IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#377 Part 2: The test of strength between God

Thurow's goal is never Sukob, is another exists, the lunar eclipse city is only the first step that he plans. 瑟罗的目标从来就不是苏科布,是另外一个存在,月蚀城只是他计划的第一步。 He wants to make anything truly, has not told others. 他真正想要做什么,从来没有告诉过别人。 Including Ackermanmon. 包括阿克曼蒙 Gate of Original Sin also has the strength of opening the Dreamland channel, these offered sacrifices to give the abyss, assimilates to become abyss demon snake human to become a part of abyss. 原罪之门也同样拥有着打开梦界通道的力量,那些被献祭给深渊,同化成为深渊魔物的蛇人已经成为了深渊的一部分。 However. 但是。 Thurow has arranged another him existence that wants to swallow, existence that is worth him swallowing. 瑟罗早已经定好了另外一个他更想要吞噬的存在,更值得他吞噬的存在。 Purgatory and its master. 炼狱和它的主人。 Made a connection with the channel to purgatory, the terrifying shadow that Thurow changed into threw. 打通了通往炼狱的通道,瑟罗化为的恐怖黑影扑了进去。 His sound brings frantically, a loyal follower pays a visit God that he believes to be the same probably, or paid a visit his benefactor by the person of kindness. 他的声音带着狂热,就好像一个忠诚的信徒去拜见他信仰的神明一样,或者是饱受恩惠的人去拜见他的恩主。 Lord of Purgatory!” 炼狱之主!” Thank your gracious gift until now, gift continuously.” “感谢您一直以来的恩赐,源源不绝的赠予。” I came...... to thank you.” “我来……感谢你了。” Thurow's thanks way is not quite common. 只是,瑟罗的感谢方式不太寻常。 Way that because he thanked. 因为他感谢的方式。 Is eats all of opposite party- 就是吃掉对方的一切- Extends from Gate of Truth, passes through void and chains of sky falls in the vacancy. 真理之门上延伸出来的,贯穿虚空和天空的锁链落于空处。 The opposite party before it arrive has opened Gate of Original Sin to jump to another head of Dreamland. 对方在其抵达之前已经打开了原罪之门跳向了梦界的另一头。 Sukob sets out immediately, wants to open the Gate of Truth preparation to pursue, but he hesitant. 苏科布立刻起身,想要打开真理之门准备追进去,但是他犹豫了一下。 What to do if the scheme of opposite party? 万一是对方的计谋怎么办? Moreover oneself this go, lunar eclipse city remaining people what to do? 而且自己这一去,月蚀城剩下的人怎么办? Goes?” “去?” Doesn't go?” “还是不去?” The enemies killed lunar eclipse city half of people like this, making such fellow only walk, Sukob was really unwilling. 对方就这样杀死了月蚀城一半的人,让这样的家伙就这样走了,苏科布实在是不甘心。 Did so many people, die in vain? 这么多人,就白死了? But at this time his God handed down oracle to him, stopped by calling his following movement. 而这个时候他的神明给他传下了神谕,喊住了他接下来的动作。 Do not pursue.” “别追。” Sukob.” 苏科布。” Dreamland does not have the coordinates unable accurately to locate, is not the dreamland life is unable to shuttle back and forth.” 梦界没有坐标无法准确定位,不是梦境生灵也无法穿梭。” He can the coordinates of localization purgatory because of his curse, but you pursue to lose in void, has achieved nothing, finally can only return wastes the time same place.” “他可以定位炼狱的坐标是因为自身的诅咒,而你追过去就会迷失在虚空之中,一无所获,最终只能返回原地浪费时间。” At this point, a God of Truth and Knowledge words revolution. 说到这里,真理与知识之神的话语一转。 „.” “不过。” He is unable free shuttle Dreamland, to take the springboard by the reality, but Thurow is the Gate of Original Sin strength of borrowing, he only has a coordinates and basic point.” “他也无法自由穿梭梦界,必须以现实作为跳板,但是瑟罗是借来的原罪之门的力量,他只有一个坐标和基点。” Is the coordinates that he just left, position that ghoul that he makes is.” “就是他刚刚离开的坐标,他所制造的食尸鬼所在的位置。” Therefore he and others will return the present world surely, he just left from here, waits to appear here.” “所以他等会必定会重新回到现世,他刚刚是从这里离开,等会还是会出现在这里。” God of Truth and Knowledge Asai said, is because the present time is very precious, Sukob must defer to his arrangement to arrange another matter immediately. 