IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#379 Part 1: Looks straight ahead the Moon of God source

Has the pledge that doubtful in new intelligent species has to send out, Ghoul King Thurow achieved a condition of king of kind of ethnic group, the intelligent root gives the response. 有疑似于新的智慧种存在的誓约发出,食尸鬼之王瑟罗达成了一类族群之王的条件,智慧的根源给予回应。 Above sea of clouds. 云海之上。 The concealment in the exoatmospheric, is surrounding another secret moon of earth rotation. 隐匿于大气层外,环绕着地球旋转的另外一颗隐秘月亮。 The blooming infinite ray, appears in the horizon suddenly. 其突然之间绽放无穷光芒,显现于天际。 clear splendor has stroked. 清辉拂过。 The time probably was slow. 时间都好像慢了下来。 The cloud layer was caught the silvery brilliance, the land is bathing the god light/only. 云层被染上银辉,大地沐浴着神光。 It is much higher than the cloud layer, even is higher than the altitude limit of sky the mortal knows, penetrated in the starry sky. 祂远远高于云层,甚至高于凡人所知的天空的高度极限,深入到了星空之中。 His ray is shining the whole world. 祂的光芒照耀着整个世界。 Ruhul Giant Island is only the corner of the world, but the lunar eclipse city is only a point on Ruhul Giant Island. 鲁赫巨岛只是世界的一角,而月蚀城只是鲁赫巨岛上的一点。 The war of this seemingly vast momentum God, desperate the end in the mortal eyes extinguishes the scenery of the world ; From trillion li (0.5 km) upper air, actually hardly is obviously. 这看似声势浩大的神明之战,在凡人眼中令人绝望的末日灭世之景;从亿万里高空看下去,却是几乎不可见。 However that presents the silver moon in sky, actually no one can neglect. 但是那出现在天空之中的银月,却无人可以忽视。 At this moment. 这一刻。 Everyone raised the head, simultaneously looked turns Moon of God to that. 所有人抬起头,同时看向那轮神之月 snake human, winged human, or four directions demon monster and Demon Abyss royal city demon spirit. 不论是蛇人、还是翼人,亦或者四方的魔怪魔渊王城魔灵 The life looks up to the starry sky ten million/countless, has the different mood respectively. 千万生灵仰望星空,分别有着不同的情绪。 Some people listen to the elders to mention even-numbered month legend across the sky, had heard Moon of God hearsay, some people the first time are knew and see such marvelous sight. 有人听长辈们说起过双月横空的传说,听说过神之月的传闻,有人则是第一次知晓和看到这样的奇景。 Some person of stunned, some people shock, some people looked forward to, some people are vacant. 有人错愕,有人震撼,有人憧憬,有人茫然。 No one knows the remote another city, is having anything. 无人知晓遥远的另外一座城市,正在发生着什么。 Even if the person of remote another region knew, will only say one. 遥远的他乡之人哪怕知道了,也只会说上一句。 Oh!” !” Originally has had such matter!” “原来发生过这样的事情啊!” These are seemingly mammoth, the event that seemingly changes, places in the whole world, as if became no longer is important. 那些看似波澜壮阔,看似跌宕起伏的事件,放在整个世界之中来看,就似乎变得不再重要了。 The knowledge god country on sea of clouds. 云海上的知识神国。 Asai first is looks under Moon of God, looks lunar eclipse city that originally the dense fog and wind and rain cover, became in the flash bright. 阿赛先是看着神之月下,看着原本迷雾和风雨笼罩的月蚀城,在一瞬间变得明朗了起来。 It understood anything. 祂就明白了什么。 Naturally, this is only also gazing at the people in person or the lunar eclipse city in lunar eclipse city thought so. 当然,这也只是注视着月蚀城的人或者月蚀城中的人这么觉得。 In fact the whole world had been cleaned by the drizzle probably generally, the lunar eclipse city is only one of them, is not special that. 实际上整个世界都好像被细雨清洗过一般,月蚀城只是其中之一,并不是特殊的那一个。 The seal of spreading across was broken. 纵横交错的封印被打破。 What the truth seal aims is Thurow's consciousness, is aims at cut-off of the information receiving and sense ; However Thurow connected the channel that Moon of God launched to break the seal through the pledge, making Thurow break through the seal. 