IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#380 Part 1: God war

! Plain Gate of Myth in the horizon, opens to the land horizontally ; Comes from only stands the god of ancient time before Gate of Myth, is overlooking the land. 古朴的神话之门横于天际,面向大地打开;来自于古老时代的神祇站在神话之门前,俯瞰着大地。 Above the shadow of standing erect land strange curse looks up the vault of heaven, the black lower hem corner integrates the night, the skirt-width also and that covers the contamination black mud of city to change into a body. 诡异的诅咒之影屹立大地之上抬头看着天穹,黑色的衣角融入黑夜,下摆也和那覆盖城市的污秽黑泥化为一体。 Blue sky. 万里无云。 Also because of this, all can look so clearly. 也正因为如此,一切才能看得如此清晰。 Brought shock feeling, did not know many. 带来的震撼感,也强了不知道多少。 Even if the whole world is so silent, cannot hear any sound, the pressure that but that wind and rain wants instead makes one not gasp for breath. 哪怕整个世界如此寂静,听不到任何声音,但是那股风雨欲来的压力反而更加让人喘不过气来。 similar looks at Gate of Truth interestingly, this leaf was once created by Anhofos, once belonged to Little Human in a Bottle, finally returns to Gate of Myth on Asai. 肖饶有兴趣的看着真理之门,这扇曾经由安霍福斯缔造,曾经属于瓶中小人,最后回到阿赛手上的神话之门 The trillion years ago memories swamp into the mind, related Temple of Truth, the related Little Human in a Bottle picture appears one after another. 亿万年前的记忆重新涌入脑海,有关真理圣殿,有关瓶中小人的画面一个接着一个浮现。 similar Zhongyu opened the mouth. 肖终于开口了。 You came out.” “你出来了。” Should arrange what subsequent hand.” “应该是布置了什么后手。” „It seems like, I must eat to owe today here greatly.” “看起来,我今天要在这里吃个大亏。” Xiao's spoken language is tranquil, greeted to be the same with once old friend probably. 肖的言语平静,就好像和曾经的老朋友打招呼一样。 He is speaking, while fell into the thinking. 他一边说着话,一边陷入了思索。 Was pondering where had the problem. 思考着哪里出现了问题。 Where is?” “是在哪里呢?” similar at present before reappearing, has handled all things, person's shadows and pictures appear, finally framed on the body of Lord of Purgatory. 肖的眼前浮现出了之前所做过的所有事情,一个个人影和画面浮现,最后定格在了炼狱之主的身上。 similar could not see that Asai made anything, but almost can conclude that should be this link had the problem. 肖看不出阿赛到底做了什么,但是几乎可以断定应该就是这个环节出现了问题。 Xiao's consciousness sinks to shadow of body curse immediately. 肖的意识立刻沉入了诅咒之影这幅身躯之内。 Shadow in within the body curse, the stomach of original myth organ guzzling holds in the Gate of Original Sin in addition, turned into terrifying black hole. 诅咒之影体内,原本的神话器官暴食之胃已经在原罪之门的加持下,变成了一个恐怖的黑洞。 That black hole the shadow abdomen revolves in the curse slowly. 那黑洞在诅咒之影的腹部缓缓旋转。 Black hole to a strange space, inside seal flame stars. 黑洞通往一个奇异的空间,里面封印着一颗火焰星辰。 Purgatory. 炼狱。 The people of innumerable degeneration wail in the purgatory, the strength of huge flame is providing the energy for the black hole, is strengthening the curse continuously the shadow strength. 无数的堕落之人在炼狱之中哀嚎,庞大的火焰之力为黑洞提供着能源,源源不断的增强着诅咒之影的力量。 Above the stars, a seemingly common bottle is sending out the weak ray. 星辰之上,一个看上去不起眼的瓶子散发着微弱的光芒。 In bottle. 瓶子内。 Lord of Purgatory opened the eye suddenly, looked to the bottle. 炼狱之主突然睁开了眼睛,看向了瓶子外面。 The vision penetration bottle, the penetration purgatory, penetrates the black hole. 目光穿透瓶子,穿透炼狱,穿透黑洞。 Finally penetrated the curse the shadow body, under Spiritual God with Gate of Truth to apparent. 最终穿透了诅咒之影的身躯,和真理之门下的神灵对视在了一起。 Is now.” “就是现在。” The strength on bottle starts, that is knowledge authority the strength of source, is connecting the God of Truth and Knowledge Asai main body. 瓶子上的力量发动,那是知识权柄的本源之力,连接着真理与知识之神阿赛的本体。 The ray surges. 光芒涌动。 Illumination four directions. 照射四方。 