IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#376 Part 1: The hand grasps the authority of god to control the forces of nature

In profound underground cavern. 幽深的地下洞窟之中。 Ackermanmon and Thurow stand shoulder to shoulder, a person of facial paralysis like the ice, a person of complexion is frantic. 阿克曼蒙和瑟罗并肩而立,一人面瘫如冰,一人面色狂热。 Thurow's innermost feelings are always burning probably one group of flame, he always regards this world with the most frantic vision. 瑟罗的内心好像总是燃烧着一团火焰,他总是用最狂热的眼光去看待这个世界。 However Ackermanmon is an ice-cold stone, no one knows that he is actually thinking anything, probably a corpse that does not have the heart. 但是阿克曼蒙是一颗冰冷的石头,谁也不知道他到底在想些什么,就好像一具没有心的尸体。 Under sacrificial altar of flame combustion. 火焰燃烧的祭台之下。 ghoul that has the wisdom arrived at Thurow and Ackermanmon front, reported the situation to them. 一个拥有智慧的食尸鬼来到了瑟罗和阿克曼蒙的面前,向他们报告情况。 Chief Sir!” “首席大人!” Second place Sir!” “次席大人!” Has arranged completely.” “已经完全布置完了。” Ackermanmon: Has inspected?” 阿克曼蒙:“已经检查过了吗?” ghoul replied: Already......” 食尸鬼回答:“已经……” Thurow actually opened the mouth at this time directly, interrupted the ghoul words. 瑟罗这个时候却直接开口了,打断了食尸鬼的话。 Did not need to ask, second place.” “不用问了,次席。” He lifted the hand, an invisible great power extends from all around, the plague blood incantations of all ghoul within the body with Thurow's strength resonance, he can feel this city the situation in each corner. 他抬起了手,一股无形的强大力量从四周延伸开来,所有的食尸鬼体内的瘟疫血咒都在和瑟罗的力量共鸣,他可以感受到这座城市的各个角落里的情况。 Has succeeded.” “已经成功了。” In these date and time. 这些时日内。 Is centered on the earth cave, takes Herder's River and canal as the boundary, takes the underground walk as the hub, takes massive ghoul as node huge ceremony technique in light of this. 一个以地窟为核心,以牧者之河和水渠为边界,以地下通道为枢纽,以大量食尸鬼为节点的庞大仪式术阵就此而成。 This is Thurow prepared to be used to take a plague blood incantation ceremony technique frame, now revised to become abyss offering sacrifices ceremony technique. 这是瑟罗原本准备用来作为瘟疫血咒仪式术阵的框架,如今修改了一下成为了深渊献祭仪式术阵。 royal court high and low was being pulled the nose revolutions by Thurow probably. 王庭上下就好像被瑟罗牵着鼻子转。 Because actually not his strategy is much wise, because information of both sides is not coordinated. 倒不是因为他的计策多高明,而是因为双方的信息并不对等。 In outwardly, one in hidden place. 一个在明面,一个在暗处。 Because of existence of King of Ten Thousand Snakes Ackermanmon, Thurow can always first royal court one step, put the result that the opposite party wants in their at present, is diverting their attention unceasingly. 因为万蛇之王阿克曼蒙的存在,瑟罗总能够先王庭一步,将对方想要的结果盛放在他们的眼前,不断的转移着他们的视线。 How long this situation definitely cannot support. 这种情况肯定撑不住多久。 Sukob or the royal court highest pretor, or is temple these servant of God is not a fool. 不论是苏科布还是王庭的最高执政官,亦或者是神庙的那些神侍都不是傻子。 They affirmed that had felt not right, even has started the reality that investigates under the false representation to hide. 他们肯定已经都感觉到了不对,甚至已经开始调查虚假的表象下面掩藏的真实。 However in this period of time. 但是这段时间里面。 Thurow and Ackermanmon have completed all arrangement. 瑟罗和阿克曼蒙已经完成了所有的布置。 Ackermanmon looked at the past following the altar of under foot, the inspiration as if sees a terrifying huge to the extreme design, seal in the underground of entire lunar eclipse city. 阿克曼蒙顺着脚下的祭坛看过去,灵感似乎看到一个恐怖庞大到极点的图案,印在了整个月蚀城的地下。 It looks like a giant cutting board. 就像是一个巨大的案板。 Everyone is the beast that above treats butchers. 所有人都是上面待宰的禽兽。 