IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#377 Part 1: The test of strength between God

Abyss core. 深渊核心。 Above flesh stars. 血肉星辰之上。 The ceramic villain stands on the table looks at some people really with the abyss offering sacrifices ceremony, enters the present world from the abyss summon Gate of Original Sin. 陶瓷小人站在桌子上看着有人真的用深渊献祭仪式,将原罪之门从深渊召唤进入现世。 In table corner. 桌角上。 Looks at the inexhaustible black mud to flow to the present world along with the black wind and rain. 望着无穷无尽的黑泥伴随着黑色的风雨流向现人间。 On the ceramics in the picture colored drawing on pottery expression, full is surprised. 陶瓷上画的彩绘表情上,满是惊讶。 The mouth turned into a O shape. 嘴巴变成了一个O形。 It suddenly discovered that these truly have the qualifications to become existence of King of Abyss preelection, the choice that makes will be above its expectation frequently, cannot guess these lunatics by the common sense completely. 它突然发现这些真正有资格能够成为深渊之王预选的存在,所作出的选择常常会超乎它的预料,完全不能够以常理去揣测这些疯子。 Ceramic villain rare has not arranged the play title that ends to wind to make errors in procedure pitifully to Thurow, was anticipating the opposite party becomes Gluttony King honestly, then distributes the Crown of Wisdom pledge. 陶瓷小人难得的没有给瑟罗安排一个悲惨落场的戏目,期待着对方老老实实的成为暴食之王,然后发下智慧王冠誓约。 This is the first time rare, by choice that the original sin evil god commended. 这是第一次罕见的,被原罪邪神称赞的选择。 It is filled with anticipate all can make the trip smoothly, even gave up its wicked interest for this reason. 它满心期待着一切都能够顺利成行,甚至为此而放弃了它的恶趣味。 However Thurow this fellow chose unexpectedly summoned Gate of Original Sin, rather than chose normally, the crime of guzzling swallows the entire lunar eclipse city. 然而瑟罗这家伙竟然选择了召唤原罪之门,而不是选择最正常的,以暴食之罪吞噬整个月蚀城。 God!” “神!” The ceramic villain from the table corner, visits to the world. 陶瓷小人从桌角边,探望向人间。 How does this fellow think?” “这家伙是怎么想的?” Wants before dying, realizes the myth strength?” “就是想要在死之前,体会一下神话的力量吗?” The ceramic villain shouted: „Does this lowly mortal, what qualifications have to bribe the authority of god?” 陶瓷小人大喊:“这个卑贱的凡人,有什么资格染指神的权柄?” Extremely arrogant!” “狂妄!” Was too extremely arrogant.” “太狂妄了。” The ceramic villain is not clearer, if cannot swallow enough many strengths, if cannot through the test of guzzling. 陶瓷小人更不明白,如果不能够吞噬够多的力量,如果不能够通过暴食的考验。 How does Thurow become King of Abyss? 瑟罗怎么成为深渊之王 Must know that Thurow within the body the stomach of guzzling not only gives him the myth organ of strength, fetters on him shackles. 要知道瑟罗体内的暴食之胃不仅仅是给予他力量的神话器官,也是束缚在他身上的一道枷锁。 If he cannot swallow the sufficient strength, if cannot become King of Abyss, if cannot control the original sin of guzzling. 他如果不能够吞噬到足够的力量,如果不能够成为深渊之王,如果不能够驾驭暴食的原罪。 Then. 那么。 The stomach of guzzling will swallow he himself. 暴食之胃就会吞噬他自己。 This myth organ, will eat he himself does not remain. 这具神话器官,会将他自己吃得一点都不剩。 The ceramic villain thought that the following situation was completely uncontrolled, its cautious lowering the head, to its master. 陶瓷小人觉得接下来的情况完全不受控制了,它小心翼翼的低下头,面向它的主人。 Great God of Original Sin!” “伟大的原罪之神啊!” He will as we expected, distribute the Crown of Wisdom pledge?” “他会如同我们预料的一样,发下智慧王冠誓约吗?” The corner/horn drawing of picture from table the high place, revealed sat in skeleton long table end god throne existence. 画面从桌子上的一角拉到了高处,露出了坐在了骸骨长桌尽头神座上的存在。 Also calculates big ceramic villain, in a flash becomes tiny incomparable. 原本还算大的陶瓷小人,一瞬间变得渺小无比。 