But similar the vision also arrived in that singular space in stomach of guzzling at this time, saw flask that is describing the mysterious symbol. 而肖这个时候目光也抵达了暴食之胃内的那个奇异空间,看到那个描绘着神秘符号的烧瓶。 The evil god of original sin also determined the method of opposite party, really has problems in this link. 原罪的邪神也确定了对方的手段,果然是在这个环节出了问题。 The similar Benti corners of the mouth in abyss raise, said one. 深渊之中的肖本体嘴角扬起,说了一句。 Oh!” !” Originally here.” “原来在这里。” In sky. 天空之中。 God of Truth and Knowledge had begun, he waited for God of Original Sin is so long, for this moment. 真理与知识之神已经动手了,他等待了原罪之神这么久,就是为了这一刻。 Truth seal.” “真理封印。” The voice just fell. 话音刚刚落下。 Saw that purgatory the stopper above of flask was captured, the terrifying suction sends out from the flask, is involved in which all. 眼看着炼狱之上的烧瓶的瓶塞被拔掉了,恐怖的吸力从烧瓶之中发出,将一切都卷入其中。 The purgatory all people of degeneration under this ray, the consciousness were frozen. 炼狱之中的所有堕落之人在这光芒之下,意识都被冻结。 The terrifying suction sweeps across all, compresses one group of information it. 恐怖的吸力席卷一切,将其压缩成一团信息。 . 紧接着。 That flame stars also entered the bottle by the seal. 那颗火焰星辰也被封印进入了瓶子。 The huge flame stars are twisting, folding, was loading into a small bottle finally. 庞大的火焰星辰扭曲着,折叠着,最后装进了一个小小的瓶子之中。 Then is the shadow of curse, Gate of Original Sin. 然后就是诅咒之影,还有原罪之门 The shadow of curse was covered by the ray, similar Touying enters consciousness in this body to feel immediately stagnated probably ; Depended upon this body the thought of revolution to be as if pressed down stopped the key, is unable to revolve again. 诅咒之影被光芒覆盖,肖投影进入这具身躯之内的意识立刻感觉到就好像停滞了;依靠这具身体而运转的思维似乎被按下了停止键,无法再运转。 The consciousness is unable to launch in the bottle, the wisdom is unable to ponder in the bottle. 意识在瓶子里无法展开,智慧在瓶子里无法思考。 Regarding intelligent species. 对于智慧种来说。 Falls into the bottle, is equivalent to even the time to be frozen. 落入瓶子里,就相当于连时间都被冻结住。 !” “呼!” Hurricane connection world that is born from the bottle mouth, that huge shadow swallowing, swallowed into the flask. 从瓶口诞生的飓风连接天地,将那庞大的黑影给吞了进去,吞入了烧瓶之中。 In the small bottle, connected the seal the flame stars these two colossi of shadow and purgatory curse. 小小的瓶子之内,接连封印了诅咒之影和炼狱的火焰星辰这两个庞然大物。 This is the genuine truth seal. 这才是真正的真理封印。 With bottle for the seal of carrier. 用瓶子为载体的封印。 Can be able to see the God of Truth and Knowledge Asai manufacture and researches and develops this divine spell time, imitated once the Little Human in a Bottle inescapable that bottle. 可以看得出真理与知识之神阿赛制造和研发这种神术的时候,效彷了曾经瓶中小人都无法逃脱的那个瓶子。 The shadow of curse instantaneously by seal, but God of Original Sin in abyss opened the eye at this time. 诅咒之影瞬间被封印,但是这个时候深渊之中的原罪之神睁开了眼睛。 She overlooks from the abyss to the world. 她从深渊俯瞰向人间。 But because Gate of Original Sin also lost the person of ceremony management, lost core and dependence that arrives at the world. 原罪之门也因为失去了仪式主持之人,失去了降临人间的核心和依靠。 Lost the control suddenly. 骤然间失去了控制。 Gate of Original Sin wants to return the abyss from the present world, but how God of Truth and Knowledge will allow it to be taken back by God of Original Sin. 原罪之门想要从现世退回深渊,但是真理与知识之神怎么会允许其被原罪之神收回。 Gate of Truth in sky launched the domain, the seal the surrounding all spaces, does not allow Gate of Original Sin to open the space to leave. 天空之中的真理之门展开了领域,封印了周围的所有空间,不允许原罪之门打开空间离开。 The flask small bottle mouth curls up the exceedingly high penetrating place the storm. 烧瓶小小的瓶口卷起通天彻地的风暴。 center that Gate of Original Sin is just in the storm. 原罪之门刚好处于风暴的中央。 Wū wū!” “呜呜呜!” Wind from starting whistling the sound, turned resounds through the whole world buzz cry. 