IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#376 Part 2: The hand grasps the authority of god to control the forces of nature

He stretches out the arms, back Gate of Original Sin towers in the center of city. 他张开双臂,背后原罪之门耸立在城市的中央。 Stands like a tripod in the world. 鼎立在天地之间。 With wind and rain and black mud. 伴随着风雨和黑泥。 Thurow's voice transmits in the violent storms, seems talking with someone. 瑟罗的声音在狂风暴雨之间传递,仿佛在和某一个人对话。 His high holding up the head skull, whatever the wild black rain drenches on own mask. 他高高昂着头颅,任由呢狂暴的黑雨淋在自己的面具上。 Saw it?” “看见了吗?” I, Thurow.” “我,瑟罗。” „A butcher's son, arrives at the fellow in mire lowly.” “一个屠夫之子,一个卑贱到泥潭里的家伙。” Also can the hand grasp the authority of god, controls the forces of nature in the center of this world.” “也能够手握着神的权柄,在这个世界的中心呼风唤雨。” -------------------------------- -------------------------------- In black violent storm. 黑色的狂风暴雨之中。 Extinguishes in the world common terrifying disaster. 灭世一般的恐怖灾难里。 Incantation seal puppets stand before the three stone building windows of violent storm, is looking into the sky end from afar. 一个咒印傀儡站在狂风暴雨的三层石楼窗户前,远远眺望着天空尽头。 It saw Gate of Myth from the sky crash world, brings to destroy all disasters and despairs. 它看到了神话之门从天空坠落人间,带着毁灭一切的灾难和绝望。 He saw the entire city from the peaceful paradise, changed into the monster lair in a flash. 他看到了整个城市从安宁的乐园,一瞬间化为了怪物的巢穴。 At this moment. 此时此刻。 The memory of feather snake was pulled back many years ago, it had also as if witnessed such scene. 羽蛇的记忆被拉回到了很多年前,它曾经也似乎目睹过这样的场景。 That is inscribes during it remembers, deepest fear. 那是铭刻在它记忆之中,最深的恐惧。 The feather snake cannot bear tremble, even if what appears is only a door, that truly fearful existence has not appeared. 羽蛇忍不住发抖,哪怕出现的只是一扇门,那个真正可怕的存在还未曾出现。 It has remembered that spans evil god god of 250 million years of return. 它就已经想起了那个,跨越两亿五千万年归来的邪神神祇。 Is this.” “就是这个。” Is this door.” “就是这扇门。” Although this door and once had the too big change, but the feather snake is one recognizes. 虽然这扇门和曾经有了太大的变化,但是羽蛇还是一眼就认出。 This is that evil god of disasters symbol only, Gate of Myth that it has. 这就是那个邪恶神祇的象征,其拥有的神话之门 As the vision falls. 但是随着目光落下。 The feather snake saw in the black rain of distant place, that brings the mask to hug Gate of Myth snake human. 羽蛇看到了远处的黑雨之中,那个带着面具拥抱神话之门蛇人 It was shocked suddenly. 它突然愣住了。 Clearly, the opposite party is snake human. 很明显,对方是一个蛇人 „Is he doing?” “他在干什么?” What is he making?” “他在做些什么?” It is not clear. 它不明白。 All that it pursues, but turns into the person from the monster. 它所追求的一切,不过是从怪物重新变成人。 But now this person, is not hesitating to sacrifice this city everyone's price, oneself will turn into the monster. 而现在这个人,正在不惜以牺牲这座城市所有人的代价,将自己从人变成怪物。 Why?” “为什么?” Why must give up as the status of person.” “为什么要放弃作为人的身份。” The feather snake feels suddenly angrily, it felt that oneself longs for thing was being trampled by another person. 羽蛇突然感觉愤怒之极,它感觉自己渴望至极的东西正在被另一个人践踏。 All that the faith that it grasps, it insists. 它所秉持的信念,它所坚持的一切。 Probably a joke in the eyes of opposite party. 在对方的眼中就好像一场笑话。 All that all that sometimes you pursue, you care about, you are willing to pay the thing that all obtain. 有时候你所追求的一切,你所在意的一切,你愿意付出一切得到的东西。 In trash that in others' eyes just can throw away conveniently. 在别人的眼中只不过是随手可以扔弃的垃圾。 Some people to turn into the person are willing to give up the strength, some people do not hesitate the status of all rejection people for the strength. 有人为了变成人愿意放弃力量,有人为了力量不惜一切的舍弃人的身份。 