真理封印针对的是瑟罗的意识,是针对信息接收和感官的切断;但是瑟罗通过誓约连接神之月展开的通道打破了封印,让瑟罗冲破封印而出。 Together, Gate of Original Sin. 一同冲出来的,还有原罪之门 However this moment Asai god has been disinclined manages that to escape from the huge shadow under Gate of Truth, was disinclined manages that to run out of Gate of Original Sin outside seal, It had not thought from the beginning this can the seal be occupied by the opposite party. 不过此刻阿赛神已经懒得去管那逃出了真理之门下的庞大黑影,懒得去管那冲出了封印之外的原罪之门,祂从一开始就没觉得这样就可以封印住对方。 It raised the head. 祂抬起头。 Is staring at the moon/month of space. 凝望着天上的月。 It looked at one, took off head hat, kept off in own at present. 祂只是看了一眼,就摘下了头上的帽子,挡在了自己的眼前。 similar!” “肖!” You were really insane.” “你真的疯了。” That is the intelligent royal crown, Moon of God that Creator lightens.” “那可是智慧的王冠,造物主点亮的神之月。” „Do you want Insai to see you? Sees your actions?” “你就这么想要因赛看到你吗?看到你的所作所为?” You think that you are also saint?” “你以为你也是圣徒吗?” „Do you also want to see God Insai?” “你也想要见因赛神?” Asai said finally: „Do you match?” 阿赛最后说道:“你配吗?” In abyss. 深渊之中。 similar stood up, arrives at front of skeleton long table, the one person alone stood above the flesh stars. 肖站起身,走到了骸骨长桌的前面,孤身站在血肉星辰之上。 similar Zhushi is presenting Moon of God before person again, looks at It to illuminate the brilliance of the world, everyone can bathe Its god graciousness. 肖注视着再度出现在人前的神之月,看着祂照进人间的光辉,每个人都可以沐浴着祂的神恩。 The only abyss does not have. 唯独深渊没有。 similar Zhushi that moon/month, is feeling own consciousness to draw in the starry sky, drags to that eternal stars. 肖注视着那轮月,感受着自己的意识被拖入星空,拖向那永恒的星辰。 It is feeling the origin and end of that years, is feeling all starts and finally end. 祂感受着那岁月的起源和尽头,感受着一切的开始和终末。 Until It felt that oneself is proceeding, is really dying. 直到祂感觉自己在往前,就真的要死了。 Then lowers the head. 这才低下了头。 That is the intelligent source, the half god of this era is longing for arrives in the intelligent root, becomes the True God of wisdom, together with similar is also so. 那是智慧的源头,这一纪元的半神都渴望着抵达智慧根源,成为智慧的真神,连同肖也是如此。 But intelligent source again upward. 而智慧的源头再往上。 Is Creator Insai. 就是造物主因赛 Because of all lives and wisdom of this world, originates from It. 因为这世间的一切生命和智慧,都是来源于祂。 Therefore they from this round of Moon of God, from the source of wisdom, saw the Creator shadow. 所以他们才从这轮神之月,从智慧的源头上,看到了造物主的影子。 Saw it?” “看见了吗?” Crown of Wisdom, our origins.” 智慧王冠,我们的起源。” You said at this moment, Creator is visiting us.” “你说此时此刻,造物主是不是正在看着我们。” similar has turned around, sat above god throne. 肖转过身,重新坐在了神座之上。 Perhaps, It has not always cared about us.” “或许,祂从来就未曾在意过我们。” In myth always only has God's eldest son ledlicki, a does not have any God's eldest son clan.” 神话里从来只有神之长子莱德利基,没有什么神之长子一族。” similar Yonglan depending on, closed the eye. 肖慵懒的靠着,闭上了眼睛。 Then. 然后。 Read the Crown of Wisdom pledge. 念出了智慧王冠的誓约。 Because lonely, the god created King of Wisdom ledlicki.” “因为孤独,神创造了智慧之王莱德利基。” Because of lonely of ledlicki, the god created three leaves human.”We are just...... ” “因为莱德利基的孤独,神又创造了三叶人。””我们只不过是……” Fills the ledlicki lonely divine creative force.” “填补莱德利基孤独的造物罢了。” The ceramic villain actually does not dare to look at that moon, even does not dare to say the words. 陶瓷小人却不敢看那月亮,甚至连话都不敢说了。 It rolls up in the table corner, even the question of God of Original Sin it does not dare to reply. 它蜷缩在桌角上,连原罪之神的问话它都没有敢回答。 