God of Original Sin similar is also gazing at the world, is gazing at Thurow's strength, his choice and change. 原罪之神肖也注视着人间,注视着瑟罗的力量,还有他的抉择和变化。 It is thinking at heart. 祂在心里想。 Ten thousand spirit wills, with the Dreamland channel link, can achieve an not being able to imagine function.” “万灵的意志,和梦界的渠道结合在一起,就能够达成一种想象不到的作用。” intelligent species, is really inconceivable existence.” 智慧种,真是一种不可思议的存在。” „The consciousness of intelligent race can reverse the reality, the consciousness can exceed the reality.” 智慧种族的意识可以扭转现实,意识可以超越现实。” „Some curse meanings of purgatory.” “炼狱的诅咒有些意思。” God of Original Sin similar has not thought, Lord of Purgatory can create such thing. 原罪之神肖没有想到,炼狱之主能够创造出这样的东西。 Really.” “果然。” Does not have the truly useless person in this world.” “在这个世界上不存在真正无用的人。” Does not understand the use wisdom, ignorant does not know person who develops the limit.” “只有不懂得使用智慧,浑浑噩噩不知道开发自己极限的人。” God of Original Sin similar is also three leaves human, is the Temple of Truth priest, he is also listening to the god and King of Wisdom story grows up. 原罪之神肖也是三叶人,是真理圣殿的祭司,他也是听着神与智慧之王的故事长大的。 „That day of the wisdom being born, gives us the bloodlines from King of Wisdom, learned from us starting from that moment of grasping the writing.” “从智慧诞生的那一天起,从智慧之王将血脉赋予我们,从我们学会了掌握文字的那一刻开始。” We have exceeded above the world myriad things.” “我们就已经超越于世间万物之上了。” Even if the most common mortal, even if the stupidest ordinary person, even if these demon monster.” “哪怕是最普通的凡人,哪怕是最愚蠢的凡夫,哪怕是那些魔怪。” In their consciousness, is glittering the ray of wisdom.” “他们的意识里,也闪烁着智慧的光芒。” That is the God King strength.” “那是属于神王的力量。” Is the Creator gracious gift.” “是造物主的恩赐。” We have the infinite potential since birth, everyone possibly creates the matter that is inconceivable, each life does not have the limit.” “我们生来就有着无限的潜力,每个人可能创造出难以想象的事情,每个生命都没有极限。” God of Original Sin looks at Thurow, looks at Lord of Purgatory, sees each form of the world. 原罪之神看着瑟罗,看着炼狱之主,看着人间的每一个身影。 Innumerable intelligent species. 无数个智慧种 Can create the innumerable miracles. 就能创造出无数个奇迹。 This is the bloodlines that God King ledlicki leaves behind, is Creator is the light that the world brings. 这是神王莱德利基留下的血脉,是造物主为人间带来的光。 The original sin evil god stopped own observation, looked to the ceramic villain. 原罪邪神停止了自己的观测,才看向了陶瓷小人。 Aperture a few words made the ceramic villain be shocked. 开口一句话就让陶瓷小人愣住了。 He wants to swallow God.” “他想要吞噬神明。” The ceramic villain does not understand: Who?” 陶瓷小人不明白:“谁?” That it is said anyone, is actually is asking what wants to swallow God is. 它说的这个谁,其实是问的想要吞噬神明的是谁。 However what the original sin evil god replied, swallowed who God was. 不过原罪邪神回答的是,被吞噬的“神明”是谁。 Lord of Purgatory.” 炼狱之主。” Thurow wants to swallow the source of curse with the Gate of Original Sin strength, swallows Lord of Purgatory, swallows the entire purgatory.” “瑟罗想要用原罪之门的力量吞噬诅咒的本源,吞噬掉炼狱之主,吞噬掉整个炼狱。” Purgatory is also not myth, his temporary strength in addition holds, Lord of Purgatory is not his opponent.” “炼狱还不是神话,他临时的力量加持下,炼狱之主不是他的对手。” What is more troublesome, Thurow has the corpse eater curse to trace to lock Lord of Purgatory of Dreamland deep place reverse, he does not have the means avoidance and escaping.” “更麻烦的是,瑟罗拥有食尸者诅咒可以反向追溯锁定到梦界深处的炼狱之主,他没有办法躲避和逃掉。” Lord of Purgatory made an interesting thing.” 炼狱之主制造出了一个有趣的东西。” Toy that he is unable to control.” “一个他无法掌控的玩具。” He has not taken pleasure in others'misfortunes, ice-cold forecast. 