Ackermanmon asked Thurow: So large-scale abyss offering sacrifices strategy.” 阿克曼蒙问瑟罗:“如此大型的深渊献祭阵法。” Needs to consume many people as the price, can open the door of abyss.” “需要消耗多少人作为代价,才能打开深渊之门。” Thurow actually could not bear smile, he said the terrifying words with a smile. 瑟罗却忍不住笑了,他笑着说出了恐怖的话语。 Does not offer sacrifices, second place.” “不是献祭,次席。” Enters the abyss together, falls into the darkness together.” “是一同进入深渊,一同堕入黑暗。” That moment that Gate of Original Sin arrives , the mud of contamination will swallow all, everyone will turn into abyss demon.” 原罪之门降临的那一刻,污秽之泥将吞噬一切,所有人都将变成深渊魔物。” Thurow is surrounding the edge in flame altar, changed to behind of flame, the shadow drew very much in the ground is long, transferred generally like the indicator. 瑟罗环绕着火焰祭坛的边缘,转到了火焰的后面,影子随着人在地面拉得很长,如同指针一般转了一圈。 He held down the shoulder of Ackermanmon, was saying to him. 他按住了阿克曼蒙的肩膀,对着他说。 This is a how wonderful matter.” “这是多么美妙的一件事情。” Everyone hand in hand, will enter into the abyss together!” “所有人都将一同手牵着手,迈入深渊之中啊!” Everyone is smiling together, greets the new future.” “所有人都一起笑着,迎接新的未来。” Can say so warmly the so terrifying picture, although Thurow is corpse eater, is the son of butcher, but also has the romantic aura. 能够将如此恐怖的画面说得如此温馨,瑟罗虽然是个食尸者,是个屠夫的儿子,但是却还颇具浪漫气息。 He brought Ackermanmon to go forward, stands in the dead ahead of flame. 他带着阿克曼蒙上前,站在了火焰的正前方。 Ackermanmon.” 阿克曼蒙。” I will eat this city thoroughly, eats everyone.” “我将彻底吃掉这座城市,吃掉所有人。” They will enter my stomach, enters my abyss of guzzling.” “他们将进入我的胃,进入我的暴食之深渊。” King of Ten Thousand Snakes, interested?” 万蛇之王,有兴趣吗?” Comes to the kingdom in my stomach, is their kings as before?” “来我胃中的王国,依旧做他们的王?” Ackermanmon has not spoken. 阿克曼蒙没有说话。 Thurow laughed, he knows that Ackermanmon will not choose like this. 瑟罗大笑了起来,他知道阿克曼蒙不会这样选择。 Relax.” “放心。” You are not willing to go to the abyss, I will not force you.” “你不愿意去深渊,我也不会逼迫你。” I will enter the abyss, but you keep the world, becomes me in another hand of the world, an eye.” “我将进入深渊,而你就留在人间,成为我在人间的另外一只手,一只眼睛。” Ackermanmon has not continued this topic, he asked Thurow. 阿克曼蒙没有继续这个话题,他只是问瑟罗。 When you prepare to open ceremony technique.” “你准备什么时候开启仪式术阵。” Thurow told him: Today's midnight.” 瑟罗告诉他:“今天的午夜。” Ackermanmon nods, turns around to leave. 阿克曼蒙点了点头,转身离开。 He leaves the pitch steps of altar, walks toward outside, but at this time Thurow stopped by calling him. 他离开祭坛的斜坡阶梯,朝着外面走去,而这个时候瑟罗喊住了他。 Waits for.” “等一下。” Ackermanmon has turned round, Thurow threw from the altar one thing. 阿克曼蒙回过身来,瑟罗将一样东西从祭坛上扔了下来。 Takes it.” “带上它。” Ackermanmon receives, the discovery is «Abyss God Graciousness Technique». 阿克曼蒙接过来,就发现是《深渊神恩术》。 Ackermanmon raised the head, looked at Thurow one eyes. 阿克曼蒙抬起头,看了瑟罗一眼。 Thurow said. 瑟罗说。 Okay taking!” “好好拿着吧!” Regardless of you want to make anything, needs the strength.” “不论你想要做什么,都需要力量。” Thurow is helping Ackermanmon obviously, in the mouth actually as before is an unforgiving appearance. 瑟罗明明是在帮助阿克曼蒙,口中却依旧是一副不饶人的模样。 Thing that although you pursue, is anything......” “虽然你追求的东西,是什么……” Laughable freedom.” “可笑的自由。” What unshackled life?” “什么不受束缚的人生?” Thurow peak the shoulder, is expressing the taunt the thing that Ackermanmon attaches great importance. 瑟罗耸着肩膀,对阿克曼蒙最重视的东西表示嘲讽。 Ackermanmon has not cared about Thurow's these small problems, he is gazing at Thurow, as if felt anything. 阿克曼蒙没有在意瑟罗的这些小毛病,他注视着瑟罗,似乎感觉到了什么。 „Are you leaving room for maneuver? This not like you.” “你这是在留后手么?