风从开始的呼呼声,变成了响彻整个世界的嗡鸣。 That huge Gate of Original Sin was pulled down little, drags into the flask. 那巨大的原罪之门一点点被拉下来,拉入烧瓶之中。 Can see the lower half of Gate of Original Sin, starts to be twisted one group like the bread twist same. 可以看到原罪之门的下半部分,都开始如同麻花一样被扭曲成一团。 God of Original Sin similar looked to Asai before Gate of Truth: You think that I am Little Human in a Bottle that you make?” 原罪之神肖看向了真理之门前的阿赛:“你以为我是你制造的瓶中小人吗?” It seems like similar to fall completely leeward, but Gate of Original Sin can be said as regarding Xiao's significance important, once lost Gate of Original Sin her most strengths and methods will lose. 看上去肖已经完全落入下风,而原罪之门对于肖的意义可以说是重要至极,一旦丢失了原罪之门她大部分的力量和手段都将丧失。 However seems like not flustered. 但是肖似乎并不慌张。 People like them are not only good at seeing others' arrangement, what excels keeps the card in a hand. 他们这种人不仅仅擅长看出别人的布置,更加擅长的是留底牌。 similar once faced the dead end repeatedly, had once travelled on official business to leak. 肖曾经多次面临死局,也曾经出过差漏。 After all. 毕竟。 No one can expect all changes completely. 没有人能够完全预料到一切变化。 Controls Gate of Truth Asai, grasps Gate of Original Sin similar. 不论是掌控真理之门阿赛,还是掌握原罪之门的肖。 Even if however faced with the dead boundary, they also has the card in a hand and subsequent hand. 但是哪怕是面临死境,他们也同样有着底牌和后手。 Probably 250 million years ago, he can from the era end in the dead end jumps out is the same. 就好像两亿五千万年前,他能够从纪元之末的死局之中跳出一样。 At this time. 这个时候。 similar looked to the Herder's River deep place, the strangeness that crawled in the rivers deep place existed to fall into her eye. 肖看向了牧者之河的深处,一个匍匐在河流深处的怪异存在落入了她的眼中。 Feather snake.” “羽蛇。” similar also has the subsequent hand. 肖还有后手。 The evil god of original sin looked that to strange life body feather snake that she once made, originally opposite party continuously during her attention. 原罪的邪神看向了她曾经制造出的怪异生命体羽蛇,原来对方一直都在她的关注之中。 Before had not arrived uses its time truly. 只是之前还没有到真正用它的时候。 But now. 而现在。 The time arrived. 时候到了。 ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- Herder's River separates two halves the lunar eclipse city, but now has been covered by the black mud completely, another , then goes into hiding in the dense fog. 牧者之河将月蚀城分开成两半,而如今一头已经完全被黑泥覆盖,另一头则隐匿在迷雾之中。 In a building, admits is delivered to here sickness much. 在其中一栋建筑之中,收治着不少被送到这里的病患。 Incantation seal puppets who are pinched by the soil until now leads many doctors to treat these wounded and sick snake human, but it is also at this moment same as others, with worrying, frightened, shocking the complex mood and vision look at rivers opposite shore all. 一个由泥土捏成的咒印傀儡一直以来都率领着诸多医师们治疗着这些伤病蛇人,但是此刻它也和其他人一样,用担忧、恐惧、震撼的复杂情绪和目光看着河流对岸发生的一切。 As can be seen. 可以看到。 The river opposite shore does not have half living person, these exist offer sacrifices to pollute to become demon, entered in the abyss. 河对岸已经不存在半个活人了,那些存在都被献祭污染成为了魔物,进入了深渊之中。 But offers sacrifices and pollutes their people, the consciousness also dissipates at this moment thoroughly. 而献祭和污染他们的人,意识此刻也彻底消逝。 . 只是。 Sukob and showdowns of Thurow two people ended are not ended. 苏科布和瑟罗两个人的对决落幕并不是结束。 Welcomed unexpectedly was God of Truth and Knowledge and arrival of original sin evil god, God at this moment here front impact that two have the bitter hatred. 迎来的竟然是真理与知识之神和原罪邪神的降临,两个有着深仇大恨的神明此刻在这里正面碰撞。 This. 这一下。 The situation becomes the true god to fight on the promotion. 情况就升级成为了真正的神战了。 The soil puppet of feather snake stands before the window, looks at distant place the shadow of curse. 羽蛇的泥土傀儡站在窗户前,看着远处的诅咒之影。 