他没有幸灾乐祸,只有冰冷的预测。 However, when mentioned Thurow, in Xiao's eyes showed the look of appreciation. 不过,在说起瑟罗的时候,肖的眼中露出了欣赏的神色。 Thurow and he is a completely different person, what similar Zhuiqiu is eternal, is limit that he wants. 瑟罗和他是个完全不一样的人,肖追求的是永恒,是他想要的极限。 He has nearly ice-cold reason, he knows what oneself wants is anything, abandons all pursues. 他有着近乎冰冷的理智,他知道自己想要的是什么,摒弃一切去追求。 But Thurow is a from head to tail lunatic, he nearly all possible challenges own limit, challenges that possibility. 而瑟罗是一个彻头彻尾的疯子,他近乎一切可能的去挑战自己的极限,去挑战那一丝可能性。 However Thurow that fantasy, similar actually appreciates. 但是瑟罗那种狂想,肖却非常欣赏。 Thurow's plan is to rely on the Gate of Original Sin strength, swallows Lord of Purgatory.” “瑟罗的计划是想要借助原罪之门的力量,吞掉炼狱之主。” He wants to swallow God in that his eye, he feels to swallow him after God to be on par God.” “他想要吞噬掉那个他眼中的神明,他觉得吞噬神明之后的他就可以比肩神明。” similar Zuijiao raises. 肖嘴角扬起。 Then, falls into the abyss again.” “然后,再堕入深渊。” Competes for the abyss with me the Lord position.” “和我争夺深渊之主的位置。” similar eyes saw Thurow's plan, is not only the first step, second step and third step. 肖一眼就看出了瑟罗的打算,不仅仅是第一步,还有第二步和第三步。 Thurow this plan insatiably greedies simply. 瑟罗这个计划简直就是蛇吞象。 No, compared with insatiably greedying to want crazy 10,000 times. 不,比蛇吞象要疯狂一万倍。 Because. 因为。 He must by mortal's body. 他要以凡人之身。 Swallows God. 吞噬神明 Cannot say is crazy, arrives simply crazily indulges in fantasy, crazily to wishful thinking. 不能说是疯狂,简直疯狂到异想天开,疯狂到痴心妄想。 However is this not unimaginable crazy, this makes people think not possible crazy. 但是就是这种无法想象的疯狂,这种一眼让人觉得不可能的疯狂。 Thurow really did that. 瑟罗就真的这么做了。 He really must go against heaven's will changes to assign/life, must turn into the master from the toys, must create the miracle that he wants. 他就真的要去逆天改命,要从玩物变成主人,要创造他想要的奇迹。 If similar is unable to see Thurow's plan from the beginning, if Lord of Purgatory is really myth, perhaps he also really may succeed. 如果肖从一开始无法看出瑟罗的计划的话,如果炼狱之主真的是一个神话,他或许还真的有可能成功。 Ceramic villain: Avon?” 陶瓷小人:“亚弗安?” „Can this fellow also call the god?” “这家伙也能叫神?” In the eyes of ceramic villain, Lord of Purgatory is Avon. 陶瓷小人的眼中,炼狱之主就是亚弗安 Throws over the evil god of ruined clothing to reply careless: „At least in his eyes is the god.” 披着破败衣衫的邪神漫不经心的回答:“至少在他的眼中是神。” The ceramic villain pondered, suddenly feels very fearful. 陶瓷小人细想了一下,突然觉得很可怕。 Thurow this fellow controlled so many ghoul, but also is swallowing the lunar eclipse city. 瑟罗这家伙掌控了那么多食尸鬼,还在吞噬月蚀城。 If makes him swallow the purgatory again, he also really might have to achieve the myth threshold. 如果让他再吞掉炼狱的话,他还真的有可能拥有达到了神话的门槛。 No!” “不!” God, cannot make him succeed absolutely.” “神,绝对不能够让他成功。” The original sin evil god vision is not sharp, always be at that feeling soulless condition, because he seems to be pondering frequently, therefore seems like to outside world felt careless. 原罪邪神目光并不锐利,总是处于那种感觉无神的状态,因为他似乎时时刻刻都在思考,因此对外面的世界看上去就感觉是漫不经心的。 Why cannot make him succeed, Lord of Purgatory have not ascended a height to get a broad view myth, did he swallow the purgatory to become myth?” “为什么不能让他成功,炼狱之主自己都没有登临神话,他吞掉炼狱就能成为神话了?” Does not have enough many divine blood to become myth.” “不是拥有足够多的神血就能够成为神话。” In this world, only then two secret standards can create myth, one is to become half god «Path of Wisdom», one is to make secret Dian of myth item, is compiled «Immortal Shape And Man-made that Person» by Anhofos.” “这世界上只有两本秘典可以创造神话,一本是成为半神的《智慧之路》,一本是制造神话道具的秘典,由安霍福斯编撰的《永生形态和人造人》。” His only possibility, with the aid of the strength of curse, becomes myth to curse spirit body, death thing that does not have the wisdom.” “他唯一的可能性,就是借助诅咒的力量,成为一个神话诅咒灵体,一个没有智慧的死物。” Looks at his beforehand preparation, he estimated that is also to do that.” “看他之前的准备,他估计也是想要这么做。” similar most excels, then sees through the will of the people. 