这不像你。” Leaves room for maneuver, did not have not to hesitate all courage.” “留了后手,就没有了不惜一切的勇气。” This was you have said.” “这是你说过的。” Thurow snorts contemptuously: This is the bestowment, the second place.” 瑟罗嗤之以鼻:“这是施舍,次席。” Thurow turns around, is turning away from Ackermanmon. ” 瑟罗转过身去,背对着阿克曼蒙。” Hurries to roll!” “赶紧滚吧!” „, You must enter my stomach again late.” “再晚一些,你就要进入我的胃了。” Abyss Gluttony King, will not give the opportunity that you choose.” “深渊的暴食之王,可不会给你选择的机会了。” Ackermanmon turns around to depart, but leaves could not bear the corners of the mouth raise smiled in a soft voice. 阿克曼蒙转身离去,只是离开的时候忍不住嘴角扬起轻声笑了一下。 After he goes back, brings before immediately, was manufactured ghoul old snake human to leave by oneself, that Suinhall sends to contact with his intermediate. 他回去之后就立刻带着之前被自己制作成食尸鬼的老蛇人离开,那个苏因霍尔派来联系他的中间人。 He is a very essential character. 他是一个非常关键的人物。 Although he does not have the powerful strength, but the opposite party is special, is Suinhall in ten thousand snake royal court control of important intelligence network. 虽然他没有强大的力量,但是对方非常特殊,是苏因霍尔在万蛇王庭的重要情报网络的掌控者。 Ackermanmon is replying on his strength, in addition own status and Corpse Eater Cult with the strength, constructed a huge underground influence finally, grasped ten thousand snake royal court every action and every movement. 阿克曼蒙正是借助着他的力量,加上自己的身份和食尸者密教的借力,最终构建出了一个庞大的地下势力,掌握住了万蛇王庭的一举一动。 The antenna even penetrated the side of royal court highest pretor, in ten thousand snake temple. 其触角甚至深入到了王庭最高执政官的身边,还有万蛇神庙之中。 Even said. 甚至说。 Under the arrangement that this Thurow can succeed time such huge ceremony technique, relied on this strength. 这一次瑟罗能够成功的布置下这么庞大的仪式术阵,正是借助了这种力量。 Ackermanmon harnessed several car(riage)s to leave the lunar eclipse city, went toward the distant place. 阿克曼蒙驾着几辆车离开了月蚀城,朝着远处而去。 Moon more rises to be higher. 月亮越升越高。 Sprinkled the ray in Herder's River. 将光芒洒在了牧者之河里。 Ackermanmon in vehicles pulled open the curtain arrange/cloth, looked toward the lunar eclipse city. 车辆里的阿克曼蒙拉开了帘布,向着月蚀城中看了过去。 As if waiting for anything. 似乎在等待着什么。 He waited for a meeting, had not waited, therefore put down the curtain arrange/cloth. 他等待了一会,一直都没有等到,于是放下了帘布。 Just put down the flash of curtain arrange/cloth, he felt anything suddenly. 只是刚刚放下帘布的一瞬间,他突然感觉到了什么。 Boots!” “布茨!” Immediately he makes an effort draws the curtain arrange/cloth, half body will an. 他立刻用力的一拉帘布,将头甚至半个身子都探了出去。 Suddenly. 突然间。 City central rupturing of ray from distant place soars to the heavens together, goes toward the sky. 一道冲天的光芒从远方的城市中央爆裂而起,朝着天空而去。 Rays float off from the land, change into a huge ceremony technique connection to the Dreamland deep place, connects to these by existence of myth name. 一圈圈的光芒从大地之中浮起,化为一个庞大的仪式术阵连接向梦界深处,连接向那些以神话命名的存在。 In the sky changes constantly. 天空之中风云变幻。 The nighttime sky of blue sky, was cloudy in a flash, the strong winds raid. 原本万里无云的夜空,一瞬间乌云密布,狂风袭来。 . 紧接着。 The black rainwater drops from the clouds, 黑色的雨水从天而降, In Ackermanmon has in the shocking vision, the sky started out a large cave/hole. 阿克曼蒙都带着震惊的目光之中,天空开出了一个大洞。 In the black hole, flows the contamination the black mud. 黑色的洞里,流淌出污秽的黑泥。 The black mud is viscous, same mounts like the asphalt in the sky in the same place falls slowly. 黑泥粘稠无比,在天空之中如同沥青一样黏在一起缓缓下坠。 That black mud light looks. 那黑泥光是看着。 Makes people feel that evil, contamination and degeneration, has the intense dislike from the bottom of the heart. 