IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#380 Part 2: God war

similar although does not have Gate of Truth, therefore she can only according to oneself experience, the knowledge of control assess the situation at this moment. 肖虽然没有真理之门,所以此刻她只能根据自己的经验,还有掌控的知识来判断情况。 Asai concluded the relation through the channel and feather snake of mind, helping it become own apostle.” 阿赛是通过心灵的通道和羽蛇缔结了联系,帮助它成为自己的使徒。” Once the feather snake becomes the Asai apostle, Asai had the control of this body directly.” “一旦羽蛇成为了阿赛的使徒,阿赛就直接拥有了这具身躯的掌控权。” A similar Yinian revolution. 肖意念一转。 But, I through intelligence source and mortal body relation control, this was I made the back door of feather snake initially.” “不过,我是通过灵性本源和肉身联系控制,这是我当初制造羽蛇的后门。” Regardless of therefore it is full of wisdom, actually to me has no significance and influence.” “所以不论它有没有智慧,其实对我来说没有任何意义和影响。” This is only I through a body that the intelligence makes.” “这只是我通过灵性制造出的一具身躯。” In a flash. 一瞬间。 She focuses on the key immediately. 她立刻抓住了关键。 But at this time, Divine Grace Stone of feather snake must condense the formation immediately. 而这个时候,羽蛇的神恩石也马上要凝聚成型了。 At this time, the feather snake has not become the God of Truth and Knowledge Asai apostle. 这个时候,羽蛇还没有成为真理与知识之神阿赛的使徒。 However Asai in the channel through contract, had spread own strength, but the feather snake has almost not resisted slightly. 不过阿赛已经通过契约上的通道,将自己的力量蔓延了过来,而羽蛇几乎是丝毫没有抗拒。 Saw that God of Truth and Knowledge Asai must succeed the feather snake turns into own apostle. 眼看着真理与知识之神阿赛就要成功将羽蛇变成自己的使徒。 similar moved at this time. 肖这个时候动了。 The feather snake hit suddenly on Gate of Truth, brought about own destruction to be the same probably. 羽蛇突然撞击在了真理之门上,就好像自寻死路一样。 His head breaks off suddenly. 其头颅突然折断。 Then from the disjunction place, ripped open a terrifying opening. 然后从折断处,撕开了一条恐怖的口子。 An invisible strength pulled out Divine Grace Stone of feather snake from the opening directly, then threw. 一股无形的力量直接从口子里掏出了羽蛇的神恩石,然后扔了出来。 She rejected Divine Grace Stone of feather snake. 她将羽蛇的神恩石剔除了出去。 Together with the consciousness of feather snake. 连同羽蛇的意识。 God of Truth and Knowledge Asai grasps after all is the authority of knowledge, regarding the intelligence authority also knows that some utilization methods, but once did not control like similar completely. 真理与知识之神阿赛掌握的毕竟是知识的权柄,对于灵性的权柄也只是知道一些运用方法,而不像肖这样曾经完全掌控。 Therefore she noticed that similar this action also gawked, after all according to the deduction of Gate of Truth, similar is depends upon the consciousness of feather snake to control this body. 因此她看到肖这个举动也愣了一下,毕竟按照真理之门的推演,肖就是依靠羽蛇的意识来控制这具身体。 But now, she directly threw the consciousness and Divine Grace Stone of feather snake. 而如今,她直接将羽蛇的意识和神恩石都抛出去了。 However she can control the body of feather snake as before, as in the world. 但是她依旧能够控制羽蛇的身体,依旧驻留在人间。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” God of Truth and Knowledge Asai deduces the situation immediately, but Gate of Truth gives the response immediately. 真理与知识之神阿赛立刻推演情况,但是真理之门立刻给予回应。 