IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#378 Part 1: Ghoul King and intelligent species pledge

Purgatory. 炼狱。 The flame stars revolve in void of Dreamland slowly, the stars surface of raging fire burning down swings the magma, on the magma is floating the illusory shadow of person of innumerable degeneration layer upon layer. 火焰星辰在梦界的虚空之中缓缓旋转,烈火焚烧的星辰表面荡起层层岩浆,岩浆上漂浮着无数堕落之人的虚幻影子。 On the stars splits an opening, changes into a giant gully. 星辰上裂开一个口子,化为一个巨大的沟壑。 In this thorough stars terrifying gully, grows the black stone thorn that massive is not fearing the flame. 在这条深入星辰内部的恐怖沟壑内部,生长着大量不惧怕火焰的黑色石荆棘。 The dense and numerous person's shadow crustifications above the dike, were pierced by the black stone thorn, massive forms climb up from the bottomless gulley outward. 密密麻麻的人影镶嵌在岩壁之上,被黑色的石荆棘所刺穿,还有大量的身影从无底深沟之中往外攀爬。 The people fold the person, the person are pressing the person. 人叠着人,人压着人。 Dense and numerous. 密密麻麻。 Does not see the end. 不见尽头。 Crawls outward is the endless roaring flame, but they want as before completely all means struggles toward outside. 往外爬是无尽烈焰,但是他们依旧想尽一切办法的朝着外面挣扎。 As if in the deep place of that great ditch, has anything to commit suicide by fire a more terrible thing compared with the raging fire. 彷佛在那巨沟的深处,有着什么比烈火焚身更加可怕的东西。 „!” “啊!” Puts me to go out.” “放我出去。” Sore, is quite sore.” “疼,好疼。” I want dead, making me die!” “我想死,让我死吧!” Wailing of countless person gather above the flame stars, finally changes to a strength gathering in this strange stars deep place, changes into the Lord of Purgatory food. 无数人的哀嚎汇聚在火焰星辰之上,最终化作一种力量汇聚于这颗诡异星辰的深处,化为炼狱之主的食粮。 In the deep place of purgatory great ditch, is flowing the magma everywhere. 在炼狱巨沟的深处,到处流淌着岩浆。 Here magma fountain is the same, unceasing gushing out. 这里的岩浆喷泉一样,不断的涌出。 By king Zuoluo of metal founding above highest that magma fountain, a form that has shape of God sits above. 由金属铸造的王座落在最高的那处岩浆喷泉之上,一个拥有神之形的身影坐在上面。 In the hand is grasping books. 手里握着一本书册。 Here dike was covered with the black stone thorn similarly, is hanging these sin gravest criminals, frequently is suffering brushing of flame long whip. 这里的岩壁同样长满了黑色的石荆棘,挂着那些罪孽最为深重的罪人,时时刻刻遭受着火焰长鞭的抽打。 Curse pai returns around the throne, the terrifying shadow wanders in the Lord of Purgatory side. 诅咒徘回于王座周围,恐怖的影子在炼狱之主的身旁游荡。 Lord of Purgatory does not have abyss that type to spy on the strength of the world directly, he has not become myth after all. 炼狱之主没有深渊那种可以直接窥探人间的力量,他毕竟还没有成为神话 However he can also through the cursed person, induces the change of the world, receives some regional fragmental information. 但是他也可以通过被诅咒的人,来感应人间的变化,接收到一些局域性的片段性的信息。 His some are not quite actually clear. 他其实有些不太明白。 Why Thurow clearly knows oneself are controlling the strength of curse, but must take own incantation seal with the curse for the core. 瑟罗为什么明知道自己掌控着诅咒之力,还要用诅咒为核心来作为自己的咒印。 This does not give others to control own destiny, didn't oneself grip his Achilles'heel? 这不是将自己的命运交给别人掌控,自己不是握住了他的命门了吗? However Thurow is a from head to tail lunatic, his adventurist actions extremely complicated/many lift/move. 但是瑟罗是个彻头彻尾的疯子,他的冒险行为不胜繁举。 He is pursuing the most powerful strength, is always earnestly seeking the strength. 他追求着最强大的力量,无时无刻不在渴求着力量。 Even if the belt/bring poisonous bait. 哪怕是带毒的饵。 So long as he thought that can greatly strengthen his strength, he swallowing down without hesitation, will then change into own strength together with that poison together. 