真理与知识之神阿赛这么说,是因为现在的时间很宝贵,苏科布必须马上按照他的安排布置另外一件事情。 Sukob.” 苏科布。” original sin evil god wants to draw support from his hand to swallow the purgatory, you just turn on the truth seal while this opportunity quietly.” “原罪邪神想要借助他的手吞噬炼狱,你刚好趁着这个机会悄悄打开真理封印。” Waits for Gate of Original Sin brought all are coming back, just falls in the seal.” “等原罪之门带着一切回来的时候,就刚好落在封印之中。” The sound reverberation of Asai god near the ear of Sukob, drawing is getting more and more long. 阿赛神的声音回荡在苏科布的耳边,拉得越来越长。 We must be ready.” “我们要做好准备。” Preparation.” “准备。” Seal Gate of Original Sin.” “封印原罪之门。” Sukob hear God of Truth and Knowledge oracle, suddenly feeling whole body ice-cold, cannot help but hit quickly grasping the meaning of something. 苏科布听完了真理与知识之神神谕,突然感觉浑身冰冷,不由自主的打起了一个激灵。 He opened the mouth, feels incomparable shock. 他张大了嘴巴,感觉到无比的震撼。 Is this battle between Spiritual God? 这就是神灵之间的争斗吗? Previous time he after god war is very young, a lot cannot realize truly planning, can only think that Shiner and Carmon family for generations the protection was what kind of shock, passed through 250 million years of samsara is what kind of despair and fearfulness. 上一次他历经神战的时候还很年轻,很多事情并不能够真正体会其中的算计,只能够觉得夏纳卡蒙家族世世代代的守护是何等的震撼,穿越两亿五千万年的轮回是何等的绝望和可怕。 Regarding his back God of Original Sin similar, God of Truth and Knowledge Asai, he has not once thought. 对于其背后的原罪之神肖,还有真理与知识之神阿赛,他并没曾多想。 Until after gets older . 直到年纪增长之后。 He can taste slowly, the fearfulness of similar and Asai this Spiritual God, even more wants more to think that the whole body trembles. 他才能够慢慢回味起,肖和阿赛这种神灵的可怕,甚至越想越觉得浑身战栗。 But now. 而现在。 He felt that fear again. 他又再度感受到了那种恐惧。 Not is only the fear to the God strength, but is their types grasps all, controls all wisdom. 不仅仅是对神明力量的恐惧,而是他们那种掌握一切,操控一切的智慧。 Everyone is only a board game piece, everyone is only one point in step, you think can control all, but all your were actually being controlled by others. 所有人都只是棋子,所有人都只是步骤里的一环,你自认为能够操控一切,而你的一切却都在被别人操控着。 Looks up to the vault of heaven. 仰望苍穹。 Knows that awes this world, awes God. 才知道敬畏这个世界,敬畏神明 He eliminates immediately followed Thurow to plunge into the plan of Dreamland together. 他立刻打消了跟着瑟罗一起跳入梦界的打算。 Remained same place. 留在了原地。 He prepared one to start the time to be long, but actually very powerful divine spell, possibly was God of Truth and Knowledge most powerful divine spell. 他准备起了一个发动时间较长,但是却十分强大的神术,可能是真理与知识之神最强大的神术 This is also witch spirit and a knowledge lineage/vein most powerful strength and manifestation. 这也是巫灵和知识一脉最强大的力量和体现。 Storage and seal. 储存与封印。 This vast momentum fight, seems like proxy wars between two apostles. 这一场声势浩大的战斗,看上去就像是两个使徒之间的代理战争。 The Asai god has not come, seeming like this is stands as before high in the god country, peaceful overlooking world. 阿赛神并没有现身,看上去这依旧是高高立在神国之中,安静的俯视人间。 However in fact. 但是实际上。 Both God oneself most strength investment worlds, have extended each corner their plans secretly. 两位神明都已经暗自将自己的大部分力量投入人间,将他们的计划延伸到了各个角落。 Started this. 开始了这一场。 Is planning and test of strength of God. 属于神明的算计和角力。 The Asai god wants to draw support from this opportunity seal Gate of Original Sin, lets original sin evil god similar wasted effort. 阿赛神想要借助这个机会封印原罪之门,让原罪邪神肖竹篮打水一场空。 But the original sin evil god boosts Thurow full power, making it swallow the flame stars of that Dreamland deep place. 而原罪邪神则全力助力瑟罗,让其吞噬掉那梦界深处的火焰星辰。 Swallows Lord of Purgatory. 吞噬掉炼狱之主
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