IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#378 Part 2: Ghoul King and intelligent species pledge

Hahahaha!” “哈哈哈哈哈哈!” Died!” “死了!” Probably also and does not have any greatly?” “好像也并没有什么了不起的吗?” Fellow who these keep aloof, these overlook the fellow of the world.” “这些高高在上的家伙,这些俯视人间的家伙。” A Path of Wisdom Divine Grace Stone four points of secret technique, can make the myth item retain the wisdom and consciousness, can be the genuine myth item. 智慧之路神恩石四分秘术,才能让神话道具保留智慧和意识,算得上是真正的神话道具。 However some items achieved the myth threshold, has the myth strength, does not have the wisdom. 但是有些道具达到了神话的门槛,拥有神话的力量,却没有智慧。 Swallows Thurow of purgatory in toward this direction to make great strides forward now. 吞噬了炼狱的瑟罗现在就在朝着这个方向迈进。 He is laughing wildly, to the past frightened exists to express contemptuously. 他狂笑着,对昔日恐惧的存在表示着轻蔑。 He is feeling oneself strength. 他感受着自己的力量。 Feels the body and purgatory own curse gradually to fuse together. 感受着自己的诅咒之身、炼狱在逐渐融为一体。 He felt that oneself was getting more and more hungry, probably eats many, is the hunger. 他感觉自己越来越饿了,好像吃得越多,就越是饥饿。 But is hungry, more is to swallow all. 而越是饥饿,也就越是想要吞噬一切。 The desire of guzzling will be without limits forever. 暴食的欲望永无止境。 Under this powerful strength growth. 在这强大的力量增长下。 Thurow's spirit is more and more unstable, he started to lose the reason. 瑟罗的精神越来越不稳定,他开始失去了理智。 Even if there is the stomach of guzzling to help him digest these crazy wills is also useless, this strength growth had soon exceeded the limit, only has a Divine Grace Stone four points of secret technique to solve this drawback. 哪怕有暴食之胃在帮助他消化那些疯狂的意志也没有用,这力量增长速度已经快要超过了极限,只有神恩石四分秘术才能解决这种弊端。 Hungry!”Quite hungry! ” “饿!””好饿!” Swallows, swallows...... to swallow all.” “吞噬,吞噬……吞噬掉一切。” Insufficient...... also insufficient.” “不够……着还不够。” Thurow's consciousness flash guzzled desire floods, he sends out to angrily roar in void, like monster same looking around in all directions. 瑟罗的意识一瞬间就被暴食的欲望所充斥,他在虚空之中发出怒吼,如同怪物一样的四处张望。 However in void of Dreamland, anything does not have. 但是梦界的虚空里,什么也都没有。 Long time . 良久后。 He was finally steady. 他终于平稳了下来。 Thurow's mood also little steady, lost the snake human shape, turned into a curse shadow he then to look to oneself. 瑟罗的情绪也一点点平稳了下来,失去了蛇人形态,变成了一个诅咒之影的他这才看向自己。 Look!” “看!” Is powerful!” “多么强大啊!” Hehe hehe ~ “呵呵呵呵~” He knows, he will soon turn into one to have the myth strength actually only to have the curse of guzzling. 他知道,他即将变成一个拥有神话力量却只剩下暴食的诅咒。 This time is quick. 这个时间很快。 Possibly is several hours, possibly is quite a while. 可能是几个小时,可能是半天。 However Thurow is at this moment fearless, he made the time of summoning Gate of Original Sin this choice, had known this result. 但是瑟罗此刻毫无畏惧,他做出了召唤原罪之门这个选择的时候,就已经知道了这个结局。 However he elected as before. 但是他依旧这么选了。 The black shadow is on the rise: Now, should start last.” 黑色的影子抬起头:“现在,该开始最后一步了。” He must return to the present world, then enters in the abyss, 他要回到现世,然后进入深渊之中, At first his final plan. 开始他最后的计划。 His desire of that inexhaustible guzzling, divulges in the abyss. 将他那无穷无尽的暴食之欲,在深渊之中宣泄出来。 Perhaps at that time he no longer is he, but the plan had achieved, that is unimportant. 或许那个时候他已经不再是他了,但是计划已经达成了,那已经不重要了。 Gate of Original Sin opened, revealed the lunar eclipse city in present world. 原罪之门打开,露出了现世之中的月蚀城。 