That whole body is sending out the figure of ice-cold aura, that indifferent sound cavity, makes the feather snake tremble. 那浑身散发着冰冷气息的身形,那冷漠的音腔,都让羽蛇瑟瑟发抖。 Is she!” “是她!” She arrived at the world.” “她又降临人间了。” Feather snake wish cannot help but escapes. 羽蛇不由自主的想要逃。 However is afraid itself to escape, instead fell into the eyes of opposite party. 但是更害怕自己一逃,反而就此落入了对方的眼中。 It feels alarmed and anxious remains same place, gazes at shadow that original sin evil god is controlling, sees her and God of Truth and Knowledge fight. 它担惊受怕的留在原地,注视着那原罪邪神控制的黑影,看到她和真理与知识之神的交手。 God of Truth and Knowledge Asai as if got the winning side, it the shadow interior laid down the seal in the curse ahead of time, at this moment erupts thoroughly. 真理与知识之神阿赛似乎占据了上风,其提前在诅咒之影的内部埋下了封印,此刻彻底爆发。 Must original sin evil god control Gate of Original Sin, together with the shadow and the purgatory that together seal curse plundering comes. 要将原罪邪神此刻掌控的原罪之门,连同掠夺而来的诅咒之影和炼狱一同封印。 God of Truth and Knowledge must win.” 真理与知识之神要赢了。” On the soil puppet face of feather snake control revealed wild with joy, but this happy expression just revealed that it felt suddenly was not right. 羽蛇控制的泥土傀儡脸上露出了狂喜,但是这喜色刚刚露出,它突然感觉到了不对劲。 The distant place, its main body as if had what mutation. 远处,它的本体似乎发生了什么异变。 On the face of soil puppet, turned wild with joy instantaneously panic-strickenly. 泥土傀儡的脸上,狂喜瞬间变成了惊骇。 But at this time, its ear bank suddenly resounded that not to hear very for a long time, but actually the voice of thorough memory most deep place. 而这个时候,它的耳畔突然响起了那很久没有听到,但是却深入记忆最深处的声音。 Awakened its innermost feelings deepest fear. 唤醒了它内心最深的恐惧。 That is an ice-cold not slightly sentimental sound, said with nearly mechanical intonation evenly peacefully. 那是一个冰冷没有丝毫感情的声音,用平澹地近乎机械的语调说道。 Feather snake!” “羽蛇!” The opposite party did not summon it, but is saying its name. 对方并不是呼唤它,只是在说着它的名字。 Probably in looking some goods that on own table places, choice time finally settled on some type of goods, called the name of this goods while convenient. 就好像在看着自己桌子上摆放的某个物品,挑选的时候终于看中了某样物品,顺便喊出了这件物品的名字。 Feather snake control soil puppet expression from panic-stricken, falls into instantaneously desperately. 羽蛇控制的泥土傀儡表情从惊骇,瞬间堕入绝望。 Is the original sin evil god.” “是原罪邪神。” She is visiting me.” “她在看着我。” She has known me here.” “她一直都知道我在这里。” Spoke these words, the soil puppet collapses instantaneously. 说完这句话,泥土傀儡瞬间垮塌。 But in Herder's River of distant place. 而远处的牧者之河里。 The mobile river surface blasts open instantaneously, raises layer upon layer the monstrous waves. 流动的河面瞬间炸裂,掀起层层巨浪。 The deep sleep has soared in the feather snake main body of river bottom suddenly, rushes toward the sky. 一直沉睡在河底的羽蛇本体突然腾空而起,朝着天空奔去。 But in sky. 而天空之中。 Lost the carrier and control Gate of Original Sin, at this moment attracts with the feather snake mutually. 原本失去了载体和控制的原罪之门,此刻和羽蛇互相吸引。 Must shortly by Gate of Original Sin of seal, found and depends upon in the world backing, changes into a ray the hurricane that forms from the seal to work loose. 眼看着就要被封印的原罪之门,又重新找到了在人间的依托和依靠,化为一道光芒从封印形成的飓风之中挣脱。 That huge Gate of Myth had the strength of guzzling to integrate within the body of feather snake. 那巨大的神话之门带着暴食之力融入了羽蛇的体内。 Integrates in body that this once similar for prepared. 融入了这具曾经肖为自己准备的身躯之中。 The powerful strength floods into within the body of feather snake, but the consciousness of feather snake was also dominated the consciousness above mortal by another suppresses, goes black in gradually. 强大的力量涌入羽蛇的体内,而羽蛇的意识也被另一个凌驾于凡人之上的意识所压制,渐渐陷入黑暗之中。 