Related to the intelligence myth authority, the information is insufficient.” “涉及灵性神话权柄,信息不足。” similar Gaosu Asai: Asai!” 肖告诉阿赛:“阿赛!” I once controlled the intelligence god, about the intelligence and body secret, you are far inferior I.” “我才是曾经掌控灵性的神,关于灵性和躯体的秘密,你远不及我。” And.” “而且。” „Under I arrange the board game piece, how to listen to your organizing.” “我布置下的棋子,岂会听你的摆布。” You think me in the deep sleep, stone that whatever you plan?” “你以为我还是在沉睡之中,任由你算计的石头吗?” similar once arranged the Asai reincarnation, when she smallest and weakest organizes her destiny. 肖曾经安排了阿赛的转生,在她最弱小的时候摆布她的命运。 Then comes Asai also when similar Chenshui, when she has not arrived, attempts to pervert on the body of her reincarnation for the last time, lets similar Diushi the intelligence authority, turned into the lord of myth item abyss. 而后来阿赛也在肖沉睡的时候,在她还没有降临的时候,在她最后一次转生的躯体上做了手脚,让肖丢失了灵性权柄,变成了神话道具深渊之主。 Divine Grace Stone of feather snake falls from the sky like the meteor. 羽蛇的神恩石如同流星从天空滑落。 In the world land. 人间大地上。 Longfei in the past, caught this Divine Grace Stone. 隆飞了过去,接住了这神恩石 He holds this stone cautiously, feels the consciousness of feather snake to fluctuate. 他小心翼翼的捧着这块石头,感受着羽蛇的意识波动。 Feather snake!” “羽蛇!” Fortunately, fortunately, you are also living.” “还好,还好,你还活着。” grand Feichang was happy. 隆非常高兴。 He held Divine Grace Stone of feather snake, immediately its seal. 他抓住了羽蛇的神恩石,立刻将其封印了起来。 intelligent species that the apostles have the myth organ, it can be said that the survivability went far beyond the average man. 使徒存在的智慧种拥有神话器官,可以说是生存力远远超过了常人。 Even if however so, they cannot long time be separated from the body to exist. 但是哪怕如此,他们也不能长时间脱离身体存在。 But the witch spirit special ability, can get up its short seal ; So long as after the war ended, the god or Sukob naturally can find the way to resurrect again it. 巫灵特殊的能力,可以将其短暂封印起来;只要大战结束之后,神或者苏科布自然就可以再度想办法复活它。 Although the feather snake suffers a loss, lost the body. 虽然羽蛇吃了个大亏,丢失了身躯。 However the feather snake then broke away from Xiao's control thoroughly, regained the freedom. 但是羽蛇这下彻底脱离了肖的控制,重新获得了自由。 This perhaps is also the new opportunity. 这或许也是新的机遇。 Above sky. 天空之上。 Gate of Truth and giant feather snake are fighting as before, moreover looks more and more fierce. 真理之门和巨型羽蛇依旧在战斗着,而且看起来越来越剧烈。 Then similar and Asai, is the method frequency leaves at this moment. 这下不论是肖和阿赛,此刻都已经是手段频出。 Various subsequent hand layouts and plans, have not actually actually done to the opposite party. 各种后手布局和谋划,却却都没有奈何得了对方。 The meaning of however even if to like this, two people not having retreated. 但是哪怕到这样了,两人也没有退却的意思。 Quite has in this lunar eclipse city in it place, must make a tendency of result. 颇有在这月蚀城所在之地,一定要打出一个结果的倾向。 Asai does not want to give up this being able to cause heavy losses to Xiao's opportunity, he felt that misses this opportunity, next time similar Jiang will be nastier. 阿赛不想要放弃这个能够重创肖的机会,他感觉错过这个机会,下一次的肖将会更加难以对付。 But similar Xiangyao recaptures the purgatory, its, if were controlled by Asai, might become in the future own threat. 而肖想要重新夺回炼狱,其若是被阿赛把控住,既有可能成为将来自己的威胁。 Two people are not willing to give up. 