Cannot see me...... unable to see me......” “看不见我……看不见我……” It is afraid orthoptic such great existence, the probably gloomy shadow is afraid the light of Sun. 它害怕直视那样伟大的存在,就好像阴暗的影子害怕太阳的光明。 Everyone is looking at Moon of God. 所有人都在看着神之月 But at this moment. 而此刻。 Faces directly Crown of Wisdom truly, faces directly the intelligent root. 真正直面智慧王冠,直面智慧根源的。 Distributed Thurow of Crown of Wisdom pledge, Ghoul King. 是发下了智慧王冠誓约的瑟罗,食尸鬼之王 Thurow's consciousness changed into a white light shadow, stands before a leaf of giant circular front door. 瑟罗的意识化为了一个白色的光影,站在一扇巨大的圆形大门前。 „Is this Crown of Wisdom?” “这就是智慧王冠?” „Do I want under Its testimony, to distribute to become the pledge of King of Abyss?” “我要在祂的见证下,发下成为深渊之王的誓言?” Until now. 到如今。 He also thinks what oneself distributes becomes the King of Abyss pledge, the front concludes the King of Abyss testimony divine tool. 他还以为自己发下的是成为深渊之王的誓约,面前只是缔结深渊之王的见证神器。 Has never heard, the name is the Crown of Wisdom divine tool. 一件从未听闻过,名字叫做智慧王冠的神器。 He looks that the actinic circular great gate launches during revolving, is symbolizing all intelligent species, all big trees that has the ideology life grow in the ray, floods the entire intelligent root. 他看着光化的圆形巨门在旋转之中展开,一棵象征着一切智慧种,所有具备思想意识生灵的大树在光芒之中生长出来,充斥整个智慧根源。 Root, dry/does, and leaf, each is representing anything probably. 根、干、枝、叶,每一个都好像代表着什么。 Thurow is gazing at the tree of this root. 瑟罗注视着这棵根源之树。 He saw world various God probably, saw their authority came from in this. 他好像看到了人间诸神,看到了祂们的权柄源自于此。 He saw all living things, saw world all mind consciousness pictures seethe here, regardless of good and evil, regardless of height ; He saw all consciousness and thought stem from here, is born here. 他看到了芸芸众生,看到了人间所有的心灵意识画面在这里翻腾,不论善恶,不论高低;他看到了所有的意识和思想起源于这里,诞生于这里。 Thurow felt suddenly situation some are not right. 瑟罗突然感觉到情况有些不对劲。 This divine tool, as if somewhat was above his imagination. 这件神器,似乎有些超乎了他的想象。 He is filled with the doubts. 他满心疑惑。 This is Crown of Wisdom, concludes the contract the testimony divine tool?” “这就是智慧王冠,缔结契约的见证神器?” On why this divine tool, brand mark various God authority?” “那为什么这件神器上,烙印着诸神的权柄?” Why here, can see the consciousness gathering of all living things in this, can see the ten thousand spirits of the world?” “为什么这里,可以看到众生的意识汇聚于此,可以看到人间的万灵?” Has not waited for him to understand this matter. 还没有等他想明白这件事情。 In the intelligent root appeared the race forms, had these to become intelligent species of this era lead, there are with the years dissipates the ancient lives 250 million years ago. 智慧根源之中浮现出了一个又一个种族的身影,有那些成为这一个纪元主角的智慧种,也有随着岁月消逝在两亿五千万年前的古老生灵。 He saw the wild land, saw trillion years ago walks the ancient race above antique desolate land, establishes one after another just likes the city of Spiritual God divine creative force. 他看到了蛮荒的大地,看到了亿万年前行走于太古苍凉大地之上的古老种族,建立起一座又一座恍若神灵造物之城。 He saw the primitive ocean, saw time that the fish first ancestor is born, another race that has the wisdom crawls from the bottomless oceanic trench, establishes the civilized control the sea. 他看到了原始海洋,看到了鱼类始祖诞生的时代,另一个拥有智慧的种族从无底的海沟之中爬出,建立文明统御着海洋。 He saw the innumerable flame monsters hover in the sky, derived a new race. 他看到了无数火焰怪物翱翔于天空,衍生出了一个新的种族。 He saw snake human crawls from the shell, shuttle in groups in Ruler of Life the summit of Divine Mountain ; Winged winged human works loose the chains, hovers in the sky ; The being possessed by a demon of thing sludge comes up in great numbers and from all sides, was granted the ability that the birth multiplies by fallen angel of black and white pair of wings. 