛真理之门,纵横天空大地的触手压了下来,直接将阿赛真理之门给拍在了地上。 Winter!” “冬!” That sound is not clear, is sad. 那声音并不清脆,非常沉闷。 However obviously can hear to have the sound of anything disruption. 但是明显可以听到有什么东西碎裂的声音。 The Gate of Truth post broke off instantaneously, carves the door leaf of dendrogram tuart also to split the dense and numerous cracks. 真理之门的门柱瞬间折断,镂刻着树状图桉的门扇也裂开了密密麻麻的裂纹。 Accumulates trillion years of some strengths to fall in torrents toward outside through the opening, changed into the silver light to scatter everywhere. 积累亿万年的部分力量通过裂口朝着外面倾泻而出,化为了银光散落漫天。 In a flash, the God of Truth and Knowledge Asai main body started becomes transparent. 一瞬间,真理与知识之神阿赛的本体都开始变得透明了起来。 She suffered the heavy losses. 她遭受了重创。 However it does not dare to return again, had not said anything escapes toward the ends of the earth. 但是其连头也不敢再回,也没有多说什么的朝着天尽头逃去。 . 紧接着。 Does not dare to stay the stay near Ruhul Giant Island, the state on sea of clouds will go far away with cloud light shortly. 连停留都不敢停留在鲁赫巨岛附近了,云海上的国度随着云光顷刻间远去。 But another side. 而另一边。 similar was attacked to escape slightly while Asai is farther, just opened the Dreamland front door with Gate of Original Sin. 肖趁着阿赛被打击逃得稍远一些,刚刚才用原罪之门打开了梦界的大门。 However that eye gazed, similar felt oneself were locked. 但是那眼睛注视了过来,肖就感觉自己被锁定住了。 similar can feel the named Ruhul's Giant God pressure feeling at this time. 肖这个时候才能够感受到名为鲁赫的巨神的压力感。 Understands why their ancestors said Ruhul giant beast is a throne, how royal power blood is relying on a giant beast strength control time. 明白他们的祖先为什么称鲁赫巨怪为王座,王权血裔又是如何凭借着巨怪的力量统御一个时代。 The feather snake has turned head, looked that entangled to approach own black tentacle to that. 羽蛇回过头,看向了那缠向自己的黑色触手。 This is Creator gives to come the virtue niche heir's gracious gift, initially for the strength that the priest does have?” “这就是造物主给予来德利基子嗣的恩赐,初代祭司拥有的力量?” The body of giant feather snake was covered directly, but similar also dares to retain the body of what feather snake at this time. 巨大的羽蛇之躯直接被覆盖,但是肖这个时候哪还敢保留什么羽蛇之躯。 The consciousness is separated from the body of feather snake immediately. 其意识立刻脱离羽蛇之躯。 The dark-red shadow jumped out from feather snake within the body together, crashed in the Dreamland front door. 一道暗红色的影子从羽蛇体内窜出,冲进了梦界大门。 similar took the bull by the horns, gave up the body of feather snake as the attraction, caused a move of escaping strategy. 肖当机立断,放弃了羽蛇之躯作为吸引,使了一招金蝉脱壳的计策。 similar is only thinking now brings back to the abyss Gate of Original Sin. 肖现在只想着将原罪之门带回深渊。 However. 但是。 Ruhul Giant God Burrower Demon Insect actually does not prepare to let off similar like this, lets he such simple escaping. 鲁赫巨神钻地魔虫却不准备就这样放过肖,让他这么简单的逃过。 Gate of Original Sin crashed in Dreamland, before arriving at the abyss . 原罪之门冲进了梦界,来到了深渊之前。 But the shadow that blots out the sky, the dense and numerous black giant tentacles also search into Dreamland from the world directly, penetrated in the abyss. 而那铺天盖地的黑影,密密麻麻的黑色巨型触手也直接从人间探入梦界,深入到了深渊之中。 Abyss deep place. 深渊深处。 God of Original Sin stands on the flesh stars, looks that giant black tentacle searches into Dreamland, proceeds one step almost to the abyss submerge again. 原罪之神站在血肉星辰上,看着那巨大的黑色触手探入梦界,再往前一步几乎要将深渊都淹没。 Even if similar, cannot bear inspire. 哪怕是肖,也忍不住吸了口气。 However black tentacle after holding Xiao's Gate of Original Sin, not again thorough. 但是黑色触手在抓住了肖的原罪之门后,就没有再深入。 similar actually looks at that tentacle pounding ruthlessly helplessly on Gate of Original Sin. 只是肖却眼睁睁的看着那触手狠狠的砸在了原罪之门上。 In a twinkling. 霎时间。 similar felt that oneself brain also followed is sending out fiercely buzz calls the loud sound, the consciousness fell into a blank. 肖感觉自己的大脑也跟随着发出剧烈的嗡鸣巨响,意识都陷入了一片空白。 Burrower Demon Insect is in front of similar, shivers to her her Gate of Original Sin. 钻地魔虫当着肖的面,将她的原罪之门给她敲碎。 Bang!” “轰隆!” The Gate of Original Sin pedestal base was torn down directly, scattered entire void. 原罪之门的基台直接被拆掉了,散落了整个虚空。 Only remained the folding doors that the upper half of doorframe and creakied to fall into the abyss. 只剩上半部分的门框和摇摇欲坠的两扇门落入了深渊之中。 Arrived this step, that dense and numerous giant tentacle withdrew from Dreamland. 到了这一步,那密密麻麻的巨大触手才从梦界撤回。 Above world land. 人间大地之上。
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