两人都不肯放弃。 Moreover is not only the stake. 而且不仅仅是利害关系。 Once these gratitude and grudges, trillion years of hatred, erupted in this flash. 曾经那些恩怨,亿万年的仇恨,也在这一瞬间爆发。 Under Gate of Truth. 真理之门下。 Asai looks at similar, her vision is tenacious and rigid, at this moment on her the Anhofos shadow as if gets stronger and stronger. 阿赛看着肖,她的目光固执而执着,此刻她身上安霍福斯的影子似乎愈演愈烈。 similar!” “肖!” Will not finish.” “不会就这么结束的。” Between you and me.” “你和我之间。” I will once give my pain you, you once exerted on my mother, tens of thousands of times gives back to you.” “我会将你曾经给予我的痛苦,你曾经施加在我母亲身上的,成千上万倍的还给你。” Asai grabs own cane, the vision probably is gloomy is hiding the violent storm. 阿赛抓着自己的手杖,目光阴郁得就好像藏着狂风暴雨。 I arrive at this era, part of reasons that I wake.” “我来到这个纪元,我重新醒过来的其中一部分原因。” To look at you falls into the pain and darkness.” “就是为了看你堕入痛苦和黑暗之中。” similar hearing Asai said, controls the head of feather snake to look at the opposite party. 肖听到阿赛这么说,控制着羽蛇的头颅看着对方。 Asai!” 阿赛!” I trillion years of wait, passes through the aloneness of endless years samsara.” “我亿万年的守候,穿越无尽岁月轮回的孤寂。” „My servant Barlow clan for generations samsara, only to let me becomes true God in this era.” “我的仆人巴罗一族世世代代的轮回,只为了让我在这一纪元成为真正的神明。” However all these.” “然而这一切。” Was destroyed by you in the flash.” “就在一瞬间被你摧毁。” Asai sends out the chuckle, is raising the head. 阿赛发出轻笑,昂着头颅。 Arrogant and contemptuous. 高傲而轻蔑。 People like you.” “你这样的人。” Should end up such result.” “就该落得这样的结局。” No!” “不!” Such result was also too benevolent to you.” “这样的结局对你也太仁慈了。” Xiao's voice passed on: That comes, looked that who can laugh last.” 肖的声音传了出来:“那就来吧,看谁能够笑到最后。” A giant feather snake roaring filial piety, throws from the sea of clouds. 巨型的羽蛇一声咆孝,从云海扑下。 Drags to entrain from the sky Gate of Truth, pounded above the land. 真理之门从天空拖拽而下,砸在了大地之上。 The myth domain launches. 神话领域展开。 The strength of guzzling changes into the behind-the-scenes plotting. 暴食之力化为黑幕。 The entire land was torn, the earthquake spreads toward the distant place. 整个大地都被撕裂开来,地震朝着远处蔓延。 Bang buzz ~ “砰嗡~” The distant place feather snake opens the mouth, a ray has swept. 远处羽蛇张开口,一道光芒扫过。 Across city wall. 穿过城墙。 The land by the plow, the large expanse of building had been destroyed. 大地被犁过,成片的建筑被摧毁。 Everyone shocks looks at that destroyed city wall and building, looks at that as if in horizon the war of myth. 所有人都震撼的看着那被摧毁的城墙和建筑,看着那彷佛远在天边的神话之战。 Seemingly is unattainable, but that is only the distance in mortal eyes. 看似遥不可及,但是那只是凡人眼中的距离。 So long as the opposite party raise hand to lift in the feet, can destroy them. 对方只要举手抬足之间,就可以将他们摧毁。 In the eyes of mortal. 在凡人的眼中。 The whole world becomes creakies probably. 整个世界都好像变得摇摇欲坠。 This aspect lost control thoroughly, no one is able to expect the result that the god fights where will move toward. 这一下局面彻底失控了,谁也无法预料神战的结局会走向哪里。 Also has God of Truth and Knowledge Asai including God of Original Sin. 包括原罪之神还有真理与知识之神阿赛 Only was left over half of lunar eclipse cities unable to preserve shortly, but the surrounding other cities also had the villages and small towns, does not know that somewhat the meeting will be affected. 