只要他觉得能够大大增强他的实力,他都会毫不犹豫的吞下去,然后连同那毒都一起化为自己的力量。 Such thinks, probably also does not have any to find it strange. 这样一想,好像也没有什么觉得奇怪的了。 Lord of Purgatory through these completely by the person of curse he controls, these will soon fall into purgatory the person of degeneration, is observing the trend of Thurow and lunar eclipse city. 炼狱之主通过那些完全被他控制的诅咒之人,那些即将堕入炼狱的堕落之人,来观测着瑟罗和月蚀城的动向。 If took back his curse, took back so many ghoul and corpse eater curse.” “如果收回了他身上的诅咒,收回了那么多食尸鬼食尸者身上的诅咒。” „The corpse eater curse should take shape.” 食尸者诅咒应该就成型了。” I was away from myth about one, but I did not have the method of tenth god.” “我距离神话更近一步了,但是我没有成神的方法。” This is an issue.” “这是个问题。” Lord of Purgatory has been waiting, waits for Thurow this tasty fruit to be mature. 炼狱之主一直都在等待着,等待着瑟罗这颗鲜美的果实成熟。 Then harvests him. 然后收割掉他。 He knows that the abyss selected him to become Gluttony King, but this are not related ; He wants is not Thurow, but is his curse. 他知道深渊选中了他成为暴食之王,但是这没关系;他要的不是瑟罗,而是他身上的诅咒。 Once the strength of curse takes shape, will not vanish, but he is the source of curse. 诅咒之力一旦成型,就不会消失,而他是诅咒的源头。 Regardless of Thurow turns into anything, regardless of he went to there, the strength of curse, would returning to his here. 不论瑟罗变成什么,不论他去了那里,诅咒之力都在,总会回到他这里来。 . 只是。 When he saw Thurow to summon Gate of Original Sin, suddenly had not a wonderful feeling. 当他看到瑟罗召唤出了原罪之门,突然有了一种不妙的感觉。 Gate of Original Sin.” 原罪之门。” What does he want to make?” “他要做什么?” Why does not know, he felt suddenly an invisible pressure covered in own heart, he came from the Avon memory instinct smelled the danger. 不知道为何,他突然感觉一种无形的压力笼罩在了自己的心头,他源自于亚弗安的记忆本能的嗅到了危险。 He discovered, this always in common road the person and corpse eater of degeneration. 他发现,这个总是在不走寻常路的堕落之人、食尸者 Broke time and time again fettered in his shackles, made these to surpass the action that the average man imagined time and time again. 一次又一次打破了束缚在他身上的枷锁,一次又一次做出那些超出常人想象的举措。 Lord of Purgatory thinks that is the limit, apex that a mortal can touch. 炼狱之主本来以为那就是极限,一个凡人所能触碰到的顶点了。 At this last time. 在这最后一次。 The opposite party broke through his imagination. 对方还是突破了他的想象。 Lord of Purgatory gets up from the throne, the entire flame stars started the vibration, magma erupt from the stars. 炼狱之主从王座之上起来,整个火焰星辰都开始了震动,一道道岩浆从星辰之上喷发出来。 The flame congealed in void, Lord of Purgatory also appears above the stars. 火焰凝结于虚空,炼狱之主也出现在了星辰上方。 However in flash that Lord of Purgatory presents, he suddenly discovered that on own flame stars presented another form. 不过在炼狱之主出现的一瞬间,他突然发现自己的火焰星辰上出现了另一个身影。 A wear has never seen the strange clothing, bringing the hat to take the form of God youngster of cane to stand in own side. 一个穿着从未见过的奇怪服饰,带着帽子拿着手杖的神之形态少年站在了自己的旁边。 The opposite party appear silently. 对方出现得无声无息。 The shadow of no indication frightened Lord of Purgatory to jump directly. 毫无征兆的影子直接吓了炼狱之主一跳。 The opposite party are sizing up Lord of Purgatory, in the look somewhat is gloomy and vicissitudes, makes people feel profoundly. 对方打量着炼狱之主,眼神里有些阴郁和沧桑,又让人感觉深邃。 „Should I call you Lord of Purgatory?” “我该叫你炼狱之主?” Avon?” “还是亚弗安?” Lord of Purgatory feels absolutely terrifiedly, how the opposite party appears in own side, if he just did attack oneself to escape? 炼狱之主感觉毛骨悚然,对方是怎么出现在自己身边的,如果他刚刚攻击自己自己能够逃过吗? He is gazing at the opposite party, as if can see that behind the opposite party the innumerable symbols, books and scroll are surging. 他注视着对方,彷佛能够看到对方背后无数的符号、书册、卷轴在涌动。 The opposite party stand there. 对方站在那里。 