他看到了蛇人从壳内爬出,成群的穿梭在生命主宰的神山之巅;长着翅膀的翼人挣脱锁链,翱翔在天空;污泥之中魔物横生,被黑白双翼的堕落天使赐予生育繁衍的能力。 Following four Thurow knows. 后面四个瑟罗知道。 Respectively is demon monster, snake human, winged human and abyss species. 分别是魔怪蛇人翼人深渊种 However front two, he hears has not heard, let alone has seen. 但是前面两个,他连听闻都未曾听闻过,更别说见过。 However on the opposite party disclosed that ancient wild aura, making Thurow know that certainly was one type long ago to the life that being hard to imagine the time. 但是对方身上透露出了古老蛮荒气息,让瑟罗知道那一定是一种久远到难以想象时代的生灵。 They are born before snake human and winged human, before their all have not been born is controlling the land and sea. 祂们诞生于蛇人翼人之前,在他们的一切还未曾诞生之前就主宰着大地和海洋。 What race is this?” “这到底是什么种族?” Thurow as if spied on losing myth and history, secret who these remote time has not heard. 瑟罗似乎窥探到了遗落的神话和历史,那些久远时代未闻的秘辛。 three leaves human, People of Demon Abyss and demon monster( demon spirit), snake human, winged human and abyss species. 三叶人魔渊之民魔怪(魔灵)、蛇人翼人深渊种 Each race samsara takes turn, gradual in Thurow at present appears to vanish, finally integrates under the tree of that root during empty is white. 各个种族轮回交替,逐渐的在瑟罗的眼前浮现消失,最后融入那根源之树下的虚白之中。 Only. 唯独。 Without ghoul. 没有食尸鬼 Because ghoul is not intelligent race, it is only special existence of snake human variant, seems like witch spirit and alchemist. 因为食尸鬼本就不是一个智慧种族,其只是一个蛇人变种的特殊存在,就好像是巫灵炼金师 It does not have the ability of multiplication alone, is unable to be separated from a snake human clan to become a ethnic group independently. 其不具备独自繁衍的能力,无法脱离蛇人一族独立成为一个族群。 At least. 至少。 It has not become a race now, obtains the approval of Crown of Wisdom. 它现在还没有成为一个种族,得到智慧王冠的认可。 At this time. 这个时候。 The intelligent root conveyed a news. 智慧的根源传达出了一个讯息。 Or at all is not the news that the root gives, but was Thurow saw from the intelligent root oneself wanted to notice, heard itself to hear. 或者说根本不是根源传递出的讯息,而是瑟罗从智慧根源看到了自己想要看到的,听到了自己想要听到的。 Because Thurow hears is not others' voice, but is his own sound. 因为瑟罗听到的不是别人的声音,而是他自己的声音。 The intelligent root is in world ten thousand spirits. 智慧根源即是世间万灵。 Also is he himself. 也是他自己。 ghoul is not independent intelligent race, the pledge condition has not achieved.” 食尸鬼并非独立的智慧种族,誓约条件未达成。” That sound is great, is his own sound is speaking obviously, actually supplemented on a divine nature. 那声音宏大无边,明明是他自己的声音在说话,却又附带上了一种神性。 This and degenerates crazy Thurow unable to stain completely any side, but seems to be also telling Thurow faintly, each intelligent species innermost feelings have good and evil both sides, has the human nature and divine nature. 这和堕落疯狂的瑟罗完全沾不上任何边,但是似乎又在隐隐告诉瑟罗,每个智慧种内心都有着善与恶两面,也都有着人性和神性。 Even if most degenerates the evil person, is not inherent is evil with degenerating. 哪怕是最堕落邪恶之人,也不是与生俱来就是邪恶与堕落的。 Thurow knows at this time, his front sees is anything. 瑟罗这个时候才知道,他面前看到的到底是什么。 He stared in a big way the eye, filled does not dare to believe. 他瞪大了眼睛,充满了不敢置信。 His sound is somewhat incisive. 他的声音有些尖锐。 Crown of Wisdom!” 智慧王冠!” Eternal pledge!” “永恒的誓约!” „Does supreme divine artifact of intelligent authority, in this world really have this existence?” “智慧权柄的至高神器,这个世界上真的有这种存在?” Thurow understood anything suddenly, seems like another him the secret that told itself some he should not know, but actually hid in the secret of each intelligent species consciousness most deep place. 