就让人感觉到了邪恶、污秽、堕落,从心底里生出强烈的厌恶。 That is the fear regarding ten thousand spirits and escape of life dark instinct. 那是生命对于万灵之暗本能的恐惧和逃避。 But along with the appearance of black mud, a leaf of huge Gate of Myth shadow also appears in that large cave/hole that in the sky started out. 而伴随着黑泥的出现,一扇巨大的神话之门的影子也出现在了天空开出的那个大洞之中。 In the beginning. 开始的时候。 It leaves unusual is far, but with black rain and black mud raids, It starts unceasing nearness. 祂离的非常远,而随着黑雨和黑泥的袭来,祂开始不断的靠近。 As to enter the world. 似乎想要进入人间。 Ackermanmon called Its name, that frightening name. 阿克曼蒙喊出了祂的名字,那个令人恐惧的名字。 Gate of Original Sin.” 原罪之门。” Is the symbol of God strength!” “属于神明力量的象征!” An accurate point, is the intelligent species half god's symbol, although Ackermanmon grasps a vast amount of unusual knowledge and mortals the secret that now is hard to contact. 准确的一点来说,是属于智慧种半神的象征,虽然阿克曼蒙现在掌握了大量超凡知识和凡人难以接触到的秘密。 However the secret of this pointing to God core, he does not know. 但是这种直指神明核心的秘密,他还是不知晓的。 Thurow opened ceremony technique. 瑟罗开启了仪式术阵。 Carried on a he craziest life and death war, wanted to create him to create the miracle again. 进行了他最疯狂的决死一战,想要再一次创造他曾经创造过的奇迹。 ------------------------- ------------------------- In a flash. 一瞬间。 The startling thunderclap of sky shocked everyone in this city. 天空的惊雷震动了这座城市的所有人。 Ten thousand snake temple and agreement attorney trade union and royal court various organizations were alarmed completely, tens of thousands of people while that strength fluctuation presents appears outside, looked up to the black rain in sky. 万蛇神庙、契律师工会、王庭的各处机构全部都被惊动了,成千上万的人在那力量波动出现的同时就出现在了外面,抬起头看向了天空之中的黑雨。 In agreement attorney trade union, existence that has shape of God rushed to the midair suddenly, looks that drops unceasingly . Moreover the more and more becomes big black rain. 契律师工会之中,一个拥有神之形的存在突然冲上了半空,看着那不断滴落,而且变得越来越大的黑雨。 Sukob has not acted immediately rashly, he is observing the surrounding situation, is seeking for the trail of true secretly person. 苏科布并没有立刻贸然行动,他在观察着周围的情况,寻找着真正的幕后之人的踪迹。 Also, does the opposite party want to do? 还有,对方到底想要干什么? Even. 甚至。 Sukob also saw on street that the dim light of night covers, snake human flushes away, the strange rain that wants to avoid to raid suddenly in the black rain toward the distant place, hurries to go home. 苏科布还看到了夜色笼罩的街道上,一个蛇人在黑雨之中朝着远方冲去,想要躲避突然袭来的怪雨,赶紧回家去。 However runs is running, turned into a snake demon unexpectedly. 但是跑着跑着,竟然变成了一只蛇魔。 During it is struggling falls into thoroughly crazily, starts manic angry roaring, wants to attack the surrounding these is not existence of abyss demon, breaks in a sail to conduct the back the animal pen to rip the smashing a wild animal. 其在挣扎之中彻底陷入疯狂,开始狂躁的怒吼,想要攻击周围的那些不属于深渊魔物的存在,冲入一个帆驮兽圈将一只野兽撕成粉碎。 Although Sukob is the Evel person of growth on Ruhul Giant Island, but he also knows that once another mainland in distant place, in the Evel peninsula had had matter. 苏科布虽然是生长在鲁赫巨岛上的爱维尔人,但是他也知道曾经在远处的另一座大陆,爱维尔半岛上曾经发生过的事情。 He recognizes this black rain immediately is anything, the ceremony that then starts in the city is anything. 他立刻认出了这黑雨是什么,那在城中启动的仪式又是什么。 Abyss black rain.” “深渊黑雨。” Some people opened the abyss offering sacrifices ceremony in the city.” “有人在城中打开了深渊献祭仪式。” When did this is arrange to complete? Hadn't I unexpectedly discovered?” “这是什么时候布置完成了?我竟然都没有发现?” Sukob has not thought that some unexpectedly people under own nose, arrangement such a shocking evil ceremony. 