It seems like the incarnation of knowledge. 就好像是知识的化身。 This is one god. 这是一位神祇。 Who are you?” “你是谁?” He guessed correctly the status of opposite party faintly, but asked exports. 他隐隐猜出了对方的身份,但是还是问出了口。 The opposite party have not looked at Lord of Purgatory, but is gazing at the distant place, he as if foresaw to meet front to have anything. 对方并没有看炼狱之主,而是注视着远方,他彷佛预见到了等会前面会发生什么。 Summoned Gate of Original Sin that moment from Thurow, she same guessed correctly Thurow's plan with God of Original Sin, but she also knew the single layer plan of God of Original Sin. 从瑟罗召唤出原罪之门的那一刻,她就和原罪之神一样猜到了瑟罗的打算,不过她也同时知道了原罪之神的第一重打算。 You now are too immature, has not grown.”You want with similar Duikang, but also by far is not his opponent. ” “你现在还太稚嫩了,还没有成长起来。””你想要和肖对抗,还远远不是他的对手。” „.” “不过。” You indeed have the potential.” “你的确有潜质。” Can discover that cursed this strength , indicating that you had the talent very much ; Understood that is dormant the development , indicating that you have the wisdom.” “能够发现诅咒这种力量,表示你很有天赋;懂得蛰伏下来发展,表示你拥有智慧。” She turned head to look to Lord of Purgatory. 她扭头看向了炼狱之主 Avon at first is also an ordinary person, finally during unceasing grows, prevented the disaster of myth by mortal's body, fettered the abyss by the Crown of Wisdom pledge.” 亚弗安最初也不过是个平凡的人,最后在不断成长之中,以凡人之身阻挡了神话之灾,以智慧王冠誓约束缚了深渊。” This is the charm that intelligent species has, everyone has the unlimited possibility.” “这就是智慧种存在的魅力,每个人都拥有着无限的可能性。” This god only at this point, a words revolution. 这位神祇说到这里,话语一转。 But must first go on living.” “但是首先要活下去。” Can seek that unlimited possibility, has the opportunity of creation miracle.” “才能去博取那无限的可能性,才拥有创造奇迹的机会。” Lord of Purgatory heard the opposite party to say oneself were too immature, could not compare the original sin evil god. 炼狱之主听到对方说自己太稚嫩了,远比不上原罪邪神。 Arrogant he is somewhat hard to accept. 高傲的他有些难以接受。 However he knows that the opposite party said well, oneself present indeed is not the God of Original Sin opponent. 但是他知道对方说得不错,自己现在的确不是原罪之神的对手。 Therefore he has been dormant, he created the source of curse, wants to ascend a height to get a broad view myth through this strength. 所以他才一直蛰伏,他创造了诅咒之源,想要通过这种力量登临神话 However he believes. 但是他相信。 Oneself can grow to one day with the altitude that the opposite party is on par with, measures strength with the opposite party. 自己总有一天能够成长到和对方比肩的高度,和对方一决高下。 Avon escaped from the God of Original Sin abyss, founded the purgatory. 亚弗安逃出了原罪之神的深渊,创建了炼狱。 But he can certainly exceed Avon. 而他一定能够超越亚弗安 He be stronger than the opposite party. 他要比对方更强。 He must bring back the abyss from the hand of God of Original Sin, brings back abyss that once Avon had Lord status. 他要从原罪之神的手中拿回深渊,拿回曾经亚弗安拥有的深渊之主的身份。 Listens words that the opposite party is speaking, regarding the understanding of Avon. 听着对方所说的话,还有对于亚弗安的了解。 Lord of Purgatory also has in the Avon memory, although has not seen the opposite party, but he has affirmed, front is God that Avon once believed. 炼狱之主还有亚弗安的记忆里虽然从来没有见过对方,但是他已经肯定了,面前这位就是亚弗安曾经信仰的神明 You are God of Truth and Knowledge!” “你是真理与知识之神!” You said goes on living......” “你说的活下去……” Lord of Purgatory stopped then to ask: What meaning is?” 炼狱之主停顿了一下才接着问道:“是什么意思?” God of Truth and Knowledge Asai put out a hand, put out a strange flask. 真理与知识之神阿赛伸出手,拿出了一个奇异的烧瓶。 In the flask inscribes the dense and numerous incantations, formed a perfect closed loop, integrated in this closed loop including the above stopper. 烧瓶上铭刻着密密麻麻的咒文,形成了一个完美的闭环,连上面的瓶塞都融入了这个闭环之中。 