瑟罗突然明白了什么,就好像是另外一个他在告诉自己一些他不应该知道的秘密,但是却又隐藏在每一个智慧种意识最深处的秘密。 What he sees is supreme divine artifact, saw all intelligent origins. 他看到的是至高神器,看到了一切智慧的来源。 This is not the pledge of King of Abyss, under this is intelligent race signs to ten thousand spirit roots the pledge.” “这不是深渊之王的誓言,这是智慧种族向万灵的根源签定下的誓约。” How will I come to here?” “我怎么会来这里?” Why does the apostle of original sin evil god make me come this?” “原罪邪神的使徒为什么让我来这?” What is this?” “这是什么意思?” Thurow distributed the Crown of Wisdom pledge. 瑟罗发下了智慧王冠誓约。 However was a pity very much his pledge cannot achieve, Crown of Wisdom has not responded to him. 但是很可惜他的誓约没有能够达成,智慧王冠没有回应他。 He second step has not achieved, even the content of pledge shouted without enough time ; Let alone under signing eternal pledge, requested that Crown of Wisdom shelters own race. 他连第二步都未曾达成,甚至连誓约的内容都来不及喊出;更别说签定下永恒的誓约,来请求智慧王冠庇护自身的种族。 Thurow then understands, from the beginning he as if fell into a trap. 瑟罗这才明白,从一开始他似乎就落入了一个陷阱之中了。 So-called Gluttony King is only a trap, from the beginning he is a board game piece. 所谓的暴食之王只是一个陷阱,从一开始他就是一个棋子。 Thurow's mood flash at this moment welled up the boundless anger, but actually subsided in a flash. 瑟罗此刻的心情一瞬间涌上了无边怒火,但是却又转瞬间平息。 Because he understands suddenly. 因为他突然明白。 He lost. 他输了。 But he lost, lost does not have a thing in the world. 而他输了,就输得一无所有了。 Because he loses is not only the strength and life, until now believe that supports all that he walks. 因为他输掉的不仅仅是力量和生命,还有自己一直以来的信仰,支持他一路走来的一切。 After this, all became do not have the significance, even the anger became unnecessary. 到了这一步之后,一切都变得毫无意义了,连怒火都变得多余。 Originally from that time, from the beginning.” “原来从那个时候,从一开始。” Arranges.” “就安排好的。” Thurow stood erect in same place, ordinary face revealed that somewhat crazy smiling again. 瑟罗矗立在原地,平凡的面孔再度露出了那个有些疯狂的笑。 He who probably falls insanely, can turn into the extraordinary person. 好像只有疯掉的他,才能够变成不平凡的人。 I lost.” “我输了。” Arrived showed finally, I am a mortal.” “到最后证明,我不过是个凡人。” Mortal who cannot create the miracle.” “不能创造奇迹的凡人。” Thurow understands. 瑟罗明白。 He has not created the miracle finally, under he becomes the clown who others play with. 他最后没有创造奇迹,他成为了一个别人玩弄下的小丑。 He has to attempt to jump out of beside the checkerboard, but actually the discovery entered in another checkerboard. 他有尝试跳出棋盘之外,但是却发现只是进入了另一个棋盘之中。 He has not chosen. 他没有选择。 Even is all choices, aims at the same return avenue, return avenue that others arrange. 甚至是所有的选择,都指向同一条归路,别人安排好的归路。 Thurow raised the head, looks that the present intelligent root vanishes gradually, he does not know oneself will soon face anything, is what result. 瑟罗抬起头,看着眼前的智慧根源渐渐消失,他不知道自己即将面临什么,是什么样的结局。 Falls into the abyss evil god's control thoroughly, was killed or the seal by God of Truth and Knowledge. 是彻底落入深渊邪神的掌控,还是被真理与知识之神杀死或封印。 Regardless of which result. 不论哪一种结局。 He dies either, either the ratio dies is fearful. 他要么死,要么比死还要可怕。 However is unimportant, that moment life and death when he loses does not have the significance. 但是已经不重要了,当他输掉的那一刻生死就已经没有了意义。 At this moment. 此时此刻。 Thurow remembered another person suddenly, another lunatic. 瑟罗突然想起了另外一个人,另一个疯子。 He consciousness to stand firmly in ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) upper air, overlooks to the world. 他意识屹立于万丈高空,俯瞰向人间。 Ackermanmon.” 阿克曼蒙。” And I equally crazy fellow.” “和我一样疯狂的家伙。” His words changed into suddenly intensely is unwilling, seems angry roaring to the opposite party. 