A Thurow huge dark wandering soul, pours into that giant door probably, forced in another head of present world- 瑟罗就好像一个庞大的黑暗游魂,灌入那巨大的门扉之中,塞进了现世的另一头- Day also not bright. 天还没有亮。 In the lunar eclipse city the dense fog covers, anything also looks to disappear. 月蚀城之中迷雾笼罩,什么也都看不见了。 Thurow returns from Dreamland. 瑟罗从梦界归来。 That Thurow who Thurow who the lunar eclipse city sees, just does not leave. 月蚀城所看到的瑟罗,已经不是刚刚离开的那个瑟罗的。 His figure at this moment blocks the sky, the appeared flash covers the entire lunar eclipse city in the darkness, cannot see any ray. 他此刻的身形遮天蔽日,出现的一瞬间将整个月蚀城都笼罩在黑暗之中,看不到任何光芒。 The Thurow's strength radical growth in the short time, spreads on the crazy path crazily. 瑟罗在短短的时间内力量剧烈的增长,在疯狂的道路上一路狂驰。 Present he, swallowed him in purgatory. 现在的他,吞噬了炼狱的他。 Even has traced the myth boundary. 甚至已经摸到了神话的边界。 Meanwhile, he also degenerates into the desire of guzzling in the consciousness thoroughly with the boundary of spirit of corpse eater curse. 同时,他也在意识彻底沦为暴食之欲和食尸者诅咒之灵的边界。 The black shadow arrives at the world, along with Gate of Original Sin. 黑色的影子降临人间,伴随着原罪之门 Thurow has not seen Gate of Truth, thinks that the opposite party thinks oneself ran, therefore took away the strength, this is also in his heart plans. 瑟罗没有看到真理之门,就以为对方以为自己跑了,所以收走了力量,这也是他心中所计划的。 Should leave.” “应该离开了。” Thurow prepares to open Gate of Original Sin again, directly enters in the abyss. 瑟罗准备再度打开原罪之门,直接进入深渊之中。 As for what round of abyss pledge, becomes King of Abyss. 至于什么发深渊誓约,成为深渊之王 Thurow did not prepare to send. 瑟罗不准备发了。 What King of Abyss becomes? 成什么深渊之王 He must become the god of abyss. 他要成为深渊之神。 Now, should enter the abyss.” “现在,该进入深渊了。” The shadow wriggles, the group star vanishes. 黑影蠕动,群星消失。 However in its next quarter of arrival. 不过在其降临的下一刻。 The apostle Sukob sound conveys from the dense fog deep place, the radiant ray dispersed the dense fog, the illumination of truth in Gate of Original Sin and Thurow's body. 使徒苏科布的声音从迷雾深处传来,璀璨的光芒驱散迷雾,真理之光照在了原罪之门和瑟罗的身上。 The darkness was penetrated tears, under the land presented a circular brand mark. 黑暗被击穿撕裂,大地之下出现了一个圆形的烙印。 Truth seal.” “真理封印。” In a flash, the land thunders. 一瞬间,大地轰鸣。 Bang!” “轰隆!” The dense and numerous chains extend from the land, 密密麻麻的锁链从大地之中延伸而出, Stood erect Gate of Truth above land, at this moment appeared above the sky. 原本竖立在大地之上的真理之门,此刻出现在了天空之上。 Surface toward land. 面朝着大地。 With ground parallel, is parallel with the lunar eclipse city. 和地面平行,和月蚀城平行。 Buzz humming sound ~ “嗡嗡嗡~” Air-to-surface opened toward Gate of Truth of land from the day, with the chains links, in that circular brand mark with land fuses together. 从天空面朝着大地的真理之门打开了,和锁链连接在一起,和大地上的那个圆形烙印融合在一起。 Thurow raised the head, looks at the sky Gate of Truth. 瑟罗抬起头,看着天空的真理之门 He wants to make anything. 他想要做些什么。 However is late. 但是已经迟了。 The opposite party when he leave, has known he will come back, has prepared of present. 对方在他离开的时候,就已经知道了他会回来,早就准备好了现在的这一幕。 Possibly how to make him escape again. 怎么可能再让他逃出去。 The whole world vanished, vanished in a piece of white light. 整个世界都消失了,消失在了一片白光之中。 Thurow lost to outside induction, even Gate of Original Sin is unable to open the channel to Dreamland. 瑟罗失去了一切对外面的感应,连原罪之门也无法在打开通往梦界的通道。 „It is not good!” “不好!” They know that I will come back.” “他们知道我会回来。” The voice falls. 话音落下。 Thurow at present is only left over one piece empty white, he seemed anything unable to see. 