Hiss!” “嘶!” The feather snake can only communicate with the mind, words that it spoke in average person opinion, is only the ordinary neighing sound. 羽蛇只能用心灵沟通,它所说的话在普通人看来,就只是普通的嘶鸣声。 Feather snake fierce struggling, seethes in the sky. 羽蛇剧烈的挣扎,在天空之中翻腾。 Arrived finally. 到最后。 It can only desperate cried out with the mind fluctuation. 它只能绝望的用心灵波动呐喊出一句。 No!” “不!” Evil god, I do not listen to your organizing.” “邪神,我才不听你的摆布。” However after these words, could not hear its sound again. 但是这句话过后,就再也听不到它的声音了。 The giant feather snake opened the eye, in that eye did not have slightly the temperature again, only then keeps aloof to overlook ice-cold of the world. 巨大的羽蛇重新睁开了眼睛,那双眼睛里再也没有了丝毫温度,只有高高在上俯瞰人间的冰冷。 That is not arrogant. 那不是傲慢。 But is one type all of this world, is regarded as the sand dust same indifference, treats as to consume the firewood all lives the look. 而是一种将凡尘的一切,都看做是沙尘一样的冷漠,将所有生命当做消耗柴薪的眼神。 similar drew support from the body of feather snake to hold strength of Gate of Original Sin and guzzling, the strength does not have increasing of upward limit probably. 肖借助着羽蛇的躯体容纳了原罪之门和暴食之力,力量就好像没有极限的往上攀升。 Suddenly. 眨眼之间。 The body of feather snake inflated the situation that was inconceivable. 羽蛇的身体就膨胀到了难以想象的地步。 His body stretches across the sky sea of clouds, hovers in the horizon. 其躯体横跨天空云海,翱翔于天际。 The gigantic head in the sky of lunar eclipse city, the tail extended the remote another head, the giant pair of wings launched to block the sky. 硕大的头颅在月蚀城的上空,尾巴则延伸到了遥远的另一头,巨大的双翼展开遮天蔽日。 Looks that similar Zaidu worked loose the seal. 看着肖再度挣脱了封印。 The Asai expression immediately became earnest. 阿赛的表情立刻变得认真了起来。 She is poking the body of cane, started to stand. 她杵着手杖的身体,也开始站直了起来。 She first put out a hand to take back oneself flask. 她第一时间伸出手收回了自己的烧瓶。 The giant feather snake in the horizon, in Gate of Truth looking at each other with sky, flash similar Xiangyao who just worked loose breaks the bottle from the outside horizontally, but Asai responded that quick has not given this opportunity. 巨大的羽蛇横于天际,和天空之中的真理之门对视,刚刚挣脱的一瞬间肖想要从外部打破瓶子,但是阿赛反应很快并没有给她这个机会。 The feather snake in sky is shaking the light of consciousness, Xiao's sound transmission. 天空之中的羽蛇震荡着意识之光,肖的声音传递开来。 Asai!” 阿赛!” You like bottle modeling so much, how?” “你还是这么喜欢瓶子这个造型啊,怎么?” Also wants to make Little Human in a Bottle again?” “还想要再制造一个瓶中小人?” But, I am not Little Human in a Bottle.” “不过,我可不是瓶中小人。” „...... Will not become your Little Human in a Bottle absolutely.” “也绝对不会……成为你的瓶中小人。” Asai takes the seal the flask of shadow and purgatory curse, is looking at the giant feather snake. 阿赛拿着封印着诅咒之影和炼狱的烧瓶,望着巨大的羽蛇。 Her plan success. 她的计划成功了。 However only succeeded half. 但是只成功了一半。 She cannot let similar Nahui purgatory, but she most wants Gate of Original Sin of seal, finally actually escaped from the bottle the control of seal. 她没能让肖拿回炼狱,但是她最想要封印的原罪之门,最后却逃脱出了瓶中封印的控制。 similar and Asai among two people, planning back and forth constantly was broken by the opposite party. 肖和阿赛两人之间,来来回回的算计不断被对方打破。 Then. 这下。 As if returned same place. 似乎又回到了原地。 Two people turned into the positive/direct showdown, whose strength put together to be stronger purely hardly. 两人又变成了正面的对决,纯粹硬拼谁的力量更强了。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Asai has not spoken. 阿赛没有说话。 She pressed with back Gate of Truth directly, pressed on the body of feather snake. 她直接用背后的真理之门压了下来,压在了羽蛇的身上。 The body of feather snake was almost broken by pressing directly, but its ray flashes, does not seem the body of dying the same as recover. 