苏科布也没有想到,竟然有人在自己的眼皮底下,布置下了这么一个骇人听闻的邪恶仪式。 Huge of this ceremony, this ceremony of strength, is above the imagination of person simply. 这个仪式之庞大,这个仪式的力量之强,简直超乎人的想象。 The Sukob head appears immediately several issues. 苏科布脑袋立刻浮现出了几个问题。 What person can preside over such ceremony? Least is also an apostle. 什么人能够主持这样的仪式?最少也是使徒。 Such ceremony technique need how many unusual materials and do Powerful take the node? Least also discusses thousand computations. 这样的仪式术阵需要多少个超凡材料和权能者作为节点?最少也是论千计算。 What person can under arrange such ceremony technique under own nose, had not been discovered, Sukob thinks of Corpse Eater Cult immediately, this mysterious influence. 什么人能够在自己的眼皮底下下布置出这样的仪式术阵,还不被人发现,苏科布立刻想到了食尸者密教,这个神秘至极的势力。 All that they make are used to confuse us, their true goals are this ceremony that covers the entire lunar eclipse city.” “他们所做的一切都只是用来迷惑我们,他们真正的目的是这座覆盖整个月蚀城的仪式。” Sukob understands these links immediately. 苏科布立刻明白了这些环节。 Another side, grand is sending out the signal to make witch spirit in city at this moment do not go out, during avoiding of that day empty the black rain. 另一边,隆此刻正在发出信号让城中的巫灵不要出去,躲避那天空之中的黑雨。 After he completes all these, arrived at the Sukob that side hurriedly. 他做完这一切之后,急匆匆的来到了苏科布的那边。 „Who is this?” “这到底是什么人?” „Does the person who presides over the ceremony what want to make?” “主持仪式的人到底想要做什么?” Sukob did not know Thurow's complete goal, when he sees in that large cave/hole that the sky starts out, not only flowed the most terrifying black mud. 苏科布原本也并不知道瑟罗的完整目的,但是当他看到天空开出的那个大洞之中,不仅仅流淌出了最恐怖的黑泥。 Appears along with the black mud together, leaf of dark-red Gate of Myth. 伴随着黑泥一同出现的,还有一扇暗红色的神话之门 „Is that?” “那是?” Gate of Myth.” 神话之门。” Sukob sound big, can see his mood great volatility. 苏科布的声音都大了起来,可以看到他内心的情绪波动极大。 He wants to summon Gate of Original Sin.” “他想要召唤原罪之门。” Then, Sukob thorough was even hurried. 这下,连苏科布都彻底慌了。 Gate of Original Sin. 原罪之门 That is the strength of myth rank. 那可是神话级别的力量。 Prosperous not nervous, because he thorough is at this moment ignorant: Is impossible?” 隆没有慌,因为他此刻已经彻底懵了:“不可能吧?” However he also asks immediately: „Can the opposite party succeed?” 但是他立刻又问:“对方有可能成功吗?” Sukob quickly said: Other places will certainly not succeed, but here is the lunar eclipse city.” 苏科布急忙说道:“其他地方当然不会成功,但是这里是月蚀城。” Regarding the evil god, here sacrificial offering is rich is inconceivable, even if myth also moves. 对于邪神来说,这里的祭品丰厚得难以想象,哪怕是神话也为之动心。 At least. 至少。 Such huge sacrificial offering, enough has summoned Gate of Original Sin. 这样庞大的祭品,已经足够呼唤出原罪之门了。 Naturally the premise is, you must in lunar eclipse city such city, the consumption takes thousand counting exist for the price unusually, making an apostle preside over the ceremony. 当然前提是,你要在月蚀城这样的城市,耗费以千计数的超凡存在为代价,让一个使徒来主持仪式。 If Thurow does not have ghoul this to be able the inexpensive unusual monster of lot manufacturing, he is unable to sufficiently collect such a huge ceremony technique condition. 如果瑟罗没有食尸鬼这样可以批量制造的廉价超凡怪物,他就无法凑够这样庞大的仪式术阵的条件。 Without area of concealment that the day of the underground cavern however forms, is unable under everyone's eyes hide to arrange such ceremony technique. 没有地下洞窟那天然形成的隐蔽地,也无法在所有人的眼皮子底下布置出这样的仪式术阵。 Even. 甚至。 Without forcing of Sukob, he will not think of the so crazy idea. 如果没有苏科布的逼迫,他也不会去想到如此疯狂的想法。 Summoned Gate of Original Sin, finally all will become the tribute of original sin evil god, rather than fell into his hand, he planned originally is wasted effort. 