他的话语突然化为了强烈的不甘心,似乎在对着对方怒吼。 Makes one to exceed crazy existence!” “做一个超越疯狂的存在吧!” He shouts oneself hoarse, seems using the soul to make the sound. 他声嘶力竭,似乎在用灵魂发出声音。 Advance, advance, advance.” “前进,前进,前进。” No taboo, any did not exist to prevent, even if various God.” “没有任何禁忌,不被任何存在阻挡,哪怕是诸神。” Together with my same place, works loose this destiny the shackles.” “连同我的那份一起,挣脱这命运的枷锁。” Thurow has the vibrato, hope. 瑟罗带着颤音,还有期盼。 No one can overlook us.” “没有任何人可以俯视我们。” The tree of root vanishes, Thurow also lost the asylum in a flash. 根源之树消失,瑟罗也一瞬间失去了庇护。 In the endless upper air, round of Moon of God revealed that shone on Thurow's body. 无尽高空之中,一轮神之月显露了出来,照耀在了瑟罗的身上。 The consciousness faces directly eternal Moon of God, this is the greatness that the life cannot withstand. 意识直面永恒的神之月,这是生命不能承受的伟岸。 Thurow has turned head, looks to Moon of God. 瑟罗回过头,看向了神之月 Thurow was shocked thoroughly, he frantic exciting expression, returned to normal gradually. 瑟罗彻底愣住了,他疯狂激动的表情,渐渐的平复了下来。 That is, my result?” “这就是,我的结局?” He looks at this radiant silver moon, in the heart has a not being able to say peace. 他看着这璀璨的银月,心中有种说不出的安宁。 „Is this moon?” “这是月亮?” Really......” “真……” He put out a character, but suddenly becomes dumbfounded. 他吐出了一个字,但是眨眼间就变得哑口无言。 Beautiful, great and sacred. 美丽、伟大、神圣。 These words seem not enough to describe Its eventuality. 这些词似乎都不足以形容祂之万一。 Probably with big and described the universe broadly, described the time with long. 就好像用大和广阔来形容宇宙,用漫长来形容时间。 He looks at Moon of God. 他愣愣的看着神之月 The eye does not wink, whatever that strong attraction draws his consciousness to go to the remote other shore. 眼睛都不眨一下,任由那强大的引力拉着他的意识前往遥远的彼岸。 His consciousness flash by drawing in the starry sky, was being realized the boundlessness of that vast Milky Way star sea. 他的意识一瞬间被拉到了星空之中,体会着那浩瀚银河星海的无垠。 He does not have the fear, because fear as if this eternal and boundless swallowing, his grain of dust fell into the sea probably. 他没有恐惧,因为恐惧都似乎被这永恒和无垠给吞噬掉了,他就好像一粒尘埃掉进了大海之中。 In Thurow's mind emerged one after another idea. 瑟罗的脑海之中浮出了一种又一种想法。 „Am I dying?” “我要死了?” Can die in such place, probably also good.” “能够死在这样的地方,好像也不错。” Was a pity.” “就是可惜。” Cannot give to eat that fellow, cannot also give to swallow the abyss.” “不能将那个家伙给吃掉,不能将深渊也给吞噬。” His consciousness was separated from the body, by drawing to that Moon of God, to Moon of God back existence. 他的意识脱离了身体,被拉向了那神之月,拉向了神之月背后的存在。 He raised the head. 他抬起头。 Saw stands erect in the great stars beyond universe and time. 看到了一颗屹立于宇宙和光阴之外的伟大星辰。 But he himself, was corroded by the time instantaneously, was worn down by the years. 而他自己,则被光阴瞬间腐蚀,被岁月消磨。 The time reversal years, he saw passing unceasing flows from the side, passing all sorts flow backwards from the side. 时光逆转岁月,他看到了过往不断的从身边流淌而过,过往种种都从身边倒流。 . 恍惚间。 The memory frames in the flash. 记忆定格在一瞬间。 He saw that Thurow of young time, saw base and low humble such as of dust. 他又看到了年少时候的那个瑟罗,看到了卑微低贱如尘的自己。 Here is......” “这里是……” Thurow Station in the souvenir photo of time, looks at had had all, all that he most wants to cancel. 瑟罗站在时光的留影里,看着曾经发生过的一切,他最想抹去的一切。 Under attractive bright and beautiful temple steps, his whole body contamination. 光鲜亮丽的神庙阶梯下,他满身污秽。 One group of children with the stance of victor, ridicule to him wantonly, ridiculed that his wishful thinking, ridiculed his overreaching oneself, ridiculed his lowly and spiritless. 