肖最擅长的,便是看穿人心。 This is a lunatic, his wisdom can give up, even consciousness can abandon.” “这是个疯子,他连智慧都可以放弃,连意识都可以抛弃。” Only to exceed everyone, only to let these had overlooked his person, was swallowed by him.” “只为了超越所有人,只为了让那些曾经俯视过他的人,都被他所吞噬。” He must eliminate that as of mortal, as mortal own tiny bit all erases, once insulted and underestimated his existence these to eat completely.” “他要消灭那个作为凡人的自己,将作为凡人的自己的一丝一毫全部抹掉,将那些曾经欺辱和小看他的存在全部吃掉。” Then.” “然后。” Becoming one is not he of mortal.” “成为一个不是凡人的他。” similar looked to the ceramic villain. 肖看向了陶瓷小人。 Arouses Thurow to swallow the desire of God, is the clumsy mischief-doer on this skeleton long table. 激起瑟罗吞噬神明之欲的,正是这个骸骨长桌上的跳梁小丑。 The ceramic villain saw Xiao's vision, suddenly is somewhat afraid, it is speaking as before. 陶瓷小人看到了肖的目光,突然有些心虚,它依旧说着话。 Curse is so weird.” “诅咒这么邪门。” „A curse that has the myth strength, is very dangerous.” “一个拥有神话力量的诅咒,可是非常危险的。” God!” “神!” Can't think so him to succeed?” “不能就这么看着他成功啊?” Cannot lend him the Gate of Original Sin strength.” “不能将原罪之门的力量借给他。” The original sin evil god is very calm, as if during all have been grasping. 原罪邪神却很淡定,似乎一切早就在掌握之中。 „Doesn't he want to fall into the abyss?” “他不是想要堕入深渊么?” Then he must distribute vowing, he must be able to become King of Abyss through the test of pledge.” “那么他就必须发下誓言,他要通过誓言的考验才能成为深渊之王。” Ceramic villain: But that is the Crown of Wisdom pledge.” 陶瓷小人:“可是那是智慧王冠誓约。” similar Qingqing by god throne, both hands about grasping to place the body. 肖轻轻靠在了神座上,双手合握放在了身上。 Therefore.” “所以。” What will then have?” “接下来会发生什么呢?” He will succeed, becomes god of the race, opens the new path for me.” “他是会成功的,成为一个种族之神,为我打开新的道路。” Will be defeated, making me have a look at a mortal to look straight ahead the Moon of God source, actually to have what?” “还是会失败,让我看看一个凡人直视神之月的本源,究竟会发生些什么?” In similar eye rare showed the look of anticipation: Also really makes one very anticipate.” 肖眼中罕见的露出了期待的神色:“还真让人挺期待的。” In the short time, he can observe so many data, harvests such many achievements. 短短的时间内,他可以观测到如此多的数据,收割到这样多的成果。 Although with is intelligent species, with have existence of infinite potential, 虽然同为智慧种,同为拥有着无限潜力的存在, The thing that however a crazy fellow, a talent common character, can create was tens of thousands of person for generations people are not even able to compare. 但是一个疯狂的家伙,一个天才一般的人物,能够创造出的东西是成千上万人甚至世世代代的人都无法比拟的。 Gate of Original Sin in similar and ceramics villain's talks, gradually crashes into the world from the abyss. 原罪之门在肖和陶瓷小人的谈话之间,逐渐从深渊坠入人间。 But at this time. 而这个时候。 The ray of truth also wells up from the ends of the earth. 真理的光芒也从天尽头涌来。 The original sin evil god looked to the distant place, this expression had obvious changing countenance. 原罪邪神看向了远处,这一次表情有了明显的动容。 Asai!” 阿赛!” You could not bear make a move finally.” “你终于还是忍不住出手了。” original sin evil god similar once organized the Asai life, but Asai also gave back to him afterward completely. 原罪邪神肖曾经摆布了阿赛的一生,而阿赛也后来全部还给了他。 What a pity. 可惜。 