召唤原罪之门,最后一切都将成为原罪邪神的贡品,而不是落入他的手中,他原定的计划就是竹篮打水一场空。 Prosperous!” “隆!” Found everyone to return to the agreement attorney trade union, then shelters here with the aid of the idol strength.” “找到所有人回到契律师工会,然后借助神像的力量庇护这里。” „The strength average person of abyss black rain is impossible to resist.” “深渊黑雨的力量普通人根本不可能抵挡。” Sukob urgently is speaking these words, rushes over toward the light beam that side. 苏科布急着说完这句话,就朝着光柱那边冲了过去。 His figure glittered several, passes through more and more big black rain, appeared by the light beam. 他身形闪烁了几下,就穿过愈来愈大的黑雨,出现在了光柱旁边。 He sees the light beam Xiadade to split open. 他看到光柱下大地开裂。 A giant underground cavern appeared before the person. 一座巨大的地下洞窟出现在了人前。 But in the cavern has a altar that is burning the evil flame, this moment throws over the cape to bring snake human of mask to stand before the altar. 而洞窟之中有着一个燃烧着邪恶火焰的祭坛,此刻一个披着斗篷带着面具的蛇人站在祭坛前。 At this moment his back over a hundred meters high shadow is swaying from side to side, the plague blood incantation appears in the shadow. 此刻他背后一个上百米高的暗影在扭动,瘟疫血咒在影子里浮现。 But in the entire city, thousands of plague blood incantation appeared completely, presents each corner in city, in that snake human with altar produces the resonance. 而整个城市之中,数以千计的瘟疫血咒全部都浮现了出来,出现在城市里的各个角落,和祭坛上的那个蛇人产生共鸣。 Sukob sees the flash of opposite party, immediately acts. 苏科布看到对方的一瞬间,立刻就出手了。 Sukob angrily roars loudly. 苏科布大声怒吼。 Stop.” “住手。” Lunatic, you know that what consequence summons Gate of Original Sin to cause?” “疯子,你知道召唤出原罪之门会造成什么样的后果吗?” Sukob is grasping the book of witch spirit, the dense and numerous writing gather in the sea, finally changed into spirit of several hundred meters high writing contract. 苏科布手握着巫灵之书,密密麻麻的文字汇聚成海洋,最后化为了一个数百米高的文字契约之灵。 It is brandishing the huge strength, wants to cancel the opposite party directly. 其挥舞着庞大的力量,想要将对方直接抹去。 Even. 甚至。 Wants that altar, the entire earth cave bang collapses together. 想要将那个祭坛,还有整个地窟都一起轰塌。 However a powerful strength prevents him immediately, an energetic force field territory launches directly, that was one is held to turn the multiple energetic force field territories by ghoul ceremony in addition. 但是一股强大的力量立刻阻挡住了他,一个精神力场域直接展开,那是一个被食尸鬼仪式加持到翻了多倍的精神力场域。 The strength of powerful curse gathered in one, finally fell with Sukob the spirit of collision of writing contract in one, no one can do to anyone. 强大的诅咒之力汇聚在了一起,最后落入和苏科布的文字契约之灵碰撞在了一起,谁也没能奈何的了谁。 Mask snake human that brings the cape raised the head, looks at Sukob. 那个带着斗篷的面具蛇人抬起头,看着苏科布 What consequence?” “什么后果?” Thurow is gazing at this apostle of God, character who he was once hard to follow. 瑟罗注视着这个神之使徒,他曾经难以望其项背的人物。 I will have the strength of god, although temporary.” “我将拥有神的力量,虽然是暂时的。” Thurow's crazy mood leak, even is away from the mask to see his demented face indistinctly. 瑟罗疯狂的情绪外泄,甚至隔着面具都能够隐约看见他那癫狂的面孔。 But.” “但是。” At least at this moment, me is the god of the world.” “起码在此时此刻,我就是人间的神。” Sukob thorough was angry, this is an extremely arrogant incomparable lunatic, he must take the price with the lives of countless person, but to obtain the God strength shortly. 苏科布彻底愤怒了,这是一个狂妄无比的疯子,他要用无数人的生命作为代价,只是为了短暂获得神明的力量。 Opposite party that powerful, obtained psychic force force field that massive ghoul strength and ceremony in addition held not that simply was defeated, Sukob can only use own card in a hand. 