羽蛇的身躯差点被直接压断,但是其身上光芒一闪,就好像不死之身一样复原。 . 紧接着。 The huge feather snake winding on, as if must tie down Gate of Truth thoroughly, then crushes general. 庞大的羽蛇缠绕而上,似乎要将真理之门彻底缠住,然后压碎一般。 Hiss!” “嘶!” It opens the huge mouth, was Thurow's the strength of guzzling also to appear in within the body unexpectedly, swallowed to strengthen the Gate of Truth strength. 其张开巨口,属于瑟罗的暴食之力竟然也出现在了其体内,吞噬汲取着真理之门的力量。 But Gate of Truth also stretches out the innumerable chains, goes toward that giant feather snake entanglement. 真理之门也伸出无数条锁链,朝着那巨型羽蛇纠缠而去。 Another side. 另一边。 God of Truth and Knowledge Asai is still thinking means recovery, this Gate of Original Sin arrives is a golden opportunity, cannot miss like this. 真理与知识之神阿赛还在想着办法补救,这一次原罪之门降临是一个大好机会,不能够就这样错过了。 To bump into such opportunity next time again, it is estimated that will be very difficult. 下一次想要再碰到这样的机会,估计会很难了。 Moreover next time similar. 而且下一次的肖。 Also may becomes stronger. 也有可能变得更强。 Prepares side An.” “还有预备方桉。” Asai and similar Kongzhi feather snake war, while overlooks from the sky to the world, finally the vision framed on the agreement attorney trade union of lunar eclipse city, framed on the student prosperous body of Sukob. 阿赛一边和肖控制的羽蛇大战,一边从天空俯瞰向人间,最后目光定格在了月蚀城的契律师工会上,定格在了苏科布的学生隆的身上。 Is arranging everyone to seek asylum, is arranging the prosperity of wounded person, heard the summon of God suddenly. 正在安排着所有人避难,安排着伤员的隆,突然间听到了神明的召唤。 My retinue swells!” “我的仆从隆!” Found before and contract of feather snake signing, goes to implement it.” “找到之前和羽蛇签订的契约,去将它实行。” Feather snake once under signing contract with apostle Sukob, so long as the feather snake helped Sukob rescue in these patient of plague blood incantation, he will teach the secret of feather snake god graciousness technique. 羽蛇曾经和使徒苏科布曾经签订下契约,只要羽蛇帮助苏科布救助那些中了瘟疫血咒的病人,他就会传授羽蛇神恩术的秘密。 But now the feather snake has completed the task, was the time should cash in the contract. 而如今羽蛇已经完成了任务,是时候该兑现契约了。 Prosperous has been bustling about to keep, once for a while but worries looks at the feather snake in sky, is worrying about the safety of this friend, the safety in this city. 隆一直都在忙碌个不停,只是时不时担忧的看着天空之中的羽蛇,担忧着这个朋友的安危,还有这座城市的安危。 Asai god!” 阿赛神!” Your oracle will certainly realize.” “您的神谕必将实现。” At this moment. 此刻。 He listened respectfully to oracle, immediately starts to rush to the ruling hall of street. 他聆听到了神谕,立刻开始赶往街道的执政厅。 grand take the contract is dashing about wildly, he must attain royal court legal code from the ruling hall. 隆拿着契约一路狂奔,他必须从执政厅里面拿到了王庭法典 At this moment, the original sin evil god similar and God of Truth and Knowledge Asai two people hit earth-shakingly, has not definitely been able to receive the hand. 此时此刻,原罪邪神肖和真理与知识之神阿赛两个人打得天翻地覆,已经完全无法收手了。 Quickly!” “快!” Is quicker.” “快一些。” No one compared with their these mortals, anticipated the god war that this terrifying can be earlier ended. 没有谁比他们这些凡人,更期待这恐怖的神战能够早一些结束。 Naturally. 当然. Was the hope by the successful conclusion of God of Truth and Knowledge, rather than the victory of original sin evil god. 是希望以真理与知识之神的胜利结束,而不是原罪邪神的胜利。 Outside Runge anxious, led to rush to the ruling hall with divine spell, found that collection legal code. 隆格外焦急,用神术带着自己冲到了执政厅之中,找到了那本珍藏的法典 The prosperous hand is grasping royal court legal code, summoned spirit of legal code in the center of city. 隆手握着王庭法典,在城市的中央召唤出了法典之灵 He with the ability of agreement attorney, is proficiently mobilizing the strength of writing contract. 他熟练的用契律师的能力,发动着文字契约的力量。 Makes one to connect God of Truth and Knowledge, the channel between feather snake two. 