Hates this type of thing, not and trades the thing taking advantage of the thing, is not the equivalent exchange. 仇恨这种东西,不是借物和换物,更不是等价交换。 It is the plague, is the virus. 它是瘟疫,是病毒。 It will not be counter-balanced. 它不会被抵消。 Even if were worn down accidentally, so long as the source, constantly is still growing throughout. 就算偶然被消磨,但是只要源头还在,就始终在不断增长。 The light of knowledge authority original sin evil god similar Zhushi the ends of the earth are coming, is gazing at that leaf plainly and most ancient Gate of Myth falls along with the light of illusion to the lunar eclipse city of the world land. 原罪邪神肖注视着天尽头而来的知识权柄之光,注视着那扇古朴且最古老的神话之门伴随着幻境之光落向人间大地的月蚀城。 It as if saw brings the ceremonial hat, takes the young form of cane. 祂似乎看到了一个带着礼帽,拿着手杖的年轻身影。 Does not become the shape of God appearance, but is the three leaves human appearance. 不是成为神之形的模样,而是三叶人的模样。 Is this fellow, had been through repeatedly 250 million years of plan to fail when success seemed within reach by oneself. 就是这个家伙,让自己历经了两亿五千万年的计划功败垂成。 Let the Barlow father and son three people after the efforts of innumerable samsara, finally changed into coming to naught. 让巴罗父子三人历经无数轮回的努力,最后化为了一场空。 Is this fellow. 是这个家伙。 Let It lose the intelligence authority, has to track down another path. 让祂丢失了灵性的权柄,不得不去追寻另外一条道路。 Another side. 另一边。 The knowledge god country on sea of clouds. 云海上的知识神国。 God of Truth and Knowledge Asai stands the edge in state, is overlooking the world. 真理与知识之神阿赛站在国度的边缘,俯瞰着人间。 „Did Gate of Truth collect enough many information?” 真理之门收集到足够多的信息了吗?” Ghost Borwick stands in the Asai side, in the hand a symbol of Asai god floats off, can see that lots of information transform unceasingly alternately. 幽魂波里克站在阿赛的身边,手上一个阿赛神的符号浮起,其中可以看到大量的信息不断交替变换。 Curse came from Lord of Purgatory, this is all data of curse.” “诅咒来自于炼狱之主,这是诅咒的所有数据。” gluttony seed came from the abyss, has become the myth organ.” 暴食之种来自于深渊,目前已经成为神话器官。” Abyss offering sacrifices ceremony, the connection abyss summoned Gate of Original Sin, the original sin evil god is unable to leave the abyss.” “深渊献祭仪式,连接深渊召唤出了原罪之门,原罪邪神无法离开深渊。” Asai swept one, grasped the key point. 阿赛只是扫了一眼,就抓住了重点。 It seems like.” “看来。” Xiao's goal is a purgatory.” “肖的目标是炼狱。” Ghost Borwick: Purgatory? How does It prepare to cope with the purgatory?” 幽魂波里克:“炼狱?祂准备如何对付炼狱?” Asai: „It is not clear, but I can determine, his goal certainly is a purgatory.” 阿赛:“目前还不清楚,但是我可以确定,他的目标一定是炼狱。” However this Thurow, certainly is Xiao's board game piece.” “而这个瑟罗,一定是肖的棋子。” The purgatory can be said as the abyss weakness, is the weakness of original sin evil god. 炼狱可以说是深渊的弱点,也是原罪邪神的弱点。 Perhaps in the future one day, this weakness becomes copes with similar fatal strikes. 或许将来有一天,这个弱点将会成为对付肖的致命一击。 Therefore. 因此。 Asai said anything, cannot let similar Shouhui own weakness. 阿赛说什么,也不能让肖收回自身的这个弱点。 Ghost Borwick: „Does the Asai god, how prepare to do?” 幽魂波里克:“阿赛神,准备怎么做?” Asai looked to the distant place, It as if felt that looking like of distant place was also seeking for own trail. 阿赛看向了远方,祂似乎感觉到了远处的肖似乎也在寻找着自己的踪迹。 Does not worry.” “不着急。” He does not want to take toward inside, we make his not only anything unable to attain.” “他不是想要往里面拿么,我们就让他不仅什么都拿不到。” Also lets the thing that he throws, cannot bring.”- “还让他扔出来的东西,也带不回去。”- Black wind and rain, illusory ray. 黑色的风雨,虚幻的光芒。 Two strengths lunar eclipse city along rivers division for two bright boundaries. 两种力量将月蚀城沿着河流划分为了两条明朗的界限。 