This is the thing that I build, is my source strength and authority principle obviously.” “这是我打造出的东西,是我本源力量和权柄法则的显化。” It can get up your seal, helping you prevent the corrosion of strength of myth, making anybody unable to feel your existence.” “它可以将你封印起来,帮助你阻挡神话之力的腐蚀,让任何人感觉不到你的存在。” You and others will use.” “你等会会用到的。” The flask was thrown, fell into the hand of Lord of Purgatory. 烧瓶被扔了过来,落入了炼狱之主的手中。 Lord of Purgatory frowns. 炼狱之主皱起了眉头。 He as if also wants to ask anything, but the raising the head opposite party has disappeared to disappear- 他似乎还想要问些什么,但是抬起头对方已经消失不见了- Here. 这边。 God of Truth and Knowledge just departed. 真理与知识之神刚刚离去。 Started layer upon layer the ripples from flame stars not far away suddenly, the intense unusual fluctuation spreads unceasingly, goes toward the distant place transmission. 距离火焰星辰不远处突然掀起了层层涟漪,强烈的超凡波动不断蔓延,朝着远处传递而去。 With the ripples, a leaf of giant dark-red door appeared here. 随着涟漪,一扇巨大的暗红色门扉出现在了这里。 Humming sound ~ “嗡嗡~” Gate of Original Sin opens loudly. 原罪之门轰然打开。 That of gate is connecting the present world. 门的那一头连接着现世。 But this head. 而这一头。 Connects coordinates that the purgatory is. 连接着炼狱所在的坐标。 Lord of Purgatory looks that toward Gate of Myth that oneself come, suddenly understands comes anything. 炼狱之主看着那朝着自己而来的神话之门,突然明白了过来什么。 Understands Thurow summoned Gate of Original Sin to make anything, understands these words that God of Truth and Knowledge spoke were what meanings. 明白了瑟罗召唤出原罪之门到底想要做什么,也明白了真理与知识之神所说的那些话是什么意思。 That crazy mortal.” “那个疯狂的凡人。” He comes to me.” “他是冲着我来的。” Lord of Purgatory looks at the opposite party to use the corpse eater curse new moon source, traces position and coordinates that oneself were. 炼狱之主看着对方利用食尸者诅咒朔源,追踪到了自己所在的方位和坐标。 His complexion drastic change. 他脸色剧变。 He is not afraid Thurow actually, but Thurow brings Gate of Original Sin to come, knows that fellow definitely stands behind him. 他倒是不害怕瑟罗,但是瑟罗带着原罪之门过来的,就知道那个家伙肯定就站在他背后。 Lord of Purgatory knows, that fellow terrifying. 炼狱之主可是知道,那个家伙到底有多恐怖。 However. 不过。 Strange characteristics that even if Lord of Purgatory now the migration flame stars, use the Dreamland space, fleeing to the Dreamland deep place is still useless. 炼狱之主现在就算是迁徙火焰星辰,利用梦界空间的诡异特性,逃往梦界深处也没有用的。 Thurow's curse, with the source of curse control is a body. 瑟罗身上的诅咒,和自己掌控的诅咒之源就是一体的。 both sides are probably same on two magnets, in unceasing attraction. 双方就好像两个磁石一样,在不断的吸引。 Lord of Purgatory hesitant a meeting, he gave up the plan of escaping, because he understands that is impossible to escape. 炼狱之主犹豫了一会,他放弃了逃跑的打算,因为他明白不可能逃得掉。 Thurow has locked him. 瑟罗已经锁定了他。 Thurow's back original sin evil god, also holds him. 瑟罗背后的原罪邪神,也同样已经抓住了他。 Now escaped is late. 现在逃跑已经迟了。 His hand is grasping «Book of Huberne», another hand got hold of just God of Truth and Knowledge to his flask. 他一只手握着《修伯恩之书》,另一只手握紧了刚刚真理与知识之神给他的烧瓶。 He meditated a name. 他默念出了一个名字。 God of Truth and Knowledge!” 真理与知识之神!” The opposite party before all start, has expected present this. 对方在一切开始之前,就已经预料到了现在这一幕。 He is very indeed immature. 他的确还很稚嫩。 Comes from these compared with last era various gods. 和这些来自于上一个纪元的诸神相比。 Together terrifying shadow from opening in Gate of Myth jumps out, suddenly appeared above the flame stars. 一道恐怖的黑影从打开的神话之门里面窜出,眨眼间就出现在了火焰星辰之上。 With that shadow from distant place, but, also from transmitted by the vast sound of mind wave transmission together in all directions. 伴随着那黑影从远方而至,一道以心灵波动传递的浩大声音也从四面八方传递了过来。 