瑟罗的眼前只剩下一片虚白,他好像什么都看不到了。 He probably could not feel including oneself body and strength. 他好像连自己的身体和力量都感觉不到了。 This is the truth seal, isolates inductions that has to all news. 这就是真理封印,隔绝一个存在对一切讯息的感应。 The inductions of all senses, even is the spirit, consciousness and intelligence induction. 其所有感官的感应,甚至是精神、意识、灵性的感应。 Even if God falls into, is hard to work loose in a short time. 哪怕是神明落入其中,也难以短时间内挣脱。 It seems like. 看上去。 The balance of victory goes toward an apostle Sukob side but actually, was grasped by God of Truth and Knowledge Asai in the hand. 胜利的天平朝着使徒苏科布一方倒去,被真理与知识之神阿赛握在了手中。 Sea of clouds illusion. 云海幻境。 God of Knowledge state. 知识之神的国度。 God of Truth and Knowledge and ghost Borwick stands in the state edge, is looking into the world, looks that terrifying the shadow and Gate of Original Sin of curse were suppressed together, by the truth seal slowly seal. 真理与知识之神和幽魂波里克站在国度边缘,眺望着人间,看着那恐怖的诅咒之影和原罪之门一同被压制,被真理封印缓缓封印。 Ghost Borwick: „Can she by the seal?” 幽魂波里克:“她会被封印吗?” God of Truth and Knowledge Asai: Looked how he deals.” 真理与知识之神阿赛:“看他怎么应对。” similar is not so simple, but......” “肖没有这么简单,但是……” God of Truth and Knowledge Asai smiled: I am not so simple.” 真理与知识之神阿赛笑了:“我也没有这么简单。” A Asai god hand according to cane, one side the center of gravity tendency of body, somewhat leisurely and carefree looks at the world. 阿赛神一只手按在了手杖上,身体的重心倾向一侧,有些悠闲的看着人间。 Look!” “看一看吧!” Is he is stronger, is I am stronger.” “是他更强,还是我更强。” In abyss. 深渊之中。 On the skeleton long table similar Bainong his note, the ice-cold expression was sending out a chuckle. 骸骨长桌上肖摆弄着他的笔记,冰冷的表情发出了一声轻笑。 The truth seal wanted to live in Xiao's Gate of Original Sin seal, making Xiao's expression experience a fluctuation finally. 真理封印想要将肖的原罪之门封印住,让肖的表情终于出现了一丝波动。 „.” “呵。” She put down the note, seems responding to God of Truth and Knowledge to be the same. 她放下了笔记,彷佛在回应真理与知识之神一般。 That comes!” “那就来吧!” The evil god of original sin looked to own toys, the ceramic villain. 原罪的邪神看向了自己的玩物,陶瓷小人。 Goes!” “去!” Thurow should distribute the pledge.” “瑟罗该发下誓约了。” The ceramic villain in table corner looks at planning and struggle of this God of Truth and Knowledge and God of Original Sin, is excited. 桌角上的陶瓷小人看着这一场真理与知识之神原罪之神的算计和斗争,也激动不已。 It stands on the God of Original Sin table, seems to feel oneself also become a God of Original Sin Xiao's member. 它站在原罪之神的桌子上,就好像感觉自己也成为了原罪之神肖的一份子。 Controls to revolve together other person of destinies with the god, is organizing this chessgame together. 和神一同掌控运转着其他人命运,一同摆布着这一场棋局。 It uses the resounding exciting mood to say. 它用高亢激动的情绪说道。 God!” “神!” Thurow this fellow played with by you in applauses simply!” “瑟罗这家伙简直被您玩弄于鼓掌之间啊!” Asai is also not much, does a seal want to cope with the god you?” 阿赛也不怎么样,一个封印就想要对付神您?” Its categorical saying. 它斩钉截铁的说道。 Is impossible!” “不可能!” She in wishful thinking!” “她在痴心妄想!” similar is not happy because of its words, but looked with the ice-cold vision. 肖并没有因为它的话而高兴,而是用冰冷的眼光看了下来。 The words of ceramic villain stop suddenly. 陶瓷小人的话语戛然而止。 It does not dare the many words, to obey oracle again immediately the execution next plan. 它不敢再多话,立刻听从神谕去执行下一步计划。 God of Original Sin acted at this time again, the balance that will win moved, making the situation change into again was not bright. 