制造出一个连接着真理与知识之神,还有羽蛇二者之间的通道。 Contract achieves.” “契约达成。” Huge spirit of legal code with prosperously was also the same, said the similar words. 巨大的法典之灵也和隆一样,说出了同样的话。 Contract achieves.” “契约达成。” In a flash. 一瞬间。 An invisible strength across the channel of mind, following contract connection to feather snake within the body, the consciousness of then by God of Original Sin being suppressed. 一股无形的力量穿过心灵的通道,循着契约连接向了羽蛇体内,那被原罪之神压制住的意识。 Prosperous anticipation looks at the sky, is longing for own actions can be effective. 隆期待的看着天空,渴望着自己的所作所为能够有效。 Saying that he anticipates. 他期待的说道。 Feather snake.” “羽蛇。” Do not obey the evil god's control.” “不要听从邪神的控制。” Believes God, God of Truth and Knowledge can certainly defeat the evil original sin.” “相信神明,真理与知识之神一定可以战胜邪恶的原罪。” In flash that the contract achieves. 在契约达成的一瞬间。 God of Truth and Knowledge Asai induced. 真理与知识之神阿赛就感应到了。 Gate of Truth through the contract direct connection in the consciousness of feather snake, wanted to depend upon the will of feather snake, disintegrates Xiao's strength from the interior. 真理之门通过契约直接连接上了羽蛇的意识,想要依靠羽蛇的意志,从内部瓦解肖的力量。 This is the mystery of wisdom half god strength, or can call it strangely. 这就是智慧半神力量的神奇,或者也可以称之为诡异。 This seedling source from the strength of consciousness and thought that the far supernormal person imagines. 这种源自于意识和思维的力量,远超常人想象。 Perhaps they in the positive force were far less than that the life half god is so direct, but all sorts of strange methods emerge one after another incessantly. 她们或许在正面力量上远不如生命半神那样直接,但是种种诡异的手段层出不穷。 Perhaps before the true war starts. 或许在真正的大战开始之前。 A war had ended. 一场战争就已经结束了。 The fierce fight often ended in invisible, even in beside can control all ten million/countless. 激烈的战斗往往结束在无形之间,甚至千万里之外就可以控制一切。 --------------------------- --------------------------- This is a dark world. 这是一片黑暗的世界。 The feather snake felt oneself do not arrive at oneself body, does not know that outside had anything, during the whole person crashed into terrified and anxious. 羽蛇感觉自己不到自己的身体,也不知道外面发生了什么,整个人都坠入了惶恐和不安之中。 Suddenly, a ray shone. 突然之间,一道光芒照射了进来。 The sound spreads along with the ray together. 一道声音伴随着光芒传入。 Feather snake!” “羽蛇!” The feather snake is excited, pursues to that ray. 羽蛇激动不已,追逐向那道光芒。 In this kind of time one wisp light/only, regarding the feather snake simply was the ray of hope. 在这种时候的一缕光,对于羽蛇来说简直就是希望之光。 Who are you?” “你是谁?” Opposite party reply: God of Truth and Knowledge.” 对方回答:“真理与知识之神。” God of Truth and Knowledge Asai rubbish, explained directly oneself needs anything. 真理与知识之神阿赛没有废话,直接说明了自己需要什么。 According to the Sukob contract, you completed the contract, secret that he will tell your apostle.” “根据苏科布的契约,你完成了契约,他将告诉你使徒的秘密。” You currently have another choice, you can choose to become my apostle.” “那你现在还有另外一种选择,你可以选择成为我的使徒。” I will bless you to get rid of the invasion of evil god.” “我将庇佑你摆脱邪神的侵扰。” The feather snake asked another question at this time: „Can I turn into snake human?” 羽蛇这个时候却问了另外一个问题:“我可以重新变成蛇人吗?” The Asai sound stopped: Apostle can the reincarnation, you be able to turn into snake human.” 阿赛的声音停顿了一下:“使徒可以转生,你可以重新变成蛇人。” But you may also die.” “但是你也有可能会死。” God of Original Sin is not simple god, she is very difficult to deal with.” 原罪之神并不是个简单的神祇,她很难对付。” The feather snake told it in Asai, it can turn into the flash of person to reply immediately. 羽蛇却在阿赛告诉它,它可以变成人的一瞬间就立刻回答。 I want.” “我愿意。” Its loud is shouting: So long as you can make me the person, my anything wants.” 