Cursed me?” “诅咒我?” „Does wish make me come down to the raging fire in forever the prison?” “想要让我永远沦于烈火的牢狱之中?” I came.” “我来了。” Lord of Purgatory!” 炼狱之主!” The opposite party are replying on the Gate of Original Sin strength, is replying on that evil god of disasters strength only. 对方借助着原罪之门的力量,借助着那个邪恶神祇的力量。 This moment figure inflated a situation that was inconceivable. 此刻身形膨胀到了一个难以想象的地步。 In the sky the black curtain covered outside the stars together, seemed like the cloth general is swinging. 天空之中一道黑色的帷幔覆盖住了星辰外部,就好像布匹一般的在摆动。 That is Thurow's present body, he covered the most sky of flame stars at the body unexpectedly directly. 那是瑟罗现在的躯体,他竟然直接以身躯覆盖住了火焰星辰的大半天空。 Thurow looks at this flame stars. 瑟罗看着这颗火焰星辰。 He knows for the first time oneself suffer the curse time, that indescribable fear, the mortal regarding fearing of God, he feels incisively. 他第一次知道自己遭受诅咒的时候,那种难以言喻的恐惧,那凡人对于神明的畏怕,他感受得淋漓尽致。 But now he arrives at this with own eyes God front, with sounding frantically in fact has the sound of teasing to shout. 而现在他亲眼来到了这位“神明”面前,用听上去狂热实际上带着戏谑的声音喊道。 Thank your gracious gift until now, gift continuously.” “感谢您一直以来的恩赐,源源不绝的赠予。” I came...... to thank you.” “我来……感谢你了。” Thurow blinks, but , the flash of arrival acted unrestrained/no trace of politeness, as to hit Lord of Purgatory one to be caught off guard. 瑟罗眨眼而至,到来的一瞬间就毫不客气的出手了,似乎想要打炼狱之主一个措手不及。 Can see that on the entire flame stars had the strange siphonage. 可以看到整个火焰星辰上出现了诡异的虹吸现象。 On the flame stars of purgatory infiltrates massive strengths, unceasing gushes out toward outside, blends with the Thurow body of sky in the same place. 炼狱的火焰星辰上渗透出大量的力量,不断的朝着外面涌出,和天空的瑟罗身躯交融在一起。 Finally. 最终。 Changed into the terrifying black storm. 化为了恐怖的黑色风暴。 That is purgatory the source of curse, shadow Thurow is attracting for the curse with the incarnation mutually. 那是炼狱的诅咒之源,和化身为诅咒之影的瑟罗在互相吸引。 Lord of Purgatory sits on the throne, looks at Thurow back Gate of Original Sin, looks the strength of myth his whole body surges. 炼狱之主坐在王座上,看着瑟罗背后的原罪之门,看着他浑身涌动的神话之力。 His expression from surprised, to complex, again to tranquil. 他的表情从惊讶,到复杂,再到平静。 At this moment he calm, is facing the archenemy of that arrival. 此刻他已经沉稳了下来,面对着那到来的大敌。 Board game piece.” “棋子。” Come!” “来吧!” Whom looks at to be able the bath hot rebirth, who was burnt in the raging fire completely.” “看谁能浴火重生,谁又在烈火之中被焚尽。” Lord of Purgatory has thoroughly understood, oneself and Thurow was involved in the god war. 炼狱之主已经彻底明白,自己和瑟罗被卷入了神战之中。 This is God of Truth and Knowledge and struggle between original sin evil gods, he is Thurow, or Sukob in lunar eclipse city. 这是一场真理与知识之神和原罪邪神之间的斗争,不论是他还是瑟罗,亦或者月蚀城中的苏科布 Is a board game piece, a point in this struggle. 都不过是其中一个棋子,这场斗争之中的一环。 No one is able to expect the victory and defeat, no one knows that what the final result can be, even if two god. 谁也无法预料胜负,谁也不知道最后的结局会是什么样的,哪怕是两位神祇。 . 只是。 Their these as existence of board game piece. 他们这些作为棋子的存在。 Not is only unable to expect the victory and defeat, the opportunity of choosing does not have. 不仅仅无法预料胜负,就连选择的机会都没有。 Thurow must draw support from Gate of Original Sin, must swallow the purgatory, can obtain that is not the vitality of vitality. 瑟罗必须借助原罪之门,必须吞噬炼狱,才能够获得那一线不算生机的生机。 Arrogant Lord of Purgatory dislikes this destiny the arranged feeling, but he holds the flask of Asai god at this moment stubbornly, he knows that may become a oneself last wisp of chance. 高傲的炼狱之主讨厌这种命运被人安排的感觉,但是此刻他死死抓住阿赛神的烧瓶,他知道那可能会成为自己最后的一缕机会。 