On the side of the rivers already completely corrodes by the black rain and abyss black mud covers, everyone turned into abyss demon, surrounded and protected in Thurow's side. 河流一边已经完全被黑雨和深渊黑泥所侵蚀覆盖,所有人都变成了深渊魔物,拱卫在了瑟罗的身边。 Altar unceasing floats off from the place bottom. 祭坛不断的从地底之下浮起。 Demon from the black rain rushes, but , before arriving in Gate of Original Sin . 魔物从黑雨之中奔赴而至,抵达原罪之门前。 In the altar of Thurow Station above wind and rain, is backing on Gate of Original Sin. 瑟罗站在风雨中的祭坛之上,背靠着原罪之门 Controls the forces of nature, demon crawls. 呼风唤雨,魔物匍匐。 This moment he just likes the world evil god. 这一刻的他恍若人间邪神。 Thurow looks that by city that the black mud covers, looks at the world in wind and rain, under his mask wild smiles does not know why stopped suddenly. 瑟罗看着被黑泥覆盖的城市,看着风雨之中的世界,他面具下狂放的笑不知道为什么突然停下了。 He is looking at the world in sludge, suddenly felt that own heart hollowed out, flash that but the heart vanishes, indescribable relaxed feeling gradual welling up mind. 他望着污泥之中的世界,突然感觉自己的心被挖空了,但是心消失的一瞬间,一种难以言喻的轻松感又逐渐的涌上了脑海。 He said in a soft voice. 他轻声说道。 Disappears.” “不见了。” Look!” “看!” Vanished, has had the trace, knows your person.” “都消失了,存在过的痕迹,知道你的人。” „...... Vanished completely.” “全部……都消失了。” Then, he lowers the head. 然后,他低下头。 Brings the mask to exude the low and deep laughter. 带着面具发出低沉的笑声。 Is that depressing laughter, this is Thurow's true smiling, after removing crazily smiling. 是那种压抑的笑声,这才是瑟罗真正的笑,疯狂褪去后的笑。 Thurow is smiling, while bursts into tears. 瑟罗一边笑着,一边流泪。 Hehe hehe hehe!” “呵呵呵呵呵呵呵!” Hahahaha!” “哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈!” Vanishes! Vanishes completely!” “消失吧!全部都消失吧!” Eats you, swallows you completely.” “吃掉你们,将你们全部都吞噬。” The laughter transmits in the wind and rain, the entire lunar eclipse city can hear, including Herder's River another survivor. 笑声传递在风雨之中,整个月蚀城都能听见,包括牧者之河另一头的幸存者。 That laughter is not big, what however brings is a graver sense of fear. 那笑声并不大,但是带来的是更加深重的恐惧感。 From now, in this world no one knew Thurow once passing. 从此以后,这个世界上再也没有人知道瑟罗曾经的过往。 Knows that he is a son of butcher. 知道他是一个屠夫的儿子。 Knew him once the lowly past events. 知道他曾经卑贱的往事。 Knew his once frightened and base and low. 知道他曾经的恐惧和卑微。 But Herder's River another side, the illusory light that was sent out completely by Gate of Truth covers. 牧者之河的另一边,则完全被真理之门散发出的虚幻之光笼罩住。 The entire river bank and city were covered by the dense fog probably, anything cannot see clearly. 整个河岸和城市都好像被迷雾覆盖,什么也看不清。 In the dense fog powder is shining, makes bare-handed grasp the book of witch spirit, preserved the city remaining half of people. 迷雾之中一处散发着光,一位使徒手握着巫灵之书,保住了城市剩下的一半人。 But here is the place of lunar eclipse city most core, because the Thurow's first choice swallows, is the place that he family/home was once. 而这里正好是月蚀城最核心的地方,因为瑟罗第一个选择吞噬的,就是他曾经家所在的地方。 Sukob to look into the distance another head of Herder's River, is looking at this time that has remained the city of not second half living person, by city that the black mud and wind and rain submerge. 苏科布这个时候远望着牧者之河的另一头,看着那已经剩不下半个活人的城市,被黑泥和风雨淹没的城市。 He is a Evel person, but he is also snake human, is the snake mother Themus descendant. 他是一个爱维尔人,但是他也是蛇人,是蛇母瑟摩丝的后裔。 Helplessly looks that so many people died, the anger that Sukob this moment innermost feelings gush out is true. 眼睁睁的看着如此多的人死去,苏科布此刻内心涌出的愤怒是真正的。 