一群孩子以胜利者的姿态,对他大肆奚落,嘲笑他的痴心妄想,嘲笑他的不自量力,嘲笑他的卑贱和懦弱。 Ha!” “哈哈哈哈哈!” He really ate, he really ate.” “他真的吃了,他真的吃了。” Fool, this is a fool!” “傻子,这是一个傻子啊!” His family/home is a veterinarian, perhaps their family/home eats this specially, has been used.” “他家是兽医啊,或许他们家就是专门吃这个的吧,早就习惯了。” Ha, laughed at me.” “哈哈哈哈哈,笑死我了。” Young handsome noble servant of God despises was saying to him. 年轻英俊高贵的神侍鄙夷的对着他说。 Excuse me, temple cannot receive your such person of contamination, that harms our temple honor.” “不好意思,神庙不能收你这样的污秽之人,那有损我们神庙的荣光。” servant of God, but world of mortals noblest existence, is not people like you can presumptuously think.” 神侍可是凡间最高贵的存在,不是你这样的人可以妄想的。” Looks at this memory the picture, so clear replays again at present. 看着这记忆的画面,如此清晰的再眼前重放。 Thurow this corpse eater, this monster that attempts to swallow God. 瑟罗这个食尸者,这个妄图吞噬神明的怪物。 At this moment actually discovery. 此时此刻却发现。 Swallowing that oneself most want, most wish makes it vanish in this world. 自己最想要的吞噬,最想要让其消失在这个世界上的。 It is not servant of God on stair, is not the lunar eclipse city, is not that keeps aloof to overlook the world Spiritual God. 不是台阶上的神侍,不是月蚀城,也不是那高高在上俯视人间的神灵。 Rather. 而是。 He. 他自己。 That spiritless, lowly, ugly. 那个懦弱,卑贱,丑陋的自己。 His whole body trembles, the mouth is trembling. 他浑身战栗,嘴巴都在打颤。 When his little going forward, arrived in front of childhood. 他一点点的上前,来到了幼年时的自己面前。 He looks at himself, eye of zi wants to crack. 他看着自己,目眦欲裂。 Stands!” “站起来啊!” Waste!” “废物!” Do not bow to anybody.” “不要向任何人低头。” However young Thurow only knows the fear, only knows to tremble, even fears the words unable to say base and low. 但是年幼的瑟罗只知道害怕,只知道瑟瑟发抖,卑微恐惧得连话都说不出来。 Thurow looks at himself, looks at weak base and low. 瑟罗看着自己,看着软弱卑微的自己。 Suddenly fall about. 突然忍不住大笑起来。 Really is a waste ~ “真是个废物啊~” In a flash. 一瞬间。 Thurow changes into the shadow, swallowed Thurow of childhood time. 瑟罗化为黑影,吞掉了幼年时代的瑟罗。 Childhood Thurow, present Thurow. 小时候的瑟罗,现在的瑟罗。 Vanished in the souvenir photo of time together. 一同消失在了时光的留影之中。 No one knows that his past, has not known his once. 没有人知道他的过去,没有知晓他的曾经。 Similarly. 同样。 Also no one cares- 也没有人在乎- Abyss. 深渊。 original sin evil god similar Zhushi Thurow's every action and every movement, through were seeing in the subsequent hand who on him left behind scene that his all saw. 原罪邪神肖注视着瑟罗的一举一动,通过在他身上留下的后手看到了他所有看到的景象。 Reappearing of tree of root, the major intelligent species shadows appear, the request of Crown of Wisdom pledge. 根源之树的浮现,各大智慧种的影子浮现,还有智慧王冠誓约的要求。 similar Quanbu saw. 肖全部都看到了。 Finally Thurow looked straight ahead Moon of God the picture of source, original sin evil god similar does not dare to look again. 只是最后瑟罗直视神之月的源头的画面,原罪邪神肖就不敢再看了。 Otherwise It will also die under the light shadow of eternal stars together, consciousness annihilation in wearing down of years inverted image, 要不然祂也会一同死在了永恒星辰的光影之下,意识湮灭在岁月倒影的消磨之中, However. 不过。 This is the similar first time, so short distance sees the intelligent root. 这是肖第一次,如此近距离的看到智慧的根源。 Intelligent root.” “智慧的根源。” Intelligent root ten thousand spirit comprised, there is ten thousand spirit consciousness sources gathers the place, only then It exists, the wisdom exists.” “智慧的根源由万灵组成,那里是万灵的意识本源汇聚之地,只有祂存在的时候,智慧才存在。” Root is the intelligence, doing is the wisdom, is the desire, the leaf is the knowledge.” “根是灵性,干是智慧,枝是欲望,叶是知识。” Four big lawful rights, had four fruits to root finally.” “四大权柄,最终结出了四颗通往根源的果实。” similar Qingxu somewhat is also excited, Its hope, Its held to read as if ignites at this moment. 