Leeway that they have not retroceded, does not have the choice. 他们都没有后退的余地,也没有选择的余地。 The failure dies, the retreat also dies. 失败是死,后退也是死。 Lord of Purgatory on throne waves, the innumerable roaring flame long whip on flame stars brandishes, the roaring flame goes toward the sky combustion layer upon layer. 王座上的炼狱之主一挥手,火焰星辰上的无数条烈焰长鞭挥舞而起,层层烈焰朝着天空燃烧而去。 The source of corpse eater curse, changed into a pale shadow to throw toward the sky. 食尸者诅咒的本源,化为了一个惨白的影子朝着天空扑去。 corpse eater curse.” 食尸者诅咒。” Swallows him.” “吞掉他。” Lord of Purgatory and is controlling the corpse eater curse of source of curse, in the Thurow shadow of sky swallows mutually. 炼狱之主和驾驭着诅咒之源的食尸者诅咒,和天空之中的瑟罗之影互相吞噬。 The endless darkness interlocks in the sky. 无尽的黑暗在天空之中交错。 In unceasing is strangling to death the opposite party, is swallowing the opposite party. 在不断的绞杀着对方,吞噬着对方。 both sides want to swallow the opposite party, is used for the complete own curse. 双方都想要吞噬掉对方,用来圆满自身的诅咒。 both sides attract unceasingly, plundered unceasingly, produced the fierce seesaw battle. 双方不断吸引,不断掠夺,产生了剧烈的拉锯战。 Originally. 原本。 Is Lord of Purgatory has the advantage, can easily control Thurow. 炼狱之主占据优势,可以轻易控制住瑟罗的。 However Thurow had Gate of Original Sin, now in turn suppresses Lord of Purgatory thoroughly. 但是瑟罗拥有了原罪之门,现在反过来彻底压制住了炼狱之主 Can see that Gate of Original Sin depresses unceasingly. 可以看到原罪之门不断压下。 The strength of flame stars abates unceasingly, even the corpse eater curse starts becomes feeble, is defeated with Thurow's battle in gradually. 火焰星辰的力量不断消退,连食尸者诅咒都开始变得衰弱,在和瑟罗的争斗之中渐渐败下阵来。 Finally. 最后。 Thurow swallowed the corpse eater curse thoroughly, and fuses together with the plague blood incantation in within the body it. 瑟罗彻底吞噬了食尸者诅咒,将其和和自己体内的瘟疫血咒融为一体。 The miserable white shadow that devourer that corpse eater curse that Thurow wolfs down changes into, probably an indiscriminant hungry beast, at the chewing sound that in the sky sends out the terrifying. 瑟罗狼吞虎咽的吞噬者那食尸者诅咒化为的惨白色影子,就好像一只饥不择食的饿兽,在天空之中发出恐怖的嘴嚼声。 His stomach has the thundering loud sound, is thundering to be the same probably. 他胃部发出轰鸣巨响,就好像在打雷一样。 He exceptionally is at this moment excited, unceasing sends out to angrily roar. 他此刻异常激动,不断的发出怒吼。 „The source of curse.” “诅咒之源。” Turned over to me.” “归我了。” Hahahaha.” “哈哈哈哈。” The terrifying black human form specters, are gazing at the flame stars with the strange vision. 恐怖的黑色人形魔影,用诡异的目光注视着火焰星辰。 Lord of Purgatory, you ended.” 炼狱之主,你完了。” Thurow swallowed Lord of Purgatory the source of curse, at this moment he is the corpse eater curse. 瑟罗吞掉了炼狱之主的诅咒之源,这一刻他就是食尸者诅咒。 Lord of Purgatory is seriously battered. 炼狱之主遭受重创。 The purgatory was also stripped a strong ability. 炼狱也同样被剥离了一种强大的能力。 However source of genuine main body curse, the core of true carrying/sustaining ; Is Lord of Purgatory grasps «Book of Huberne» in hand, the corpse eater curse is only above the one curse of birth and record. 不过诅咒之源真正的本体,真正承载的核心;是炼狱之主握在手上的《修伯恩之书》,食尸者诅咒只是其上诞生和记载的一种诅咒。 This record the books of various god secret, last era myth book. 这本记载着诸神隐秘的书籍,上一个纪元神话的册子。 It is all the origins of curse, is Thurow discovers the curse secret enlightenment. 它是一切诅咒的起源,是瑟罗发现诅咒秘密的启示物。 Lord of Purgatory really had a premonition the crisis of death at this moment. 炼狱之主此刻真的预感到了死亡的危机。 Thurow now is not only a Thurow person, what now stands behind Thurow is God of Original Sin. 瑟罗现在不仅仅是瑟罗一个人,现在站在瑟罗背后的是原罪之神 Lord of Purgatory has no opportunity, even if he can resist Thurow temporarily. 炼狱之主没有任何机会,他哪怕能够暂时抵抗瑟罗。 