Lunatic!” “疯子!” „The disciple of degeneration!” “堕落之徒!” You will suffer the divine punishment surely, indulges in the most painful and fearful darkness.” “你必定将遭受神罚,沉溺于最痛苦和可怕的黑暗之中。” Thurow not cares a whoop, after he offered sacrifices half lunar eclipse city, he became is not probably insane. 瑟罗丝毫不在意,他献祭掉了半个月蚀城之后,他好像变得不疯了。 He took off the mask suddenly, revealed that seemingly ordinary and ordinary face. 他突然摘下了面具,露出了那张看起来普通而平凡的脸。 That is one falls into the crowd, not paid attention face. 那是一张落入人群,都不会被人注意的脸。 However at this moment he actually stands erect above all living things, is controlling the authority of god, is deciding the life and death of countless person. 然而此刻他却屹立于众生之上,操控着神的权柄,决定着无数人的生死。 Darkness?” “黑暗?” I live since birth in the darkness, your curse is not useful!” “我生来就活在黑暗之中,你这诅咒没有什么用啊!” Apostle Sukob.” “使徒苏科布。” The lunatic in altar discarded the mask, the mask fell from the hanging altar, as the gale blew to the distant place. 祭坛上的疯子扔掉了面具,面具从悬空的祭坛上掉落,随着大风刮向远方。 Only then your such character, thinks that bright is normal, thinks that falls into dark is the penalty.” “只有你这样的人物,才认为光明是正常的,才认为堕入黑暗是惩罚。” No, this is not the penalty.” “不,这不是惩罚。” This is our inherent daily.” “这是我们与生俱来的日常。” Sukob had begun, his wild with rage sound spreads in the air, will blow to river another black rain scatters. 苏科布已经动手了,他狂怒的声音在空气之中蔓延,将吹向河另一头的黑雨驱散。 You think that you suffered the pain, had the reason of acting in a self-serving manner?” “你以为你遭受了痛苦,就有了为所欲为的理由了?” You think that you had the reason, thinks that your crazy didn't need to pay the price?” “你以为你有了理由,就以为你的疯狂不用付出代价了?” Lunatic.” “疯子。” True God is gazing at this world, behind you evil god was imprisoned in the darkness, does not dare to visit half.” “真正的神明在注视着这个世界,你背后的邪神被囚禁于黑暗之中,不敢踏足半步。” Today you are impossible to win.” “今天你不可能赢。” Sukob is controlling Gate of Truth, launched the attack toward Thurow. 苏科布操控着真理之门,向着瑟罗发动了攻击。 „The chapter of truth.” “真理之章。” Gate of Truth vibrates, the ray transmits. 真理之门震动,光芒传递开来。 The shades of innumerable ghost appeared in the sky, is reciting the sacred song of praise. 无数的幽魂之影出现在了天空,吟唱着神圣的赞歌。 Had one in the sky huge to ceremony technique that is inconceivable, covered the sky of entire city. 在天空结出了一个庞大到了难以想象的仪式术阵,遮挡住了整个城市的天空。 Technique from the day air pressure, that was composite divine spell that was inconceivable, probably innumerable divine spell assemblies, turned into a giant seal to fall from the sky. 术阵从天空压了下来,那是一种难以想象的复合型神术,好像是无数种神术的组合体,变成了一个巨大的印章从天空落下。 The vault of heaven was torn, the cloud layer was scattered. 苍穹被撕裂,云层被驱散。 The violent storm was coerced instantaneously, the whole world was covered under the chapter of truth. 狂风暴雨瞬间被压服,整个世界都被笼罩在了真理之章下。 Thurow looks at the chapter of truth. 瑟罗看着真理之章。 Acts in a self-serving manner does not use the reason, but I want.” “为所欲为不用理由,只是我想要。” As for crazy price.” “至于疯狂的代价。” I was clear compared with you.” “我自己比你清楚。” Thurow in altar was looking up to the sky scattered black rain at this time, made his decision. 祭坛上的瑟罗这个时候仰望着天空被驱散的黑雨,做出了他的决定。 He raised the hand, seems summoning anything. 他举起了手,似乎在召唤着什么。 Plague blood incantation.” “瘟疫血咒。” Incantation seal principle that curse gathers!” “诅咒汇聚成的咒印法则啊!” Changes into my body, changes into my domain, will change into my myth.” “化为我的身躯,化为我的领域,也将化为我的神话。” The Thurow figure at this moment is actually transforming, with his summon, darkness of back distortion appears. 此刻的瑟罗身形却在变换,随着他一声呼唤,背后一个扭曲的黑暗浮现。 