肖情绪也有些激动,祂的渴望,祂的执念此刻似乎燃起了。 Not only four, can through the intelligent species pledge communication intelligent root, should also to have oneself intelligent fruit finally.” “不只是四颗,可以通过智慧种的誓约沟通智慧根源,最终应该也结出自己的智慧果实。” Each intelligent species, obtained the approval of intelligent root.” “每一个智慧种,都得到了智慧根源的认可。” Each race, has own path.” “每一个种族,也都有着属于自己的道路。” similar underwent the multiple observations, the collection of several experimental data. 肖经过了多次观察,多次实验数据的收集。 As if finally touched some secrets of intelligent root. 似乎终于触摸到了智慧根源的部分秘密。 similar also knows that God of Truth and Knowledge and God of Desire and Alchemy two god, are establishing oneself divine system, after all the movement of these two recently big. 肖也知道真理与知识之神欲望与炼金之神两位神祇,都在建立着自己的神系,毕竟这两人的动作最近都不小。 But establishment of divine system, relates to own authority complete. 神系的建立,关系到自身权柄的圆满。 It seems like God of Truth and Knowledge Asai and apostle Sukob, the Asai god has the authority of knowledge, however under the Lord authority of knowledge also has many lawful rights, the writing is one of them. 就好像真理与知识之神阿赛和使徒苏科布,阿赛神拥有知识的权柄,但是知识的主权柄下还有多个权柄,文字便是其中之一。 He are unable the complete so many lawful rights, to split the seed of authority, lets own follower for the complete authority. 祂自身无法圆满这么多权柄,就必须将权柄的种子分裂出去,让自己的从者替自己圆满权柄。 This is the significance that divine system has. 这就是神系存在的意义。 Sukob is in the future for Subordinate God of Asai god complete writing authority. 苏科布便是未来替阿赛神圆满文字权柄的从神 When divine system establishes thoroughly, when Subordinate God appear, when the entire authority improves thoroughly. 当一个神系彻底建立起来的时候,当一个又一个从神出现,当整个权柄彻底完善。 Also is God of Truth and Knowledge Asai, or the Ibach god enters the root thoroughly, becomes the True God time. 也就是真理与知识之神阿赛,亦或者伊瓦神彻底进入根源,成为真神的时候。 I, if through the race pledge communication intelligent root, congeals the intelligent fruit.” “我如果通过种族誓约沟通智慧根源,凝结出智慧果实。” Also can establish divine system.” “是不是也能够建立起一个神系。” Abyss divine system.” “深渊神系。” Thus enters the front door of intelligent root, becomes the True God.” “从而迈入智慧根源的大门,成为真神。” Obtains true eternal, touches the true wisdom.” “获得真正的永恒,触摸到真正的智慧。” Perhaps this divine system cannot compare the intelligence, wisdom, desires and knowledge four big lawful rights, but can also take a path to root similarly, path to True God. 这个神系或许比不上灵性、智慧、欲望、知识四大权柄,但是同样也可以走出一条通往根源的道路,通往真神的道路。 However this method is the dependence above the race, depends upon above the pledge, rather than dependence in four big Lord lawful rights. 不过这种方法是依靠在种族之上,依靠在誓约之上,而不是依靠在四大主权柄上。 Very likely some drawbacks. 很有可能是有些弊端的。 For example once race feeble or withering away, oneself will also be affected, for example divine system and strength was restrained by the race powerful. 例如一旦种族衰弱或者消亡,自身也会受到影响,例如神系和力量的强大受到种族约束。 similar in a flash on association. 肖一瞬间就联想到了很多。 These unknown, but also needs to attempt truly time knows. 这些还是未知的,还需要真正尝试的时候才知道。 However. 不过。 This without doubt is the path that can take to pass. 这无疑是一条可以走通的道路。 similar felt oneself have touched the essence of this road probably, in seeming like has come to the end on the path, touched upward a step stair. 肖觉得自己好像已经触摸到了这条路的本质,在看似已经走到尽头的道路上,摸到了往上一步的台阶。 Although he started slowly, but also not slow many. 虽然他起步慢了一些,但是也并没有慢多少。
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