Imprisoned cage bird, badly beaten hit cage ; Has the freedom, actually fetters the chains on oneself. 被囚禁的笼鸟,头破血流的撞击着牢笼;拥有自由的,却将锁链束缚在自己身上。 Keeping aloof God is longing for restores own civilization, represents the emperor of civilization not to hesitate to destroy own country to go to become the God opportunity. 高高在上的神明渴望着恢复自己的文明,代表着文明的帝王不惜毁灭自己的国家去得到成为神明的机会。 Everyone has the thing that cannot obtain. 每个人都有得不到的东西。 Then does not hesitate all, fills up the defect the cavity. 然后不惜一切的,去填满自己缺失的空洞。 ---------------------- ---------------------- Sukob just made concessions from the sky great hole, gave way to traffic that from the sky spout, but below black mud, gave way to traffic that to crash from another world but below Gate of Original Sin. 苏科布刚刚从天空巨洞下退让开来,避让开了那从天空喷涌而下的黑泥,避让开了那从另一个世界坠落而下的原罪之门 Saw massive Powerful were corroded by the abyss, in these people also forms of many Sukob understanding. 就看到了大量的权能者被深渊侵蚀,那些人之中还有不少苏科布认识的身影。 Sukob stopped, then the appearance revealed the anger. 苏科布停顿了一下,然后面目露出了怒火。 Damn!” “该死!” Cannot this way.” “不能够再这样下去了。” Sukob knows, was unable to save the aspect by he himself only again. 苏科布知道,单靠他自己已经无法再挽回局面了。 This is not the war between apostles, this is the resistance between myth. 这已经不是使徒之间的战争,这是属于神话之间的对抗。 Sukob read the triadic god name as apostle at the scene. 苏科布当场以使徒的身份念出了三段式神名。 Grasps the god of truth, the control of books and knowledge, the Asai god of eternal return!” “掌握真理之神,书籍与知识的主宰,永恒轮回的阿赛神!” Your apostle requested your attention.” “您的使徒请求您的关注。” Hope can your response, obtain your help.” “希望能够得到您的回应,得到您的帮助。” Sukob is somewhat excited, can see that he indeed by the disaster that Gate of Original Sin descends, this extinguished the world common black rain attacking. 苏科布有些激动,可以看到他的确被那原罪之门降落的灾难,还有这灭世一般的黑雨给冲击到了。 This city......” “这座城市……” Has been on the verge of death.” “已经危在旦夕。” Sukob raised the head, is looking up to the vault of heaven. 苏科布抬起头,仰望着苍穹。 Only then you, only then you can save it.” “只有您,只有您可以拯救它。” Please help us, resists the strength of abyss evil god.” “请帮助我们,对抗深渊邪神的力量。” Summon with wind, biography to a day of cloud. 呼唤随着风,传向了天云之上。 Passed to another side of remote world. 传到了遥远世界的另一边。 Suddenly. 突然间。 The storm of fierce revolving stopped suddenly, was pressed down the static key probably. 剧烈旋转的风暴突然停了,就好像被按下了静止键。 The sky ray of distant place falls from the sky, along with mirage general illusory image. 远处的天空一道光芒从天空落下,伴随着海市蜃楼一般的幻影。 A great door dropped from the clouds, falls on the Sukob back, held the myth strength in addition on the body of Sukob. 一扇巨门从天而降,落在了苏科布的背后,将神话的力量加持在了苏科布的身上。 Sukob is grasping the book of witch spirit, under mask snake human with another Gate of Original Sin looks. 苏科布手握着巫灵之书,和另一头的原罪之门下的面具蛇人对望。 Gate of Truth and Gate of Original Sin. 真理之门原罪之门 Two leaves of Gate of Myth meet several years later again face-to-face. 两扇神话之门时隔多年再一次面对面相遇。 The gratitude and grudges of similar and Asai two people across the years samsara, are unable to end forever. 肖和阿赛两个人的恩怨穿过岁月轮回,永远无法结束。 Two people who the probably eternal curse, drinks the next immortal poisoned liquor, develop road two people to myth. 就好像是永恒的诅咒,饮下永生毒酒的两人,开拓出通往神话之路的两人。 Is doomed at the game that in the samsara of destiny conducts these is suffering mutually. 注定在命运的轮回之中进行着这一场互相折磨的游戏。 Off topic 题外话 It was recently busy, every day goes home very much late, therefore renewed late. 最近很忙,每天很晚回到家,所以更新晚了一些。 7017 k 7017k
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