对方那强大的,获得了大量食尸鬼力量和仪式加持的精神力力场没有那么简单的就被击破,苏科布只能动用起了自己的底牌。 Takes the writing as the carrier.” “以文字为载体。” Takes the contract as the order.” “以契约为命令。” Law!” “律令!” Trial!” “审判!” The book of witch spirit, communicates the authority of his own writing immediately, even communicated Dreamland. 巫灵之书,立刻沟通了他自己文字的权柄,甚至沟通上了梦界 He through the authority of writing, with the strengths of a lot of contract. 他通过文字的权柄,借来了大量契约的力量。 This time, the spirits of a lot of contract and he echoes, the wills of tens of thousands of person gathered on his body, formed the strength of so-called law. 这一次,大量的契约之灵和他呼应,成千上万人的意志汇聚在了他的身上,形成了所谓的律令之力。 The law is an invisible ray, changes into the powerful fluctuation to sweep away. 律令是一股无形的光芒,化为强大的波动横扫开来。 Under that law, all vanished in a puff of smoke. 那律令之下,一切都灰飞烟灭。 The surrounding black rain was scattered. 周围的黑雨都被驱散。 Although Sukob is an apostle, but his accurate status should call it reincarnator. 苏科布虽然是使徒,但是他准确的身份应该称之为转生者 Although is the apostle step position, but he had taken the path to myth, has the strength of rare apostle. 虽然是使徒阶位,但是他已经踏上了通往神话的道路,已经拥有了超乎寻常使徒的力量。 At this moment, under the strength of contract in he borrows. 此刻,在他借来的契约之力下。 Even the ceremony that Thurow launches suffered the suppression, that light beam starts to be pulled down. 甚至瑟罗展开的仪式都遭受到了压制,那光柱都开始被压低。 Saw, it as if must wipe out it directly thoroughly. 眼看着,其似乎就要直接将其彻底扫灭。 This time. 这一次。 Sukob it can be said that used the maximum strength. 苏科布可以说是动用了自己最大的力量。 However at this time another situation appeared. 但是这个时候另一个情况出现了。 Another head of sky great hole, Gate of Myth from darkness unceasing close to the present world, its strength also starts from the Dreamland thorough present world. 天空巨洞的另一头,神话之门从黑暗之中不断的靠近现世,其力量也开始从梦界深入现世。 A Gate of Original Sin corner/horn. 原罪之门的一角。 Has found out dark nihility the place of abyss impressively. 赫然已经探出了黑暗虚无的深渊之地。 The terrifying abyss black rain from tick-tock the light rain, changed into the violent storm in the flash, sweeps across above the land. 恐怖的深渊黑雨从原本滴滴答答的小雨,在一瞬间化为了狂风暴雨,席卷大地之上。 In a flash. 一瞬间。 Has pressed Sukob the strength of trial law. 就压过了苏科布的审判律令之力。 Thurow laughs is looking at the sky: Look, the strength of my myth came.” 瑟罗大笑着看着天空:“看,我的神话之力来了。” Sukob is distressed, he as if felt scene that is going to have: That is the strength of abyss evil god, your idiot.” 苏科布痛心至极,他似乎感觉到了将要发生的场面:“那是深渊邪神的力量,你这个蠢货。” You think that what you are?” “你以为你是什么?” You are only the toys of abyss evil god.” “你只是深渊邪神的一个玩物而已。” Thurow does not care at all: „Everyone who wants to change the destiny, is the toys of destiny.” 瑟罗毫不在意:“每个想要改变命运的人,都是命运的玩物。” But who said, the toys can't go against heaven's will change to assign/life?” “但是谁说,玩物就不能逆天改命呢?” Black mud also unceasing falling in torrents of sky, fell on the center of city. 天空的黑泥也不断的倾泻而下,落在了城市的中央。 Sukob also has to give way to traffic, does not dare to touch that world most contamination, dirtiest thing. 苏科布也不得不避让,不敢触碰那世间最污秽,最肮脏之物。 Sukob was driven back, during leaves large cave/hole that on that day was spatial starts out by far. 苏科布被逼退开来,远远离开那天空之中开出的大洞。 Although Sukob is reincarnator, has the strength of exceeding the ordinary apostle. 苏科布虽然是转生者,拥有着超越普通使徒的力量。 However at this moment. 但是此刻。 What he faces is Gate of Myth. 他面对的是神话之门 In black violent storm. 黑色的狂风暴雨之中。 Innumerable snake human in city, the flash by the dark corrosion of abyss, on the body were grown the black contamination spot. 