眼看着只剩下一半的月蚀城也保不住了,而周围的其他城市还有村镇,更是不知道多少会遭受波及。 ----------------------------- ----------------------------- At this time. 这个时候。 Earth Demoness that catches up from Origin of Life Mountain, finally arrived near the lunar eclipse city. 生命起源之山赶来的大地魔女,也终于抵达了月蚀城附近。 The previous time is to depend upon Ruhul Giant God strength shuttles back and forth to come from the land, but this she is time obtains the news, from Pince City. 上一次是依靠鲁赫巨神的力量从大地之下穿梭而来,而这一次她是自己得到消息,从潘斯城而来。 She obtains the news time, will be Sukob tells her possibly to have the dreadful matter to happen, will be related with the abyss. 她得到消息的时候,是苏科布告诉她可能会有可怕的事情发生,与深渊有关。 When she rushes. 而当她赶到的时候。 Seen is actually two gods only at the world war. 看到的却是两位神祇在人间大战。 This guard life Divine Mountain and succubas in Pince holy city stand on the hump, looks at two god of distant place war. 这位看守生命神山和潘斯圣城的魔女站在山岗上,看着远处大战的两位神祇。 The forest was lit, wild animal in groups flees. 森林被点燃,成群的野兽出逃。 The land threw off, the mountain peak was struck down. 大地被掀翻,山峰被击倒。 Sukob, is this has the dreadful matter that you said to happen?” 苏科布,这就是你说的有可怕的事情发生?” This is the war of myth, with a dreadful matter, too traced lightly writes peacefully. 这可是神话之战,用一句可怕的事情,实在是太轻描澹写了。 Earth Demoness looks at such picture, is opening the mouth slightly complex, the expression to the extreme. 大地魔女看着这样的画面,微微张着嘴巴,表情复杂到了极点。 She also in the flash, according to the strength judged that who two God respectively are. 她也在一瞬间,根据力量判断出了两位神明分别是谁。 God of Truth and Knowledge!” 真理与知识之神!” original sin evil god!” “原罪邪神!” Last time time, Earth Demoness can also make a move to strive to turn the tide. 上一次的时候,大地魔女还能够出手力挽狂澜。 This time. 只是这一次。 She faces no longer is King of Abyss. 她面对的不再是深渊之王 But is two myth. 而是两尊神话 She also can only look from afar, oneself helpless. 她也只能远远看着,自身无能为力。 Earth Demoness vision twinkle looks at the distant place. 大地魔女目光闪烁的看着远方。 Gradually, her vision from complex, becomes hard to accept. 渐渐的,她的目光从复杂,变得难以接受。 How can they like this?” “她们怎么可以这样?” „Can god only like this, act in a self-serving manner in the world?” “神祇就可以这样,在人间为所欲为吗?” Above the hump, she made the decision finally. 在山岗之上,她终于做下了决定。 Earth Demoness closed the eye. 大地魔女闭上了眼睛。 A powerful life rhythm sends out from her within the body, transmits to the four directions. 一股强大的生命律动从她的体内发出,传递向四方。 The myriad things grow, land rejuvenation. 万物生长,大地回春。 The surrounding plant insanely is rapidly long, the barren hump changed into the green space and forest, covers thoroughly Earth Demoness around. 周围的植物迅速疯长,原本贫瘠的山岗化为了绿地和森林,将大地魔女周围彻底笼罩住。 But Earth Demoness also sends out the aria common sound cavity, probably is singing a hymn in the song. 大地魔女也发出咏叹调一般的音腔,好像在颂唱着一首赞美诗。 „The retinue of supreme Ruler of Life, great Ruhul Giant God Burrower Demon Insect, supports the land and life the god of asylum.” “至高无上的生命主宰之仆从,伟大的鲁赫巨神钻地魔虫,承托大地和生命的庇护之神。” Your base and low servant requested your response.” “您卑微的仆人请求您的回应。” „......” “……”
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