它大声的喊着:“只要你能够让我成为人,我什么都愿意。” When you fall into the evil god's control, the death has become no longer is fearful. 当你落入邪神的掌控的时候,死亡就已经变得不再可怕了。 The feather snake rather died at this time, is not willing to become the toys of evil god ; It rather dies, wants to seek that to become the snake human opportunity. 羽蛇这个时候宁愿死,也不愿意成为邪神的玩物;它宁愿去死,也想要去博取那一线重新成为蛇人的机会。 God of Truth and Knowledge Asai through the ray, transmitted an invisible strength. 真理与知识之神阿赛通过光芒,将一股无形的力量传递了进来。 God graciousness technique.” “神恩术。” Opening.” “开启。” With it what concludes the contract is Sukob, but now completes the contract, is actually God of Truth and Knowledge. 和它缔结契约的是苏科布,而现在完成契约的,却是真理与知识之神 The feather snake felt that stone in own body, suddenly had the change. 羽蛇感觉到自己的身体内的那块石头,突然出现了变化。 From originally unitary strength. 从原本单一性的力量。 Transforms toward a more comprehensive strength. 朝着更全面的力量进行蜕变。 Originally this stone, really and Divine Grace Stone has the relations.” “原来这块石头,真的和神恩石有关系。” The feather snake thought of the beforehand speculation suddenly. 羽蛇突然想到了自己之前的猜测。 It just obtained the god graciousness technique time suspected, between the stone and Divine Grace Stone in oneself head have the similarity, has some relation. 它刚刚得到神恩术的时候就猜想,自己脑袋里的这块石头和神恩石之间有着相似之处,是不是存在着某种联系。 During the fierce fight, similar feels change in oneself body immediately. 激烈的战斗之中,肖立刻感觉到了自己身体之中的变化。 Un?” “嗯?” similar felt that the feather snake mind stone of feather snake was transforming, turns into true Divine Grace Stone. 肖感觉到了羽蛇脑海里的羽蛇之石正在蜕变,变成真正的神恩石 However the source of this strength, is actually disclosing the aura of knowledge authority. 但是这股力量的源头,竟然透露着知识权柄的气息。 The strength in the channel through some type of mind, is affecting the strength and consciousness of genuine feather snake. 有一股力量在通过某种心灵上的通道,正在影响着真正的羽蛇的力量和意识。 The mystery of mind subordinates in the wisdom and consciousness authority, half god who now grasps this aspect authority does not have, similar and Asai also knows part of utilization methods. 心灵的奥秘隶属于智慧和意识权柄,现在掌握这方面权柄的半神都没有,肖和阿赛也只是知道其中一部分运用方法。 God graciousness technique? How to have the aura of knowledge authority?” “神恩术?怎么会有知识权柄的气息?” similar flash understood anything. 肖一瞬间就明白了什么。 „Do you want to turn into the Asai apostle?” “你想要变成阿赛的使徒?” „!” “呵!” Asai, your wicked idea are really many.” 阿赛,你的这种鬼点子还真多。” This reminded similar cannot help but of Anhofos. 这让肖不由自主的想起了安霍福斯 Asai said oneself are not Anhofos, but her many places can see the Anhofos shadow. 阿赛说自己不是安霍福斯,但是她身上许多地方又都能看到安霍福斯的影子。 similar sees Divine Grace Stone in feather snake head in the rapid change, she starts to prevent this change immediately, starts the feather snake will of suppressing awakens unceasingly again. 肖看到羽蛇头颅之中的神恩石在快速变化,她立刻开始阻挡这种变化,再度开始压制不断觉醒的羽蛇意志。 similar and Asai two people at this moment. 肖和阿赛两个人此刻。 In outside dozen earth-shakingly, while is striving for the control of this body in the heart's core. 一边在外面打得天翻地覆,一边又在心灵深处争夺着这具身体的掌控权。 A battlefield in bright, a battlefield is dark. 一处战场在明,一处战场在暗。 However the battlefield of dark surface, is more fearful than the positive/direct battlefield. 但是暗面的战场,却比正面的战场还要可怕。 similar Yixin counts to use. 肖一心数用。 This mind channel what's the matter?” “这心灵通道是怎么回事?” Makes the contact in what way?” “是通过什么方式建立联系的?” „Does Asai this fellow, have the ambush subsequent hand here?” 阿赛这家伙,在这里也有埋伏后手吗?” similar does not know, this is not the Asai subsequent hand, but is side An of Gate of Truth temporary deduction plans. 肖并不知道,这并不是阿赛的后手,而是真理之门临时推演的方桉计划。
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