IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#379 Part 2: Looks straight ahead the Moon of God source

Note unceasing lifting on similar hand, pages of experimental data and tentative plan unceasing reappearing above. 肖手上的笔记不断的掀开,一页页实验数据和设想不断的浮现在上面。 Writing brand mark baseless comes up, fast incomparable. 文字凭空的烙印上去,快速无比。 After long time, wrote down closes finally. 半晌之后,笔记终于合上了。 In similar this moment eyes revealed the ray. 肖此刻眼中露出了光芒。 Found the method finally.” “总算是找到方法了。” From now on. 自此。 The similar biggest goal was completed. 肖最大的目标完成了。 The evil god on flesh stars looks to the world, can see that in Its ice-cold vision is passing rigid. 血肉星辰上的邪神看向人间,可以看到祂冰冷的目光里透着执着。 Remaining is another goal, recycling purgatory- 剩下的就是另外一个目标,回收炼狱- The Moon of God ray collects, goes into hiding in the darkness. 神之月的光芒敛去,重新隐匿于黑暗之中。 Thurow's consciousness annihilation. 瑟罗的意识湮灭。 Only left behind shadow of the curse to remain same place, this huge shadow stood erect in the world. 只留下一具诅咒之影留在了原地,这个庞大暗影屹立在天地之间。 Strength of unceasing surging terrifying curse. 恐怖诅咒之力不断的涌动。 Nighttime, can hear the sound that the innumerable person sorrows cry. 黑夜里,可以听到无数人哀哭的声音。 But at this time. 而这个时候。 Gate of Original Sin integrated in the shadow of curse suddenly. 原罪之门突然融入了诅咒之影中。 Without consciousness the shadow of curse, immediately is occupied by another will. 没有意识的诅咒之影,立刻被另一个意志所占据。 That will is evil and callous, the strength of myth surges in the Herder's River shore, the under foot black mud surges. 那个意志邪恶而冷酷,神话之力涌动在牧者之河岸边,脚下黑泥涌动。 similar sits above the throne of abyss, the consciousness is actually controlling the shadow of curse through the crime of guzzling. 肖坐在深渊的王座之上,意识却通过暴食之罪操控着诅咒之影。 He simply has not gone to look at snake human of lunar eclipse city, sad scene that here has, he is only watching the situation in shadow of curse. 他根本没有去看月蚀城的蛇人,还有这里发生的惨象,他只关注着诅咒之影内的情况。 The second path of intelligent True God, has been able to start directly to conduct the experiment theoretically.” “智慧真神的第二条道路,理论上已经可以开始直接进行实验了。” Purgatory recycles, just can make up for the abyss the flaw, can be the experiment body.” “炼狱回收,刚好可以弥补深渊的缺陷,也可以作为实验体。” Purgatory achievement abyss species part of jurisdictions obviously, has the strength of abyss pledge, in the future will definitely become my flaw, must control.” “炼狱作为深渊种的一部分权限显化,也拥有深渊誓约的力量,将来肯定会成为我的破绽,必须得掌控住。” Xiao's look does not have the focal distance, his head always during thinking. 肖的眼神是没有焦距的,他的脑袋总是在思索之中。 similar Zuijin also paid attention to purgatory the source of curse. 肖最近也关注到了炼狱的诅咒之源。 The thing that this Lord of Purgatory creates, not only makes God of Truth and Knowledge Asai commend, similar somewhat is also interested. 这个炼狱之主创造出的东西,不仅仅让真理与知识之神阿赛称赞,肖也有些感兴趣的。 „The source of curse!” “诅咒之源!” Behind can study, this is strengths of some meanings.” “后面可以研究一下,这是一种有些意思的力量。” The original sin evil god depends upon the strength of guzzling to control the shadow of curse, immediately is about to leave the present world, returns to the abyss. 原罪邪神依靠暴食之力操控着诅咒之影,立刻准备离开现世,回到深渊之中。 However at this time sky Gate of Truth pressed thoroughly, blocked the curse the shadow way. 但是这个时候天空的真理之门彻底压了下来,挡住了诅咒之影的去路。 original sin evil god similar Taitou looked at Gate of Truth. 原罪邪神肖抬头看了一眼真理之门 Under Gate of Truth is standing the Sukob sudden whole body erupted the ray, a shadow threw from the day, overlapped with the Sukob figure in one. 真理之门下站着的苏科布突然浑身爆发出了光芒,一个影子从天外投来,和苏科布的身形重叠在了一起。 Suddenly. 眨眼间。 Sukob turned into one to bring the ceremonial hat, takes the young fellow of cane. 苏科布变成了一个带着礼帽,拿着手杖的少年人。 The young fellows are grasping the cane, static looks at the shadow of curse. 少年人握着手杖,静静的看着诅咒之影。 similar.” “肖。” The original sin evil god also stopped the footsteps, with God of Truth and Knowledge looking at each other. 原罪邪神也停下了脚步,和真理与知识之神对视。 The Asai previous truth seal had broken, now wants to leave behind Its Gate of Original Sin again, is not easy. 阿赛之前的真理封印已经破了,现在想要再留下祂的原罪之门,已经没有那么容易了。 Asai.” 阿赛。” The words are very brief, does not have any talks too much. 话语很简短,没有任何多言。 However the back is the endless gratitude and grudges dispute, hatred. 但是背后是无尽的恩怨纠葛,还有仇恨。 Two from god of ancient time. 两位来自于古老时代的神祇。 A true body arrives at the world, is controlling the shadow of powerful curse. 一个真身降临人间,一个操控着强大的诅咒之影。 The true god fights will soon erupt. 真正的神战即将爆发。
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