原罪之神这个时候再一次出手,将胜利的天平拨动了起来,让局势再度化为了不明朗。 Swallowing the purgatory is only in the similar Jihua first step, the experiment of pledge is in similar Jihua the most important part, or is the most important thing. 吞噬炼狱只是肖计划之中的第一步,誓约的实验才是肖计划之中最重要的一环,或者说是最重要的东西。 In lunar eclipse city. 月蚀城中。 Thurow is trying various means like the blind person generally, cannot get rid of the truth seal. 瑟罗如同盲人一般尝试着各种办法,都不能摆脱真理封印。 It and Gate of Original Sin same place, entered in Gate of Truth by the unceasing seal. 它和原罪之门一起,被不断的封印进入真理之门中。 Unceasing draws toward the sky. 不断的朝着天空拉去。 At this time the voice of ceramic villain broke prohibiting suddenly, probably appeared from his body directly, spread to his consciousness. 这个时候陶瓷小人的声音突然打破了封禁,好像直接从他的身体内出现,传入了他的意识。 Distributes the pledge.” “发下誓约。” Pledge can break the truth seal, so long as you can inspire the attention of royal crown.” “誓约可以打破真理封印,只要你能够引动王冠的关注。” Ghoul King.” 食尸鬼之王。” So long as you succeed, the empathize takes you to enter the abyss, becomes great King of Abyss.” “只要你成功,神会接你进入深渊,成为伟大的深渊之王。” Thurow!” “瑟罗!” You do well.” “你做得不错。” Cheers, feels grateful, the god is gazing at you.” “欢呼吧,感恩吧,神在注视着你。” The voice of ceramic villain vanishes gradually: Goes to offer for the god, splendid play title.” 陶瓷小人的声音渐渐消失:“去为神献上一场,精彩的戏目。” The truth seal is very powerful, even can seal myth. 真理封印十分强大,甚至能够封印神话 However, is unable the seal and isolation, a relation of intelligent species with Crown of Wisdom. 但是,无法封印和隔绝,一个智慧种智慧王冠的联系。 It is not able to isolate all intelligent lives, with the connection of source. 无法隔绝所有智慧生灵,和源头的连接。 Thurow hesitant. 瑟罗犹豫了一下。 He prepared to give up carrying out this step, has not actually thought that finally circled. 他原本准备放弃执行这一步,却没有想到最后还是绕了回来。 This flash, Thurow somewhat is suddenly confused. 这一瞬间,瑟罗突然有些迷茫。 Confusedly. 迷茫于。 Controls all these is his plan, is others' plan. 掌控这一切的到底是他的计划,还是别人的计划。 Arranges these, is he, is others. 安排好这些的,到底是他,还是别人。 However finally, he obeyed the words of ceramic villain, as scheduled distributed the Crown of Wisdom pledge. 但是最后,他还是听从了陶瓷小人的话,按照原定计划发下了智慧王冠誓约。 Because to this step, had had no way out. 因为到了这一步,已经无路可走。 By the Ghoul King status, by the corpse eater curse Lord will.” “以食尸鬼之王的身份,以食尸者诅咒之主的意志。” To distributes the eternal pledge to high Crown of Wisdom, “向至高的智慧王冠发下永恒的誓约, To the supreme intelligent will, the control all intelligent species royal crowns distributes the pledge.” “向至高无上的智慧意志,统御一切智慧种的王冠发下誓言。” Sound transmission endless samsara, 声音传递无尽轮回, Inside and outside the lunar eclipse city, massive remaining ghoul and including gone far away Ackermanmon that side control ghoul, the induction that receives simultaneously. 月蚀城内外,大量残余的食尸鬼、包括已经远去的阿克曼蒙那一边控制的食尸鬼,都同时收到的感应。 Heard the Ghoul King Thurow's pledge. 听到了食尸鬼之王瑟罗的誓言。 Shelters and directs all intelligent species unsurpassed wills!” “庇护和指引一切智慧种的无上意志啊!” Please respond to my hope.” “请您回应我的祈求。” That pledge penetrates endless void, across starry sky sea of clouds. 那誓言穿透无尽虚空,穿过星空云海。 Goes toward the Moon of God connection of end. 朝着尽头的神之月连接而去。 God of Original Sin also revealed its true plan finally. 原罪之神也终于露出了它真正的计划。 Swallows Lord of Purgatory to reveal in planning of surface, distributing the Crown of Wisdom pledge is its true goal. 吞噬炼狱之主只是流露于表面的算计,发下智慧王冠誓约才是其真正的目的。
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