If the original sin evil god decides to take back the purgatory, has certainly other subsequent hands. 原罪邪神如果决定收回炼狱,也一定有着其他的后手。 Although the original sin evil god are unable to leave the abyss, is unable to walk everywhere, but is drawing support from Thurow this lunatic, is drawing support from this carrier. 原罪邪神虽然自己无法离开深渊,无法到处行走,但是借助着瑟罗这个疯子,借助着这个载体。 Was agreeing own plan step by step. 正在一步步的达成了自己的计划。 Above the throne, Lord of Purgatory is tolerating the severe pain, that type was stripped the severe pain of corpse eater curse by Gate of Original Sin from the body forcefully. 王座之上,炼狱之主强忍着剧痛,那种被原罪之门从身体里强行剥离走食尸者诅咒的剧痛。 He is suppressing, pondered how then should do. 他强忍着,思考接下来该怎么做。 However more thinks. 但是越想。 Despairs. 就越绝望。 Useless.” “没有用。” Struggling is useless, beating Thurow is useless, behind also has God of Original Sin.” “挣扎没有用,击败瑟罗没有用,后面还有原罪之神。” She seized this opportunity, will not definitely let off me.” “她抓住了这个机会,肯定不会放过我。” In Lord of Purgatory mind various ideas, various strategies unceasing has slid. 炼狱之主脑海之中各种想法,各种计策不断的滑过。 However no useful. 但是没有一条有用的。 His present strength is insufficient, usually in the abyss evil god has not held him to be good, once held his him to be at a loss. 他现在的力量不够,平日里深渊邪神没抓住他还好,一旦抓住了他他就束手无策了。 Why this is he is so also anxious, wants to become the myth reason. 这也是他为什么如此急切的,想要成为神话的原因。 Lord of Purgatory looks at Gate of Original Sin. 炼狱之主看着原罪之门 I by far am not her opponent.” “我还远远不是她的对手。” Not is only the strength, other aspects.” “不仅仅是力量,还有其他方面。” He is very arrogant, but also has to acknowledge this fact at this moment. 他很高傲,但是这一刻也不得不承认这个事实。 After Thurow swallowed the miserable white curse incarnation, became more powerful. 瑟罗吞掉了惨白色的诅咒化身之后,变得更加强大了。 His own incarnation for the complete corpse eater curse, but the purgatory was weakened the certain extent. 他自己化身为了圆满的食尸者诅咒,而炼狱则被削弱到了一定程度。 He looks at the flame stars that the purgatory changes into covetously, in the look full is the hope. 他虎视眈眈的看着炼狱化为的火焰星辰,眼神里满是渴望。 Lord of Purgatory!” 炼狱之主!” You cannot escape.” “你逃不掉的。” I...... want...... to eat you today.” “我今天……一定要……一定要吃掉你。” He is going by mortal's body, to complete swallows God the magnificent feat. 他将要以凡人之身,完成吞噬“神明”的壮举。 Although this God felt that some are not quite right. 虽然这个“神明”感觉有些不太对劲。 Thurow opens the mouth, the stomach of corpse eater starts. 瑟罗张开嘴巴,食尸者之胃发动。 The strength of guzzling the Gate of Original Sin in addition holds, the sky presented shock and awe will of the people black hole, curls up the fierce storm, swallows all that periphery can swallow. 原罪之门加持下的暴食之力,天空出现了一个震慑人心的黑洞,卷起剧烈的风暴,吞噬着周围所能够吞噬的一切。 Thurow aimed at the purgatory, aimed at this flame stars. 瑟罗一口对准了炼狱,对准了这颗火焰星辰。 He prepares to swallow down the entire flame stars unexpectedly directly. 他竟然准备直接将整个火焰星辰都吞了下去。 Lord of Purgatory controls the flame stars to resist unceasingly, even escapes to another head of Dreamland, but that shadow unceasing winding above the flame stars. 炼狱之主操控着火焰星辰不断抵抗,甚至逃向梦界的另一头,但是那黑影不断的缠绕在火焰星辰之上。 That strength of swallowing is getting more and more powerful, the flame stars were being towed, unceasing goes toward that terrifying big mouth. 那吞噬之力越来越强大,火焰星辰被牵引着,不断的朝着那张恐怖的大嘴而去。 Struggles vigorously, goes all out to run away finally. 极力挣扎,拼命逃窜到最后。 Lord of Purgatory gave up the resistance being same probably. 炼狱之主好像放弃了抵抗一样。 He stands before the throne, raised the head black hole that looks at that terrifying. 他站在王座之前,抬头看着那恐怖的黑洞。 