Under the altar the plague blood incantation in thousands of ghoul body appears, then flushed from their within the body, bringing all divine blood also to have the strength, was swallowed by Thurow completely. 祭坛下数以千计食尸鬼身体之内的瘟疫血咒浮现,然后从他们的体内冲了出来,带着其所有的神血还有力量,全部被瑟罗所吞噬。 Thurow's back shadow struggles in void, then opened big mouth. 瑟罗背后的黑影在虚空之中挣扎,然后张开了大嘴。 . 一口。 Thurow swallowing down. 将瑟罗给吞了下去。 Thurow and shadow melt for a body. 瑟罗和黑影融为了一体。 His whole body in gradually empty, turned into the shadow of curse. 其全身在逐渐虚化,变成了诅咒之影。 The black shadow rises straight from the ground, holds in the Gate of Original Sin in addition, broke through the cloud layer of sky. 黑色的影子拔地而起,在原罪之门的加持下,突破了天空的云层。 The shadow of that terrifying must block the sky greatly. 那恐怖的影子大得遮天蔽日。 But in Thurow's within the body. 而在瑟罗的体内。 The strength of stomach of myth organ guzzling constantly grows, the shadow abdomen forms black hole in the curse. 神话器官暴食之胃的力量不断增长,在诅咒之影的腹部形成一个黑洞。 Changed into Thurow of terrifying shadow to welcome to the sky, with section of Zhuangji that truth in one. 化为了恐怖黑影的瑟罗迎向天空,和那真理之章撞击在了一起。 Strength of both sides collides. 双方的力量碰撞。 Ruptured instantaneously. 瞬间爆裂了开来。 Bang!” “轰隆!” The chapter of truth disrupted, but changed into Thurow of shadow also to be torn the innumerable blocks. 真理之章碎裂了开来,而化为了黑影的瑟罗也被撕裂成了无数块。 However this split the shades of innumerable curse, immediately splices in one. 但是这分裂成了无数块的诅咒之影,立刻拼接在了一起。 Cursed this type of invisible thing, was eliminated very much difficultly. 诅咒这种无形的东西,很难被消灭。 So long as its source had not been destroyed, it has existed. 只要其源头没有被毁灭,其就会一直存在下去。 Sukob has not given up, he then uses Gate of Truth, must writes off Thurow this lunatic and monster thoroughly. 苏科布并没有就此放弃,他接着动用真理之门,要将瑟罗这个疯子和怪物彻底抹杀。 Sukob used Gate of Truth another ability again. 苏科布再度动用了真理之门的另一项能力。 „The lock of truth.” “真理之锁。” On Gate of Truth, the innumerable chains spread across, blocked this stretch of land and sky. 真理之门上,无数条锁链纵横交错,封锁了这一片大地和天空。 Huge myth ties covers in the place that the lunar eclipse city was , the staggered wire rope unceasing gathering, increases the entanglement to go toward the shadow of that curse. 一个庞大的神话结界笼罩在了月蚀城所在的地方,交错的铁索不断的汇聚,朝着那诅咒之影攀升纠缠而去。 Crash-bang.” “哗啦啦。” The whole world resounds the sound that the chains collision launched. 整个世界都响起了锁链碰撞展开的声音。 However at this time, Thurow's back Gate of Original Sin opened loudly. 但是这个时候,瑟罗背后的原罪之门轰然打开了。 Humming sound ~ “嗡嗡~” With the Gate of Myth contour black shadow, turns to be excessive at this moment. 神话之门等高的黑色影子,此刻扭过了头。 The terrifying curse shadow that Thurow changes into has turned around, gave up and fight of Sukob, has not looked at Sukob one again. 那瑟罗化为的恐怖的诅咒黑影转过身,放弃了和苏科布的战斗,没有再看苏科布一眼。 „To punish me?” “想要惩罚我?” Has the guts with!” “有胆量就跟过来吧!” Stood erect in the myth great gate in the world to turn on the folding doors door leaf, a being indomitable spirit terrifying shadow across door. 竖立于天地之间的神话巨门打开了两扇门扉,一个顶天立地的恐怖黑影穿过门扉而过。 Then, I should do other.” “接下来,我该去做别的了。” Apostle Sukob.” “使徒苏科布。” In that head of original sin gate, presented the mirror of Dreamland deep place. 在原罪门的那一头,出现了梦界深处的镜像。 Flame stars, as opening of gate pulls closer unceasingly. 一颗火焰星辰,随着门的打开不断拉近。 The shadow made the sound, to that flame stars speech. 黑影发出了声音,对着那火焰星辰说话。 Cursed me?” “诅咒我?” „Does wish make me come down to the raging fire in forever the prison?” “想要让我永远沦于烈火的牢狱之中?” I came.” “我来了。”
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