城市内的无数蛇人,一瞬间就被深渊的黑暗侵蚀,身体上长出了黑色的污秽斑点。 . 紧接着。 Their whole body grows the scale completely. 他们浑身全部长出鳞片。 Finally by evil and desire control, degenerated into wild animal general existence. 最终被邪恶和欲望控制,沦为了野兽一般的存在。 In the city thoroughly was immediately chaotic, does not know that many demon start to impact other snake human houses, dragged into it the black rain ; Tears into shreds the will of its resistance, enables its to become a part of demon. 城市里面顿时彻底乱了,不知道多少魔物开始冲击其他蛇人的住宅,将其也拉入了黑雨之中;将其抵抗的意志撕碎,也让其成为魔物的一部分。 Another side. 另一边。 Many Powerful see Sukob and Thurow's sign to the war, simultaneously rushes to send out the ray to that the place, rushes large cave/hole of that day starts out spatially. 不少权能者看到苏科布和瑟罗对战的迹象,同时奔赴向那散发出光芒的地方,奔向那天空开出的大洞。 They want together with the Sukob same place, wants to choke to death all in the seed. 他们想要连同苏科布一起,想要将一切掐死在萌芽之中。 Sir Sukob suppresses the demon.” 苏科布大人已经压住了邪魔。” Hurries, to help Sir Sukob.” “赶紧的,去帮助苏科布大人。” Damn.” “该死。” „Do these fellows want to do?” “这些家伙到底想要干什么?” Everyone has not understood the present situation, they think as before they can also control the aspect, they do not know that Thurow is making anything. 所有人都还不明白现状,他们依旧认为他们还能掌控住局面,他们并不知道瑟罗到底在做些什么。 However waited for them to rush to sky great hole below time, happen to gushing out of abyss black mud big piece, blotting out the sky flowed. 然而等他们赶到了天空巨洞的下面的时候,正好深渊黑泥大片的涌出,铺天盖地的流淌下来。 But that black rain. 而那黑雨。 Was the flash changed into the fierce storm, swept across everyone. 更是一瞬间化为了剧烈的风暴,将所有人都席卷了进去。 Their the divine spell barriers of that protection, were torn into shreds to break instantaneously, the large expanse of person was swallowed by the black rain. 他们身上那防护的神术屏障,瞬间就被撕碎打破,成片的人被黑雨吞噬。 „It is not good.” “不好。” Hurries to avoid.” “赶紧躲开。” However at this time responded, all are too late. 但是这个时候才反应过来,一切都已经太迟了。 „It is not good, this rain could not block.” “不行,这雨挡不住了。” This is what wind, cannot breathe, in this wind also has the issue.” “这是什么风,不可以呼吸,这风里面也有问题。” „!” “啊!” My hand, my body grew anything.” “我的手,我的身上长出了什么东西。” I had/left a hand, quickly , helping me reduce it quickly!” “我多出了一只手,快,快帮我砍掉它!” Ended.” “完了。” These Powerful evaded the black rain even, but then blotted out the sky the black mud that the sputtering came to swallow them instantaneously, changed into abyss demon them. 这些权能者就算躲过了黑雨,但是接下来铺天盖地溅射而来的黑泥瞬间吞噬了他们,将他们化为了深渊魔物。 These Powerful become snake demon that grew the black scale, even is the four arm snake demons of many arms. 这些权能者一个个成为了长出了黑鳞的蛇魔,甚至是多条臂膀的四臂蛇魔。 With the black mud of blotting out the sky, sweeps across the black storm of the world. 伴随着铺天盖地的黑泥,还有席卷天地的黑色风暴。 In this is similar to extinguishes in the world general scene. 在这如同灭世一般的场景之中。 Gate of Original Sin crashes from the sky. 原罪之门从天空坠落。 In offering sacrifices with altar and person of ceremony management the consciousness connection in one. 和祭坛上的献祭者、仪式主持之人的意识连接在了一起。 At this moment. 此时此刻。 Thurow's strength endless increasing upward, has rushed to the sky probably the end. 瑟罗的力量好像没有尽头的往上攀升,一直奔向天空的尽头。 He can feel that oneself grasped the authority of god, 他可以感觉到自己掌握了神的权柄, Ha!” “哈哈哈哈哈!” Thurow's crazy laughing, he smiles unable to stop. 瑟罗疯狂的大笑,他笑得都无法停下来。 Because the innermost feelings gush out has the joy excitedly and, like the strength of own within the body, inexhaustible. 因为内心涌出的激动、还有快乐,就像自己体内的力量一样,无穷无尽。
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