Was swallowed by Thurow to the flame stars, is swallowed by the stomach of guzzling strength of in addition myth holds. 任由火焰星辰被瑟罗吞噬,被神话之力加持的暴食之胃吞了下来。 gu!” “咕!” In a penetration dark swallowing sound, the flame stars vanished. 一声穿透黑暗的吞咽声中,火焰星辰消失了。 Thurow's curse shadow body erupted the intense ray at this moment, seemed Sun to be the same in the combustion in his abdomen. 瑟罗的诅咒黑影身躯此刻爆发出了强烈的光芒,在他的腹部好像有一颗太阳在燃烧一样。 Flame flaming combustion, what probably an energy furnace same continuous is Thurow is providing the energy. 火焰熊熊燃烧,就好像一个能量炉一样源源不断的为瑟罗提供着能量。 The guzzling principle starts, starts to capture the strength of purgatory, starts to fuse together with the purgatory. 暴食法则发动,开始夺取炼狱的力量,开始和炼狱融为一体。 At this moment. 这一刻。 Thurow felt that oneself strength does not seem to stop rises toward the sky equally, without end. 瑟罗感觉自己的力量就好像没有休止一样朝着天空攀升,没有尽头。 Or myth is the end. 或者说,神话才是尽头。 In the stomach of guzzling. 暴食之胃中。 Holds in strength of in addition myth, in this stomach has an illusory space probably. 神话之力加持下,这个胃里好像有着一个虚幻的空间。 Naturally. 当然。 Only can hold has the intelligence and divine blood unusual goods, but the entire purgatory and flame stars are unusual goods, an unusual item. 只能容纳拥有灵性和神血的超凡物品,而整个炼狱和火焰星辰就是一个超凡物品,一个超凡道具。 Lord of Purgatory on flame stars to pressed coming the strength of myth in all directions, the principle of guzzling was swallowing to melt him unceasingly. 火焰星辰上的炼狱之主面向四面八方压了过来的神话之力,暴食的法则正在不断的吞噬融化他。 Among life and death, he looked finally to the flask on hand. 生死一线之间,他最终还是看向了手上的烧瓶。 He is not willing to bow to others, will not trust others. 他并不愿意向别人低头,更不会信任别人。 However he also understands. 但是他也明白。 The enemy of enemy is a friend , God of Truth and Knowledge is not willing to see that at least in this regard absolutely God of Original Sin swallows the purgatory like this. 敌人的敌人就是朋友,至少在这个方面,真理与知识之神绝对不愿意看到原罪之神就这样吞掉炼狱的。 Finally. 终于。 He started the trace on flask, a powerful strength covered on his body, his seal. 他启动了烧瓶上的纹路,一股强大的力量笼罩在了他的身上,将他封印了起来。 He disappeared above the flame stars, as if vanished without a trace. 他消失在了火焰星辰之上,似乎消失得无影无踪了。 Only is left over a flask to fall, fell above the flame stars. 只剩下一个烧瓶掉落而下,掉落在了火焰星辰之上。 The voice of Asai god resounds in the Lord of Purgatory mind. 阿赛神的声音在炼狱之主的脑海之中响起。 He is unable to swallow you, you are safe.” “他无法吞噬你了,你已经安全了。” Now, you need to wait for an opportunity.” “现在,你需要等一个机会。” When your only opportunity came, you then can swallow him in turn.” “等到你唯一的机会就来了,你便能够反过来吞噬掉他。” God of Truth and Knowledge Asai was saying to Lord of Purgatory: You even can draw support from this opportunity, ascends a height to get a broad view myth.” 真理与知识之神阿赛对着炼狱之主说:“你甚至能够借助这个机会,登临神话。” The seal of Sukob that side arrangement is only in the surface, this true killing incurs. 苏科布那边布置的封印只是表面上的,这一层才是真正的杀招。 When Asai knows that the purgatory is the God of Original Sin goal time, this plan has set. 阿赛知道炼狱才是原罪之神的目的时候,这个计划就已经定下。 During is dark void. 黑暗虚空之中。 Changes into the dark curse shadow Thurow to realize the inexhaustible strength, felt the consciousness fluctuation of Lord of Purgatory to vanish. 化为黑暗诅咒之影的瑟罗体会着无穷无尽的力量,也感受到了炼狱之主的意识波动在消失。 Thurow thinks that the opposite party died under swallowing of strength of myth guzzling, becomes a part of strength. 瑟罗以为对方死在了神话暴食之力的吞噬下,成为了自己力量的一部分。 Thurow swallowed this finally, making oneself frightened many year of existences. 瑟罗终于吞掉了这个,让自己恐惧了很多年的存在。 At this moment. 这一刻。 He is carefree. 他畅快至极。
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